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* [[PS337]] - ''Epilogue'' (photo)
* [[PS337]] - ''Epilogue'' (photo)
* [[PS460]] - ''{{tt|All About Arceus IX|VIZ Media}}/{{tt|VS Arceus IX|Shogakukan Asia}}'' (flashback)
* [[PS460]] - ''{{tt|All About Arceus IX|VIZ Media}}/{{tt|VS Arceus IX|Shogakukan Asia}}'' (flashback)
* [[PAORAS11]]* (Mega Evolves for the first time)
* [[PAORAS11]]* - ''Omega Alpha Adventure 11'' (Mega Evolves for the first time)
* [[PAORAS12]]*
* [[PAORAS12]]* - ''Omega Alpha Adventure 12''
* [[PAORAS20]]*
* [[PAORAS20]]* - ''Omega Alpha Adventure 20''
* [[PAORAS21]]*
* [[PAORAS21]]* - ''Omega Alpha Adventure 21''
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* [[PS334]] - ''{{tt|The Final Battle VII|VIZ Media}}/{{tt|The Final Showdown VII|Chuang Yi}}''
* [[PS334]] - ''{{tt|The Final Battle VII|VIZ Media}}/{{tt|The Final Showdown VII|Chuang Yi}}''
* [[PS460]] - ''{{tt|All About Arceus IX|VIZ Media}}/{{tt|VS Arceus IX|Shogakukan Asia}}'' (flashback)
* [[PS460]] - ''{{tt|All About Arceus IX|VIZ Media}}/{{tt|VS Arceus IX|Shogakukan Asia}}'' (flashback)
* [[PAORAS11]]
* [[PAORAS11]] - ''Omega Alpha Adventure 11''
This page lists the appearances of all Pokémon Red has owned in the Pokémon Adventures manga. The Pokémon are in the order of debut in the series.
PS001 - A Glimpse of the Glow (debuts as a Poliwhirl )
PS002 - Bulbasaur, Come Home!
PS003 - The Secret of Kangaskhan
PS004 - Wanted: Pikachu!
PS005 - Onix Is On!
PS007 - Raging Rhydon
PS008 - Suddenly Starmie
PS009 - ...But Fearow Itself!
PS010 - Danger: High Voltorb (also seen as Poliwag in flashback)
PS011 - Buzz Off, Electabuzz! (evolves into Poliwrath, also seen as Poliwag in flashback)
PS012 - Wake Up—You're Snorlax!
PS013 - Sigh for Psyduck
PS014 - That Awful Arbok!
PS015 - Wartortle Wars
PS017 - The Jynx Jinx (also seen as Poliwhirl in flashback)
PS018 - A Tale of Ninetales
PS020 - Meanwhile...Vileplume!
PS022 - A Hollow Victreebel
PS024 - What a Dragonite
PS025 - You Know...Articuno!
PS026 - Holy Moltres
PS031 - The Art of Articuno
PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
PS037 - Golly, Golem!
PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
PS039 - Just a Spearow Carrier
PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion (also seen as Poliwag and Poliwhirl in flashback)
PS041 - Ponyta Tale (flashback)
PS046 - Whacked by Marowak! (dream)
PS058 - The Kindest Tentacruel (flashback)
PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time) (fantasy)
PS066 - Punching Poliwrath
PS084 - Clefabulous Clefable
PS105 - Smeargle Smudge /VS. Smeargle (silhouette)
PS108 - Quilava Quandary /VS. Quilava (photo)
PS115 - Forretress of Solitude /VS. Forretress
PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II /VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
PS271 - ...Now You Don't
PS278 - Put Your Beast Foot Forward
PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
PS282 - Going Green
PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel (flashback)
PS299 - Distant Relation Deoxys
PS301 - Storming the Forretress (flashback)
PS302 - Phew for Mew
PS334 - The Final Battle VII /The Final Showdown VII
PS335 - The Final Battle VIII /The Final Showdown VIII
PS448 - Pleased as Punch With Parasect /VS Parasect (flashback)
PS460 - All About Arceus IX /VS Arceus IX (flashback)
As Mega Venusaur
PS002 - Bulbasaur, Come Home! (debuts as a Bulbasaur )
PS003 - The Secret of Kangaskhan
PS004 - Wanted: Pikachu!
PS005 - Onix Is On!
PS006 - Gyarados Splashes In!
PS008 - Suddenly Starmie
PS009 - ...But Fearow Itself!
PS010 - Danger: High Voltorb
PS011 - Buzz Off, Electabuzz!
PS012 - Wake Up—You're Snorlax!
PS013 - Sigh for Psyduck
PS014 - That Awful Arbok!
PS015 - Wartortle Wars (evolves into Ivysaur )
PS017 - The Jynx Jinx
PS018 - A Tale of Ninetales
PS019 - Blame It on Eevee
PS020 - Meanwhile...Vileplume!
PS021 - Long Live the Nidoking!
PS022 - A Hollow Victreebel
PS024 - What a Dragonite (also seen as Bulbasaur in flashback)
PS025 - You Know...Articuno!
PS027 - Kalling Kadabra
PS028 - Peace of Mime
PS030 - Zap! Zap! Zapdos!
PS033 - The Winged Legends (evolves into Venusaur)
PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
PS036 - Drat That Dratini!
PS037 - Golly, Golem!
PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion (also seen as Bulbasaur in flashback)
PS041 - Ponyta Tale
PS042 - Do Do That Doduo (flashback)
PS046 - Whacked by Marowak! (dream)
PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time) (flashback)
PS067 - Can You Diglett?
PS068 - Jigglypuff Jive
PS078 - Victim of Venusaur
PS084 - Clefabulous Clefable
PS085 - Gimme Shellder (flashback)
PS090 - The Legend
PS099 - Sunkern Treasure /Sunshine Sunkern (silhouette)
PS105 - Smeargle Smudge /VS. Smeargle (silhouette)
PS111 - Tyranitar War /VS. Tyranitar
PS115 - Forretress of Solitude /VS. Forretress
PS153 - Oh, It's Ho-Oh! /The Mightiest Ho-Oh (video)
PS175 - The Last Battle IX
PS179 - The Last Battle XIII
PS180 - The Last Battle XIV
PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II /VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
PS269 - Return to Pallet Town /The Invisible Attacker
PS270 - Now You See Me...
PS271 - ...Now You Don't (fantasy)
PS272 - Old Ultima Puts Them to the Test
PS273 - Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents (fantasy)
PS274 - Double Dealing with Deoxys
PS276 - My, My, My Mimic
PS277 - A Beastly Cold Reception
PS278 - Put Your Beast Foot Forward
PS279 - Don't Doubt Deoxys
PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
PS282 - Going Green
PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
PS285 - Once More into the Unown (flashback)
PS286 - Meet Deoxys, and Deoxys, and Deoxys, and...
PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel
PS288 - Give It Your Best, Blastoise (is traded to Blue )
PS289 - Surprised by Sneasel
PS294 - Mewtwo and Mew Too
PS302 - Phew for Mew (is traded back to Red; offscreen)
PS335 - The Final Battle VIII /The Final Showdown VIII
PS336 - The Final Battle IX /The Final Showdown IX
PS337 - Epilogue (photo)
PS460 - All About Arceus IX /VS Arceus IX (flashback)
PAORAS11 * - Omega Alpha Adventure 11 (Mega Evolves for the first time)
PAORAS12 * - Omega Alpha Adventure 12
PAORAS20 * - Omega Alpha Adventure 20
PAORAS21 * - Omega Alpha Adventure 21
The rounds in which Venusaur is seen as Mega Venusaur are marked with an asterisk (*).
PS004 - Wanted: Pikachu!
PS005 - Onix Is On!
PS007 - Raging Rhydon
PS008 - Suddenly Starmie
PS009 - ...But Fearow Itself!
PS010 - Danger: High Voltorb
PS011 - Buzz Off, Electabuzz!
PS012 - Wake Up—You're Snorlax!
PS013 - Sigh for Psyduck
PS014 - That Awful Arbok!
PS015 - Wartortle Wars
PS018 - A Tale of Ninetales
PS020 - Meanwhile...Vileplume!
PS021 - Long Live the Nidoking!
PS022 - A Hollow Victreebel
PS024 - What a Dragonite
PS025 - You Know...Articuno!
PS028 - Peace of Mime
PS029 - Go for the Golbat
PS030 - Zap! Zap! Zapdos!
PS031 - The Art of Articuno
PS032 - A Little Kadabra'll Do It
PS033 - The Winged Legends
PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
PS036 - Drat That Dratini!
PS037 - Golly, Golem! (flashback)
PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
PS039 - Just a Spearow Carrier
PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion
PS041 - Ponyta Tale
PS042 - Do Do That Doduo (joins Yellow 's team)
PS043 - Sea Sea Seadra
PS044 - Do Wrong, Dewgong!
PS045 - Cloystered
PS046 - Whacked by Marowak!
PS047 - Purrrr-sian
PS048 - Paras Sight
PS049 - As Gastly as Before
PS053 - Can't Catch Caterpie!
PS054 - Pidgeotto Pick-Me-Up
PS056 - The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually)
PS057 - Ekans the Ecstasy
PS058 - The Kindest Tentacruel
PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time)
PS060 - Breath of the Dragonair Part 1
PS061 - Breath of the Dragonair Part 2
PS062 - Breath of the Dragonair Part 3
PS063 - Extricated from Exeggutor
PS064 - Putting It on the Line...Against Arcanine
PS065 - Karate Machop!
PS066 - Punching Poliwrath
PS068 - Jigglypuff Jive
PS069 - Playing Horsea
PS070 - Allied by Alakazam!
PS074 - Make Way for Magikarp
PS075 - Electrode's Big Shock!
PS078 - Victim of Venusaur
PS079 - Airing Out Aerodactyl
PS080 - Draggin' In Dragonair
PS081 - Aerodactyl Redux
PS082 - Eradicate Raticate!
PS083 - Bang the Drum, Slowbro
PS085 - Gimme Shellder (flashback)
PS086 - Double Dragonair
PS087 - Rhyhorn Rising
PS088 - The Beedrill All and End All
PS089 - The Might of... Metapod?!
PS090 - The Legend (rejoins Red)
PS099 - Sunkern Treasure /Sunshine Sunkern (silhouette)
PS108 - Quilava Quandary /VS. Quilava (photo)
PS111 - Tyranitar War /VS. Tyranitar (flashback)
PS115 - Forretress of Solitude /VS. Forretress
PS116 - Rock, Paper...Scizor /VS. Scizor (joins Yellow's team again)
PS140 - Do-Si-Do with Dodrio /Dodrio, Watchout!
PS141 - Hello, Lickitung /Sticky Lickitung
PS142 - Really Remoraid /Duck, It's Remoraid!
PS152 - Buzz Off, Butterfree! /Butterfly Butterfree (flashback)
PS159 - Popular Pupitar /Returning Pupitar
PS160 - Playful Porygon2 /Claws on Porygon2 (revealed to have created an Egg with Chuchu )
PS173 - The Last Battle VII
PS178 - The Last Battle XII
PS179 - The Last Battle XIII (rejoins Red)
PS180 - The Last Battle XIV
PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II /VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
PS270 - Now You See Me...
PS271 - ...Now You Don't
PS273 - Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents (fantasy)
PS274 - Double Dealing with Deoxys
PS276 - My, My, My Mimic
PS278 - Put Your Beast Foot Forward
PS279 - Don't Doubt Deoxys
PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
PS282 - Going Green
PS283 - It Takes Patience, Knowledge and a Really Quick Beedrill
PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel (flashback)
PS293 - Down-for-the-Count Deoxys
PS299 - Distant Relation Deoxys
PS302 - Phew for Mew
PS330 - The Final Battle III /The Final Showdown III
PS334 - The Final Battle VII /The Final Showdown VII
PS335 - The Final Battle VIII /The Final Showdown VIII
PS336 - The Final Battle IX /The Final Showdown IX
PS337 - Epilogue (photo)
PS460 - All About Arceus IX /VS Arceus IX (flashback)
PS012 - Wake Up—You're Snorlax!
PS015 - Wartortle Wars
PS023 - Make Way For Magmar!
PS024 - What a Dragonite
PS025 - You Know...Articuno!
PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
PS037 - Golly, Golem!
PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion
PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time) (fantasy)
PS068 - Jigglypuff Jive
PS085 - Gimme Shellder (flashback)
PS105 - Smeargle Smudge /VS. Smeargle (silhouette)
PS108 - Quilava Quandary /VS. Quilava (photo)
PS115 - Forretress of Solitude /VS. Forretress
PS175 - The Last Battle IX
PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II /VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
PS273 - Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents
PS274 - Double Dealing with Deoxys
PS279 - Don't Doubt Deoxys
PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
PS282 - Going Green
PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel (flashback)
PS299 - Distant Relation Deoxys
PS301 - Storming the Forretress
PS302 - Phew for Mew
PS337 - Epilogue
PS460 - All About Arceus IX /VS Arceus IX (flashback)
PS019 - Blame It on Eevee (debuts as a wild Eevee )
PS020 - Meanwhile...Vileplume! (caught by Red)
PS025 - You Know...Articuno!
PS033 - The Winged Legends (also seen as Vaporeon , Jolteon , and Flareon in flashback)
PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?! (flashback)
PS058 - The Kindest Tentacruel (flashback)
PS084 - Clefabulous Clefable
PS108 - Quilava Quandary /VS. Quilava (photo)
PS115 - Forretress of Solitude /VS. Forretress (revealed to have evolved into Espeon)
PS116 - Rock, Paper...Scizor /VS. Scizor
PS157 - Magnificent Magnemite /Electrifying Magnemite (flashback; also seen as Eevee in fantasy)
PS167 - The Last Battle I (seen as Eevee in flashback)
PS175 - The Last Battle IX
PS176 - The Last Battle X
PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel (flashback)
PS337 - Epilogue
PS006 - Gyarados Splashes In! (debuts as Misty 's Pokémon)
PS007 - Raging Rhydon
PS008 - Suddenly Starmie
PS024 - What a Dragonite
PS025 - You Know...Articuno! (traded to Red)
PS026 - Holy Moltres
PS027 - Kalling Kadabra
PS031 - The Art of Articuno (flashback)
PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
PS036 - Drat That Dratini!
PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion (fantasy)
PS046 - Whacked by Marowak! (dream)
PS047 - Purrrr-sian (flashback)
PS048 - Paras Sight (flashback)
PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time) (fantasy)
PS066 - Punching Poliwrath
PS067 - Can You Diglett?
PS068 - Jigglypuff Jive
PS090 - The Legend
PS105 - Smeargle Smudge /VS. Smeargle (silhouette)
PS108 - Quilava Quandary /VS. Quilava (photo)
PS115 - Forretress of Solitude /VS. Forretress
PS160 - Playful Porygon2 /Claws on Porygon2 (revealed to have been traded to Blue )
PS161 - Entranced by Entei /Flames From Entei
PS178 - The Last Battle XII (flashback)
PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II /VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
PS273 - Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents (revealed to have been returned to Red)
PS274 - Double Dealing with Deoxys
PS279 - Don't Doubt Deoxys
PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
PS282 - Going Green
PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel (flashback)
PS299 - Distant Relation Deoxys
PS302 - Phew for Mew
PS460 - All About Arceus IX /VS Arceus IX (flashback)
PS026 - Holy Moltres (revived from a Old Amber , the Old Amber was received in Make Way For Magmar! )
PS028 - Peace of Mime
PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
PS036 - Drat That Dratini!
PS037 - Golly, Golem!
PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion (fantasy)
PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time) (fantasy)
PS068 - Jigglypuff Jive
PS090 - The Legend (silhouette)
PS105 - Smeargle Smudge /VS. Smeargle (silhouette)
PS108 - Quilava Quandary /VS. Quilava (photo)
PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II /VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
PS270 - Now You See Me...
PS274 - Double Dealing with Deoxys
PS278 - Put Your Beast Foot Forward
PS279 - Don't Doubt Deoxys
PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
PS282 - Going Green
PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
PS289 - Surprised by Sneasel
PS299 - Distant Relation Deoxys
PS301 - Storming the Forretress
PS302 - Phew for Mew
PS334 - The Final Battle VII /The Final Showdown VII
PS460 - All About Arceus IX /VS Arceus IX (flashback)
PAORAS11 - Omega Alpha Adventure 11