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|image=Kiawe SM.png
|image=Kiawe SM.png
|caption=Art from the {{series|Sun & Moon}}
|caption=Art from ''[[Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon]]''
|hair=Brown and red
|hometown=[[Paniola Town]]
|hometown=[[Paniola Ranch]]
|relatives=[[Rango]] (father), [[Sima]] (mother), [[Mimo]] (younger sister), [[Kiawe's grandfather|unnamed grandfather]]
|relatives=[[Rango]] (father), [[Sima]] (mother),<br> [[Mimo]] (younger sister),<br> [[Kiawe's grandfather|unnamed grandfather]] (deceased)
|trainerclass={{pkmn|Trainer}}<!--, [[Trial Captain]]-->
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|type={{t|Fire}} types
|type={{t|Fire}} types
|teamname=[[Aether Foundation]]
|teamrank=[[Ultra Guardians|Ultra Guardian]]
|epname=Alola to New Adventure!
|epname=Alola to New Adventure!
|enva=[[List of English voice actors|Marc Swint]]
|enva=[[Marc Swint]]
|java=[[Kaito Ishikawa]]
|java=[[Kaito Ishikawa]]

'''Kiawe''' (Japanese: '''カキ''' ''Kaki'') is a student at the [[Pokémon School]] on [[Melemele Island]] and one of {{ashcl|Ash's classmates}}. He made his debut in ''[[SM001|Alola to New Adventure!]]''.
'''Kiawe''' (Japanese: '''カキ''' ''Kaki'') is a student at the [[Pokémon School]] on [[Melemele Island]] and one of {{ashcl|Ash's former classmates}}. He made his debut in ''[[SM001|Alola to New Adventure!]]''. By the end of the series he decided to become [[Olivia]]'s apprentice in order to achieve his dream of becoming [[Akala Island]]'s [[Island kahuna|kahuna]].

Prior to enrolling in the [[Pokémon School]], Kiawe completed [[Olivia]]'s [[island challenge|grand trial]] on [[Akala Island]], and received a [[Z-Ring]] and {{DL|Z-Crystal|Firium Z}} from her.
[[File:Young Kiawe.png|250px|thumb|left|Kiawe when he was younger]]
Kiawe grew up on a farm in [[Paniola Ranch]] in the [[Alola]] region with his parents, [[Rango]] and [[Sima]], and his little sister [[Mimo]]. Prior to enrolling in the [[Pokémon School]], a younger Kiawe was encouraged to become a {{type|Fire}} {{pkmn|Trainer}} by his [[Kiawe's grandfather|grandfather]]. As such, Kiawe would go to [[Wela Volcano Park]] during the [[Wela Fire Festival]] to see his grandfather crown Fire-type Pokémon with his parents. Eventually, Kiawe's grandfather passed away for reasons unknown.
[[File:Kiawe Akala Grand Trial.png|thumb|250px|Kiawe's Akala Grand Trial]]
As revealed in ''[[SM022|A Shivering Shovel Search!]]'', Kiawe was warned by his grandfather to never go near a shovel that was stuck on the beach, but didn't listen as he with some friends played with one. However, Kiawe was possessed by a {{p|Sandygast}} as he kept putting sand on it, but it was unknown as to how he was able to snap out of its control. Years later, Kiawe received his grandfathers {{TP|Kiawe|Charizard}} as his [[List of characters' first Pokémon|first Pokémon]], and has it help him make deliveries for his family farm.

Kiawe was first seen in ''[[SM001|Alola to New Adventure!]]'', flying his {{p|Charizard}} to school. Later, he was seen in front of the school's entrance, being harassed by {{tc|Team Skull Grunt}}s. The grunts challenged him to a [[Pokémon battle]], and if they won, they would get his Charizard. Kiawe accepted the battle, but was surprised to see {{Ash}} and {{AP|Pikachu}} step in to assist him. Using his {{TP|Kiawe|Turtonator}}, Kiawe was able to fend off Team Skull's {{p|Yungoos}} and {{p|Zubat}} with ease. He then had Turtonator unleash its [[Z-Move]], {{m|Inferno Overdrive}}, wiping out Team Skull's Pokémon.
As revealed in ''[[SM123|A Fiery Training Camp Trick!]]'', Kiawe was making a delivery where he came across a battle with a wild {{TP|Kiawe|Turtonator}} and {{p|Crawdaunt}}. After witnessing Turtonator lose to Crawdaunt, Kiawe tried to help the Blast Turtle Pokémon, but he refused it. However, Kiawe came back day after day as Turtonator didn't give up on beating Crawdaunt. When Turtonator lost to Crawdaunt again, Kiawe offered some [[Moomoo Milk]] to him, which he accepted. Kiawe offered to train Turtonator to beat Crawdaunt, as he accepted his offer. Through the training, Kiawe helped Turtonator learn {{m|Shell Trap|a new move}} and won the battle against Crawdaunt. However, before leaving, Kiawe was surprised that Turtonator tried to fly with him and Charizard. Fortunately, Kiawe realized that Turtonator wanted to go with him and happily {{pkmn2|caught}} him.
[[File:Kiawe Z-Ring anime.png|thumb|left|250px|Kiawe after receiving his Z-Ring]]
Sometime later, Kiawe used Turtonator to complete [[Olivia]]'s [[Island challenge|grand trial]], and he inherited his grandfather's [[Z-Ring]] and [[Firium Z]] from her. Later, Kiawe had Olivia crown Turtonator during the Wela Fire Festival to help him become stronger. Kiawe also befriended the Crawdaunt that Turtonator had been battling, as the Rogue Pokémon had a change of heart after being defeated. Eventually, Kiawe enrolled at the [[Pokémon School]] on [[Melemele Island]] where he met his classmates, {{an|Lana}}, {{an|Sophocles}}, and {{an|Mallow}}, as he befriended them. Kiawe also knew [[Ilima]] before he graduated from the Pokémon School and left to study in the [[Kalos]] region. Later, Kiawe met another classmate named {{an|Lillie}} and befriended her.
===''[[Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon]]''===
[[File:Kiawe and Z-Ring.png|thumb|250px|Kiawe and his Z-Ring]]
Kiawe debuted in ''[[SM001|Alola to New Adventure!]]'', where he was flying his {{TP|Kiawe|Charizard}} to school. Later, he was seen in front of the school's entrance, being harassed by a group of {{tc|Team Skull Grunt}}s. The grunts challenged him to a [[Pokémon battle]], and if they won, they would get his Charizard. Kiawe accepted the challenge, but was surprised to see {{Ash}} and {{AP|Pikachu}} step in to assist him. Using his Turtonator, Kiawe was able to fend off Team Skull's {{p|Yungoos}} and {{p|Zubat}} with ease. He then had Turtonator unleash its [[Z-Move]], {{m|Inferno Overdrive}}, wiping out Team Skull's Pokémon.
In ''[[SM002|The Guardian's Challenge!]]'', Kiawe noticed the Z-Ring on Ash's wrist and was surprised to discover that Ash got his Z-Ring from the [[Guardian deities|guardian deity]] {{DL|Guardian deities (anime)|Tapu Koko}}. Kiawe was uncertain if Ash had the resolve to use Z-Moves, but was satisfied to hear Ash answer that he would respect their power. The next day, Kiawe and the rest of Ash's classmates treated Ash to a surprise welcoming party. As part of Kiawe's surprise, he challenged Ash to a {{p|Tauros}} race and won. Kiawe and the others later followed Ash into the jungle, where he witnessed a battle between Ash and the guardian deity. After the battle, Kiawe noticed that Ash's [[Electrium Z]] had shattered, and told Ash that he was not yet ready to perform Z-Moves as he hadn't cleared trials yet. After everyone else agreed to help Ash, Kiawe reluctantly agreed to help as well.
In ''[[SM011|Young Kiawe Had a Farm!]]'', Kiawe agreed to take Ash with him on his deliveries. He later took Ash to his family's [[Paniola Ranch|ranch]] on Akala Island, where he introduced Ash to his family. After a day of farm working, Ash noticed Kiawe training with his Turtonator. Kiawe then revealed that his Z-Ring and his Charizard used to belong to his grandfather. He also told Ash that his grandfather had inspired him to master {{type|Fire}} Z-Moves. The next day, Kiawe and Ash went on a delivery for {{OBP|Harry|SM011}}, but were attacked by the Team Skull Grunts they had encountered previously. After Ash defeated the Grunts, the two finished their delivery and had a battle afterwards.
In ''[[SM034|A Crowning Moment of Truth!]]'', Kiawe showed his classmates the [[Wela Fire Festival]] as part of their field trip to Akala Island. However, Kiawe battled a wild Alolan Marowak when it stole the Wela Crown and lost when his and Turtonator Z-Move didn't knock it out so easily. Thanks to some training with Ash, Kiawe battled Marowak again and won when they used their Z-Move as the finishing move. After Marowak gave the Wela Crown back, Kiawe was surprised when Marowak asked if it can join his team but he accepted its request and caught it. Kiawe vows to work harder with both Turtonator and {{TP|Kiawe|Marowak}} as his partners.
[[File:Kiawe milk delivery.png|thumb|250px|left|Kiawe making a milk delivery]]
In ''[[SM043|When Regions Collide!]]'', during a trip to the [[Kanto]] [[region]], Kiawe had a battle with {{an|Brock}}. He lost after his and Turtonator's Z-Move wasn't strong enough to defeat Brock's [[Mega Evolution|Mega]] {{TP|Brock|Steelix}}.
From ''[[SM051|Family Determination!]]'' to ''[[SM054|10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!]]'', Kiawe was among those who helped {{an|Lillie}} and {{an|Gladion}} in their mission to rescue their mother {{an|Lusamine}} after she was kidnapped by the [[Ultra Beast]] {{an|Ultra Beasts|Nihilego}}. In [[Ultra Deep Sea]], he used his Turtonator and Marowak against Lusamine's {{p|Salazzle}}. The battle ended when Ash and Pikachu performed {{m|10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt}} to defeat Nihilego, freeing Lusamine from its grasp.
In ''[[SM055|The Professors' New Adventure!]]'', Kiawe attended the wedding of {{an|Professor Kukui}} and {{an|Professor Burnet}}. During the post-nuptials, Lusamine asked Kiawe and his classmates to join the [[Ultra Guardians]], a task force dedicated to dealing with any upcoming Ultra Beast incidents, which they accepted.

In [[SM002|the next episode]], Kiawe noticed the Z-Ring on Ash's wrist and was surprised to discover that Ash got his Z-Ring from the [[guardian deity]] {{p|Tapu Koko}}. Kiawe was uncertain if Ash had the resolve to use Z-Moves, but was satisfied to hear Ash answer that he would respect the power of Z-Moves.  
As a part of the Ultra Guardians, Kiawe and his Pokémon have been critical to the success of the group's missions. In ''[[SM061|A Mission of Ultra Urgency!]]'', Kiawe's flexing proved critical to the success of the Ultra Guardians' first mission, to capture a troublesome {{an|Ultra Beasts|Buzzwole}} that emerged from an [[Ultra Wormhole]] onto [[Melemele Island]]. During the confrontation, Kiawe accidentally made a flexing motion, which distracted Buzzwole and this allowed Ash to capture it in a [[Beast Ball]]. Afterwards, Buzzwole was released and returned to its home thanks to an Ultra Wormhole opened by Lusamine's team.
[[File:Kiawe Ultra Guardian outfit.png|thumb|250px|Kiawe in his Ultra Guardian uniform]]
In ''[[SM070|The Young Flame Strikes Back!]]'', Paniola Ranch came under threat by [[Viren]], who planned to turn it into a resort hotel. After he declined Viren's offer to buy the ranch, Viren resorted to intimidating Kiawe and his family. Turtonator was knocked out after protecting Mimo from {{p|Electivire}}'s {{m|Thunder}}, which left Kiawe battling Electivire with Marowak. Their first attempt at using a Z-Move together failed, resulting in Kiawe losing. The next day, Kiawe and Marowak tried again, and this time, they were able to defeat Electivire. Unfazed, Viren brought in excavators as Mimo, Sima, and Rango stood their ground. Fortunately, [[Officer Jenny]] arrived just in time to arrest Viren and [[Viren's henchmen|his henchmen]] on various charges, saving the farm.

The next day, Kiawe and the rest of Ash's classmates treated Ash to a surprise welcoming party. As part of Kiawe's surprise, he challenged Ash to a {{p|Tauros}} race and won. Kiawe and the others later followed Ash into the jungle, where he witnessed a battle between Ash and the guardian deity. After the battle, Kiawe noticed that Ash's {{DL|Z-Crystal|Electrium Z}} had shattered, and told Ash that he was not yet ready to perform Z-Moves as he hadn't cleared trials yet. After everyone else agreed to help Ash, Kiawe reluctantly agreed to help as well.
In ''[[SM087|Filling the Light with Darkness!]]'', mysterious dark clouds appeared over the Alola region, causing all of the adults in Alola to lose their energy and motivation. The next day, Kiawe and his classmates embarked on their fifth mission, to investigate the situation at the [[Altar of the Sunne]]. Shortly after arriving, Lusamine revealed that Gladion would be joining them as a new member. In order to disperse the clouds, Kiawe, Ash, {{an|Lana}}, and Gladion combined their [[Z-Power]] to fuel a device that successfully made the clouds disappear, but they uncovered a hidden Ultra Wormhole in the process. Afterwards, Lusamine took the Ultra Guardians into the ruins, where she showed them a mural depicting the "{{p|Necrozma|Blinding One}}". Before they could translate the mural, the Ultra Guardians were forced to return outside, where they found the wormhole increasing in size. At that moment, a {{an|Lunala}} emerged from the wormhole with a {{an|Necrozma}} chasing after it. The group was eventually able to solve the unfolding crisis in ''[[SM090|Securing the Future!]]'', where they, their Pokémon, Lunala, {{AP|Poipole}}'s friends, and everyone else back in Alola shared their Z-Power with Necrozma, causing it to release {{DL|Nebby|In the anime|Nebby}}. After Ash and Gladion used Nebby and Lunala to replenish Necrozma's strength to revert it to its {{DL|List of Pokémon with form differences|Necrozma|true form}}, it restored Poipole's home world back to its original state. Afterwards, the Ultra Guardians, Nebby, and Lunala traveled back to Alola through the Ultra Wormhole.

In ''[[SM011|Young Kiawe Had a Farm!]]'', Kiawe agreed to take Ash with him on his deliveries. He later took Ash to his family's ranch on Akala Island, where he introduced Ash to his family. After a day of working at the ranch, Ash noticed Kiawe training with his Turtonator. Kiawe then revealed that his Z-Ring and his Charizard used to belong to his [[Kiawe's grandfather|grandfather]] and that he had cleared Olivia's grand trial in order to inherit the Z-Ring. He also told Ash that his grandfather had inspired him to master {{type|Fire}} Z-Moves.
In ''[[SM104|That's Some Spicy Island Research!]]'', Kiawe and his classmates headed over to [[Poni Island]] for their individual research projects for school. Kiawe's project was to train with his Pokémon. Kiawe traveled to the [[Ruins of Hope]] with Ash in ''[[SM107|Run, Heroes, Run!]]''. They were unable to find {{DL|Guardian deities (anime)|Tapu Fini}}, so Kiawe proceeded to have a battle against Ash, but it angered Tapu Fini, causing Ash, Pikachu, Turtonator, and Marowak to become trapped in a veil of water. In order to free them, Tapu Fini tasked Kiawe with retrieving scales from {{DL|Guardian deities (anime)|Tapu Lele}} within a certain time-frame. Kiawe proceeded to Akala Island on Charizard and arrived at the [[Ruins of Life]], where he battled Tapu Lele and received some scales. Returning to the Ruins of Hope, Kiawe freed Ash and the others, then received a [[Flyinium Z]] from Tapu Fini, which Kiawe proceeded to use on Charizard.

The next day, Kiawe and Ash went on a delivery for {{OBP|Harry|SM011}}, but were attacked by the Team Skull Grunts they had encountered previously. After Ash defeated the grunts, the two finished their delivery and had a battle afterwards.
In ''[[SM129|Battle Royal 151!]]'', Kiawe was among the 151 Trainers taking part in the [[Manalo Conference]]. Using Turtonator, Kiawe participated in the [[Battle Royal]] preliminary round and was among the 16 Trainers remaining at the end. In ''[[SM131|The Battlefield of Truth and Love!]]'', he faced [[Acerola]] in his first round battle. Despite Acerola's tricky strategies with her newly-caught {{p|Gengar}}, [[nickname]]d the "Greedy Rapooh", Kiawe eventually emerged victorious, advancing to the second round. Later, it was revealed his next opponent would be Sophocles.
In ''[[SM133|Battling on the Wing!]]'', Kiawe faced Sophocles in the second round, and before their battle started, Sophocles revealed he started to enjoy battling and wished to defeat Kiawe one day despite knowing how strong he is. The battle continued in the [[SM134|next episode]], where, after a fierce exchange of attacks, Kiawe eventually emerged as the winner. After the second round ended, it was revealed Kiawe's next opponent would be Gladion.
[[File:Kiawe and Mimo.png|thumb|250px|left|Kiawe and Mimo]]
In ''[[SM135|The Final Four!]]'', Mimo arrived at the stadium, where she watched her brother battle Gladion. First, [[Gladion's Lycanroc]] defeated Marowak before falling to Turtonator's newly learned {{m|Focus Blast}}. The battle continued in the [[SM136|next episode]], with Gladion using {{TP|Gladion|Silvally}} to face Turtonator. Noticing Turtonator's injuries, Kiawe decided to finish the battle in one shot with Inferno Overdrive, but his attempt failed when Gladion minimized the damage by giving Silvally a [[Fire Memory]], allowing it to easily defeat the exhausted Turtonator and eliminate Kiawe from the tournament. Afterwards, Kiawe congratulated Gladion for his victory and declared him as a [[rival]] in addition to Ash.
In ''[[SM139|Enter the Champion!]]'', Kiawe attended the award ceremony for Ash's victory in the Manalo Conference, only for it to be interrupted when a {{DL|Ultra Beasts (anime)|Manalo Stadium Guzzlord|Guzzlord}} arrived at the stadium through a wormhole. In ''[[SM140|Z-Move Showdown!]]'', Kiawe helped evacuate innocent civilians to safety, only for a second, {{Shiny}} {{DL|Ultra Beasts (anime)|Shiny Guzzlord|Guzzlord}} to appear in the shopping area, forcing Kiawe, Gladion, [[Hau]], Lillie, Sophocles, Lana, and Mallow to battle it. By combining their Z-Moves into one giant attack, Kiawe and the others managed to successfully knock the Shiny Guzzlord back into Ultra Space.
[[File:Ash and Kiawe.png|thumb|250px|Kiawe and Ash]]
In ''[[SM145|Dreams of the Sun and Moon!]]'', with the Alola League over, Kiawe and his classmates returned to their usual routine at the Pokémon School. When asked what he planned on doing for the upcoming vacation, Kiawe stated that he wished to battle Ash to make up for not being able to during the League. Later, at the Ruins of Life, Olivia referred a battle between Kiawe and Ash that ended in the latter's victory. Afterwards, Kiawe revealed that he planned on finishing the island challenge in order to eventually become an [[island kahuna]] like his grandfather. Olivia suggested that in order for Kiawe to achieve his dream, he should broaden his horizons by exploring the world.
In ''[[SM146|Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!]]'', Kiawe told the others that he would be spending his vacation assisting and training with Olivia. When Lillie arrived, she revealed that she would be leaving on a journey with Gladion and Lusamine to find her missing father [[Mohn]] with the help of the {{DL|Mohn|Magearna}} she awakened. The next day, Kiawe and the others said farewell to Lillie, taking one last photo with her before she and her family left on a cruise ship. As he flew back home, Ash was greeted by his classmates and Alolan Pokémon, who flew by in their Ultra Guardians uniforms to give him one final farewell. Sometime later, Kiawe made one last delivery to [[Aina's Kitchen]] before leaving to begin his training with Olivia.
===''[[Pokémon Journeys: The Series]]''===
In ''[[JN037|That New Old Gang of Mine!]]'', Kiawe attended the welcome party held to celebrate Ash and [[Goh]]'s visit to Alola. He was displeased upon hearing of how infrequently Ash and Goh battled each other, and as such, he later challenged Goh to battle to see if he was a worthy rival for Ash. During the battle, Goh snapped at Kiawe and told him that he wasn't Ash's rival, but rather just a friend and fellow [[Professor's assistant|research fellow]]. Kiawe used Inferno Overdrive on [[Goh's Raboot]], but before the move could connect, he had Marowak pick it and Goh out of the way. Afterwards, Kiawe asked Goh to look after Ash, which he agreed to.
Kiawe is mentioned and seen in a fantasy in ''[[JN096|Lighting the Way Home!]]'', where Sophocles told Goh that Kiawe was looking forward to battling Goh again.
When Lillie's family returned to Alola in ''[[JN112|Helping the Hometown Hero!]]'' after finding Mohn, Kiawe was revealed to have gone off to train instead of attending the party to celebrate Mohn's homecoming. The next day, Kiawe participated in a Battle Royal with Ash, Professor Kukui, and Gladion. He was able to defeat Gladion, but lost to Kukui.
In ''[[JN131|Paring Pokémon While Parrying!]]'' and ''[[JN132|Partners in Time!]]'', Kiawe was seen watching Ash's [[Masters Eight Tournament]] match against {{an|Leon}} at the [[Pokémon School]].

Kiawe attends school while helping at his family's farm, delivering packages to far off islands with his Charizard. Of Ash's classmates, he is the most experienced Trainer, having been entrusted with a [[Z-Ring]] by [[Island Kahuna]] [[Olivia]], that once belonged to his grandfather, a former Kahuna himself. As a result, Kiawe holds a deep respect for the importance of Z-Rings and Z-Moves to the point where in ''[[SM017|Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!]]'', when he discovered that Ash had supposedly lost his {{DL|Z-Crystal|Electrium Z}}, he furiously chased Ash down and attempted to attack him with a Z-Move.
[[File:Kiawe furious.png|thumb|250px|left|Kiawe's rage at Ash for losing his Electrium Z]]
Kiawe attends school while helping at his family's farm, delivering packages to faraway islands with his Charizard. Of {{ashcl|Ash's classmates}}, he is the most experienced Trainer, having been entrusted with a [[Z-Ring]], by [[Island kahuna|Kahuna]] [[Olivia]], that once belonged to his grandfather, a former kahuna himself. As a result, Kiawe holds a deep respect for the importance of Z-Rings and [[Z-Move]]s, to the point where, in ''[[SM017|Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!]]'', he furiously chased {{Ash}} down and attempted to attack him with a Z-Move when he discovered that Ash had supposedly lost his [[Electrium Z]].
[[File:Kiawe crying.png|thumb|250px|Kiawe in tears of joy]]
Kiawe is calm, collected, and confident in his abilities. When Ash stepped in to help Kiawe after he was outnumbered by [[Team Skull]], Kiawe insisted that he didn't need the newcomer's help. As shown in ''[[SM008|Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge!]]'', Kiawe did not so much as flinch after [[Sophocles's Togedemaru]] crashed into his face. Despite his stoic exterior, however, Kiawe is extremely hot-blooded and can be easily moved to tears. He is also wildly competitive, and becomes intensely motivated during competitions such as the [[Baseball|Pokémon Base]] match in ''[[SM028|Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!]]'' and the [[Charjabug race]] in ''[[SM041|Mounting an Electrifying Charge!]]''. Kiawe also appears to be overprotective of his younger sister, [[Mimo]], who does not take well to her brother's coddling. In addition, in ''[[SM042|Alola, Kanto!]]'', Kiawe was uncomfortable while flying on an airplane.
[[File:Brock and Kiawe.png|thumb|left|250px|Kiawe and Brock]]
Kiawe is a fan of {{type|Fire}} Pokémon, as evident in ''Alola, Kanto!'', when the Pokémon he wanted to see were all Fire types. He tends to cry when he gets excited, such as in ''Alola, Kanto!'', when he rode on top of a {{p|Rapidash}} and in ''[[SM023|Getting the Band Back Together!]]'', after watching the [[DJ Leo]] concert.

Kiawe is calm, collected, and confident in his abilities. When {{Ash}} stepped in to help Kiawe when outnumbered by [[Team Skull]], Kiawe insisted he didn't need the newcomer's help. As shown in ''[[SM008|Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge!]]'', Kiawe did not so much as flinch after [[Sophocles's Togedemaru]] crashed into his face. In contrast, he appears to be overprotective of his younger sister, [[Mimo]], who does not take well to her brother's coddling.
Kiawe has been shown to have a rivalry and a close friendship with Ash, often battling and training together. In addition, Kiawe respects Ash as a Trainer, as shown in ''[[SM081|A Young Royal Flame Ignites!]]'', when he was impressed that he and the Masked Royal would still battle the [[Revengers]] fair and square, even though the latter were cheating. Since meeting {{an|Brock}} in ''[[SM042|Alola, Kanto!]]'', Kiawe became very good friends with him and respects him as a former [[Gym Leader]], which led him to want to battle him in the [[SM043|next episode]].
Ever since the events in ''[[SM070|The Young Flame Strikes Back!]]'', Kiawe has held a deep grudge against [[Viren]], the president of Rainbow Happy Resorts and the leader of the Revengers. He would get enraged whenever he sees him or hears his name being spoken, as shown in ''[[SM085|The Long Vault Home!]]''.

[[File:Kiawe and his Pokémon.png|thumb|250px|Kiawe's current [[party]], excluding Charizard]]
Kiawe mostly specializes in {{type|Fire}} Pokémon and is an expert with them. All of Kiawe's Pokémon can use [[Z-Moves]] and are capable battlers, as they have proven to battle their type disadvantages. Like {{an|Cilan}}, Kiawe doesn't have a full party by the end of the series. Kiawe also would usually use his first and [[Ride Pokémon]], {{TP|Kiawe|Charizard}}, to help him make deliveries for his families farm. In addition, Kiawe is one of the most experienced Trainer in {{an|Professor Kukui}}'s class, due to being the first to have a [[Z-Ring]] and being able to use Z-Moves prior to the series.
This listing is of Kiawe's known {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} in the {{pkmn|anime}}:
===On hand===
===On hand===
{| width="100%"
{| width="100%"
| {{ActivePoké|Kiawe|Turtonator|Kiawe Turtonator.png|fire|dragon}}
| {{ActivePoké|Kiawe|Charizard|Kiawe Charizard.png|fire|flying}}
| {{ActivePoké|Kiawe|Turtonator|Kiawe Turtonator.png|fire|dragon}}
| {{ActivePoké|Kiawe|Marowak|Kiawe Marowak.png|fire|ghost}}
| {{ActivePoké|Kiawe|Marowak|Kiawe Marowak.png|fire|ghost}}
Line 62: Line 123:

===Ride Pokémon===
===Ride Pokémon===
|img=Kiawe Charizard.png
|epname=Alola to New Adventure!
|desc={{p|Charizard}} serves as Kiawe's personal [[Poké Ride]], which he uses to make deliveries around Alola's islands. It was first seen being used to transport Kiawe to the [[Pokémon School]]. Shortly after arriving, a group of {{tc|Team Skull Grunt}}s arrived in an attempt to steal Charizard, but they were driven away by Kiawe and {{Ash}}.
In ''[[SM011|Young Kiawe Had a Farm!]]'', Kiawe revealed that Charizard used to belong to his [[Kiawe's grandfather|grandfather]] before being given to him.
Charizard's only known move is {{m|Flamethrower}}.}}
Line 87: Line 131:
|cap=A Poké Ride Tauros
|cap=A Poké Ride Tauros
|epname=The Guardian's Challenge!  
|epname=The Guardian's Challenge!
Line 107: Line 151:

None of Wailmer's moves are known.}}
None of Wailmer's moves are known.}}
|img=<!--Kiawe Stoutland.png
|img=Kiawe Stoutland.png
|cap=A Poké Ride Stoutland-->
|cap=A Poké Ride Stoutland
|epname=Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
|epname=Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
|vaen=Marc Thompson
|desc=Kiawe used a [[Poké Ride]] {{p|Stoutland}} to hunt for treasure around [[Akala Island]].
|desc=Kiawe used a [[Poké Ride]] {{p|Stoutland}} to hunt for treasure around [[Akala Island]].

None of Stoutland's moves are known.}}
None of Stoutland's moves are known.}}
|img=Kiawe Mantine.png
|cap=A Poké Ride Mantine
|epname=Alola, Alola!
|desc=Kiawe used a {{p|Mantine}} to get from [[Melemele Island]] to [[Treasure Island]].
None of Mantine's moves are known.}}

Line 133: Line 194:
|vajp=Rikako Aikawa
|vajp=Rikako Aikawa
|vaen=Eileen Stevens
|vaen=Eileen Stevens
|desc=In ''[[SM030|The Ol' Raise and Switch!]]'', [[Professor Kukui]] tasked everyone with switching their partner Pokémon with somebody else and Kiawe was given {{p|Popplio}}.
|desc=In ''[[SM030|The Ol' Raise and Switch!]]'', {{an|Professor Kukui}} tasked everyone with switching their partner Pokémon with somebody else and Kiawe was given {{p|Popplio}}.

During their time together, Popplio spent sometime playing with [[Mimo]] and was later used to help calm down two feuding {{p|Tauros}}.}}
During their time together, Popplio spent some time playing with [[Mimo]] and was later used to help calm down two feuding {{p|Tauros}}.}}
|img=Crawdaunt anime.png
|epname=A Fiery Training Camp Trick!
|vajp=Ryota Iwasaki
|desc=In ''[[SM123|A Fiery Training Camp Trick!]]'', Kiawe was revealed to have befriended a {{p|Crawdaunt}} that he met at the same time as his {{TP|Kiawe|Turtonator}}. He helped Turtonator defeat the Rogue Pokémon when it wouldn't let any other Pokémon enter the pond that it was inhabiting. In the present day, Kiawe asked Crawdaunt to help train {{an|Sophocles}} and his {{TP|Sophocles|Vikavolt}} by battling them, which it did before being defeated by Vikavolt's {{m|Savage Spin-Out}}.
Crawdaunt's known moves are {{m|Crabhammer}} and {{m|Aqua Jet}}.}}

===Alola trials===
===Alola trials===
This listing is of the {{DL|Island challenge|trials}} Kiawe has cleared in the [[Alola]] [[region]]:
This listing is of the {{DL|Island challenge|trials}} Kiawe has cleared in the [[Alola]] [[region]]:
* [[Akala Island]] grand trial (prior to ''[[SM001|Alola to New Adventure!]]''; received the {{DL|Z-Crystal|Firium Z}})
* [[Akala Island]] grand trial (prior to ''[[SM001|Alola to New Adventure!]]''; received the [[Firium Z]])
* [[Poni Island]] trial (''[[SM107|Run, Heroes, Run!]]''; received the [[Flyinium Z]])
===Pokémon League===
Kiawe has competed in the following [[Pokémon League Conference]]s:
* [[Manalo Conference]] - Top 4 (''[[SM136|Getting Down to The Ire!]]'')
===Battle Royal records===
[[File:JN112.png|250px|thumb|Kiawe in a Battle Royal against Ash, Kukui, and Gladion]]
Kiawe has competed in the following [[Battle Royal]]s:
* Vs. {{Ash}}, [[Professor Kukui (anime)|Masked Royal]], {{an|Sophocles}}: 4th place (''[[SM063|Pushing the Fiery Envelope!]]'')
* Vs. {{Ash}}, {{an|Kukui}}, {{an|Gladion}}: 3th place ( ''[[JN112|Helping the Hometown Hero!]]'')

===Pokémon competitions===
===Pokémon competitions===
Kiawe has competed in the following {{cat|Pokémon competitions}}:
Kiawe has competed in the following {{cat|Pokémon competitions}}:
* [[Pokémon Pancake Race]] - DNF (''[[SM013|Racing to a Big Event!]]'')
* [[Pokémon Pancake Race]] - DNF (''[[SM013|Racing to a Big Event!]]'')
* [[Charjabug race|Charjabug race Koko Cup]] - Winner (with {{an|Sophocles}} and {{Ash}}; ''[[SM041|Mounting an Electrifying Charge!]]'')
* [[Pokémon Sled Jump Games]] - Unknown (''[[SM060|Getting a Jump on the Competition!]]'')
* [[Kantonian Gym]] - 5th floor (''[[SM118|Aiming for the Top Floor!]]'')

==Voice actors==
==Voice actors==
{{vatable|color={{fire color light}}|bordercolor={{fire color}}
{{vatable|color={{fire color light}}|bordercolor={{fire color}}
|ja=石川界人 ''[[Kaito Ishikawa]]''
|ja=石川界人 ''[[Kaito Ishikawa]]''
|en=[[List of English voice actors|Marc Swint]]
|en=[[Marc Swint]]
|ar=فادي عبود ''Fadi Abboud'' ([[JN037]]-[[JN112]])
|cs=Jan Battěk ([[SM001]]-[[SM146]])<br>Pavel Vondrák ([[JN037]])
|el=Χάρης Γρηγορόπουλος ''Haris Grigoropoulos''
|da=Mads Hjulmand
|da=Mads Hjulmand
|it=Alessandro Capra
|fil=Bruce Roeland
|ru=Ivan Kalinin ''Иван Калинин''
|fi=Vili Orava
|pt_br=Marcos Souza
|fr_eu=Olivier Premel<br>Julie Basecqz (child)
|es_eu=Javier Lorca
|de=Dirk Meyer
|he=Agam Schatzberg
|it=Alessandro Capra ([[SM001]]-[[SM146]])<br>Renato Novara ([[JN037]])
|id=Rudi Sukistiyono (RTV dub)<br>Edy Rachmat ([[JN037]])
|pl=Mateusz Narloch
|pt_br=Marcos Souza ([[SM001]]-[[SM146]])<br>Kadu Rocha ([[JN037]])
|pt_eu=Bernardo Gavina
|ru=Иван Калинин ''Ivan Kalinin''
|es_eu=Javier Lorca<br>Elena Palacios (child)
|es_la=Kristoffer Romo
|es_la=Kristoffer Romo
|th=ภัคภูมิ ลิ้มมานะสถาพร ''Pakkapoom Limmanasathaporn''
|th=ภัคภูมิ ลิ้มมานะสถาพร ''Pakkapoom Limmanasathaporn''
|tr=Mert Aydın
|tr=Mert Aydın
|vi=Nguyễn Anh Tuấn
==In the manga==
===In the movie adaptations===
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; {{roundy|15px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color}}; font-size: 80%; color:#fff;"
| style="{{roundy|15px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:96px" | [[File:JN132 AS.png|300px]]
| Artwork from "After the story" <ref></ref>
* Kiawe is the only one of [[Ash's friends]] to also be considered a [[rival]] to him.
** He is also the only one for {{Ash}}'s classmates to not live in [[Hau'oli City]].
* Kiawe is the only main male character to have a known dead relative.
* Kiawe is the first of Ash's classmates to own a [[Z-Ring]] and [[Z-Crystal]], and the only one to own one of each prior to the start of the series.
* Kiawe is the only main character to have obtained all of his {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} in their final evolutionary forms.
* In promotional material for the [[Manalo Conference]], Kiawe was given the title of (Japanese: 熱血ボルケーノ''Hot-blooded volcano'').

{| class="roundy" style="float:left; background:#{{fire color light}}; border:3px solid #{{fire color}}"
{| class="roundy" style="float:left; background:#{{fire color light}}; border:3px solid #{{fire color}}"
! Language
! Language
! Name
! Name
Line 186: Line 300:
| Korean
| Korean
| 키아웨 ''Kiawe''
| 키아웨 ''Kiawe''
| Transliteration of English name  
| Transliteration of English name
|- style="background:#FFF"
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Chinese ({{tt|Mandarin|Taiwan and mainland China}})
| Chinese ({{tt|Mandarin|Taiwan and mainland China}})
| 卡奇 ''Kǎqí''
| 卡奇 ''Kǎqí''
| Transliteration of Japanese name  
| Transliteration of Japanese name
|- style="background:#FFF"
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Chinese ({{tt|Cantonese|Hong Kong}})
| Chinese ({{tt|Cantonese|Hong Kong}})
| 卡奇 ''Kākèih''
| 卡奇 ''Kākèih''
| Transliteration of Japanese name  
| Transliteration of Japanese name
|- style="background:#FFF"
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Russian
| Russian
| Киаве ''Kiave''
| Киаве ''Kiave''
| Transcription of English name  
| Transcription of English name
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Turkish
| Kiawe
| Same as English name

==Related articles==
==See also==
* [[Kiawe]]
* [[Kiawe]]
* {{cat|Episodes focusing on Kiawe}}
* {{cat|Episodes focusing on Kiawe}}
* [[a:Category:Kiawe|Images on the Bulbagarden Archives]]
* [[a:Category:Kiawe|Images on the Bulbagarden Archives]]
{{Kiawe's Pokémon}}
{{Aether Foundation}}<br>
{{Project Anime notice|no}}

{{Kiawe's Pokémon}}<br>
{{Project Anime notice|no}}
[[Category:Ash's friends]]
[[Category:Ash's friends]]
[[Category:Trainers with Z-Rings]]
[[Category:Trainers with Z-Rings]]
[[Category:Fire-type Trainers]]
[[Category:Fire-type Trainers]]
[[Category:Ultra Guardians]]
[[Category:Animation characters]]

[[de:Kiawe#Im Anime]]
[[de:Kiawe#Im Anime]]
[[es:Kiawe (anime)]]
[[fr:Kiawe (dessin animé)]]
[[fr:Kiawe (dessin animé)]]
[[it:Kawe (anime)]]
[[it:Kawe (serie animata)]]
[[ja:カキ (アニメ)]]

Latest revision as of 13:47, 16 September 2024

カキ Kaki

Art from Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon
Gender Male
Eye color Brown
Hair color Brown and red
Hometown Paniola Ranch
Region Alola
Relatives Rango (father), Sima (mother),
Mimo (younger sister),
unnamed grandfather (deceased)
Trainer class Trainer
Game counterpart Kiawe
Specializes in Fire types
Member of Aether Foundation
Rank Ultra Guardian
Anime debut Alola to New Adventure!
English voice actor Marc Swint
Japanese voice actor Kaito Ishikawa

Kiawe (Japanese: カキ Kaki) is a student at the Pokémon School on Melemele Island and one of Ash's former classmates. He made his debut in Alola to New Adventure!. By the end of the series he decided to become Olivia's apprentice in order to achieve his dream of becoming Akala Island's kahuna.



Kiawe when he was younger

Kiawe grew up on a farm in Paniola Ranch in the Alola region with his parents, Rango and Sima, and his little sister Mimo. Prior to enrolling in the Pokémon School, a younger Kiawe was encouraged to become a Fire-type Trainer by his grandfather. As such, Kiawe would go to Wela Volcano Park during the Wela Fire Festival to see his grandfather crown Fire-type Pokémon with his parents. Eventually, Kiawe's grandfather passed away for reasons unknown.

Kiawe's Akala Grand Trial

As revealed in A Shivering Shovel Search!, Kiawe was warned by his grandfather to never go near a shovel that was stuck on the beach, but didn't listen as he with some friends played with one. However, Kiawe was possessed by a Sandygast as he kept putting sand on it, but it was unknown as to how he was able to snap out of its control. Years later, Kiawe received his grandfathers Charizard as his first Pokémon, and has it help him make deliveries for his family farm.

As revealed in A Fiery Training Camp Trick!, Kiawe was making a delivery where he came across a battle with a wild Turtonator and Crawdaunt. After witnessing Turtonator lose to Crawdaunt, Kiawe tried to help the Blast Turtle Pokémon, but he refused it. However, Kiawe came back day after day as Turtonator didn't give up on beating Crawdaunt. When Turtonator lost to Crawdaunt again, Kiawe offered some Moomoo Milk to him, which he accepted. Kiawe offered to train Turtonator to beat Crawdaunt, as he accepted his offer. Through the training, Kiawe helped Turtonator learn a new move and won the battle against Crawdaunt. However, before leaving, Kiawe was surprised that Turtonator tried to fly with him and Charizard. Fortunately, Kiawe realized that Turtonator wanted to go with him and happily caught him.

Kiawe after receiving his Z-Ring

Sometime later, Kiawe used Turtonator to complete Olivia's grand trial, and he inherited his grandfather's Z-Ring and Firium Z from her. Later, Kiawe had Olivia crown Turtonator during the Wela Fire Festival to help him become stronger. Kiawe also befriended the Crawdaunt that Turtonator had been battling, as the Rogue Pokémon had a change of heart after being defeated. Eventually, Kiawe enrolled at the Pokémon School on Melemele Island where he met his classmates, Lana, Sophocles, and Mallow, as he befriended them. Kiawe also knew Ilima before he graduated from the Pokémon School and left to study in the Kalos region. Later, Kiawe met another classmate named Lillie and befriended her.

Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon

Kiawe and his Z-Ring

Kiawe debuted in Alola to New Adventure!, where he was flying his Charizard to school. Later, he was seen in front of the school's entrance, being harassed by a group of Team Skull Grunts. The grunts challenged him to a Pokémon battle, and if they won, they would get his Charizard. Kiawe accepted the challenge, but was surprised to see Ash and Pikachu step in to assist him. Using his Turtonator, Kiawe was able to fend off Team Skull's Yungoos and Zubat with ease. He then had Turtonator unleash its Z-Move, Inferno Overdrive, wiping out Team Skull's Pokémon.

In The Guardian's Challenge!, Kiawe noticed the Z-Ring on Ash's wrist and was surprised to discover that Ash got his Z-Ring from the guardian deity Tapu Koko. Kiawe was uncertain if Ash had the resolve to use Z-Moves, but was satisfied to hear Ash answer that he would respect their power. The next day, Kiawe and the rest of Ash's classmates treated Ash to a surprise welcoming party. As part of Kiawe's surprise, he challenged Ash to a Tauros race and won. Kiawe and the others later followed Ash into the jungle, where he witnessed a battle between Ash and the guardian deity. After the battle, Kiawe noticed that Ash's Electrium Z had shattered, and told Ash that he was not yet ready to perform Z-Moves as he hadn't cleared trials yet. After everyone else agreed to help Ash, Kiawe reluctantly agreed to help as well.

In Young Kiawe Had a Farm!, Kiawe agreed to take Ash with him on his deliveries. He later took Ash to his family's ranch on Akala Island, where he introduced Ash to his family. After a day of farm working, Ash noticed Kiawe training with his Turtonator. Kiawe then revealed that his Z-Ring and his Charizard used to belong to his grandfather. He also told Ash that his grandfather had inspired him to master Fire-type Z-Moves. The next day, Kiawe and Ash went on a delivery for Harry, but were attacked by the Team Skull Grunts they had encountered previously. After Ash defeated the Grunts, the two finished their delivery and had a battle afterwards.

In A Crowning Moment of Truth!, Kiawe showed his classmates the Wela Fire Festival as part of their field trip to Akala Island. However, Kiawe battled a wild Alolan Marowak when it stole the Wela Crown and lost when his and Turtonator Z-Move didn't knock it out so easily. Thanks to some training with Ash, Kiawe battled Marowak again and won when they used their Z-Move as the finishing move. After Marowak gave the Wela Crown back, Kiawe was surprised when Marowak asked if it can join his team but he accepted its request and caught it. Kiawe vows to work harder with both Turtonator and Marowak as his partners.

Kiawe making a milk delivery

In When Regions Collide!, during a trip to the Kanto region, Kiawe had a battle with Brock. He lost after his and Turtonator's Z-Move wasn't strong enough to defeat Brock's Mega Steelix.

From Family Determination! to 10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!, Kiawe was among those who helped Lillie and Gladion in their mission to rescue their mother Lusamine after she was kidnapped by the Ultra Beast Nihilego. In Ultra Deep Sea, he used his Turtonator and Marowak against Lusamine's Salazzle. The battle ended when Ash and Pikachu performed 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt to defeat Nihilego, freeing Lusamine from its grasp.

In The Professors' New Adventure!, Kiawe attended the wedding of Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet. During the post-nuptials, Lusamine asked Kiawe and his classmates to join the Ultra Guardians, a task force dedicated to dealing with any upcoming Ultra Beast incidents, which they accepted.

As a part of the Ultra Guardians, Kiawe and his Pokémon have been critical to the success of the group's missions. In A Mission of Ultra Urgency!, Kiawe's flexing proved critical to the success of the Ultra Guardians' first mission, to capture a troublesome Buzzwole that emerged from an Ultra Wormhole onto Melemele Island. During the confrontation, Kiawe accidentally made a flexing motion, which distracted Buzzwole and this allowed Ash to capture it in a Beast Ball. Afterwards, Buzzwole was released and returned to its home thanks to an Ultra Wormhole opened by Lusamine's team.

Kiawe in his Ultra Guardian uniform

In The Young Flame Strikes Back!, Paniola Ranch came under threat by Viren, who planned to turn it into a resort hotel. After he declined Viren's offer to buy the ranch, Viren resorted to intimidating Kiawe and his family. Turtonator was knocked out after protecting Mimo from Electivire's Thunder, which left Kiawe battling Electivire with Marowak. Their first attempt at using a Z-Move together failed, resulting in Kiawe losing. The next day, Kiawe and Marowak tried again, and this time, they were able to defeat Electivire. Unfazed, Viren brought in excavators as Mimo, Sima, and Rango stood their ground. Fortunately, Officer Jenny arrived just in time to arrest Viren and his henchmen on various charges, saving the farm.

In Filling the Light with Darkness!, mysterious dark clouds appeared over the Alola region, causing all of the adults in Alola to lose their energy and motivation. The next day, Kiawe and his classmates embarked on their fifth mission, to investigate the situation at the Altar of the Sunne. Shortly after arriving, Lusamine revealed that Gladion would be joining them as a new member. In order to disperse the clouds, Kiawe, Ash, Lana, and Gladion combined their Z-Power to fuel a device that successfully made the clouds disappear, but they uncovered a hidden Ultra Wormhole in the process. Afterwards, Lusamine took the Ultra Guardians into the ruins, where she showed them a mural depicting the "Blinding One". Before they could translate the mural, the Ultra Guardians were forced to return outside, where they found the wormhole increasing in size. At that moment, a Lunala emerged from the wormhole with a Necrozma chasing after it. The group was eventually able to solve the unfolding crisis in Securing the Future!, where they, their Pokémon, Lunala, Poipole's friends, and everyone else back in Alola shared their Z-Power with Necrozma, causing it to release Nebby. After Ash and Gladion used Nebby and Lunala to replenish Necrozma's strength to revert it to its true form, it restored Poipole's home world back to its original state. Afterwards, the Ultra Guardians, Nebby, and Lunala traveled back to Alola through the Ultra Wormhole.

In That's Some Spicy Island Research!, Kiawe and his classmates headed over to Poni Island for their individual research projects for school. Kiawe's project was to train with his Pokémon. Kiawe traveled to the Ruins of Hope with Ash in Run, Heroes, Run!. They were unable to find Tapu Fini, so Kiawe proceeded to have a battle against Ash, but it angered Tapu Fini, causing Ash, Pikachu, Turtonator, and Marowak to become trapped in a veil of water. In order to free them, Tapu Fini tasked Kiawe with retrieving scales from Tapu Lele within a certain time-frame. Kiawe proceeded to Akala Island on Charizard and arrived at the Ruins of Life, where he battled Tapu Lele and received some scales. Returning to the Ruins of Hope, Kiawe freed Ash and the others, then received a Flyinium Z from Tapu Fini, which Kiawe proceeded to use on Charizard.

In Battle Royal 151!, Kiawe was among the 151 Trainers taking part in the Manalo Conference. Using Turtonator, Kiawe participated in the Battle Royal preliminary round and was among the 16 Trainers remaining at the end. In The Battlefield of Truth and Love!, he faced Acerola in his first round battle. Despite Acerola's tricky strategies with her newly-caught Gengar, nicknamed the "Greedy Rapooh", Kiawe eventually emerged victorious, advancing to the second round. Later, it was revealed his next opponent would be Sophocles.

In Battling on the Wing!, Kiawe faced Sophocles in the second round, and before their battle started, Sophocles revealed he started to enjoy battling and wished to defeat Kiawe one day despite knowing how strong he is. The battle continued in the next episode, where, after a fierce exchange of attacks, Kiawe eventually emerged as the winner. After the second round ended, it was revealed Kiawe's next opponent would be Gladion.

Kiawe and Mimo

In The Final Four!, Mimo arrived at the stadium, where she watched her brother battle Gladion. First, Gladion's Lycanroc defeated Marowak before falling to Turtonator's newly learned Focus Blast. The battle continued in the next episode, with Gladion using Silvally to face Turtonator. Noticing Turtonator's injuries, Kiawe decided to finish the battle in one shot with Inferno Overdrive, but his attempt failed when Gladion minimized the damage by giving Silvally a Fire Memory, allowing it to easily defeat the exhausted Turtonator and eliminate Kiawe from the tournament. Afterwards, Kiawe congratulated Gladion for his victory and declared him as a rival in addition to Ash.

In Enter the Champion!, Kiawe attended the award ceremony for Ash's victory in the Manalo Conference, only for it to be interrupted when a Guzzlord arrived at the stadium through a wormhole. In Z-Move Showdown!, Kiawe helped evacuate innocent civilians to safety, only for a second, Shiny Guzzlord to appear in the shopping area, forcing Kiawe, Gladion, Hau, Lillie, Sophocles, Lana, and Mallow to battle it. By combining their Z-Moves into one giant attack, Kiawe and the others managed to successfully knock the Shiny Guzzlord back into Ultra Space.

Kiawe and Ash

In Dreams of the Sun and Moon!, with the Alola League over, Kiawe and his classmates returned to their usual routine at the Pokémon School. When asked what he planned on doing for the upcoming vacation, Kiawe stated that he wished to battle Ash to make up for not being able to during the League. Later, at the Ruins of Life, Olivia referred a battle between Kiawe and Ash that ended in the latter's victory. Afterwards, Kiawe revealed that he planned on finishing the island challenge in order to eventually become an island kahuna like his grandfather. Olivia suggested that in order for Kiawe to achieve his dream, he should broaden his horizons by exploring the world.

In Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!, Kiawe told the others that he would be spending his vacation assisting and training with Olivia. When Lillie arrived, she revealed that she would be leaving on a journey with Gladion and Lusamine to find her missing father Mohn with the help of the Magearna she awakened. The next day, Kiawe and the others said farewell to Lillie, taking one last photo with her before she and her family left on a cruise ship. As he flew back home, Ash was greeted by his classmates and Alolan Pokémon, who flew by in their Ultra Guardians uniforms to give him one final farewell. Sometime later, Kiawe made one last delivery to Aina's Kitchen before leaving to begin his training with Olivia.

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

In That New Old Gang of Mine!, Kiawe attended the welcome party held to celebrate Ash and Goh's visit to Alola. He was displeased upon hearing of how infrequently Ash and Goh battled each other, and as such, he later challenged Goh to battle to see if he was a worthy rival for Ash. During the battle, Goh snapped at Kiawe and told him that he wasn't Ash's rival, but rather just a friend and fellow research fellow. Kiawe used Inferno Overdrive on Goh's Raboot, but before the move could connect, he had Marowak pick it and Goh out of the way. Afterwards, Kiawe asked Goh to look after Ash, which he agreed to.

Kiawe is mentioned and seen in a fantasy in Lighting the Way Home!, where Sophocles told Goh that Kiawe was looking forward to battling Goh again.

When Lillie's family returned to Alola in Helping the Hometown Hero! after finding Mohn, Kiawe was revealed to have gone off to train instead of attending the party to celebrate Mohn's homecoming. The next day, Kiawe participated in a Battle Royal with Ash, Professor Kukui, and Gladion. He was able to defeat Gladion, but lost to Kukui.

In Paring Pokémon While Parrying! and Partners in Time!, Kiawe was seen watching Ash's Masters Eight Tournament match against Leon at the Pokémon School.


Kiawe's rage at Ash for losing his Electrium Z

Kiawe attends school while helping at his family's farm, delivering packages to faraway islands with his Charizard. Of Ash's classmates, he is the most experienced Trainer, having been entrusted with a Z-Ring, by Kahuna Olivia, that once belonged to his grandfather, a former kahuna himself. As a result, Kiawe holds a deep respect for the importance of Z-Rings and Z-Moves, to the point where, in Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!, he furiously chased Ash down and attempted to attack him with a Z-Move when he discovered that Ash had supposedly lost his Electrium Z.

Kiawe in tears of joy

Kiawe is calm, collected, and confident in his abilities. When Ash stepped in to help Kiawe after he was outnumbered by Team Skull, Kiawe insisted that he didn't need the newcomer's help. As shown in Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge!, Kiawe did not so much as flinch after Sophocles's Togedemaru crashed into his face. Despite his stoic exterior, however, Kiawe is extremely hot-blooded and can be easily moved to tears. He is also wildly competitive, and becomes intensely motivated during competitions such as the Pokémon Base match in Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper! and the Charjabug race in Mounting an Electrifying Charge!. Kiawe also appears to be overprotective of his younger sister, Mimo, who does not take well to her brother's coddling. In addition, in Alola, Kanto!, Kiawe was uncomfortable while flying on an airplane.

Kiawe and Brock

Kiawe is a fan of Fire-type Pokémon, as evident in Alola, Kanto!, when the Pokémon he wanted to see were all Fire types. He tends to cry when he gets excited, such as in Alola, Kanto!, when he rode on top of a Rapidash and in Getting the Band Back Together!, after watching the DJ Leo concert.

Kiawe has been shown to have a rivalry and a close friendship with Ash, often battling and training together. In addition, Kiawe respects Ash as a Trainer, as shown in A Young Royal Flame Ignites!, when he was impressed that he and the Masked Royal would still battle the Revengers fair and square, even though the latter were cheating. Since meeting Brock in Alola, Kanto!, Kiawe became very good friends with him and respects him as a former Gym Leader, which led him to want to battle him in the next episode.

Ever since the events in The Young Flame Strikes Back!, Kiawe has held a deep grudge against Viren, the president of Rainbow Happy Resorts and the leader of the Revengers. He would get enraged whenever he sees him or hears his name being spoken, as shown in The Long Vault Home!.


Kiawe's current party, excluding Charizard

Kiawe mostly specializes in Fire-type Pokémon and is an expert with them. All of Kiawe's Pokémon can use Z-Moves and are capable battlers, as they have proven to battle their type disadvantages. Like Cilan, Kiawe doesn't have a full party by the end of the series. Kiawe also would usually use his first and Ride Pokémon, Charizard, to help him make deliveries for his families farm. In addition, Kiawe is one of the most experienced Trainer in Professor Kukui's class, due to being the first to have a Z-Ring and being able to use Z-Moves prior to the series.

This listing is of Kiawe's known Pokémon in the anime:

On hand




Ride Pokémon

A Poké Ride Tauros

Kiawe was first seen riding a Poké Ride Tauros around the Pokémon School. He used it in a race against Ash and won.

None of Tauros's moves are known.

A Poké Ride Wailmer

Kiawe was first seen riding a Poké Ride Wailmer around Melemele Island, which he rode along with Sophocles.

None of Wailmer's moves are known.

A Poké Ride Stoutland
Debut Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
Voice actors
English Marc Thompson

Kiawe used a Poké Ride Stoutland to hunt for treasure around Akala Island.

None of Stoutland's moves are known.

A Poké Ride Mantine

Kiawe used a Mantine to get from Melemele Island to Treasure Island.

None of Mantine's moves are known.


Lana's Popplio
Debut Alola to New Adventure!
Voice actors
Japanese Rikako Aikawa
English Eileen Stevens
Main article: Lana's Popplio

In The Ol' Raise and Switch!, Professor Kukui tasked everyone with switching their partner Pokémon with somebody else and Kiawe was given Popplio.

During their time together, Popplio spent some time playing with Mimo and was later used to help calm down two feuding Tauros.


Kiawe's Crawdaunt
Debut A Fiery Training Camp Trick!
Voice actors
Japanese Ryota Iwasaki

In A Fiery Training Camp Trick!, Kiawe was revealed to have befriended a Crawdaunt that he met at the same time as his Turtonator. He helped Turtonator defeat the Rogue Pokémon when it wouldn't let any other Pokémon enter the pond that it was inhabiting. In the present day, Kiawe asked Crawdaunt to help train Sophocles and his Vikavolt by battling them, which it did before being defeated by Vikavolt's Savage Spin-Out.

Crawdaunt's known moves are Crabhammer and Aqua Jet.


Alola trials

This listing is of the trials Kiawe has cleared in the Alola region:

Pokémon League

Kiawe has competed in the following Pokémon League Conferences:

Battle Royal records

Kiawe in a Battle Royal against Ash, Kukui, and Gladion

Kiawe has competed in the following Battle Royals:

Pokémon competitions

Kiawe has competed in the following Pokémon competitions:

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 石川界人 Kaito Ishikawa
English Marc Swint
Arabic فادي عبود Fadi Abboud (JN037-JN112)
Czech Jan Battěk (SM001-SM146)
Pavel Vondrák (JN037)
Danish Mads Hjulmand
Filipino Bruce Roeland
Finnish Vili Orava
European French Olivier Premel
Julie Basecqz (child)
German Dirk Meyer
Greek Χάρης Γρηγορόπουλος Haris Grigoropoulos
Hebrew Agam Schatzberg
Indonesian Rudi Sukistiyono (RTV dub)
Edy Rachmat (JN037)
Italian Alessandro Capra (SM001-SM146)
Renato Novara (JN037)
Polish Mateusz Narloch
Portuguese Brazil Marcos Souza (SM001-SM146)
Kadu Rocha (JN037)
Portugal Bernardo Gavina
Russian Иван Калинин Ivan Kalinin
Spanish Latin America Kristoffer Romo
Spain Javier Lorca
Elena Palacios (child)
Thai ภัคภูมิ ลิ้มมานะสถาพร Pakkapoom Limmanasathaporn
Turkish Mert Aydın
Vietnamese Nguyễn Anh Tuấn


Artwork from "After the story" [1]


  • Kiawe is the only one of Ash's friends to also be considered a rival to him.
  • Kiawe is the only main male character to have a known dead relative.
  • Kiawe is the first of Ash's classmates to own a Z-Ring and Z-Crystal, and the only one to own one of each prior to the start of the series.
  • Kiawe is the only main character to have obtained all of his Pokémon in their final evolutionary forms.
  • In promotional material for the Manalo Conference, Kiawe was given the title of (Japanese: 熱血ボルケーノHot-blooded volcano).


Language Name Origin
Japanese カキ Kaki From 柿 kaki (Asian persimmon) and 火気 kaki (fire)
English, French,
German, Spanish,
Brazilian Portuguese
Kiawe From kiawe, a species of mesquite tree whose wood is a source of long-lasting firewood and charcoal
Italian Kawe Similar to English name
Korean 키아웨 Kiawe Transliteration of English name
Chinese (Mandarin) 卡奇 Kǎqí Transliteration of Japanese name
Chinese (Cantonese) 卡奇 Kākèih Transliteration of Japanese name
Russian Киаве Kiave Transcription of English name
Turkish Kiawe Same as English name


See also

Pokémon the Series characters
Protagonists Ash Ketchum (Pikachu) • Misty (Togetic) • BrockTracey SketchitMayMaxDawn (Piplup) • Iris (Haxorus) • CilanSerenaClemontBonnie (Dedenne) • LanaKiaweLillieSophoclesMallowRotom PokédexGoh (Grookey)
Rivals GaryRitchieHarrisonDrewHarleyMorrisonTysonSolidadPaulNandoZoeyKennyConwayBarryUrsulaTripBiancaBurgundyStephanGeorgiaCameronAriaAlainMietteTiernoShaunaTrevorNiniSawyerGladionHoracioHauLeonRaihanHoraceBeaLeague Conference participantsCoordinatorsPerformersWorld Coronation Series participants
Antagonists Jessie (Wobbuffet) • JamesMeowthGiovanniButchCassidyDr. NambaMatoriPierceDr. ZagerGozuTabithaMaxieShellyArchieHunter JSaturnCyrusMarsJupiterCharonColressAldithGhetsisBarretMalamarLysandreMableCelosiaAlianaXerosicBryonyTuppZippRappPlumeriaGuzmaVirenRoseOleana
Professors Professor OakProfessor IvyProfessor ElmProfessor BirchProfessor RowanProfessor CarolinaProfessor JuniperDr. FennelCedric JuniperProfessor SycamoreProfessor KukuiProfessor BurnetProfessor CeriseProfessor MagnoliaSoniaProfessor Amaranth
Relatives Delia KetchumDaisyVioletLilyJames's parentsFlintLolaForrestBrock's siblingsNormanCarolineJohannaChiliCressGraceMeyerLana's fatherLana's motherHarper and SarahRangoSimaMimoKiawe's grandfatherMohnLusamineGladionSophocles's parentsMolayneAbeMallow's motherUluWalkerCamilleHalta
Supporting Officer JennyNurse JoyMagikarp salesmanTodd SnapCharles GoodshowCaseyLizaSakuraLanceClairRaoul ContestaMr. SukizoSteven StoneVivian MeridianRobertScottLilian MeridianSolanaBrandonMarianYuzoRhondaCynthiaReggieAngieLookerIzzy and CaraLyraKhouryTobiasDon GeorgeElderAlderLukeFreddy O'MartianIngoEmmetJervisVirgilNAnthea and ConcordiaPorterAlexaSophieCosetteClembotSanpeiMairinAstridDianthaKorrinaGurkinnMonsieur PierrePalermoKeananMalvaSamson OakAnelaHobbesNinaAnnaLakiDanaYansuWickeFabaIlimaAcerolaDiaChloeChrysaRenParkerTaliaLeiDanikaQuillonHopGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsIsland kahunasMany temporary characters
Supporting Pokémon FearowHo-OhSquirtle SquadPink ButterfreeHaunterJigglypuffMewtwoMimeyLapras herdGranbullPichu BrothersLugiaSilverDelibirdWynautLarvitarKyogre and GroudonArticunoDeoxysLake guardiansForces of natureMeloettaReshiramSuper-ancient PokémonWooperFlorgesSquishyZ2Guardian deitiesBewearToucannon's flockStoutlandOranguruNebbyStuffulUltra BeastsGrandpa ForestNecrozmaLunalaShayminMewRotom PhonesPelipperThievul trioEternatusDrone RotomLegendary heroesLatiasRecurring wild Pokémon
See also: Pokémon Horizons characters

Trainers in League Conferences
Ever Grande
Lily of the Valley
HirokiPikalaMr. ElectricMad MagmarRappZipp
TuppPlumeriaDJ LeoMaster fishermanOluoluKahili

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.