Dahlia: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Tag: Disambiguation links
(38 intermediate revisions by 20 users not shown)
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color={{arcade color}} |
|color={{arcade color}}
corecolor={{arcade color light}} |
|corecolor={{arcade color light}}
bordercolor={{arcade color dark}} |
|bordercolor={{arcade color dark}}
name=Dahlia |
jname=ダリア |
tmname=Dahlia |
image=Platinum Dahlia.png|
|image=Platinum Dahlia.png
caption=Artwork from Platinum |
|caption=Artwork from Platinum
gender=Female |
hometown=Unknown |
region=[[Sinnoh]]{{tt|*|Platinum}}/[[Johto]]{{tt|*|HeartGold and SoulSilver}}|
relatives=Unknown |
trainer=yes |
trainerclass=[[Frontier Brain|Arcade Star<br><small>(Frontier Brain)</small>]] |
|trainerclass=[[Frontier Brain|Arcade Star<br><small>(Frontier Brain)</small>]]
game=yes |
generation={{gen|IV}} |
games={{v2|Platinum}}, {{2v2|HeartGold|SoulSilver}} |
|games={{v2|Platinum}}<br>{{2v2|HeartGold|SoulSilver}}<br>{{pkmn|Masters EX}}
leader=no |
brain=Pt |
facility=[[Battle Arcade]]|
|facility=[[Battle Arcade]]
print=Arcade Print|
|print=Arcade Print
anime=no |
epnum= |
epname= |
enva= |
|envagame=Heather Gonzalez<ref>[https://www.instagram.com/p/C77VWCHyncx/ Heather Gonzalez on Instagram]</ref> <small>({{pkmn|Masters EX}})</small>
|javagame=Ayaka Fukuhara <small>({{pkmn|Masters EX}})</small>

'''Arcade Star Dahlia''' (Japanese: '''ルーレットゴーデス ダリア''' ''Roulette Goddess Dahlia'') is the [[Frontier Brain]] in charge of running the {{Gdis|Battle Frontier|IV}}'s [[Battle Arcade]].
'''Dahlia''' (Japanese: '''ダリア''' ''Dahlia'') is the [[Frontier Brain]] in charge of running the {{Gdis|Battle Frontier|IV}}'s [[Battle Arcade]]. She is the only character in the games to have the {{DL|Pokémon Trainer|Trainer class}} '''Arcade Star''' (Japanese: '''ルーレットゴーデス''' ''Roulette Goddess'').

==In the games==
==In the core series games==
She is the [[Frontier Brain]] of the Battle Arcade in the [[Sinnoh]] and [[Johto]] regions. [[Fantina]] is a fan of Dahlia's dancing style. An [[Non-player character|NPC]] inside of the Battle Arcade notes that Dahlia has a peculiar fashion sense. Dahlia will challenge the {{player}} on the 21st consecutive battle and award them the Battle Arcade's Silver Print if defeated. She returns when the player reaches the 49th battle, this time awarding the Gold Print when beaten.
She is the [[Frontier Brain]] of the Battle Arcade in the [[Sinnoh]] and [[Johto]] regions. [[Fantina]] is a fan of Dahlia's dancing style. An [[Non-player character|NPC]] inside of the Battle Arcade notes that Dahlia has a peculiar fashion sense. Dahlia will challenge the {{player}} on the 21st consecutive battle and award them the Battle Arcade's Silver Print if defeated. She returns when the player reaches the 49th battle, this time awarding the Gold Print when beaten.

Line 43: Line 46:
|prize=20{{color2|000|Battle Point|BP}}
|prize=20{{color2|000|Battle Point|BP}}
|class=Arcade Star
|class=Arcade Star
|classlink=Arcade Star Dahlia
|location=Battle Arcade
|location=Battle Arcade
}}|{{Lop/facility/head|{{arcade color light}}|{{arcade color}}|{{arcade color}}|sortable=no}}
{{lop/facility|game=3|477|Dusknoir||Shadow Punch|Ghost|Fling|Dark|Will-O-Wisp|Fire|Trick Room|Psychic|Brave||252|252|||}}
{{lop/facility|game=3|308|Medicham||Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Reversal|Fighting|Endure|Normal|Fake Out|Normal|Jolly||252||||252}}
{{lop/facility|game=3|272|Ludicolo||Waterfall|Water|Razor Leaf|Grass|Drain Punch|Fighting|Swords Dance|Normal|Adamant||252|||252|}}
|held=Iron Ball
|move1=Shadow Punch
|move2=Trick Room
|held=Salac Berry
|ability=Pure Power
|move1=Zen Headbutt
|move4=Fake Out
|held=Muscle Band
|ability=Swift Swim
|ability2=Rain Dish
|move2=Razor Leaf
|move3=Drain Punch
|move4=Swords Dance

Line 130: Line 66:
|prize=20{{color2|000|Battle Point|BP}}
|prize=20{{color2|000|Battle Point|BP}}
|class=Arcade Star
|class=Arcade Star
|classlink=Arcade Star Dahlia
|location=Battle Arcade
|location=Battle Arcade
}}|{{Lop/facility/head|{{arcade color light}}|{{arcade color}}|{{arcade color}}|sortable=no}}
{{lop/facility|game=3|145|Zapdos||Thunderbolt|Electric|Air Cutter|Flying|Heat Wave|Fire|Signal Beam|Bug|Modest||||252||252}}
{{lop/facility|game=3|257|Blaziken||Flare Blitz|Fire|Superpower|Fighting|ThunderPunch|Electric|Night Slash|Dark|Adamant||252||||252}}
{{lop/facility|game=3|468|Togekiss||Hyper Beam|Normal|Air Slash|Flying|Aura Sphere|Fighting|Psychic|Psychic|Modest||||252||252}}
|move2=Air Cutter
|move3=Heat Wave
|move4=Signal Beam
|held=White Herb
|move1=Flare Blitz
|move4=Night Slash
|held=Expert Belt
|ability2=Serene Grace
|move1=Air Slash
|move2=Aura Sphere
|move4=Hyper Beam

==In the spin-off games==
;Initial battle
===[[Pokémon Masters EX]]===
* Before battle
{{main|Dahlia (Masters)}}
:''"No need to worry. ♪ Let chance do what it does. Like surprises from the game board, life goes through twists and turns. No need to worry. ♪ Things will go as they will. But, enough of that. I know one thing for certain. You have arrived here not merely because you were lucky. Let us not waste any time. I wish to test your skills myself!"''
Dahlia forms a [[sync pair]] with {{p|Ludicolo}} in [[Pokémon Masters EX]]. Her Ludicolo is capable of [[Dynamax]]ing. Dahlia became a playable sync pair on March 22, 2024.

* After the roulette
:''"Always be smiling! Luck comes to those who are happy! That's why I always keep a big smile and believe in my Pokémon when I battle."''
{{PairDex|198|Dahlia|trainerlink=Dahlia (Masters)#Ludicolo|trainerimg=Dahlia|0272 f|Ludicolo|gender=female|dynamax=yes|Water|Bug|Tech|exrole=Special Strike|6|Poké Fair Sync Pair Scout}}
* Being defeated
:''"You're so very, very good! My Pokémon had a good time, too!"''
* After being defeated
:''"How fabulous of you! Your love of Pokémon shone through, and, in turn, your Pokémon believed in you. That is why you handled everything thrown your way splendidly. A most wonderful victory it was!"''
* Before battle
:''"No need to worry. ♪ Let chance do what it does. Like surprises from the game board, life goes through twists and turns. No need to worry. ♪ Things will go as they will. But, enough of that. You are proving yourself incredible. Are you incredible because you are so lucky you shrug off bad luck entirely? Or, are you so incredibly talented to not be swayed by luck, good or bad? I wish to see for myself what brought you to me today!"''
* After the roulette
:''"Whenever I battle someone tough, I smile. I cannot help it! How about you? What do you do? Do you laugh? Cry? Get angry?"''
* Being defeated
:''"Battling a wonderful {{pkmn|Trainer}} is always a happy occasion!"''
* After being defeated
:''"Truly, it was so very fabulous of all of you! Bad luck, you cast aside, and good luck, you netted. That you did so is evidence of your abilities. By defeating me, Dahlia, you have proven your mastery brilliantly! I am sincerely happy for having this battle against you!"''

{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; {{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{arcade color dark}}; background: #{{arcade color}}; font-size:80%;"
{|style="margin:auto;text-align:center;{{roundy|20px}}border:2px solid #{{arcade color dark}};background:#{{arcade color}};font-size:80%;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{arcade color dark}}; background: #{{arcade color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:Spr Pt Dahlia.png]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}}border:2px solid #{{arcade color dark}};background: #{{arcade color light}}; width:80px"|[[File:Spr Pt Dahlia.png]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{arcade color dark}}; background: #{{arcade color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:Dahlia OD.png]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}}border: 2px solid #{{arcade color dark}}; background: #{{arcade color light}}; width:80px"|[[File:Dahlia OD.png]]
|style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{arcade color dark}}; background: #{{arcade color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:VSDahlia.png]]
|style="{{roundy|20px}}border:2px solid #{{arcade color dark}}; background: #{{arcade color light}}; width:80px"|[[File:VSDahlia.png]]
| Sprite from<br>{{color2|000|Pokémon Platinum Version|Platinum}}, {{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold, and SoulSilver}}
|Sprite from<br>{{color2|000|Pokémon Platinum Version|Platinum}}, {{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold, and SoulSilver}}
| Overworld sprite from<br>{{color2|000|Pokémon Platinum Version|Platinum}}, {{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold, and SoulSilver}}
|Overworld sprite from<br>{{color2|000|Pokémon Platinum Version|Platinum}}, {{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold, and SoulSilver}}
| VS sprite from<br>{{color2|000|Pokémon Platinum Version|Platinum}}, {{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold, and SoulSilver}}
|VS sprite from<br>{{color2|000|Pokémon Platinum Version|Platinum}}, {{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold, and SoulSilver}}

==In the manga==
==In the manga==
===In the Pokémon Adventures manga===
===Pokémon Adventures===
[[File:Darach Dahlia Caitlin Adventures.png|thumb|230px|Dahlia in [[Pokémon Adventures]]]]
[[File:Darach Dahlia Caitlin Adventures.png|thumb|230px|Dahlia in [[Pokémon Adventures]]]]
Dahlia first appears along with her fellow Frontier Brains, Palmer, Thorton, and Argenta in a meeting; afterward they go back to their facilities. Dahlia later appears at her facility, the [[Battle Arcade]], when {{adv|Platinum}} racks up enough wins that will allow her to challenge the Frontier Brain soon. After Platinum wins enough times, she becomes eligible to fight Dahlia. Due to an unexpected earthquake, Platinum is unable to stop the roulette in time and Dahlia does so instead, causing it to land on the Pokémon swap button.
Dahlia first appeared along with her fellow Frontier Brains, [[Palmer]], [[Thorton]], and [[Argenta]] in a meeting; afterward they went back to their respective facilities. Dahlia later appeared at her facility, the [[Battle Arcade]], when {{adv|Platinum}} racked up enough wins to allow her to challenge the Frontier Brain soon. After Platinum won enough times, she became eligible to fight Dahlia. Due to an unexpected earthquake, Platinum was unable to stop the roulette in time and Dahlia did so instead, causing it to land on the Pokémon swap button.

Due to it landing on that button, Dahlia and Platinum switch their teams and begin battling. At first, Dahlia has the upper hand because of Platinum's refusal of harming her own Pokémon but, once she gains the resolve to do so, she manages to defeat the Arcade Star. Later, Dahlia helps Platinum with her research of the [[Distortion World]] and despite her {{wp|Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)|"Que Sera, Sera"}} attitude, she throws a tantrum offscreen due to her loss to Platinum being her first one.
Due to it landing on said button, Dahlia and Platinum switched their teams and began battling. At first, Dahlia has the upper hand because of Platinum's refusal of harming her own Pokémon, but once she gained the resolve to do so, she managed to defeat the Arcade Star. Later, Dahlia helped Platinum with her research of the [[Distortion World]], and despite her {{wp|Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)|"Que Sera, Sera"}} attitude, she threw a tantrum offscreen due to her loss to Platinum being her first one.

Line 279: Line 134:
|desc=Dahlia's {{p|Medicham}} was used to battle Platinum at the [[Battle Arcade]]. However, due to the rules of the Pokémon swap button, it was sent to battle on Platinum's side. Medicham was used to defeat Platinum's Rapidash, causing Dahlia to lose the match. After that, it was returned to Dahlia.
|desc=Dahlia's {{p|Medicham}} was used to battle Platinum at the [[Battle Arcade]]. However, due to the rules of the Pokémon swap button, it was sent to battle on Platinum's side. Medicham was used to defeat Platinum's Rapidash, causing Dahlia to lose the match. After that, it was returned to Dahlia.

None of Medicham's moves are known.}}
None of Medicham's moves are known and its Ability is {{a|Pure Power}}.}}

Line 304: Line 159:
|epname=Stagestruck Starly
|epname=Stagestruck Starly
|desc={{p|Empoleon}} was one of the Pokémon used in the {{gdis|Battle Frontier|IV}}. She is Platinum's starter. Prior to the battle, she was given to Dahlia. After the battle, Empoleon was returned to Platinum.}}
|desc={{p|Empoleon}} was one of the Pokémon used in the {{gdis|Battle Frontier|IV}}. She is Platinum's [[first partner Pokémon]]. Prior to the battle, she was given to Dahlia. After the battle, Empoleon was returned to Platinum.}}

Line 338: Line 193:

<!--Please do not add trivia saying she is the first character with a pierced navel, it is insignificant.-->
* In the English version of the games, Dahlia shares the same catchphrase, "No need to worry," with {{an|Dawn}} in the {{pkmn|anime}}.
* Dahlia shares the same catchphrase, "No need to worry", with {{an|Dawn}} in the {{pkmn|anime}}.
** In the Japanese version, her catchphrase is "{{wp|Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)|Que Sera, Sera}}", a [[List of references to popular culture in Pokémon|reference]] to the popular song with the same name.
* She is the only character in the games to have the Trainer class Arcade Star (Japanese: ルーレットゴーデス Roulette Goddess).

{| class="roundy" style="background: #{{arcade color light}}; border: 3px solid #{{arcade color}}"
{|class="roundy" style="background:#{{arcade color light}};border:3px solid #{{arcade color}}"
! style="{{roundytl|5px}}" | Language
! Name
! style="{{roundytl|5px}}" | Origin
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Japanese
| ダリア ''Dahlia''
|ダリア {{tt|''Daria''|Dahlia}}
| From the genus ''{{wp|Dahlia}}''
|From the genus ''{{wp|Dahlia}}''
|- style="background:#FFF"
| English, French,<br>German
|English, German, French
| Dahlia
| Same as Japanese name
|Same as her Japanese name
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Italian
| Dalia
| From ''Dahlia''.
|Similar to ''Dahlia'' or possibly from ''lila'' ({{wp|lilac}})
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Spanish
| Delila
| From ''Dahlia''. May also be derived from ''lila'' ({{wp|lilac}}) or ''{{wp|Delilah}}''.
|From ''Dahlia''
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Korean
| 달리아 ''Dahlia''
|달리아 {{tt|''Dallia''|Dahlia}}
| Same as Japanese name
|From ''Dahlia''
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Chinese ({{tt|Mandarin|Taiwan and Mainland China}})
|Chinese ({{tt|Mandarin|Taiwan and Mainland China}})
| 大麗 / 大丽 ''Dà Lì''
|大麗 / 大丽 ''Dàlì''
| From 大麗菊 ''Dàlì-jú'', dahlia. Literally means "Great beauty".
|rowspan="2"|From 大麗菊 ''Dàlìjú / Daaihlaihgūk'' (dahlia)
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Chinese ({{tt|Cantonese|Hong Kong}})
|Chinese ({{tt|Cantonese|Hong Kong}})
| 大麗 ''Daaih Laih''
|大麗 ''Daaihlaih''
| From 大麗菊 ''Daaihlaih-gūk'', dahlia. Literally means "Great beauty".
|- style="background:#FFF"
| Vietnamese
| Dahlia
|Transcription of her Japanese name
| Transliteration of her Japanese name

''Arcade Star''
''Arcade Star''
{{langtable|color={{arcade color light}}|bordercolor={{arcade color}}
{{langtable|color={{arcade color light}}|bordercolor={{arcade color}}
|ja=ルーレットゴーデス ''Roulette Goddess''
|ja=ルーレットゴーデス {{tt|''Rūretto Gōdesu''|Roulette Goddess}}
|zh_yue=輪盤女神 ''{{tt|Lèuhnpùhn Néuihsàhn|Roulette Goddess}}''
|zh_yue=輪盤女神 ''{{tt|Lèuhnpùhn Néuihsàhn|Roulette Goddess}}''
|zh_cmn=輪盤女神 / 轮盘女神 ''{{tt|Lúnpán Nǚshén|Roulette Goddess}}''
|zh_cmn=輪盤女神 / 轮盘女神 ''{{tt|Lúnpán Nǚshén|Roulette Goddess}}''
|fr_eu=Diva Arcade
|fr=Diva Arcade
|it=Diva Arena
|it=Diva Arena
|ko=룰렛여신 ''Roulette {{tt|Yeosin|Goddess}}''
|ko=룰렛여신 {{tt|''Rullet Yeosin''|Roulette Goddess}}
|es_eu=Astro Ruleta
|es=Astro Ruleta
|vi=Nữ thần Vòng xoay
|vi=Nữ thần Vòng xoay
Line 397: Line 250:
==Related articles==
==Related articles==
* [[a:Category:Dahlia|Images on the Bulbagarden Archives]]
* [[a:Category:Dahlia|Images on the Bulbagarden Archives]]
<references />
{{Generation IV Frontier Brains}}
{{Generation IV Frontier Brains}}
{{Project CharacterDex notice}}
{{Project CharacterDex notice}}

[[Category:Frontier Brains]]
[[Category:Frontier Brains]]
[[Category:Game characters]]
[[Category:Game characters]]

Latest revision as of 14:24, 2 July 2024

ダリア Dahlia

Artwork from Platinum
Gender Female
Hometown Unknown
Region SinnohPt
Trainer class Arcade Star
(Frontier Brain)
Generation IV
Games Platinum
HeartGold and SoulSilver
Masters EX
Commemorative print Arcade Print
English voice actor Heather Gonzalez[1] (Masters EX)
Japanese voice actor Ayaka Fukuhara (Masters EX)

Dahlia (Japanese: ダリア Dahlia) is the Frontier Brain in charge of running the Battle Frontier's Battle Arcade. She is the only character in the games to have the Trainer class Arcade Star (Japanese: ルーレットゴーデス Roulette Goddess).

In the core series games

She is the Frontier Brain of the Battle Arcade in the Sinnoh and Johto regions. Fantina is a fan of Dahlia's dancing style. An NPC inside of the Battle Arcade notes that Dahlia has a peculiar fashion sense. Dahlia will challenge the player on the 21st consecutive battle and award them the Battle Arcade's Silver Print if defeated. She returns when the player reaches the 49th battle, this time awarding the Gold Print when beaten.


Silver Print challenge

Gold Print challenge

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Dahlia (Masters)

Dahlia forms a sync pair with Ludicolo in Pokémon Masters EX. Her Ludicolo is capable of Dynamaxing. Dahlia became a playable sync pair on March 22, 2024.

Dex Trainer NDex Pokémon Type Weakness Role EX role Base potential Availability
#198 Dahlia #0272 Ludicolo
★★★★★☆EX Poké Fair Sync Pair Scout



Sprite from
Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver
Overworld sprite from
Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver
VS sprite from
Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver


Main article: Dahlia/Quotes

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Dahlia in Pokémon Adventures

Dahlia first appeared along with her fellow Frontier Brains, Palmer, Thorton, and Argenta in a meeting; afterward they went back to their respective facilities. Dahlia later appeared at her facility, the Battle Arcade, when Platinum racked up enough wins to allow her to challenge the Frontier Brain soon. After Platinum won enough times, she became eligible to fight Dahlia. Due to an unexpected earthquake, Platinum was unable to stop the roulette in time and Dahlia did so instead, causing it to land on the Pokémon swap button.

Due to it landing on said button, Dahlia and Platinum switched their teams and began battling. At first, Dahlia has the upper hand because of Platinum's refusal of harming her own Pokémon, but once she gained the resolve to do so, she managed to defeat the Arcade Star. Later, Dahlia helped Platinum with her research of the Distortion World, and despite her "Que Sera, Sera" attitude, she threw a tantrum offscreen due to her loss to Platinum being her first one.


On hand
Dahlia's Ludicolo

Dahlia's Ludicolo was used to battle Platinum at the Battle Arcade. However, due to the rules of the Pokémon swap button, it was sent to battle on Platinum's side. It managed to deal heavy damage to Platinum's Rapidash. After that, it was returned to Dahlia.

Ludicolo's only known move is Waterfall.

Dahlia's Medicham

Dahlia's Medicham was used to battle Platinum at the Battle Arcade. However, due to the rules of the Pokémon swap button, it was sent to battle on Platinum's side. Medicham was used to defeat Platinum's Rapidash, causing Dahlia to lose the match. After that, it was returned to Dahlia.

None of Medicham's moves are known and its Ability is Pure Power.

Dahlia's Togekiss

Dahlia's Togekiss was used to battle Platinum at the Battle Arcade. However, due to the rules of the Pokémon swap button, it was sent to battle on Platinum's side. In the battle, it was defeated by a single Focus Blast from Lopunny. After that, it was returned to Dahlia.

Togekiss's known moves are Air Slash*, Aura Sphere*, Psychic*, and Hyper Beam*.

Platinum's Empoleon
Main article: Platinum's Empoleon

Empoleon was one of the Pokémon used in the Battle Frontier. She is Platinum's first partner Pokémon. Prior to the battle, she was given to Dahlia. After the battle, Empoleon was returned to Platinum.

Platinum's Rapidash
Main article: Platinum's Rapidash

Rapidash was one of the Pokémon used in the Battle Frontier. He is Platinum's very first Pokémon. Prior to the battle, he was given to Dahlia. After the battle, Rapidash was returned to Platinum.

Platinum's Lopunny
Main article: Platinum's Lopunny

Lopunny was one of the Pokémon used in the Battle Frontier. Prior to the battle, she was given to Dahlia. After the battle, Lopunny was returned to Platinum.

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Dahlia or her Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Dahlia's Pokémon
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Blaziken Pokémon FB Fire Supreme Victors Rare Holo 2/147 Beat of the Frontier Rare Holo 019/100
Dusknoir Pokémon FB Psychic Supreme Victors Rare 26/147 Beat of the Frontier Rare 051/100
Blaziken Pokémon FB LV.X Fire Supreme Victors Rare Holo LV.X 142/147 Beat of the Frontier Rare Holo LV.X 020/100


  • In the English version of the games, Dahlia shares the same catchphrase, "No need to worry," with Dawn in the anime.


Language Name Origin
Japanese ダリア Daria From the genus Dahlia
English, German, French Dahlia Same as her Japanese name
Spanish Delila Similar to Dahlia or possibly from lila (lilac)
Italian Dalia From Dahlia
Korean 달리아 Dallia From Dahlia
Chinese (Mandarin) 大麗 / 大丽 Dàlì From 大麗菊 Dàlìjú / Daaihlaihgūk (dahlia)
Chinese (Cantonese) 大麗 Daaihlaih
Vietnamese Dahlia Transcription of her Japanese name

Arcade Star

Language Title
Japanese ルーレットゴーデス Rūretto Gōdesu
Chinese Cantonese 輪盤女神 Lèuhnpùhn Néuihsàhn
Mandarin 輪盤女神 / 轮盘女神 Lúnpán Nǚshén
French Diva Arcade
German Arkaden-Star
Italian Diva Arena
Korean 룰렛여신 Rullet Yeosin
Spanish Astro Ruleta
Vietnamese Nữ thần Vòng xoay

Related articles


Sinnoh and Johto Battle Frontier
Battle Castle
Castle Valet
Battle Hall
Hall Matron
Battle Tower
Tower Tycoon
Battle Factory
Factory Head
Battle Arcade
Arcade Star
Trainer classes in the Pokémon core series
Johto Ace Trainer*BeautyBikerBird KeeperBlack Belt*BoarderBug CatcherBurglarCamper
ChampionExecutive*FirebreatherFisherman*GentlemanGuitaristHikerJugglerKimono GirlLass
LeaderMediumPicnickerPokéfanPoké Maniac*PKMN TrainerPoliceman*PsychicRivalHGSSSage
SailorSchool Kid*ScientistSkierSuper NerdSwimmerTeacherTeam Rocket Grunt*TwinsYoungster
Mystery Man*CHGSSDouble TeamHGSSElderHGSSPasserbyHGSSYoung CoupleHGSS
Battle Frontier only:HGSS

Aroma LadyArtistBattle GirlCameramanClownCollectorCowgirlCyclistDragon TamerIdol
JoggerLadyNinja BoyParasol LadyPIPoké KidPKMN BreederPKMN RangerRancherReporter
Rich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSocialiteTuberVeteranWaiterWaitressWorker
Arcade StarCastle ValetFactory HeadHall MatronTower Tycoon

Sinnoh Ace TrainerAroma LadyArtistBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack BeltBug CatcherCameramanCamperChampion
ClownCollectorCommanderCowgirlCyclistDouble TeamDragon TamerElite FourFisher*GentlemanGuitarist
Gym Leader*HikerIdolInterviewersJoggerLadyLassMadame*Ninja BoyParasol LadyPicnickerPIPoké Fan*
Poké KidPokémon Breeder*Pokémon Ranger*Pokémon Trainer*Police Officer*PsychicRancherRanchers*
ReporterRich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSailorSchool KidScientistSkierSwimmerTeam Galactic Boss*
Team Galactic Grunt*Tower TycoonTuberTwinsVeteranWaiterWaitressWorkerYoung CoupleYoungster
Arcade StarPtCastle ValetPtFactory HeadPtHall MatronPtMaidPtGAME FREAK'sBDSP
This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.