Sumiyoshi Kizuki: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Sumiyoshi Kizuki.jpg|250px|thumb|Kizuki's Icon from 2023<ref name=Icon>[ Kizuki's Twitter icon from 2023.]</ref>]]
[[File:Sudowoodo Sneasel Celebi Neo Revelation.jpg|thumb|right|An early illustration by Kizuki]]
'''Sumiyoshi Kizuki''' (Japanese: '''{{ruby|木月|きづき}}すみよし'''; born 1967<ref></ref>) is an illustrator for the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]]. Her style was often notable for a soft crayon-like look, with her art initially being featured in the {{TCG|Team Rocket}} expansion.
'''Sumiyoshi Kizuki''' (Japanese: '''{{tt|木月|きづき}}すみよし''') is an illustrator for the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]]. Her style is notable for resembling crayons. Her first illustrations were featured from the {{TCG|Team Rocket}} expansion.
===Official Artwork===
This is a collection of official Pokémon artwork drawn by Kizuki.

==Cards illustrated==
There are {{PAGESINCATEGORY:Illus. by Sumiyoshi Kizuki}} cards illustrated by Kizuki. For a list of cards she has illustrated, see [[:Category:Illus. by Sumiyoshi Kizuki|here.]]
==={{TCG|Team Rocket}}===
* {{TCG ID|Team Rocket|Abra|49}}
* {{TCG ID|Team Rocket|Diglett|52}}
* {{TCG ID|Team Rocket|Koffing|58}}
* {{TCG ID|Team Rocket|Mankey|61}}
* {{TCG ID|Team Rocket|Slowpoke|67}}
* {{TCG ID|Team Rocket|Digger|75}}
* {{TCG ID|Team Rocket|Nightly Garbage Run|77}}
* {{TCG ID|Team Rocket|Goop Gas Attack|78}}
* {{TCG ID|Team Rocket|Sleep!|79}}

==={{TCG|Gym Heroes}}===
* {{TCG ID|Gym Heroes|Recall|116}}
Pokémon Center 2004 Postcard.png|[[Pokémon Center (store)|Pokémon Center]] 2004 Postcard{{fact}}
* {{TCG ID|Gym Heroes|Tickling Machine|119}}
Pokémon Center 2005 Postcard.png|[[Pokémon Center (store)|Pokémon Center]] 2005 Postcard<ref name=2005CenterPostcard>[ Kizuki responding to a post thanking her for drawing the 2005 Postcard.]</ref>
==={{TCG|Gym Challenge}}===
* {{TCG ID|Gym Challenge|Koga's Ninja Trick|115}}
==={{TCG|Neo Genesis}}===
* {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Clefairy|30}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Hoothoot|60}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Ledyba|63}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Oddish|68}}
==={{TCG|Neo Discovery}}===
* {{TCG ID|Neo Discovery|Hitmontop|3}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Discovery|Metapod|42}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Discovery|Xatu|52}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Discovery|Natu|59}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Discovery|Sentret|63}}
==={{TCG|Neo Revelation}}===
* {{TCG ID|Neo Revelation|Celebi|16}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Revelation|Sneasel|24}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Revelation|Sudowoodo|26}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Revelation|Aipom|41}}
* {{TCG ID|Neo Revelation|Qwilfish|49}}
==={{TCG|Neo Destiny}}===
* {{TCG ID|Neo Destiny|Thought Wave Machine|96}}
* {{TCG ID|Expedition|Butterfree|38}}
* {{TCG ID|Expedition|Chansey|72}}
* {{TCG ID|Expedition|Jynx|83}}
* {{TCG ID|Expedition|Mareep|119}}
* {{TCG ID|Expedition|Shellder|129}}
* {{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Bellossom|5}}
* {{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Exeggutor|13}}
* {{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Golduck|50}}
* {{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Seaking|59}}
* {{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Exeggcute|77}}
* {{TCG ID|Skyridge|Electrode|36}}
* {{TCG ID|Skyridge|Delibird|49}}
* {{TCG ID|Skyridge|Eevee|54}}
* {{TCG ID|Skyridge|Mantine|77}}
* {{TCG ID|Skyridge|Shuckle|96}}
* {{TCG ID|Skyridge|Voltorb|113}}
* {{TCG ID|Skyridge|Weedle|115}}
==={{TCG|EX Dragon}}===
* {{TCG ID|EX Dragon|Snorunt|44}}
==={{TCG|EX Hidden Legends}}===
* {{TCG ID|EX Hidden Legends|Rain Castform|23}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Hidden Legends|Snow-cloud Castform|25}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Hidden Legends|Sunny Castform|26}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Hidden Legends|Castform|30}}
==={{TCG|EX FireRed & LeafGreen}}===
* {{TCG ID|EX FireRed & LeafGreen|Lickitung|37}}
==={{TCG|EX Team Rocket Returns}}===
* {{TCG ID|EX Team Rocket Returns|Azumarill|1}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Team Rocket Returns|Togetic|14}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Team Rocket Returns|Togepi|50}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Team Rocket Returns|Marill|68}}
==={{TCG|EX Unseen Forces}}===
* {{TCG ID|EX Unseen Forces|Sunflora|16}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Unseen Forces|Smeargle|48}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Unseen Forces|Sunkern|76}}
==={{TCG|EX Legend Maker}}===
* {{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Victreebel|13}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Magmar|21}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Graveler|34}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Wailmer|69}}
==={{TCG|POP Series 3}}===
* {{TCG ID|POP Series 3|Minun|4}}
* {{TCG ID|POP Series 3|Plusle|5}}
==={{TCG|EX Crystal Guardians}}===
* {{TCG ID|EX Crystal Guardians|Ivysaur|34}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Crystal Guardians|Bulbasaur|45}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Crystal Guardians|Spoink|62}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Crystal Guardians|Torchic|66}}
==={{TCG|EX Dragon Frontiers}}===
* {{TCG ID|EX Dragon Frontiers|Meganium δ|4}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Dragon Frontiers|Mantine δ|20}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Dragon Frontiers|Nidorina δ|34}}
* {{TCG ID|EX Dragon Frontiers|Swellow δ|40}}
==={{TCG|Mysterious Treasures}}===
* {{TCG ID|Mysterious Treasures|Pikachu|94}}
* {{TCG ID|Mysterious Treasures|Remoraid|95}}
* {{TCG ID|Mysterious Treasures|Spheal|102}}
==={{TCG|Secret Wonders}}===
* {{TCG ID|Secret Wonders|Xatu|44}}
* {{TCG ID|Secret Wonders|Quagsire|60}}
* {{TCG ID|Secret Wonders|Sableye|63}}
* {{TCG ID|Secret Wonders|Ralts|102}}
* {{TCG ID|Secret Wonders|Trapinch|115}}
==={{TCG|Great Encounters}}===
* {{TCG ID|Great Encounters|Butterfree|14}}
* {{TCG ID|Great Encounters|Marshtomp|46}}
* {{TCG ID|Great Encounters|Baltoy|60}}
* {{TCG ID|Great Encounters|Tangela|87}}
==={{TCG|POP Series 7}}===
* {{TCG ID|POP Series 7|Ralts|15}}
==={{TCG|Legends Awakened}}===
* {{TCG ID|Legends Awakened|Beldum|83}}
* {{TCG ID|Legends Awakened|Corphish|89}}
* {{TCG ID|Legends Awakened|Drifloon|92}}
* {{TCG ID|Legends Awakened|Gloom|96}}
* {{TCG ID|Legends Awakened|Houndour|103}}
* {{TCG ID|Legends Awakened|Misdreavus|107}}
* {{TCG ID|Legends Awakened|Poliwhirl|115}}
* {{TCG ID|Legends Awakened|Skitty|119}}
* {{TCG ID|Legends Awakened|Swinub|123}}
* {{TCG ID|Stormfront|Dusclops|35}}
* {{TCG ID|Stormfront|Electrode|37}}
* {{TCG ID|Stormfront|Farfetch'd|38}}
* {{TCG ID|Stormfront|Roselia|72}}
* {{TCG ID|Platinum|Dugtrio|24}}
* {{TCG ID|Platinum|Flaaffy|48}}
* {{TCG ID|Platinum|Seviper|61}}
* {{TCG ID|Platinum|Cacnea|67}}
==={{TCG|Supreme Victors}}===
* {{TCG ID|Supreme Victors|Relicanth|79}}
* {{TCG ID|Supreme Victors|Relicanth|SH8}}
* {{TCG ID|Arceus|Charmeleon|35}}
* {{TCG ID|Arceus|Gulpin|66}}
==={{TCG|HeartGold & SoulSilver}}===
* {{TCG ID|HeartGold & SoulSilver|Shuckle|11}}
* {{TCG ID|HeartGold & SoulSilver|Slowking|12}}
* {{TCG ID|HeartGold & SoulSilver|Slowbro|52}}
* {{TCG ID|HeartGold & SoulSilver|Slowpoke|81}}
* {{TCG ID|Unleashed|Pupitar|38}}
* {{TCG ID|Unleashed|Larvitar|50}}
* {{TCG ID|Triumphant|Drapion|4}}
* {{TCG ID|Triumphant|Skorupi|76}}
==={{TCG|Call of Legends}}===
* {{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Slowking|32}}
* {{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Slowpoke|70}}
==={{TCG|Emerging Powers}}===
* {{TCG ID|Emerging Powers|Petilil|13}}
* {{TCG ID|Emerging Powers|Simipour|23}}
==={{TCG|Noble Victories}}===
* {{TCG ID|Noble Victories|Gurdurr|63}}
==={{TCG|Next Destinies}}===
* {{TCG ID|Next Destinies|Elgyem|61}}
* {{TCG ID|Next Destinies|Riolu|63}}
==={{TCG|Dark Explorers}}===
* {{TCG ID|Dark Explorers|Combusken|16}}
* {{TCG ID|Dark Explorers|Jolteon|37}}
* {{TCG ID|Dark Explorers|Eevee|84}}
==={{TCG|Dragons Exalted}}===
* {{TCG ID|Dragons Exalted|Aron|78}}
==={{TCG|Boundaries Crossed}}===
* {{TCG ID|Boundaries Crossed|Delibird|38}}
* {{TCG ID|Boundaries Crossed|Spoink|59}}
* {{TCG ID|Boundaries Crossed|Swoobat|71}}
==={{TCG|Plasma Storm}}===
* {{TCG ID|Plasma Storm|Grotle|2}}
* {{TCG ID|Plasma Storm|Phanpy|71}}
==={{TCG|Plasma Freeze}}===
* {{TCG ID|Plasma Freeze|Weedle|1}}
* {{TCG ID|Plasma Freeze|Voltorb|32}}
* {{TCG ID|Plasma Freeze|Sneasel|65}}
==={{TCG|Plasma Blast}}===
* {{TCG ID|Plasma Blast|Shelmet|7}}
* {{TCG ID|Plasma Blast|Uxie|36}}
* {{TCG ID|Plasma Blast|Houndour|55}}
==={{TCG|Legendary Treasures}}===
* {{TCG ID|Legendary Treasures|Mismagius|58}}
* {{TCG ID|Legendary Treasures|Cobalion|91}}
* {{TCG ID|XY|Staryu|33}}
* {{TCG ID|XY|Sandile|69}}
* {{TCG ID|XY|Doduo|98}}
* {{TCG ID|Flashfire|Caterpie|1}}
* {{TCG ID|Flashfire|Golem|47}}
==={{TCG|Furious Fists}}===
* {{TCG ID|Furious Fists|Drowzee|35}}
* {{TCG ID|Furious Fists|Golett|42}}
==={{TCG|Phantom Forces}}===
* {{TCG ID|Phantom Forces|Venonat|1}}
* {{TCG ID|Phantom Forces|Croconaw|16}}
==={{TCG|Primal Clash}}===
* {{TCG ID|Primal Clash|Surskit|13}}
* {{TCG ID|Primal Clash|Electrike|59}}
* {{TCG ID|Primal Clash|Zigzagoon|111}}
==={{TCG|Roaring Skies}}===
* {{TCG ID|Roaring Skies|Ninjask|10}}
* {{TCG ID|Roaring Skies|Togekiss|45}}
==={{TCG|Ancient Origins}}===
* {{TCG ID|Ancient Origins|Combee|9}}
* {{TCG ID|Ancient Origins|Wooper|38}}
* {{TCG ID|BREAKthrough|Parasect|2}}
* {{TCG ID|BREAKthrough|Scatterbug|13}}
* {{TCG ID|BREAKthrough|Cubone|77}}
* {{TCG ID|BREAKpoint|Kricketot|5}}
* {{TCG ID|BREAKpoint|Phantump|64}}
* {{TCG ID|Generations|Caterpie|3}}
* {{TCG ID|Generations|Parasect|7}}
==={{TCG|Fates Collide}}===
* {{TCG ID|Fates Collide|Servine|6}}
* {{TCG ID|Fates Collide|Duosion|34}}
* {{TCG ID|Fates Collide|Mr. Mime|67}}
==={{TCG|Steam Siege}}===
* {{TCG ID|Steam Siege|Ponyta|16}}
* {{TCG ID|Steam Siege|Pawniard|63}}
==={{TCG|Sun & Moon}}===
* {{TCG ID|Sun & Moon|Pelipper|38}}
* {{TCG ID|Sun & Moon|Carvanha|81}}
==={{TCG|Burning Shadows}}===
* {{TCG ID|Burning Shadows|Oddish|4}}
==={{TCG|Ultra Prism}}===
* {{TCG ID|Ultra Prism|Bronzor|86}}
* {{TCG ID|Ultra Prism|Gabite|98}}
==={{TCG|Forbidden Light}}===
* {{TCG ID|Forbidden Light|Gabite|61}}
==={{TCG|Celestial Storm}}===
* {{TCG ID|Celestial Storm|Minun|54}}
==={{TCG|Dragon Majesty}}===
* {{TCG ID|Dragon Majesty|Turtonator|50}}
==={{TCG|Team Up}}===
* {{TCG ID|Team Up|Heliolisk|50}}
* {{TCG ID|Team Up|Pidgey|122}}
==={{TCG|Unbroken Bonds}}===
* {{TCG ID|Unbroken Bonds|Seel|44}}
* {{TCG ID|Unbroken Bonds|Geodude|87}}
==={{TCG|Unified Minds}}===
* {{TCG ID|Unified Minds|Elgyem|90}}
* {{TCG ID|Unified Minds|Purrloin|135}}
==={{TCG|Hidden Fates}}===
* {{TCG ID|Hidden Fates|Kirlia|SV35}}
==={{TCG|Cosmic Eclipse}}===
* {{TCG ID|Cosmic Eclipse|Anorith|111}}
* {{TCG ID|Cosmic Eclipse|Ambipom|170}}
==={{TCG|Sword & Shield}}===
* {{TCG ID|Sword & Shield|Chinchou|67}}
==={{TCG|Rebel Clash}}===
* {{TCG ID|Rebel Clash|Lotad|7}}
==={{TCG|Darkness Ablaze}}===
* {{TCG ID|Darkness Ablaze|Vibrava|90}}
==={{TCG|Vivid Voltage}}===
* {{TCG ID|Vivid Voltage|Joltik|55}}
==={{TCG|Battle Styles}}===
* {{TCG ID|Battle Styles|Spewpa|12}}
==={{TCG|Jet-Black Spirit}}===
* {{TCG ID|Jet-Black Spirit|Fletchling|55}}
==={{TCG|Wizards Black Star Promos}}===
* {{TCG ID|Wizards Promo|Computer Error|16}}
==={{TCG|Nintendo Black Star Promos}}===
*{{TCG ID|Nintendo Promo|Tropical Wind|26}}
*{{TCG ID|Nintendo Promo|Tropical Tidal Wave|27}}
==={{TCG|DP Black Star Promos}}===
* {{TCG ID|DP Promo|Tropical Wind|5}}
* {{TCG ID|DP Promo|Pikachu|16}}
==={{TCG|BW Black Star Promos}}===
* {{TCG ID|BW Promo|Meowth|35}}
==={{TCG|SM Black Star Promos}}===
* {{TCG ID|SM Promo|Mismagius|222}}


==External links==
* [ Twitter]

[[Category:TCG illustrators|Kizuki, Sumiyoshi]]
[[Category:TCG illustrators|Kizuki, Sumiyoshi]]

Latest revision as of 09:16, 20 April 2024

Kizuki's Icon from 2023[1]

Sumiyoshi Kizuki (Japanese: 木月(きづき)すみよし; born 1967[2]) is an illustrator for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Her style was often notable for a soft crayon-like look, with her art initially being featured in the Team Rocket expansion.


Official Artwork

This is a collection of official Pokémon artwork drawn by Kizuki.

There are 219 cards illustrated by Kizuki. For a list of cards she has illustrated, see here.


External links