TM026: Difference between revisions

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Changed the amount of BP needed to buy Earthquake at Battle Tower to the correct value
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[[TM]]s vary between generations. '''TM26''' is:
{{samename|[[glitch move]]|TM26 (move)}}
|jtrans=Move Machine 026
|colorscheme=TMs and HMs
{{ItemInfobox/BagRow|I|Items|colorscheme=TMs and HMs}}
{{ItemInfobox/BagRow|II|TMs and HMs}}
{{ItemInfobox/BagRow|III|TMs and HMs|group={{gameabbrev3|RSE}}}}
{{ItemInfobox/BagRow|III|TM Case|group={{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|pocket=TMs and HMs Pocket}}
{{ItemInfobox/BagRow|IV|TMs and HMs}}
{{ItemInfobox/BagRow|V|TMs and HMs}}
{{ItemInfobox/BagRow|VI|TMs and HMs}}
{{ItemInfobox/BagRow|VII|TM Case|group={{gameabbrev7|PE}}|pocket=TMs Pocket}}
'''TM026''' (Japanese: '''わざマシン026''' ''Move Machine 026''), known as '''TM26''' prior to [[Generation IX]], is a [[TM]] introduced in [[Generation I]]. It teaches a compatible Pokémon a [[move]]. The move it teaches depends on the game. For compatibility, refer to the move's page.
==In the core series games==
===Generation I===
In [[Generation I]], TMs can only be used once.
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev1|RBY}}|[[Silph Co.]]|N/A|{{pdollar}}2000|roundyleft|roundybr}}
===Generation II===
In [[Generation II]], TMs can only be used once.
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev2|GSC}}|{{ka|Victory Road}}|N/A|{{PDollar}}1500|roundyleft|roundybr}}
===Generation III===
In [[Generation III]], TMs can only be used once.
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}|[[Seafloor Cavern]], {{a|Pickup}}{{sup/3|E}}, [[Trainer Hill]]{{sup/3|E}} (Japan-only [[e-Reader]] exclusive)|N/A|{{PDollar}}1500|roundytl}}
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|Prize for defeating [[Giovanni]]|N/A|{{PDollar}}1500}}
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrevss|Colo}}|[[Cipher Lab|Shadow PKMN Lab]]|N/A|{{PDollar}}1500}}
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrevss|XD}}|[[Cipher Key Lair]], {{a|Pickup}}|N/A|{{PDollar}}1500|roundybl|roundybr}}
===Generation IV===
In [[Generation IV]], TMs can only be used once. TMs cannot be used in [[Pokémon Battle Revolution]], but they can be transferred to a Generation IV DS game via [[Mystery Gift]].
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev4|DPPt}}|[[Wayward Cave]], {{si|Battle Tower}}{{sup/4|DP}}/{{Gdis|Battle Frontier|IV|Frontier}}{{sup/4|Pt}}, {{a|Pickup}}|80[[Battle Point|BP]]|{{PDollar}}1500|roundytl}}
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev4|HGSS}}|{{ka|Victory Road}}, {{gdis|Battle Frontier|IV}}, {{a|Pickup}}|80[[Battle Point|BP]]|{{PDollar}}1500}}
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrevss|PBR}}|After beating first set of [[Masters Battle]]|12,000[[Poké Coupon|PC]]|N/A|roundybl|roundybr}}
===Generation V===
In [[Generation V]], TMs can be used any number of times.
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev5|BW}}|[[Relic Castle]]|N/A|N/A|roundytl}}
===Generation VI===
In [[Generation VI]], TMs can be used any number of times.
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev6|ORAS}}|[[Seafloor Cavern]]|N/A|N/A|roundybl|roundybr}}
===Generation VII===
In [[Generation VII]], TMs can be used any number of times.
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev7|SM}}|[[Resolution Cave]]|N/A|N/A|roundytl}}
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev7|USUM}}|[[Resolution Cave]]|N/A|N/A|roundybl|roundybr}}
{{TMtable/header|Poison Jab|Poison}}
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev7|PE}}|[[Celadon City]]|N/A|N/A|roundyleft|roundybr}}
===Generation VIII===
In [[Pokémon Sword and Shield]], TMs can be used any number of times.
{{TMtable/header|Scary Face|Normal}}
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev8|SwSh}}|[[Galar Mine]]|N/A|N/A|roundyleft|roundybr}}
In [[Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl]], TMs can only be used once.
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev8|BDSP}}|[[Wayward Cave]], {{si|Battle Tower}}, {{DL|Grand Underground|Merchants|Grand Underground merchant}}|80 [[Battle Point|BP]] <br>[[File:Bag Red Sphere L Sprite.png|15px|link=Sphere]]×13 or 15<br>[[File:Bag Green Sphere L Sprite.png|15px|link=Sphere]]×13 or 15<br>[[File:Bag Blue Sphere L Sprite.png|15px|link=Sphere]]×13 or 15<br>[[File:Bag Prism Sphere L Sprite.png|15px|link=Sphere]]×10 or 12{{sup/8|BD}}/8 or 10{{sup/8|SP}}<br>[[File:Bag Pale Sphere L Sprite.png|15px|link=Sphere]]×8 or 10{{sup/8|BD}}/10 or 12{{sup/8|SP}}|{{pdollar}}1,500|roundyleft|roundybr}}
===Generation IX===
In [[Generation IX]], TMs can only be used once.
{{TMtable/header|Poison Tail|Poison}}
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrev9|SV}}|[[Artazon]], [[Glaseado Mountain]], [[East Province (Area One)]], [[TM Machine]]<hr>'''Only in [[The Teal Mask]]:'''<br>[[Wistful Fields]]|800 [[League Point|LP]]<br>[[File:Bag TM Material Sprite.png|15px|link=TM Material]] Seviper Fang ×3<br>[[File:Bag TM Material Sprite.png|15px|link=TM Material]] Shroodle Ink ×3|{{PDollar}}800|roundyleft|roundybr}}
==In the spin-off games==
===Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series===
[[List of TM and HM locations in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series|TMs in the Mystery Dungeon series]] are named only by the move they teach. For example, [[File:MDBag TM RTRB Sprite.png]]Attract is the item that teaches the move {{m|Attract}}. Most TMs, however, correspond to a TM in the core series' contemporaneous games.
TMs in [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team]] and in [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|Explorers of Time, Darkness]], and [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky|Sky]], TMs can only be used once before becoming [[Used TM]]s. In [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity|Gates to Infinity]], TMs can be used any number of times. In [[Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon]], some TMs can only be used once while rainbow-colored TMs can be used any number of times.
In [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX|Rescue Team DX]], TMs can only be used once. Whilst the available TMs are the same as those in {{g|Sun and Moon}}, the TM list order is the same as for Super Mystery Dungeon (that is, in the TM order for {{g|Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire}}), with newly added TMs added to the end of the list.

{| {{bluetable}}
|- style="background: #C0C0FF;"
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrevmd|RB}}|[[Magma Cavern]]{{tt|*|first part only}}, [[Sky Tower]], [[Howling Forest]], [[Stormy Sea]], [[Silver Trench]], [[Fiery Field]], [[Lightning Field]], [[Northwind Field]], [[Northern Range]], [[Pitfall Valley]], [[Buried Relic]], [[Wish Cave]], [[Desert Region]], [[Southern Cavern]], [[Wyvern Hill]], [[Solar Cave]], [[Darknight Relic]], [[Grand Sea]], [[Joyous Tower]], [[Far-Off Sea]], [[Purity Forest]]<br/>[[Kecleon Shop]] (Joyous Tower, Purity Forest)<br/>[[Monster House]]s (all)<br/>Buried items (Buried Relic, Darknight Relic, [[Remains Island]])<br/>[[Job (Mystery Dungeon)|Job rewards]] (B-★)|6500 [[File:MDBag Poké RTRB Sprite.png|link=Poké]]|1500 [[File:MDBag Poké RTRB Sprite.png|link=Poké]]|roundytl}}
! Generation
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrevmd|T}}|[[Trade]], A-OK Mail, [[Wonder Mail]], Friend Rescue|6500 [[File:MDBag Poké TDS Sprite.png|link=Poké]]|250 [[File:MDBag Poké TDS Sprite.png|link=Poké]]}}
! Move
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrevmd|DS}}|[[Final Maze]]<br/>[[Kecleon Shop]]s ([[Mystifying Forest]]{{sup/md|D}}{{tt|*|even floors and floors 1 and 3}}, {{OBP|Mt. Travail|Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky}}{{sup/md|D}}, [[Concealed Ruins]], {{OBP|Mystery Jungle|Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky}}, [[Lake Afar]]{{tt|*|even floors and floor 1}}, [[Happy Outlook]]{{sup/md|D}}{{tt|*|even floors and floor 1}}, [[Mt. Mistral]]{{sup/md|D}}{{tt|*|even floors and floor 1}}, [[Shimmer Hill]]{{sup/md|D}}{{tt|*|odd floors}}, [[Midnight Forest]]{{sup/md|D}}{{tt|*|even floors and floors 1 and 3}}, [[Destiny Tower (Explorers of Sky)|Destiny Tower]]{{sup/md|S}})<br/>[[Treasure Town]] Kecleon Wares (after graduating)<br/>Hidden Stairs (Lake Afar, [[Treacherous Waters]], [[Southeastern Islands]], [[Inferno Cave]]){{sup/md|s}}<br/>[[Spinda's Café]] (Gold Ticket big win; Prism Ticket win){{sup/md|s}}<br/>Sometimes received as a reward from {{p|Numel}} found on [[Sky Peak Mountain Path]]{{sup/md|s}}|6500 [[File:MDBag Poké TDS Sprite.png|link=Poké]]|250 [[File:MDBag Poké TDS Sprite.png|link=Poké]]}}
! colspan="2" | Locations
! Price
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}|[[Kecleon Shop]]s|1474 [[File:Poké currency VI Sprite.png|link=Poké]]|148 [[File:Poké currency VI Sprite.png|link=Poké]]}}
| class="c" | [[Generation I|I]]
{{TMtable/row|{{gameabbrevmd|RTDX}}|Various dungeons (including: [[Mt. Thunder]], [[Lapis Cave]], [[Frosty Forest]], [[Joyous Tower]], [[Purity Forest]])<br/>[[Monster House|Monster Houses]] ([[Purity Forest]])<br/>[[Kecleon Shop]] ([[Joyous Tower]], [[Purity Forest]])<br/>[[Kecleon Shop#In towns|Kecleon Wares]] ([[Pokémon Square]])<br/>[[Treasure Box|Treasure Boxes]]|1950 [[File:Poké currency VI Sprite.png|link=Poké]]|390 [[File:Poké currency VI Sprite.png|link=Poké]]|roundybl|roundybr}}
| class="c" | {{m|Earthquake}}
| class="c" colspan="2" | [[Silph Co.]]
| class="c" | &mdash;
| class="c" | [[Generation II|II]]
| class="c" | {{m|Earthquake}}
| class="c" colspan="2" | [[Victory Road (Kanto)|Victory Road]]
| class="c" | &mdash;
| class="c" rowspan="4" | [[Generation III|III]]
| class="c" rowspan="4" | {{m|Earthquake}}
| class="c" | <small>[[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Versions|RS]][[Pokémon Emerald Version|E]]</small>
| class="c" | [[Seafloor Cavern]], {{a|Pickup}}{{tt|*|Emerald Only}}
| class="c" | &mdash;
| class="c" | <small>[[Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Versions|FRLG]]</small>
| class="c" | Prize for defeating [[Giovanni]]
| class="c" | &mdash;
| class="c" | <small>[[Pokémon Colosseum|Colo.]]</small>
| class="c" | Research Lab
| class="c" | &mdash;
| class="c" | <small>[[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD]]</small>
| class="c" | [[Cipher Key Lair]]
| class="c" | &mdash;
| class="c" | [[Generation IV|IV]]
| class="c" | {{m|Earthquake}}
| class="c" colspan="2" | [[Wayward Cave]], [[Battle Tower]], {{a|Pickup}}
| class="c" | 80[[Battle Points|BP]]

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Latest revision as of 15:58, 7 August 2024

If you were looking for the glitch move, see TM26 (move).
Move Machine 026
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I Items
Generation II TMs and HMs
Generation III TMs and HMs (RSE)
Generation III TM Case (FRLG)
Generation IV TMs and HMs
Generation V TMs and HMs
Generation VI TMs and HMs
Generation VII TMs (SMUSUM)
Generation VII TM Case (PE)
Generation VIII TMs
Generation IX TMs

TM026 (Japanese: わざマシン026 Move Machine 026), known as TM26 prior to Generation IX, is a TM introduced in Generation I. It teaches a compatible Pokémon a move. The move it teaches depends on the game. For compatibility, refer to the move's page.

In the core series games

Generation I

In Generation I, TMs can only be used once.

Location Purchase price Sell price
RBY Silph Co. N/A $2000

Generation II

In Generation II, TMs can only be used once.

Location Purchase price Sell price
GSC Victory Road N/A $1500

Generation III

In Generation III, TMs can only be used once.

Location Purchase price Sell price
RSE Seafloor Cavern, PickupE, Trainer HillE (Japan-only e-Reader exclusive) N/A $1500
FRLG Prize for defeating Giovanni N/A $1500
Colo Shadow PKMN Lab N/A $1500
XD Cipher Key Lair, Pickup N/A $1500

Generation IV

In Generation IV, TMs can only be used once. TMs cannot be used in Pokémon Battle Revolution, but they can be transferred to a Generation IV DS game via Mystery Gift.

Location Purchase price Sell price
DPPt Wayward Cave, Battle TowerDP/FrontierPt, Pickup 80BP $1500
HGSS Victory Road, Battle Frontier, Pickup 80BP $1500
PBR After beating first set of Masters Battle 12,000PC N/A

Generation V

In Generation V, TMs can be used any number of times.

Location Purchase price Sell price
BW Relic Castle N/A N/A
B2W2 Route 15 N/A N/A

Generation VI

In Generation VI, TMs can be used any number of times.

Location Purchase price Sell price
XY Route 22 N/A N/A
ORAS Seafloor Cavern N/A N/A

Generation VII

In Generation VII, TMs can be used any number of times.

Location Purchase price Sell price
SM Resolution Cave N/A N/A
USUM Resolution Cave N/A N/A

Poison Jab
Location Purchase price Sell price
PE Celadon City N/A N/A

Generation VIII

In Pokémon Sword and Shield, TMs can be used any number of times.

Scary Face
Location Purchase price Sell price
SwSh Galar Mine N/A N/A

In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, TMs can only be used once.

Location Purchase price Sell price
BDSP Wayward Cave, Battle Tower, Grand Underground merchant 80 BP
×13 or 15
×13 or 15
×13 or 15
×10 or 12BD/8 or 10SP
×8 or 10BD/10 or 12SP

Generation IX

In Generation IX, TMs can only be used once.

Poison Tail
Location Purchase price Sell price
SV Artazon, Glaseado Mountain, East Province (Area One), TM Machine
Only in The Teal Mask:
Wistful Fields
800 LP
Seviper Fang ×3
Shroodle Ink ×3

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

TMs in the Mystery Dungeon series are named only by the move they teach. For example, Attract is the item that teaches the move Attract. Most TMs, however, correspond to a TM in the core series' contemporaneous games.

TMs in Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, TMs can only be used once before becoming Used TMs. In Gates to Infinity, TMs can be used any number of times. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, some TMs can only be used once while rainbow-colored TMs can be used any number of times.

In Rescue Team DX, TMs can only be used once. Whilst the available TMs are the same as those in Pokémon Sun and Moon, the TM list order is the same as for Super Mystery Dungeon (that is, in the TM order for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire), with newly added TMs added to the end of the list.

Location Purchase price Sell price
MDRB Magma Cavern*, Sky Tower, Howling Forest, Stormy Sea, Silver Trench, Fiery Field, Lightning Field, Northwind Field, Northern Range, Pitfall Valley, Buried Relic, Wish Cave, Desert Region, Southern Cavern, Wyvern Hill, Solar Cave, Darknight Relic, Grand Sea, Joyous Tower, Far-Off Sea, Purity Forest
Kecleon Shop (Joyous Tower, Purity Forest)
Monster Houses (all)
Buried items (Buried Relic, Darknight Relic, Remains Island)
Job rewards (B-★)
6500 1500
MDT Trade, A-OK Mail, Wonder Mail, Friend Rescue 6500 250
MDDS Final Maze
Kecleon Shops (Mystifying ForestD*, Mt. TravailD, Concealed Ruins, Mystery Jungle, Lake Afar*, Happy OutlookD*, Mt. MistralD*, Shimmer HillD*, Midnight ForestD*, Destiny TowerS)
Treasure Town Kecleon Wares (after graduating)
Hidden Stairs (Lake Afar, Treacherous Waters, Southeastern Islands, Inferno Cave)S
Spinda's Café (Gold Ticket big win; Prism Ticket win)S
Sometimes received as a reward from Numel found on Sky Peak Mountain PathS
6500 250
SMD Kecleon Shops 1474 148
MDRTDX Various dungeons (including: Mt. Thunder, Lapis Cave, Frosty Forest, Joyous Tower, Purity Forest)
Monster Houses (Purity Forest)
Kecleon Shop (Joyous Tower, Purity Forest)
Kecleon Wares (Pokémon Square)
Treasure Boxes
1950 390

Technical Machines
This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.