Stantler (Pokémon)/Generation VIII learnset: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Created page with "{{pokelinkback|234|Stantler|BDSP}} Stantler is available in {{pkmn|Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl}} and Pokémon Legends: Arceus. ====By leveling up==== {..."
Oneofthosedf (talk | contribs)
(6 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 7: Line 7:
{{learnlist/level8|16|Sand Attack|Ground|Status|—|100|15||}}
{{learnlist/level8|16|Sand Attack|Ground|Status||100|15||}}
{{learnlist/level8|21|Take Down|Normal|Physical|90|85|20||'''}}
{{learnlist/level8|21|Take Down|Normal|Physical|90|85|20||'''}}
{{learnlist/level8|23|Confuse Ray|Ghost|Status|—|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/level8|23|Confuse Ray|Ghost|Status||100|10||}}
{{learnlist/level8|27|Calm Mind|Psychic|Status|—|—|20||}}
{{learnlist/level8|27|Calm Mind|Psychic|Status|||20||}}
{{learnlist/level8|33|Role Play|Psychic|Status|—|—|10||}}
{{learnlist/level8|33|Role Play|Psychic|Status|||10||}}
{{learnlist/level8|38|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Physical|80|90|15||}}
{{learnlist/level8|38|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Physical|80|90|15||}}

{{learnlist/levelPLA|15|25|Calm Mind|Psychic|Status|—|—|10||}}
{{learnlist/levelLA|15|25|Calm Mind|Psychic|Status|—|—|—|—||10||}}
{{learnlist/levelPLA|21|31|Psyshield Bash|Psychic|Physical|70|90|10||''}}
{{learnlist/levelLA|21|31|Psyshield Bash|Psychic|Physical|70|85|55|90|100|10||''}}
{{learnlist/levelPLA|37|48|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Physical|80|90|10||''}}
{{learnlist/levelLA|37|48|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Physical|80|100|60|90|100|10||''}}

====By [[TM]]====
====By [[TM]]====
{{learnlist/tm8|TM04|Calm Mind|Psychic|Status|—|—|20||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM04|Calm Mind|Psychic|Status|||20||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM10|Work Up|Normal|Status|—|—|30||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM10|Work Up|Normal|Status|||30||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM11|Sunny Day|Fire|Status|—|—|5||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM11|Sunny Day|Fire|Status|||5||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM16|Light Screen|Psychic|Status|—|—|30||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM16|Light Screen|Psychic|Status|||30||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM18|Rain Dance|Water|Status|—|—|5||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM18|Rain Dance|Water|Status|||5||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM22|Solar Beam|Grass|Special|120|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM22|Solar Beam|Grass|Special|120|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM23|Iron Tail|Steel|Physical|100|75|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM23|Iron Tail|Steel|Physical|100|75|15||}}
Line 51: Line 51:
{{learnlist/tm8|TM30|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Special|80|100|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM30|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Special|80|100|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM32|Double Team|Normal|Status|—|—|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM32|Double Team|Normal|Status|||15||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM34|Shock Wave|Electric|Special|60|—|20||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM34|Shock Wave|Electric|Special|60||20||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM48|Skill Swap|Psychic|Status|—|—|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM48|Skill Swap|Psychic|Status|||10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM53|Energy Ball|Grass|Special|90|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM53|Energy Ball|Grass|Special|90|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM57|Charge Beam|Electric|Special|50|90|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM57|Charge Beam|Electric|Special|50|90|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM68|Giga Impact|Normal|Physical|150|90|5||'''}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM68|Giga Impact|Normal|Physical|150|90|5||'''}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM73|Thunder Wave|Electric|Status|—|90|20||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM73|Thunder Wave|Electric|Status||90|20||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM77|Psych Up|Normal|Status|—|—|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM77|Psych Up|Normal|Status|||10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM82|Sleep Talk|Normal|Status|—|—|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM82|Sleep Talk|Normal|Status|||10||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM85|Dream Eater|Psychic|Special|100|100|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM85|Dream Eater|Psychic|Special|100|100|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM92|Trick Room|Psychic|Status|—|—|5||}}
{{learnlist/tm8|TM92|Trick Room|Psychic|Status|||5||}}

====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
{{learnlist/breed8|{{MSP/BDSP|032|Nidoran♂}}{{MSP/BDSP|033|Nidorino}}{{MSP/BDSP|034|Nidoking}}{{MSP/BDSP|135|Jolteon}}{{MSP/BDSP|256|Combusken}}{{MSP/BDSP|257|Blaziken}}<br>{{MSP/BDSP|427|Buneary}}{{MSP/BDSP|428|Lopunny}}|Double Kick|Fighting|Physical|30|100|30||}}
{{learnlist/breed8|{{MSP/H|0032|Nidoran♂}}{{MSP/H|0033|Nidorino}}{{MSP/H|0034|Nidoking}}{{MSP/H|0135|Jolteon}}{{MSP/H|0256|Combusken}}{{MSP/H|0257|Blaziken}}{{MSP/H|0427|Buneary}}{{MSP/H|0428|Lopunny}}|Double Kick|Fighting|Physical|30|100|30|||grid=8}}
{{learnlist/breed8|{{MSP/BDSP|054|Psyduck}}{{MSP/BDSP|055|Golduck}}{{MSP/BDSP|128|Tauros}}{{MSP/BDSP|203|Girafarig}}{{MSP/BDSP|234|Stantler}}{{MSP/BDSP|325|Spoink}}<br>{{MSP/BDSP|326|Grumpig}}|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Physical|80|90|15||}}
{{learnlist/breed8|{{MSP/H|0054|Psyduck}}{{MSP/H|0055|Golduck}}{{MSP/H|0128|Tauros}}{{MSP/H|0203|Girafarig}}{{MSP/H|0234|Stantler}}{{MSP/H|0325|Spoink}}{{MSP/H|0326|Grumpig}}|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Physical|80|90|15|||grid=8}}

Line 95: Line 95:
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Calm Mind|Psychic|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|&mdash;|&mdash;|&mdash;|10||}}
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Calm Mind|Psychic|Status||||||10||}}
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Charge Beam|Electric|Special|50|60|40|90|100|15||}}
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Charge Beam|Electric|Special|50|60|40|90|100|15||}}
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Energy Ball|Grass|Special|80|100|60|100|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Energy Ball|Grass|Special|80|100|60|100|100|10||}}
Line 102: Line 102:
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Special|80|100|60|100|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Special|80|100|60|100|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Wild Charge|Electric|Physical|85|105|65|100|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Wild Charge|Electric|Physical|85|105|65|100|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Physical|80|90|60|90|100|10||''}}
{{learnlist/tutorPLA|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Physical|80|100|60|90|100|10||''}}
[[it:Stantler/Mosse apprese in ottava generazione]]

Latest revision as of 01:03, 8 November 2023

← Stantler Stantler

Stantler is available in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

By leveling up


Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - IX
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
011 Tackle Normal Physical 04040 100100% 35
033 Leer Normal Status 0000 100100% 30
077 Astonish Ghost Physical 03030 100100% 15
1010 Hypnosis Psychic Status 0000 06060% 20
1313 Stomp Normal Physical 06565 100100% 20
1616 Sand Attack Ground Status 0000 100100% 15
2121 Take Down Normal Physical 09090 08585% 20
2323 Confuse Ray Ghost Status 0000 100100% 10
2727 Calm Mind Psychic Status 0000 00——% 20
3333 Role Play Psychic Status 0000 00——% 10
3838 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 08080 09090% 15
4343 Lunge Bug Physical 08080 100100% 15
4949 Imprison Psychic Status 0000 00——% 10
5050 Entrainment Normal Status 0000 100100% 15
5555 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120120 100100% 15
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Stantler
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Stantler
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - IX
Learn Mastery  Move   Type   Cat.   Power   Accuracy   PP
Base  St.   Ag.  Base  St. 
1 9 Tackle Normal Physical 40 50 30 100% 100% 30
5 14 Confusion Psychic Special 50 60 40 100% 100% 20
9 18 Hypnosis Psychic Status 70% 90% 20
15 25 Calm Mind Psychic Status —% —% 10
21 31 Psyshield Bash Psychic Physical 70 85 55 90% 100% 10
29 40 Extrasensory Psychic Special 70 85 55 100% 100% 15
37 48 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 100 60 90% 100% 10
47 59 Double-Edge Normal Physical 100 120 80 100% 100% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Stantler
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Stantler
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - IX
   TM   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM05 Roar Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM10 Work Up Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 30
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 30
TM17 Protect Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM22 Solar Beam Grass Special 120120 100}}100% 10
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100100 075}}75% 15
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 09090 100}}100% 15
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 110110 070}}70% 10
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100100 100}}100% 10
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 08080 100}}100% 15
TM32 Double Team Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 15
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 06060 00—}}—% 20
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 20
TM44 Rest Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM45 Attract Normal Status 0000 100}}100% 15
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 06060 100}}100% 25
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 05050 090}}90% 10
TM58 Endure Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150150 090}}90% 5
TM70 Flash Normal Status 0000 100}}100% 20
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status 0000 090}}90% 20
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM83 Bulldoze Ground Physical 06060 100}}100% 20
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100100 100}}100% 15
TM87 Swagger Normal Status 0000 085}}85% 15
TM90 Substitute Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Stantler
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Stantler
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations

By breeding

Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - IX
 Parent   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Bite Dark Physical 60 100% 25
Disable Normal Status 100% 20
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100% 30
Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100% 20
Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85% 10
Spite Ghost Status 100% 10
Thrash Normal Physical 120 100% 10
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90% 15
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Stantler in Generation VIII
  • Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
  • Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Stantler in that game.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Stantler
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Stantler
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations

By tutoring


Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - IX
 Game   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
This Pokémon learns no moves by tutoring.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Stantler
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Stantler
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations


Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - IX
 Game   Move   Type   Cat.   Power   Accuracy   PP 
Base  St.   Ag.  Base  St. 
LA Bulldoze Ground Physical 60 75 45 100% 100% 20
LA Calm Mind Psychic Status —% —% 10
LA Charge Beam Electric Special 50 60 40 90% 100% 15
LA Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 60 100% 100% 10
LA Giga Impact Normal Physical 120 150 100 90% 95% 5
LA Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 120 80 75% 90% 5
LA Megahorn Bug Physical 100 120 80 85% 95% 5
LA Psychic Psychic Special 80 100 60 100% 100% 10
LA Rest Psychic Status —% —% 10
LA Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 60 100% 100% 10
LA Swift Normal Special 60 75 45 —% —% 20
LA Thunderbolt Electric Special 80 100 60 100% 100% 10
LA Wild Charge Electric Physical 85 105 65 100% 100% 10
LA Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 100 60 90% 100% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Stantler
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Stantler
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations