Yusuke Ohmura: Difference between revisions

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Meervo (talk | contribs)
Just speculation, there's no confirmation about this
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(14 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
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[[File:Yusuke Ohmura.jpg|thumb|200px|Yusuke Ohmura]]
[[File:Yusuke Ohmura.jpg|thumb|300px|Yusuke Ohmura]]
'''Yusuke Ohmura''' (Japanese: '''大村祐介''' ''Ōmura Yūsuke'', born July 6, 1981) is an illustrator of the artwork for [[Pokémon]] [[Pokémon games|games]] since {{game|Diamond and Pearl|s}}. He has drawn several characters for the [[core series]] games starting with {{game|Black and White|s}}, such as [[Gym Leader]]s and the [[Elite Four]] of [[Unova]].
'''Yusuke Ohmura''' (Japanese: '''大村祐介''' ''Ōmura Yūsuke'', born July 6, 1981) is an illustrator of the artwork for [[Pokémon]] [[Pokémon games|games]] since {{game|Diamond and Pearl|s}}. He has drawn several characters for the [[core series]] games starting with {{game|Black and White|s}}, such as [[Gym Leader]]s and the [[Elite Four]] of [[Unova]].

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He is also an illustrator for the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]], starting with the {{TCG|Mysterious Treasures}} expansion. For a complete list of cards that Ohmura illustrated, go [[:Category:Illus. by Yusuke Ohmura|here]].
He is also an illustrator for the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]], starting with the {{TCG|Mysterious Treasures}} expansion. For a complete list of cards that Ohmura illustrated, go [[:Category:Illus. by Yusuke Ohmura|here]].

The following is a list of Pokémon designed by Yusuke Ohmura.
<gallery widths=100>
The following is a list of Pokémon designed by Ohmura.
File:393Piplup.png|{{p|Piplup}}<ref name=Peer>[http://raim2005.blog18.fc2.com/blog-entry-911.html Pokémon Peer interview] [http://pokebeach.com/2010/09/pokemon-peer-interview-translations (Translation by Pokebeach)]</ref>
<gallery widths="100">
File:501Oshawott.png|{{p|Oshawott}}<ref name=Peer/><ref name=ND201>''Nintendo Dream'' Vol. 201, January 2011 ([http://lavacutcontent.com/ken-sugimori-nintendo-dream-3/ Translation by Dr. Lava])</ref>
393Piplup.png|{{p|Piplup}}<ref name=Peer>[http://raim2005.blog18.fc2.com/blog-entry-911.html Pokémon Peer interview] [http://pokebeach.com/2010/09/pokemon-peer-interview-translations (Translation by Pokebeach)]</ref>
File:502Dewott.png|{{p|Dewott}}<ref name=Peer/>
501Oshawott.png|{{p|Oshawott}}<ref name=Peer/><ref name=ND201>''Nintendo Dream'' Vol. 201, January 2011 ([http://lavacutcontent.com/ken-sugimori-nintendo-dream-3/ Translation by Dr. Lava])</ref>
File:503Samurott.png|{{p|Samurott}}<ref name=Peer/>
502Dewott.png|{{p|Dewott}}<ref name=Peer/>
File:602Tynamo.png|{{p|Tynamo}}<ref name=ND205>''Nintendo Dream'' Vol. 205, May 2011 ([https://web.archive.org/web/20110402003550/http://shellspider.blog101.fc2.com/blog-entry-562.html Shellspider's blog (Japanese)], [http://lavacutcontent.com/ken-sugimori-nintendo-dream/ Translation by Dr. Lava])</ref>
503Samurott.png|{{p|Samurott}}<ref name=Peer/>
File:603Eelektrik.png|{{p|Eelektrik}}<ref name=ND205/>
602Tynamo.png|{{p|Tynamo}}<ref name=ND205>''Nintendo Dream'' Vol. 205, May 2011 ([https://web.archive.org/web/20110402003550/http://shellspider.blog101.fc2.com/blog-entry-562.html Shellspider's blog (Japanese)], [http://lavacutcontent.com/ken-sugimori-nintendo-dream/ Translation by Dr. Lava])</ref>
File:604Eelektross.png|{{p|Eelektross}}<ref name=ND205/>
603Eelektrik.png|{{p|Eelektrik}}<ref name=ND205/>
File:656Froakie.png|{{p|Froakie}}<ref name=TCG>Creator profile on Yusuke Ohmura in the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game Illustration Collection]], p. 183: "He has created numerous popular characters such as Piplup, Oshawott, and Froakie." ([https://twitter.com/_TropicalSplash/status/1581748599926714368 archive])</ref>
604Eelektross.png|{{p|Eelektross}}<ref name=ND205/>
File:716Xerneas.png|{{p|Xerneas}} (with [[Ken Sugimori]])<ref name=Xerneas/>
656Froakie.png|{{p|Froakie}}<ref name=TCG>Creator profile on Yusuke Ohmura in the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game Illustration Collection]], p. 183: "He has created numerous popular characters such as Piplup, Oshawott, and Froakie." ([https://twitter.com/_TropicalSplash/status/1581748599926714368 archive])</ref>
File:717Yveltal.png|{{p|Yveltal}} (with [[Ken Sugimori]])<ref name=Xerneas/>
716Xerneas.png|{{p|Xerneas}} (with [[Ken Sugimori]])<ref name=Xerneas/>
File:888Zacian.png|{{p|Zacian}}<ref name=Ohmura112219>[https://twitter.com/yusuke_omura/status/1197832943630090241 Tweet about designing Zacian and Zamazenta]</ref>
717Yveltal.png|{{p|Yveltal}} (with [[Ken Sugimori]])<ref name=Xerneas/>
File:889Zamazenta.png|{{p|Zamazenta}}<ref name=Ohmura112219/>
888Zacian.png|{{p|Zacian}}<ref name=Ohmura112219>[https://twitter.com/yusuke_omura/status/1197832943630090241 Tweet about designing Zacian and Zamazenta]</ref>
File:891Kubfu.png|{{p|Kubfu}}<ref name=Ohmura128080>[https://twitter.com/yusuke_omura/status/1280804410176622593 Tweet about designing Kubfu and Urshifu]</ref>
889Zamazenta.png|{{p|Zamazenta}}<ref name=Ohmura112219/>
File:892Urshifu-Single Strike.png|{{p|Urshifu}} (Single Strike Style)<ref name=Ohmura128080/>
891Kubfu.png|{{p|Kubfu}}<ref name=Ohmura128080>[https://twitter.com/yusuke_omura/status/1280804410176622593 Tweet about designing Kubfu and Urshifu]</ref>
File:892Urshifu-Gigantamax Single Strike.png|[[Gigantamax]] {{p|Urshifu}} (Single Strike Style)<ref name=Ohmura128080/>
892Urshifu-Single Strike.png|{{p|Urshifu}} (Single Strike Style)<ref name=Ohmura128080/>
File:892Urshifu-Rapid Strike.png|{{p|Urshifu}} (Rapid Strike Style)<ref name=Ohmura128080/>
892Urshifu-Gigantamax Single Strike.png|[[Gigantamax]] {{p|Urshifu}} (Single Strike Style)<ref name=Ohmura128080/>
File:892Urshifu-Gigantamax Rapid Strike.png|[[Gigantamax]] {{p|Urshifu}} (Rapid Strike Style)<ref name=Ohmura128080/>
892Urshifu-Rapid Strike.png|{{p|Urshifu}} (Rapid Strike Style)<ref name=Ohmura128080/>
892Urshifu-Gigantamax Rapid Strike.png|[[Gigantamax]] {{p|Urshifu}} (Rapid Strike Style)<ref name=Ohmura128080/>

The following is a list of characters designed by Yusuke Ohmura.
The following is a list of characters designed by Ohmura.
<gallery widths="100">
File:Sword Shield Marnie.png|[[Marnie]]<ref name=Ohmura112219></ref>
Sword Shield Marnie.png|[[Marnie]]<ref name=Ohmura112219></ref>

==Cards illustrated==
==Official artwork==
There are {{PAGESINCATEGORY:Illus. by Yusuke Ohmura}} cards illustrated by Yusuke Ohmura, look: [[:Category:Illus. by Yusuke Ohmura|Illus. by Yusuke Ohmura]].
{{incomplete|section|needs=All generic art seen on cards <br> Ingo, Emmet & Skyla TCG Sleeves <br> All of his concept art <br> XY Super Music Collection <br> Project VOLTAGE <br> Core series key art}}
<gallery widths=100>
This is a collection of official Pokémon artwork drawn by Yusuke Ohmura.
File:ClayCosmicEclipse188.jpg|[[Clay (Cosmic Eclipse 188)]]
File:KorrinaFuriousFists111.jpg|[[Korrina (Furious Fists 95)]]
There are {{PAGESINCATEGORY:Illus. by Yusuke Ohmura}} cards illustrated by Ohmura. For a list of cards he has illustrated, see [[:Category:Illus. by Yusuke Ohmura|here]].
File:IrisPlasmaBlast81.jpg|[[Iris (Plasma Blast 81)]]
File:Jangmo-oDragonMajesty52.jpg|[[Jangmo-o (Dragon Majesty 52)]]
===Core series games===
File:RoseDarknessAblaze168.jpg|[[Rose (Darkness Ablaze 168)]]
This is a collection of art for core series Pokémon games by Yusuke Ohmura.
File:ProfessorBirchObservationsPrimalClash134.jpg|[[Professor Birch's Observations (Primal Clash 134)]]
File:TeamPlasmaGruntPlasmaStorm125.jpg|[[Team Plasma Grunt (Plasma Storm 125)]]
<div style="margin:center; font-size:125%; margin:auto; text-align:center; max-width: 1100px; {{roundy|5px}} border:2px solid #{{black color dark}}; background:#{{white color dark}}">
File:MalamarNightUnison30.jpg|[[Malamar (Unbroken Bonds 119)]]
<div style="margin:auto; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; font-size:80%; padding: 3px; {{roundy|5px}}; #{{white color dark}}; background: #{{white color}}; text-align:center; gap: 2px;">
File:GreninjaNightUnison28.jpg|[[Greninja (Unbroken Bonds 117)]]
File:XerosicPhantomForces110.jpg|[[Xerosic (Phantom Forces 110)]]
<div style="flex: 1; font-size:80%">
File:CherenCareBrilliantStars134.jpg|[[Cheren's Care (Brilliant Stars 134)]]
<div style="{{roundy|20px}}; border:2px solid #{{soulsilver color dark}}; background:#{{heartgold color light}}; flex-basis: 100px; min-width: 80px; height: 150px; overflow:hidden; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center">[[File:Arceus ruins art.png|x150px]]</div>
File:CaitlinPlasmaBlast78.jpg|[[Caitlin (Plasma Blast 78)]]
<div>'''{{GameIcon|HG}}{{GameIcon|SS}}'''<br> {{color2|000|Sinjoh Ruins}}{{fact}}</div>
File:MurkrowSecretWonders95.jpg|[[Murkrow (Secret Wonders 95)]]
File:GhetsisPlasmaFreeze101.jpg|[[Ghetsis (Plasma Freeze 101)]]
File:SalanditDoubleBlaze17.jpg|[[Salandit (Unbroken Bonds 30)]]
File:SoniaRebelClash167.jpg|[[Sonia (Rebel Clash 167)]]
File:ProfessorResearchSwordShield178.jpg|[[Professor's Research (Sword & Shield 178)]]
File:OleanaRebelClash163.jpg|[[Oleana (Rebel Clash 163)]]
===Other artwork===
File:ShadowTriadPlasmaFreeze102.jpg|[[Shadow Triad (Plasma Freeze 102)]]
File:ColressPlasmaStorm118.jpg|[[Colress (Plasma Storm 118)]]
<gallery widths="100">
Black White Cheren.png|[[Cheren]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref>[[a:File:CherenEmergingPowers91.jpg|Cheren (Emerging Powers 91)]]</ref>
Black White Bianca.png|[[Bianca]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref>[[a:File:BiancaEmergingPowers90.jpg|Bianca (Emerging Powers 90)]]</ref>
Black White Cilan.png|[[Cilan]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref>[[a:File:CilanNextDestinies86.jpg|Cilan (Next Destinies 86)]]</ref>
Black White Chili.png|[[Chili]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref>[[a:File:ChiliCilanCressFusionStrike227.jpg|Chili & Cilan & Cress (Fusion Strike 227)]]</ref>
Black White Cress.png|[[Cress]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref>[[a:File:ChiliCilanCressFusionStrike227.jpg|Chili & Cilan & Cress (Fusion Strike 227)]]</ref>
Black White Elesa.png|[[Elesa]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref>[[a:File:ElesaSparkleFusionStrike233.jpg|Elesa's Sparkle (Fusion Strike 233)]]</ref>
Black White Clay.png|[[Clay]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref>[[a:File:ClayCosmicEclipse188.jpg|Clay (Cosmic Eclipse 188)]]</ref>
Black White Skyla.png|[[Skyla]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref>[[a:File:SkylaBoundariesCrossed134.jpg|Skyla (Boundaries Crossed 134)]]</ref>
Black White Caitlin.png|[[Caitlin]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref>[[a:File:CynthiaCaitlinCosmicEclipse189.jpg|Cynthia & Caitlin (Cosmic Eclipse 189)]]</ref>
Black White Emmet.png|[[Emmet]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref name=IngoEmmet>[[a:File:IngoEmmetTeamUp144.jpg|Ingo & Emmet (Team Up 144)]]</ref>
Black White Ingo.png|[[Ingo]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|Black & White]]<ref name=IngoEmmet/>
Black 2 White 2 Rosa.png|{{ga|Rosa}} from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions 2|Black 2 & White 2]]<ref>[[a:File:RosaCosmicEclipse204.jpg|Rosa (Cosmic Eclipse 204))]]</ref>
Black 2 White 2 Hugh.png|[[Hugh]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions 2|Black 2 & White 2]]<ref>[[a:File:HughBoundariesCrossed130.jpg|Hugh (Boundaries Crossed 130)]]</ref>
Black 2 White 2 Cheren.png|[[Cheren]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions 2|Black 2 & White 2]]<ref>[[a:File:CherenCareBrilliantStars134.jpg|Cheren's Care (Brilliant Stars 134)]]</ref>
Black 2 White 2 Roxie.png|[[Roxie]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions 2|Black 2 & White 2]]<ref>[[a:File:RoxieDreamLeague46.jpg|Roxie (Cosmic Eclipse 205)]]</ref>
Black 2 White 2 Elesa.png|[[Elesa]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions 2|Black 2 & White 2]]<ref>[[a:File:ElesaLegendaryTreasuresRC20.jpg|Elesa (Legendary Treasures RC20)]]</ref>
Black 2 White 2 Iris.png|[[Iris]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions 2|Black 2 & White 2]]<ref>[[a:File:IrisPlasmaBlast81.jpg|Iris (Plasma Blast 81)]]</ref>
Black 2 White 2 Team Plasma Grunts.png|{{tc|Team Plasma Grunt}}s from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions 2|Black 2 & White 2]]<ref>[[a:File:TeamPlasmaGruntPlasmaStorm125.jpg|Team Plasma Grunt (Plasma Storm 125)]]</ref>
Black 2 White 2 Colress.png|[[Colress]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions 2|Black 2 & White 2]]<ref>[[a:File:ColressPlasmaStorm118.jpg|Colress (Plasma Storm 118)]]</ref>
Black 2 White 2 Ghetsis.png|[[Ghetsis]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions 2|Black 2 & White 2]]<ref>[[a:File:GhetsisPlasmaFreeze101.jpg|Ghetsis (Plasma Freeze 101)]]</ref>
Black 2 White 2 N.png|[[N]] from [[Pokémon Black and White Versions 2|Black 2 & White 2]]<ref>[[a:File:NBWPromo100.jpg|N (Noble Victories 92)]]</ref>
XY Professor Sycamore.png|[[Professor Sycamore]] from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:ProfessorSycamoreXY122.jpg|Professor Sycamore (XY 122)]]</ref>
XY Team Flare Grunts.png|{{tc|Team Flare Grunt}}s from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:TeamFlareGruntXY129.jpg|Team Flare Grunt (XY 129)]]</ref>
XY Xerosic.png|[[Xerosic]] from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:XerosicPhantomForces110.jpg|Xerosic (Phantom Forces 110)]]</ref>
XY Furisode Girl 3.png|{{tc|Furisode Girl}} from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:FurisodeGirlSilverTempest157.jpg|Furisode Girl (Silver Tempest 157)]]</ref>
XY Hex Maniac.png|{{tc|Hex Maniac}} from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:HexManiacAncientOrigins75.jpg|Hex Maniac (Ancient Origins 75)]]</ref>
XY Lady.png|{{tc|Lady}} from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:LadyForbiddenLight109.jpg|Lady (Forbidden Light 109)]]</ref>
XY Lass.png|{{tc|Lass}} from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:LassRecommendationMAudinoEXMegaBattleDeck24.jpg|Lass's Special (Fates Collide 103)]]</ref>
XY Poké Fan Family.png|{{tc|Poké Fan Family}} from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:PokémonFanClubFlashfire94.jpg|Pokémon Fan Club (Aquapolis 130)]]</ref>
XY Psychic.png|{{tc|Psychic}} from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:PsychicMindReadingRageBrokenHeavens78.jpg|Psychic's Third Eye (BREAKpoint 108)]]</ref>
XY Rangers.png|{{tc|Rangers}} from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:PokémonRangerFeverBurstFighter54.jpg|Pokémon Ranger (Steam Siege 104)]]</ref>
XY Roller Skater F.png|{{tc|Roller Skater}} ♀ from [[Pokémon X and Y|X & Y]]<ref>[[a:File:RollerSkaterCosmicEclipse203.jpg|Roller Skater (Cosmic Eclipse 203)]]</ref>
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Professor Birch.png|[[Professor Birch]] from [[Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire|Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]]<ref>[[a:File:ProfessorBirchObservationsPrimalClash134.jp|Professor Birch's Observations (Primal Clash 134)]]</ref>
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Archie.png|[[Archie]] from [[Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire|Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]]<ref>[[a:File:ArchieAceintheHolePrimalClash124.jpg|Archie's Ace in the Hole (Primal Clash 124)]]</ref>
ORAS Delinquent.png|{{tc|Delinquent}} from [[Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire|Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]]<ref>[[a:File:DelinquentBREAKpoint98.jpg|Delinquent (BREAKpoint 98)]]</ref>
0728Popplio.png|{{p|Popplio}} from [[Pokémon Sun and Moon|Sun & Moon]]<ref>[[a:File:PopplioLostThunder65.jpg|Popplio (Lost Thunder 65)]]</ref>
0757Salandit.png|{{p|Salandit}} from [[Pokémon Sun and Moon|Sun & Moon]]<ref>[[a:File:SalanditUnbrokenBonds30.jpg|Salandit (Unbroken Bonds 30)]]</ref>
0782Jangmo-o.png|{{p|Jangmo-o}} from [[Pokémon Sun and Moon|Sun & Moon]]<ref>[[a:File:Jangmo-oDragonMajesty52.jpg|Jangmo-o (Dragon Majesty 52)]]</ref>
Sword Shield Professor Magnolia.png|[[Professor Magnolia]] from [[Pokémon Sword and Shield|Sword & Shield]]<ref>[[a:File:ProfessorResearchSwordShield178.jpg|Professor's Research (Sword & Shield 178)]]</ref>
Sword Shield Sonia.png|[[Sonia]] from [[Pokémon Sword and Shield|Sword & Shield]]<ref>[[a:File:SoniaRebelClash167.jpg|Sonia (Rebel Clash 167)]]</ref>
Sword Shield Oleana.png|[[Oleana]] from [[Pokémon Sword and Shield|Sword & Shield]]<ref>[[a:File:OleanaRebelClash163.jpg|Oleana (Rebel Clash 163)]]</ref>
Sword Shield Chairman Rose.png|[[Rose]] from [[Pokémon Sword and Shield|Sword & Shield]]<ref>[[a:File:RoseDarknessAblaze168.jpg|Rose (Darkness Ablaze 168)]]</ref>

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| 2019-11-15
| 2019-11-15
| Character Design, Pokémon Design
| Character Design, Pokémon Design
|- style="background:#FFF"
| [[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]
| [[Nintendo Switch]]
| 2022-11-18
| Character Design
|- style="background:#FFF"
|[[The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero|Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero]]
|[[Nintendo Switch]]
|Pokémon Design, Character Design

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[[Category:Game cast and crew|Ohmura, Yusuke]]
[[Category:Game staff|Ohmura, Yusuke]]
[[Category:TCG illustrators|Ohmura, Yusuke]]
[[Category:TCG illustrators|Ohmura, Yusuke]]

Latest revision as of 17:01, 5 July 2024

Yusuke Ohmura

Yusuke Ohmura (Japanese: 大村祐介 Ōmura Yūsuke, born July 6, 1981) is an illustrator of the artwork for Pokémon games since Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. He has drawn several characters for the core series games starting with Pokémon Black and White, such as Gym Leaders and the Elite Four of Unova.

Ohmura created the designs for Piplup, Oshawott, and the version mascots of Pokémon X and Y, Xerneas and Yveltal. Initial design for the two Legendary Pokémon was started by Ken Sugimori, but after he encountered 'artist's block', he gave the work to Ohmura, who furthered the designs. Sugimori later returned to finish them.[1] In Pokémon Sun and Moon, he became the lead of Pokémon designer, switching his role with Sugimori.

In 2016, Ohmura left Game Freak and became a freelance illustrator.[2]

He is also an illustrator for the Pokémon Trading Card Game, starting with the Mysterious Treasures expansion. For a complete list of cards that Ohmura illustrated, go here.



The following is a list of Pokémon designed by Ohmura.


The following is a list of characters designed by Ohmura.

Official artwork

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: All generic art seen on cards
Ingo, Emmet & Skyla TCG Sleeves
All of his concept art
XY Super Music Collection
Core series key art

This is a collection of official Pokémon artwork drawn by Yusuke Ohmura.

There are 51 cards illustrated by Ohmura. For a list of cards he has illustrated, see here.

Core series games

This is a collection of art for core series Pokémon games by Yusuke Ohmura.

 HG  SS 
Sinjoh Ruins[citation needed]

Other artwork



Title Platform Release date Position
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Versions Nintendo DS 2006-09-28 Pokémon Design, Graphic Design
Pokémon Battle Revolution Wii 2006-12-14 Pokémon Characters Designed By
Pokémon Platinum Version Nintendo DS 2008-09-13 Pokémon Design, Graphic Design
Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions Nintendo DS 2009-09-12 Pokémon Design, Graphic Design
Pokémon Black and White Versions Nintendo DS 2010-09-18 Pokémon Character Design, 2-D Dot Graphics, Trainer Graphics (Main Design)
Pokémon Black and White Versions 2 Nintendo DS 2012-06-23 Pokémon Character Design, 2-D Dot Graphics, Trainer Graphics (Main Design)
Pokémon X and Y Nintendo 3DS 2013-10-12 Pokémon Characters Design, Pokémon Design Coordination, Trainer Graphics Design
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Nintendo 3DS 2014-11-21 Pokémon Characters Design, Trainer Graphics Design
Pokémon Sun and Moon Nintendo 3DS 2016-11-18 Pokémon Character Design (Lead), Trainer Graphics Design
Pokémon Sword and Shield Nintendo Switch 2019-11-15 Character Design, Pokémon Design
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Nintendo Switch 2022-11-18 Character Design
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Nintendo Switch 2023-02-27 Pokémon Design, Character Design



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ken Sugimori got 'artist's block' during Pokemon X and Y development. Official Nintendo Magazine (published on October 24, 2013) (archived)
  2. Yusuke Ohmura's Twitter Bio (archived)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Pokémon Peer interview (Translation by Pokebeach)
  4. Nintendo Dream Vol. 201, January 2011 (Translation by Dr. Lava)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Nintendo Dream Vol. 205, May 2011 (Shellspider's blog (Japanese), Translation by Dr. Lava)
  6. Creator profile on Yusuke Ohmura in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Illustration Collection, p. 183: "He has created numerous popular characters such as Piplup, Oshawott, and Froakie." (archive)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Tweet about designing Zacian and Zamazenta
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Tweet about designing Kubfu and Urshifu
  9. Cheren (Emerging Powers 91)
  10. Bianca (Emerging Powers 90)
  11. Cilan (Next Destinies 86)
  12. Chili & Cilan & Cress (Fusion Strike 227)
  13. Chili & Cilan & Cress (Fusion Strike 227)
  14. Elesa's Sparkle (Fusion Strike 233)
  15. Clay (Cosmic Eclipse 188)
  16. Skyla (Boundaries Crossed 134)
  17. Cynthia & Caitlin (Cosmic Eclipse 189)
  18. 18.0 18.1 Ingo & Emmet (Team Up 144)
  19. Rosa (Cosmic Eclipse 204))
  20. Hugh (Boundaries Crossed 130)
  21. Cheren's Care (Brilliant Stars 134)
  22. Roxie (Cosmic Eclipse 205)
  23. Elesa (Legendary Treasures RC20)
  24. Iris (Plasma Blast 81)
  25. Team Plasma Grunt (Plasma Storm 125)
  26. Colress (Plasma Storm 118)
  27. Ghetsis (Plasma Freeze 101)
  28. N (Noble Victories 92)
  29. Professor Sycamore (XY 122)
  30. Team Flare Grunt (XY 129)
  31. Xerosic (Phantom Forces 110)
  32. Furisode Girl (Silver Tempest 157)
  33. Hex Maniac (Ancient Origins 75)
  34. Lady (Forbidden Light 109)
  35. Lass's Special (Fates Collide 103)
  36. Pokémon Fan Club (Aquapolis 130)
  37. Psychic's Third Eye (BREAKpoint 108)
  38. Pokémon Ranger (Steam Siege 104)
  39. Roller Skater (Cosmic Eclipse 203)
  40. Professor Birch's Observations (Primal Clash 134)
  41. Archie's Ace in the Hole (Primal Clash 124)
  42. Delinquent (BREAKpoint 98)
  43. Popplio (Lost Thunder 65)
  44. Salandit (Unbroken Bonds 30)
  45. Jangmo-o (Dragon Majesty 52)
  46. Professor's Research (Sword & Shield 178)
  47. Sonia (Rebel Clash 167)
  48. Oleana (Rebel Clash 163)
  49. Rose (Darkness Ablaze 168)
  50. Yusuke Ohmura describing his favorite Pokémon

External links

Pokémon designers

Emi AndoHitoshi ArigaKanako EoHiroki FuchinoMotofumi Fujiwara
Misaki HashimotoMana IbeAsuka IwashitaTomohiro KitakazeFumie Kittaka
Yusuke KozakiKazuyuki KurashimaLee HyunJungMegumi MizutaniShigeki Morimoto
Keiko MoritsuguKensaku NabanaAtsuko NishidaYusuke OhmuraTomohiko Ohkubo
Muneo SaitōKen SugimoritakeReiko TanoueAimi TomitaKenkichi Toyama
Saya TsurutaJames TurnerTakao UnnoEmi YoshidaHironobu Yoshida