Template:TeraRaidInfo/doc: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "This template is used to display data on Tera Raid Battles found in {{g|Scarlet and Violet}}. ==How to use== This template should be used after the event's description...."
Line 121: Line 121:
| <code>gender</code>
| <code>gender</code>
| ''String''
| ''String''
| (optional) The gender of the Pokémon. Defaults to Random (use random for Genderless Pokémon).
| (optional) The gender of the Pokémon. Use <code>2</code> if random, leave blank if genderless.
| <code>ivs</code>
| <code>ivs</code>

Latest revision as of 20:38, 8 December 2023

This template is used to display data on Tera Raid Battles found in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

How to use

This template should be used after the event's description.


Parameter Allowed values Notes
stars 1234567 The star rating of the raid.
version ScarletVioletBoth Which game version the raid is available in.
ndex 4 digit number The Pokémon's national dex number, in a 4-digit format.
ndex2 4 digit number (optional) The second Pokémon's national dex number, in a 4-digit format. Intended for Raid Battles where the moves/rewards/etc. are identical, but the Pokémon being battled isn't. Things like Male/Female Indeedee, or Amped/Low Key Toxtricity.
ndex3 4 digit number (optional) Same as above, specifically implemented for Tatsugiri.
pokemon String The name of the Pokémon.
form String (optional) The name of the Pokémon's form, if it has one.
type NormalFireFightingWaterFlyingGrassPoisonElectricGroundPsychicRockIceBugDragonGhostDarkSteelFairyUnknown The Pokémon's primary type.
type2 NormalFireFightingWaterFlyingGrassPoisonElectricGroundPsychicRockIceBugDragonGhostDarkSteelFairyUnknown (optional) The Pokémon's secondary type, if it has one.
teratype NormalFireFightingWaterFlyingGrassPoisonElectricGroundPsychicRockIceBugDragonGhostDarkSteelFairyUnknown (optional) The Pokémon's Tera type, if it is fixed. If the Tera type is random, leave this blank!
levelboss Number (1-100) The level of the raid boss as an enemy.
moves {{TeraRaidInfo/Move}} A list of moves the boss can use at any time. Each is represented by Template:TeraRaidInfo/Move.
exactions {{TeraRaidInfo/Move}}{{TeraRaidInfo/Move}} A list of extra actions that the boss can use, but only under certain conditions. Each is represented by Template:TeraRaidInfo/Move or Template:TeraRaidInfo/ExAction.


Parameter Allowed values Notes
ev_hp Number (0-255) The boss's HP EV. Defaults to 0.
ev_atk Number (0-255) The boss's Attack EV. Defaults to 0.
ev_def Number (0-255) The boss's Defense EV. Defaults to 0.
ev_spa Number (0-255) The boss's Special Attack EV. Defaults to 0.
ev_spd Number (0-255) The boss's Special Defense EV. Defaults to 0.
ev_spe Number (0-255) The boss's Speed EV. Defaults to 0.

Catch Info

Parameter Allowed values Notes
levelcatch Number (1-100) The level of the raid boss when it is caught.
ha AlwaysRandomNever (optional) Availability of the Pokémon's Hidden Ability. There are 3 valid values: Always, Random, or Never.
ability String (optional) Name of Ability if the Pokémon has a specific forced ability.
helditem String (optional) The Pokémon's held item. Defaults to None.
gender String (optional) The gender of the Pokémon. Use 2 if random, leave blank if genderless.
ivs 0123456 (optional) The amount of guaranteed-perfect IVs. Defaults to 0.


Parameter Allowed values Notes
dropsfixed {{TeraRaidInfo/Drop}} Fixed drops from the raid. Represent each drop using the template Template:TeraRaidInfo/Drop. Defaults to None.
dropsrandom {{TeraRaidInfo/Drop}} Random drops from the raid. Represent each drop using the template Template:TeraRaidInfo/Drop. Defaults to None.

Event Tera Raid only (all optional)

Parameter Allowed values Notes
size Number (0-255) Scale value for raids with forced Scale values.
shiny yesno If the raid boss can be shiny or not.
onlyonce yesno If the raid boss can be captured more than once on a single save.
hpmod Number HP multiplier for the raid boss.
nonterapct Number Percentage multiplier for Non-Terastallized Pokémon, if it is different from the default 20.
iterapenalty Number Percentage multiplier for Terastallized Pokémon using moves of their non-Tera type, if it is different from the default 35.
terabonus Number Percentage multiplier for Terastallized Pokémon using moves of their Tera type, if it is different from the default 75.
timer Number Number of seconds before the Tera raid auto-fails, if it is different from the default 450.


{{TeraRaidInfo/Move|move=Play Rough|type=Fairy|cat=Physical}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Move|move=Iron Tail|type=Steel|cat=Physical}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Move|move=Rain Dance|type=Water|cat=Status|condition=99% time remaining}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Move|move=Surf|type=Water|cat=Special|condition=98% time remaining}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/ExAction|action=Reset boss stat changes|condition=80% time remaining}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/ExAction|action=Steal Tera Orb charge|condition=80% time remaining}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/ExAction|action=Reset boss stat changes|condition=65% health remaining}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/ExAction|action=Steal Tera Orb charge|condition=65% time remaining}}
|helditem=Light Ball
|ability=Lightning Rod
|size=between 240 and 255
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Exp. Candy L|amount=6|fixed=Everyone}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Exp. Candy XL|amount=4|fixed=Everyone}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Tera Shard|amount=20|fixed=Everyone}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Tera Shard|amount=10|fixed=Host}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Ability Patch|amount=1|fixed=First}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Exp. Candy L|amount=5|droprate=23}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Exp. Candy L|amount=3|droprate=15}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Star Piece|amount=2|droprate=10}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Rare Candy|amount=2|droprate=10}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Tera Shard|amount=10|droprate=5}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=PP Up|amount=1|droprate=5}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Exp. Candy XL|amount=2|droprate=5}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Bottle Cap|amount=1|droprate=4}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Mint Sp. Atk|mint=Quiet Mint|amount=1|droprate=3}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Ability Capsule|amount=1|droprate=2}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Comet Shard|amount=1|droprate=2}}
{{TeraRaidInfo/Drop|item=Ability Patch|amount=1|droprate=1}}
7★ Tera Raid
Available in:
Scarlet Violet

Lv. 100
Tera Type: Water
Held Item: Light Ball
  • Caught Level: 100
  • Ability: Lightning Rod
  • Shiny: Never
  • Scale: between 240 and 255
  • Timer: 600 seconds
  • Perfect IVs: 6
  • Nature: Quiet
Extra Actions
Rain Dance (99% time remaining)
Surf (98% time remaining)
Reset boss stat changes(80% time remaining)
Steal Tera Orb charge(80% time remaining)
Reset boss stat changes(65% health remaining)
Steal Tera Orb charge(65% time remaining)
EV Spread
Raid Conditions:
This Pokémon may only be caught once per save file
This Pokémon has an HP modifier of 50×.
Non-Terastallized Pokémon will deal 1% damage to the raid boss's shield.
Terastallized Pokémon using moves that do not match their Tera Type will deal 70% damage to the raid boss's shield.
Terastallized Pokémon using moves that do match their Tera Type will deal 120% damage to the raid boss's shield.
Fixed drops
Item Eligibility
Exp. Candy L ×6 All participants
Exp. Candy XL ×4 All participants
Calcium ×5 All participants
Corresponding Tera Shard ×20 All participants
Corresponding Tera Shard ×10 Host
TM123 ×1 First time only
Ability Patch ×1 First time only
Random drops
Item Drop rate
Exp. Candy L ×5 23%
Exp. Candy L ×3 15%
Star Piece ×2 10%
Calcium ×5 10%
Rare Candy ×2 10%
Corresponding Tera Shard ×10 5%
PP Up ×1 5%
Nugget ×2 5%
Exp. Candy XL ×2 5%
Bottle Cap ×1 4%
Quiet Mint ×1 3%
Ability Capsule ×1 2%
Comet Shard ×1 2%
Ability Patch ×1 1%