Piers/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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GroundNecton (talk | contribs)
(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
Line 563: Line 563:
* Using item
* Using item
: ''"Check this out!"''
: ''"Check this out!"''
* Using item (Sygna Suit)
* Using item (Sygna Suit)
: ''"This one's special!"''-->
: ''"This one's special!"''

* Using Trainer move
* Using Trainer move
Line 779: Line 779:
: ''"How did the pictures turn out, by the way?"''
: ''"How did the pictures turn out, by the way?"''

;Emmet's Party Prep - Heart and Soul
;Costume Event - Emmet's Party Prep—Heart and Soul
*'''How to Butler...'''
*'''How to Butler...'''
: ''"{{mas|Marnie}} told me everything."''
: ''"{{mas|Marnie}} told me everything."''

Latest revision as of 03:28, 6 August 2024

These are Piers's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon Sword and Shield

  • Before battle
"*sigh*... So you're finally here, huh?"
"See, I'm...I'm really not a great Gym Leader. Figured that's why nobody was comin' to challenge me."
"I have good ears, so I overheard the whole thing about the city bein' shut up. When I was alone, it was like my soul was weepin'."
"This is a simple Gym Stadium. We can't even Dynamax our Pokémon, but well... I still hope you enjoy the battle."
"Now then..."
"I'm the Gym Leader of Spikemuth, Piers, the Dark-type user!"
"You wanna challenge me, even though you know you'll lose? Then this song's for you, foolish Trainer!"
"Get ready for a mosh pit with me and my party! Spikemuth, it's time to rock!"
  • In battle
Upon sending out Scrafty: "Everyone, cheer on my Pokémon! Let's do it, Scrafty! Intimidate the opponent!"
Upon sending out Malamar: "Malamar's gonna mess you all up with its Contrary Ability!"
Upon sending out Skuntank: "Everyone's gonna stink, but who cares! Go, Skuntank! Use your Sucker Punch and Toxic!"
Upon sending out Obstagoon: "Time to meet another member of my crew! Face the proud, high roar of my Obstagoon!"
Upon commanding Obstagoon to use Throat Chop: "Here's a number I had saved just for this! You lot in the stands better cheer me on!"
Upon sending out last Pokémon: "I don't do encores, get it? Not songs... Not moves... Not Pokémon!"
Upon being defeated: "Me an' my team gave it our best. Let's meet up again for a battle some time..."
  • After being defeated
"I'm glad we were able to battle. Seems like my Pokémon feel the same way."
"Here's your Dark Badge."
"Here's a uniform, too... I've actually been thinkin' about just sellin' them at my concerts."
"My little sis Marnie's gonna challenge me next, I bet."
"Do you want to go back to the reception area?"
"So you were watchin', Sis... You won't learn anythin' from seein' me lose."
"That right? That reminds me. Marnie, there's somethin' I wanted to tell you."
"I want you to take over the Gym here in Spikemuth as its Gym Leader."
"Good point. In that case, let your big bro see if you have the skill to be a Champion!"
"Kid's sure got a mouth on him, huh? If you were that noisy durin' battle, you'd unleash a whole new level of power, you know."
"Judgin' by appearances? No wonder you lost to your mate."
"If you're lookin' for the Champion, I saw him headin' to Rose Tower."
"Dunno what he's up to, but I ran into him at the monorail platform. He said to tell you that he had somethin' to do at Rose Tower, so he'd be late to your dinner."
"Sheesh... What rude siblings, always so demandin' of others."
"Though I s'ppose... It's a real problem for me, too, if the Finals are held up for any reason. And I don't really hate the two of you little runts. You were good enough to beat me, after all."
"So I think I'll invite Team Yell along, and we'll all have ourselves a bit of fun. Shall we?"
  • Outside the Rose of the Rondelands
"We decided that Team Yell will cheer you on, <player>. Let's help out together."
"Tch. This isn't good! But I got this one!"
"<player>! Team Yell's yellin' will handle this!"
"For now, we should try to head to the plaza together, right?"
Yes: "All right, let's all work together and head for Rose Tower."
No: "Hmm. You should be able to get to the plaza yourself, right?"
  • Upon arriving at the plaza
"Let's find Oleana's League staff member. That bad one was wearin' those lame shades, right?"
  • If talked to before finding the League staff member
"That bad League staff member was wearin' some awful shades. And the key to findin' anyone is to just ask everyone you meet!"
"Seems like nobody's seen that bad League staff member anywhere else. I bet they're hidin' somewhere nearby."
  • After defeating Eric for the second time
"Makes sense for a cornered person to seek out the tightest hidin' place, I guess. Don't s'ppose you got a box lyin' around?"
  • After defeating Eric for the third time
"Guess that wraps up Oleana's little game. Course, I'm not one to talk, I guess. Team Yell did their fair share of lame tricks... Anyway, let's head to the station."
"Team Yell, go find Hop! We'll corner that League staff member at the station together!"
"You did a crackin' job of cornerin' that bad League staff member, <player>. Let me sing you a song fittin' of your rockin' deeds!"
"The only thing a humble singer can do is sing a humble song. ♪"
"Maybe I can't cheer someone on just with the tunes I play. ♪"
"Maybe my songs don't make anyone happy. Maybe I can't help. ♪"
"But still the only thing I can do is sing—sing my humble song. ♪"
"<player>! Hop! Now's your chance! Go! Get outta here!"
  • Outside Rose Tower
"Times like this—when tension and passion run high—remind me of Spikemuth in the old days. Some right wild concerts we had back then. But no encores!"
"Wait, you're still here?"
"You better get goin'! I'll send some support your way with a yell!"
Wyndon Stadium
  • If talked to in the locker room
"I'd say I aim to win this thing... And I'll do it without usin' Dynamax, to help everyone in Spikemuth reclaim their pride... and to see 'em smile once again."
"Sis. You shouldn't be forcin' your way in here."
"You got it wrong, Sis. Raihan's just that strong. But I was able to show everyone in the audience how amazin' a proper battle without usin' Dynamax can be."
"Sorry to come in for a chin-wag just before the final match. Raihan's waiting for you on the pitch. We're lookin' forward to a right good battle."
  • During Champion Cup rematches
  • Before battle
"I'll get the audience pumped up, even without usin' Dynamax!"
  • In battle
Upon being defeated: "That's it?! Piers doesn't do encores, but I admit I'm tempted right now!"
  • After being defeated
"Battlin' you makes me wanna try out a new battle style. Maybe a Pokémon battle and a gig combined. What do you think, huh? Could sound battles be a thing?"
Turffield Stadium
  • In the post-game
"Hm? You're..."
What's going on here? : "Hah! How carefree can you be? You're the new Champion. You're bigger than a Dynamax Pokémon right now."
"The audience and staff already took shelter."
"I'll lend a hand, too. I don't blame the Pokémon, of course, but I'm still just a bit miffed they upstaged me. You come too, bro of the old Champion."
"I don't really know the guy, but I don't think Leon'd be all lost about this. Though he does get actually lost a lot... You comin'?"
"This Dynamax stuff... No matter how many times I see it, I still don't like it."
"Seems there was some discord in the harmony between Trainer and Pokémon."
"Who are these guys? Spectators and staff should've been evacuated."
"You think I'd put any faith in words from rude little punks like you?"
  • After Sordward and Shielbert leave
"Calm down, Hop. You don't gotta act so hard."
"Yeah, and they could be leadin' us to a trap. It's a bad idea to run in unprepared."
"Good. Let's all calm down for a sec. Thanks to them runnin' their mouths, we know their goal is to force Pokémon to Dynamax."
  • If talked to again
"How're those two makin' Pokémon Dynamax without any Dynamax Bands? "
"I'm an ex-Gym Leader. I can be wherever I want. It's not that weird! More importantly, you said there were Dynamax Pokémon at other stadiums?"
"I'm worried about Marnie!"
"Ah... I see."
"Heh. That's the spirit, Champion."
"We'll leave the researchin' to this, er... Sonia, was it? We should get to the other stadiums and help out."
  • If talked to again
"I'll catch up to you in a bit, so head out first. I'll leave it up to you to decide which stadium we handle first."
Hulbury Stadium
"We know the situation. Are the staff and spectators all right?"
"Tch. Leave us alone."
Motostoke Stadium
"Don't think we really got the time for a friendly chin-wag."
"Yeah. That'd be why we're here."
  • After receiving a phone call from Sonia
"What're those two doin' goin' after Wishing Stars?"
"He really doesn't think anythin' through... Sure does make him seem a proper fool. Nah, guess the word would be "reckless." We're headed to the Pokémon Lab next, right? Guess I'll stick by you till we see this through."
  • Inside of the Pokémon Lab
"That's right! You lost a battle, but don't lose that rockin' spirit!"
  • After defeating Sordward and Shielbert
"Oi. The two of you teamed up, too."
  • After Sonia's assistant handed over the Wishing Stars to Sordward and Shielbert
  • If talked to again
"I think she's gonna need some cheerin' from her real friends."
  • Outside of the Pokémon Lab
"We were tryin' to be considerate, but..."
"Heh. Hehehe... You've got some guts."
  • If replied "That's awful!"
"Indeed. What an awful thing to do to Pokémon."
  • After detecting more Dynamax Pokémon at the stadiums
"If there's trouble at the stadiums, then Marnie could be in a real bad way!"
"*ahem* Righto..."
Stow-on-Side Stadium
"Eh, somethin' like that. How're things lookin'?"
"Things'll probably get even tougher from here. We still got three more stadiums where there's some Dynamax Pokémon runnin' wild. Let's up the tempo."
Ballonlea Stadium
"What an obnoxius Gym Leader. The next Gym Challenge is shapin' up to really be somethin'."
"Yeah, yeah. As expected of a wise 88-year-old granny, I guess."
  • After defeating Bede
"If you both are gonna keep talkin', how 'bout I fetch you a nice cuppa?"
"Looks like there's two Pokémon Stadiums left to check."
Circhester Stadium
"Who d'you think you're talkin' to, then? We're here to help, not be helped."
"Looks like he ain't used to compliments. Look, he's got a grin wider than a Meowth."
"There's only one Pokémon Stadium with Dynamax trouble left. Let's finish this already."
Hammerlocke Stadium
"Seems Wishing Stars power is bein' used for some evil purpose."
"Things might actually go better this time if we split up our little band."
"All that's left is to catch those sword and shield weirdos."
"Wasn't Professor Sonia s'pposed to be lookin' into where those two might be?"
  • After receiving a phone call from Sonia
"We're already at Hammerlocke Stadium... The door to the Energy Plant should be right down the hall. Guess we should get goin'."
Energy Plant
"What's with these weirdos? They really creep me out."
"I get it... So all those sudden Dynamax Pokémon from before were just your little experiments."
If talked to again: "Leave the small fries to us! You tackle the blue guy, <player>!"
  • If talked to after defeating SordwardSw/ShielbertSh
"Should we head up?"
Tower summit
  • Upon arriving
"I was hopin' we could just calm it down like we did with the others. But our opponent is a Legendary Pokémon. If you're thinkin' about catchin' it, think again."
"As expected of the Champion... You took complete control of the situation. Plus it looks like that Pokémon is waitin' for you."
  • After catching ZacianSw/ZamazentaSh
"Ugh... Why should I go expectin' those two to start learnin' some manners now?"
"If you really wanna atone, what's with that posh, superior attitude? Ah, whatever..."
"<player>, I think I understand why you became the Champion. But...please don't go callin' me anymore. Seems like I'm only gettin' called out when you're in some sticky situation."
Slumbering Weald
  • After defeating Hop
"They didn't get the chance to properly apologize yet."
"Oi! Don't go runnin' off on your own."
Isle of Armor
  • When first spoken to
"Gah! When I run into you, it's usually a sign things are about to get sticky..."
"I've got my own business to take care of, so I won't be hangin' around with you this time."
"Seems like a lot of different Pokémon make this place their habitat — just like the Wild Area."
"I'm no Leon, but I'm really gettin' turned around in this forest. Might just call a Flying Taxi, if it comes to that."
"That red tower's dead cool lookin', innit? But it's givin' off a real Fightin'-type vibe, so I'm keepin' my distance..."
"It's so dim and cool in here... Feels perfect! Sounds get pretty muffled, though. Not the greatest concert acoustics."
"Look at this — a deep blue ocean of pain... I'm sure if Marnie were here, she'd be whinin' about wantin' to have a swim. Me, though, I don't like swimmin' much. I hate gettin' sunburnt."
"Alone we stand, Obstagoon and me, with these silent sands for company... Heh. Think this place just gave me the idea for my next song."
"It's just too sunny out today. I'm not havin' it. I don't mind the humidity, but the heat's all the way up to eleven."
  • During overcast conditions
"You'd think the moves of Dark types would get wicked strong on gloomy, gray days like this, yeah? But you'd be wrong."
  • During rain or thunderstorms
"Look at you. All full of beans, even in this soakin' wet rain. Hope Marnie brought an umbrella if she's out and about..."
"Seein' a sandstorm takes me back to battlin' Raihan in the Finals."
"We could take cover in the fog, then lash out suddenly with Sucker Punch... I'm thinkin' up ways we could win without needin' to Dynamax."
Wyndon Stadium (Galarian Star Tournament)
  • In the lobby before the invitational tournament
"Every time I end up workin' together with you, I get dragged into some kind'a awful mess. I think I'm good on disasters for the moment. I'll pass on bein' your partner this time."
Partnered with Piers
  • If talked to in the locker room
  • Before the first round
"Wantin' to pair up with someone like me... I won't pretend like I know what you're up to. Dynamaxin' my Pokémon's still off the table, but I'll do whatever else I can in this battle."
  • Before the second round
"I'm not even a Gym Leader anymore or anything. But thanks to you, it seems like I'm still gettin' in plenty of tough battles, huh?"
  • Before the final round
"Well. Looks like we made it all the way to the end. So what? Nothing to worry about. This'll be a walk in the park for you and me."
  • On the field
  • Before the first round, randomly selected
"Hope you're ready to fling that Poké Ball."
"Well then, let's get this show on the road."
  • Before the second round, randomly selected
"Time for round two."
"Don't worry 'bout me. I'll get nice and amped up once the battle starts."
  • Before the final round, randomly selected
"I guess the top of the pile ain't a bad spot to aim for."
"Let's give this crowd somethin' to cheer about!"
  • Upon winning the tournament
  • First time
"Hey, winnin' with you's not bad. D'you think the crowd wants an encore? I wouldn't mind makin' an exception to my rule, just this once."
  • Subsequent victories
"So we won again? I mean, sure, that's real nice and all. I'm happy. But I've had my time as a Gym Leader already. Winnin' too much now would be overkill, innit?"
Facing against Piers
  • In battle
After sending out first Pokémon
With Marnie: "Like there's any way us two together could lose! Got yer spikes all tuned up?"
With Milo: "Aw, quit embarrassin' me, Milo! You'll have to Dynamax for the pair of us!"
With Opal: "Yeah, I've gotta pass on that. I don't think I could handle havin' an 88-year-old Play Rough."
With Raihan: "Dark and Dragon, scales and shade! ♪ Fairy types get us both afraid! ♪"
Upon sending out his last Pokémon: "I've got one last number for ya! Get ready to etch it into your ears and hearts!"
Upon commanding Obstagoon to use Throat Chop: "Watch me strum out one wicked move! Get ready—I'm turnin' it up to eleven!"
Upon being defeated: "My throat's ragged from shoutin'...but that's 'cause it was just that excitin' a battle!"
  • After being defeated
  • In the first round
"Didn't even make it past the first gig. Marnie's gonna give me an earful later..."
  • In the second round
"I'm not gonna use not Dynamaxin' as an excuse. You two were stronger than us—simple as that."
  • In the final round
"Now that's what I call strength worthy of a Champion. Go on, then—the crowd's waitin'!"
Field conversations (with or against the player)
  • Against Hop
"Startin' to look like a rock star, aren't you? Show me how much you've grown!"
  • Against Milo
"It's not like size is the only thing that counts. Give 'em everything you've got!"
  • Against Raihan
"Careful what you wish for! I don't do encores, but requests are another story!"
  • Against Sordward
"Might want to dial down the arrogance. Pride goes before the fall..."
Field conversations (only if Piers is partnered with the player)
  • Against Marnie
"I wasn't plannin' on it... But it ain't easy to resist the urge."
  • Against Leon and Raihan
"I've got my hands full just keepin' up with all of <player>'s shenanigans, really."
Field conversations (only if Piers is against the player)
  • Against Leon (if Piers is partnered with Raihan)
"We're taking on Leon? Great. Now my partner'll never shut up..."
  • Against Marnie
"<player> and Marnie, eh? You're gonna be one pain of a pair to battle."
"Oh, I'm well aware how strong you've got. But I'm still your big brother. You get how it is. Now bring it, Sis! get ready to get crushed down to dust!"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Piers (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"I'm Piers, the Gym Leader of Spikemuth! I make dark music and use Dark-type Pokémon! It's time to rock!"
  • After being recruited (Sygna Suit)
"I'm Piers! I'm gonna sing a song to celebrate our encounter!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"Get ready for a mosh pit with me and my partner! Pasio, it's time to rock!"
"I don't do encores, get it? Not songs... Not moves... Not Pokémon!"
  • Sync pair viewer (Sygna Suit)
"I wanna help everyone in Spikemuth reclaim their pride...and to see 'em smile once again."
"'S go—crowd's waitin'!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Always ready to rock."
  • Selection screen (forming team, Sygna Suit)
"Now, time to sing!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Hop)*
"Show me how much you've grown, Hop!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Marnie)*
"Got yer spikes all tuned up?"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Raihan)*
"Dark and Dragon, scales and shade! ♪"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Roxie)*
"Let's give this crowd somethin' to cheer about, Roxie!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Ryuki)*
"Let's belt it out and rock 'is crowd!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, Sygna Suit)
"See ya!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"We've got some new tricks up our sleeves!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (Sygna Suit)
"Time to show off our newest song!"
  • Upon leveling up
"This just gave me an idea for a new song!"
  • Upon leveling up (Sygna Suit)
"We've got a good rhythm goin'!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"We're the greatest combo of all time!"
  • Upon reaching max level (Sygna Suit)
"We've worked our way to the top!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"We're standing on our biggest stage yet!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (Sygna Suit)
  • Receiving EX style
"Time to start the show!"
  • Receiving EX style (Sygna Suit)
"Let's get onstage!"
  • During conversation
"Hahaha, hh!"
"Hmm-hmm-hmm-hm-hmm! ♪"
"Ehaha, hh."
"Crackin' job!"
"I'm cheerin' for you!"
"None o' that!"
"Ghhh, cuh, ghh..."
"Come off it."
"Thanks, mate."
"My bad."
"Got it."
"Ay! Ghh..."
"How 'bout it?"
"Aw, yeah!"
"Ehahaha, hh."
"Time to start the show!"
  • During conversation (Sygna Suit)
"'Scuse me."
"Eh, hh."
"Hm-hmm-hmm-hm-hm-hm! ♪"
"Hh, huh."
"Well done!"
"You've got 'is!"
"So noisy!"
"Ff, ghhh, hh, huh..."
"Let's go!"
"Appreciate it."
"Very well."
"That's a no."
"I see!"
"See ya!"
"Careful what you wish for!"
"'E're lookin' forward to a right good battle!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"I like when it's all quiet in the morning. Makes it easier to come up with new melodies, y'know?"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Battling's always been a massive inspiration for my songwriting. Some of my best riffs have come from winning a good battle."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"You ever think about how everything on this island's artificial? Well, except the stars—they're so metal, they're in a class all of their own."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning) (Sygna Suit)
"Morning is a time for beginnings. And if your soul is weepin', then I'll sing for you."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Sygna Suit)
"Time to get active. I'll go adventurin' to seek new music."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening) (Sygna Suit)
"The quiet night is perfect for composing music. I need the alone time."
  • During special gift conversation
"Here, it's yours."
  • During special gift conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Use this well."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
  • Co-op match screen (Sygna Suit)
"Let's go!"
  • VS screen
"Come at me!"
  • VS screen (Sygna Suit)
"Introducin' the band!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Come on!"
  • Sending out Pokémon (Sygna Suit)
"Feel it!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Do it!"
"Give it to 'em!"
  • Using Pokémon move (Sygna Suit)
  • Using item
"Check this out!"
  • Using item (Sygna Suit)
"This one's special!"
  • Using Trainer move
"You watching?"
  • Using Trainer move (Sygna Suit)
"Risin' up!"
  • Using sync move
"Here's a number I had saved just for this!"
  • Using sync move (Sygna Suit)
"I've got one last number for ya!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
"Rock on!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill (Sygna Suit)
  • Uh-oh!
  • Switching in
"Clear out."
  • Switching in (Sygna Suit)
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"We gave it our best."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (Sygna Suit)
"You did well!"
  • "Nice" emote
"Good rhythm."
  • "Nice" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Nice tune!"
  • "Watch out" emote
"Oi, watch it!"
  • "Watch out" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Be careful!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"Here's a number I had saved just for this!"
  • "Let's do this" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Get ready for the mosh pit!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thanks, mate."
  • "Thanks" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Appreciate it."
  • Defeat
"No way!"
  • Defeat (Sygna Suit)
"We couldn't reach it..."
  • Victory
"I'm glad we were able to battle."
  • Victory (Sygna Suit)
"Eh, hh."
"My throat's ragged from shoutin'...but 'at was an excitin' battle!"
  • Victory (with Hop on the team, in response to Hop)*
"'S a good look!"
  • Victory (with Marnie on the team, in response to Marnie)*
"Siblin' power!"
  • Victory (with Raihan on the team, in response to Raihan)*
"'S pretty solid, 'uh?"
  • Victory (with Roxie on the team, speaks first)*
"Sing an upbeat song!"
Legendary Adventures - Howling Shield of Eternity
  • A Massive Impact
"*sigh* Bit more cautious than your brother, aren't ya."
"That's our line, innit? You're the one who just got here, after all."
  • Raihan to the Rescue
"We heard that Eternatus is on Pasio, and now Pokémon are Dynamaxing all over the place!"
"It's normal to worry about family."
"Better to regret goin' than not goin' at all."
"I've got my reliable little sis with me. We'll take care of things here."
Main Story Villain Arc - Galar - A Millennium into the Future
  • Repeated Mistakes
"Ah, sorry. These lot just care a lot for the team."
  • The Decisive Battle Begins
"This is a chance for Marnie to shine. I'm countin' on you all."
  • Taking Sides
"Maybe I can't cheer someone on just with the tunes I play. ♪"
Main Story Villain Arc - Final Chapter - Where Ideals Cross Paths
  • A Pasio Solution
"This is a jam session featurin' Team Yell and Team Skull! Let's make some noise!"
Story Event - Champion Time
  • The Unbeatable Leon Arrives
"Looks like your reputation as the unbeatable Leon precedes you here on Pasio as well."
  • Exhibition Match Kick-Off
"What's wrong?"
  • Off-screen
  • On-screen
"She's a member of the Johto Elite Four...an' she uses Dark-type Pokémon, just like you."
"She's strong—that goes without saying. But there's a lot you could learn from her, too."
"You're up, Marnie. You ready?"
  • Believe to Achieve!
  • Off-screen
"Marnie! Believe in yourself and your partner!"
  • On-screen
"What're you talking about? You just showed us one heck of a battle."
  • Jam Session
"Oh? What a coincidence. Three singers, all in one place."
"I've heard both of your music, an' I must say–"
"I wasn't planning on singing, but looks like people are raring to go..."
"*sigh* You too, Obstagoon?"
"I s'ppose coincidences like this don't happen every day. All right, then. Let's give everyone a song to commemorate the occasion!"
"After all...the only thing humble singers like us can do is continue singing our humble songs."
  • Partners Forever
"Yeah. As her brother, I'm so glad it looks like it's shaped up to be a good partner."
"I was thinking that if anything ever happened that separated you and Morpeko..."
Solo Event - Yell and Dream
  • Fame and Glory
"So she's doing this for Spikemuth, huh?"
"I'm not really a good Gym Leader... I s'ppose that makes it hard on her."
"<player>, would you be willing to help Marnie out? Consider it cheering her on."
  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
"It's the same for you, Sis."
"You keep giving it your all for our hometown. "
"That's why everyone cheers for you so passionately."
Time Trial Event - Eternal Rivals
  • Duraludon's Rival
"I actually invited Marnie to train with me, but..."
"Oh, no. She just turned me down is all."
  • In flashback
"It's all right. I'll just keep singin'. Singin' my humble songs..."
"Oh... Hello, Gloria."
"Let me sing you a new song. I call it "Ballad of the Sad Older Brother.""
  • Back to present
"As I sang my sad song, Gloria offered to come out and train with me."
"I'd rather not show my hand if I can help it, but I guess we've got no choice, huh."
"Tch... Guess I wasn't able to defend in time."
"Sheesh. You beat me yet again."
Duraludon was so fast!: "Indeed. These two make it rather clear that you can't judge anyone by appearances."
"Let me teach you a little somethin' as well while we're at it."
"I hear that the Duraludon in Galar often fight with the Tyranitar that inhabit the same territory."
"Guess you could say they're rivals. It might be worthwhile to have your Duraludon battle a Tyranitar for a little experience."
"Sounds like you've got someone in mind. <player>, lead the way."
  • Someday, Somehow!
"She may be able to teach you a thing or two about trainin' your Duraludon more effectively."
Story Event - Sweet Shenanigans
  • We Are Team Heartbreak!
  • Off-screen
"Hey, Sis. I've been lookin' for ya."
  • After appearing
"I wanted to sing you a song for Palentine's Day."
"... ... ..."
"So that's what happened. Don't worry, Sis. No need to be sad."
"'Cause your big bro's gonna find those punks and teach 'em a lesson!"
"Course I will. You lot don't mind coming along, do you?"
"Let's split up and find 'em. Gloria and I'll go this way."
  • Show of Gratitude
"Where would they even hide?"
  • Sweet Heart Present
"Fine by me. If they're enjoyin' it, it'll be a more convincing ploy."
"That works in our favor."
"Quickly moved are the hearts of fickle souls..."
"Really, Sis?!"
"So...you really were plannin' on givin' me some chocolates..."
"Well...actually, I've gotten a present, haven't I."
"It's not something I can eat, but I definitely felt those feelings Marnie was sendin' me."
Story Event - Pasio Friendiversary
  • Raihan's Photo Op
"He's changed the weather."
"Maybe. But we've got to keep things exciting even when we're in trouble. That's the golden rule of entertainment!"
"Here's a number I had saved just for this! Obstagoon, use Obstruct!"
"When you give it your all, anything's possible. That goes for singing AND Pokémon battles!"
"Champion! I'm going to take your title right here, right now!"
"Thanks for the battle. It really got me fired up."
"How did the pictures turn out, by the way?"
Costume Event - Emmet's Party Prep—Heart and Soul
  • How to Butler...
"Marnie told me everything."
"I'm glad you were moved by my song, but..."
"I'm sure there are other ways to apply yourself that're more suitable for a butler."
"We did, however, have a lot of freedom. That's why I was able to sing."
"If you stay true to yourself, people will follow your lead."
"But if you're still unsure of yourself..."
"You blow those worries away with a Pokémon battle!"
  • Express Yourself
"When working on trains and music, overthinking can throw everything off track..."
"It's important to keep others in mind, but don't forget about your own feelings!"
"Right, then. Here's a question from me in the form of a tea-party riddle!"
"Aside from being helpful to your customers, what's another thing you can be that'll show them your creative side?"
"Bring at least one sync pair who you think matches the answer!"
  • Butler-Subway-Boss Extraordinaire!
"What a great battle. I can see that my soul has reached you now."
"That's the spirit. I can see the conviction in your face."
"I've got nothing against tea parties. Marnie an' I will stop by for some tea."
Neo Champions - Fight for the Future Together
  • The Second Neo Champion Stadium
"Yeah, request queued up."
"Nope, I can't let that happen. We've got to win."
"(Please watch this, Sis!)"
"Raihan! Gordie! Now's your chance! Go!"
"I guess there's no encore..."
  • How to Beat a Champion
"Sis... You all... From now on, everyone will be watching what you do..."
Story Event - Who's the Best Singer?
  • The Special Concert Battle Begins!
  • Wearing his sygna suit
"Thank you!"
"I know. I feel the heat coming off them."
"Though, I can see a few are gettin' a bit too heated up..."
"It's a bit annoyin'..."
"Righto, then..."
"But it's not just gonna be a jam session..."
"It's gonna be a showdown to determine who's number one!"
  • Different Types of Musicality
"The only problem is the rules of the battle..."
"If we don't set some rules, even as a formality, it'll just be us singin' onstage."
"Sure, that sounds good."
"I'll be lookin' forward to seein' who you two decide to invite."
  • Piers the Melancholy
"I see... Doesn't sound like a bad idea."
"The two of you understand how tough the world of battling can be..."
"So you'll still be able to move the crowd, even without a strong grasp of music."
"I see. Thank you for acceptin'."
"Maybe my songs don't make anyone happy. Maybe I can't help. ♪"
"Superb, I'd say."
"It's so surprisin' that the Toxel I left to jam with you would grow up and evolve to be so strong."
  • What Singers Can Do
"We're the last team, huh."
"We may not have the same energy as the other teams, but we'll sing our feelings."
"We've got one last number for ya! Get ready to etch it into your ears and hearts!"
"Thank you to everyone for listening until the end."
"Now then, it's time to announce the results from the vote."
"I kind of guessed this would happen."
"The votes..."
"were split evenly three ways."
"All we can do is thank them, really."
"That's a good idea. Let's put on a show."
"Let's fill this song with gratitude and gift it to everyone."
"I guess the only thing us singers can do is sing..."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Piers
"C'mon, I'm shopping right now. Be patient, would you?"
"Oi, I said be patient. The music's not going anywhere, mate."
Does Obstagoon want to sing?: "Oh, hey."
"It's not really that he wants to sing. Rather, he wants me to sing for him."
What's going on?: "Hey, <player>. Nice seeing you here."
"I was in the middle of shopping, but Obstagoon's been nagging me to sing."
"He really loves music, so whenever I play music for him, he gets really happy and rocks out to it. He makes a lot of noise along with it, too."
"He matches it to my singing."
"His voice is so metal, I think it'd give you a shock."
I wanna hear it!: "Yeah, sure. Next time we have a battle, we'd be happy to perform a number for you."
Must be amazing!: "Yeah. He really rocks out hard, especially during battles. "
"When I sing during a Pokémon battle an' he gets all amped up, it's great."
"But...it's tough when he wants me to sing when I'm trying to shop or still working on a new song."
"Too much of a good thing can spoil it, y'know?"
"*sigh* OK, fine."
"Maybe I can't cheer someone on just with the tunes I play. ♪"
"Maybe my songs don't make anyone happy. Maybe I can't help. ♪"
"But still the only thing I can do is sing—sing my humble song. ♪"
"Hm? When did all these people show up?"
"It wasn't really supposed to turn into an impromptu outdoor concert..."
Uh-oh!: "Well, I guess it's kinda nice."
What a great song!: "The only thing a humble singer like me can do is sing a humble song."
"It's not that I came to Pasio to have people listen to my music..."
"But if my being famous makes people want to visit Galar and Spikemuth, that'd be great."
"Come to think of it, this is all thanks to Obstagoon."
"Even when I'm negative, he's always there encouraging me."
"He can be needy sometimes, but he's a solid partner to have around."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Sygna Suit Piers
"... ... ..."
"Are you wonderin' what we were doin'? We were just cooling ourselves down from the live show we had."
Did you have a blast?: "Yeah, but..."
Did you burn out?: "I did my best. But..."
"We had different reactions from the audience, because of Toxtricity's low-key personality and my musicality."
"Toxtricity's been a member of my band since we've been in Galar, and..."
"he matches my melancholy musicality, so he's the best partner I could have."
"We've many young fans that admire Toxtricity's dullness, but some of our audience get angry at his attitude."
"Some people will like it, while others won't—just like my songs."
"Well, part of the fun during a live show is seeing the different reactions from the audience."
"For example, Roxie will try to get the audience's attention usin' the opposite method to mine."
How so?: "She'd pump up the crowd and get their energy goin', I suppose..."
So there are many methods!: "Yeah, there are many forms of music as there are artists."
"A simple example would be..."
"When Roxie and I decided to have a jam session, I gave her a Toxel."
"Then, her Toxel evolved into an Amped Form Toxtricity."
"Roxie's Toxtricity seems to prefer lively and intense music, which is perfect for her partner Pokémon."
"And that's the opposite to me. Apparently, a Pokémon's musicality is similar to the Trainer's..."
"By the way, <player>..."
"Which Toxtricity do you prefer?"
"Or should I say, which kinda music do you like?"
Energetic music!: "Oh, so you've some fiery spirits, huh?"
"I guess that affects the way you battle, too."
Melancholic music!: "Heh, as I expected."
"If I were to be honest, I kinda knew you were gonna say that. I felt our souls were resonatin'."
"Everyone has different tastes in music..."
"But I want to keep making music that people can take in with ease when they want something to listen to."
"Just like a Low Key Form Toxtricity—music that doesn't make you feel pressured, flows naturally, and sets a laid-back mood."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Marnie (Champion)
"Oh, it's you, <player>."
You're taking a walk?: "Yes, you could say it's something like that."
"I was thinking up a tune for my new song, when Marnie and Moltres surprised me by showing up out of the blue."
"That's quite aggressive."
"Not only did you demonstrate your strength to each other, but you also managed to make a heart-to-heart connection through battle."
"And as far as I can tell, Moltres also hates to lose."
"I think you already know, but Marnie really hates to lose."
"When she first started Pokémon battling, if she ever lost—"
"Marnie used to cry all the time, but now she's grown up."
"She handles a Dark-type Pokémon like Moltres very well—even though it's not the easiest to deal with."
"When Team Yell went out of control in Galar, we couldn't have handled the situation if Marnie weren't around."
"I want her to replace me and become the Gym Leader of Spikemuth."
"I'd appreciate it, too. Please battle Marnie and help her grow even stronger."
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"Maybe my songs don't make anyone happy. Maybe I can't help. ♪ But still the only thing I can do is sing—sing my humble song. ♪"
  • During sync background preview (Sygna Suit)
"Let's go—the crowd's waitin'!"
  • Random conversation
"I may be a Gym Leader, but I'm also a bit of a singer."
"I hope to leave my Gym to my little sis someday so I can focus on my music."
"But she has a dream of her own, too."
"For now, I suppose I'll just have to keep doing my best at both."
  • Random conversation
"My little sis wants to be the Champion of Galar."
"All the people who wanted to cheer her on came together to form Team Yell."
"They're always coming to my concerts an' cheering for us. They're a good lot."
  • Random conversation
"You know about Dynamaxing? In Galar, there are Power Spots that make Pokémon huge."
"But I don't use 'em."
"Battling without Dynamax is the way to go. It's what a real battle's supposed to be like."
"I'm gonna keep winning without Dynamaxing. Hopefully, it'll bring back everyone's smiles and pride in our hometown."
  • Random conversation
"Team Yell often come to my concerts to cheer us on. It gets really lively when they're around."
"I'd like to return the favor, but all I can do as a humble singer is continue singing humble songs. "
"That's why I'm going to write the best song I can while I'm here on Pasio."
"Once I get back to Galar, I'll sing it for them."
  • Random conversation
"Do you sing or play any instruments, <player>?"
"I'm curious. I bet you'd probably make some rockin' music."
"If you ever do write a song, let me hear it."
  • Random conversation
"I have a little sister. Her name's Marnie."
"She's about as cute as they come. It might sound like a bit of an exaggeration, but she's important to me."
"I wonder what she's doing now. I suppose she's doing all right."
  • If spoken to again
"If you ever meet Marnie, mind keeping an eye on her?"
"She's independent, but as an older brother, I worry about her."
  • Random conversation
"I've been wondering if my music can have a positive effect on my partner Pokémon through sync stones."
"You see, my partner Pokémon gets excited when I start singing."
"If music's the key to coming together an' unleashing a powerful sync move, the better the song, the stronger the move will be."
"That's just my theory, anyway."
  • If spoken to again
"Once I finish a new song, I'll test out my theory. It'd be great if you could help me out with that when the time comes."
"You're also the first person I want to listen to my song."
"So that's it. Sound good to you?"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Meeting people is like having a jam session. You inspire each other."
"You have to think about what you can do for someone, not just what you can get from 'em."
"What I can do is...sing, I guess."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"I had a concert on Pasio and it opened my eyes to fresh inspiration."
"Now my mind is flooded with new tunes and lyrics."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"My Toxtricity always looks down on others."
"That includes you and me—he looks down on everyone."
"But that's what makes him a rock star."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"I can't really explain why I make music..."
"I'm not great with words, so it's best for me to express myself by singin'."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"After coming to Pasio, I've learned how to perform different types of music, but I still need to get better at battlin'."
"It'd be nice if you could train with me, <player>."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"When I battle with Toxtricity..."
"the emotions I feel from him shake my soul."
"It's like he's telling me to beat out rapid rhythms— to sing my heart out!"
  • If spoken to again
"Hear the cry of my heart!"
"Spikemuth, it's time to rock!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"I'll be holding a concert again soon, so please come."
"I promise you a special seat. It'll be even better than the front row..."
"You'll be on stage. That's what I call the best seat in the house."
  • If spoken to again
"I think I could make the best music if it's with you."
"You don't need experience."
"Put your feelings into a song, and perform it for me and the crowd."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Hey there, <player>. Heading out on another adventure today, are you?"
"I'm cheering for you. Get out and enjoy yourself."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Sygna Suit)
"Oh, it's <player>. Seems like you're off to do some training."
"Do you need me to cheer for you? Or do you want to jam with me?"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"I like when it's all quiet in the morning. Makes it easier to come up with new melodies, y'know?"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Battling's always been a massive inspiration for my songwriting. Some of my best riffs have come from winning a good battle."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"You ever think about how everything on this island's artificial? Well, except the stars—they're so metal, they're in a class all of their own."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (Sygna Suit)
"Morning is a time for beginnings. And if your soul is weepin', then I'll sing for you."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Sygna Suit)
"Time to get active. I'll go adventurin' to seek new music."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Sygna Suit)
"The quiet night is perfect for composing music. I need the alone time."
  • Special gift conversation
"Oh, there you are. I have something for you. "
"Here, it's a present from me to you."
  • After giving out item
"If you use it well, I'm sure it'll help you on your adventures."
  • Special gift conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Perfect timin'. Have this."
  • After giving out item
"Use it as much as you like."
  • Special Countdown 2021 log-in conversation with Leon and Raihan
"I was hoping to be the first to give my regards to the Champion..."
"*sigh* But I was late to the party."
"For singers like me, holding concerts is a way for me to give back to my fans."
"It's my way of expressing my gratitude for all their suppport this year."
"Uh...I hate to break up the warm sentiment you've got going here, but..."
  • Special Type Team-Up Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Grimsley and Sidney
"An Elite Four? We haven't got anything like that in Galar."
  • Special Who's the Best Singer? story event blurb with Sygna Suit Roxie and Ryuki (wearing his sygna suit)
"Let's show them what happens when the three of us come together..."
"and give them somethin' to listen to!"