Villain Arc/Script: Difference between revisions

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m Undo revision 3943772 by Landfish7 (talk) appreciate the thought, but scripts don't have links in them
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|''It detects spots where [[Galar particle]]s are showing increased activity.<br> other words, it's able to find Pokémon that are on the verge of Dynamaxing!''
|''It detects spots where Galar particles are showing increased activity.<br> other words, it's able to find Pokémon that are on the verge of Dynamaxing!''

Latest revision as of 21:43, 8 March 2024

This is the script of the Villain Arc portion of the Main Story in Pokémon Masters EX. Script for the PML Arc can be found here and the script for the Legendary Adventures can be found here.

Kanto: Team Rocket Returns

  • Where's Red?
Name Text
(Red confronts Giovanni and a group of Team Rocket grunts)
(Transition to the Pokémon Center)
Professor Bellis There you are, <player>!
Unfortunately, I have some bad news... It appears Team Rocket is up to no good again!
Paulo Team Rocket?!
Lillie You mean that group that used Pokémon to carry out their evil plots in Kanto and Johto?
Professor Bellis Precisely. Red noticed they were becoming more active lately and went to investigate what's going on...
but we haven't heard from him for three days now.
Lillie Oh no... I hope he's OK!
Paulo D'you think Team Rocket might have hurt him?
Blue Heh, as if! Those pip-squeaks don't stand a chance against Red.
First of all, he's my rival! And he's also the one who dismantled them the first time by taking down their boss!
Lillie I guess you're right... If anyone could handle them, it'd be Red!
Blue Yeah. Also, I'M gonna be the first to break Red's winning streak. If anyone else wants a shot at that, they're gonna have to wait their turn!
Lance Yes, Red is strong... But we can't forget that he still hasn't come back.
All things considered, I think we should make our next move now.
I've already contacted Gym Leaders and members of the Elite Four to help us out.
Lillie I'd like to help, too!
Lance Thank you, Lillie, but it's dangerous to go alone. Why don't we form a team?
Professor Bellis We'd also appreciate your help, <player> and Paulo!
Will you help us find Team Rocket's hideout here on Pasio?

Sure!: Arigato! I had a feeling you’d say yes!
Let’s do it!: *chuckle* Wonderful! I knew we could count on you!
Then here's the plan! Blue, Lillie, Paulo, and <player> will work as a team!
Don’t forget, safety first!
Lance Thanks, everyone. Dragonite and I will do a sweep from above.
Blue Sounds good! You can leave the rest to us!
(Lance and Professor Bellis leave)
Blue OK, listen up.
These Rockets can be a nasty bunch. No biting off more than you can chew, you hear me?
Well, you wouldn't have to worry, anyway. Aerodactyl and I will protect you guys no matter what!

OK!: That's what I like to hear!
Let's do this!: Sounds like you're pumped up and ready to go!
Time to head out, then! Let's get this ball rolling!
(Transition to the group confronting Team Rocket grunts at the ruins)
Lillie Uh-oh! Look at all those Team Rocket grunts! Do you think this might be their hideout?
Blue It'd be great for us if it were that easy, but this doesn't seem right. It sticks out like a sore thumb.
Paulo Which's not?
Blue Yeah, most likely. But if there's a whole bunch of them gathered in one spot, there's gotta be a reason for it.
I bet if we go further in, we'll get to the bottom of this!
Paulo Wait, we're just barging in? Isn't that a bit reckless?
(The group defeats the Team Rocket grunts)
Lillie That was amazing! There were so many of them, but we held our ground!
Blue How's everyone doing? Are your Pokémon all holding up OK?
Lillie Yes! Thanks for taking on so many of those grunts, Blue!
Blue OK, let's keep going. It's dangerous, so stay close!
(The group walks off, leaving Paulo behind)
Paulo Red is the strongest Trainer in history, and that's his rival...
<player>'s opponents in the PML finals were this strong?
Would I have even stood a chance if I'd made it to the finals instead of <player>?
(A grunt appears)
Team Rocket Grunt Hey! What's going on here?! Don't tell me everyone got taken out!
Are you the one responsible for this?!
Paulo Another grunt!
Team Rocket Grunt Well...I guess it doesn't matter. And you know what? I can tell we have something in common, kid. I can smell it on ya.
Paulo What?
Team Rocket Grunt You wanna get stronger, don'tcha? Just like us!
Heh. Right on the money. OK, just between you and me, lemme ask you a question.
Wanna join Team Rocket?

  • A Tricky Trap
Name Text
Blue Wait a sec—where's Paulo?
Lillie Huh? Oh no! He was just here a minute ago!
Blue What? Did we lose him?
Darn... That's on me...
Lillie Wh-what can we do? Should we try to retrace our steps?
Blue That's what I'd like to do, but...
(A group of Team Rocket grunts appear)
Blue If we turn around, they'll get us from the back. We've only got one option, and that's to keep on pushing forward!
Paulo will probably do the same...which means we can meet up with him further in!
Lillie OK! I'll give this everything I've got!
(Transition to after the battle)
Blue So...this is it?
Lillie I don't see anything worth noting, and we still don’t know where Paulo is...
Blue Paulo!
(Paulo appears)
Lillie Paulo! I'm so glad you're safe!
Paulo I'm sorry...
Blue No, I should be the one apologizing. I should've made sure we were all together.
But you did great, getting through all those grunts on your own!
Paulo Well...yeah, I guess...
Blue That aside, what in the world is going on here?
This place is completely empty!
??? Hey! Over here!
(Lt. Surge appears)
Blue Lt. Surge? What's wrong?
Lt. Surge I ran here as fast as I could. I've got some bad news, kids.
While we were all out looking for Team Rocket...
Professor Bellis was kidnapped!
Blue WHAT?!
Lt. Surge By the time we got to her lab, nobody was there.
Blue Darn... They pulled a fast one on us.
Paulo What do you mean?
Blue We sent our strongest Gym Leaders and Elite Four members all over Pasio to find Team Rocket.
They must've been planning to raid the lab all along... They were just waiting until we were stretched thin!
Gathering a bunch of grunts here in the ruins must've been part of that plan.
Lillie N-no way...
Blue Let's head back right away!
(Lillie, Paulo, and the player leave)
Lt. Surge Blue... I have something to tell you.
Blue Sure. What is it?
Lt. Surge On my way here, I saw Paulo.
I noticed he was talking to one of those Team Rocket grunts.
Hopefully, it doesn't mean anything bad...but I thought you ought to know all the same.
Blue Heh. You're as cautious as ever. I appreciate it, though.
We don't have a solid reason to confront him about it yet...but we can keep an eye on him for now.
I still trust him.
(Transition to Professor Bellis at Team Rocket's hideout)
??? Well, well... Professor Bellis. I should thank you for joining us today.
Professor Bellis Giovanni!
You did quite a number to my lab, ransacking it like you did.
Did you even find what you were looking for?
Giovanni No, unfortunately. But that's why we've brought you here.
Professor Bellis I don’t have anything that would do you any good.
Giovanni Sync stones.
You've been researching them, haven't you? That's what I want—your data.
You know the secret to using sync stones to draw out the power within Pokémon, don't you?
I'm sure you must have it written up somewhere.
Professor Bellis I don't know what you're talking about.
Giovanni Hmph. Fine. But just remember this...
We, too, are connected to our partner Pokémon. It's just a slightly more...nefarious connection.
If I can use sync stones to draw out even more power from my Pokémon, I can have the strongest army of underlings to do my bidding.
Professor Bellis No way! I'm not researching sync stones for evil criminals like you!
Giovanni There is no such thing as good or evil when it comes to power. There is only power...and those who are willing to use it.
You'll come to see that soon enough. And I don't care if you like it or not.

  • Seeking Strength
Name Text
(Pokémon Center)
Lance Those Rockets really had a plan this time. How tricky...
Blue We heard that they ransacked the professor's lab. Do you know what they were after?
Lance I imagine they'd be after the professor's research on sync stones.
She's been studying sync pairs and their bonds here on Pasio.
And she's also been analyzing how the energy within sync stones can affect Pokémon.
Blue I see... So they probably couldn't find the data and took her instead?
Blaine I'd imagine so. By the time we got back, she was nowhere to be found!
Lorelei We tried looking for clues on where they might have taken her, but we didn't find anything.
Blue Tch. So we're back to square one.
And we still haven't heard from Red, either... This isn't looking so good.
(Paulo leaves the group and goes outside)
??? Paulo!
(Lillie and the player catch up to Paulo)
Lillie Where are you going?
Paulo There's a nice breeze tonight, so I thought I'd go for a walk...
Lillie With such a gloomy look on your face?
Paulo ... ... ...
Lillie Paulo...
Paulo I have to get stronger.
What I'm doing now isn't working... It's not enough. I have to change my approach.
Lillie Did something happen back at the ruins?
When we were battling today, Blue had to cover for me quite a bit.
So I think I know how you feel. I want to be stronger, too.
If you don't think what you're doing now is helping, I'd be happy to brainstorm ways we could both get stronger. We can do it together!
Paulo Together?
Lillie It's hard to improve on your own, right?
When I traveled around Alola, I faced so many challenges...and it was help from my friends that gave me the strength to get through it all!
If you need some help, I'd be more than happy to help you in any way I can!
Would you mind sharing with me what you're thinking right now, Paulo?
Paulo Lillie...
I know that relying on others might be one way to get stronger...
But I don't think it's gonna work for me.
(Blaine, Blue, and Lorelei watching from a distance)
Blaine Should we stop him?
Blue I know how he's probably feeling right now... Being so fixated on strength that it makes you anxious...and reckless...
Blaine Yes, it reminds me of a certain rascal I used to know...
Lorelei I suppose we should let him make his mistakes now. He'll be fine, as long as he ends up back on the right path in the long run.
Blue Paulo...
We're Pokémon Trainers... If he does end up going down the wrong path, I'll be right there to stop him...with a Pokémon battle!
OK! Let's get back to work, then!
There can't be too many places where Team Rocket could hide. If we search the island, we're bound to find 'em!
Blaine I'll keep eyes on the ground. Lorelei, you can search from the water. And Blue, could you get us a bird's-eye view from above?
Lorelei We'll find them before daybreak.
Blue Yeah!
You better not have lost, Red...

  • Rocket Hideout
Name Text
(Pokémon Center)
Blue Morning, everyone! Guess what? We finally found Team Rocket's hideout!
Lillie Really? That's amazing, Blue! When did you find it?
Blue Blaine, Lorelei, and I did a bit more searching last night.
Lance And now it's time for a showdown!
Brock and Sabrina are on their way to help. This time, we're going on the offensive!
Blue Nice! That's some solid backup.
Erika and Misty will be helping us out, too! They'll take the side opposite of ours.
We're about to infiltrate an enemy hideout...
It's gonna be pretty dangerous. Think you can handle it?
Lillie Yes, of course! Right, <player>?
Blue Let's go save Professor Bellis!: Yeah! That's our mission!
We're definitely gonna win!: Yeah! Let's save Professor Bellis!
Lillie Um...but...
Blue Don't worry... He'll come.
(Paulo appears)
Paulo Sorry I'm late.
Lillie Paulo! I'm so glad you came!
Blue All right, it's showtime! Game faces on!
(Transition to the group battling Team Rocket grunts at their hideout)
Paulo There's just no end to this!
Lillie Don't give up!
<player>! Paulo! We have to hold them off until help arrives!
(Brock and Sabrina appear and defeat the grunts)
Paulo Sabrina! Brock!
Brock Sorry to keep you waiting! Is everyone OK?
Lillie Yes, we're OK!
Sabrina You did well, keeping them at bay until we got here.
Though...I suppose I did foresee that you'd be fine from the very beginning.
(More Team Rocket grunts appear)
Sabrina We should hurry... Professor Bellis is in danger!
Brock We can take care of the grunts here.
Blue Got it. Thanks!
(The group leaves and runs into more Team Rocket grunts)
Blue They just keep coming and coming! This is starting to get annoying!
Tch. If only Red were here...
(Red appears and defeats the grunts)
Blue Red?!
Lillie Red! I'm so glad you're safe!
Blue Where were you all this time?
Red ... ... ...
Blue Wait, you took out half of Team Rocket, then went into hiding so you and your Pokémon could recover?
Lillie H-half of them? All by yourself?
Paulo How is that even possible?
Blue You idiot! Why didn't you take me with you?!
If you took down half of 'em, I could've done the other half, and we'd be done in one go!
Hmph. Whatever. I'm just glad you're safe.
And it's not too late to let loose on the rest of these amateurs!
All right. Let's settle this. Giovanni's up ahead!

  • Giovanni's Gambit
Name Text
(The group finds Professor Bellis and Giovanni)
Professor Bellis You came to find me!
Giovanni Welcome to my hideout!
I must say, I am impressed you got here.
Blue Show's over. Let Professor Bellis go.
Giovanni Professor Bellis and I are discussing a vital business proposition.
Keep your nose out of grown-up matters.
(The group sends out their Pokémon)
Giovanni Hmph. Such impudence.
If you insist, I suppose I'll have to teach you a lesson! Prepare for a world of pain!
(The group battles Giovanni)
Blue It's over, Giovanni. Just admit we got you beat.
Lillie We won't let you get away!
Giovanni Overpowering me with numbers, I see.
Don't be so hasty. It's still too early for you to claim victory over me.
(Team Break appears)
Paulo Team Break?! What are you guys doing here?!
Masked Woman Oh, oops!
(Team Break changes into Team Rocket grunts)
Team Rocket Grunt I forgot—we're supposed to be Team Rocket today!
Lillie Team Rocket?!
Blue I see! I thought it was weird that we were seeing so many Team Rocket members!
Giovanni I struck a deal with some of the more promising members of Team Break.
Perhaps we should continue our conversation elsewhere, Professor Bellis.
Paulo Stop right there!
Blue This is bad! What do we do?
Red ... ... ...!
Blue Wait, I know that look in your eyes! Don't tell me—
Whoa, hold on! You can't let Snorlax Gigantamax here! There's not enough space—you'll wreck the whole place!
Giovanni Wh-what?
Paulo Professor Bellis! Quick, this way!
Giovanni You won't get away! Get them, Mewtwo!
Professor Bellis Wait! My memory stick! It has all my research data!
Blue We can't go back now! We won't make it in time!
Get out of here, everyone! Run!
(Red's Snorlax Gigantamaxes)
(Transition to the group in Professor Bellis' lab)
Blue Phew... We barely made it out of there.
Lillie I thought we were going to get smashed like pancakes!
Blue You really don't know the meaning of "go easy," do you.
Professor Bellis Thank you all for coming to my aid!
Unfortunately, Team Rocket stole a memory stick that had my research data on it.
Paulo We weren't able to stop them after all... But the most important thing is that you're safe, Professor.
Blue That's right.
Leave Team Rocket to us. We'll keep squashing them, no matter how many times it takes!
Red ... ... ...
Blue Yeah, I know. Now it's our turn to take the initiative.
We just have to make sure we take down Giovanni before he figures out the secrets of these sync stones!
Let's hit the road! The sooner we take him out, the better!
Although...maybe I shouldn't work you guys too hard, huh.
??? Sounds like you could use some help!
(Erika and Misty appear in their sygna suits)
Lillie Misty! Erika!
Erika Why don't you and Red go on ahead? We'll join you later with <player> and the others!
Blue Sounds good to me! Thanks, you two!
(Blue and Red leave)
Paulo W-wait! Rockruff and I can still fight!
Misty No way. You shouldn't overwork your Pokémon. Resting up is all part of strategy, y'know!
Erika Agreed. We need you to be ready when the time is right.
Paulo OK... I understand.
Misty All right! Let’s do this!
Erika Be sure to rest up before we leave. I'm sure the next battle won't be an easy one.
(Transition to Giovanni at the glaciers)
Giovanni I finally have the research data on these sync stones...
(A large group of Team Rocket grunts gather)
Giovanni Time to reap the seeds of chaos that I've sowed!

  • The Power Within
Name Text
(Pokémon Center)
Misty Are you all rested enough? If so, time for us to head out after Giovanni and the others!
Lillie Yup! I'm ready to go! I won't let those villains get away with their nasty plans!
Erika Let’s stop Giovanni!: That's the spirit. We're counting on you.
I'm a little scared, but let's do it!: Don't worry. We'll be with you.
Paulo ... ... ...
Misty Paulo? You OK?
Paulo Huh? Oh, I'm OK. It's just...
Your...outfits! Those sygna suits are really cool.
Misty Oh? Why, thank you!
Isn't it great? It lives up to my nickname, the Tomboyish Mermaid!
Erika I don't usually wear this style of clothing...but I do think it's cute!
And when I wear it, I feel even closer to Leafeon! It's great for when we need to be in sync.
Lillie Yes! Your outfits match your partners so well!
Misty It's kinda funny that you're thinking about our outfits right before a big showdown!
Erika Maybe it's a good thing. Releasing nervous tension before a battle can actually work to your advantage.
Misty Yeah, I guess so. Anyways, it's about time we hit the road!
(Transition to the glaciers)
Misty According to Blue and the others, Giovanni should be up ahead.
Paulo Why'd he come here, of all places? It's freezing... The cold might slow us down.
??? Hmph! Really, you think you have the right to complain when you just got here? What about us?
(Team Rocket grunts appear)
Paulo Team Rocket?!
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Yeah, put yourself in our shoes! We've been waiting out here for you this entire time!
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Unbelievable. You didn't give any consideration to our well-being and sure took your sweet time getting here!
Erika Oh dear. That was quite rude of us... Perhaps we should apologize.
Misty No way! Why should we?
All right, we're goin' all out right off the bat!
(Erika and Misty defeat the Team Rocket grunts)
Misty Well, that was quick.
Erika Thank you for the battle.
Team Rocket Grunt (1) We didn't even slow them down... I'm sorry, boss!
(The Team Rocket grunts leave)
Lillie Wow, that was amazing! It was over in the blink of an eye!
Misty We can't really afford to lose time over something as trivial as this.
Come on! Let's keep going!
(Erika and Misty leave)
Paulo Their battle styles were completely different, weren't they.
Misty's Vaporeon stormed right in like a wave and took their attacks like it was nothing...
And Erika's Leafeon kept calmly observing the situation until it found the right time to strike!
One going on the offensive with the other calmly observing... That fits Misty and Erika perfectly. I guess Pokémon really do take after their Trainers.
Lillie I guess you're right! And it looks like we can learn a lot from being around them!
(Transition to the group finding Blue and Red battling Giovanni)
Misty Red! Blue!
Blue Yo! You made it! We finally got this dude cornered.
Giovanni Fwahaha! Cornered? You're mistaken, I'm afraid.
You were lured here... By me and Mewtwo.
Blue Pfft! Gimme a break! Who's the one who ran away the moment we showed up?
Give it up already, and hand over Professor Bellis's research data.
Giovanni I'll gladly return it to you... I have no need for it now.
Blue What?!
Giovanni I've already read through it all. Fascinating data, really.
I assure you...
I will put it to good use!
Blue Wait... Don't tell me—
Giovanni Let me show you the true power of sync stones!
(Mewtwo destroys its surroundings)
Giovanni Yes, this is turning out nicely...
Blue Make it stop, Giovanni! This is getting out of control!
Giovanni Nonsense. This is going exactly as I planned.
In exceeds my expectations!
(Mewtwo disappears)
Lillie Oh no... Mewtwo's gone!
Erika Where did it go?!
Paulo Whoa!
Giovanni It appears the amount of energy we drew out was too much to handle, even for a Pokémon as powerful as Mewtwo.
If you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to.
I'd like to witness just how strong my partner Pokémon has become.
(Giovanni sends out a Nidoqueen and disappears)
Misty Hold on a second!
Blue Wait, Misty. Red and I can go after Giovanni.
Could you guys try to figure out what’s going on?
Misty ...OK.
Erika The rest of us should stay together as we investigate.
I have a bad feeling about this...

  • Rage and Chaos
Name Text
(Pokémon in town lose control, Agatha and Bruno help to calm them down and save the Trainers)
Bruno What's gotten into all these Pokémon? Calm down!
Agatha Time to run along! No more causing trouble for an old-timer like me!
(Transition to the group)
Paulo There are so many Pokémon spiraling out of control without their Trainers!
Is Mewtwo causing all this?
Misty Based on the timing of these events, I'd say that's probably a yes.
??? Over here!
(Professor Bellis appears)
Lillie Professor Bellis!
Erika What's going on here?
Professor Bellis Those Pokémon started rampaging all of a sudden! And they're not listening to their Trainers!
Right now, Agatha and Bruno are spearheading the efforts to calm them down...
But my equipment suddenly started picking up a strong psychic energy signal! I'm sure that's what's causing this!
Misty Psychic energy?! So what we guessed was spot-on!
Professor Bellis You seem to know something about this. Would you mind telling me what happened?
(Screen fades to black, then back)
Professor Bellis I see... So that's what it was.
The data Giovanni stole from me was research that was still under development.
We were trying to work out some of the problems it could cause... Specifically, the risk of drawing out too much power from a Pokémon.
Giovanni must be using it for his evil plans. That's why Mewtwo is rampaging and can't control its psychic powers.
And that's causing all of these Pokémon to lose control!
Lillie But isn't it odd that our Pokémon seem to be fine?
Professor Bellis Hmm... I'm not 100 percent sure of this, but I imagine...the strength of the bond between a Pokémon and their Trainer must be a factor in how strongly they're affected by this power.
Misty It looks like the only way to stop this chaos is to calm Mewtwo down.
Paulo Is this...the price they're paying for that power?
(That really is amazing...)
Misty I can't believe a guy like Giovanni has so many followers, even when he does such awful things!
Erika When I see how he's able to manipulate so many people within Team Rocket...
it makes me wonder why he can't use his charisma for the sake of good instead.
It's a bit of a shame, really.
Lillie ... ... ...
Misty Let's split into two groups from here. Erika and I will go after Mewtwo.
The three of you should stay here and help the others take care of all those Pokémon that are out of control.
Lillie Understood!
Paulo H-hold on! Take me with you!
Misty It's dangerous. Mewtwo's strong, you know.
Erika Is there a reason why you're so set on coming with us?
Paulo I just... I want to see this through.
And Rockruff isn't affected by all this psychic power! We won't get in your way—we can protect ourselves!
Misty ... ... ...
Erika Well, it is going to be a tough battle, so it might be a good idea to bring him with us.
Also, it looks like you'd follow us anyway, even if we said no!
Misty OK, you win.
But you have to make sure you're always with us, OK?
Paulo I will! Thank you!
Misty Will you come with us, too, <player> and Lillie?
Yeah!: Thank you! Then let's stay as a team.
Erika Leave it to us!: Thank you. It's always reassuring to have you three around.
Misty Why don't we heal up at the Pokémon Center and leave right after that?
(Lillie, Paulo, and the player leave)
Misty Hm... D'you think he'll really be OK?
With that serious personality of his, I'm worried that Paulo's putting too much pressure on himself. It's not healthy...
Erika You're so kind, Misty.
But sometimes, words just aren't enough to convince someone who has already made up their mind.
And at times, you have to let them experience hardship themselves in order for them to learn from it.
Misty You might look the gentle type, but sometimes, you can be pretty tough, Erika.
Erika Is that so?

  • The Boss's Power
Name Text
Misty We've heard that Mewtwo was last seen heading deep into this forest.
Red and Blue are searching for it, so we should—
??? Not on our watch!
(Team Rocket grunts appear)
Paulo Team Rocket again?!
Team Rocket Grunt (1) We're not gonna let you get in the way of our boss's magnificent schemes!
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Don't think we'll go easy on ya just 'cause you're tiny little brats!
Erika These two look a bit stronger than the last ones we took down...
Misty I can tell there are more hiding in the trees around us, too. They just haven't shown themselves yet.
Paulo I can take care of these two!
Lillie I'll help you, too! I can't always be the one being protected!
Misty Thanks! Then we'll leave them to you.
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Aw, we gotta fight the little brats, huh?
Team Rocket Grunt (1) I'm gonna teach you a lesson about our boss, the great Giovanni!
Paulo Just you wait, <player>... I'm gonna get stronger.
Even if it means I have to learn from my enemies during this battle!
(Lillie, Paulo, and the player defeat the Team Rocket grunts)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) No... I was too weak, and now I've only become a burden to the boss!
Team Rocket Grunt (2) I wasn’t expecting you little twerps to have this much fight in you...
(The Team Rocket grunts leave)
Lillie Phew... Somehow, we did it...
Paulo They were strong. I guess even in organizations like Team Rocket, you get all sorts of people.
Um...Misty, Erika? We finished our battle!
(Erika and Misty defeat a large group of Team Rocket grunts)
Paulo Whoa, what?!
Lillie Look at them run!
Paulo Misty and Erika took down all those grunts?! But there were so many of them!
That's incredible... Gym Leaders sure are strong.
Misty Hm? Oh, that was nothing.
Erika You all did well. Shall we continue our search?
Misty Mewtwo’s gotta be close!
(Transition to night)
??? I see you’ve made it through the forest.
(Giovanni and a large group of Team Rocket grunts appear)
Misty Giovanni!
Giovanni That far exceeds my expectations... But in the end, mere Gym Leaders stand no chance against Mewtwo now.
Erika Well, that's quite rude of you to say. Are you sure you want to underestimate us?
Giovanni I know the extent of your strength.
You simply don't have the power to stop Mewtwo.
Misty And just what do you mean by power, anyway?
You mean the kind of power you get by hurting Pokémon and using underlings like puppets?
Giovanni I don’t expect children like you to understand.
Though...I suppose some of you may, one day.
Erika Don’t listen to him, Paulo.
Giovanni Perhaps that can be saved for another time.
More importantly, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave now.
Get ready to feel a world of pain if you plan on disobeying my orders.
Misty You're the one who should be worried right now!
Erika Let us through!
Misty Whoa! Wh-what was that?!

  • Malice
Name Text
(The group finds Blue and Red battling Mewtwo at the beach)
Lillie Look!
Red and Blue are battling Mewtwo!
Blue That's enough, Mewtwo! Don't you want some rest? You can't even control your own power!
Red ... ... ...
Blue Don't worry, we'll set you free!
Erika Looks like this won’t last much longer. We can always depend on Red and Blue!
Blue Let's finish it!
??? I don’t think so!
(Giovanni appears)
Blue What do you think you're doing, Giovanni?
Giovanni I won't let you erase such magnificent power.
Blue What are you talking about?! Why draw out all that power if you can't even use it?
Giovanni Your logic is sound. But not to worry.
Mewtwo. Right now, you're just aimlessly wasting your power.
You can't control it by yourself...but I can help you harness that power and finally be complete!
Allow me to give your power some purpose! We share the same proclivity for malice, do we not?
Join me, Mewtwo, to make the most notorious sync pair there ever was!
Misty It...stopped?
Blue What's going on here? Don't tell me—
Giovanni Heh. With this, I now possess the full power of these sync stones.
We've forged a strong bond, as we share the same will.
Paulo Look at Mewtwo! It's...listening to him!
So...this is the true power of bonds that Professor Bellis was researching? And it doesn't matter if the bond is good or evil?
Misty I can't believe you think such a twisted bond would actually make you stronger!
Erika We're going to stop you now, together with our partner Pokémon!
Giovanni Heh...
Then allow me to prove our strength to you once again.
Witness Mewtwo's true power—the power of our shared penchant for evil!
(Mewtwo Mega Evolves into Mewtwo Y)

  • The Last Laugh
Name Text
(The group battles Giovanni and seemingly win)
Lillie W-we did it!
Giovanni I see... So even with this new power, numbers are still a problem.
Then how about this?
Surpass your limits even further! Show them your raw power!
Blue Stop it, Giovanni! That's going way too far, even for Mewtwo!
Shoot. C'mon, Aerodactyl! We've gotta stop him!
(Blue's Aerodactyl and Red's Snorlax faint)
Blue No!
Red ... ... ...!
Paulo He took out both of them?
Giovanni Fwahahaha! Perfect, Mewtwo!
I was able to use the power of these sync stones to amplify Mewtwo's psychic powers...and it even Mega Evolved...
What a fruitful day! This little experiment is a resounding success. I would expect no less from a Pokémon fit to be my partner!
Misty What a terrible thing to do...
Giovanni Well, I certainly won't back down from a challenge if you'd like to battle even more.
Erika But...if we keep on battling, the burden on Mewtwo is just going to get worse.
Lillie That's just cruel!
Blue We shouldn't punish Pokémon for what humans do to them...right, Red?
Red ... ... ...
Blue Fine. We'll let you go this time, Giovanni. But you won't get away with this next time.
Giovanni Heh. Very well. Then I'll be on my way.
I can't wait for another opportunity to show off this splendid, evil power to the rest of the world.
We'll cross paths again.
(Giovanni disappears)
Blue Sorry, guys. We had to let him go, even after we had him cornered...
Erika There's no need for you to apologize.
Misty Yeah. At the very least, this should help get all those Pokémon to calm down.
I hate his methods...but Giovanni was actually able to control Mewtwo's strengthened psychic powers, wasn’t he.
Blue Yeah. The scary thing is, now we know what can happen when sync stones are misused.
According to him, there's no good or evil when it comes to power, huh.
Red ... ... ...
Blue Yeah, Red. I know. We'll stop him no matter how many times we have to do it!
Misty We should head back into town and let Professor Bellis know what happened!
(Transition to the Pokémon Center)
Professor Bellis You did a fantastic job, everyone!
Thanks to you, the town is back to normal, and all injured Pokémon are being treated.
It's unfortunate that we couldn't capture Giovanni this time, but more importantly, I'm glad you're all safe.
Erika Is everyone OK? No injuries?
Misty I guess we didn't have to worry about you after all!
Erika Yes. You all fought so bravely out there.
Paulo I'm glad we could help...but I still need to do more.
Lillie Kanto Trainers sure are strong! You were so cool, too!
Blue Yeah, we were all in top form, weren't we?
Anyways, thanks for all the help! We should all team up again sometime!

Yeah!: Sweet! I'm looking forward to it.
Absolutely!: Yeah, I'll be there for sure. I'm a man of my word, after all!
Professor Bellis But just everyone on Pasio is aware of what kind of power sync stones can create when they're abused.
I'm worried that other organizations may follow in Team Rocket's footsteps.
Erika There's no time to lose, then. We'll have to be ready for that.
But also remember, we're all still here on Pasio to protect it!
Professor Bellis Gracias! That's very reassuring.
Apparently, Lear sent out a formal request to the International Police because of what happened.
Paulo The International Police?
Professor Bellis Yes. They're a police organization focused on bringing down evil organizations in the name of justice.
Blue That's pretty cool. I wonder who they'll send!
Misty <player>, I think you and everyone else should get some rest and prepare for what's coming!
It looks like we may have to call on you for help again in the near future!

Sinnoh: Dreaming in Darkness

  • Team Galactic on the Move
Name Text
(Cyrus wakes up in a void)
Cyrus What is this place?
Never-ending darkness, stretching on for eternity in a world where nothing exists...
(Darkrai appears behind Cyrus)
(Transition to Cyrus on the beach along with the Team Galactic commanders and grunts)
Jupiter Master Cyrus!
Mars What have you done to him?!
Saturn Quick, we have to do something to help!
Cyrus No need for concern.
Mars M-Master Cyrus!
Cyrus Don't waste your time. I will never succumb to your nightmares.
(Cyrus sends out Palkia and defeats Darkrai)
Cyrus Your power is mine now.
Saturn Splendid, Master Cyrus! You've made that Pokémon submit to you!
Master Cyrus, what would you like to do next?
Cyrus Hmm...
... ... ...
This Darkrai is a Mythical Pokémon.
It sends others into a deep slumber and shows them nightmares.
And now, it's under my command.
Combined with the strength you all lend me, we can now create the ideal world we've always dreamed of!
Team Galactic Grunt (1) Yeaaaaah!
Team Galactic Grunt (2) Team Galactic is the best! Long live Master Cyrus!
Cyrus In order to carry out our plans, I'm thinking of using sync stones.
Mars Sync stones? What're those?
Cyrus They are stones that allow sync pairs to use tremendous power.
We must learn more about these stones—and about the sygna suit outfits that certain sync pairs seem to favor.
That said, I have no intent of relying on a connection between hearts.
Instead, we will prove that technology is capable of drawing out the full power of these sync stones!
Mars Yes, sir!
Cyrus In that nightmare Darkrai showed me...
There was a world of solitude—of never-ending darkness.
A world without spirit...devoid of joy or despair.
That is the ideal world I’ve been searching for.
(Transition to Professor Bellis's Lab)
Professor Bellis I see we're all here. Let's get started, then!
I received some intel that the International Police have now started their investigation on Pasio.
According to their report, Team Rocket isn't the only group active on Pasio—Team Galactic is now on the move, too!
Lillie Team Galactic?
Barry They're a group of baddies from the Sinnoh region!
Lucas They said they wanted to create a new world... But they tried to steal Pokémon and Professor Rowan's research!
They caused all sorts of trouble for us!
Dawn Maybe we should let Cynthia know about this, too.
Lucas Good idea! I'd feel better with her helping us out.
Barry OK! Just you wait, Team Galactic!
You won't get away with your dirty deeds as long as I'm around!
(Barry leaves)
Lucas Oh, there he goes again...
Dawn Guess it's up to us to find Cynthia, then!
Lillie We'll stay here and protect Professor Bellis!
Paulo If anything happens, let us know. We can help you out if things get dicey.
Dawn Thanks! We're on it!
(Transition to Cynthia at the ruins)
Cynthia Did you find anything that interests you, Giratina?
You sure seem interested in something.
I wonder if that's how people see me when I'm working, too.
(Dawn and Lucas appear)
Dawn There you are, Cynthia! I thought you might be here!
Lucas Are you checking out the ruins again today?
Cynthia I sure am. Giratina seemed interested in them, too.
Lucas But...the ruins on Pasio are just replicas of ruins from other regions, aren't they?
Cynthia They are. But Legendary Pokémon seem to have been appearing here.
As an archaeologist, I'm always curious about the authenticity of ruins—and what kind of history they have.
But I think Giratina's more interested in the traces of other Pokémon that came here.
Dawn I see... Maybe it kept seeing you surveying these ruins and wanted to copy you!
Cynthia *chuckle* That's another valid theory!
Either way, I can sense that Giratina's own heart has led it here to see these ruins for reasons that are different from mine.
Oh. What's wrong, Giratina? Did you find something?
(Dialga appears)
Dawn Dialga?! What's it doing here?
Cynthia Cyrus had Palkia with him before...
Perhaps he's also brought Dialga here to Pasio, too?
Dawn I don't see anyone else here, though.
Lucas Weird...
(Dialga disappears)
Lucas I wonder if it was trying to tell us something...
Cynthia It didn't seem aggressive, so I don't think it was Cyrus's Pokémon.
Lucas Well, we're still not sure about that.
Dawn Actually, we've heard that Team Galactic is resuming its operations on Pasio!
What if that just now was a warning from Team Galactic?
Cynthia Team Galactic, huh.
Dawn Will you help us stop them?
Cynthia Of course. You have my help.
Dawn Awesome! Thank you, Cynthia!
Cynthia Cyrus... If you're up to your old tricks again, I'll have no choice but to stop you.
Is there no hope of you changing in this world we share?
(Transition to an Ace Trainer in the mountain)
??? Phew!
(Looker removes his disguise)
??? Next up is the Team Galactic hideout!
(Looker disguises as a Team Galactic grunt)
??? I won’t let 'em get away.

  • The Darkest Nightmare
Name Text
(Brock and Erika confront Team Galactic grunts amid Trainers trapped in a nightmare)
Erika We won't let you get away with this anymore!
Team Galactic Grunt Ugh! These Trainers might be trouble!
Jupiter Hmph. So that's what those so-called sygna suits look like?
(Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn appear)
Brock Who are you people?
Mars Oh, us? We're the three commanders of Team Galactic!
Saturn We'll crush anyone who even tries to get in our way!
(Brock and Erika battle and defeat Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn)
Jupiter Hmph. You got us. You're pretty strong.
Barry There they are! Team Galactic!
(Barry appears)
Jupiter Oh, I remember you, kid. You're that brat I beat at Lake Acuity.
I hope you're not still so laughably weak.
Mars Whatever. We don't have to waste our time with you right now.
(Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn leave)
Barry Hey! Come back here!
Barry ... ... ...?! What's going on here?
Hiker Ugh... N-no...
Erika This man seems to be having a terrible nightmare...
Barry Really? But why?
Hiker ... ... ... Bwah!
Erika Thank goodness—you're awake.
Brock What happened here?
Hiker I-I don't really remember...
Before I knew it, I was dreaming...and walking around in this never-ending darkness...
No matter how far I went, it was pitch-black as far as I could see!
Erika It's OK. Please calm down!
Brock We should investigate this phenomenon to figure out what's happening.
Barry Could you tell Dawn and the others?
I'm gonna follow Team Galactic before they get away!
(Transition to Professor Bellis's Lab)
Cynthia So people are seeing mysterious nightmares. Thanks for letting me know.
Dawn I think I might know what's causing that.
Something like this happened before in Canalave City.
Lucas Professor Rowan told me about a Mythical Pokémon called Darkrai that lives in the Sinnoh region.
Apparently, it can make people and Pokémon experience horrific nightmares.
Dawn Team Galactic might be using Darkrai to make everyone have those nightmares!
Paulo Which means Team Galactic is misusing this Pokémon and its power?
Lillie What an awful thing to do!
Dawn I know. We have to stop them before they do even more damage!
Cynthia Agreed. We can't let them abuse Pokémon like that.
That said...
Dawn Hm? What's wrong, Cynthia?
Cynthia I still believe Cyrus can change his ways here on Pasio.
If we want to stop Team Galactic, brute force won't cut it. We have to change their mindset and ideas.
Paulo ... ... ...
Dawn Understood! That's probably the best course of action, if we can do it.
Cynthia Thank you, Dawn.
Professor Bellis Hey, everyone! I just received more intel from the International Police!
They've found Team Galactic's hideout!
And I hear Barry is also on his way there, too!
Cynthia I see. Then I suppose it's time for a showdown.
Dawn Yeah! Let's go and stop Team Galactic!
(Transition to Cynthia, Dawn, and Lucas meeting Barry at the hideout)
Cynthia Sorry, but do you mind if we split up here?
I think it'll be more efficient to scope out the enemy separately than as a group.
Lucas Huh? But...
Dawn OK! I trust your judgment, Cynthia!
Cynthia Thank you.
Lucas Be careful out there, Cynthia!
Cynthia You too. Good luck!
(Cynthia leaves)
Dawn So, what's our plan for getting into the hideout?
Barry Well, obviously we just gotta barge in through the front door, right?
Dawn Yeah. If we draw all the attention to us, I bet that would make things easier on Cynthia, too.
Ready to cut loose?
Barry Haha! I'm glad you're on board!
Let's do this! Ready or not, here we come!
(Transition to the trio confronting Team Galactic grunts in the hideout)
Team Galactic Grunt (1) I heard that some brats were making a fuss right in our hideout.
We'll get rid of you for Master Cyrus!
Dawn Wait! Do you even know what he's trying to do?
Team Galactic Grunt (1) Heh. What a question.
Team Galactic Grunt (2) Master Cyrus is trying to change the world for the better! For all of us!
Barry Wake up, would you?! That's not even close to the truth!
Dawn If he carries out his plan, you might get erased from this world, you know!
Team Galactic Grunt (1) Save your breath. Our master's methods are beyond reproach!
Team Galactic Grunt (2) There's no way anything wrong will happen if we stick with Master Cyrus!
Lucas It's no good. We're not getting through to them.
Dawn Are we not going to be able to solve this by reasoning with them?
Team Galactic Grunt (1) Get 'em! Everyone attack!
??? Go! Croagunk!
(Looker disguised as a Team Galactic grunt battles the other grunts)
Team Galactic Grunt (1) Whoa, what?! What just happened?!

  • The Galactic Hideout
Name Text
Dawn Help us out, Torterra!
(The trio defeat the Team Galactic grunts)
Team Galactic Grunt (1) Ugh! Let's retreat!
(The Team Galactic grunts leave)
Lucas Phew! That was a huge help.
Barry But why'd that grunt attack members of his own team?
??? To fool your enemies, you must first fool your allies!
(Looker removes his disguise)
Looker Phew! Long time no see!
Lucas Ah! You’re that weird guy from Jubilife City!
Looker You really have a knack for saying the rudest things, you know that?
Lucas Sorry... I'm on edge from these battles with Team Galactic.
Dawn So you're who the International Police sent to investigate Pasio!
Looker Sure am! Glad to team up with you on an investigation again!
Team Galactic Grunt Hurry, we need reinforcements! Over here!
Looker Looks like they're calling for backup.
Go on, leave this to me.
(Looker disguises as a Team Galactic grunt)
Looker No time to lose. Keep heading deeper into the hideout!
Dawn Thank you, Looker! Be careful!
Looker You too. Best of luck.
(Transition to Cynthia in the hideout)
Cynthia This is going off without a hitch. I guess Dawn and the others are luring the enemy their way?
Jupiter Hold it right there, Champion Cynthia.
(Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn appear)
Saturn We commanders will take you on full-force! You won't be going anywhere.
Cynthia Oh, perfect timing. I wanted to have a little talk with you.
Mars Hmph! We don’t have anything to discuss with the likes of you!
Cynthia Is that so? Then I suppose I'll have my skill in battle speak for me.
(Cynthia battles Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn)
Jupiter Ugh. This Champion is more trouble than I thought.
Cynthia Do you really understand what Cyrus is trying to do?
Saturn You think we don’t?!
He's seeking more power to create a brand-new universe!
Cynthia And what happens after that? Has Cyrus told you what he really intends to do? Even a little bit?
Mars Oh, shush! As long as it's what Master Cyrus wants, we're with him every step of the way!
Cynthia Are you sure you don't want to know what kind of person he is, and what he's thinking?
Saturn What kind of person he is?
Cynthia It wouldn't hurt to see what he's truly trying to accomplish, right?
It's not like checking that first would cause any delay in your plans.

  • Cyrus's True Ambitions
Name Text
Lucas It looks like this is as far as we can go...
Dawn Oh!
(Cyrus appears)
Cyrus You've been causing quite the ruckus, but that ends here.
(Dialga and Palkia appear)
Cyrus Get them. dare to defy me?
If you shun my ideals, you're useless to me.
Destroy it, Palkia.
(Palkia attacks Dialga)
Lucas Stop it!
Cyrus ... ... ...
Lucas What is this ideal world of yours, anyway?
After all that hurt you caused the people and Pokémon of Sinnoh, that's your plan?
You're just gonna use everyone, then throw them away when they're not useful to you anymore? Is that the ideal world you want?
Cyrus That is what it means to think efficiently.
An incomplete spirit will only get in the way of making the right choices.
(Flashback to New World Dilemma)
Sophocles If we all lose our human spirit, I can't become friends with you, Cyrus!
(Flashback ends)
Cyrus Human spirit is the cause of our suffering, worries, and mistakes!
I must fix this twisted world!
This world must be rid of incomplete spirit—and become one where feelings such as joy, anger, and despair no longer exist!
All human spirit must be erased! No exceptions!
(Transition to the Lab where Cheryl, Elesa, Lillie, Paulo, Sophocles, Professor Bellis, and the player listen to Cyrus's speech)
Cyrus All human spirit must be erased! No exceptions!
Paulo We make mistakes...because of our human spirit?
Cheryl ... ... ...
Sophocles Cyrus...
(Transition to the hideout)
Mars Master Cyrus...
Cynthia This is the world your boss Cyrus is really trying to achieve.
Saturn But...
Cynthia If you have any feelings—the human spirit that Cyrus is talking about—within you...
then I think it might be worth reconsidering a few things. Even if it's just a little bit.
That's all I had to say. I'll be on my way now.
(Cynthia leaves)
Mars We followed Master Cyrus because we were drawn to his vision of that wonderful new galaxy he spoke of...
Jupiter Does this mean we were kept in the dark about his true ideals?
Saturn This loyalty we feel for him... Is that something he finds worthless, too?

  • Together in Spirit
Name Text
(Cyrus defeats the trio)
Dawn Our Pokémon!
Lucas No... I won't let you!
Dawn Lucas, come back! It's dangerous!
Cyrus She's right. There is no reason for you to protect Dialga.
Lucas No way! I'm not like you!
I'll keep battling to the very end if it's to help a Pokémon!
(A light flashes)
Lucas ... ... ...?! What's this?
Dawn Lucas's sync stone is reacting to his feelings of wanting to save Dialga?
Barry Seriously? Lucas is gonna be partners with a Legendary Pokémon?!
Lucas want to lend us your power, don't you.
Got it! Then let's do this, Dialga!
(Lucas uses his sync move and defeats Palkia)
Cyrus So, Dialga... You've chosen human spirit, have you?
Fine. You can have that Pokémon.
That saves me the trouble of disposing of it.
Lucas You're saying that again?!
Cyrus Soon enough, you won't have to feel that anger anymore.
(Darkrai appears and disappears with Cyrus)
Dawn What was that Pokémon?
And just now...
(Cynthia and Looker appear)
Looker C'est une catastrophe! Could you come with me?!
(Transition to the group finding Team Galactic grunts in a nightmare)
Dawn What in the...
Team Galactic Grunt Urgh...ugh...
Barry This is the same as what I saw earlier!
Lucas Wait. Does that mean this was all caused by that Mythical Pokémon?
Saturn Precisely.
Saturn These people were used in experiments to test Darkrai’s power.
A few days later...
(Professor Bellis's Lab)
Cynthia Ever since that incident, it seems Cyrus has been putting his plans into action.
Sync pairs all over Pasio are falling asleep and having terrible nightmares... And they're not waking up.
Looker We're making sure the affected sync pairs are getting treated at the Pokémon Center.
Lillie I'm so worried...
When I think about what would happen if my family were ever affected...
Dawn Hey, everyone! Good news! We were able to wake up all the sync pairs that were asleep because of Darkrai!
Looker What?! Really?!
Cynthia That's fantastic, Dawn! How'd you do that?
Dawn Together with Cresselia and her power!
(Dawn sends out Cresselia)
Dawn As long as we work together, we can help everyone!
No matter what kind of nightmares everyone is having, we'll make things all right again!
'Cause we're here to protect them all!

  • The Nightmare Spreads
Name Text
(Cyrus appears in a void with his sygna suit)
Cyrus I see nothing...
Feel nothing...
There is nothing but me within the chill of darkness...
At long last, I've found the ideal world I seek.
A perfect, complete world where no one can be led astray by their incomplete human spirit...
(Professor Bellis's Lab)
Dawn Sorry to keep you waiting! How do you like my sygna suit?
Lucas It looks great on you, Dawn! And it matches Cresselia, too!
Barry Yeah, you look super cool—like a hero!
Dawn Really? A hero? That IS cool!
I hope I can be just like all those heroes out there and help everyone out!
Though, there is more to it than that...
Cynthia Sygna suits help you feel more connected to your partner Pokémon, don't they?
Dawn Yup!
Cynthia I've made a commitment to face Cyrus again.
This outfit represents that conviction.
Though originally, it started off as a way to help me forge a stronger bond with Giratina.
Lucas When I battled Cyrus...he seemed sad, somehow.
It's awful that he abandoned Dialga... But if there's any way we can make him understand, I'm on board!
Cynthia Agreed. Cyrus's goal is to create a complete eliminating people and Pokémon isn't necessarily his true ambition.
I think there's a chance that, deep down, he still has a heart that cares.
And I still believe he can change.
??? H-hey... Everyone...
(Professor Sycamore appears trapped in a nightmare)
Cynthia Professor Sycamore! What happened to you?!
Professor Sycamore Be careful... Darkrai's nightmare... It's taken over...
Professor Bellis Darkrai?!
Professor Sycamore It's swallowing up...all...of Pasio...
... ... ...
Dawn Professor Sycamore!
Cynthia It's OK. He's just asleep.
Dawn Thank goodness...
But wait! If he's asleep, that's bad!
Cynthia He mentioned Darkrai and nightmares, didn't he.
Could it be...?
(Transition to the group finding other Trainers trapped in a nightmare in town)
Barry H-hey! I thought we woke everyone up with Cresselia's power!
Lucas Is Darkrai getting so strong that it's overpowering Cresselia?
Cyrus and Team Galactic must've done something to it!
Dawn Oh no... This is bad!
Cynthia At this rate we may fall asleep, even with Cresselia nearby to protect us.
Be strong, everyone! If we aren't, we'll all get sucked into Darkrai's nightmare!

  • Galactic Alliance
Name Text
(Professor Bellis's Lab)
Dawn Everyone fell asleep again...
I wonder what Cyrus is trying to accomplish by using Darkrai's power.
Cynthia Cyrus's vision is to create a world devoid of human spirit...
Therefore, he must be doing this because Darkrai's nightmare is close to his ideal world.
Barry You're kidding, right? You mean he actually wants these nightmares?!
Lucas If Darkrai's nightmare is Cyrus's ideal world...
Then it's possible he's also asleep, right?
Cynthia Yes indeed.
Falling deeper into the nightmare may be allowing him to forge a deeper bond with Darkrai.
Cyrus could be in that nightmare, resonating with Darkrai... All while strengthening their bond.
Dawn Unbelievable! But we know what eventually happens to those who fall into Darkrai’s nightmare...
Barry Yikes! We have to find him—quick!
Lucas We don't have enough info on his whereabouts... What should we do?
??? Why don't you let us in on this operation?
(Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn appear)
Barry Team Galactic!
Saturn We'd also like to find our boss.
Mars Don't get the wrong idea. We're only helping you because your goals happen to align with ours.
Barry After all the bad things you've done, you're really willing to help us out?
Jupiter We're not playing around. We'll do anything to get our boss back.
Dawn ... ... ...
OK. I believe you.
Lucas What?! Really, Dawn?
You sure we should team up with Team Galactic?
Dawn Uh-huh. Everyone worries about the people they care about. It has nothing to do with good or evil.
Cynthia I'm with you, Dawn. We'll need their help if we want Cyrus to change.
I believe that you all care deeply for Cyrus.
Saturn Thank you. You have our full cooperation.
Cynthia However, you need to follow our rules.
No straying from the group. You'll stay with at least one of us while we're out and about.
Mars Hmph. So you wanna babysit us, huh? Go right ahead.
Professor Bellis Urgh...
Barry Professor?!
Professor Bellis I'm suddenly feeling...a little...sleepy...
Lucas You can't go to sleep, Professor! You'll fall right into Darkrai’s nightmare!
Professor Bellis Sorry... Can't...stay awake...
I can do it... I...believe...
... ... ...
Dawn Professor Bellis...
Cynthia Let's go. We have to find Cyrus—for the professor's sake, too!
(Transition to Barry and Jupiter at the glaciers)
Jupiter's so cold, even Skuntank's tail is frozen upside down!
Barry Wasn't its tail like that already? Don't just make things up!
Jupiter Sheesh, I was just trying to be nice and make some conversation.
Why'd I have to partner up with you, anyway? Putting us together... It's like they're asking for a fight to happen.
Barry What, you wanna battle?!
Jupiter Of course not. Master Cyrus comes first right now.
Also...even if we did battle, I'm not sure I'd be able to beat you again.
I can tell you've gotten stronger.
Barry Oh... Well, that's nice of you to say.
Y'know, after I lost to you...
I had this feeling that I had to get stronger. But it wasn't because I was worried about winning or losing. You know what I mean?
You get it, right? Since you're the same.
After all, you're fighting really hard for someone you believe in now.
When you put things on the line for someone else and not just yourself, that's what makes you super strong.
Jupiter Is that so?
Then let's hurry up and find Master Cyrus.
After that, we can have a rematch to see which of us has gotten stronger.
Barry Yeah! Totally!

  • Intertwined Pasts
Name Text
(Lucas and Mars at the ruins)
Lucas It's pretty weird, working together with someone from Team Galactic.
Mars Hmph. Right back at ya, kid. You've got some nerve—
Oh, never mind. We're cooperating now.
Lucas You must really care about Cyrus, huh?
Mars Oh, shut it. It's none of your business!
Of course I care. We're only teaming up with you so we can find him.
Once we're done with this, I'd be happy to take you down a few notches like before.
Lucas Like before? You mean that time we battled at Lake Verity? I'll definitely win this time!
Mars Hmph. Like I'd lose to a goody-goody couple like you and that little friend of yours.
Lucas Wh-what? Dawn and I aren't a couple!
I mean...I know I rely on her a lot... Too much, really...
But that's why I want to win even when she's not here!
Because then I can be proud that I won on my own!
Mars Oh? So you're a couple, but it's a little complicated, huh.
Lucas I-I just said, we're not a couple!
Mars Whatever. Either way, let's have another battle once we've found Master Cyrus.
I'll show you again just how amazing Team Galactic can be!
(Transition to Dawn and Saturn in the forest)
Dawn Hm... Where should we start looking?
(Saturn sends out his Toxicroak)
Dawn What are you doing?
Saturn You're able to stay calm, even when I'm about to betray you?
Dawn Betray me? Are you sure about that?
I didn't sense any ill will from you or your Toxicroak.
Saturn Hmph. So that's what you think?
I'll admit, we weren't actually harboring any ill will toward you.
I simply wanted to battle you.
Dawn Why?
Saturn Because when we fought back in Sinnoh, I couldn't defeat you.
In terms of skill, you may be on par with our boss.
Perhaps it's my curiosity as a Trainer that makes me wonder what the secret to your power is.
But what was I thinking, when our boss is facing a crisis?
Dawn I don’t mind.
Cyrus is important to you. I get that. But you have to take care of yourself just as much.
You can't just keep pushing your own feelings aside for everyone else.
Barry and Lucas are my precious friends...
But I think it's great that we can tell each other what we want to do, even if it's a little selfish or it leads to an argument.
If you don't do that, you can't let your friends know when they're doing something wrong.
Saturn Master Cyrus...doing something wrong?
Dawn Because...a lot can happen in life, you know?
And I'd be more than happy to share my secret to getting stronger!
Saturn What?
Dawn After all, we're on Pasio—a place where sync pairs are free to battle and form as many connections with others as they want!
Got it?
Saturn Hmph. Yeah, I think so.
Very well. Once we've successfully extricated Master Cyrus from this mess, I'll have you tell me everything about your little secret.
(Dawn and Saturn find a sleeping Team Galactic grunt)
Dawn Oh! Look at that!

  • The Time of Awakening
Name Text
(Professor Bellis's Lab)
Team Galactic Grunt Zzzzz! Zzzzz! Zzzzz...
Cynthia What's up with this grunt?
Dawn We found him sleeping right in the middle of the road, so we brought him back with us...
Team Galactic Grunt ZZZZZ! ZZZZZ!
Mars Snoring so loud... He's enjoying his little nap, isn't he.
Lucas Huh... Enjoying?
Hey! This grunt doesn't seem to be having any nightmares!
Dawn What?!
Saturn Sheesh. I can't believe he's sleeping on the job. Wake up, you!
(Saturn hits the grunt)
Team Galactic Grunt Urgh. Morning already? I'd like a cup of Tapu Cocoa, please...
Saturn H-how dare you show such laziness!
Jupiter Where is your pride as a member of Team Galactic?
Team Galactic Grunt Huh? Oh, you people...
Ah! Whoops!
(Looker removes his disguise)
Dawn Looker?!
Looker In the flesh! I was wearing a Team Galactic disguise, but that was just a means to snoop around!
My code name, it is Looker! I'm a middle-aged looker, so to speak, working for the International Police!
Cynthia Why were you dressed like Team Galactic?
Looker I was looking for Cyrus!
All these members of Team Galactic are operating without a boss to keep them in line, so I was gathering all sorts of information from them!
And, by piecing together all those vague bits of information, I've figured out where he is!
Saturn What?! Tell us what you know, immediately!
Looker OK, listen up...
(Transition to the cave)
Dawn According to Looker, Cyrus should be in this cave.
Barry Yeah. But Looker must've been tired, because he went right back to sleep after telling us!
Cynthia From here on out, it's up to us.
I'm counting on you, too, Sophocles.
Sophocles Sure! I know we can get Cyrus to understand us if we can talk to him!
(Darkrai appears)
Jupiter Darkrai?! That must mean Cyrus really is here!
Barry Uh-oh... I'm getting kinda...sleepy...
Lucas Oh no! We got too close to Darkrai!
N-no... I can't...keep my eyes open...
Dawn...hurry... Use Cresselia's power...
Dawn No, let's go into the nightmare!
Sophocles What?!
Dawn If Cyrus is already in Darkrai's nightmare...
then I think we have to go to sleep, too.
Cynthia I see. Let's go for it, then.
Mars Bring it on! We'll do it for Master Cyrus!
Sophocles Y-yeah! I can do it, too!
Dawn I'll see you our dreams...
(Transition to inside the nightmare)
Dawn It's so dark...and cold...
Is this Darkrai's nightmare? The one Cyrus is experiencing?
I feel like I've lost something precious to me...
If I knew I'd feel like this, I never would've come here...
(Cresselia appears)
Dawn Cresselia! You found me!
Thanks. I'm not lonely anymore.
I know I have friends who care about me!
Come on! Let's find Cyrus!
(Cyrus appears)
Dawn There he is!
Hey! You have to wake up! Everyone's waiting for you!
(Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn appear)
Mars Master Cyrus! Please, wake up!
Jupiter Without you, we...we...
Saturn Your ideals—your new galaxy! I'm sure this isn't what you wanted!
(Barry, Cynthia, Lucas, and Sophocles appear)
Sophocles I wanna talk with you more, Cyrus!
Maybe we won't be able to understand everything about each other...
But how will we know if we haven't even tried yet?!
Cynthia Cyrus, are you listening?
There are people here who need you!
Stop running away into these nightmares, and open your eyes!

  • A Mission to Complete
Name Text
(The group wakes up in the cave)
Cynthia Ngh... Where are we?
Barry Hey, we're back! Sheesh, that place was so boring, I don't think I could stand another second of it!
??? You dare to meddle in my affairs?
(Cyrus appears)
Sophocles Cyrus!
Saturn Boss!
Jupiter You're awake! Thank goodness—
Cyrus Silence.
Why doesn't anyone understand my ideals?
Cynthia How could we?
That chilling, dark place? How could anyone like a world so vast yet suffocating?
Cyrus I suppose we'll never see eye to eye.
(Cyrus sends out Darkrai and Palkia, Cynthia sends out Giratina, Dawn sends out Cresselia, Lucas sends out Dialga)
Cyrus Dialga.
Lucas Yeah! Dialga's my precious partner Pokémon!
Cyrus Connections and bonds between hearts end here. I'll eliminate them all!
(Cynthia, Dawn, and Lucas battle and defeat Cyrus)
Cyrus Why?! How could I lose yet again?!
Lucas Because I can rely on my friend, Dialga!
Cyrus Your...friend?
Dawn We were able to get out of that nightmare thanks to the connections that bring us together!
There are people who need us... Who are waiting for us!
We can't stay cooped up and asleep in a nightmare like that forever!
I know you feel the same!
Cyrus You are unstable, incomplete beings...
You're nothing but pawns.
Jupiter Yes, sir. That's true.
But that doesn't give us a reason to leave your side!
Cyrus What?
Mars For you, we will do anything...even if it means we're just pawns or tools for you to use!
Saturn It's true that we didn't understand your real ambitions.
But that's OK because we trust you! We believe in you and the new world you strive to create!
If we lose our feelings...our loyalty to you...
then we won't be able to stay by your side and help you do that!
Mars Please, sir! Reconsider!
Cynthia You're not wrong when you say human spirit is incomplete.
And yes, being incomplete means we experience feelings like hurt and pain.
But the reason why you feel hurt is because you have something precious to you.
Perhaps even a Pokémon that you've forged a bond with a while back.
Cyrus ... ... ...
Connections between hearts... These bonds you speak of... I admit they can prove to be useful.
However, you remain unaware of the tragic events that unfold because of them.
I will find another way—a way in which we can avoid that suffering.
Perhaps completing the human spirit is one way to accomplish that.
With a complete spirit, there would be no tragedy and no mistakes.
Sophocles Cyrus!
Cyrus Saturn.
As before, you are still nothing more than pawns and tools to accomplish what I need.
If you're fine with that, you may come with me.
Saturn Yes, sir!
Cyrus I’ll be on my way.
And you, boy from Sinnoh...
Take care of Dialga.
(Cyrus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn disappear)
(Transition to Giovanni)
??? Hm... Loyal subordinates?
(Transition to Professor Bellis's Lab)
Professor Bellis Merci! Everyone on Pasio is awake now, thanks to you!
Barry Awesome! I'm glad everyone's OK!
Dawn I hope it's because Cyrus has begun to understand how important feelings are.
Lucas Yeah. He even seemed concerned about Dialga a bit, in the end!
He's gonna change—I'm sure of it!
Cynthia I felt an immeasurable amount of despair from him in Darkrai’s nightmare...
But despite that, he's trying to take a step in the right direction.
It's because he has people he cares about.
Professor Bellis Seems we should keep an eye on him, just in case.
That said, you all did a marvelous job!
Dawn Thanks!
I hope I can have another battle with Team Galactic someday...
Not as enemies, but as rivals!

Johto: Team Rocket's Revival

  • Resuming Operations
Name Text
(Flashback to Red Dyanmaxing his Snorlax in Team Rocket Returns)
(Team Rocket hideout)
Giovanni Dynamax...
Without a doubt, it is a tremendous power, strong enough to topple anything in its path.
This island certainly continues to intrigue me.
(The Team Rocket Executives appear)
Archer Boss! The executives of Team Rocket are all present and accounted for!
Ariana It's an honor to be at your service again, sir!
Proton Your wish is our command. Just say the word.
Petrel You're looking sharp as ever, boss!
Giovanni So you all made it here.
I'm sure you're aware of our situation. We're going to launch an operation to take control of the entire island of Pasio.
In order to do that, we need more strength... A new kind of power, in fact.
Get ready. I have much work for you to do.
Archer Yes, sir!
Giovanni First, I have something I need to finish.
Soon, all of Pasio will be under the control of Team Rocket!
(Kris, Morty, and Silver battle Lance, Karen, and Will)
Silver Today's the day I pay you back for all the times you've beaten me. Come on, Ho-Oh! Don't hold back!
Lance Sorry, but that's not going to happen just yet. Dragonite! Counter their attack!
(Battle ends)
Lance Great battle. You almost had us.
Silver It doesn't matter. A loss is a loss.
Karen Still, that was really close. There were a bunch of moments where even I was worried.
Kris Really? I couldn't tell at all...
Will Well... If we let it show, we'd just be revealing to you what our weaknesses are.
Lance Exactly. You know, your team did an excellent job working together.
It took Xatu and Umbreon working together just to deal with Feraligatr's strength...
and I could hardly find an opening with that teamwork your two Ho-Oh were showing.
Morty Hear that, Silver? Sounds like we make a pretty decent team.
Silver Hmph. I'll get you back for this eventually. You'd better be ready when I come back for another rematch.
??? Excuse me.
(Paulo appears)
Silver Oh, it's you. What's up?
Paulo I'd like to ask you a question, Silver.
I heard from Ethan that when you two first met, you were the kind of guy who'd do anything to get stronger.
Things like...stealing other people's Pokémon.
Lance Paulo, maybe you shouldn't—
Silver Wait, Lance.
Yeah, I did. What of it?
Paulo I was wondering why you changed your mind.
You were doing things that way because you felt it would make you stronger, right?
If you'd kept going down that path, don't you think you might've come out stronger for it?
Silver ... ... ...
I'm not sure.
Back then, I thought that I could be the strongest Trainer as long as I had the strongest Pokémon.
But even when I had the strongest Pokémon, there were still people I couldn't beat. That's why I changed.
I still don't completely understand why I lost back then...
But I think I'm starting to get it now.
Paulo Does that have to do with relying on others? Or maybe...connections?
Silver At the very least, a strong connection with your Pokémon is a must.
That said, I hate weak Trainers who think they're big and tough as long as they're in a group.
Paulo I see... Thanks, Silver. Sorry for asking that out of the blue.
Silver Don't sweat it. It's fine.
Paulo (Giovanni also mentioned something about connections...)
(Which long as I have a connection, I can use any means necessary to get stronger?)
(A Togepi appears)
Will Hm? Is that a Togepi?
I don't see a Trainer around... Why's it all alone?
Kris Hold on... It looks like it's in pain.
(The Togepi Dynamaxes)
Kris Whoa!
Lance Is it...Dynamaxing?!

  • On My Own
Name Text
Karen What was up with that Togepi just now? It Dynamaxed out of nowhere.
And then it just scampered away right after we took it down...
Morty Did you see how pained it looked right after it approached us?
Kris I've seen something like this before.
Lance With Eternatus?
Kris Yeah. When Eternatus came to Pasio, it made a lot of other Pokémon Dynamax all of a sudden.
Morty Everything was really chaotic because nobody knew what was causing it!
But didn’t Leon solve the problem by catching Eternatus?
Kris Yeah, that's what we thought. But if this is happening again, something else must be wrong.
Silver That Togepi looked like it was having a rough time.
I think it was being forced to Dynamax even though it didn't want to.
Lance Hmm... Let's go to Professor Bellis’s Lab and figure out what to do next.
(A Team Rocket grunt watches from afar, Silver notices them)
(Transition to Professor Bellis's Lab)
Professor Bellis So you saw a Dynamax Pokémon?
Lance Yeah. Karen, Will, and Morty decided to stay there so they can keep an eye on things.
Professor Bellis Actually, I've already received reports of similar incidents happening.
Kris Really?!
Professor Bellis Not a lot...but they're on the rise.
I already have Red and Blue on the case, as I thought we should do something soon before it gets out of hand.
I'm pretty sure I know who's behind all of this, too.
Silver It's Team Rocket, isn't it?
They were spying on us earlier.
Professor Bellis They've been spotted lurking around whenever a Dynamax Pokémon is reported.
Kris But they don't seem to have any control over those Pokémon, right?
Oh, wait! So that means...
Lance They're just forcing the Pokémon to Dynamax?
Kris Yeah, that's what I was thinking!
Lance I once saw a Gyarados that had evolved because Team Rocket forced it...
It went on a rampage and looked like it was in a lot of pain.
Team Rocket doesn't care about Pokémon... They just use them as tools!
I won't let them get away with this.
Silver ... ... ...
Professor Bellis Where are you going, Silver?
Silver I'm doing this on my own.
Lance You don't want to come with us?
Silver I'm not a fan of teaming up.
I don't want to be like Team Rocket. They're just a bunch of weaklings who can't do anything on their own.
(Silver leaves)
Lance What's up with him? He seemed a little on edge...
Let him go. The rest of us can team up.
Kris Sure! But where do we even start?
Professor Bellis Oh, I know someone you can ask for help!
She's a Pokémon Professor from Galar, home of the Dynamax phenomenon!

  • The Cruelest and Scariest
Name Text
Morty Are we really meeting her here?
Lance Yeah. Professor Sonia is from the Galar region, and she's done research on the Dynamax phenomenon.
That's why we'd like to ask her about what's going on, but...
we're worried that Team Rocket might overhear our conversations if we meet up with her in town.
Morty I see. So that's why you chose such a secluded area deep in the woods.
Lance Exactly. Will went to fetch the professor, so there shouldn't be any risk of her getting kidnapped along the way, either.
Karen We also had Kris stay with Professor Bellis, so we know she'll be safe, too.
Lance We won't make the same mistakes we did last time. This time, we're going to finish the job.
??? Sorry to keep you waiting!
(Sonia and Will appear)
Lance Professor Sonia!
Sonia We got lost a few times. It's dark around here, so everything looks the same!
Lance Thanks for bringing her here, Will.
Did you bring the thing I asked you about, Professor?
Sonia Yup! I managed it somehow!
This machine is something I've been working on for a while now, but since you needed it, I was able to complete it in record time!
Ta-da! I call it the Dynamax Sync Pair Power Spot Detector!
Will What a tongue twister...
Karen What does it do?
Sonia It detects spots where Galar particles are showing increased activity. other words, it's able to find Pokémon that are on the verge of Dynamaxing!
Karen Oh, really? So if we go the spot showing the most activity...
Morty There's a good chance that's where the Team Rocket hideout is located?
Sonia Exactly!
Lance That's amazing, Professor Sonia. I can't believe you put this together in such a short amount of time.
Sonia Hehe! It may look a bit rough around the edges, but I can assure you, it's got pinpoint accuracy!
Lance OK, let's give it go, then. Where's the on switch?
??? You've made quite an annoying machine, I see.
Sonia Who's there?!
(Proton and Team Rocket grunts appear)
Proton Our boss is busy running a grand experiment. We can't let you interfere with that.
I am Proton, an executive of Team Rocket. I won't let you flip that switch!
Team Rocket Grunt Oh my gosh, Proton! You're sooo cool!
Morty I guess you were followed, Professor.
Sonia What? Me?
Will Well... I actually did notice that.
Sonia Really?!
Will But I felt it would be smarter if we dealt with it once we got back together with the group. He wasn't showing any signs of attacking at the time.
Karen So this mighty Team Rocket executive just tailed you instead of facing you head on in battle? How spineless.
Team Rocket Grunt Excuse me, what'd you just say?! You'll be sorry once Proton gets serious and takes you out in a second!
We'll beat you to the ground and send you home in tears!
Lance Sorry, but we're in a hurry.
I'll have to ask you to leave!
(Karen, Lance, and Will battle and defeat Proton and the Team Rocket grunts)
Proton Hmph! Whatever, I still bought us some time.
I don't expect you to understand the grand mission our boss is going to accomplish, anyway.
(Proton and Team Rocket grunts leave)
Morty Proton's a Team Rocket executive...and he wasn't just all talk.
Karen Yeah. Team Rocket is definitely getting stronger again.
Will They're a dangerous bunch. I'll stay with Professor Sonia for extra protection, just in case.
Lance OK. Then the rest of us should find their hideout before it's too late!

  • Infiltrate the Rocket Hideout
Name Text
Karen The hideout is here, of all places?
Lance According to the machine, yeah.
Morty I wonder if Silver's here already...
Lance He might've already infiltrated the hideout.
I told him what we know. Let's let him decide how he wants to go about it.
(Transition to Silver in the Team Rocket hideout, Giovanni and Team Rocket grunts appear)
??? Mwahahaha! We've been waiting for you.
I must say, I'm a bit surprised you barged in here all on your own.
Silver ... ... ...
Giovanni Are you brave or just reckless? I'll put that to the test.
You shall face Giovanni, the greatest Trainer!
(Silver battles and defeats Giovanni)
Giovanni Ha! That was a truly intense fight! You have won!
I have little choice, it seems. I will relinquish Pasio for now.
But Team Rocket will never fall!
Never forget that all Pokémon exist for Team Rocket!
Silver You're not fooling anyone. Show's over.
Giovanni What?!
Silver You're Petrel, the Team Rocket executive. Spill it—where's Giovanni?
Giovanni Heh heh heh...
Wahahaha! I guess my cover is blown!
Petrel My disguise was perfect! You get props for seeing through it.
But my losing to you won't change a thing!
That door is locked shut!
You can try all you like, but it won't open unless I say the password. It only reacts to my voice!
Silver Tsk!
Petrel Shhh, Honchkrow. Don't say the password this time, OK?
If you keep quiet, I'll give you a shiny toy ring!
Oh, I forgot—I guess you only liked shiny things

when you were still a Murkrow, huh.
Look at you now, all big and strong... It's makin' me tear up!
Face it, kid... You've hit a dead end. You're not going anywhere!
Mwahahaha! Hail Giovanni!
Oops! Aw, man! I got so excited, I accidentally shouted out the password!

Silver You really don't know when to stop talking.
Petrel No turnin' back now! I'll stop you before you get to the boss, no matter what it takes!
(More Team Rocket grunts appear)
Silver In the end, you're still resorting to outnumbering your opponent? This is why I hate you guys.
But...if I waste my time on this, Lance and the others might get to Giovanni first.
??? Fwahahaha!
Team Rocket Grunt Wh-where's that laugh coming from?
How long have you been here?!
(Koga and Janine appear)
Koga Silver! We're here to help. You can go on ahead!
Janine My father and I will take care of everyone here! Let's help each other out!
Silver I don't need help from anyone! Stop interfering!
Koga You're the one who's going to take down Giovanni, aren't you? Do you really have the time to waste here?
Silver ... ... ...
Hmph... Fine!
(Silver leaves)
Janine OK, prepare yourselves!
Petrel What?! This can't be!
Oh, wait. I dropped the Giovanni disguise already, didn't I.
Darn. I guess the best I can do is stop the two of you, then!
Koga Heh. You think we’ll just let you do that?
Prepare to fall victim to our intricate style and sinister techniques! Our bond as a family will prevail!
(Transition to Karen, Lance, and Morty cornering Archer and Ariana)
Lance We've got you cornered now.
Why don't you put an end to this evil nonsense of forcing Pokémon to Dynamax.
Ariana Heh. Cornered, you say?
Archer I'm afraid you're just a tad too late for that line.
Lance What?!
(Giovanni appears in his sygna suit)
Lance Giovanni...
Giovanni Welcome to my hideout, Champion.

  • One or Many
Name Text
Giovanni You certainly took your time.
You've given me enough time to complete my objective.
Lance Your objective?
Ariana Bit slow on the uptake, aren't you. We're talking about Dynamax sync pairs!
Lance What? You became a Dynamax sync pair?
Giovanni Indeed. We're different from those other Pokémon that were Dynamaxing spontaneously all over Pasio.
Now I have a Pokémon that will Dynamax on command!
Archer We conducted some experiments of our own based on Professor Bellis's research materials, and now we have the results!
Giovanni I took some inspiration from the sync pairs on Pasio who wear sygna suits as well.
They're fascinating outfits.
When you wear them, you can feel a stronger connection to your partner Pokémon.
Lance Wait... So you found another Pokémon willing to accept the malice in your heart, just like Mewtwo did?
Giovanni Having trouble accepting that? See for yourself, then!
Experience the power of the evil that bonds us together!
Nidoking! Dynamax!
(Transition to Silver in another part of the hideout)
Silver ... ... ... Wha—?! The ground is shaking!
This hideout is about to collapse!
(Transition to the glaciers)
Giovanni Mwahahaha! How glorious! This is the true power of a Dynamax sync pair!
Such overwhelming strength! THIS is what I was trying to achieve!
Lance I can't believe he just destroyed his hideout with a max move...
Morty Mega Evolution and Dynamax together are unbelievably powerful...
(Silver appears)
Silver I see you're incapable of doing anything by yourself, as always.
Lance Silver!
Silver Those Trainers took out your horde of grunts earlier, so their Pokémon were already tired.
You think you can talk big after beating an opponent that's already been weakened for you?
Giovanni That is simply what an organization does.
Archer Indeed. Bringing together individuals is more efficient and allows you to wield much more power.
There's no reason why we shouldn't make use of such power. Do you not understand that, child?
Silver Big talk for cowards who can't do anything without Giovanni around. Face it—you're just too weak to work alone.
Even a child like me can see that. Why can't you?
Ariana How dare you say that! You have no idea what we've been through—
Giovanni I suppose you've gotten strong enough to back up that argument, have you?
Silver Of course. While you all were pretending to be friends, I was busy training.
I can take care of this all by myself. This is how it should've been from the start.
We'll settle this once and for all...old man!

  • As Your Friend
Name Text
(Pokémon Center)
Professor Bellis How was everything outside?
Jasmine Well...we still have no idea when the next Dynamax Pokémon will appear.
Falkner We've got Gym Leaders spread out and waiting just in case we have to jump in to help.
Professor Bellis But we can't stop what's causing all of these problems until Lance and Silver's group takes down Giovanni.
Jasmine I hope they're OK... It is Giovanni we're talking about.
Falkner Yeah, and Silver doesn't seem to be fond of working in teams, either.
??? We'll check on them!
(Ethan, Kris, and Lyra appear in their sygna suits)
Falkner Oh, your outfits!
Kris What do you think? We got ourselves some sygna suits!
Lyra We also have new partner Pokémon, too! We're turning over a new leaf, so to speak!
Professor Bellis We're counting on you, but remember—you'll be dealing with a very difficult opponent.
Ethan Yeah, we know! But no matter what, we're still gonna go!
Because we want to help our friend!
Lyra Yeah! And we won't let Team Rocket get away with anything here on Pasio!
Ethan We're on our way, Silver!
(Transition to the glaciers)
Kris There are some signs that a pretty intense battle happened here...
Lyra Look! Over there!
(Ethan's group approaches Lance's group)
Ethan What happened?!
Lance Oh, Ethan...
It turns out Giovanni can now make his Pokémon Dynamax.
I tried to take him on with Karen and Morty, but he got us...
And then Silver came and challenged him to a battle, but...
(Flashback to Silver battling and losing to Giovanni)
Giovanni Heh. I now wield the power of Mega Evolution and Dynamax. You're no match for me.
Silver No, we're not done yet! We can still—
... ... ...
Giovanni What, you're not going to challenge me again?
Hm... I see. You're unwilling to overwork your Pokémon that's already been hurt in battle.
That's the end of that, then. I'll be on my way.
Silver Where do you think you're going?!
Giovanni I still haven't personally met the owner of Pasio.
I'd like to pay him a visit very soon.
But of course, I can't go empty-handed. I have a few things to prepare.
(Flashback ends)
Ethan Wait! So that means...
Lance Yeah. He must've been talking about Lear. His plan is to take over Pasio.
Let's regroup and prepare. They won't be able to do anything right away.
Morty I hope Silver's OK.
Lyra I want to make him feel better, but what do I even say?
Karen I'm sure he already knows all about his own shortcomings and what he needs to do.
All we can do is wait until he takes his next step.
That's why you all should stick with him until he's ready.
He's not always honest with himself, but he thinks highly of you all.
There's nothing more reassuring than knowing you have friends who've got your back.
Lyra Yeah!

  • In My Heart
Name Text
Lyra I hope Silver's not too bummed about what happened.
Kris Yeah. It seemed like he was really set on beating Giovanni.
It was probably devastating to lose to someone he really wanted to beat.
Ethan I'm sure he's OK.
Kris Oh! Look over there!
(Silver and Pryce in the distance)
Pryce You've got an impressive amount of skill—and at such a young age.
And I can tell your Pokémon has a great deal of trust in you as a Trainer.
Ethan Silver! There you are!
Silver What do you want?
Ethan We wanted to ask you something while Lance and the others are letting their Pokémon rest up...
Lyra Why don't you come with us to battle Team Rocket?
Silver I already told you... I hate teaming up.
Lyra But—
Kris It's impossible to fight through life without ever getting any help, though.
Just now, you were training with Pryce. Doesn't that count as him helping you out?
Silver Hmph.
Pryce Would it be so bad to rely on them?
You're rushing things, young man. That's what I felt in our battle just now.
You're frustrated because the ideal you pursue is still out of reach, so you're hungry to overcome your shortcomings.
But in order to move forward, aren't there some obstacles you can't overcome alone?
Silver ... ... ...
Ethan C'mon, Silver! We just wanna help you out!
I know you want that one-on-one rematch with Giovanni...
But in order to get to that point, we've gotta battle through the rest of Team Rocket together!
Silver You don't know what I'm feeling.
This is MY problem. Leave me alone.
Ethan No way!
Silver Wha—?!
Kris Wow, that was kinda pushy, Ethan...
Ethan 'Cause we're friends!
Silver Even though you can't even tell what's in my heart?
Ethan Yeah. After all, what you feel in your heart are YOUR feelings!
But I do know that we both wanna take down Giovanni, right?
Silver Tsk. You're always so persistent.
Even back in Johto, you kept showing up before me, time and time again... And so many times, I lost to you.
Because of that, I...
You know what? Fine. But only until we get to Giovanni.
Ethan Really?!
Silver But don't you dare interfere in my battle with him!
If you do, I won't hesitate to take you down first.
Ethan Gotcha. I won't.
Silver I appreciate your advice.
Pryce You're quite welcome. Stay sharp out there.
You never know just how long you have until the friends you've shared aspirations with aren’t around anymore.
Silver What do you mean by that?
Pryce Oh, just a bit of life advice from an old man.
As you say, we can't tell exactly what others are feeling in their hearts.
But that's exactly why it's a very precious thing to have friends who care about you and stay by your side, no matter what.
Ethan Pryce...
Pryce You never know what could happen. Such is life.
I hope the connection between you all lasts for a very long time.
Silver ... ... ...
(Kris receives a call)
Kris What?! O-OK, we'll head back right away!
Heads up, everyone! Team Rocket is on the move!

  • Hearts Aligned
Name Text
(Team Rocket grunts taking over the Battle Villa)
Ethan Whoa! They've already made their way into Lear's manor!
??? Actually, we led them here on purpose.
(Bugsy and Whitney appear)
Lyra Bugsy! And Whitney, too?
Bugsy If we battle outside, we run the risk of putting other sync pairs in danger.
So we decided to bring the battle inside! After all, we have the home-field advantage here.
Kris I see.
Whitney To be honest, though, we're kinda struggling since they're coming at us with so many people.
Ethan Then we've gotta hurry and take down Giovanni!
??? Not so fast. We won't allow you to meddle in our affairs.
(Petrel, Proton, and a group of Team Rocket grunts appear)
Ethan Whoa!
Petrel Sheesh, you don't gotta be so surprised. We're not ghosts.
Proton Unfortunately, we can't let you go any further.
We'll do anything to buy our great boss, Giovanni, some time to achieve his ambitions!
Silver Hmph. There they go again, coming at us with hordes of weaklings. How annoying.
Whitney We'll take them on! You all go on ahead!
Bugsy Yeah! We can take care of this!
Petrel Well, well. Aren't you the excited one.
Whitney I'm not excited—I'm upset at you meanies!
I remember what you did back in Goldenrod City!
Bugsy I heard from Kurt about all the awful things you did to Slowpoke.
You should be ashamed of yourselves!
Proton Hmph. I was wondering who you were... You're that kid from Azalea Town.
Ethan Thanks, you two! We're counting on you!
Kris But...
There are way too many of them for just two Trainers to take down...
??? Then how about two more join the fray?
(Clair and Lance appear)
Lyra Lance! Are you and your Pokémon OK now?
Lance Yeah. We're fine, thanks to you.
Clair Never fear—the strongest pair of dragon masters from Blackthorn City is here!
You're in good hands!
Proton A Champion and another Gym Leader? Fine by me.
I couldn’t ask for better opponents!
(Transition to Ethan's group continuing through the Battle Villa)
Lyra Thanks to Whitney and Bugsy, we've gotten this far without a hitch!
Ethan Yeah. But there's still a ways to go.
There should be four Team Rocket executives, which means...
Ariana Hold it right there!
(Ariana and a group of Team Rocket grunts appear)
Ethan I knew it wasn't gonna be that easy.
Ariana Of course not!
We can't let brats like you do as you please forever.
It'll hurt Team Rocket's pride over and over again—making it lessen, you see.
Kris The only ones getting hurt here are Pokémon!
I can't believe you forced Pokémon to Dynamax without even considering their feelings!
You don't deserve to even be associated with the IDEA of being a Trainer!
Ariana What are you talking about? Pokémon are simply tools we can use to make money.
Who cares about other people's Pokémon, anyway?
Lyra Unbelievable!
Ethan! Silver! Leave her to us.
Ethan OK...just don't go too overboard.
Lyra I'm not sure I can promise you that...
Because we're gonna take her out with everything we've got!
(Ethan and Silver leave)
Ariana *chuckle* Aren't you just using your Pokémon as tools for battle yourselves?
What's so different about you and us?
Kris We became Pokémon Trainers because we love Pokémon!
If we didn't love them so much, we wouldn't spend so many hours searching high and low in the tall grass for them!
We love Pokémon, which is why no matter what kind of troubles we go through to meet them, those memories shine the brightest!
There's no way we'll lose to someone like you, who's forgotten what that feels like!
Let's go, Lyra!
Lyra Yeah! We'll show you how strong our bonds with our Pokémon can be!

  • Battle Against Evil
Name Text
(Lear battles and loses to Giovanni)
Giovanni Heh. It's over now.
I must say, I'm impressed. It took much longer than anticipated to wear you down.
Even in that form, Hoopa performed beyond my expectations.
It uses its ability to warp space and call humans and Pokémon to a place of its liking...
How very useful for my schemes.
Lear H-Hoopa!
Archer We did it, boss! Pasio has finally fallen into the hands of Team Rocket!
Giovanni I wonder... Just because we've taken down its owner doesn't mean the job is complete.
There are still many sync pairs on Pasio with hope in their eyes.
Like those two.
(Ethan and Silver appear)
Archer Well, well. You've finally made it this far.
You must be extremely talented sync pairs.
Ethan I'll take care of that executive, Silver. So you...
Silver Yeah, I know.
Ethan Hey, you! I'll take you on!
I'll make sure you're punished for what you've done... Just like that time at the radio tower!
Archer *sigh* Even at a time like this, you still insist on taking the high road and having a one-on-one battle with me?
You obviously have no idea who you're dealing with.
Ethan Silver...don't forget.
We may all be fighting our own battles...
but our hearts will always be together! Don't worry—we can win!
Giovanni How childish.
Silver What?
Giovanni You still insist on battling on your own, in a situation like this?
Silver I'll never be like you. I'll surpass you!
Giovanni Fine. Then I'll take you on.
I'll teach you a lesson about just how cruel the world can be. That's my job, as an adult.
(Silver and Giovanni battle)
Giovanni Game over.
(Ethan and Lugia appear to help Silver and Ho-Oh)
Archer I...I'm so sorry, boss...
Giovanni Hmph. How pathetic.
In the end, you had to rely on your little friend to save you. You can't do anything on your own.
Silver ... ... ...
Ethan Sorry, Silver... I really was gonna stand back, but...
We also have to make sure we win, for the people of Pasio...
Silver Thanks, Ethan.
I would've lost if you weren't here. Same goes for everyone else.
Without you all, I couldn't have gotten this far.
That's the truth, and I have to accept that as the limit of what I can do.
Tch. I hate being weak.
Ethan Silver...
Giovanni Oh?
Silver You're right. As I am now, I still can't beat you on my own.
But we can't afford to lose, because the people of Pasio need us to win.
So really, this isn't just my battle...
This is a battle to take down Team Rocket once and for all!
I'm only letting this happen once. Next time, I'll definitely beat you on my own!
Giovanni Your eyes finally have the look of an adult.
Silver Let's do this, Ethan. The two of us can take him down!
Ethan Yeah! There's no way we'll lose if we're together!
Giovanni Well, then. Perhaps I should get a little more serious about this, too.
Witness this power! It is the power I possess as the leader of Team Rocket!

  • Endings and Beginnings
Name Text
(Giovanni Mega Evolves Mewtwo and continues to battle Ethan and Silver)
Ethan Ugh... This guy is just too strong!
Silver I didn't want to believe that there was still such a huge gap between us... I hate this.
Archer Boss! It's about time!
Giovanni I suppose we've spent too much time here.
Unfortunately, your time is up.
??? We've got you now, Giovanni! International Police!
(Looker, Paulo, and the player appear)
Ethan Whoa, Looker? Oh, and even Paulo and <player> are here.
Looker Sorry that we kept you waiting!
We heard that Team Rocket infiltrated Lear's manor, so we went around to gather forces...but it took a bit longer than expected.
Paulo The other sync pairs are on their way.
It doesn't matter how strong you are—there's no way you can take on all the sync pairs of Pasio.
(Giovanni receives a call)
Giovanni It's me.
(Transition to a lone Team Rocket Grunt)
Team Rocket Grunt Sir! I'm so sorry!
The Gym Leaders and the Champion are headed your way!
We'll send you anyone who can still fight right aw—
(Bruno appears behind the grunt and defeats him)
Team Rocket Grunt Ack! Wh-what do you think you're doing?! Who are you? Uwagh!
Bruno Giovanni, can you hear me?! It's Bruno of the Elite Four!
Chuck and I took down all of your underlings!
How far do you think you'll get against Gym Leaders and the Elite Four?!
Hoo hah!
(Transition back)
Giovanni It's about time I took my leave. I've had a very fruitful time here.
After battling you, I know exactly what kind of force I need to completely control Pasio.
And over the past few days, I've seen a fair number of things that sparked my interest.
From Trainers who insist on battling alone...
to those who seek pure strength, no matter the method...
There are a number of children here who already have eyes that look like an adult's.
Pasio is an interesting place indeed.
Silver You think you’re getting away?
Giovanni Heh. I am always prepared.
I constantly think a few steps ahead of my opponents—and plan contingencies just in case.
(A Team Rocket grunt with an Abra appears)
Team Rocket Grunt Giovanni! Archer! I've come to fetch you!
Ethan An Abra?! Wait a second—
Giovanni Farewell.
I look forward to the day we battle again.
(Archer, Giovanni, and the Team Rocket grunt disappear)
Silver Tsk! Coward!
Ethan Giovanni... He really was a tough opponent.
We can't beat him as we are now. We've gotta get stronger!
(Transition to the Pokémon Center)
Professor Bellis Good job, everyone. I'm just glad you all got back safely!
Kris But Giovanni got away...
Lyra I thought he'd learned his lesson after what happened in Johto, but he hasn't changed a bit!
Professor Bellis I suppose. But with this incident, Team Rocket has taken a fairly big blow.
After trying so hard to take over Pasio and failing, they'll probably want to lie low for a while.
Silver It would be great if it turned out to be that simple.
Ethan Where're you going?
Silver I'm done teaming up.
Next time, I'm going to make sure I've obtained real strength.
I'll be strong enough to fight my battles on my own.
So you'd better be ready, Ethan...because I'll be taking you down first.
Ethan Wh-whaaat?!
Silver What did you expect? We're rivals, aren't we?
Ethan Oh...I see!
I, uh...hope this means I've gotten a little closer with Silver.
Lyra Oh, come on! You've been getting along fine for a while now!
Kris There isn't just one way to be friends with someone, y'know.
Being rivals is really great, too!
(Transition to the Team Rocket hideout)
Archer I'm so sorry, boss... Even though we were with you, we—
Giovanni No matter. We've completed our initial objective.
There are more troublesome sync pairs on Pasio than I initially thought.
For now, let's retreat and stay in the shadows. We can keep implementing our plans from behind the scenes.
Archer By which you mean...?
Giovanni There's no need for us to be in the spotlight for every one of our schemes.
I have many potential business partners on this island.
Archer But isn't there a possibility they'd try to turn on us?
Giovanni If that ever happens, we just have to make it so those who get in our way get rid of each other instead.

Hoenn: Delta of Land, Sea, and Sky

  • Differing Perspectives
Name Text
(Team Magma's hideout; Maxie, Tabitha, and Courtney are standing in front of an assembly of grunts)
Courtney Leader Maxie...
With Groudon...we could take Team a heartbeat... So why not...attack?
Maxie Hm...
I understand that you're unsatisfied with our current lack of activity.
However, now is not the time to act.
We still haven't been able to calculate the extent of Groudon's power.
In order of Team Magma to control it and make it our own, we'll need a bit more time.
Tabitha If Groudon goes out of control and destroys the world, we would lose everything.
As leader Maxie says, it is important we go about it carefully.
Maxie Furthermore, our main goal as Team Magma isn't to defeat Team Aqua...
Do not make that mistake.
Courtney OK...
(Maxie turns to address the grunts; Courtney walks away)
Courtney Leader Maxie be careful...
But Team Aqua... So annoying... If I get rid of them...I bet he'd be proud of me...
(Transition to Team Aqua's hideout; Archie, Shelly, and Matt are standing in front of an assembly of grunts)
Matt C'mon, bro!
How long do we gotta lie low like this?
You got Kyogre on our side, so it would be easy for a guy like you, bro!
Shelly Cool your jets. Be patient.
We're still analyzing Kyogre's power.
So until that's done, I've told Archie that we should operate carefully.
Archie Bwahahaha! Sorry, Matt. She's right.
I know you wanna get rowdy, but I need ya to wait a little bit more.
And listen, Matt... Destroying Team Magma ain't what we should be doing right now.
We should be creating a utopia for Pokémon... That's why we need Kyogre's power!
Never forget that.
Matt OK, bro... I'll remember that.
Archie But I mean, if they try to bother us, I've got no qualms beating 'em down!
(Archie dismisses the grunts; he and Shelly leave as well)
Matt Bro's being...careful? That ain't like him at all...
Has he changed since he's come to Pasio?
(Transition to Team Rocket's hideout; Ariana and Archer approach Giovanni)
Ariana Sir!
The team tasked with surveying Pasio has reported back.
Archer They detected a massive natural energy reading from the ocean floor in this island's proximity.
Giovanni I see... Excellent work.
Archer Thank you, sir!
Giovanni So there's energy just lying there, in the depths of the ocean...
There was a similar story in Hoenn. Have either of you heard about it?
Ariana Hoenn? My apologies, but I don't have much knowledge of that region.
Giovanni According to the legends of Hoenn from over a thousand years ago...
A giant meteorite fell in Hoenn, and the natural energy beneath the ground erupted...
And they say Groudon and Kyogre fought over that energy.
Archer Those two are the Legendary Pokémon of Hoenn...
This is the first time I've heard of those legends.
Giovanni I don't know how much natural energy lies in the seabed of Pasio yet...
But it does seem making use of it would be of value to us.
(Transition to Zinnia and Rayquaza on the beach; a shooting star sparkles in the sky)
Zinnia A shooting star...
I wonder what kind of wishes it's carrying as it flies off like that...

  • Battle over Natural Energy
Name Text
(Arena; Brendan, May, and Wally face off against a team of an Ace Trainer, Rising Star, and Camper; Brendan and May are wearing their sygna suits)
Brendan Right there!
(Brendan, May, and Wally's Pokémon attack and defeat the other team's)
Ace Trainer Gah! Y-you win.
Brendan, May, and Wally have made it to an impressive twenty-win streak!
Brilliant! Amazing! How far can they take this winning streak?!
(Transition to May, Brendan, and Wally chatting on the side of the arena)
May Brendan! Wally! We did it! We won again!
Wally That last combination attack with Latios worked so well, Brendan!
Brendan Yeah! I'm getting better at working together with Latios!
Latios is very gentle, but I can count on him when I really need to!
Your teamwork with Blaziken was perfect as well, May!
May You betcha!
I've known Blaziken for a long time, ever since we traveled around Hoenn.
Right, Blaziken?
Wally You're both amazing!
We've gotta work hard so we don't fall behind!
And now, their next opponents are the ruffianly–
(A tremor shakes the arena)
Brendan Wh-what's going on?!
We've just received some information about the disturbance that just occurred!
It appears that Team Magma and Team Aqua are clashing in a nearby town!
Therefore, this tournament will be postponed.
Everyone! Please stay calm and evacuate to a safe place!
Brendan If what they said is true, we can't just stand back and watch this happen.
May Agreed! If Team Magma and Team Aqua are fighting, we have to stop them!
(Transition to Maxie, Groudon, and Team Magma facing off against Archie, Kyogre, and Team Aqua in the middle of the town; they exchange a few blows)
Maxie Right in the middle of town... What is the meaning of this, Archie?
Archie That's my line, Maxie.
Courtney Kyogre...engaged us first...
Team Aqua... So barbaric...
Matt What are you sayin'? Groudon was the one that attacked us first!
But y'know what? I've been itching to fight you guys anyway!
I'm gonna destroy Team Magma!
Courtney That' line... We'll... eliminate you!
Shelly Are you aware that if Groudon and Kyogre keep on fighting like this–
Tabitha Of course we know! Do YOU understand what could happen?!
Urgh... This isn't good!
Shelly We were operating carefully to avoid this...
Maxie *sigh* Fighting here is such a pointless endeavor.
Return, Groudon. Do not entertain them anymore.
Archie Tch! That ain't the least bit satisfying. We're leaving, Kyogre!
(Groudon and Kyogre ignore their Trainers' orders and keep fighting)
Maxie Hm? What's wrong, Groudon?
(Groudon roars)
Archie Hey! Cut it out, Kyogre! Can't you hear my orders?!
(Kyogre roars; they attack each other again)
(Rayquaza appears and forces the two apart; Groudon and Kyogre both flee)
Maxie Wha–?!
Archie Where'd they go?!

  • Super-Ancient Pokémon and People
Name Text
Archie Whoa, hold on... What just happened?!
Maxie I hadn't the slightest idea that this situation could occur...
Shelly Pull yourself together, Archie!
Instead of wasting our time thinking about it, let's go and look for them!
Archie Er... Yeah, that makes sense. You're right, Shelly.
Tabitha Let's look for Groudon, Maxie.
I'll instruct our team members to search around this area.
Maxie Yes... Please do that.
Tabitha Everyone split up and find Groudon!
Courtney Roger that...
(Courtney and the Team Magma grunts leave)
Shelly I don't care if we're putting our name on the line. We absolutely have to find Kyogre!
Matt Sure! Leave it to me!
(Matt and the Team Aqua grunts leave)
Archie However... Who is this that's suddenly appeared?
Maxie And for what purpose...
??? It's a guardian.
(Zinnia appears)
Zinnia It prevented Pasio from sinking while Kyogre and Groudon were rampaging.
Archie And you are...?
(Brendan, May, and Wally arrive)
Brendan Team Magma and Team Aqua are facing off!
Wally's weird. They don't look like they're fighting.
(Steven, Paulo, and Looker appear)
Steven Looks like the ruckus has calmed down for now.
May Steven!
Steven I must ask you two, what in the world happened here?
Archie Nothing crazy.
Maxie's Groudon attacked us, so I just retaliated.
Maxie What are you saying?
Your Kyogre attacked us, so we merely returned the favor.
Paulo Sounds like you both have opposite views of what happened.
Looker *sigh* This is going nowhere.
Steven What troubles me more is that we can't find Groudon or Kyogre.
Zinnia That's easy.
Rayquaza intervened in their squabble and sent both of them away.
It didn't look like either of them started it. They just both lost it all of a sudden.
Steven Zinnia...
Tabitha I agree with her.
Groudon and Kyogre were both behaving abnormally.
Shelly It was like they couldn't control their own power, and that's what set them off.
Looker Two Pokémon who have gone out of control have disappeared... What a troublesome situation.
Tabitha Maxie.
Maybe we're just not capable of properly handling the powers of super-ancient Pokémon after all.
Maxie You're right... They are entities far beyond the capacity of mere humans to control.
Archie At the time, it seemed like Kyogre couldn't even hear me.
Yeah. If we stay together with them, the same thing might happen again.
Steven ... ... ...
Brendan That's not true!
The two of you have been friends with Groudon and Kyogre so far...
We can definitely become friends with any Pokémon!
So there's no way our feelings would fail to get through to them!
May Exactly! There has to be another reason why they lost control!
Wally Don't give up on the potential of people and Pokémon so easily!
Steven Everyone...
Brendan We'll search for Groudon and Kyogre, too!
So don't give up yet, you two!
(Brendan, May, and Wally head off; Maxie and Archie chuckle)
Zinnia The potential of people and Pokémon...
It might be worth trusting what Brendan and the others are saying this time.
Looker Hmm... I guess.
Steven Until we figure out why they went out of control, we should hold off on securing them.
If their Trainers didn't instruct them to do it, then we must figure out what the reason was.
I will investigate as well.
Zinnia Hold up, Champion.
Before you go, would you like to hear a special hint from yours truly?
Steven ...?

  • Justice Serving Beliefs
Name Text
Courtney Where are you...Groudon?
Hurry up... Find it...
Team Magma Grunt (1) Yes, ma'am!
(All the Team Magma grunts except one disperse)
Team Magma Grunt (2) Ma'am, I have something to report!
I just spotted Groudon a while ago.
Courtney Really...? Where is it? Take me there!
Team Magma Grunt (2) Of course!
But you know...just finding it isn't very interesting...
Instead, you should use the power of your sync stone to control Groudon and smash Team Aqua!
If you do that, our leader, Maxie, will be happy as well!
Courtney Maxie...will be happy...
Tell me... How can I control Groudon...with my sync stone?
Team Magma Grunt (2) Sure! Listen to me carefully...
(The grunt explains to Courtney what she has to do; Courtney leaves)
Team Magma Grunt (2) Good luck!
(The grunt takes off his disguise)
Petrel Gehehe! This'll make it easier for us to carry out our schemes!
(Matt and the Team Aqua grunts are gathered on the beach; all the grunts disperse except one, who stays behind to talk to Matt)
Matt What? Use my sync stone to control Kyogre?
If bro won't crush Team Magma, then I'll do it for him!
That way, he'll stop being so wishy-washy and get back to his usual self!
(Matt leaves)
Team Aqua Grunt Be careful, sir!
??? Things seem to be working out perfectly...
(Proton appears)
Proton Was my advice any use?
Team Aqua Grunt Yes! Of course, Proton!
Proton *chuckle* With this, your Team Aqua is sure to win.
(Transition to Team Magma's hideout; Tabitha, Looker, and Paulo are talking to Maxie)
Tabitha We haven't heard anything so far, have we?
They must be struggling to find Groudon.
Maxie That does seem to be the case. But all we can do now is wait for them.
Stand by until they contact us.
Looker You seem to have some downtime. Could we chat for a bit?
Maxie Very well.
Looker I've heard rumors that you and Archie, the leader of Team Aqua, used to be in the same organization. Is that true?
Maxie I see you've done your research. I suppose you would have, being part of the International Police.
Looker If you once had the same goals in the past, why are you always fighting? Can't you work through those differences?
Paulo ... ... ...
Maxie Let me teach you something.
There is justice in fighting an old friend if it is to pursue your own ideologies.
I imagine Archie feels just as strongly about that as I do.
(Fade to Maxie and Archie facing away from each other)
Maxie And I know his feelings are real.
That is why I can't go easy on him.
(Fade back to Team Magma's hideout)
Looker Your feud with him sounds complicated...
Paulo To fight for your own ideologies...
If so, someday...
(Fade to Paulo and the player facing away from each other; fade back to Team Magma's hideout)
Looker ... ... ...

  • Uncontrollable Power
Name Text
(Team Aqua's hideout)
Zinnia I think you guys are being used.
Archie "What?
Shelly What are you saying all of a sudden?
Zinnia Ever since something fell from the sky into the ocean near Pasio...
Rayquaza's appeared to be a bit on edge.
If it's just that Rayquaza's a little more excited than usual, that'd be fine, but...
Shelly Are you thinking it has something to do with Groudon and Kyogre losing control?
Zinnia Exactly.
If you ask me, I think there's something out there, making this happen.
And I suspect someone out there is taking advantage of that. They're making Groudon and Kyogre rampage on purpose.
I've already mentioned this to the Champion, so he's looking into it.
Archie But...if there's a mastermind behind all this, why are they tryin' to make us fight?
Zinnia I know of someone who came up with a similar scheme in the past.
For...the world.
Shelly What are you talking about?
Zinnia You need to use some imagination.
Shelly Haaaanh?
(Archie's phone rings)
Archie Hmm?
It's from one of the grunts! They finally found it!
Team Aqua Grunt Sir! Team Magma found Groudon, and– AAAAAAAH!
Archie Hey! Talk to me! What happened?
Zinnia Well...seems like we're on to the next stage.
(Transition to the volcano; Courtney is with Groudon and surrounded by a purple aura)
Courtney I will destroy...Team Aqua!
(Groudon attacks some Team Aqua grunts; fade to black)
Team Aqua Grunt Ahhhhhh!
(Fade back to volcano; May and Wally appear)
May It's gonna be OK! Please stay calm! If you keep rampaging, we'll all be in danger!
Wally Are you OK? Please hang in there!
May! I'll take them somewhere safe!
May Yeah! I'm counting on you!
(Wally and the Team Aqua grunts run away)
Courtney Ugh!
May Hey! What's going on? Both you and Groudon are acting weird!
Courtney Don't. Get. In. My. Way.
(Transition to the beach; Matt is with Kyogre and surrounded by a purple aura)
Matt Oohwaahhhh!
(Kyogre attacks some Team Magma grunts)
Team Magma Grunt Ugh... I can't!
(Fade to black)
Brendan I won't let you!
(Fade back to beach; Brendan and Latios are now standing in front of the Team Magma grunts)
Team Magma Grunt You are Hoenn's...
Brendan We'll deal with Kyogre's attack!
Evacuate now, while you still can!
(The Team Magma grunts flee)
Matt For bro's sake...I...I will–
(Matt's sync stone glows)
Brendan Whoa! What was that light?
Is Matt's sync stone...
making Kyogre's rampage affect him?!
(Transition to Team Magma hideout; Maxie's phone rings)
Maxie How could this happen...
Courtney has taken Groudon and is now on a rampage...
(Transition to Team Aqua hideout)
Shelly We'll be in big trouble if it continues like this!
Archie Yeah...I know! We need to do something!
Zinnia Well then...
I guess I could use a little excitement.
(Zinnia leaves)

  • The Meteor's Passenger
Name Text
(Professor Bellis's lab; Steven is talking to the professor)
A short time before Courtney and Groudon–as well as Matt and Kyogre–lost control...
Professor Bellis Natural energy is building deep in the ocean floor around Pasio.
That may be one of the reasons why a lot of sync stones get dug up near there.
Steven I see...
As I expected, that energy is what caused our current situation.
Professor Bellis Steven, do you mind sharing your thoughts with us?
Steven Sure! This is just a theory of mine, but...
Because the meteor that Zinnia saw fell near Pasio...
I think the natural energy beneath the seabed erupted and excited Groudon and Kyogre.
I even have some evidence that backs up this theory.
(Fade to Zinnia)
Steven Back when I was researching the Draconid people, I read something...
It was in "The Thousand-Year-Old Lore of Super-Ancient Pokémon," and it recounted an event similar to ours.
Also, Zinnia believes there may be someone who's trying to use this commotion for an evil purpose...
(Fade back to the lab)
Professor Bellis Meteors, huh...
Steven What's the matter, Professor?
Professor Bellis Oh, it's nothing, really... But the talk about meteors is reminding me of something.
I know someone who's been researching astronomy, and according to them...
there may be a possibility of a huge meteor impacting this planet in the near future.
It's only a possibility, so the chances of a catastrophic event are still low, but...
I heard that the meteor Zinnia saw was supposed to fall in the ocean quite a distance from Pasio.
But the fact that the meteor fell in the ocean so close to Pasio has been bothering me...
Steven So you're thinking this might be a bad omen.
Professor Bellis It could be that similar things happened very close to each other, but...
Just in case, I will ask my contact more about meteors.
Steven Yes, that would be great.
I'm going to investigate whether someone caused this commotion intentionally.
(Transition to Steven with his Rayquaza on the beach)
Steven From what Zinnia was saying, the meteor should have fallen around here somewhere...
Can you feel anything, Rayquaza?
Do you see something over there?
(A Deoxys emerges from the ocean)
Steven That Pokémon... Is that Deoxys?!
(Deoxys attacks Rayquaza)
Steven Whoa! What are you doing?!
We don't want to fight you!
(Deoxys attacks Rayquaza again)
Steven Agh! We won't last if we're only defending...
We have no choice. Let's do this, Rayquaza!
(Rayquaza and Deoxys fight for a bit; Deoxys leaves)
Steven It finally left...
Deoxys seemed like it was after Rayquaza... I wonder why.
(Steven's phone rings)
Professor Bellis Steven, we're in trouble! It turns out what I was concerned about might really happen!
Steven No way...
Professor Bellis When I called my contact, they were so surprised!
They were just about to tell me about the meteor themselves!
From what they're saying, the trajectory of a giant meteor suddenly changed...
and it's nearly guaranteed to crash into Pasio!

  • Maxie and Archie
Name Text
(Brendan and May stand between Courtney and Matt on the beach)
Courtney Team...Aqua! Destroy... DESTROY!
Matt If you stand in my way, you're gonna get squashed!
(Zinnia and her Rayquaza appear)
Zinnia Now, now. Both of you, calm down!
Matt Oohwaahhhh!
(Kyogre attacks Brendan's Latios)
Brendan Whoa!
May Are you OK, Brendan?
(Archie and Maxie appear)
Archie I've had enough of this! Cut it out, you two!
Maxie Desist, immediately!
Matt I can't stop now, bro...
Not until I squash Team Magma!
Courtney Until the eliminated... Can't...obey orders!
Zinnia Oof... This isn't good.
(Shelly appears behind Archie)
Shelly Even that dragon Pokémon is losing ground!
(Tabitha appears beside Maxie)
Tabitha Ugh... Their power keeps on growing...
Brendan This isn't over yet! If all of us work together, there's always a way!
Don't forget that we're here as well, Zinnia!
May If you're ever in trouble, you can count on us!
Zinnia You guys are gonna make me cry.
Well then... I'll be needing help from all of you!
Archie Hey, Maxie!
Does letting these kids clean up after our mess look like justice to you?
Maxie Absolutely not. We must take responsibility for our own actions.
Archie Heh, it's been a while since we've had the same opinion on something.
Maxie Heh... I guess so.
Archie All right! Let's get it started!
Enough is enough, Matt!
Or do you need my fist to knock some sense into that head of yours?!
Matt B...bro?
Maxie Attention, Courtney! Stop fighting immediately!
Paperwork is only the minimum punishment for repeatedly disobeying orders!
Courtney Leader...Maxie...
No... Please don't...hate me!
Archie Matt!
(Matt's sync stone glows)
Matt I'm sorry, bro... I can't stop it anymore...
I can't even stop myself!
(Courtney's sync stone glows)
Courtney Leader Maxie... I...I just...
Maxie Courtney!
Archie I'm sorry, Matt...
If I've pushed you to that point, then I've failed as a leader...
(Archie sends out Sharpedo)
Archie Hit me with everything you've been feeling and bottling up until now!
Matt Bro!
Maxie It's my job to deal with my subordinate's misdoings.
(Maxie sends out Camerupt)
Maxie Courtney! Allow me to share the burden of your suffering!
Courtney Leader...Maxie!
(Archie and Maxie's Pokémon attack Matt and Courtney; fade to white)
Archie Gaaaaahhh!
Maxie Urgh!

  • The Terrifying Power of Nature
Name Text
(Zinnia, Brendan, May, and their Pokémon face down Courtney and Matt)
Archie Our Pokémon have been defeated, but...
Maxie We cannot give up here.
Not until we stop those two.
(Tabitha appears)
Tabitha Don't do this, Leader Maxie! We have to get out of here!
Without the means to fight, we will just be dead weight!
(Shelly appears)
Shelly Archie!
I understand how you feel, but leave the rest to those kids!
Those nothing more we can do to help here!
Archie How embarrassing... In the end, we gotta rely on some kids?
Maxie It's only one subordinate... I can't believe I couldn't control her...
(Matt and Kyogre cry out)
Brendan Shoot! I was so sure that Archie and Maxie would get through to them...
(Courtney and Groudon cry out)
May They aren't calming down at all!
Zinnia Until we stop the Pokémon, I don't see an end to this...
(Zinnia's phone rings)
Steven Zinnia, can you hear me?
Zinnia Hey, Champion. What's up? Did you find something?
(Transition to Steven wearing his sygna suit on the mountain)
Steven We don't have much time, so I'll keep it short.
There is a giant meteor approaching Pasio as we speak.
I had a discussion with Professor Bellis, as well as Lear and his staff.
We decided that I will put on special gear made for space expeditions.
Then, my Rayquaza will Mega Evolve. After that, we'll head into space together and destroy the meteor!
So in order for me to safely get to space...
I need you to quiet down Groudon and Kyogre, who are raging about on my path.
Zinnia A giant meteor, huh... That's not very calming.
All righty, leave that to me.
Steven I believe in you, Zinnia.
Professor Bellis Is that–!
(Deoxys appears)
Steven Oh no, it's back again! Not right now...
(Transition to Zinnia on the beach)
Zinnia So, I've just been told we have to quiet down Groudon and Kyogre.
May So Steven's gonna stop the meteor?
In that case, failure's not gonna be an option for us!
Brendan Yeah! We have to stop these Pokémon, whatever it takes!
(Zinnia, May, and Brendan prepare to fight Kyogre and Groudon)
Archie We've got enough problems trying to stop this rampage, but a giant meteor on top of that?
Tabitha This situation is beyond Team Magma and Team Aqua...
Shelly We just have to hope their plan succeeds...
Archie Darn it! Ain't there anything we can do other than sit back and watch?
Maxie Look at us, so proud of our grand ideals...
Yet we are utterly powerless before the marvels of nature!

  • Destroy the Meteor
Name Text
(Town; Team Rocket grunts are harassing sync pairs)
Meanwhile, when Brendan and friends were fighting Kyogre...
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Yo, yo! Hand over your Pokémon!
Youngster Aaaaahhhhh!
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Hey, you too! Come on, give us your Pokémon!
Pokémon Ranger S-stop! Don't take them away!
(The grunts steal the Youngster's and the Pokémon Ranger's Pokémon)
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Ahahaha! No one's here to stop us! We can be as bad as we like!
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Yeah! And it's all thanks to Team Magma and Team Aqua!
(Transition to the beach; Kyogre and Groudon have stopped rampaging)
Matt U...uhhh...
Courtney I feel...messed up...again...
Maxie Stay strong, Courtney! We need you to control Groudon!
Archie Get yourself together, Matt! Stop raging! You're causing a mess!
Matt Bro...
(Zinnia's phone rings)
Zinnia Now's your chance, Champion!
We can't hold them much longer, so hurry!
(Transition to the mountain; Steven's phone rings)
Steven I know... I'd like to do so, but I can't now!
(Steven's Metagross, Alolan Sandslash, and Rayquaza battle Deoxys)
Steven I'm being attacked by Deoxys and can't take off!
This Deoxys must've come on a meteor...
(Metagross and Sandslash try to attack Deoxys, but it dodges their attacks; Rayquaza attacks Deoxys, and Deoxys attacks it back)
Steven For some reason, it's only attacking my Rayquaza and isn't showing any interest in the other Pokémon.
I don't know what happened before it came here, but it can't go on like this!
(Steven's phone rings)
Maxie Can you hear me, Champion? It's me, Maxie.
In order to destroy the meteor, we need a Trainer who's wearing a space-compatible suit...
and is a sync pair with Rayquaza, correct?
Steven Yes, but...
Maxie We have a suit that has almost the same features as what you're wearing.
As long as we can make our Rayquaza Mega Evolve–
Steven Oh, I get what you're trying to do.
Zinnia... Sounds like what we need is for you to destroy the meteor with Mega Rayquaza.
(Fade to Steven and Zinnia facing away from each other)
Zinnia You know my Rayquaza can't Mega Evolve, right?
Steven It's not about whether you think it can or not. Mega Evolution is the only solution we have.
Zinnia Jeez. What a reckless Champion.
And? What are you gonna do?
Steven I'll try to catch this Deoxys.
(Fade to Brendan)
Steven Brendan said that we can definitely become friends with any Pokémon!
(Fade to Steven and Zinnia; Steven laughs)
Steven I want to believe in those words, too.
Zinnia Yeah, sure. It's easy to delegate the important stuff to everyone else.
Steven That's not what I'm doing.
This is a race between you and me.
Let's see if I can catch Deoxys and take off first...
or if you can lift off and get to space before that.
Zinnia That doesn't sound bad. I'm in.
Steven Yeah! Let's do this fair and square–and see who wins this race.
(Fade to Steven on the mountain)
Steven All right, Deoxys. If you're so interested in us, let's battle!
(Deoxys cries out)
Steven When you change your mind and decide to become our friend...
I'm sure we can be partners.

  • In the Shadows of Pasio's Crisis
Name Text
Zinnia Brendan, May! The Champion's plan is...
Brendan It's fine! If they start rampaging again, we'll take care of it!
May Just focus on yourself, Zinnia!
Zinnia Yeah, you're right. With you on the job, I know it'll be OK.
OK then, time for me to go on a trip to space!
Maxie I apologize for burdening you with this responsibility.
Archie We're countin' on ya.
Zinnia Leave it to me.
(Transition to Zinnia on another beach)
Zinnia We may do our own thing...
But we're never alone.
Right, Rayquaza?
(Rayquaza roars; Zinnia's sync stone and Key Stone glow)
Zinnia Let's show the world our new story.
(Rayquaza roars again)
Zinnia *exhale*
... ... ...
My heart's beating faster and faster...
I'm getting excited!
Now then!
It's time for Mega Evolution, Rayquaza!
(Zinnia's Rayquaza Mega Evolves)
(Transition to Professor Bellis on the mountain; something sparkles in the sky)
Professor Bellis That light must be...
Steven I'll let you win this time, Zinnia.
(Steven throws a Poké Ball, catching Deoxys)
Steven Phew! Finally...
(Steven sends out Deoxys)
Steven Someday, we'll understand each other more.
(Transition to Brendan, May, Steven, and Wally in the town)
Brendan So, the meteor has been destroyed, and Groudon and Kyogre are calm again.
Wally I understand that we were able to stop the meteor by smashing it into pieces...
but why did Groudon and Kyogre also calm down when we did that?
Steven Well, when I was on the way back from catching Deoxys...
I found a suspicious device.
Professor Bellis was with me and managed to shut it down. That also stopped the super-ancient Pokémon from losing control.
We discussed the matter and assume that the device was amplifying natural energy.
Brendan That means someone must've caused all of this intentionally...
May What an awful thing to do! You shouldn't force Pokémon to go on a rampage!
??? Exactly!
(Looker, Archie, Maxie, Shelly, Tabitha, Courtney, and Matt appear; Courtney and Matt no longer have purple auras)
Looker In the name of the International Police, I refuse to let whoever did this run free!
Steven Do you know who caused this?
Looker Yes, I do! During my investigation, we learned that Team Rocket were the ones pulling the strings!
They made Team Magma and Team Aqua fight on purpose–and used that chaos as a cover for their evil deeds!
The suspicious device that Steven found must be Team Rocket's!
Wally So our enemy is...
Brendan Team Rocket!
May So, if that's the case, what are we going to do with Team Aqua and Team Magma?
Looker They both caused damage to the island, but that was only because they were being used by someone else.
They're not innocent, but we won't be arresting them for now.
May That's good! I'm glad!
Archie It's not good at all!
Brendan A-Archie?!
Archie Sorry, kid... I wasn't directin' that to you.
Maxie I deeply regret involving all of you in our mess...
Archie Matt...don't you have something to say?
Matt I'm sorry. I caused a lot of trouble...
Tabitha Courtney, come on. Apologize to everyone, too!
Courtney I'm...sorry! I...won't do that...again!
Steven You don't have to be so hard on yourselves.
Shelly You've been punished enough and are sorry for what you've done.
If're probably upset that you've hurt your own leaders...
Archie That's why we're here with you now. But we actually have something else to say to you...
Maxie This incident hit us hard with a valuable lesson.
In the face of the wonders of nature and a worldwide catastrophe...
squabbling over the ocean and land just seems so trivial.
Archie So for now, let's stop with this fighting.
Team Magma and Team Aqua have decided to call a truce!
May That's big news!
Maxie It might not be enough to atone for my wrongdoings...
but perhaps we could offer our assistance the next time Pasio needs to be protected.
Brendan Of course! Sounds good to me!
May Me too!
We've got a lot of reliable allies now. Don't we, Steven?
Steven That's true!
(Zinnia watches the scene from a nearby roof; Steven looks up in her direction)
Steven We can overcome conflict and work together, hand in hand, in order to protect our future...
As long as we believe in the potential of people and Pokémon!

Unova: Team Plasma & Two Heroes

  • The One to Rule the World
Name Text
(Ruins; N, Zekrom, and Reshiram are surrounded by Team Rocket)
Petrel Nowhere to hide now!
Proton Surrender, and give us those Legendary Pokémon!
N What if I say no?
Archer Then we'll just have to be a little rough and take them from you.
N What can I do? There must be something...
(Giovanni appears)
Giovanni Heh. No Matter how hard you try to think your way out of this, it's pointless.
There's simply no other option but for you to–
(The Shadow Triad appear and surround N)
N The Shadow Triad?!
(Two of the Shadows vanish with Reshiram and Zekrom)
N Oh no! The Pokémon!
Ariana You dare take what's ours?!
The Shadow Triad Excuse me, Your Majesty...
N Wh-what are–
(The third Shadow and N vanish)
Proton Team Plasma! They still had a trick up their sleeve...
Giovanni The Shadow Triad, huh...
It seems Ghetsis has some exceptional subordinates of his own.
(Transition to Ghetsis in Team Plasma's hideout)
Team Plasma Grunt (1) Ghetsis!
(N appears escorted by two Team Plasma grunts)
Team Plasma Grunt (2) Everything went as planned! We've secured Zekrom and Reshiram at our base, and we brought back N, the traitor!
Ghetsis Excellent!
With this, I'm now one step closer to achieving my ideals.
N What are you scheming this time?!
Using MY friends?
Ghetsis "Friends"... Are you still saying things like that?
Pokémon are tools! Pokémon are weapons!
It is I, Ghetsis, who will reign over that power and rule the world!
Hehehe... If you're truly that curious, I'll tell you my plan.
I'll use Zekrom and Reshiram to unleash Kyurem's true power–as spoken of in the legend of Unova's founding!
N The true power of Kyurem?
Ghetsis I was waiting for the opportunity to make those two Legendary Pokémon mine...
And Team Rocket so conveniently provided it for me!
It seems that man Giovanni still has some use...
N So you plan to trample on the hearts of the Pokémon and people on this island...
I absolutely refuse to let that happen!
Ghetsis How foolish.
What are you going to do with your Pokémon taken from you?
Just sit back and watch while the world becomes mine.
N ... ... ...
I assume Ghetsis plans to fuse Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem together...
(Fade to Kyurem, Reshiram, and Zekrom)
N But merging three Pokémon into one is no easy task. It takes time.
Before he can do it, we have to– No, even if Kyurem takes on its true form...
(Transition to smiling Hilbert, Rosa, Nate, and Hilda)
N the sync pairs on Pasio can defeat that man's ambition.
Hilbert, Hilda, everyone...
(Transition to the arena; Elesa and Hilda are standing in their sygna suits)
Rising Star Wow, Elesa is amazing!
Hilda The crowd's getting so charged up!
Elesa Let's take it right to the top!
We're almost at the fashion show's finale!
Hilda Yeah! Time for our last walk down the runway!
(Hilda and Elesa each strike a pose and then wave to the crowd; in the distance, Hilbert watches them and laughs)

  • Two Gone Missing
Name Text
(Rosa, Nate, and Hilbert are chatting in the town; Hilda approaches them, still wearing her sygna suit)
Hilda Phew, it's finally over!
When Elesa invited me, I said OK 'cause I thought we were gonna battle!
I didn't realize she was actually inviting me to be in a fashion show...
Hilbert You're always so confident, Hilda. So even you get nervous sometimes?
Hilda Of course! My heart was pounding like crazy!
Anyway, has anyone seen N?
Hilbert No, I haven't...
Hilda N isn't the kind of person to say he'd come and then not show up... I wonder what's up.
Rosa We searched the arena too, but we didn't see him...
Nate Hugh isn't here either. He swore he would be here!
Hilbert Maybe something happened...
??? Oh ho! Could it be you're looking for someone?
(Colress appears)
Rosa Colress!
Colress If it's about the boy with spiky hair like a Qwilfish, I think I have an idea where he went!
Nate You've seen Hugh?
Colress Yes! I saw him chasing Team Plasma sometime before the show started!
Rosa Team Plasma?! Why didn't you stop him?
Colress I tried to!
But he went anyway, so I came to tell you!
Rosa Hugh went missing chasing after Team Plasma...
Hilda That doesn't sound like good news.
Hilbert That might have something to do with N's absence.
Nate Let's look for them at once!
Colress Do you mind if I tag along? I'd like to help!
Furthermore, your behavior is so fascinating! Allow me to observe it up close!
Hilbert OK! Could you take us to where you saw Hugh?
(Transition to a room in Team Plasma's hideout)
Team Plasma Grunt (1) Stay here and be quiet!
Hugh Hey! Where's my partner?
You're Team Plasma, right? What are you trying to do on this island?
Are you really going to steal Pokémon? Answer me!
Team Plasma Grunt (1) Th-that's a lot of questions...
Team Plasma Grunt (2) Be quiet! What an annoying child!
(The Team Plasma grunts leave)
Hugh Hey!
??? Hey...
Hugh Who is it?
(N appears)
N It's OK... I'm not your enemy.
Hugh Seems not...
I'm Hugh. I have a history with Team Plasma.
They took my sister's Pokémon five years ago, and now they've taken mine.
N Five years ago...
I see...
Hugh I overheard them talking about stealing Pokémon, so I followed them.
I've got to escape and save my partner and the other Pokémon they stole as soon as possible.
Hm? What's up?
N You resent Team Plasma, don't you?
Hugh It's not really resentment. I'm just angry!
These people have no qualms about just stealing other peoples' Pokémon... That's unacceptable!
I'm gonna shut down Team Plasma's evil plans!
(Hugh walks away and starts looking around the room)
N (As the king of Team Plasma, I persistently asked people to release their Pokémon.)
(Because of what I did, some people lost their precious Pokémon... Hugh and his family must've also been affected.)
... ... ...
I haven't introduced myself yet.
My name is...

  • Pokémon Released
Name Text
(Team Plasma's hideout)
N My name is–
Hugh Oh!
Sorry to interrupt, but I've just thought of something!
I'm so lucky you're here! Let's work together and get out of here!
N So...what's the plan?
(Transition to the Team Plasma grunts standing guard outside Hugh and N's room)
Team Plasma Grunt (1) I can't believe how annoying that new kid we just got is...
Team Plasma Grunt (2) Hopefully he won't cause any problems...
(Hugh yells from inside the room, and the grunts turn around)
Hugh You! I won't forgive you!
N What's your problem?
(N yells, and a loud thudding noise comes from inside the room; the grunts run inside to investigate)
Team Plasma Grunt (1) Hey, you two! What are you–
(Hugh and N are hiding behind a stack of boxes)
Hugh Now!
(Fade to black)
Team Plasma Grunt (1) Gah!
Team Plasma Grunt (2) Oof!
(Fade back to the room)
Hugh That went well!
N I didn't expect it to be this easy...
Hugh Let's go get our Pokémon back!
(Hugh leaves)
N What a straightforward Trainer.
(Transition to Hugh and N in a hallway in Team Plasma's hideout)
Hugh Where are you, partner?!
Let's search over there next.
N Wait. Have a look at this.
(N and Hugh look up at the wall)
Hugh Is this a map of this place?
N Most likely.
I see...
I've memorized this hideout's layout. Let's get moving.
Hugh You're really smart, huh!
(Transition to Hugh and N in front of a locked door)
Hugh Ah... The door's locked with a passcode. We can't get in.
Let's try busting it down.
N No need for that.
It shouldn't take much time to figure out a formula for this.
Hugh What?! What even are you?
I guess it doesn't matter. I'll just watch for anyone coming...
(N starts fiddling with the lock while Hugh stands lookout)
Hugh Oh yeah–did you know?
Apparently, the former king of Team Plasma was a smart guy like you.
N ... ... ...
OK, this is it.
(The lock clicks open)
Hugh Is it open? Let's go!
(Hugh and N run into the room)
Hugh There you are, partner!
(Hugh's Bouffalant makes a happy noise; a Genesect stands silently beside it)
Hugh And another Pokémon?
(Two Team Plasma grunts and their Pokémon run into the room)
Team Plasma Grunt (1) Y-you! How did you get here?
Team Plasma Grunt (2) They escaped!
Hugh Let's go, partner! Let's show them our power!
Team Plasma Grunt (2) We'll just lock you up again!
Team Plasma Grunt (1) Get ready! Plasmaaaa!
(Hugh battles the grunts and defeats them easily)
Team Plasma Grunt (2) Yikes!
Team Plasma Grunt (1) F-fall back!
(The grunts flee)
Hugh Thanks, partner!
When I'm with you, they don't scare me at all!
N I want to thank you too.
You saved me. Thank you.
(Bouffalant makes a happy noise)
Hugh Huh. It's rare for Bouffalant not to be suspicious around someone it's meeting for the first time.
(Genesect cries out; Hugh and N walk over to it)
Hugh Oh yeah, there was another Pokémon.
Is this your Pokémon?
(Genesect cries out again)
N No... It isn't.
Sounds like it's been modified and experimented on by Team Plasma.
Hugh "Sounds like"?
But if that's true, I can't let Team Plasma get away with it!
What should we do? Should we take it too?
N I would feel bad dragging it around with all these injuries.
Let's set it free outside.
I'd like it to spend its time with a kindhearted Trainer.
Hugh I understand.
N Please don't dislike humans.
There are Trainers with honest and kind hearts...
Just like my friend Hilbert.
(Genesect makes a soft cry)

  • For the Kind People
Name Text
(Hilbert, Hilda, Rosa, Nate, and Colress walk through a plaza in the town; Colress stops, and it takes the group a moment to realize he's fallen behind)
Hilbert Colress, is this where Hugh disappeared?
Rosa Colress?
Colress Sorry, there was a bit of a commotion.
(Colress catches up to the group)
Colress Apparently a Pokémon came from the direction we're heading...
And it was desperately looking for something.
I also heard people saying it was injured.
Rosa That's concerning. Hopefully it's not Hugh or N's Pokémon...
Nate But if it is, it might give us a clue to finding them.
Hilbert ... ... ...
Let's go!
(Transition to the Pokémon Center)
Nate Burgh, Brycen!
(Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, and Colress approach Burgh and Brycen)
Hilda We came because we were told a wounded Pokémon was brought here!
Burgh Ah, I see. You were worried about it and came to check.
Brycen It was covered in wounds, but no need to worry.
It's in the back getting treatment and recovering.
Hilbert That's good to hear.
Nate By the way, that Pokémon that was brought here–what was it?
Burgh Well... It looked like a bug Pokémon, but I've never seen anything like it.
It's covered in metal, and it has a cannon on its back...
Colress Aha! I think I know what it is!
Its name is Genesect! It's a Pokémon that's been modified by Team Plasma!
Which means there's a good chance it escaped from the Team Plasma hideout!
Hilbert Modifying Pokémon...
(Someone screams; Trista walks out from behind the counter, chasing Genesect)
Trista Please help us catch it! As soon as we finished treatment–
(Genesect stops in front of Burgh)
Burgh Whoa!
(Genesect looks around)
Burgh Hmm... Are you looking for something?
Rosa What should we do, Hilbert?
(Genesect looks at Hilbert and cries out)
Hilda It seems interested in Hilbert.
It looks like it wants to tell him something.
Hilbert That could be it!
(Trista walks up to Genesect)
Trista Come on back.
The treatment is over, but you should stay still for a–
Hilbert Trista, please wait!
That Genesect might be able to guide us to N!
Trista What?
Hilbert N can communicate with Pokémon, and he might have told Genesect about us!
Hilda Wait, so N was taken by Team Plasma after all?!
Hilbert Yeah... That's what I'm getting from Genesect.
Trista If that's the case, I'll leave it with you for now.
But please don't push it too much.
Hilbert Understood! Thank you so much!
OK! Let's go, Genesect! Take it slow if you need to!
Colress The connection between humans and Pokémon is truly fascinating!

  • Sync Pairs' Hearts Align
Name Text
(Hilda, Rosa, Nate, Hilbert, and Colress walk along a mountain path; their path is blocked by two Team Plasma grunts)
Hilda Get out of the way!
(Hilda sends out Victini)
Hilda Hilbert, you guys go ahead! We'll keep them busy here!
Rosa I'll help you as well, Hilda!
(Rosa sends out Serperior)
Colress I think it would be more efficient to do what Hilda said.
We should go on ahead.
Hilbert Hilda, Rosa! Be careful, you two!
Hilda You too!
(Hilbert, Nate, and Colress go on ahead)
Hilda Now...let's get it started!
(Victini cries out)
Team Plasma Grunt (1) It's bold of you to come this far. Seems like you don't know your place!
Team Plasma Grunt (2) This place is near our main base, and we're gonna take you down with strength and numbers!
Hilda Don't think you can beat us with just strength!
We care for our Pokémon and the people around us! And that makes us way stronger than you!
We wanna help our friends, and we feel that deep in our hearts!
That's why we won't lose to the likes of you!
Rosa That's right!
Team Plasma Grunt (1) Once we finish with you two, we'll go after the ones that went ahead!
Team Plasma Grunt (2) Let's go! Plasmaaaa!
(Transition to Hilbert, Nate, and Colress in a cave)
Hilbert N and Hugh must be ahead!
??? Stop...
(The Shadow Triad appear)
The Shadow Triad (1) We can't let you go any further.
(The Shadow Triad each send out a Bisharp)
The Shadow Triad (1) The Shadow Triad will be your opponent.
Hilbert The Shadow Triad!
The Shadow Triad (2) I know you're planning to head to that boy and our lord N, but we must stop you here.
Nate Thought so!
Colress Oh, it's been a while! Still can't tell who's who, but...
The Shadow Triad (1) Colress... Why are you working with these people who oppose Ghetsis?
The Shadow Triad (3) Your role is to conduct research for Team Plasma's development.
Colress Well excuse me! I scrapped my Team Plasma title quite a while ago!
I am now purely a scientist who's studying the bond between humans and Pokémon!
And if you're going to get in the way of that, I must get rid of you!
And on top of that, I hate Ghetsis!
(Colress sends out Klinklang, Nate sends out Braviary, and Hilbert sends out Samurott)
The Shadow Triad (2) I struggle to understand...
The Shadow Triad (1) An enemy is an enemy, regardless the reason.
The Shadow Triad (3) Let's go...
(Hilbert, Nate, and Colress's Pokémon battle and defeat the Shadow Triad's Pokémon)
Nate Yeah!
The Shadow Triad (1) Not so fast.
(The Shadow Triad send out three more Bisharp)
Nate No way!
Hilbert There's no end to this!
Colress They're trying to buy time instead of beating us.
Hilbert What can we do? At this rate...
(The Bisharp charge at Samurott; Genesect gets in between them and drives the Bisharp back)
Hilbert Genesect!
Are you gonna help us? You've just recovered...
(Genesect attacks the Bisharp)
The Shadow Triad (1) Gah!
Nate Wh-whoa!
Colress Wow! So this is what a Pokémon can do when it cares for a Trainer!
Hilbert You want to fight together, by my side? I really appreciate that!
I didn't want to ask you since Team Plasma has put you through so much...
But I want to help my friends.
Could you help me out?
(Genesect cries out)
Hilbert Thank you, Genesect.
(Hilbert's sync stone glows; Hilda and Rosa appear)
Hilda We're back, everyone!
Rosa It's the Shadow Triad!
Hilbert We have to help N and Hugh! We can't get caught up here!
Hilda Of course!
(Something is silent in Hilbert's bag)
Hilbert I know... If it gets really tough, I might need your help.
Let's go!

  • Spoken Names
Name Text
Looker It seems Team Plasma is on the move this time...
Good grief... Different organizations keep appearing one after another.
Paulo Team Plasma is an organization that was trying to separate people and Pokémon back in Unova, right?
Apparently, they stole Pokémon from Trainers, saying it was for Pokémon's sake...
I'll never forgive them... Ever!
Looker Don't be too quick to assume everything they do is evil.
It's true that Team Plasma stole Pokémon–and said they were protecting them as an excuse.
And yes, what they were actually trying to do was control Unova–
Paulo Exactly! That's why–
Looker Hold on. Don't rush to conclusions.
There are people in Team Plasma who have different views.
And the people who respected N, instead of Ghetsis, decided to leave the organization.
Those people are now managing a refuge to protect Pokémon, to make up for what they did.
Paulo Even if they do that...
Looker You're right. Their wrongdoings will never disappear.
After a Pokémon and Trainer have been ripped apart, it's hard to fix their relationship.
But remember–at the time, they didn't think what they were doing was evil.
They thought their actions were for Pokémon's sake, just like N did.
They believed there was true justice in their ideals.
Paulo ... ... ...
(Transition to Team Plasma's hideout; Hugh and N approach Ghetsis)
Hugh You!
N ... ... ...
??? Such an annoying presence you are.
(Ghetsis turns around)
Ghetsis You investigated us back in Unova–and you insist on being a hindrance to us here on Pasio, too?
Hugh Ghetsis!
It's your fault! All because Team Plasma stole Pokémon from their Trainers!
Ghetsis The Shadow Triad have told me things about you.
You're that young boy who got angry at us for stealing your family's Pokémon. Am I correct?
Hugh That's right! I won't allow you and Team Plasma to just keep doing what you want!
N Me neither...
I can't ignore what you and Team Plasma are doing.
You've been using Pokémon in your experiments, and if you keep taking Pokémon away from their Trainers here on Pasio...
I will stop you, no matter what it takes!
Ghetsis Your determination is admirable. As a Trainer, you must think yourself a paragon of virtue.
However, I do find it very strange.
A boy who's family's Pokémon was stolen all because of Team Plasma...
And another boy who used to be the king of Team Plasma...
You're now working together, hand in hand?
Hugh What do you mean?
Ghetsis Heh...
Myah-ha-ha-ha! So you don't know anything!
Very well, allow me to reveal who this boy really is!
That boy beside you–N...
He was the king of Team Plasma, who led efforts to liberate all Pokémon!
The reason your family's Pokémon were stolen was to make N's ideals come true!
How sad, isn't it.
Your enemy–the person you should hate–has been standing right next to you all along!
(Hugh looks at N)
N It's true...
I believed the liberation of Pokémon was the right thing to do...
And I did lead Team Plasma.
Hugh That was you?
N But...I'm different now!
I learned how wonderful it is for people and Pokémon to live together.
For the people and Pokémon who live on Pasio, I will...
Hugh I've heard enough.
N ... ... ...

  • N and Hugh
Name Text
(Team Plasma's hideout)
Hugh I've heard enough.
N ... ... ...
Hugh N...
You don't have to say any more. I already know...
You're a nice guy.
(N is shocked)
Ghetsis What?
Hugh I know there are people with different ideals in Team Plasma.
I met people in Unova who really respect you from the bottom of their hearts.
They also told me how kind you are, N.
N Hugh...
Hugh We got here together, and I saw how you care for your Pokémon.
The Pokémon trust you, too. Seeing that, there's no way you're actually a bad guy.
I know you can't undo what you did in the past...
But I trust you, N!
N Hugh... Thank you for believing in me.
Hugh You're the one I can't forgive!
You took advantage of N's pure feelings and put the blame on him!
You play dirty, and that's what I hate the most!
Just to let you know...
You're about to feel my rage!
(Bouffalant cries out)
Ghetsis How irritating.
So, you are going against me?
How pitiful of you not to listen to the perfect ruler.
Allow me to fix that!
(Ghetsis sends out Kyurem)
N I'm sorry... I want to battle together, but...
Hugh It's fine!
I understand. I'll fight for you, too!
(Transition to Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, and Colress underground)
Rosa We finally managed to sneak into their hideout!
Hilbert It was a really close one... We had to battle a lot.
Are you OK, Genesect?
(Two Team Plasma grunts appear)
Team Plasma Grunt Hey! This is as far as you go!
Nate Another enemy!
Hilda We'll win, no matter how many of them come!
(Hilda and Victini defeat the grunts' Pokémon)
Team Plasma Grunt Why can't we beat them?! They should be tired by now!
(The grunts flee; Hilda and Nate laugh)
Hilbert You're just getting started, aren't you, Hilda?
Hilda Of course!
N might be here–somewhere!
Knowing that gives me strength!
Hilbert That's true... We came all this way.
We don't have time to wait around!
Rosa Yeah! Let's go!
(Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, and Rosa walk ahead)
Colress Her positive attitude is giving strength to everyone around her...
So this is what can be achieved through the bonds of friendship!

  • One Blow to Break Through
Name Text
Hilda C'mon! Who's next?
(The Shadow Triad appear)
The Shadow Triad (1) Don't get full of yourself.
The Shadow Triad (2) We lost once, but we won't twice.
Hilbert These guys again!
Rosa They're strong, but we need to do this! Right, everyone?
Hilda Yeah! Let's do this!
(Hilbert sends out Mightyena and Samurott; the Shadow Triad sends out their Bisharp; Hilbert's Pokémon are defeated)
Hilbert Mightyena! Samurott!
(Genesect steps up)
Hilbert Genesect, stand back! You'll be defeated if we stay like this!
(Two Team Plasma grunts appear behind the Shadow Triad)
Team Plasma Grunt (1) Did you just say Genesect? Why is it here?
Team Plasma Grunt (2) How foolish.
Although N let it escape, it came all the way back.
Hilbert Y'know, that's what I thought. You're here because N saved you...
And now you want to save him, right?
(Genesect cries out; Hilbert is pensive)
Hilbert I understand how you feel.
I'm also worried about N.
We have to keep moving.
Genesect, thank you for fighting for N.
Everyone here feels the same as you!
(Genesect prepares to fight the Shadow Triad's Pokémon)
The Shadow Triad (1) What's the matter? You're not gonna battle?
The Shadow Triad (2) If Genesect's attack reaches us, we'll take some damage for sure.
The Shadow Triad (3) IF it reaches us.
Hilbert ... ... ...
(The Team Plasma grunts laugh, making Hilda and Rosa angry)
Hilda Hilbert! We'll deal with Team Plasma! I'm counting on you to fight the Shadow Triad!
Rosa Hit them hard!
Hilbert I know... But their teamwork doesn't leave any openings.
We'll run out of energy if we just randomly shoot.
(Nate walks up to Hilbert)
Nate Hey, I noticed something...
(Nate explains something to Hilbert)
Hilbert Oh... I see!
If that's the case, we can do it in one shot!
The Shadow Triad (1) Whisper your plans to each other all you like. It won't get you anywhere.
The Shadow Triad (2) You'll never hit us.
Hilbert I'm not so sure about that.
(Genesect turns and attacks the wall)
The Shadow Triad (3) Fool. Where are you aiming?
(A large rumbling resounds)
Nate We did it! We made a hole in the wall!
Hilbert Everyone, this way!
(Hilbert runs towards the hole)
Hilda Well done, Hilbert!
Rosa That was smart!
(Hilda and Rosa run after Hilbert)
The Shadow Triad (1) W-wait!
(Colress walks up to Nate)
Colress That was a wonderful plan!
The Shadow Triad's moves were sophisticated and perfectly ordered.
That is why it was easy to deduce their motives.
In this narrow passage, they kept getting in our way.
And every time we tried to go a certain way, they'd push us back, with solid defense.
Hence you could tell there was something important in that direction!
And that's how you concluded your friend would be there!
Nate Yup–exactly! You got it, Colress!
N and Hugh must be close by.
We should hurry and find them!

  • Keep Moving Forward!
Name Text
(Team Plasma's hideout; Bouffalant attacks Kyurem)
Ghetsis What's the matter?
You talk big, but this is all you can do?
Hugh I'm not done yet! I've only just started!
Ghetsis You look pathetic, N!
First your Pokémon was taken from you, and now you can't even help the person that believes in you.
Or are you racked by your feelings of guilt?
That's it, isn't it! Mistakes remain with you your entire life and can never be erased!
No matter how lofty your ideals have become, your past will always haunt you.
You can never escape it!
(Kyurem defeats Bouffalant; fade to black)
N (That's right... I made those mistakes, and there's no way to take them back.)
(Am I only speaking of and acting on lofty ideals...)
(because I want to feel better? Because I want everyone to forgive me?)
(Fade back to Team Plasma's hideout)
N Even so, I have to act on what I believe in.
(Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, and Colress appear)
Ghetsis Who are these people? How did they get here so quickly?!
Hilbert N! Hugh!
Hilda We did it! We finally found you!
N Hilbert! Hilda! Rosa! And even Nate!
Hugh Why are you guys here?
Rosa 'Cause we were worried about you two!
Hugh Even Colress! You helped out, too?
(Colress chuckles)
N How did you know we were here?
Nate Well...because of Colress. And also...
Hilbert Genesect led us this way!
(Genesect flies over to N)
N You helped everyone?
Is it because I helped you? You did this as a way to thank me?
(Genesect cries out)
N I see...
Thank you for believing in humans.
Hugh Hey, N, you feel bad for what you did in the past, right?
I've said this before, but no matter how much you regret it, you can't change the past.
But you have friends who will help you move forward.
So... If you're always dwelling on the past, you'd be turning your back on them. And that would be rude, y'know.
(Rosa, Hilda, Hilbert, and Nate smile at N)
N Friends that will help me move forward...
As you said, even if I have regrets about what I did in the past, I can't change any of it.
I need to look toward the future!
(The Shadow Triad appears)
Ghetsis What are you doing? You cowards!
The Shadow Triad (1) We're terribly sorry, Lord Ghetsis...
The Shadow Triad (2) For not being able to complete our mission properly.
The Shadow Triad (3) However, our enemy seems fatigued. We'll end it here.
Ghetsis I don't care! Bring me either one of those two dragon Pokémon, immediately!
(The Shadow Triad vanish and reappear with Zekrom)
Ghetsis Here and now! I'll have Kyurem use Absofusion!

  • Two Heroes
Name Text
(Team Plasma's hideout; Ghetsis and Kyurem are facing Zekrom, which is surrounded by the Shadow Triad)
Hilda You're gonna fuse Zekrom and Kyurem?!
N Zekrom!
Hilbert I won't let you!
Go! Kyurem!
(Hilbert sends out Kyurem)
Hilbert Knock down Ghetsis's Kyurem!
(Hilbert's Kyurem attacks Ghetsis's Kyurem)
Ghetsis What? Another Kyurem?!
(Zekrom roars, knocking the Shadow Triad back; Hilbert's Kyurem charges into Zekrom; the two dragons fuse and turn into Black Kyurem)
Ghetsis Impossible! There's supposed to be only one left of the ancient dragon Pokémon!
Hilbert I didn't think it'd be possible either at first...
But there's no such thing as impossible. There's so many mysteries we don't yet know about Pokémon and this world.
And there's nothing wrong with having two.
(Hilbert walks to stand beside N)
Hilbert There were two heroes in Unova, also!
N! I trust you with my Kyurem!
(Black Kyurem roars)
N ... ... ...
Understood. You've entrusted me with your feelings and your precious partner...
I'll be sure to take care of them both!
(Black Kyurem roars)
Hilda Now your plan won't work!
Hugh You're at a dead end, Team Plasma!
Ghetsis Shut up!
It will not end here!
No matter what any of you do, I won't allow you to stop me!
(The Shadow Triad send out their Bisharp)
N Hilbert!
Hilbert I know! N!
(Kyurem and Genesect battle and defeat the Shadow Triad's Bisharp and Ghetsis's Kyurem)
Ghetsis Ugh...ugh... Urgh!
The Shadow Triad (1) Lord Ghetsis!
Hugh That kind of teamwork is only possible if they trust each other from the bottom of their hearts.
N, you also have important friends you can depend on.
Ghetsis Not only once...but twice!
No! This is the third time!
I can't believe I keep getting thwarted by such pitiful fools!
Hugh Just admit it.
You lost, Ghetsis.
Ghetsis Heh... Hehehe...
Fine. We shall retreat.
Enjoy your moment of victory while it lasts.
N... The next time we meet, I imagine you'll just defy me yet again.
You fail to understand your father's ideals...
It saddens me that my own son would betray me like this.
How sad and lonely.
N I just wanted to be a family with you, Father.
But...if you continue to hurt my friends, who are dear to me...
Don't expect me to hold back.
Ghetsis You have an unpleasant look in your eyes.
Let's go.
(Ghetsis, his Kyurem, and the Shadow Triad vanish)
(Transition to Team Rocket's hideout)
Archer We have a report, boss.
Team Plasma's scheme failed. They were thwarted by a group from Unova.
Giovanni Hmph... That Ghetsis.
He outwitted us by taking advantage of our scheme, yet he was defeated so easily.
Archer Yes, sir. The former king, N, and his friends managed to stop him...
The power they possess is extremely dangerous.
It may become a threat to Team Rocket in the future.
Giovanni Hmph. It's not a problem.
All we have to do is make that power ours.
By the way, did Ghetsis simply retreat after he lost?
Archer Yes... I heard he just left.
Giovanni I see...
It seems he has another plan in mind...
(Transition to the town)
A few days after the incident with Team Plasma...
(Hugh, Nate, Rosa, Hilda, and Colress are talking)
Hugh Have you seen anyone from Team Plasma since then?
Nate Actually, not at all.
Hilda I'm happy to see they've stopped causing trouble...
But I can't help worrying they might be planning things behind the scenes.
Rosa Hopefully this is the last time an incident like this happens.
Colress Come on! There's no need to fret!
With everyone together, we should be able to fix anything they do in a snap!
Hilda Don't act like you weren't involved...
(Colress's glasses sparkle)
Colress The key to victory, of course, is the strength of bonds!
(Flashback to N and Genesect)
Colress N managed to make Genesect our ally by showing it his devotion.
(Pan to Hugh)
Colress And he was also able to change Hugh's mind and establish a relationship of trust!
(Flashback to Hilda and Victini)
Colress In addition, Hilda and Victini's bond...
(Pan to Rosa, Nate, and Hilbert)
Colress gave courage and strength to the friends that were with them!
(Flashback to Hilbert and Genesect)
Colress Hilbert and the injured Genesect were able to understand each other, and now they're partners!
(Colress shouts excitedly; Hilda watches silently)
Hilda Is he always like this?
Rosa Yep... He seems to get very passionate when he talks about his research.
??? Sorry for the wait!
(N and Hilbert appear, wearing their sygna suits)
Hilda N! Hilbert! We were waiting for you two!
Now! Time for a battle!
Hilbert Whaaat?! Now?
Rosa Are you ready, N?
Nate We've been waiting for so long to battle you!
Colress I would love to see everyone's battle again!
Now then. Show me the power of your bonds!
N With all this excitement, I suppose I won't have much time to dwell on the past.
Hugh Yeah! Let's move forward together, N!
(Nate, Hugh, Rosa, Hilda, N, and Hilbert prepare to battle, while Colress watches)

Kalos: Team Flare Flares Up

  • A Kalos Peace Ceremony
Name Text
(Lear's villa; Serena, Calem, Tierno, Trevor, and Shauna look down from the balcony)
Shauna I wonder when Diantha's show is gonna start!
Trevor Be patient, Shauna.
There's still five minutes until curtain time.
Let's have a look at the pamphlet until then.
Tierno Wow, Trevs. I didn't know you'd be so serious about watching plays, too.
Trevor It's a special opportunity, so I'd like to enjoy 100 percent of it!
Calem I feel like it's been a while since I've seen you two go back and forth like this.
Serena That's true! The five of us haven't gotten together since we traveled around Kalos!
Shauna With Diantha acting in this play, I'm sure it'll be super enjoyable...
I hope the plot isn't too difficult to understand.
Trevor It is quite a theme.
Tierno It's set in ancient Kalos, right?
Calem Yeah, during the warring era...
??? Indeed. A long time ago, there was a war in Kalos...
(Looker appears)
Serena Looker?!
Calem Did you come to watch the show, too?
Shauna Are you actually a fan of Diantha or something?
Looker Hahaha! I just wanted to see a play in person for once!
Also, there's a deep meaning behind this play, right?
Around 3,000 years have passed since the war in ancient Kalos ended...
So this is part of the peace ceremony on Pasio, which is being held to commemorate that.
Shauna I see! I'm so glad I got to see Serena and Calem again on such a special day! ♪
I want to make memories with everyone, even here on Pasio!
Calem Making memories is nice and all, but...
Is anyone curious about that rumor going around? That there's a mysterious, invisible Pokémon on Pasio?
Trevor What do you mean, "invisible"?!
Calem I've only heard rumors, so I'm not sure if it actually exists.
(A loud buzzer sounds)
Hello, everyone. Sorry for keeping you waiting.
The play will begin shortly.
Looker Oh, it's about to start!
(Diantha, wearing her sygna suit, appears with her Diancie)
Diantha The fires of war have reached this country...
Why do people fight? Why do we steal what limited resources we have from each other?
Why can't we be peaceful and understand each other?
Looker ... ... ...
(If the intel I got is true, then something is going to happen around now...)
(I need to stay alert and aware...)
(I know... I know I have to... But...but!)
Wh-what a moving story!
*sniffle* *sob*
Calem Looker...
Serena I guess he was really looking forward to seeing the play, huh.
Shauna What?! Is that...
(Two Team Flare grunts appear and send out a Golbat and Machoke)
Team Flare Grunt (1) Team Flare is claiming this stage–with style!
Team Flare Grunt (2) Everyone stay calm and follow our orders!
Trevor T-Team Flare!
Tierno What are they doing on Pasio?
Serena I don't know...but we have to stop them fast!
Diantha Worry not, my fellow citizens!
I will deal with these people!
Looker Is she signaling that she doesn't need help?
Diantha You don't seem to know the rules of battling!
You'll have to face me before you make a move on anyone else!
Team Flare Grunt (2) Hah! Do you understand the situation you're in?
Team Flare Grunt (1) We came to crash the stage–
Diantha Now is the time to show you how brightly the royal family shines!
Diancie! Mega Evolve!
(Diantha's Diancie Mega Evolves)
Beauty That's Mega Diancie!
Collector Its beauty and shine is worthy of its nickname–the "Royal Pink Princess"!
Serena Diantha's making the Team Flare intrusion part of the play!
Diantha I won't run or hide!
I will protect everyone with my own two hands!
Team Flare Grunt (1) Stop acting tough. You don't really think you can defeat all of us, do you?
Diantha Of course I do!
This is my mission! Diancie and I will fight for peace until the end!
??? Wait! I'll battle too!
(Emma appears with Mimi and Crobat)
??? I'm the new head of the Looker Bureau in Lumiose City...
Emma Emma, at your service!

  • Detective Reunion
Name Text
(Lear's villa; Emma stands next to Diantha)
Emma We're not gonna let you do your bad deeds!
(Mimi and Crobat cry out)
Diantha Oh? Who might this child be?
Shauna Who's that?
Tierno That's brave of her, standing up to Team Flare!
Looker Emma...
Trevor Sh-shouldn't we go and join them?
Looker Wait.
If we all rush the stage, the people in the crowd will know something is up.
Shauna But...
Looker Diantha is trying to carry on with the play by making that kid's appearance part of it!
Diantha What a helpful ally!
Now! Let's battle together!
(Diancie cries out)
Emma Yeah! We're gonna do our best!
(Crobat cries out)
Looker That kid can hold her own.
Shauna You know her, Looker?
(Crobat defeats Golbat)
Diantha Hyah!
(Diancie defeats Machoke)
Team Flare Grunt (1) Wh-what? She took us all out at once?!
Diantha Even if you try to control us by force...
we won't bow down to that kind of power!
Team Flare Grunt (1) Gah... Retreat!
(The Team Flare grunts flee)
Collector Whoa! Diantha!
Beauty Th-that was so cool!
(Mimi cries out excitedly)
Emma What's up, Mimi?
(Emma looks up and notices Looker on the balcony)
Emma Oh!
Mister Looker!
Looker You've become an excellent head of the Looker Bureau, Emma!
Emma Uh-huh!
(Transition to a Beauty making a phone call elsewhere in the villa)
Beauty We have a report.
During Champion Diantha's play, people calling themselves Team Flare burst onto the stage.
Collector Their motives are unknown.
They engaged Diantha in battle in an attempt to take over the stage, but they were all taken out...
And they ran away.
??? I see... Well done.
If there's any more movement, please contact me.
Beauty Absolutely.
(The Beauty and Collector leave)

  • Team Flare's Mission
Name Text
(Lear's villa)
Even though Team Flare caused an incident forcing their way onstage...
the curtains closed without it becoming a major commotion...
Serena You had to deal with a lot of trouble, Diantha.
I can't believe Team Flare broke in like that!
Diantha It sure was a surprise!
But thanks to a lovely helper jumping in, I managed to perform through it!
Thank you. What's your name?
Emma It's Emma!
Shauna Do you and Looker know each other?
Looker Yup!
I used to have a detective agency called the Looker Bureau in Kalos.
I had to leave Kalos for my next mission, so I entrusted the Looker Bureau to Emma.
I'm the first head of the bureau, and Emma is–
Emma His successor, the second head!
I still work in Kalos as a detective.
If you have any problems, leave it to us!
Shauna Sure! Nice to meet you, Emma!
??? Everyone!
(Professor Sycamore and Paulo appear)
Paulo I heard Team Flare forced their way onstage during the performance.
Looker Yes, but thanks to Diantha's quick thinking, there wasn't much damage done.
Hmm... I wonder why Team Flare appeared on Pasio.
Back in Kalos, I know they were scheming to get the ancient ultimate weapon working again, but...
Paulo What kind of weapon?
Serena It's a terrifying weapon that absorbs the life from Pokémon...
Paulo What a weapon...
Looker Not only that–that group is good at blending into society.
They could appear anywhere...
We have to keep our guard up at all times.
Professor Sycamore Lysandre's behind this? No, that can't be...
Paulo Do you know something about that?
Professor Sycamore Team Flare's boss, Lysandre...
He became disillusioned with this world because people fight over limited resources...
And he wanted to rid the world of strife by reducing the number of human and Pokémon lives in it.
But he also promised here on Pasio that he'd watch us to see if we could change the world...
Paulo So in the end, he didn't change his mind?
Professor Sycamore No, his beliefs burn strong in his heart.
It won't be easy to change his mind.
Paulo Beliefs...
Looker Each person has their own circumstances and ideals.
Sometimes you may need to make an effort to understand someone else's way of thinking.
Paulo I guess so...
Professor Sycamore Indeed. Even if we couldn't completely understand each other, we were getting closer, little by little.
Did something happen, Lysandre?
(Looker closes his eyes and thinks silently)

  • A Fiery Woman
Name Text
(Emma, Serena, Calem, Trevor, Tierno, Shauna, and Paulo arrive in the town)
Emma Whoa! It's a festival!
(Mimi makes a happy noise)
Serena She's full of energy, considering she just battled Team Flare.
Paulo Oh... She did?
Shauna Hey. ♪ Tell me, where did you and Looker meet?
How did you end up spending time at the Looker Bureau together?
Emma Well, my friends and I were hanging out in our secret base...
And then Mr. Looker came around and said he wanted me to be his assistant!
And then...
(Emma and Shauna continue talking; Calem looks around)
Calem ... ... ...
Trevor You seem kinda antsy, Calem.
Tierno Are you worried about that mysterious Pokémon people are spreading rumors about?
Calem Yeah, I was just wondering if someone might have already found it.
Trevor I'm curious as well. We could split up into two groups and–
Shauna Whaaat? No way! Let's all go together!
Emma I wanna go together, too!
Calem A-all right... We'll be around till the end.
(Mimi cries out)
Emma Mimi would be happy if everyone went together, too!
That's great, Mimi!
Shauna Hehe! ♪ You're so in sync with your partner Pokémon!
Emma Partner Pokémon? Me and Mimi?
Shauna Oh, are you not? I assumed because you're always together...
Emma Nope! My partner Pokémon is Crobat!
Mimi is my very special friend!
(Mimi makes a happy noise)
Shauna You and Mimi get along very well! ♪
Emma Yeah!
(Serena and Trevor watch them happily)
Calem Hm? Where's Looker?
I wonder where he went...
(Transition to Looker in an alleyway)
Looker What's going on, "fiery woman"?
You tried to ruin the peace ceremony's commemorative play, of all things?
(Malva chuckles)
Looker You even gave me information about it beforehand! What's your motive?
Malva Don't get so angry.
Our boss never gave orders to cause that fuss.
Some of our team members decided to go rogue and caused a ruckus.
We've recently noticed some troublemakers in our organization...
I wanted you to arrest those traitors so we can find out who they are and what their motives might be.
Looker You wanted to use me and the International Police?
Malva If we were to internally investigate who the traitors are, people would start to doubt each other within the organization, right?
If you apprehend the traitors, you get the credit and the troublemakers are eliminated from our organization. That's reasonable, right?
Looker That's not the point!
Malva OK then, I have another piece of information that might fire up your flames of justice.
We know that these traitors are trying to get hold of a secret destructive weapon in Team Flare's possession.
They're trying to steal it–and the blueprints, too.
Looker A destructive weapon?!
Malva We don't know what they plan to do with it.
Looker How could you own such a thing?!
Malva It's like insurance for us, in case something happens.
This way we can always carry out our boss's wishes.
Looker ... ... ...
I have no intention of ignoring any danger that could happen on Pasio.
But I also don't plan to help you resolve your own mess!
I will do my own investigation...
??? Aaaaaaaah!
(A Youngster, a Rising Star, and a Lass run by)
Lass Wh-who are these people? They're wearing red sunglasses!
Looker Red sunglasses? They must be Team Flare!

  • Team Flare vs. Team Flare?!
Name Text
(Emma, Serena, Calem, Trevor, Tierno, Shauna, and Paulo are chatting in the town; two Team Flare grunts appear)
Team Flare Grunt (1) Hahaha! Fear Team Flare! Run and create more chaos!
Calem Oh no... Here they are again!
Serena First, let's focus on evacuating everyone in town!
Tierno OK! Trevs and I can lead everyone to a safer spot!
(Trevor and Tierno run off)
Calem I'm counting on you two!
We'll stay here and stop Team Flare!
Shauna Serena! Calem! I'll battle with you!
(Shauna sends out Chesnaught)
Emma Me too!
(Emma sends out Crobat)
Calem Thanks! I'm counting on you, Shauna! You too, Emma!
Serena Let's team up and work our way through this!
(The Team Flare grunts send out Weezing and Raticate; the Pokémon are defeated before they can do anything)
Team Flare Grunt (1) Gwah!
(Diantha and Diancie appear)
Diantha You've been causing quite the ruckus. Not just at my play but in town, too?
Stop dragging innocent people into your schemes!
Team Flare Grunt (2) I didn't expect Champion Diantha to step in and stop us...
Team Flare Grunt (1) Shoot! There's no way we can take them on now.
Serena Diantha! You came to help us!
Diantha Of course. I said it on stage as well, remember?
I will fight till the end with Diancie...for peace!
Serena Yeah!
(Looker watches the scene from a distance)
Looker Looks like that situation will be wrapped up soon.
(The Collector and Beauty walk up to the scene)
Looker What are you doing? It's dangerous here! Hurry up and–
(The Collector and Beauty throw off their disguises)
Team Flare Grunt (3) Gotta admit, it's hard to beat this suit! It really suits my style!
Team Flare Grunt (1) Hey, you! What're you doing here?!
Team Flare Grunt (3) That's OUR line!
Team Flare Grunt (4) What do you think you're doing, causing a commotion here for no good reason?
Team Flare Grunt (3) We'll hold you accountable for what you've done!
Team Flare Grunt (1) Ugh! Let's run!
(The first pair of Team Flare grunts flee)
Team Flare Grunt (4) Halt!
(The second pair of Team Flare grunts chase them)
Shauna Team Flare was chasing after Team Flare...
Serena What's going on?
(Serena, Calem, Trevor, Tierno, Shauna, Diantha, Paulo, Emma, and Looker look around town; everything seems to have gone back to normal; Malva approaches them)
Diantha Oh, Malva. You're here, too?
(Malva waves)
Paulo You're Malva! A member of the Kalos Elite Four!
Malva Yes, I am. Pleasure to meet you.
What a ruckus that was.
It seems you all were able to resolve it, though.
Calem By the way... Where were you all this time, Looker?
Looker I had a minor errand to take care of.
Emma Mr. Looker!
Me and Mimi worked hard together and protected this city!
Looker That's great, Emma! You played such a big part in it, too!
Emma Ehehe!
Malva What good children they are.
(Malva walks up behind Looker to whisper in his ear)
Malva If you don't help and our weapon gets stolen by the traitors...
Then, as a member of Team Flare, I have no choice but to be a bit forceful in order to dispose of the traitors.
Power must be fought with power and weapons with weapons...
If we don't, there's a chance that such a powerful weapon might accidentally hurt those children...
Looker ... ... ...!
Emma What's wrong, Mr. Looker? You look scary.
Looker Oh, it's nothing!
Malva I've sneakily positioned members of Team Flare dressed as civilians at a number of spots on Pasio.
They're prepared to spring into action on my signal...
Much like they showed you earlier.
Looker ... ... ...
Malva At this point, you don't have much of a choice.
So, what do you say?
Looker ... ... ... ... ... ...
Fine. I'll cooperate with you.
(Malva smirks)

  • Hidden from Sight
Name Text
(Team Flare's Hideout)
Team Flare Grunt (1) I managed to sneak into their hideout, but where are the ones I'm after?
(Two Team Flare grunts with a Porygon look around suspiciously)
Team Flare Grunt (2) Hey, let's get started before anyone notices us.
Team Flare Grunt (3) Yeah, I know!
Team Flare Grunt (1) They're looking around a lot, considering they're in their own hideout.
Team Flare Grunt (3) Come on! Let's get the data analysis going before the others find out!
Team Flare Grunt (1) There's definitely something off about them. Are they the traitors she was talking about?
(Porygon wanders off)
Team Flare Grunt (2) Hey! Where are you going?!
(Porygon points at Looker and cries out)
Team Flare Grunt (2) Are they suspicious, Porygon? Also, this area should have been cleared of people.
Team Flare Grunt (3) Who are you?
Team Flare Grunt (1) Heh, I didn't expect my cover to be blown so soon, but that's fine.
This is the International Police! Stay calm and follow our orders!
(Looker takes off his disguise)
Team Flare Grunt (3) Th-the International Police? Why here?
Team Flare Grunt (2) Who cares! We gotta run!
(The two Team Flare Grunts and Porygon flee; Looker's phone rings)
Looker Emma! Paulo! I'll guide them to you as planned!
Paulo Sure, leave it to us.
Emma I'm gonna help you out, Mr. Looker!
Looker Be careful!
(Flashback to the town; Looker is talking to Diantha)
A few hours ago...
Looker And that's what's going on.
If you could help me detain the Team Flare traitors, I would be very grateful, Diantha.
Diantha Of course! You can count on my help.
Looker I really appreciate it!
??? Wait, Mister Looker!
(Emma and Paulo appear)
Emma Take me, too! I wanna help!
(Mimi cries out)
Looker No way! This is a dangerous investigation.
Emma But...why?
Why can't I be your partner?
Looker Look, that's not what I mean...
Paulo If Emma alone isn't enough, I'll come, too.
Helping out with the investigation is a better use of my time than playing around.
Diantha Looker, why don't we believe in their shine of justice?
If anything happens, I'll protect them.
Looker *sigh*
I suppose if you say so, Diantha. Let's take them both with us.
Emma Yay!
(Mimi cries happily)
Looker Well then, before we leave, we have to tell the others!
(Transition to Looker, Diantha, Paulo, and Emma talking to Professor Sycamore, Calem, and Serena in the town)
Calem You're going to investigate Team Flare?!
Serena Then we can help, too–
Looker No, you should all enjoy the festival to the fullest!
Diantha We'll be all right.
Looker But, if something happens while we're away...
I might have to ask for your help.
Serena Got it!
Diantha Well then, Professor Sycamore. I'll leave the rest to you.
Professor Sycamore Got it! Please be careful, you two!
(Back to present)
Looker I appreciate the help, but...
I really wanted Emma to just enjoy the festival.
I hope nothing happens to Serena and the others...
(Transition to Calem, Serena, Shauna, Trevor, Tierno, and Professor Sycamore in the forest)
Trevor Based on the rumors, it should be around here...
Shauna I wonder where that Pokémon you were talking about is.
Calem They say it's invisible, so we have to search carefully...
Tierno Maybe it's better to search with our ears than our eyes!
I won't miss a Pokémon's footsteps!
Serena If we all search carefully, we should be able to find it, even if we can't see it!
Professor Sycamore Of course!
You have each found your special ways to interact with Pokémon through your journeys in Kalos!
If you all work together, there's no Pokémon you can't–
(A thick fog suddenly descends on the forest)
Professor Sycamore Whoa!
Shauna What is this? I can't see in front of me!
(Yveltal's cry echoes; it appears in front of a Volcanion)
Serena Th-that's Yveltal!
(Yveltal and Volcanion fight; Serena's Zygarde and Professor Sycamore's Xerneas let themselves out of their Poké Balls)
Serena Zygarde! Xerneas is reacting, too!
Calem They're battling a Pokémon I haven't seen before... Could that be?!
Trevor that the rumored Pokémon?!
(Xerneas cries out)
??? Hm? Why are you all here?
(Lysandre appears, wearing his sygna suit)
Lysandre I don't remember inviting anyone.
Professor Sycamore Lysandre...

  • The Traitors' True Identity
Name Text
Tierno We might be in a bad situation...
Trevor Wh-what are you doing here?!
And that Pokémon is...
Lysandre No need to panic.
I have no intention of starting anything with you all.
I was just using this sygna suit made using Team Flare's technology...
to train with Yveltal and the others and strengthen the power of our sync stone.
Shauna So Team Flare going wild in town was...
Lysandre I can at least say that I wasn't the one who gave them orders.
Shauna Huh?
Lysandre It seems like we have some troublemakers in Team Flare. I'm already taking steps to deal with them, though.
I don't plan to cause a commotion on Pasio right now.
Serena I see...
Professor Sycamore I knew you'd keep our promise.
(Professor Sycamore and Serena return Xerneas and Zygarde)
Professor Sycamore Is that your new partner Pokémon, Lysandre?
Lysandre Indeed. This Pokémon is called Volcanion.
It possesses the power to blow a mountain away with a steam explosion and level the ground so people can live there.
I hear that in some regions it is worshiped as a nation-building Pokémon.
Calem That's a very grand scale...
Lysandre Volcanion's power can be used for more than just moving mountains.
It could blow up towns and transform the world.
Trevor Is that why you have Volcanion?!
Lysandre *chuckle* I'm just talking about possibilities.
I found beauty in Volcanion's existence.
(Transition to Team Flare's hideout; Looker, Diantha, Emma, and Paulo manage to corner one of the suspicious Team Flare grunts)
Looker Now, let's get some answers.
What are you planning? How many others are with you?
Team Flare Grunt ... ... ...
Diantha Is there any way we can get some information out of them?
Emma Mimi can do it!
Do you think you can help us out with your power?
(Mimi cries out and uses its power)
Paulo Wh-what is this?!
Diantha Information is flowing into my head!
Looker Team Rocket is infiltrating Team Flare as spies...
And they were trying to steal information about the weapon to gain pure destructive power.
Also, by doing bad deeds while disguised as Team Flare...
they wanted to make a situation where Lysandre, who was keeping a low profile, would have no choice but to act.
And the location of the headquarters is... I see...
Thank you for so kindly telling us your identity, mission, and headquarters' location.
Great job, Mimi!
(Mimi makes a happy noise)
Team Flare Grunt H-how?! How did you find out?
Looker That means your identity is...
(Looker forces the grunt out of his disguise)
Team Rocket Grunt Grr...
Looker So it was you folks again! You're the ones who were behind all of this!

  • Detectives and Officers
Name Text
(Team Rocket's headquarters)
Looker and Diantha split up and jumped right into Team Rocket's two operation headquarters...
Paulo This is Team Rocket's headquarters?
Diantha Watch out, Paulo. We don't know where Team Rocket could be hiding.
Paulo Yes, I know.
??? No need to worry!
(Proton and some Team Rocket grunts appear)
Proton Team Rocket won't run or hide!
Diantha I guess the disguises and getting found by Team Flare were part of the plan–and just a diversionary tactic!
I also suppose you plan on protecting the secrets kept here until the very end?
Proton You're only half right on that one.
We predicted that someone would find this hideout eventually...
This place is just a distraction!
Since you decided to wander in here, I'll have you disappear!
(Proton and the grunts send out Pokémon)
Paulo Tsk...this one was a decoy!
(Transition to Emma and Looker confronting Petrel and a large group of Team Rocket grunts underground)
Petrel Hahaha! You're quite a good detective!
I didn't expect you to so quickly uncover a disguise I worked on!
Looker (Well... The one who saw through the disguise was Mimi, but...)
(I guess I'll take it!)
Prepare yourself, Team Rocket! We're taking every last one of you into custody!
Are you ready, Emma?
Emma Yep, all good to go!
(Looker and Emma send out Crobat and Croagunk; they defeat all the grunts' Pokémon, causing the grunts to flee)
Petrel Whoa! I guess he does have the skills to back up his big claims!
Hate to break it to ya, but this is as far as you go.
(Ariana appears)
Ariana *chuckle* Oh, you thought you could just power through us?
(Archer appears)
Archer Sorry to cut your celebration short, but we'll finish you off now.
Looker Uh-oh... The other executives came to back them up!
(Transition to the forest)
Professor Sycamore So you find Volcanion...beautiful?
Lysandre Yes.
The reason I find it beautiful is because of how it chooses to exist.
Volcanion possesses massive power, but instead of brandishing it, it chooses to hide itself within the steam...
I do not plan to monopolize Volcanion's power for my own ideals.
But if any foolish human appears and tries to pollute this world with filth...
Volcanion and I shall come out of the steam and pass judgment.
Shauna Hey, Lysandre.
In Kalos, you thought that without the power of Pokémon, you weren't able to use the ultimate weapon...
And even now, you need Volcanion's help, right?
If you think you need help from others in order to pursue your motives...
then instead of trying to destroy the world, why don't you find a way to protect it, with help from everyone else?
Trevor Th-that's right! We should all be allowed to decide the future of our world together!
Tierno There are many people who are trying to make the world a better place, too.
Lysandre It would be nice if everyone in this world could be as purehearted as you are.
Then I could cast aside my doubts.
My heart hurts thinking that I need to eliminate such a beautiful place like Pasio.
Trevor W-we won't let you do that!
Tierno Yeah! What Trevs said!
We'll make a new promise with you, Lysandre!
Serena You guys...
(Lysandre chuckles and turns around)
Lysandre I see you are blessed with beautiful friends. I shall keep my hopes high.
Oh, and by the way, I will deal with the troublemakers from Team Flare...
I am the leader of my organization, after all.
(Lysandre and Volcanion vanish into the steam; Professor Sycamore folds his arms and smiles)

  • Farewell, Looker?
Name Text
(Underground; Looker and Emma are fighting Petrel, Ariana, and Archer)
Looker Emma! Are you OK?
Emma Yup, I'm fine! We're all fine!
Looker But if this keeps on much longer...
Ariana Ahaha... Looks like we're coming to the end?
Looker ... ... ...
Emma! Listen to me carefully.
I'll draw Team Rocket's attention and deal with their attacks!
You and Mimi can use that opportunity to escape!
Emma What are you saying, Mr. Looker? I don't wanna do that!
I'm your partner, right? I'm fighting with you until the end!
Looker But...
Petrel Are you done with the chitchat?
Archer It seems like you were discussing how to escape. How meaningless.
Now! Time to finish you!
(Archer's Houndoom charges at Emma)
Looker Argh! Emma!
(Fade to white; Emma screams)
??? Snorlax!
(A Snorlax drops down between Emma and Houndoom)
Petrel Whoa! Wh-what's happening?
(Anabel appears)
Anabel My name is Anabel. I'm the head of a secret division of the International Police.
Team Rocket! You're under arrest!
Mr. Looker! Sorry I'm late.
Looker Chief! You came!
Emma Chief? Is she your friend?
Looker That's right, Emma. She's my superior!
So she's basically a big shot!
Emma Wow! I see! You must be cool!
Looker Chief, this is–
Anabel Yes, I know. I've already been informed of her identity.
Looker Great! Nice job, Chief!
Anabel Emma.
Thank you for cooperating with Mr. Looker during his investigation.
Let me join you both from here!
Emma Sure thing! Nice to meet you, Chief! ♪
Looker Now, both of you! Are you ready to fight back?
Emma Sure! We've only just started!
Anabel Since I'm here now, I won't let either of you get hurt!
(Anabel, Emma, and Looker's Pokémon battle the Team Rocket executives' Pokémon)
Anabel That's a strong attack, Emma!
Emma Your teamwork with Snorlax is awesome, too!
Looker Heh... You two are so reliable!
Archer Ugh... We didn't expect to have to battle an extra person, but this isn't over yet...
(Diantha and Paulo appear)
Diantha Looker! Emma! Are you both OK?
Paulo Hmm? That woman is...
Looker Let's talk later! Now's the time to battle Team Rocket!
(Emma, Anabel, Looker, Diantha, and Paulo prepare to fight Petrel, Ariana, and Archer)

  • Under a Beautiful Night Sky
Name Text
Looker Phew! That must be all of them.
Paulo Yeah... But the executives all escaped.
Looker It doesn't matter who's left as long as we can talk to them.
(Two Team Rocket grunts sweat nervously)
Looker Now then. Tell us everything you know!
??? Stop there.
(Two Team Flare grunts appear)
Team Flare Grunt We will take them into our custody.
Looker What?! Wait–!
(The Team Flare grunts disappear with the Team Rocket grunts)
Looker Those guys! How could they!
(Transition to Team Flare's hideout; Malva's phone rings)
Malva OK, understood. It seems like he kept his promise.
I'll leave the punishment up to you. Make sure they never cause trouble for us again.
I'm burning up with rage!
(Transition to Lysandre and Volcanion walking through the forest; two Team Rocket grunts appear to block his path)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Wait! We won't let you leave like that!
Team Rocket Grunt (2) We can't face the boss if we leave empty-handed!
(The grunts send out a Grimer and Weezing)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) We've got nothing to lose! Give us your Legendary Pokémon!
Get ready to lose!
(The grunts' Pokémon attack; a Talonflame appears and intercepts the attack; Malva walks up)
Malva You seriously thought you could hurt our boss with that?
(Talonflame knocks out the grunts' Pokémon)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Urgh!
Malva We've taken care of the other spies. Now you're the last two...
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Eeep!
Malva Those who go against Team Flare will be punished accordingly.
Team Rocket Grunt (1) What are you going to do...?
Lysandre Farewell, you ugly, foolish humans.
(Volcanion attacks the Team Rocket grunts; fade to white)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) W-waaah!
(Transition to the town at night; a fireworks show is going on in the sky)
Shauna Wow! It's so pretty!
Another beautiful memory for us! ♪
Serena Shauna...
Looker I never thought the boss of Team Flare would have a Pokémon like that...
Diantha I can't believe it has power to destroy a whole town.
Professor Sycamore That's not all we found out!
Serena Yup! Lysandre said Pasio is beautiful.
Lysandre My heart hurts thinking that I need to eliminate such a beautiful place like Pasio.
(Back to present)
Calem If he can find hope in this world, I'm sure there's a way to avoid fighting!
Looker I agree! I hope so, too!
Shauna By the way, I've been wondering... Is she also from the International Police?
Anabel I'm sorry for being late to introduce myself.
My name is Anabel. I'm a member of a secret division of the International Police.
Looker She is my boss and came to help us.
Thanks to her, we were able to stop Team Rocket's evil plot.
Paulo But...if we think about it, it's strange.
Looker Strange? What is?
Paulo Team Rocket's usual motive is to use Pokémon in their evil schemes to make money.
But they tried to steal Team Flare's destructive weapon.
It would make more sense if they were trying to take Yveltal or Volcanion instead.
Looker Hmm, that's true...
Tierno I wonder what Team Rocket's motive is.
Anabel There is one possibility that I can think of.
Looker Is that true, Chief?
Anabel Yes, I recently got some information from the Aether Foundation that some of their research materials were stolen.
And the research was about...
(Transition to Team Rocket's hideout)
Archer That is all for the results of the infiltration mission.
Giovanni The brilliant scientists from Team Flare have helped us.
Let's get them to work right away...
We've made progress by analyzing the research materials we stole, and our organization is gaining more and more power.
Well done. I'm happy with these results.
Archer Yes, sir! Thank you very much!
Giovanni We were never interested in a short-lived weapon of destruction anyway.
It seems no one has noticed our true goal.
(Giovanni looks up at an Ultra Wormhole)

Alola: Protecting the Island

  • Signs of Disturbance
Name Text
Aether Foundation (1) There, there. That's a good Pokémon.
Aether Foundation (2) Hmm... I didn't expect there to be so many lost Pokémon...
Aether Foundation (1) Odd, isn't it? And we can't seem to find their Trainers either...
??? Yo, yo, yo!
(Two Team Skull Grunts appear)
Team Skull Grunt (1) Still bein' good little "Pokémon conservationists"?
Team Skull Grunt (2) Why don't you come hang with the outcasts, yo?
Aether Foundation (2) Ugh! They're interrupting us again!
(The Team Skull Grunts bother the Aether Foundation employees for a bit before leaving)
Aether Foundation (1) They're finally gone.
We've got plenty on our plate already...
Aether Foundation (2) We still have to find whoever stole intel on the Ultra Beasts and Ultra Wormholes from the Aether Foundation.
(Transition to the park at night; Faba is talking to someone on the phone)
Aether Foundation (1) Hm? Is that...
Faba Yes, yes. Certainly.
I, Faba, promise to be at your service–
Aether Foundation (2) Branch Chief Faba?
Faba Eek!
E-e-excuse me! I just remembered somewhere I need to be, so I must be going immediately!
Aether Foundation (1) Who were you talking to?
Faba Wh-who, you ask? The president, of course!
Aether Foundation (2) You seem awfully flustered for that. Are you sure?
Faba You're much too nosy!
Please don't make me, Branch Chief Faba, waste my precious time!
(Faba leaves)
Aether Foundation (1) That was suspicious...
Aether Foundation (2) Agreed. And considering we have a case of stolen data on our hands...
It might be best if we inform President Lusamine of this–just in case.
(Transition to the beach; Hau, Selene, Elio, and the player are talking)
Hau Whoa, it's getting busy!
I love the atmosphere right before a festival starts!
Elio What's the festival for?: It's an Alola-style event hosted by the Aether Foundation.
Selene What's happening?: The Aether Foundation is putting on an Alola-style festival!
Elio It's not just about teaching folks about Alola's culture–they also want to spread the word about Pokémon conservation.
Selene And we're helping, too!
Elio You look ready to go in that outfit, Hau!
Hau The design is based on one of Alola's guardian deities!
Selene Oh, like the one Mina's wearing?
(Mina waves)
Hau Yup! They're perfect for an Alola-style festival!
??? Yo! That's a sweet outfit you've got on!
Team Skull Grunt (1) It's just no fair. Why's it always you? We want in on this party, too!
Lend me those clothes! Hand 'em over, yo!
Hau Huh? My clothes?
Elio What's all the commotion?
Selene If you wanna enjoy the festival, you shouldn't cause trouble!
Team Skull Grunt (2) Stingy!
Team Skull Grunt (1) Are we gonna have to teach 'em a lesson with a Pokémon battle?
??? Watch it, you two.
(Plumeria appears)
Team Skull Grunt (1) P-Plumeria!
Plumeria This festival's run by the foundation, and our promise still stands.
Don't bug 'em too much.
Team Skull Grunt (1) O-OK...
Plumeria Sorry.
Selene Did Plumeria just help us out?
Elio Seems like it.
??? Heh. Guess you didn't need our help after all.
(Gladion and Lillie appear)
Hau Gladion! Lillie!
Lillie Alola, everyone!
Elio Did you come for the festival too?
Lillie We did, but we've run into a bit of a problem...
Gladion We know how strong you are, so we'd like to ask you for a favor.
Help us protect the Ultra Beasts.
(Transition to the forest, where a Lass and a Rising Star are talking; an Ultra Wormhole opens up)
Lass Huh?! Wh-what? There's a hole in the sky?!
(Three Nihilego appear from the Ultra Wormhole and begin attacking the Lass and Rising Star's Pokémon)
Rising Star Eeek!
(A Snorlax appears, and Anabel walks up)
??? Please evacuate quickly, both of you.
Anabel It's dangerous here.

  • Opened Gate to Other Worlds
Name Text
(Anabel battles the Nihilego in the forest)
Anabel *sigh* How many times has this happened?
The reason why Ultra Wormholes are appearing on Pasio must be–
(Lusamine appears)
Lusamine The Ultra Beasts seem to have calmed down.
Anabel Yes, somehow...
(Two Aether Foundation employees capture the Nihilego; Anabel returns her Snorlax)
Lusamine You must be tired. How about you get some rest?
Anabel No. This is my mission.
And I have other Trainers keeping watch over the town.
Lusamine Is that because you tend to attract Ultra Beasts?
Anabel So you heard about that. Impressive.
You are correct. If I stay out of town, the damage will be kept to a minimum.
As long as I can protect everyone–especially the Ultra Beasts–I am perfectly content with my role.
And yet...dealing with the Ultra Beasts only when they appear won't solve the root problem.
Research data was stolen from the Aether Foundation...
Someone must be using it to intentionally make the Ultra Wormholes appear.
Most likely Team Rocket.
Lusamine I see...
It's possible my Necrozma is the cause, but it's been calm this whole time.
Though I can't deny that Ultra Beasts are appearing...
Aether Foundation (1) Considering the recent increase in lost Pokémon...
I think it's more likely that someone is intentionally opening Ultra Wormholes.
Aether Foundation (2) Something happened the other day while we were working on Pokémon conservation.
We found another Pokémon with no Trainer, and we suspect it came from an Ultra Wormhole.
Aether Foundation (1) Prince Lear said Hoopa played a similar trick once before, but...
we've confirmed that Hoopa is unable to return the lost Pokémon to where they belong.
Aether Foundation (2) We believe this is because Hoopa doesn't know where they came from.
Lusamine So the increase in lost Pokémon is the direct result of Ultra Wormholes being opened experimentally over and over again.
Anabel I imagine Team Rocket's objective is to acquire rare Pokémon via the Ultra Wormholes.
If Team Rocket is behind this, there's one thing we should keep in mind.
Considering their usual MO, I believe there's a significant chance that an informant is operating inside the Aether Foundation.
Lusamine I can't imagine we'd have anyone like that in the foundation.
(Flashback to the forest)
Lusamine Faba did that?
Aether Foundation Yes. Branch Chief Faba said he was on the phone with you, Madam President.
Lusamine I don't recall that.
(Back to present)
Lusamine Could it be...
(Transition to the town; an Ultra Wormhole opens up and a Celesteela appears)
Ultra Beasts continued appearing all over Pasio.
Lillie Hurry! Everyone, over here!
(A group of tourists flees)
Gladion Let's go.
You were born to be a beast killer...
But I'm sure you can use that power to protect the Ultra Beasts instead!
(Silvally attacks the Celesteela; an Ultra Wormhole opens behind Silvally and a Naganadel appears;
Lunala appears and attacks the Naganadel before it can hurt Silvally)
Lillie Are you OK, Gladion?
Gladion Heh. Right on cue.
Lillie I wonder if Elio and the others are okay...
Gladion Don't worry about them. I asked them to help for a reason.
We have to make it through this first.
Lillie OK!
(Transition to the ruins; an Ultra Wormhole opens and a Pheromosa appears)
Selene Wait! Don't go that way!
(Selene and Elio send out their Pokémon to stop Pheromosa)
Elio We have to stop them before they get to a populated area!
(Pheromosa runs away; Solgaleo appears and stops it; the player appears next to Solgaleo)
Elio Solgaleo! <player>!
Selene You came!
Elio What a relief!
Selene All right! My courage burns like the sun!
Elio Let's work together to hold back the Ultra Beasts!
Selene Yeah!
(Transition to Hala and Hau walking through the square)
Hala Dooot doo doo, just a kahuna on a stroll to the laguna. ♪
Wait, this disturbance I feel...
(An Ultra Wormhole opens and a Stakataka and Blacephalon appear)
Hala This has happened before.
Let's get battling...with my reliable grandson beside me.

  • Island Guardian Deity
Name Text
(Hau and Hala battle the Ultra Beasts; Hau's Raichu is defeated
Hau Raichu!
Hala Hmm... Quite tough, I see.
(Our priority should be keeping everyone safe...)
(But if worst comes to worst, I might have to forgo protecting the Ultra Beasts.)
Hau Don't worry, Gramps!
Hau Raichu isn't the only one that's gotten stronger from the island challenge!
(Hau sends out Tauros)
Hau I'm definitely gonna help the Ultra Beasts!
(Hau's Tauros battles the Ultra Beasts)
Hau You can do it, Tauros!
Hala Hau...
That's right.
I can't believe Old Hala, of all people, lost confidence in himself.
(Tapu Koko appears)
Hau Whoa!
Hau Tapu Koko?! Why?
Hala Is it appearing during this island's crisis to fulfill its role as a guardian deity?
But...this Tapu Koko is...
Hau I don't know why it's here, but...
I guess that doesn't matter. Hear me, Tapu Koko!
I wanna help everyone on Pasio...and the Ultra Beasts, too!
So lend us your strength!
... ... ...
(Hau and Tapu Koko stare down each other; Tapu Koko cries out, and Hau's sync stone shines)
Hala Looks like Tapu Koko feels the same!
It wants to fight together with you.
Hau Are you sure you're OK choosing me and not gramps?
(Tapu Koko laughs)
Hala Hau's heart is far stronger than mine!
Hau OK! Let's do this, Tapu Koko!
Tauros! Gramps! Let's go!
(Transition to Mina walking along the beach)
Mina Hm?
Aether Foundation (1) Around here should be good.
Aether Foundation (2) Yeah. Are these all the materials?
Mina Is that the Aether Foundation? Looks like they're setting up something weird...
Ahh... They're ruining the beach...
Aether Foundation (2) All right. Show time.
(The Aether Foundation employees send out a Mareanie and an Alolan Meowth)
Aether Foundation (2) Stop dillydallying and get to work!
Mina ... ... ...
??? Hey! You're from the Aether Foundation, right?
(A Preschooler appears)
Preschooler There's a Pokémon in the sea I've never seen before, and it's hurt! Can you help it?
Aether Foundation (2) A Pokémon you've never seen before?
Aether Foundation (1) Is it a rare Pokémon?
Preschooler Huh? M-maybe...
Aether Foundation (2) I see. Thank you for telling us!
Aether Foundation (1) We'll gladly help that Pokémon, so hurry up and take us to it!
Mina Wait a sec.
Mina What are you planning to do when you find that Pokémon?
Aether Foundation (2) What are we gonna do? Well...
Aether Foundation (1) If it's valuable, we sell it, and if it's strong, we put it to work!
Preschooler Whaaa?!
Mina Isn't Pokémon conservation the Aether Foundation's top priority?
Aether Foundation (2) The foundation isn't a monolith.
Aether Foundation (1) Sometimes we don't wanna do boring conservation work.
Mina So what's that suspicious equipment for?
Aether Foundation (1) Let's just's used to lure out some unbelievable Pokémon.
Mina In which case...
(Mina sends out her Granbull)
Mina I won't just stand by!
(Mina battles the Aether Foundation employees; Granbull is defeated)
Mina Agh!
Aether Foundation (2) Hahaha! Done already?
Aether Foundation (1) Keep quiet and don't move.
We need to ask this kid some questions.
Preschooler Help me...
Mina I won't let you!
I'm gonna stand strong on this beach!
Just like the guardian deity who watches over the beaches of Poni Island!
Aether Foundation (2) If you're gonna stand in our way, then don't blame us for what's about to happen!
(The Aether Foundation employees' Pokémon try to attack, but are knocked back)
Aether Foundation (1) Wh-what's happening?!
(Tapu Fini appears)
Preschooler It's the Pokémon I saw in the sea!
Mina Tapu Fini?!

  • A Picturesque Pair
Name Text
Mina Tapu Fini?!
??? Now's not the time to space out, Mina!
(Hapu appears)
Hapu Tapu Fini wants to lend you its strength!
Mina For real? You're not hurt?
All right, then let's battle–together!
(Mina and Tapu Fini battle the Aether Foundation employees)
Hapu Hyah!
(Hapu's Mudsdale attacks and defeats the Aether Foundation's Pokémon)
Aether Foundation (1) Bah! Too strong!
Aether Foundation (2) We'd better retreat if we're up against a tapu!
(The Aether Foundation employees leave)
Preschooler Wow! So cool!
Hapu Indeed. That was impressive teamwork.
Mina Thank you, Tapu Fini. You saved me again.
Hapu Again, you say?
Mina You know how people living on Poni Island are pretty much protected by Tapu Fini?
Hapu, have you ever heard that story about the kid who almost drowned on Poni...
and was saved by Tapu Fini?
Hapu Do you mean that child was...
Ah. I won't press any further.
This Tapu Fini does appear to be different from the guardian deity in Alola.
Mina Really?
Hapu And yet, no matter what, as someone who resides in Alola, our desire to respect Pokémon remains unwavering.
Also, Mina.
The assistance was not just one-sided. You two battled together.
It wasn't "again"–you have taken a step forward.
Mina Yeah! I hope so!
And, Tapu Fini, I gotta say...
Whatever beach you're on, you'd make a pretty great painting!
(Transition to the square; Hau and his Pokémon have calmed the Ultra Beasts)
Hau It's so reassuring to have one of Alola's guardian deities with me!
Hala Hahaha! It seems you haven't noticed!
This Tapu Koko is not the guardian deity of Melemele. I can tell!
Hau What?! Really?
Hala This Tapu Koko showed up to protect the island of Pasio!
And my grandson was deemed worthy.
Old Hala is proud to be your grandfather!
??? Hey, Hala!
(Mina and Hapu appear and talk to Hala and Hau)
Hala I see. I'm curious about this "equipment."
Could it be related to all these disturbances?
Hapu For now, let us celebrate you and Hau allying with these new partner Pokémon.
You have been deemed worthy by Pokémon that could be the guardian deities of Pasio!
Mina That's a lotta responsibility!
Hau Yep! We have to work together to protect the peace on Pasio!
Hapu A noble endeavor.
Hala Although, I'm surprised Tapu Fini has shown up as well...
Could it be the other tapu are also here?
(Transition to Faba in the forest, talking on the phone)
Faba Regarding what we were discussing the other day...
I, Faba, promise to meet your expectations–
(Lillie and Gladion appear)
Lillie Mr. Faba?
Who are you talking to?
Faba Miss Lillie and Young Master Gladion?!
P-please e-e-excuse me! I'll call back later!
Gladion I see you've been contacting someone in secret.
What are you scheming?
Faba What a rude assumption! This is a private matter!
Gladion If you have nothing to hide, then show us your call history.
Faba I-I can't do that!
Lillie Mr. Faba!
Faba If I say that I can't, I mean I that can't! (sic)
(Faba sends out Alakazam)
Gladion I'm afraid we have no choice but to get a bit rough...
(Gladion sends out Silvally; Silvally defeats Faba's Alakazam)
Faba Aiyee! Bested so easily!
Gladion Now come with us.

  • Illuminating the Darkness
Name Text
(Lusamine, Looker, Anabel, Lillie, Gladion, and two Aether Foundation employees confront Faba in a building)
Faba Why are you all ganging up on me like this?
Looker We'll let you go once we clear you of suspicion, so just answer us honestly.
We received a report that Aether Foundation employees were setting up suspicious equipment on the beach.
The president doesn't know about this. Did you give that order?
Faba How would I know anything about that?
Lillie Who were you on the phone with?
Faba As I said before, that was, ah, the president, yes.
Lusamine I have no memory of talking to you on the phone, recently.
Aether Foundation (1) Please don't lie, Branch Chief!
Faba I'm not lying.
Lillie Grrr...
(A group of Aether Foundation employees appear)
Aether Foundation (2) We have a problem! We just heard that Ultra Beasts are appearing again!
Anabel Guess they don't want to give us time to talk...
Lusamine I'll stay here and take care of this.
Everyone else, please deal with the Ultra Beasts.
Looker Understood. Thank you.
Lillie Please be careful, Mother.
Lusamine You too, Lillie.
(Looker, Anabel, Gladion, and Lillie leave)
Aether Foundation (2) Hehehe...
Hahaha! Now no one will interrupt us!
Aether Foundation (1) What are you doing?
Aether Foundation (2) President Lusamine!
We're replacing you and taking control of the Aether Foundation!
Lusamine What are you talking about?
Aether Foundation (3) We have no reason to follow you any more.
You used to research Ultra Beasts so you could make them yours...
But now you're fixated on family and love and boring Pokémon conservation nonsense!
Aether Foundation (2) There's absolutely no benefit to being a part of the foundation!
Faba I couldn't agree more.
Aether Foundation (4) Branch Chief! What's wrong with you?
Aether Foundation (3) That's why we allied with Team Rocket and sold them our Ultra Wormhole-activation technology!
Aether Foundation (2) We want to take over the Aether Foundation and use the power of the Ultra Beasts to do what we want!
??? Exactly!
(Three Team Rocket Grunts appear)
Team Rocket Grunt Thanks to you, we've been able to exploit that technology! Praise the Aether Foundation!
Lusamine ... ... ...

  • Guardian Deities Assemble
Name Text
(Glacier; Acerola, Lana, Mallow, Kiawe, and Sophocles are facing a group of shadow Aether Foundation employees and Team Rocket grunts)
At around the same time the Aether Foundation employees were rebelling against Lusamine...
Acerola Hey! Why are people from the Aether Foundation trying to steal Pokémon?!
Isn't it your job to protect them?
Aether Foundation (1) Starting today, the Aether Foundation has teamed up with Team Rocket!
Aether Foundation (2) WE control the Aether Foundation! The sheltered Pokémon belong to US!
Lana It seems they've caught us.
Kiawe How could this happen...
Mallow How cowardly of you to attack us off guard!
Sophocles I didn't expect this...
Aether Foundation (2) We'll use your Pokémon to benefit US!
Acerola We won't allow it! Go! Palossand!
Lana We won't let you reel us in like that! Go, Araquanid!
(Acerola and Lana's Pokémon fight the shadow Aether Foundation employees' and Team Rocket grunts' Pokémon, but are defeated)
Acerola Ugh!
Lana Oh no!
Aether Foundation (1) You've been fighting a long time since you were ambushed!
Anyone can win against a tired Pokémon! In fact, that's our strategy!
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Now then!
Sophocles Whoa! W-wait a sec!
(Tapu Bulu and Tapu Lele appear)
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Eek!
Wh-what are these Pokémon?!
Kiawe That Pokémon is...Tapu Lele?!
Sophocles And that other one is Tapu Bulu!
Acerola What are the Alolan guardian deities doing here?
Mallow Maybe they're here to...
(Tapu Bulu messes with the Team Rocket grunts)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Whoa!
(Tapu Bulu messes with the Aether Foundation employees
Aether Foundation (1) What're you doing?!
(Tapu Lele messes with the Aether Foundation employees)
Aether Foundation (2) You’re interfering! Go away!
Mallow They' to help us?
Kiawe It seems they're doing what they want...
Sophocles But our opponents are confused! Now's our chance!
(Tapu Bulu messes with Sophocles)
Sophocles Whoa! Wh-why are they attacking me?!
Acerola Sophocles?!
HEY! Stop it, Tapu Bulu! That's enough!
(Tapu Bulu stops and looks at Acerola)
Mallow What? S-stop, that's dangerous! Now Tapu Bulu is looking at US!
Acerola I don't know why you're angry...but Sophocles isn't the enemy!
Don't take your frustration out on us! If you're a guardian deity, then you should be protecting the Pokémon and people on Pasio, who're in trouble!
Mallow H-huh? Did it calm down?
Kiawe You managed to calm Tapu Bulu... How could this happen?!
(Tapu Bulu cries out, and Acerola's sync stone glows)
Sophocles Th-that was—
Mallow Does that mean Acerola earned Tapu Bulu's approval?
Kiawe Acerola's shouts and their will to protect Pasio may have lit a fire in Tapu Bulu's heart!
(Tapu Bulu floats over to Acerola)
Acerola I...I don't even know what to say!
Lana Hmm... Now's the time to reel it in!
Oh, look! There's Lusamine and Giovanni!
Aether Foundation (1) Wha—
Team Rocket Grunt (1) What?!
(Everyone turns to look at Tapu Lele, who is confused)
Lana Now's the time! Acerola!
Acerola Go, Tapu Bulu!
(Tapu Bulu attacks the shadow Aether Foundation employees' and Team Rocket grunts' Pokémon)
Aether Foundation (1) You little—
Lana Heehee! Hook, line, and sinker.
(Tapu Lele floats over to Lana)
Lana Oh? You interested in playing jokes, too?
If so...then I have a favor to ask.
Could you lend me your strength, even for a little while, to protect this island of Pasio?
I'll teach you all my little tricks after that.
(Tapu Bulu cries out, and Lana's sync stone shines)
Mallow What?! That shine! You too, Lana?
Kiawe Amazing how the both of you managed to connect with guardian deities!
Sophocles Didn't expect that! In a good way!
Lana Thank you very much, Tapu Lele.
Now then...
Let's battle our opponents!

  • Begin the Counterattack!
Name Text
(Tapu Bulu and Tapu Lele defeat the shadow Aether Foundation employees' and Team Rocket grunts' Pokémon
Aether Foundation (1) Urgh! Battling two Legendary Pokémon sure ain't easy!
Team Rocket Grunt (1) At times like these, we have to strategically retreat!
(The shadow Aether Foundation employees and Team Rocket grunts flee)
Mallow Yay! They're running away!
??? Hey! Is everyone OK?
(Nanu and Olivia appear)
Mallow Olivia!
(Lana, Acerola, Mallow, Kiawe, and Sophocles explain the situation)
Olivia I see. So that's what happened...
Nanu I'm sorry we arrived late.
Olivia But you all did great! I'd expect nothing less from the captains of Alola.
Nanu Yeah. Well done becoming allies with Tapu Bulu and Tapu Lele.
Even if they do seem to be different from the Alolan guardian deities I know.
Acerola Huh? You can tell, Nanu?
Nanu I am an Island Kahuna, after all.
Olivia Maybe like the Ultra Beasts, they came from a different world than the one we live in...
Maybe even from a place similar to ours.
Nanu But...
I know Acerola often disciplines kids, but I didn't expect her to do the same to Tapu Bulu.
Sophocles Acerola was a bit scary back then...
Acerola Heh heh heh... You'd better not make me or Tapu Bulu angry, OK?
(Tapu Bulu lets out a cry, and Sophocles sweats nervously)
Lana Heehee. The two of you are very similar.
Olivia Didn't Tapu Lele also feel a connection with you, Lana?
Mallow They're both innocent and fond of jokes, so they do have some similarities, huh?
(Lana and Tapu Lele laugh)
??? Why are you acting like this is over?!
(The Team Rocket grunts return)
Team Rocket Grunt (2) We've only just started!
(The shadow Aether Foundation employees return)
Aether Foundation (1) OK then! Come here!
Aether Foundation (2) C'mon! You need to help us!
(A Guzzlord and Buzzwole appear)
Sophocles Ultra Beasts?!
Olivia This doesn't look like an easy task.
(Tapu Lele and Tapu Bulu fight the Ultra Beasts)
Lana Even though Tapu Bulu and Tapu Lele will help us out...
Acerola having to battle this long is tough!
??? Time for us to trade places.
(Anabel and Looker appear)
Looker We've come to help!
Nanu Heh. Well, well. Look who's here.
Anabel We'll deal with them.
Use this time to regroup and recover!
(Anabel and Looker run off to fight the Ultra Beasts)
Nanu So she says.
Olivia Lana, Acerola...
I have some special outfits over there for the both of you. They're for the festival.
Their designs are inspired by the guardian deities.
If you wear them, you'll be able to connect even more with Tapu Bulu and Tapu Lele. Think of them as similar to sygna suits.
Not to mention...
You're sure to look great in them!
Nanu The two of you DID fight hard and get pretty dirty.
Lana OK, I'll wear it! Thank you, everyone!
Acerola Let's go, Lana!
Lana Sure, Acerola!
(Acerola and Lana run off with the tapu; Nanu walks in the opposite direction)
Olivia Right, then. Shall we continue where we left off?
Use this to heal your Pokémon.
Sophocles Th-thank you!
Olivia Once we're ready, we'll join Looker and the group to help fight, too!
Mallow Yes!
(Anabel and Looker face down the Ultra Beasts; Nanu walks up to join them)
Nanu Hey. Don't screw it up, 100kr.
Looker Yeah! I know!
Nanu I never thought the three of us would be working together again...
Anabel It's very reassuring to battle alongside the both of you.
Looker Yeah, I feel the same, too, Chief!
Nanu Is that so...
Looker OK then! Let us begin!
Nanu Nice and gentle...

  • Faba's Plan
Name Text
(Lusamine and Necrozma face down the shadow Aether Foundation employees and the Team Rocket grunts in the building)
Aether Foundation (1) Urgh! There are too many of them!
Aether Foundation (2) President Lusamine, even if it's just you, please escape!
Lusamine No, I'm afraid I can't. Everything will be fine—leave this to me.
Aether Foundation (1) But, if we carry on like this—
(Faba approaches Lusamine)
Lusamine Faba.
Is this what you wanted?
Faba No, no, of course not.
Why, I am...
(Faba sends out his Alakazam and attacks the shadow Aether Foundation employees and the Team Rocket grunts)
Faba the Aether Foundation's last line of defense!
Aether Foundation (1) Huh?!
Lusamine Weren't you planning on betraying the foundation?
Faba Er...well, yes, in a manner of speaking...
Aether Foundation (2) You're not making much sense.
Lusamine Weren't you also an informant? You were talking to someone on the phone...
Faba Argh! Fine! Since we're already in a mess, I'll confess!
I was looking for a job! A new job! I wanted to move up the career ladder!
Lusamine job?
Faba Yes, that's right!
President Lusamine! Just like them, I was frustrated with you!
But I was only trying to get hired here on Pasio by someone who would treat me better—as a retainer for Lear's royal family!
And here you all are, treating me like I'm betraying the foundation!
Aether Foundation (2) I mean...if you look at your track record...
Lusamine So, the "president" you were talking to was...
Faba Yes! I was talking to the "president of Pasio"!
Since he holds the authority here on Pasio, you could say he's like the "president" of Pasio! I wasn't lying, OK?!
Aether Foundation (1) That's a bit of a stretch...
Lusamine Does that mean you have nothing to do with this series of incidents?
Faba Correct! Nothing!
I'm cooperating with you to clear my name! That's all!
Lusamine *sigh* What unfortunate timing...
Faba Unbelievable! You are insufferable! All of you!
If what you did cost me my job, how would you repay me?!
If you're frustrated with the foundation, then deal with it like an adult!
Aether Foundation (3) Ugh! I don't want to be lectured by you!
Aether Foundation (4) If Team Rocket had reached out to you before us, you would've betrayed the foundation, too!
Faba *gulp* W-well, that's...
Lusamine As the president, I have complicated feelings right now...
But what Faba said is correct!
Even if you're frustrated with my methods...
it doesn't mean you can misuse the foundation's technology.
I won't allow you to do what you want—not with the foundation, and not on Pasio!
Faba Th-that's right! We won't allow you!

  • An Unexpected Ally
Name Text
(Acerola and Lana with their tapu wearing their sygna suits in the square)
Acerola Now we're all prepared!
Lana That outfit looks great on you, Acerola.
Acerola Really? You look perfect, too!
Lana Heehee... You think?
(Hau and Mina appear with their tapu)
Hau Oh, Acerola and Lana! I thought that was you!
Mina You two are wearing outfits for the festival, right?
And next to you two are...
(Hau, Mina, and their tapu run over to the others)
Acerola So, although they're not the Alolan guardian deities...
Lana all four of the tapu are here in one spot!
Hau Wow! I can't believe this is happening!
All of them will lend us their strength!
Acerola We're supposed to wear this outfit during the festival on Pasio, right?
I want to wear this and enjoy the festival with Tapu Bulu!
Hau Me too!
Mina In order to do that, we need to protect Pasio!
Lana Yeah!
Pasio is an important island for us—just as important as our home, Alola!
Mina We feel the same!
Lana Let's go—with the four guardian deities!
(Hau, Mina, Acerola, and Lana pose with the tapu)
(Transition to the building; Faba defeats the shadow Aether Foundation employee's Granbull)
Aether Foundation (1) Aiyee!
Aether Foundation (2) Tch! How dare you!
(The shadow Aether Foundation employee's Houndoom defeats Faba's Alakazam)
Faba My turn to say it: Aiyee!
Aether Foundation (3) Branch Chief!
Lusamine Ugh... We don't have enough people on our side!
??? That’s enough, you guys!
(Guzma, Plumeria, and two Team Skull grunts appear)
Guzma If you're itching for a battle, Team Skull can play with ya!
We'll beat you down!
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Wh-who are these people?!
Lusamine Guzma?!
Guzma Hey, you OK, Madam Prez?
Plumeria We haven't forgotten our promise to the Aether Foundation.
We'll help you out!
Guzma Guys! Show 'em what destruction looks like!
Team Skull Grunt (1) We'll give five hundred percent to save our boy Guzma!
Team Skull Grunt (2) We'll cut you to the bone!
(Fade to black)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Aaaaaaaaaaah!
Aether Foundation (1) It w-wasn't supposed to go like this!
(Fade back to building; only one shadow Aether Foundation employee is left)
Guzma It's you guys, right? Opening Ultra Wormholes here and there around Pasio?
How do we close them? Spit it out!
Aether Foundation (1) Heh! Why would we tell you?!
Guzma Hey, you. What do you do if a machine breaks?
Aether Foundation (1) Huh?
Guzma You hit it hard, right? At least, that's what I do.
And usually it'll just break, leaving no trace.
Do you want me to "fix" you?
Aether Foundation (1) E-eeek!
O-OK! Th-there's a device that forces Ultra Wormholes to open!
If you stop the device, the Ultra Wormholes should close!
Guzma A device?
OK! We'll destroy it! Let's go, you punks!
Team Skull Grunt (1) Sure, yo!
Team Skull Grunt (2) Destroying's our thing—we're bad to the bone!
(Guzma and the Team Skull grunts leave)
Lusamine Guzma...
Plumeria President Lusamine...
He was glad to have a chance to help you again.
(Plumeria chuckles and leaves)
Lusamine I see...
(Transition to mountain; Hau, Mina, Acerola, Lana, and the tapu are facing
two shadow Aether Foundation employees, their Pokémon, and some Ultra Beasts)
Aether Foundation (4) No matter how much you fight, it's pointless!
(A Naganadel emerges from the Ultra Wormhole behind him)
Aether Foundation (4) As long as we have Ultra Wormholes, we'll continue to get new pawns!
(The Ultra Wormhole disappears)
Aether Foundation (5) Wha—?! The Ultra Wormholes are—?!
Mina Oh? They suddenly disappeared. I wonder why.
(Celesteela lets out a loud cry)
Hau Oh no! The Ultra Beasts are getting out of control!
(Naganadel attacks Celesteela; Celesteela retaliates; Nihilego floats down between them)
Lana They may be confused since they no longer have a way home.
Acerola I don't know what's going on, but does that mean we won't have any more Ultra Beasts?
Hau Then we should defeat all these guys...
and calm down the Ultra Beasts!
(The tapu attack and defeat the shadow Aether Foundation employees' Pokémon)
Aether Foundation (4) Wh-why did the Ultra Wormholes suddenly close?
Lana We should be OK with these guys.
Mina But the Ultra Beasts...
Acerola They were left on Pasio.
Hau You'll be fine! I’m sure you'll be able to get back home!
Plus, here on Pasio, there are loads of people and Pokémon from different places!
So you won't feel lonely!
And if you like it here, you can stay as long as you want!
We'll also be here with you—together!
(Lana, Acerola, Hau, and Mina smile and wave at the Ultra Beasts; the Ultra Beasts cry happily; everyone cheers)

  • A Future Together
Name Text
Days later...
(Beach; Mina, Acerola, and Lana play with a Nihilego)
(Elio, Selene, and the player play with a Smoochum and Fletchling)
(Hau and Gladion chat with a Naganadel)
(Mina chats with a Cacturne; Acerola and Lana hang out with the other Pokémon and Ultra Beasts;
the player and Gladion are chilling in the distance; Lillie, Hau, Selene, and Elio laugh at the sight;
Lusamine walks up to them)
Lillie Looks like all the sheltered Pokémon are having fun!
Lusamine True... I suppose they find Pasio relaxing.
I hope the people in the city also accept the Ultra Beasts.
Hau I’m sure it'll be fine! Ultra Beasts are Pokémon, too!
Lillie Yes, you're right. They may feel a little hesitant at first...
Selene But people and Pokémon can live together in harmony!
Elio It doesn't matter what power they have or what world they come from!
Lusamine Indeed...
I agree.
(Hau, Lillie, Elio, and Selene laugh)
(Faba watches the group playing with the Pokémon and Ultra Beasts)
Faba What a peaceful sight.
Lear Faba.
(Lear appears)
Faba Oh my—if it isn't Master Lear!
Lear I'm here about your offer.
We're still considering hiring you as one of our retainers.
Though I know this may be slightly poor timing.
Lusamine Faba...
(Lusamine appears)
Lusamine I have no right to ask you to stay.
But I do believe there are things you can gain if you continue with the Aether Foundation.
(Fletchling and Nihilego head over to play with Selene, Elio, Hau, Lillie, Gladion, and Smoochum)
Lusamine Well...what do you think?
Faba ... ... ...
I...suppose it's not a bad option.
Master Lear, although it was I who asked you for the job, I regret to inform you...
Lear I see. What a shame.
If you ever change your mind, do come to me.
(Lear leaves)
Lusamine Are you sure?
Their reaction to your offer certainly wasn’t bad...
Faba True. But I still have a few things to learn at the Aether Foundation.
Wouldn't it be unfortunate if the foundation lost its last line of defense?
Lusamine True.
(Faba leaves; Lusamine watches the kids, Pokémon, and Ultra Beasts playing together)
Lusamine As the president of the Aether Foundation...
I must also continue to protect and love Pokémon, the children, and the members of the foundation.
(Transition to Looker, Nanu, and Anabel chatting in the town)
Looker Team Rocket once again took advantage of the discord within the Aether Foundation...
and used Ultra Wormholes to wreak havoc on Pasio so they could cause trouble behind the scenes.
Anabel It seems they’re continuing to gain knowledge of other organizations’ technology in order to expand their power.
We need to be extra cautious.
Nanu Yeah. They're grown beyond being simply an organization from Kanto.
Looker Even if Team Rocket continues to gain power...
No matter what methods they use...
we must simply keep doing what we can, without falter.
Anabel That’s right.
Looker OK then!
To celebrate our teamwork, let's have a feast together!
In fact, the other day, I tried out this restaurant with a certain well-known president! We should go there!
Anabel Wow! The food there must be great!
Nanu Who's this "president" you speak of?
Looker Don't be too surprised when you hear this, but he's from the Galar region, and...
(Pan up to the sky as Looker continues talking to Nanu and Anabel)

Galar: A Millennium into the Future

  • The Galar Region's Hero
Name Text
(City; Rose is talking to a group of Youngsters and Preschoolers)
Youngster Whoa! It's huge!
Preschooler What Pokémon is that?
Rose This Pokémon is called Copperajah!
I suppose you're not familiar with Galarian Pokémon, are you.
Preschooler Nope!
Rose Then allow me to explain all about Copperajah and their connection to the Galar region!
(Rose talks to the kids)
Youngster Wow, you sure know a lot! What's your job, mister?
Oleana This is Mr. Rose—chairman of the Pokémon League in the Galar region!
As the president of a large business conglomerate, he is truly a hero to the Galar region, working tirelessly to ensure its prosperity.
Preschooler Hmm...
Rose If you'd like, I could tell you more about the Galar region...
Oleana We need to leave soon, Chairman Rose.
Rose Oh yes! I nearly forgot.
There are still many other places we need to see.
I'm terribly sorry, but let's speak again soon.
Good-bye for now, everyone!
(Transition to Rose and Oleana talking to a Pokémon Breeder in town;
Victor, Gloria, Hop, Sonia, and Leon walk past, but they stop when they notice Rose)
Victor I-is that Chairman Rose?!
Rose Hm?
(Rose and Oleana approach the group, who are all still frozen in shock)
Rose Oh, what a pleasant surprise! How nice to see you all taking in the sights!
Sonia What?! Hold on—I wouldn't call this a pleasant surprise!
Leon Weren't you arrested?
Rose Hmm? What are you talking about?
Oleana I beg your pardon?! What do you mean, Chairman Rose was arrested? How rude of you!
This is clearly a case of defamation, and—
Rose Now now, Oleana.
They're just joking! Right, everyone?
Gloria H-haha! Yes, you're right... S-sorry...
(Victor, Gloria, Hop, Sonia, and Leon exchange glances and walk a few feet away to talk privately)
Sonia Hang on a minute!
Hop What's going on?!
Gloria Neither of them seems to remember anything!
Leon It didn't look like they were lying or trying to play innocent...
Victor Could it be that...
they really haven't done anything wrong?
Gloria Umm... What do you mean?
Victor People who have come to Pasio have been saying...
that after they arrive, they sometimes remember or acknowledge things slightly differently than their friends...
Maybe, for some reason, there are people coming to Pasio from a slightly different time?
Sonia Many strange things do happen on Pasio...
Leon Which means those two over there...
(Leon glances at Rose and Oleana, who are talking to a female Sightseer)
Leon might be Chairman Rose and Oleana from before they caused the Darkest Day in Galar.
Hop Do you think they might start something on Pasio?
Leon I'm not sure, but...
(Leon remembers Eternamax Eternatus coming out of the clouds)
Leon I suppose Chairman Rose's "wish" hasn't changed since then...
Gloria ... ... ...
Rose Excuse me? What have you been whispering about this whole time?
We've finally gotten to see each other. I'd be delighted if you all talked to me as well!
Sonia Oh, s-sorry! We're done now! Haha...
(The group walks back over to Rose and Oleana)
Rose I have an idea! It would be a waste to simply stand here and talk.
Why don't we have a chat while walking around Pasio?

  • As Quickly as Possible
Name Text
(Rose, Oleana, Victor, Hop, and Gloria are walking through town)
Rose It's a shame that Leon and Sonia are too busy to join us...
(Allister and Gengar are fighting Shauntal and Chandelure in the square in front of the group)
Allister Gengar... Swallow everything in darkness...
(Allister uses his sync move)
Oleana That's...Allister, isn't it? What was that move?
Shauntal I'm not losing! Go, Chandelure!
(Shauntal uses her sync move)
Rose Wow! Again?!
Oleana I think I saw something shine before they used those moves...
Hop Those are sync moves!
Victor The sync stone converts the bond of a sync pair into power.
Rose Wow!
A sync stone, you say... It must hold a lot of energy!
Oleana I'm sure spectators would be thrilled to see a flashy battle like this.
Rose Hmm...
Could you tell me who on Pasio knows the most about sync stones?
If you can give me a name, I'd love to meet them!
(Transition to Rose, Oleana, Victor, Hop, and Gloria in Lear's villa; Professor Bellis and Lear approach them)
Rose Well, well! What a pleasure to have Prince Lear himself welcome us!
Professor Bellis We heard you wanted to discuss sync stones...
Rose That's correct! Let's talk as soon as possible!
I'm committed to solving the energy problem in the Galar region—and, of course, around the world.
I've been scratching my head every day and haven't been able to find the perfect solution...
However, the power within these sync stones is truly remarkable!
It even has the potential to save the future a millennium from now!
Lear A millennium?
(Victor, Hop, and Gloria look thoughtful)
Rose So, here's my suggestion.
Let's change the sync stones' management system right away...
and funnel all the resources used in its research into energy development instead!
What do you think?
Lear But changing it so quickly would be far too sudden...
Professor Bellis Chairman Rose.
Using sync stones to develop energy is a wonderful idea.
However, sync stones have value beyond being a good source of energy.
We don't want to limit the use of sync stones to a single purpose.
Lear I agree.
Sync stones can enrich the connection between people and Pokémon.
We shouldn't rush our research on how to use sync stones "correctly."
Rose Why is that?
Lear On Pasio, there are people who try to abuse sync stones' power.
Professor Bellis We wouldn't want to abandon sync stones' boundless potential by limiting our research to simply energy production.
There are also still many mysteries surrounding sync stones. Thus, they can be unstable at times.
I want to spend time examining the utility and dangers of sync stones from multiple angles.
As someone responsible for sync stone research, I cannot compromise on this.
Rose I see... I understand how you two feel.
Let me think over my idea.
Thank you for your valuable time.
(Transition to Hop, Gloria, and Victor walking through town)
Hop Chairman Rose...
Gloria As we expected, he's thinking about solving the energy problem as soon as he can.
Victor Even if it's not NOW, as long as we work together, we should be able to find a solution...
I hope he agrees.

  • Whispering Shadows
Name Text
(Hop, Victor, Gloria, Lear, Professor Bellis, and Leon are talking at Professor Bellis's lab)
Leon I see. So Chairman Rose said all that...
Victor I hope he doesn't try to use force again...
Professor Bellis Force?
Leon Oh, I guess I should tell the two of you about him...
In the past, Chairman Rose caused the Darkest Day to happen again in Galar.
Lear The Darkest Day?
Leon Yeah, he awakened Eternatus and tried to use its energy to solve Galar's problems.
Lear Wait, didn't Eternatus—?
Leon Yeah, Eternatus caused that incident in which Dynamax Pokémon were rampaging on Pasio.
The exact same thing happened in Galar. Dynamax Pokémon went on a rampage and caused a lot of damage...
As a result, the Chairman Rose we know took responsibility by turning himself over to the police.
Hop But the Chairman Rose that's here now doesn't seem to remember any of it...
Lear I see. That's why you're worried he might do the same thing again.
Leon Yeah, but I think...
that we share the same desire to create a brighter future for Galar and the world.
I don't want us to repeat the same tragedy by working at cross-purposes.
Professor Bellis Even if Chairman Rose does try something, I don't think he'll be able to do anything impactful.
He's only just come to Pasio, so I don't think he has the unique facilities he'd need for his research...
Above all, I've been managing my sync stone research data with extra care, since Giovanni has been coming after it.
Leon I see...
(I do hope nothing happens...)
(Transition to Rose and Oleana on the beach at night)
Rose They have a way to save the future right in front of them!
Why are they dragging their feet?!
I must provide limitless energy to ensure everlasting prosperity for everyone...
It is my purpose, my duty, my destiny!
I need to do something as soon as possible—for our future!
Even if I become hated for it.
??? That spirit...
I can see you are a man of remarkable caliber.
(Giovanni approaches, wearing his sygna suit)
Rose And you are...?
Giovanni Just like you, I also lead an organization.
I know a way to extract sync stones' power.
But I can't seem to find a better way to use that power...
So, how about it? Interested in working together?
Oleana I don't think it's a good idea to listen to this suspicious man, Mr. Rose.
Rose It doesn't matter who he is, Oleana.
If we're to protect the future, we can't be picky about our methods.
Giovanni Wise decision.
Rose I must gain management over all sync stones, even if I have to be somewhat aggressive.
Giovanni Hmm...
To do that, you'd need to own Pasio—the only place where you can find these sync stones.
Rose Yes, I suppose that's true.
Giovanni What a wonderful plan.
For the time being, let's not share this with your acquaintances from Galar...
And let us secret.

  • Repeated Mistakes
Name Text
(Hop, Gloria, and Leon talking to Sawyer in Lear's villa)
A few days later...
Sawyer Is that the application form for the arena?
Leon Yeah! I want to host a massive event with Pokémon battles!
Gloria We're planning on hosting it with everyone from Galar!
Sawyer I see... Unfortunately, Chairman Rose has already submitted an application.
Hop What? Chairman Rose?
Gloria Then how about a different stadium?
Sawyer Chairman Rose has submitted applications for all of them.
The only place available is the village square.
Leon ... ... ...
(Transition to the village square; Gordie and Coalossal are fighting Piers and Obstagoon,
while Allister, Nessa, Melony, Raihan, and Team Yell watch)
Team Yell Grunt (1) Team Yell is here to cheer for Piers!
Team Yell Grunt (2) Go for it!
Gordie You've got a passionate group of fans, as usual.
Piers Ah, sorry. These lot just care a lot for the team.
(Transition to Leon, Sonia, Gloria, Hop, and Lear watching the battle)
Leon So it seems Chairman Rose is trying to compete with us...
by hosting events with Pokémon battles in large venues.
Sonia We've lost quite a bit of our audience to him, too.
Hop Hmm, that's suspicious...
Lear Nevertheless, there wasn't anything strange about the application itself.
We can't reject an application based on who the applicant is.
Leon Victor has joined one of Rose's events for us, just in case...
(Transition to the stadium;
Victor is standing in line with Volkner, Colress, Clemont, Sophocles, Molayne, and others)
Victor So far, it looks like a normal event.
(Rose steps up to address the crowd)
Rose Thank you all for gathering here! I would like to make a big announcement today!
In fact, this speech is being broadcast all over Pasio.
Based on the results of our research on sync stones...
we are working on developing technologies that can utilize their energy.
Now, let me guess what you're all thinking.
"Sync stones should only be used for Pokémon battles."
Regrettably, that understanding is incorrect!
(A clamor rises from the crowd, and Victor looks pensive)
Rose Today—as proof of what I just shared—we shall share some of our findings with everyone!
Rose presented a variety of his inventions to the spectators...
(The crowd cheers, including Volkner, Colress, Clemont, Sophocles, and Molayne)
Victor (It shouldn't be easy to access the research data on sync stones!)
(How did he get his hands on it?!)
Rose As you can see, sync stones...
have the potential to be an excellent source of energy—to create a better future!
Colress Oh-ho! So there are still other ways to utilize sync stones!
Clemont Maybe he can help me with my inventions.
Rose However!
The wonderful value of sync stones has been ignored...
and they have been downgraded to simple tools used to promote Pasio!
That is because...
Prince Lear, the leader of Pasio, has been controlling and monopolizing them!
Victor Wha—?!
Rose Sync stones can be used to enrich everyone's lives!
Why should we use them only for battling?
Shouldn't we be acting as quickly as we can, to research how we can use them for energy?
To ensure we can thrive a millennium from now, and even for an eternity...
I, Rose, would like to take over all sync stones' management!
(Transition to Team Rocket's hideout, where Giovanni smirks)

  • Headed for the Same Future!
Name Text
Victor Chairman Rose!
(Victor runs up to Rose and Oleana)
Victor How did you get ahold of the data on sync stones?
Rose I received it from my new business partner.
Victor Who is this "business partner"?
Rose I wonder.
That said, if it's for the sake of a prosperous future, I don't care who I work with.
Sooner or later, I will manage all sync stones and make use of them—for the future.
Good-bye for now!
(Transition to a group of people who were watching the speech on a screen in town)
Ace Trainer (1) Hey, what did you think about that speech?
Poké Fan Isn't it a bit much to be thinking about a problem that might happen a millennium from now?
Professor Sycamore We need to avoid a future where we fight over limited resources...
And we should probably think about what to do—even if it is about the distant future.
Ace Trainer (1) See? Even the professor says so!
Professor Sycamore Hold on, I don't agree with everything he said...
Ace Trainer (2) Hey, don't you agree with what Mr. Rose said?
Rising Star Yeah, if it can make our lives better, then it's probably a good idea!
Collector But I don't think it's a good idea to have only one person managing all of the sync stones...
Scientist Don't be a fool! Mr. Rose is thinking seriously about the future of the world!
(A clamor rises from the crowd)
Several days later...
(Victor, Hop, Gloria, Professor Bellis, Lear, Sawyer, and Rachel are talking in Lear's villa)
Gloria Chairman Rose's speech got everyone talking, and rumors spread quickly.
Sawyer Some people are even publicly criticizing our young master.
Rachel Seriously, as if Master Lear would ever monopolize the sync stones!
Hop Pasio's starting to split into opposing factions—Lear supporters and Rose supporters!
Lear If we leave it like this, things could get even worse...
??? In that case...
(Leon approaches with Piers, Marnie, and members of Team Yell)
Leon We need to fight back! We should use the same method he's using!
Lear Do you have some sort of plan?
Leon Yeah! But in order for it to work, I need everyone's help!
Lear Chairman Rose has been trying to solve a problem that's a thousand years away from affecting us!
Leon It was the same when he caused the Darkest Day. As long as he's able to protect the future, he doesn't care what people think of him now.
That's why, before anything like that can happen, I want to properly tell him this time that...
we can change the future together—not alone!
Victor Me too!
I don't want Chairman Rose to make the same mistake again!
Gloria I also want to tell him we should cooperate!
I think that the future Chairman Rose cares about and the Pasio Lear is aiming to create are both wonderful!
Hop Yeah! I feel the same!
Lear Heh, nice to hear.
Leon OK then! Everyone!
We're about to have some battles, but it's not to defeat someone!
We're going to battle in order to understand each other—and to move toward a shared future!
Let's show Chairman Rose our new future!

  • Leon's Wish
Name Text
(Square; Leon is wearing his outfit from the Battle Tower,
watching a battle between Raihan, a Youngster, and Preschooler)
Marnie You've got everyone's cheers backin' you! Give it your all!
Team Yell Grunt (1) Hey, hey, hey! Show him what you've got, kiddos!
Team Yell Grunt (2) There's no such thing as losing when you've got Marnie and Piers cheerin' for you!
Leon OK, kid! Go for it!
Youngster All right! Here we go!
(The Youngster's Marill uses Rain Dance)
Preschooler And now, we attack!
Take that!
(The Preschooler's Slowpoke stares off into space for a moment, angering her;
a moment later, they use their sync move and defeat Raihan's Gigalith)
Raihan Oof, you beat me!
Youngster Woohoo! We did it!
Preschooler Yaaay! We won, we won!
Raihan Haha! Great teamwork, you two!
If you can't do something on your own, you can work together with others to be even stronger!
Leon Exactly! You can only do so much on your own.
But if you work together as a team, you can overcome any obstacle!
And that's something I want everyone to remember!
(Transition to Rose in Lear's villa; Oleana approaches him)
Oleana Mr. Rose.
Apparently, in various areas on Pasio...
Champion Leon has been hosting Pokémon battle events focused on using sync stones.
Rose I see... That certainly sounds like something he'd do.
However, I expected he'd show he has an opposing view.
I'll proceed with my next step, then.
Oleana In that case...
Rose Yes, please prepare for the announcement.
The announcement of their incredible inventions...
(Back in the square, Leon is laughing with the kids, but Gloria approaches him, wearing her challenge uniform)
Gloria Leon, we've got a problem!
There's been an announcement in town about some inventions that use sync stones!
(Transition to Rose, Oleana, Clemont, Sophocles, and Volkner surrounded by a crowd in town;
Leon and Gloria approach them)
Rose Oh? Well, well, if it isn't Leon.
Don't you have an event you need to attend?
Leon Chairman Rose! And you all are...
Volkner Yo, Champion.
Sophocles H-hello...
Leon What brings them all here?
Rose They're here to, ah, collaborate with me.
With help from their excellent young talent, I plan to use sync stone energy more effectively.
Leon What?!
Rose You all seem to misunderstand me.
I don't intend to limit sync stones' potential.
Gloria Huh?
Rose In fact, I have a question for you all.
The potential of people and Pokémon...or our energy problem...
Which do you believe we should prioritize?

  • Rose's Methods
Name Text
Leon Which should we prioritize?
Rose Yes. Time is limited.
That applies to these great inventors as well.
The ideas and technology formed by their young talent will eventually wither away. They won't wait for us forever.
But what about the relationship between people and Pokémon?
It can flourish right now, without having to rely on sync stones, wouldn't you say?
Surely we can take our time with that.
Right now, we ought to be researching energy use that could save our future.
Leon That's...
Volkner Hey, I don't think Mr. Rose would use sync stones maliciously.
Would it really be that bad for him to be in charge of the sync stones?
Clemont The inventions people create will light up the future.
That itself isn't a bad thing.
Gloria Um, then why...
Why do you all seem unhappy?
(Volkner, Clemont, and Sophocles look surprised)
Gloria You're all passionate about inventing things, but you don't seem excited at all.
Volkner Well, to be honest...
Mr. Rose's request involves a lot of restrictions.
Rose Restrictions? That's not true!
We've no time to play around. We've got to save our future as soon as possible!
And to do that, we must eliminate anything that's useless!
Sophocles say?
Rose Yes, that's correct.
Your ideals aren't necessary right now.
That is, not for the future a millennium from now that I envision.
Clemont It seems we're unable to create what Mr. Rose wants...
Sophocles Yes...
Volkner I'm afraid I don't think we can be of further help.
Clemont I'm sorry, but please excuse us...
(Volkner, Clemont, and Sophocles leave)
Rose *sigh* How disappointing.
Leon Chairman Rose.
With the way you're going about things, you'll end up limiting sync stones' potential.
That seems clear from your conversation.
Oleana What are you—?!
Leon Your way of doing things shuts other people down.
And with that, your valued partners will drift away.
Your options will start to run out, until eventually you hit a dead end.
Do you really think you can save "the future a millennium from now" like that?
Rose Of course I do.
My experience and accomplishments that made Macro Cosmos a success are proof my methods work.
Leon I see...
If you still don't understand, even after this conversation, there's only one option left.
Since we're both Trainers...
Then instead of using words, we can face each other heart-to-heart!
Rose Are you suggesting we settle this with a Pokémon battle?
Leon Yes.
For you to understand the importance of connecting with others...
I challenge you to a group battle, Chairman!
Rose I don't intend to change my mind, even if I lose.
Leon ... ... ...
Rose But I suppose I'll accept, if that's what will satisfy you.
And if I win against you, I can spread word of my ideas on a larger scale.
However, I have you as my opponent.
I'm clearly at a disadvantage when it comes to Pokémon battles.
You wouldn't mind if I brought along some "supporters"...
Would you, Champion Leon?
Leon Bring whoever you'd like. Victory will be mine.
We'll change your mind with our shining brilliance!
(Rose and Leon stare each other down; transition to Victor and Looker meeting up in an alley)
Looker Victor, I've gathered some valuable information on the matter you wanted me to look into.
I suppose we saw this coming...but it seems that man is involved.
Victor Then Chairman Rose's "partner" must be...
Looker That's right.
It's Giovanni, the boss of Team Rocket.

  • The Decisive Battle Begins
Name Text
(Professor Bellis's lab; Leon, Gloria, Victor, and Looker are talking)
Leon Chairman Rose and Team Rocket's boss?!
Looker Yes. Team Rocket has been using their usual method to achieve their goals.
They agitate others, then commit crimes behind their backs.
Leon Are you saying they're just using Chairman Rose to get what they want?!
Looker I'm afraid so.
There's no way Giovanni has any interest in "the future a millennium from now" that Mr. Rose has been lamenting.
Gloria Then we need to hurry and tell Chairman Rose about this!
If he finds out he's been working with Team Rocket, then maybe...
Victor No. I don't think that'll work.
Chairman Rose said...
(Flashback to Chairman Rose)
Victor "If it's for the sake of a prosperous future, I don't care who I work with."
(Back to present)
Victor So...
Leon You're right...
Now that Chairman Rose has made up his mind, it's unlikely he'd stop even if we told him who he's working with.
Just like the time when...
he forcibly carried out his plan even knowing the dangers of Eternatus.
Gloria ... ... ...
Leon That's why we must fundamentally change Chairman Rose's way of thinking in our upcoming battle.
So let's face him head on with our strength and our feelings!
Gloria Yeah!
(Transition to Leon in standing in the center of the arena)
On the day of the tournament...
Leon Thank you, everyone, for gathering today!
The upcoming match will be a group battle!
Each side will have nine Trainers, and they'll go head-to-head using Pasio's three-on-three team battle format.
The team with the most wins overall will be the victor!
We're gonna make this tournament epic! I hope you all enjoy!
(Transition to Piers standing on a sideline with Team Yell)
Piers This is a chance for Marnie to shine. I'm countin' on you all.
Team Yell Grunt (1) I can already hear Marnie's victory comin'! The only sound you'll hear is the crowd's cheer!
Team Yell Grunt (2) We'll cheer for our Marnie till we lose our voices!
(Transition to a group watching the tournament on a big screen)
Ace Trainer Which side do you think will win?
Rising Star I'm thinking Lear's supporters! After all, they've got Leon on their side!
Ace Trainer But we can't underestimate Rose's supporters either.
I'm sure Mr. Rose has a secret strategy planned!
(Raihan, Nessa, and Sonia watch the crowd from a distance)
Sonia To the public, today's match was announced as just another tournament, but...
Nessa It sure doesn't seem that way.
Raihan Yeah. People are seeing this as settling the score between two factions—Lear's supporters and Rose's.
Normally, there'd be no chance to win in a Pokémon battle against Leon.
Makes me wonder why Chairman Rose is looking so confident.
(Transition to Leon talking to Gloria, Hop, and Marnie in the arena)
Leon All right, the first battle's about to begin! I'm counting on you all!
Gloria Yeah!
Hop Right!
Marnie Leave it to us!
(Leon waves, and Gloria, Hop, and Marnie head onto the battlefield)
The time has come! For the first face-off, we've got the young rookie team from Galar...
(Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter arrive on the battlefield)
The strong, the beautiful, the cool...Team Galactic!
(Gloria, Marnie, and Hop look shocked)
Gloria Huh?!

  • Taking Sides
Name Text
Hop I-isn't Team Galactic—?!
Gloria These are the "supporters" Rose was talking about?!
Marnie They're those troublemakers from Sinnoh, right?
Jupiter How rude of you to call us troublemakers.
Saturn These days, we believe in science and are working toward completing the human spirit.
If Mr. Rose wins, we can expect advancements in the practical uses of sync stones.
That would benefit us, which is why we agreed to this match!
By no means do we agree with Mr. Rose's ideology.
Mars The only person whose orders we listen to is Master Cyrus!
Jupiter And now, we're going to win this!
(Both sides send out their Pokémon)
The first battle will now begin!
Team Yell Grunt Go, go, Marnie! Send Team Galactic to the edge of outer space!
Piers Maybe I can't cheer someone on just with the tunes I play. ♪
(Hop's Zamazenta raises the stats of his allies; Saturn's Toxicroak attacks Zamazenta; Mars's Purugly prepares to attack)
Marnie Gloria!
Gloria Yeah!
(Marnie's Morpeko attacks Purugly)
Mars Why, you!
Jupiter Target the one that looks weakest!
(Jupiter's Skuntank attacks Morpeko with a Poison-type move, but Zamazenta blocks the attack, taking no damage)
Hop Heh!
Jupiter Ugh!
Hop Gloria!
Finish them!
Gloria You got it!
Let's do this, Cinderace!
(Gloria's Cinderace Gigantamaxes; fade to white)
Saturn Ahhhhhh!
Aaand that settles it! The young Galar team wins the first battle!
(On the battlefield, Gloria, Marnie, and Hop chat with Team Yell while the Galactic Commanders watch)
Jupiter We were completely defeated.
Mars Too bad.
Saturn It seems the connections between hearts have endless potential after all.
(Transition to the second round, where Rachel, Sawyer, and a Beauty face off against Oleana, Courtney, and Tabitha)
Oleana Listen up, members of Team Magma!
It is unacceptable for us to lose! Battle with caution!
Courtney Shut up...
I'm only here to help the development of humanity...and our leader...
Don't order me around...
Oleana Hmph!
If only Lear had just given up his mining rights, we wouldn't be in this situation...
Rachel Whaaat? You'd better watch what you saaaay...
Beauty Criticizing Master Lear just 'cause things aren't going your way? How rude! You won't get away with this!
Rachel Rude people are, like, toootally gonna get punished!
Tabitha I'm kinda scared of this battle...
Sawyer A-all right! You, right there! You shall be my opponent!
Tabitha F-fine, I accept! I'm going to crush you! Ahyahya!
(The two teams send out their Pokémon;
Rachel's Umbreon and Sawyer's Honchkrow launch a simultaneous attack on the opposing team,
while the Beauty's Venusaur attacks Courtney's Camerupt)
Courtney Gah!
Oleana I suppose this is the best we can do with temporary staff... How unreliable.
I am now one extremely peeved Oleana!
I won't let anyone interfere with Mr. Rose's plan!
(Oleana's Garbodor charges forward and attacks the opposing team)
Oleana It's time to end this!
(Oleana's Garbodor Giganatamaxes and defeats the opposing team's Pokémon in one blow)
Rachel Gyaaahhh!!!
Wahhh! Master Leeear!
Sawyer Guess that's it for us. I believe in the young master—and that he'll win!
This match has been a roller coaster so far! And now, it's time for the final battle!
(Leon, Victor, and Lear arrive on the battlefield)
Victor Are you—?!
(Maxie arrives on the battlefield)
??? We, Team Magma, hold the development of humanity as our ideal.
Maxie For this reason, we decided to support Mr. Rose.
I hope you don't hold it against me.
(Colress arrives on the battlefield)
??? Mr. Rose's research really drew my interest!
Colress As a researcher myself, I've had the pleasure of supporting him as well!
Please don't take it the wrong way.
Lear Colress! You little...
(Rose arrives on the battlefield, and Leon stares at him silently)
Rose Well then, Leon. Let's begin...
and have a champion time!

  • A Small Step into the Future
Name Text
(Leon's Dragapult, Victor's Rillaboom, and Lear's Hoopa face off against Rose's Copperajah, Maxie's Groudon, and Colress's Klinklang)
Maxie Go! Groudon!
(Groudon attacks Rillaboom)
Victor Oof!
Leon Victor!
Colress The connection and bond you have with one another! Please, show me more!
(Klinklang attacks Dragapult)
Leon Guh...
(Copperajah attempts to attack Dragapult, but Hoopa swaps places with Dragapult)
Lear Listen to me, Chairman Rose!
I once only believed in my own strength! That's all I could believe in!
But the Trainers that are here with me now changed me!
(Hoopa attacks Copperajah with a sync move)
Rose Gwah?!
Lear And that shine just now... We weren't capable of anything like that in the past!
I once let my fixation on power get the best of me, and that's why...
I want to steer Pasio and the power of sync stones in a better direction!
So please, trust us!
Please believe in me and the other sync pairs on this island!
Rose We simply don't have...
the time for that!
(Copperajah Gigantamaxes)
Leon Let's do this, Victor!
Victor Haaah!
(Fade to white)
Rose This is—!
(Back in the arena; Copperajah has returned to normal size)
Rose Agh!
Leon I probably couldn't have taken that attack just now on my own...
You see, there's only so much you can do by yourself.
Victor Instead of moving forward alone... If we all forge onward together, we can accomplish so much more!
Leon To become strong with everyone from Galar...
That's my wish.
I want you to be a part of that, too, Chairman Rose.
Rose ... ... ...
Lear There are still a lot of mysteries to sync stones...
We need your help for our own sake, too.
We can research using sync stones for energy and open up new possibilities while still acknowledging the power of the human heart.
In the end, don't you think that's most efficient for both of us?
Rose Well said, as expected...
I accept defeat for this battle.
(Rose returns Copperajah)
Colress It seems that way.
(Colress returns Klinklang, and Maxie returns Groudon)
Rose Your sync stones' shine is proof of the strength of connections...
You're right. I couldn't shine like that on my own.
It seems there are many on this island who are more capable of things like that than I am.
Sync stones are rooted in the power of the human heart.
So approaching them scientifically isn't enough. I understand that now.
I see it's also necessary for sync pairs to have a place like this—somewhere they can compete with each other freely.
Victor So does that mean...?
Rose Yes, in conclusion...
Monopolizing sync stones and managing them myself isn't the best way of doing things.
Leon Chairman Rose!
Rose From now on, let's research sync stones together.
As great business partners, and in all manner of ways.
Lear Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.
(Transition to Victor, Hop, Gloria, Marnie, Lear, Rachel, Sawyer, Piers, and Team Yell chatting on the battlefield,
while Rose and Oleana watch from a distance)
??? Chairman Rose.
(Leon approaches Rose and Oleana)
Rose Hm? What is it?
Leon There's something I want to talk to you about.
(Transition to Rose and Oleana on the beach at night)
??? Now, now, Mr. President... What was that all about?
(Rose turns around to find Giovanni standing behind him, wearing his sygna suit)
Rose Oho... Quite the frightening expression you've got there. Don't you think that's a rather unattractive look?
Giovanni That was a very selfish move on your part, as my business partner.
Care to offer an explanation?
Rose I realized your methods weren't enough.
I'm sorry, but I've changed plans.
Weren't we both planning on using each other...
Giovanni of Team Rocket?
Giovanni Heh... You noticed.
That's fine. Thanks to all the commotion you caused, it was easy for me to move about for a while.
I hope you look forward to what's about to happen.
(Fade to black)
A few days later...
Rose Welcome, one and all!
Welcome to Pasio, the wonderful paradise for Trainers!
Our beloved Pasio is a wonderful place, where Trainers compete to be the best and polish each other's skills.
As you know, our society is able to thrive...
(Rose sends out his Copperajah)
Rose thanks to help from these mysterious creatures that we call Pokémon.
And a Trainer and a Pokémon who are tied by a strong bond...
we call a sync pair!
(The crowd cheers)
Rose Oh! But I'm getting carried away. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rose, and it is a pleasure to be here.
Now turn your gaze to the Galar region's greatest pair—and one of the strongest sync pairs on Pasio...
It's time for Champion Leon and Charizard's exhibition match!
(Leon, back in his Champion outfit, steps onto the battlefield with Charizard to roaring applause; Gloria and Cinderace stand across from him)
Gloria Leon!
Exhibition or not, I'm battling you with everything I've got. I hope you're ready!
Leon Bring it on! You know I don't lose battles, Gloria!
Charizard! Dynamax!
(Leon's Charizard Gigantamaxes)

Paulo Interlude: The Path Forward

  • A Late Arrival
Name Text
Paulo ... ... ...
(Rosa and Barry in Chapter 2)
Rosa Are you thinking about competing, too?
Barry Hey! Why don't you join our team, Paulo? You seem pretty cool. I bet you'd be an awesome teammate!
Paulo No, thanks... I think I'll pass. I'm actually thinking of putting together my own team to enter the tournament.
(Norman in Chapter 7)
Norman You supported <player> in the face of fearsome opponents and didn't back down. You've earned this badge.
Paulo Thank you...
I'm going to grow stronger...stronger than anyone else...
(Hapu in Chapter 10)
Paulo Argh! What gives? Why can't I win...
Hapu Now, now. No use crying over spilled milk. You have some real strength! I can feel it in my bones.
Hmm... I think you just need to believe in yourself more. With a bit of confidence, you could be great.
(Team Break in Chapter 22)
Masked Man Your Rockruff was no match for our powerful Pokémon.
Weaklings like you should shut your mouths and let us do what we want!
Paulo Don't make me laugh! There's no way I'll let anyone steal Pokémon away from their Trainers!
I don’t care who it is. I'll stop anyone who'd do something so terrible!
(Wikstrom and Wulfric)
Paulo My ideal team... I thought that I'd grown so much stronger...
and I still lost?
...I just don't understand.
What is it going to take to become stronger than I am now? How do I beat him/her?
(Brock, Misty, Rosa, and the player in Chapter 30)
Lear Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the first ever champions of the Pokémon Masters League!
<player>'s team!
Paulo Am I...
Am I just aiming too high?
(Flashbacks end to show Paulo in town)
Paulo Sorry, Rockruff. I was just thinking about things.
I think I know what path I need to take, though.
I have to get strong—so strong that I won't lose to anyone!
(Flashback to Giovanni in Team Rocket Returns)
Paulo (No matter what it takes...)
(Flashback ends)
Paulo You know...
It might not be a bad idea to leave Pasio for a bit to go traveling again.
??? Paulo? Is that you? It's totally you, right?
(Tina appears)
Paulo Tina?!
I didn't know you were here on Pasio! I didn't see you in the PML!
Tina Sorry, the PM what? I just got here, y'know.
Paulo Oh, really? Then I can explain. So here on Pasio...
(Fade to black, then back)
Tina Whaaaat?! You mean I missed out on all that fun?!
No fair, Paulo! Why didn't you bring me with you?
Paulo I mean, I don't even really know what the criteria is for coming to Pasio, either...
Tina Oh well. So how'd you do in the PML, then?
Paulo Well...I did make it to the main tournament, but—
Tina Really?! That's amazing, Paulo!
Paulo Huh?
Tina I mean, you just said the strongest Trainers from around the world were all gathered here, right?
And you made it all the way to the main tournament! That's not something any old Trainer can do!
Paulo You're always so positive, Tina.
Tina I'm so jealous! I wish I could've joined the PML, too!
Paulo Lear already announced that he’s planning on holding a second PML. If you want, you can probably join that one.
Tina Really? Then let's team up and win this thing!
(The player appears)
Paulo Tina... Sorry, but I—
Oh. <player>.
Tina Hm? Is that a friend of yours?
Paulo I'll introduce you. This is <player>.
He's/She's the leader of the team that won the first PML championship.
Tina Whoa! No kidding?!
That’s impressive! And you look about our age, too!
Paulo <player>, this is Tina. We grew up together.
Tina Nice to meet you, <player>!
Paulo Oh, right. I have a favor to ask of you, <player>.
Tina What do you mean?
Paulo Tina just got here, so she still doesn't know much about battling as a sync pair.
I was thinking we could have a battle to show her what it's all about.
Tina Oh, thanks! If you don't mind, that'd be super helpful!
Paulo OK! Then, here we go!
(Paulo and the player battle)
Paulo I know all your tricks! Dodge it, Rockruff!
We're not gonna lose to you! Hang in there, Rockruff!
(The player defeats Paulo)
Paulo Shoot.
I knew you were strong, but you've raised the bar again, <player>.
You definitely won the PML because of that strength.
Hm? You only won thanks to the help of your teammates?
That's not it, though. As far as I've seen, your strength was the main factor that swayed the battle in your team's—
Tina Why so serious, Paulo?
Paulo Wh-what's all this, all of a sudden?
Tina You've always been like this, even when we were traveling around, aiming to be the strongest Trainers ever!
Remember how you'd always heal up my Pokémon before we battled so it'd be a fair match?
You do realize that it would've been easier for you if you didn't do that, right?
Paulo I mean...of course I'd make it fair.
Tina And even though it looks like you have a lot on your mind right now...
Even here on Pasio, you're already helping me out!
I dunno... Maybe you can take a break from all that every once in a while.
See? Even <player> agrees!
It's OK to have fun and just enjoy your time together with your Pokémon, y'know.
You don't have to make everything so complicated!
Don't sweat the small stuff!
Paulo I...I guess you're right. Thanks.
Tina Yeah! Why don't we do more training for this PML thing, then?
Paulo Sure, why not!
<player>! I'll be joining the next PML, too!
I definitely won't let you win twice in a row, so you'd better be ready for us!
Now that I think about it, I guess it wasn't good to be so fixated on winning.
This time, I'll try to have more fun when I'm battling!
(Is that really what I want?)
(Even though I don't want to lose anymore?)
Tina Uh...Paulo? You there?
Paulo Sorry. I'm fine.
Tina Oh, I've got an idea! Why don't we get something to eat?
You two must be hungry, too! Why don't you show me all the good eats here on Pasio?
Paulo Be careful. Right now, some shady organizations are getting more active on the island.
Tina We'll be fine! It's not like we're little kids anymore!
C'mon, let's go!
(Tina and the player leave)
Paulo (There is one thing I'm sure of, though...)
(I can't just stand by when villains are around! And...I'm done with being weak.)

  • Justice without Power
Name Text
(Paulo and Tina training with other Trainers)
Tina Time to attack! Everyone ready?
Camper Yeah! Ready when you are!
Paulo I knew you'd have no trouble catching up, Tina. You've already got the hang of these Pasio-style team battles.
That said, I can't afford to lose! Come on, everyone!
Youngster Yeah!
Lass Wait, Paulo. Rockruff looks tired.
Shouldn't we heal him up? He's not looking so good...
Paulo (Right now, Rockruff's stamina is low, so if I have him attack, he might get knocked out.)
(On top of that, it'd be putting a lot of pressure on him.)
(But...that's the only way we can win here.)
(Flashback to Cyrus in Dreaming in Darkness)
Cyrus That is what it means to think efficiently.
An incomplete spirit will only get in the way of making the right choices.
(Flashback ends)
Paulo No. No need to heal him.
Lass Huh? But—
Tina Ready or not, here we come!
Paulo (Even if Rockruff faints, we can still win as long as we take out Tina's Flareon.)
Rockruff! Jump in and attack!
Tina What?!
(Rockruff attacks Flareon, Flareon faints)
Preschooler Oh no!
Camper He risked everything on that counterattack!
Lass That was really reckless, Paulo...
Youngster But it did take the other team's leader out of the picture! Now's our chance!
(Paulo's team defeats Tina's team)
Youngster All right! We won!
Camper Aw, man... We lost.
(Rockruff faints)
Paulo (We won...)
(This approach works.)
(Transition to Paulo and Tina walking at night)
Tina Aw, man! I'm so bummed we lost!
Paulo But it was pretty close. If Rockruff didn't give his all on that last attack, who knows who would've won.
(When I was having that battle with <player>...)
(If I'd just made the right decision then...)
(Paulo envisions defeating the player)
Paulo (Maybe I would've won?)
Tina You really surprised me, Paulo. That battle earlier wasn't your usual style.
Paulo Huh?
Tina 'Cause in the past, you never liked letting your Pokémon get hurt in battle.
I know you're just trying out different tactics, but still...
Paulo Sorry. I know it was pretty hard on him.
Tina You should give him a treat later on, 'kay?
I know the reason why you're experimenting is because of all the new things you've seen here on Pasio.
I think that's a good thing.
Paulo I... I guess so. Thanks, Tina.
??? Hurry up! We're gonna be late for the assembly!
(Team Rocket grunts appear)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Hold on! I gotta check if I remembered to bring me Lift Key...
Paulo Team Rocket!
Team Rocket Grunt (2) What's your problem? Yeah, we're Team Rocket. What of it?
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Hm? You look familiar, kid...
Oh yeah, I remember you! So you finally decided to join us, eh?
Tina What're you talking about? Paulo would never team up with people like you!
Paulo ... ... ...
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Never say never. There's a little bit of badness in everyone, y'know.
And Team Rocket welcomes anyone, even if they're only a little bad!
What's with the scowl? Fine, you just need a little convincing! We'll make you an offer you can't refuse
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Ugh. Now you're dragging us into a fight?
(The grunts send out their Pokémon)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Just hand over your Pokémon, and we'll go easy on ya!
(Paulo sends out Rockruff and Tina sends out Flareon)
Paulo Shoot. Rockruff, can you hang in there just a bit longer?
Tina Don't worry—Flareon and I can take care of anything Rockruff can't!
Our teamwork is unstoppable! Just watch!
(Paulo and Tina battle the grunts)
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Oof... These brats are stronger than I thought.
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Come on! With your skills, you could become a top leader in Team Rocket! You shouldn't let a chance like this pass you by!
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Is now really the time to be impressed?! At this rate, we're gonna lose!
??? Having trouble?
(Giovanni and more Team Rocket grunts appear)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Boss?!
Um... Sir? Weren't you holding an assembly?
Giovanni Yes, I was. But that's over now.
Team Rocket Grunt (1) I...I'm so sorry, boss!
Paulo Giovanni!
Tina Who's this dude?
Paulo He's the leader of Team Rocket and a skilled Trainer.
He's as strong as Red... Maybe even stronger!
Tina Wha—?!
Paulo We have to take him out! C'mon Tina!
Tina Y-yeah!
Giovanni I suppose I should apologize for my subordinates and their rude behavior.
I'll take it from here. You children will be cowering in fear once I'm through with you!
(Giovanni and the grunts battle Paulo and Tina)
Paulo Rockruff!
Tina Paulo!
(Giovanni and the grunts defeat Paulo and Tina)
Paulo No way...
Team Rocket Grunt (1) That was genius, boss!
Yeah, how's that? You feelin' scared outta your wits yet?
Tina You're just overpowering us with numbers! That's so unfair!
Giovanni Heh. Unfair? I beg to differ.
Putting together the potential of many is how you produce a huge power... That's the strength of an organization!
You simply lack the power to match mine.
If you wish to take down Team Rocket, you'll have to assemble enough power to surpass mine. You'd do well to remember that.
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Gehehe! All right, hand over your Pokémon!
Paulo W-wait!
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Hm?
Paulo Don't take Tina's Pokémon...
Please, I'm begging you!
Tina P...Paulo?
Giovanni We're leaving.
Team Rocket Grunt (1) S-sir? You sure about this?
Giovanni Silence! You would have lost if I hadn't stepped in!
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Eeep!
Giovanni I only joined the battle because you were about to sully our reputation.
You have matters to attend to that take higher priority than stealing Pokémon from children, do you not?
If you understand, then get back to work! Immediately!
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Y-yes, sir!
(Giovanni and the grunts leave)
Tina Did he just...let us off the hook?
Paulo I don't know.
Tina Sheesh. I gotta train more so we don't lose to guys like that from now on.
Paulo No...that won't work.
Tina Huh?
Paulo Training isn't going to be enough.
The only way is to get stronger... What I need is more power!
(Paulo leaves)
Tina Paulo...
Young Tina Waaaah! Waaaah!
Young Paulo C'mon, stop crying...
Young Tina B-but...
(Flashback ends)
Paulo (Yeah. From now on, I don't want to lose to anyone.)
(So...I have to get stronger.)

  • Good or Evil Bonds
Name Text
(Paulo defeats Team Break)
Masked Man Argh...
Paulo It's my win.
Who's the weakling now?
Masked Man Hmph! Don't get full of yourself!
You're just relying on other people's Pokémon, too!
(Team Break leaves)
Paulo Yeah... I know that.
(Silver appears in a flashback)
Paulo (But building deeper bonds with your Pokémon doesn't always mean you'll get the strength you need.)
(Flashback ends)
Paulo (How am I supposed to know what's right, anyway?)
??? Paulo!
Paulo Oh... Tina.
(Tina appears)
Tina I haven't seen you use those Pokémon before. Are they new friends of yours?
Paulo They're from Lear. He started loaning out Pokémon recently.
He says it's an experiment he's doing to explore the potential of sync pairs, but the Pokémon he's loaning out are actually pretty strong.
Tina Oh... So where's Rockruff?
Paulo I won't be battling with Rockruff anymore.
He can't win.
Tina Wait... seriously?
Paulo You heard me.
Tina Paulo, are you still hung up on what happened? That was ages ago!
I thought Rockruff was important to you! He's your partner!
Don't tell me you're starting to think like all those bad guys!
Paulo I can't protect anything if we keep losing! I have to get stronger!
You know what happened last time! I don't have the luxury to care about how I do it!
Of course I want to battle with Rockruff... But I can't!
Also, it's not like I'm the first one to make a new sync pair by teaming up with stronger Pokémon.
??? Precisely! We must make Pokémon stronger, no matter what it takes.
(Colress appears)
Paulo Um... Who are you?
??? Oh, excuse me!
Colress My name is Colress, and I am a scientist. The theme of my research is, "Bringing out the potential of Pokémon."
If there is a plateau that interacting with Pokémon cannot reach...
then that ability must be brought out with only a scientific approach—even one without a conscience.
Paulo Uh... OK...
??? There you are, Colress!
(Looker walks up)
Looker I asked you so many times not to stray too far!
Tina Looker!
Paulo Um... Do you know this person?
Looker Sure do! This is Colress.
He's a former Team Plasma scientist.
Paulo Team Plasma?!
Looker Wait! He's not an enemy!
He's helping us research sync stones here on Pasio.
Colress I am fascinated by this mysterious power that relies on the strength of a connection between hearts.
Tina Er... Mr. Colress, could you maybe explain what you meant just now?
Colress Why, certainly!
Tina You said "even one without a conscience."
Why are bad people also able to use sync stones?
Colress I believe there is no distinction between good and evil when dealing with connections of the heart.
Tina What do you mean, no distinction?
Colress Pokémon thoughts don't have the same complexity as human thoughts.
However, Pokémon will trust their Trainers and do their very best for them.
Thus, if a Pokémon obeys the orders of a Trainer who has evil ambitions, that Pokémon will commit evil deeds!
Even if that Pokémon is being used as a tool, its power can still be drawn out!
That's what I mean when I say there's no distinction between good and evil when it comes to connections of the heart.
Furthermore! Humans, just like Pokémon, also have many different types of connections with each other!
(Flashback to Rosa, Hugh, and Nate)
Colress Friends...rivals...mentors...students...
(Flashback to Gladion, Lusamine, and Lillie)
Colress A boss and their subordinates... Even family.
(Flashback to N and Ghetsis)
Colress Some of those relationships can become twisted.
(Flashback to Ariana, Giovanni, and Archer)
Colress Those whom we call "evil" have connections of their own, fueled by purpose and their own brand of justice.
(End flashback)
Paulo So there's no such thing as good or evil when it comes to strength.
Tina How could you say that?!
Colress Both of your perspectives are valid!
There are far more questions in this world that don't have any answers!
Paulo ... ... ...
Colress I battled a certain Trainer...
And when I did, they showed me the splendid power that can be brought out by humans and Pokémon understanding each other!
However, that doesn't mean any of the questions from my research have been answered.
For in order to understand the good and evil of bonds and to further deepen my understanding of sync stones...
I require aid! Please consider lending me a hand.
Looker How about it? Would you be willing to help Colress with his research while also acting as his bodyguard?
Tina His bodyguard?
Looker Yup. Team Rocket has been targeting folks like Pokémon Professors who have specialized knowledge in certain fields.
There's only one of me, so I can't spend all my time guarding just one person!
Paulo I guess I could help with that.
Colress Thank you!
No time to waste. Show me your Pokémon in battle!
Tina Wha—?! O–OK, let's go over there, where there's more space...
(Tina and Colress leave)
Looker Hey, Paulo.
I may not understand complicated stuff like Colress, but hear me out on this one thing.
Be sure to treasure your friends...including your Pokémon.
(Paulo walks away)

  • Too Late for Guidance
Name Text
(Paulo, Colress, and Tina enter)
Blue Yo! 'Sup?
Paulo Blue...
Blue You been keeping up with your training?
Paulo I guess, yeah.
I haven't been losing my battles.
Blue Is that so?
(Hoopa cries out)
Tina Awww! You're so cute, Hoopa!
Paulo ... ... ...?
Lear Hey. Be careful.
Tina Huh?
(Hoopa and Sandshrew use a move)
Tina Ack!
Bleh... Sand!
Hey! Cut it out!
Lear I told you to be careful. Hoopa may look harmless, but its powers are special!
Tina Oh, really? That's kinda hard to believe.
Colress Hoopa has a true form, which allows it to unleash an extraordinary amount of power.
However, it appears more content to stay with Lear in its current form.
Paulo's holding back the rest of its power on purpose?
Colress No, not quite.
Hoopa seems to prefer to stay as it is now, so from a sync pair perspective, this is probably its optimal state!
If, for example, Hoopa was forced to assume its true form and battle unwillingly...
I don't think we could consider that optimal for drawing out its full potential!
Fascinating, isn't it?
Paulo (Its true form...)
(If I have to decide between being strong or doing things the right way...)
(It doesn't matter which is the real me. All I have to do is make the best decision I can.)
(Flashback to Maxie and Archie)
Paulo (Even if it means <player> and Tina—and even everyone else on Pasio—turn against me...)
(I have to stay true to my beliefs.)
(End flashback)
Colress Oh, I forgot to report my research findings!
Lear Of course. Let me hear it.
Cheren Hey, Paulo. Got a moment?
Paulo What is it?
Cheren What's your plan once you get stronger?
It seems you're in a bit of a rush.
Paulo I don't want to lose the things that are important to me. When you lose, you lose everything.
Cheren That's not true, Paulo.
Of course, losing is painful, and it does involve some sacrifices. And there are some battles that you can't afford to lose.
Paulo You can all speak in lofty ideals like that because you're strong.
Tina Paulo!
Paulo I couldn't get as strong as you, so I couldn't make a difference...
I couldn't protect anyone...
That's why I can't afford to care about how I get there anymore.
Cheren That's a misconception, Paulo. In order to get stronger, you have to—
Ace Trainer Master Lear!
(Ace Trainer runs in)
Ace Trainer We've gotten reports that Team Rocket is causing trouble in the city!
Lear What?!
Sawyer and Rachel are on their way to take care of Team Break! We're short on staff at the moment!
Paulo I'll go.
That's what this power is for.
(Paulo brings Alakazam out)
Cheren Paulo, stop!
(Alakazam teleports itself and Paulo away)
Tina Dummy...
(Tina leaves)
Colress Oh, my. It's hard to tell who's the bodyguard now, isn't it.
(Colress leaves)
Blue There's things you can gain from losing, y'know... And it's possible to get back some of the things you've lost.
But if you throw something away... It won't always come back, Paulo.
Lear He's on my radar, too.
His eyes had the same look mine did, back when I trusted nobody but myself.
Could you look after him, Cheren?
Putting aside any personal feelings, as the ruler of Pasio, I'd find it a shame to see a Trainer like that self-destruct.
Cheren Sure. I'd be happy to, Lear.
It's kind of my fault, too. I was so caught up with rounding up villains that I didn't notice his cry for help.
Blue Let me help, too. I've got a lot to say to that kid.
Cheren OK. Let's hurry and head after him—
(Ace Trainer's phone rings)
Ace Trainer What?! Team Rocket is going after Professor Bellis again?
Blue I can handle that. Cheren, can you check on Paulo?
Cheren Wait. It might be faster if we take care of it together. We don't know what we're dealing with yet.
Also... I think hearing what you have to say will be better for Paulo, anyway.
Blue OK. Let's take care of it nice and quick, Cheren!
Cheren Yeah!
(Blue and Cheren leave)
Lear Hoopa. You're being targeted, so you can't just aimlessly—
(Transition to Hoopa in a street)
(Flashback to Lear in Interlude 7 - Shining Bonds of the PML arc)
??? Found it! So that's Hoopa, eh?
(Transition to Paulo defeating Team Rocket)
Team Rocket Grunt Darn it! You're gonna regret this one day!
(Team Rocket runs away, leaving stolen Pokémon behind)
Paulo (Yes...)
(A Preschooler and Youngster run up to their Pokémon)
Paulo (This is how it should be...)

  • A Reason to Be Strong
Name Text
(Tina walks up)
Tina Oh, <player>...
Have you seen Paulo?

I haven't seen him today.: I see...
Did something happen?: Well...yeah.
Ever since we lost to Team Rocket, Paulo's been acting weird.
Like he's cornered or something.
I think that something happened when we were little has been bothering him...
??? Would you mind telling me what happened?
(Colress waves)
Tina Colress...
Oh! I completely forgot I was supposed to be your bodyguard! Sorry about that!
Colress It's nothing to worry about.
More importantly, what happened back when you were young?
Tina Oh, right. Well...
It happened back when Paulo and I weren't even Trainers yet. There was this wild Dratini we were secretly taking care of, and...
(Flashback to Young Tina, Young Paulo, and Dratini)
Young Tina Yaaay! We got to play with you so much today!
Young Paulo We'll bring you more food again later, OK?
Young Tina I wanna be a Trainer already...
I wanna go on a journey with Dratini and challenge the Champion!
Young Paulo No way! I'M the one who's gonna travel with Dratini!
Young Tina Nuh-uh! It's gonna be me!
Young Paulo Who says?
(A Collector and his Golbat appear, attacking Dratini)
Young Paulo Dratini?!
Young Tina What're you doing, mister?!
Collector Isn't it obvious? I'm catching this Pokémon!
Young Paulo Cut it out! That Dratini is one that we—
Collector What a Trainer does with wild Pokémon is none of your business!
Take it down, Golbat!
(Golbat attacks Dratini)
Collector Now!
(The Collector catches Dratini in a Poké Ball)
Young Tina How could you...
Collector Hahaha! Gotcha!
Young Paulo Hey, hold on!
Please... Take good care of that Dratini.
Collector Pffft. Don't be silly.
Dratini are tricky to raise. Like I'd waste my time carefully pampering it.
Young Paulo Then why did you even—
Collector Let me teach you something, kid. The skins Dratini shed can be sold for good money.
With one in hand, I could be rich!
Young Paulo You only caught it for the money?!
Collector Hmph. If you've got a problem with that, you'll have to stop me yourself—with force!
Not like you can do that anyway. You scrawny runts aren't even Trainers yet!
(The Collector leaves)
Young Tina I... I...
Waaaah! Waaaah!
Young Paulo C'mon, stop crying...
Young Tina B-but...
Young Paulo Let's get stronger.
Young Tina Huh?
Young Paulo He's right. Let's get stronger, Tina.
So that we never, ever...
have to lose anything important to us again.
(End flashback)
Tina Since then, we got older.
Paulo and I got our Pokémon and left the town where we grew up.
But I think that incident still hurts him to this day.
Colress I see. But that raises a question.
Why didn't you, like Paulo, develop a fixation on becoming stronger to protect others?
Tina I do think that the strength to protect things is important.<br. And I don't want to say good-bye like that ever again.
I know that the time I can spend with my Pokémon is limited, so I want us to spend it together, making all sorts of memories.
Once, on my travels, I saw a Pokémon graveyard.
Some Trainers who came to visit graves told me their stories. That's when I started to think this way.
There's no point in getting strong if it means you forget about the connection you have with your Pokémon.
That's why I don't like how Paulo's been thinking lately.
He can't be as strong as he wants, and that's really weighing on his mind...
<player>! Colress!
I don't think Paulo's gonna listen to me anymore.
He didn't even try to listen to what Blue and Cheren were telling him, either.
So...I need your help—to save him!
Colress Leave it to me!: I'm curious to see how my scientific methods can help you achieve your goals!
That's a big responsibility!: Indeed it is! I'm curious to see how my scientific methods can help you achieve your goals!
Tina Thank you, both!
Colress This is just my opinion as a researcher, but...
Pursuing victory and cherishing memories together are both important.
That's why you musn't get too caught up in one or the other!
Maintaining a neutral view of matters is what draws out potential!
Tina OK!
(Transition to Hoopa in a street, cornered)
Team Plasma Grunt You can't run away now, Hoopa!
You can be OUR Pokémon!
Bwahaha! Plasmaaaaa!
(Team Plasma brings out their Pokémon. A Tyranitar attacks them.)
Team Plasma Grunt What?!
(Paulo walks up.)
Paulo ... ... ...
Team Plasma Grunt Ugh! How dare you get in our way!
I don't have any more Pokémon... We'll have to run—for now!
(The Plasma grunts run away. Hoopa cries out happily)
Paulo Hoopa? What are you doing here?
(Hoopa rushes past)
Paulo Whoa! Oh, come on...
(Hoopa rushes past again. Transition to an unknown onlooker)
??? Quite the annoying Trainer has found it...
(Transition to Tina on a road at night. The Shadow Triad drops in from above.)
Tina Hey! Who are you?
The Shadow Triad Come with us...
You'll be most useful to us...
We won't hurt you if you come quietly.
Tina Yeah, sure...
Psyche. You think I'd just come quietly?!
(Tina takes Flareon out.)
The Shadow Triad You leave us no choice...
We hold no grudge against you...but you're about to learn a lesson.
(The Shadow Triad take out Bisharps. Transition back to the street, where Hoopa rushes around Paulo)
Paulo Sheesh...
OK, I get it already. C'mon. I'll take you back to Lear.
??? You may want to make another stop along the way.
Paulo Who are you?!
(A Shadow Triad member appears.)
Paulo Wait, you're—
The Shadow Triad Come with me. And bring that Hoopa with you.
Paulo Absolutely not.
The Shadow Triad You'll want to hear the rest of what I have to say, young man.
That girl named Tina... We've taken her into our custody.
Paulo What?!
The Shadow Triad As long as you come with us, we'll assure her safety.
But if you want your friend back, you'll have to trade us that Hoopa for her. yourself.
Paulo So...don't go asking anyone for help.
The Shadow Triad Precisely. You're quick on the uptake.
Paulo Fine.
(Flashback to Cheren, the player, and Blue. Flashback ends)
Paulo I don't need anyone else's help.
Show me to your hideout.
The Shadow Triad ... ... ...
Follow me.
Paulo (I decided to be stronger so I'd be ready for something like this.)
(Flashback to Tina. Flashback ends)
Paulo (I won't be giving them Tina OR Hoopa.)
(I will never, ever...)
(Flashback to Dratini. Flashback ends)
Paulo (lose anything again!)
(Paulo and Hoopa follow the Shadow Triad member)

  • Flame of Hatred
Name Text
(In Team Plasma's hideout, the Shadow Triad member leads Paulo and Hoopa to Tina and two more Shadow Triad members)
Tina Paulo?! And why's Hoopa here?!
Ghetsis Welcome to Team Plasma's hideout.
Paulo Let Tina go.
Ghetsis Oh my. There's no need to be so hasty. Why not take your time?
I suppose it doesn't matter.
Let's get this transaction over with. Hand over that Hoopa.
(Paulo walks up)
The Shadow Triad ... ... ...
(Tina and the two Shadow Triad members walk to meet Paulo)
Ghetsis Myah-ha-ha-ha! Fool! You really thought I'd keep my promise?!
You'll be an ideal bargaining chip to leverage against Pasio's other Trainers.
It'll be useful to keep you around!
Paulo ... ... ... I knew it.
(Alakazam appears)
Paulo Hang on to Alakazam, Tina! And Hoopa—use your ring to run away!
Tina Oh! Got it!
(Alakazam is attacked by Accelgor and faints. Hoopa is attacked by Banette and faints)
The Shadow Triad Stay right where you are.
Paulo Hoopa?!
The Shadow Triad "I knew it," you say?
I'll say that right back to you, young man.
Ghetsis You're pretty good, I'll admit. But in the end, you're just a shallow-witted child.
Paulo Shoot!
Tina! Run!
(Tina runs, but two Team Plasma Grunts cut her off)
Team Plasma Grunt (1) Hold it! You're not going anywhere!
Team Plasma Grunt (2) Plasmaaa!
Tina Argh...
Ghetsis Why don't you give up? There's nowhere left for you to run.
Paulo Shut up!
I'll clear a path—by taking you down!
(Tyranitar appears and defeats Banette)
Ghetsis *sigh* I hate insolent children.
Shadow Triad! Hurry up and take care of this!
(The Shadow Triad's Pokémon defeat Tyranitar)
Paulo Darn it!
(Transition to Blue, Misty, and Erika on the street.)
Blue Paulo! Where are you?!
(Cheren and Looker walk up)
Cheren We can't find Hoopa anywhere, either...
Something must've happened to them!
Looker Paulo... Stay safe...
(Transition to Team Plasma's hideout; Paulo defeats the Shadow Triad's Bisharp)
Paulo *pant pant*
Ghetsis Oh? So you're capable of fending off the Shadow Triad. Not bad.
Still, you're nothing for me to fear.
(Ghetsis sends out his Kyurem)
Ghetsis Get them! Kyurem!
(Kyurem defeats Paulo's Pokémon)
Paulo Gwah!
(Paulo looks between Kyurem and Ghetsis; fade to black)
Ghetsis Are you ready to give up now?
It's about time you and that Hoopa make yourselves useful to me.
(Rockruff appears and cries out)
Paulo Rockruff?!
(Rockruff runs towards Ghetsis)
Ghetsis Who is this puny little Pokémon?
(Rockruff runs towards Kyurem and gets attacked, but runs back towards it)
Paulo No... Don't do it!
(Paulo thinks about Dratini's defeat)
Paulo Return, Rockruff!
(Rockruff get knocked back again and runs towards Kyurem again)
Paulo Rockruff! Get back in your Poké Ball!
(Rockruff is hit)
Paulo C'mon! Please, come back!
(Rockruff cries at Ghetsis defiantly; Ghetsis thinks about Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, and N)
Ghetsis Arrrgh! All of these insolent, little...
There is nothing more unpleasant than a simple tool that tries to work against you!
How dare you defy me, you powerless nothing!
(Kyurem attacks Rockruff again; fade to white; when the room fades back in, Paulo looks around, but Rockruff is nowhere to be seen)
Paulo Rockruff?
Ghetsis What?
Paulo Rockruff? Where did you...
Ghetsis Oh, how odd... That Pokémon disappeared.
Could it be that perhaps...
Kyurem's attack blew it away, leaving no trace?
(Paulo and Tina look shocked)
Ghetsis Myah-ha-ha-ha! I love the look on your face when you've lost all hope!
So powerless—yet you dare defy me? That's why you met this fate!
My plans to use Hoopa's power to utterly rule this world remain unshaken!
Before such immense power, all Trainers will be forced to bend to my will!
Hoopa's power can become a weapon that will give me control over anything and everything!
So, naturally, only I should be able to use it!
Paulo You...
Ghetsis Hm?
(Flashback to the Collector who caught Dratini)
Paulo All of you...
(End flashback)
Paulo It's all because of people like YOU!
(Hoopa transforms)
Ghetsis Mwahaha! So this is your true form, Hoopa!
It seems that Trainer's anger is controlling you...with the power of that sync stone!
Very well! Lose all sense of reason and become a monster! That makes you much easier for me to control!
Paulo Shut up.
Ghetsis Shadow Triad! Secure Hoopa!
(The Shadow Triad sends out their Bisharp)
Paulo You're in my way...
(Hoopa teleports in Yveltal and Xerneas)
Paulo Get out of my way!!!
(The Pokémon Hoopa teleported in defeat the Shadow Triad's Pokémon)
The Shadow Triad What?!
Sir! That Pokémon is far too strong for us to—
Ghetsis Nonsense!
With the power to summon ANY Pokémon from different dimensions and worlds...
This time, I, Ghetsis, shall rule the world!
No matter what they try, no one will be able to stop me!
Why are you just standing there?!
Grab the girl, she's our leverage!
Paulo Don't you dare touch Tina!
(Hoopa teleports behind the Team Plasma Grunts holding Tina hostage)
Team Plasma Grunt Eeep!
Ghetsis Could it be—yet again?!
My plans won't be foiled by a child with such feeble power!
There's just no way!
It simply can't be!
(Kyurem cries out; Hoopa summons Zygarde)
Paulo I've decided...
(Zygarde attacks Kyurem)
Paulo to drive every single person like you out of this world.
(Yveltal attacks Kyurem)
Paulo No matter what it takes...
(Xerneas attacks Kyurem)
Paulo or what methods I use!
Ghetsis Shut your mouth! Shut up! Shut up! Shut UP!
The Shadow Triad Master Ghetsis! Let's retreat for now!
(Ghetsis and the Shadow Triad teleport away)
Paulo ... ... ...
Team Plasma Grunt Yipes!
(The Team Plasma grunts run away, and Paulo dismisses the Pokémon Hoopa summoned)
Tina P-Paulo...
Thanks for saving me. Let's go look for Rockruff... OK?
Paulo Where?
Tina Huh?
Paulo Rockruff is gone.
Tina Wait... Don't tell me you seriously believe what that guy said?!
A Pokémon can't just disappear! There's no way that would happen!
I'm sure—
Paulo Even if he's still alive...
I can't go back to being Rockruff's Trainer.
Trusting and loving your Pokémon won't make you any stronger.
I wasn't fully prepared for that, and that's why Rockruff...
I'll use Hoopa's power.
(Flashback to Lysandre)
Paulo I'll use it to drive the selfish people who only steal from everyone else out of this world—to enforce what I believe in!
(End flashback)
Tina But Hoopa's power isn't yours! You gotta give Hoopa back to Lear!
You know more than anyone else how much it hurts to be torn away from a Pokémon you care about!
Paulo I'm done having the things I care about taken away from me.
I'll become the "last evil."
Tina How could you say that?! That's ridiculous!
Paulo If you think I'm wrong, then try to stop me, Tina.
At this point, I don't think you can. You don't have that kind of power.
Lofty ideals can't stop or protect anything.
That's just reality.
(Hoopa teleports Paulo and itself away)
Tina No...

  • The Last Evil
Name Text
(Team Break's hideout)
??? Hey. Got a sec?
(Paulo appears)
Masked Man (1) Ugh! You—
Masked Man (2) What're you doing here?!
Paulo I need more people to join me. Will you lend a hand?
There's a selfish "evil" out there that's trying to control the world by overpowering others.
All it does is steal what's precious to us, so I'm going to destroy it.
(Hoopa Unbound appears)
Masked Man (2) Th-that Pokémon!
Paulo Of course, I'm not asking you to help me for free.
I'll lend you Hoopa's power in return. How about it?
Masked Man (1) You serious, bro?
Masked Man (3) Wait. Why are you asking US to help you?
I thought you wanted to take down Team Break!
Paulo Because you all no longer have any goals or beliefs.
Masked Man (2) What...?
Paulo An organization's goals and beliefs...
(Flashback to Lusamine talking to a pair of renegade Aether Foundation Employees)
Paulo They have the potential to create a different kind of evil.
(Back to present)
Paulo But you...
Your goal of taking down the PML was ruined, and now your team lacks firm beliefs.
The most you've accomplished lately are pathetic thefts when nobody's looking.
Masked Man (2) Watch your mouth, you—
Paulo I'm just saying that you could accomplish something bigger if you join me.
Masked Man (1) Wh-what do you think?
Masked Man (3) B-but if we have to battle other organizations...
Masked Man (2) I...
I don't want Team Break to end like this.
I'll keep fighting, no matter who I have to join forces with!
Paulo Nice.
I don't hate how you think.
(Transition to a group of Team Plasma Grunts talking in the village; a group of Team Break members approaches them)
Masked Man You're in Team Plasma, aren't ya?
Team Plasma Grunt Huh? Who are you?
Masked Man Our leader sends his regards!
(The Masked Man uses Hoopa's power to summon a Cobalion)
(Transition to an alley in the city; A Moltres controlled by Team Break attacks a group of Team Skull Grunts)
Team Skull Grunt (1) Waaaaaaaagh!
Team Skull Grunt (2) Yo! What'd we do to deserve this?!
Masked Man Even if you haven't done anything bad yet, it's possible you will in the future!
Now stop talking back! Our newly reborn Team Break will take you down!
(Transition to the beach; a Regirock controlled by Team Break attacks a group of Aether Foundation Employees)
Aether Foundation Cut it out! What are you doing?!
Masked Man Shut up! If you're gonna resent someone, it should be your troublemaking friends!
Also, according to our leader...
anyone who gets in our way is an enemy!
(Fade to black)
Team Break's campaign to punish any and all "evil," led by Paulo, caused widespread chaos on Pasio.
Team Break was becoming a dangerous group that not many could oppose...
(Transition to Blue, Cheren, Colress, Looker, Tina, and the player in Professor Bellis's lab)
Blue Dang. I can't find Paulo anywhere!
It's like he can see through our every move.
Cheren He probably studied our tendencies and how we think when he was working with us.
He was an avid learner, after all...
Colress He even studied the villainous organizations we encountered so he could get stronger.
Ironically, that seems to have helped him strengthen Team Break.
Blue That idiot...
Looker Paulo's sense of justice is no longer reasonable.
I'm sure he's well aware of the fact that he'll have to face us eventually.
Cheren Wait a second. He—
Looker The Paulo who fought beside us against those villainous organizations...
He would know that not all of their members are pure evil.
If he knows that, and he's still making Team Break attack them indiscriminately...
then what he's doing is undeniably evil.
Tina ... ... ...
Looker Hate the crime, not the criminal...
As a member of the International Police, I am prepared to stop his out-of-control "justice."
And as an adult and his comrade, I must help him correct his path.
Cheren Looker...
(Blue folds his arms; Tina looks thoughtful for a moment, and then runs away)
Blue Hey, Tina! Where are you—
(Tina stops in the doorway, not looking at the others)
Tina I... I'll also do what I can.
I'll definitely—definitely—find him!
(Tina runs out into the hallway; the rest of the group watches her leave, upset)
Colress I have some research to do, so I'll take my leave.
Tina herself also requested it, after all!
(Colress leaves)
(Transition to Team Magma's hideout)
Maxie What did you want to discuss, Archie?
Archie You already know, don't ya?
I wanted to talk about Team Break and that little scamp, Paulo.
Maxie About how his ideals and sense of justice are out of control?
Archie... That sounds painfully familiar, doesn't it?
Archie ... ... ...
(Transition to Team Galactic's hideout)
Cyrus He lost his partner Pokémon and is now controlled by his own sadness and rage?
How will throwing away a bond change one's heart?
Perhaps I should observe this process and the results it will yield.
(Transition to Team Plasma's hideout)
Ghetsis That BRAT!!!
Just as I was about to use Hoopa to carry out MY plans!
How dare he! He'll pay for this!
(Transition to Lear's villa)
Lysandre Before we begin, I'd like to thank you for your time, President Lusamine.
Lusamine Now, what did you want to discuss with me and my foundation?
Lysandre I'd like to have a chat about Team Break—that group causing problems all over Pasio.
Today, this man will also be joining us.
(Rose and Oleana appear)
Lusamine Oh! You're Galar's—
Lysandre I'm hoping to discuss amongst ourselves how we should proceed.
(Transition to Team Break's hideout)
Masked Man (1) Hey, Boss!
Our newly reborn Team Break has been giving the villains on Pasio a beatdown without a hitch!
Paulo ...Is that so.
Masked Man (2) A lot of them are even surrendering to us in fear!
Masked Man (3) Our membership's been on the rise, too! No one can oppose Team Break!
Let's keep using Hoopa's power to get rid of all the evil in the world!
(The Masked Men continue to chat while Paulo watches them)
Paulo (These guys... They don't even realize they're being used.)
(I'll just let the villains keep on destroying each other.)
(Fade to black)
Paulo (From now on, I won't lose to anyone.)
(Back to Paulo)
Paulo (Until...)
(I'm taken down as the "last evil.")