AG099: Difference between revisions

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nexttitle=Solid as a Solrock |
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series=Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire |
series=Advanced Generation |
colorscheme=Hoenn }}
episodelist=List of Advanced Generation episodes }}
epcode=AG099 |
epcode=AG099 |
title_en= |
altepcode=EP373 |
colorscheme=Hoenn |
title_en=It's Still Rocket Roll to Me! |
title_ja=フウとラン!宇宙センターの戦い! |
title_ja=フウとラン!宇宙センターの戦い! |
title_ja_trans=??? |
title_ja_trans=Fu and Lan! Space Center Battle! |
screen=yes |
broadcast_jp=October 21, 2004 |
broadcast_jp=October 21, 2004 |
broadcast_us= |
broadcast_us=October 29, 2005 |
en_series= |
en_series=Pokémon Advanced Battle |
en_op= |
en_op=[[Unbeatable]] |
ja_op=[[Challenger!!|チャレンジャー!!]] |
ja_op=[[Challenger!!|チャレンジャー!!]] |
ja_ed=[[GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~|GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜]] |
ja_ed=[[GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~|GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜]] |
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director=浅田裕二 |
director=浅田裕二 |
art=玉川明洋 |
art=玉川明洋 |
footnotes= }}
morecredits=yes |
(Japanese: '''フウとラン!宇宙センターの戦い!''' <!-- ''???'' -->) is episode 99 of Advanced Generation. It was first broadcast in Japan on October 21, 2004<!-- and in USA on ??? -->.  
epstaffpage=AG091-AG100 |
<!-- Short summary goes here. -->
footnotes=* {{filb-eppics|ag|099}}}}
'''It's Still Rocket Roll to Me!''' (Japanese: '''フウとラン!宇宙センターの戦い!''' ''{{tt|Fu|Tate}} and {{tt|Lan|Liza}}! Space Center Battle!'') is the 99th episode of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire]]'', and the 373rd episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It was first broadcast in Japan on October 21, 2004, and in the United States on October 29, 2005.
= Synopsis =
<!-- Detailed synopsis goes here. -->
Our heroes have now finally arrived in [[Mossdeep City]], and are on their way to the Gym so [[Ash]] can battle for his seventh badge. As they are about to enter the Gym, a woman runs out in a hurry. She stops at Ash’s request, and he asks her if the Gym Leader is around. She explains that the Gym Leader is at the Mossdeep Space Center to watch a rocket launch. This instantly catches [[Max]]’s interest.  The woman goes on to explain that the rocket will be escorting a manned space shuttle, and Max gets all googly-eyed at the prospect of watching the launch himself. [[Brock]] consults his guidebook for info on the Space Center, and Max talks about it a bit more. [[May]] is also interested, remembering their recent adventure with a Lunatone and learning of its origin in outer space. Ash then gets very annoyed with all of this space talk, and insists that the only reason they’ll be going there is to find the Gym Leader. Max pretends to apologize, but to himself he thinks that Ash will love it once he gets there, which will allow Max more time to explore and have fun.

At the Space Center, the astronaut pilot of the shuttle is going through the prelaunch checklist with mission control. Some conversation also goes on between [[Jin]] (the pilot) and [[Rei]] (his wife, one of the operators in the mission control center). While all this is going on, [[Team Rocket]] is quite a distance away in a tree, observing the launch site through their binoculars. As they talk, [[Meowth]] gets the idea to (believe it or not) steal the shuttle and give it to the Boss! He has a vision of Giovanni waking up in the morning and smiling when he sees the Team Rocket rocket outside his bedroom window. Meowth then sees Giovanni flying in the shuttle to explore outer space, and of course praising “Meowth and friends” for giving it to him. The trio does their trademark cheer at the end.
<i>Ash and friends finally arrive in Mossdeep City and head straight to the Pokémon Gym—only to find it empty because everyone in town is at the Space Center for the shuttle launch, including the Gym Leader.

Ash and company enter the Space Center and Ash wonders aloud where the Gym Leader is.  They come to a door and open it, finding various machines inside the rooms.  This catches Ash’s interest, and Max says that these are the training machines that astronauts use. Ash runs to one, while May, Max, and Brock approach another. May wonders what it is, and Max calls it a moonwalker. He explains that astronauts use it to practice walking on the moon in zero gravity, and May pictures herself having fun on the machine. Ash, meanwhile, is interested in the nearby MAT (multi-axis trainer). Finding the gate in front of it unlocked, he and Pikachu get in the seat and Ash straps himself in, thinking it’ll be fun to ride it. Looking around for a way to start it, he sees two buttons on the left armrest: a blue one and a red one. He pushes the red one, and the MAT promptly begins to rotate and spin rapidly, in one direction after another. Ash and Pikachu yell out and hang on for dear life. Finally, Pikachu braces itself against Ash and stretches its tail towards the blue button, barely managing to push it, stopping the ride. Ash and Pikachu get off, stagger up to the others, and collapse, very dizzy. His friends chide him for getting on the machine without knowing what he was doing.
At the Space Center, the kids begin snooping around, and Ash stumbles upon a Pokémon battle between two siblings named Tate and Liza, who are there because their father is piloting the shuttle. They are the twin Gym Leaders of Mossdeep, who promise to battle Ash after the shuttle launch. For now, they take Ash and friends on a tour of the center. Corphish wanders off when Ash isn't looking, sneaking on board the shuttle.

Suddenly, a series of lights and sounds coming from some low windows catches Ash’s attention, from his prone position on the floor. He crawls over and looks, and what he sees really catches his attention this time: it’s a Pokemon battle! An identically dressed boy and girl (who we know as [[Tate]] & [[Liza]]) stand at opposite ends of a battlefield, with Tate’s Solrock and Liza’s Lunatone in the middle of a battle. A Baltoy is stationed at each corner of the room, four in total. As the battle continues, Lunatone and Solrock both use Tackle, colliding in the middle of the field. Tate then tells Solrock to use Sandstorm, but it has no effect on Lunatone. Liza taunts her brother for forgetting that Sandstorm doesn’t work on other Rock-types. She then tells Lunatone to use Psychic, which shoves Solrock back into the wall behind Tate. Tate worriedly asks his Pokemon if it’s ok. It is, so Tate calls for a Solarbeam, which Solrock begins to charge. Liza calls for a Tackle to try and break Solrock’s concentration, and Lunatone hits Solrock with the Tackle, but it’s still able to fire its Solarbeam. Liza has Lunatone counter with Ice Beam. The two beams collide and clash for a bit, but the Ice Beam prevails, and ends up freezing Solrock!
Team Rocket breaks into the shuttle and heads for the cockpit, only to encounter Tate and Max! They tie the two boys up, and the shuttle takes off. Before they get very far, the shuttle is grabbed by the Baltoy that live in the Space Center. Corphish frees Max and Tate, and Tate's Solrock takes out Team Rocket with Psychic.

Tate recalls his Pokemon and says it put up a good battle, then braces himself for the teasing from his sister. Liza points out a few things Tate did wrong, and just then, Ash & friends enter the room. Tate and Liza gasp in surprise, and suddenly the newcomers are levitated into the air! Turns out this is a weightless room, and Tate and Liza were held down to their respective platforms by ankle straps. They both release the straps and float up to join the newcomers. Liza turns Ash upright, and explains about the weightless room. She says that the Baltoy use their Psychic move to simulate weightlessness. Tate floats up to meet Max, and shows him a little weightless somersault trick.  
Tate must now land the shuttle, and he and Max manage to get it safely to the ground. May and Liza attack Team Rocket when they emerge from the shuttle, and Pikachu sends them blasting off.

Everyone introduces themselves, and Ash compliments Liza on her battle. Tate makes an angry retort, but is shot down by his sister, much to his annoyance. Max and Tate then talk to each other about how their sisters are so bossy, think they know everything, etc. May identifies with Liza as well, with them both having brothers and all. Despite being twins, Liza is slightly older than Tate, a fact she never lets him hear the end of. Tate and Liza go on to explain that they were having their battle while waiting for the rocket launch. Their father is the shuttle’s pilot, so they are there to see him off. Their mother works at the Center as well. After they talk a bit more, Ash says that they came to the center looking for the Gym Leader. Tate and Liza say that he should look no farther. Ash is surprised, so the siblings identify themselves as the co-Gym Leaders of Mossdeep City.
The shuttle is launched with Commander Jin at the controls, and then it's time for a Gym battle!</i>

Tate demonstrates how to ride the MAT properly. Max can’t resist teasing Ash about this. Liza then tells Ash that in their Gym they do double battles using their Lunatone and Solrock. Liza seems surprised when Ash still wants to challenge them. Liza asks May if there’s a ride she’d like to try, and May says she’d love to try the moonwalker, so Liza and May head over there. Ash is about to follow, but Pikachu leaps off his shoulder and stops him. Ash asks what’s up, and Pikachu responds by doing hilarious impressions of Corphish, Grovyle, and Torkoal, with the message being that the other Pokemon would love the chance to explore the Space Center as well. Ash gets the message. A scene change later, we see all the group’s Pokemon trying various rides and machines. Grovyle rides another MAT while Corphish watches. Combusken rides the MAT next to it. Torkoal, Forretress, Lombre, and Mudkip play around in one of the weightless rooms, with the help of the Baltoy. Pikachu, Skitty, and Bulbasaur, all wearing space suits, swim in one of those water tanks used to simulate weightlessness. May and Liza talk for a bit while watching the swimming, and Tate shows Max a flight simulator used to train astronauts. The two boys sit in the pilot and copilot seats, as Tate explains how the simulator works. He starts it up, and an amazed Max happily joins in the pretend mission. We then see Corphish exiting into a hallway and noticing a string of motorized carts carrying space food that is going to be loaded onto the shuttle. Confused, but apparently recognizing some of the pictures on the boxes as food, the crab Pokemon excitedly takes off after the carts.
Having finally arrived in [[Mossdeep City]], {{Ash}} and {{ashfr}} go straight to the [[Mossdeep Gym]] so Ash can {{pkmn|battle}} for his {{Badge|Mind}}. As they are about to enter the [[Gym]], a woman runs out in a hurry. She stops at Ash's request, and he asks her if the [[Gym Leader]] is around. She explains that the Gym Leader is at the [[Mossdeep Space Center]] to watch a rocket launch, and [[Max]] gets excited at the prospect of watching the lift-off himself. However, Ash orders him to forget it before glaring at Max and telling him that they'll be going to the Space Center only to find the Gym Leader. In response, Max pretends to apologize while thinking to himself that once they get there, Ash will want to see the launch as well.

Back at the launch site, the prelaunch work is continuing. Jin has now joined his wife Rei in the mission control center. Rei suddenly notices something on the bank of monitors, and asks a worker to focus in on a certain area among the crates of space food that have been loaded onto the shuttle. The monitor in question zooms in, but nothing seems amiss. Rei apologizes, thinking it must have been her imagination. It turns out, however, that it wasn’t her imagination, since we see a brief shot of Corphish, stowed away among the crates and happily chowing down on the space food.
At the Space Center, [[Jin]] goes through the pre-launch checklist with mission control. Meanwhile, {{TRT}} is quite a distance away in a tree, observing the launch site through their binoculars. As they talk, {{MTR}} gets the idea to steal the shuttle and give it to {{an|Giovanni|the Boss}} to explore space. At the mention of a large promotion, [[Jessie]] and [[James]] agree to the scheme.

Later, Ash, Pikachu, Brock, May, and Liza catch up to Jin as he is about to board the shuttle again for the last time before launch. Liza introduces her friends to her father, and they talk briefly about possibly finding Pokemon in space. Liza then asks Jin if he’s seen Tate, since they haven’t seen him since he and Max ran off together. Jin says no, he hasn’t seen him. Then he suddenly gets a call on his little radio alerting him to a security breach. The scene then cuts to Team Rocket, dressed in space suits, jogging down a hallway. They’re clearly visible and audible from mission control, and Rei, over a microphone, demands to know what they’re doing. TR stops and says their motto, and that’s when Ash & the others find them. TR announces their plan to steal the rocket, and Jin and Liza say there’s no way they’ll get away with it. James sends out Cacnea to do a Pin Missile (it doesn’t try to hug him this time), and Ash counters with Pikachu’s Thunderbolt. Despite getting zapped, Jessie still manages to send out Seviper to do a Haze, allowing them to make their escape and head for the shuttle’s cockpit.
Ash and his friends soon enter the Space Center, wandering into a room filled with various astronaut training machines. Everyone is keen to just look at the contraptions, except for Ash who straps himself into a multi-axis trainer (MAT) device and presses the "on" button. The MAT begins to rotate and spin rapidly, taking Ash and {{AP|Pikachu}} by surprise. Finally, Pikachu braces himself against Ash and stretches his tail towards the blue button, just managing to stop the ride. Ash and Pikachu stagger towards the others, who are unimpressed by Ash's recklessness, and collapse on the ground from the dizziness. While trying to recover, Ash spots a series of lights and sounds coming from some low windows nearby. He crawls over and looks, and inside, he spies a battle between [[Tate and Liza]] taking place in zero gravity. [[Liza's Lunatone]] uses an {{m|Ice Beam}} to take down [[Tate's Solrock]] as it charged up a {{m|Solar Beam}}. Liza admits her younger twin still needs to work on his timing, much to his annoyance. Ash and friends suddenly enter the room. Tate and Liza gasp in surprise, and as the visitors are levitated into the air. The twins rush to their aid, releasing themselves from their ankle straps, before explaining that they entered into a weightless room. As the twins introduce themselves, Max and Tate quickly strike up a friendship over their annoyance with their older sisters. May, similarly, identifies with Liza. The twins reveal that they often battle in zero-gravity conditions after accidentally discovering that their {{p|Baltoy}}'s {{m|Confusion}} attack mimics space conditions. The pair reveal that their father is the Space Center’s Director and lead shuttle pilot, while their mother works in mission control. Tate and Liza offer to show the group around, though Ash admits that he was hoping to find the Gym Leader. Ash is taken aback when the twins reveal that they are in fact the Mossdeep Gym Leaders. As Tate demonstrates how to ride the MAT properly, Max can't resist teasing Ash about this. Liza informs Ash that in their Gym they do [[Double Battle]]s using their Lunatone and Solrock. Liza seems surprised when Ash still wants to challenge them.  

Max and Tate are now in the cockpit, and Max is worried that maybe they shouldn’t be there. Tate says it’s ok, and Max feels better. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is nearing the cockpit. Passing the crates of food from earlier, Jessie suddenly goes back to them, excited. Meowth insists that they continue forward, but Jessie grabs a bunch of food packets anyway. After they leave, Corphish pops up from its hiding place among the crates. Team Rocket have now reached the cockpit, only to find it occupied by Max and Tate. Meowth quickly ties them up with a rope, and boasts that Team Rocket now finally has their rocket. To put them in the proper mood for takeoff, James sends out Chimecho, but it Wraps around his head first. He gets it off and attaches it to the ceiling, and its Heal Bell calms them down. Meowth pushes the launch button, and the boosters start to fire. Everyone else notices this with alarm, and Rei radios to Jin that Tate and Max are aboard the shuttle. It’s too late though, as the shuttle is already taking off. The rocket and boosters fall off, and the shuttle is now in flight. Team Rocket’s cheering is suddenly interrupted when the shuttle inexplicably stops. Looking outside, they see that the Baltoy from the space center are using Psychic to stop the shuttle’s progress! Tate explains what’s going on in whispers to Max. Then Max notices Corphish hiding under a bank of controls. Corphish motions for Max to be quiet (doing the “shhh” gesture with its claw), and he nods. As Team Rocket decide what to do next, they suddenly find themselves suspended in midair! Offscreen, Corphish had cut the ropes and freed Max and Tate, and now Tate’s Solrock was using Psychic to levitate Team Rocket. Solrock throws them around the cabin for a bit until they all collide and fall to the floor, out cold. The boys and the Pokemon cheer, and Tate jumps on the radio and tells his parents that they’re OK. Liza and the others are happy, but Jin says that the Baltoy won’t be able to land the shuttle, so it’ll crash unless they do something!
With the shuttle launch half an hour away, everyone and their Pokémon decides to play around on the space training equipment. Tate and Max leave everyone else to play on the space shuttle simulator. Meanwhile, [[Ash's Corphish]] exits into a hallway, and after noticing boxes of food being transported, he excitedly takes off after them. As Jin is preparing to board the space shuttle, his wife {{an|Rachel}} notices something amiss on the surveillance system. The team investigates the storage room surveillance further, but nothing seems out of sorts. Rachel apologizes, thinking it must have been her imagination. It turns out, however, that it wasn't her imagination and that Corphish is happily eating his way through the space food.

Tate takes the pilot’s seat and says that he thinks he can land the shuttle, due to his experience in the simulator. Max says he’ll help as well, so the landing process begins. The Baltoy release their hold on the shuttle, and Jin begins relaying instructions to the boys. After a few tense moments of switch-flipping and control-monitoring, in which an impatient Corphish threatens to press a random button before Max whacks its claw away, the shuttle lands safely. Team Rocket, still dazed, stagger out of the shuttle and fall to the ground. There, Ash and the others are waiting for them. Combusken burns them with Fire Spin, Lunatone freezes them into the shape of a rocket with Ice Beam, and Pikachu uses Iron Tail to blast them off.
Later, Liza stops her father, Jin, as is about to board the shuttle again for the last time before launch. Liza introduces her new friends, May, Ash, and Brock to him. She turns attention to her missing brother, though Jin hasn't seen him. Rachel contacts her husband on the radio to alert him to a security breach, none other than the Rocket trio clad in space suits. Watching the surveillance footage, Rachel demands the intruders identify themselves, so Team Rocket recites their {{motto}}. When Ash and the others confront the trio, James sends out {{TP|James|Cacnea}} to fire a {{m|Pin Missile}} barrage that Ash counters with Pikachu's {{m|Thunderbolt}}. Despite getting zapped, Jessie still manages to send out {{TP|Jessie|Seviper}} to perform a {{m|Haze}} attack, allowing the trio to make their escape and head for the shuttle's cockpit. As Team Rocket makes their way to the cockpit, Jessie grabs a handful of space food packets for their voyage. Inside the cockpit, they find Max and Tate, who had earlier sneaked aboard. Meowth promptly ties the boys up with rope before the trio takes their positions. To put them in the proper mood for take-off, James sends out his {{TP|James|Chimecho}} for a melodic {{m|Heal Bell}}. Meowth pushes the launch button, causing the boosters to start. Everyone else notices this with alarm and, upon turning on the cockpit's monitor, Rachel radios to Jin that Tate and Max are on the shuttle with Team Rocket. It's too late, however, as the shuttle is already taking off. The support rocket and boosters fall away as the rocket makes its way up into the atmosphere. Soon, Team Rocket’s space voyage comes to an abrupt stop thanks to the Baltoy and their Confusion attack. With the distraction, Tate suggests to Max that they make their escape. Trying to figure out how to accomplish this, Max notices Corphish hiding under a bank of controls. The {{pkmn|category|Ruffian Pokémon}} motions for Max to be quiet with his claw, and he nods. Now free thanks to Corphish, Tate has his Solrock use {{m|Psychic}} to levitate Team Rocket. Solrock throws the trio around the cabin for a bit until they all collide and fall to the floor, out cold.  

Later, the shuttle takes off for real, with Jin at the controls. Ash and friends watch the takeoff and comment on how Jin can now search for Pokemon in space, as Tate and Liza tell Ash that they’re now ready to accept his challenge. Ash is, of course, excited for the upcoming battle.
The boys and the Pokémon cheer, and Tate jumps on the radio and assures his parents that they're all right. Liza and the others are happy, but Jin says that the Baltoy won't be able to hold the shuttle much longer and that Tate has to somehow land the shuttle. Much to Liza's concern, Tate takes the pilot's seat and confidently says that he can do it due to his experience in the simulator. Max says he'll help as well and the landing process begins. The Baltoy release their hold on the shuttle and Jin begins relaying instructions to the boys. After a few tense moments of switch-flipping and control-monitoring, in which an impatient Corphish threatens to press a random button before Max whacks its claw away, the shuttle lands safely. Team Rocket, still dazed from Solrock's Psychic attack, stagger out of the shuttle and fall to the ground. Immediately, they suffer the wrath of Liza and May, both of whom are furious at the Rocket trio for the danger they had put their younger brothers into. After a {{m|Fire Spin}} from [[May's Combusken]], an {{m|Ice Beam}} from Lunatone, and an {{m|Iron Tail}} from Pikachu, Team Rocket is sent blasting off. Afterward, the group and twin Gym Leaders watch from the Space Center’s rooftop as Jin leads the latest shuttle mission into space. Tate and Liza reissue their Gym challenge, with Ash feeling confident that he'll win [[AG100|the upcoming battle]].

= Major events =
==Major events==
<!-- Events such as captures, releases go here. -->
* {{Ash}} and {{ashfr}} arrive in [[Mossdeep City]] and meet [[Tate and Liza]], the {{gy|Mossdeep}} [[Gym Leader]]s.
== Debuts ==
* Ash challenges Tate and Liza to a [[Gym]] {{pkmn|battle}}, which is revealed to be a [[Double Battle]].
<!-- Events such as new characters, or first screen appearance of Pokémon go here. -->
= Characters =
== Humans ==
<!-- Details about characters of the day, and links to articles for major characters. -->
== Pokémon ==
<!-- Links to articles for Pokémon which appeared in the episode, and any applicable notes. -->

= Trivia =
* {{an|Rachel}}
* [[Tate and Liza]]

== Errors ==
====Pokémon debuts====
There were a few technical issues with the anime's portrayal of a shuttle launch. 
* [[Liza's Lunatone]]
First, the solid rocket boosters should not have separated until after they had finished firing.  Otherwise, they would have gone up instead of down and wasted a lot of energy.  The external tank should not have separated until the shuttle was nearly in orbit.  And the engines should not have been firing when the shuttle was about to land.
* [[Tate's Solrock]]

== Dub edits ==
* {{Ash}}
* {{an|May}}
* {{an|Brock}}
* [[Max]]
* [[Jessie]]
* [[James]]
* {{an|Giovanni}} ([[Boss fantasy|fantasy]])
* [[Tate and Liza|Liza]]
* [[Tate and Liza|Tate]]
* [[Jin]]
* {{an|Rachel}}

<!-- fill in the title links with dub titles only -->
[[File:PTC AG099.png|thumb|200px|right|Pokémon Trainer's Choice]]
[[Pokémon Trainer's Choice]]: {{p|Tangela}}
prevlink=AG098 |
prevtitle=AG098: ? |
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
nextlink=AG100 |
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
nexttitle=AG100: ? |
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
series=Advanced Generation |
* {{p|Chimecho}} ({{OP|James|Chimecho}})
episodelist=List of Advanced Generation episodes }}
* {{p|Grovyle}} ({{OP|Ash|Grovyle}})
* {{p|Corphish}} ({{OP|Ash|Corphish}})
* {{p|Torkoal}} ({{OP|Ash|Torkoal}})
* {{p|Combusken}} ({{OP|May|Combusken}})
* {{p|Skitty}} ({{OP|May|Skitty}})
* {{p|Bulbasaur}} ({{OP|May|Bulbasaur}})
* {{p|Forretress}} ({{OP|Brock|Forretress}})
* {{p|Lombre}} ({{OP|Brock|Lombre}})
* {{p|Mudkip}} ({{OP|Brock|Mudkip}})
* {{p|Seviper}} ({{OP|Jessie|Seviper}})
* {{p|Cacnea}} ({{OP|James|Cacnea}})
* {{p|Lunatone}} ({{OP|Liza|Lunatone}})
* {{p|Solrock}} ({{OP|Tate|Solrock}})
* {{p|Baltoy}} ([[Mossdeep Gym]]'s, ×4)
* [[GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~]] replaced [[Smile]] as the [[List of Japanese ending themes|Japanese ending theme]].
* [[Advance Adventure]] is used as background music.
* The episode's English [[dub]] title is based on the {{wp|Billy Joel}} song "{{wp|It's Still Rock and Roll to Me}}".
* This episode reveals that [[Tate and Liza|Liza]] is the older twin.
* The [[Pokémon Trainer's Choice]] segment states that {{p|Tangela}} does not evolve, which was true at the time of this episode's airing, as {{p|Tangrowth}} did not exist until [[Generation IV]].
* This is one of several episodes where Japanese text isn't painted away in the dub.
* Due to the fact that outer space is a vacuum, {{TP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}} and {{TP|James|Chimecho}} are silent in the end of {{TRT}}'s {{motto}}, despite not actually being in space.
* This is the fourth episode in which {{AP|Pikachu}} imitates other characters in the anime, this time imitating {{AP|Corphish}}, {{AP|Grovyle}}, and {{AP|Torkoal}}.
** The other episodes prior to this are ''[[EP051|Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden]]'', ''[[EP132|For Crying Out Loud]]'', and ''[[EP203|The Screen Actor's Guilt]]''.
* This is the first time Pikachu uses {{m|Iron Tail}} to blast off Team Rocket.
* When Lunatone {{status|freeze}}s Team Rocket, the ice around them is shaped like a space shuttle. They blast off inside the same ice.
* [[Max]] mentioning the weather satellite ''{{p|Sunflora}}'' may be a reference to the Japanese ''{{wp|Himawari (satellite)|Himawari}}'' weather satellites. Likewise, ''{{p|Ho-Oh}} III'' may be a reference to the {{wp|AS-202}}, also known as Apollo III.
* This episode is featured on the ''Volume 10: Rock'' copy of [[Pokémon Elements]].
[[File:AG099 Error.png|thumb|200px|Tate's miscolored hair bun]]
* When [[Tate's Solrock]]'s {{m|Sandstorm}} fails to work on {{TP|Liza|Lunatone}}, Liza says "Those {{t|Ground}} attacks just don't work against my Lunatone", referring to Lunatone's [[Ability]] {{a|Levitate}}. However, Sandstorm is a {{type|Rock}} move, not Ground-type. It is correct, however, that Sandstorm would not hurt a Lunatone, due to it also being a Rock type.
* When Tate is showing Max the shuttle simulator, his hair bun is colored white.
* There were a few technical issues with the anime's portrayal of a shuttle launch:
:First, the solid rocket boosters should not have separated until after they had finished firing. Otherwise, they would have gone up instead of down and wasted a lot of energy. The external tank should not have separated until the shuttle was nearly in orbit, and the engines should not have been firing when the shuttle was about to land.
:* However, this was only when Team Rocket tried to steal the shuttle, and it had to be landed soon after, so at least most of these mistakes were likely made on purpose. When the shuttle was later launched for a real mission, technical issues seemed to be have been corrected.
===Dub edits===
* In the English dub, [[Jessie]] calls the boxes of food "liquid lunch meat". In the original Japanese version, she calls it space food.
* When Max and Tate are being told how to land the shuttle, there is dialogue in the English dub. In the original Japanese version, everyone is silent the whole time with music in the background.
====[[Pokémon Trainer's Choice]]====
* Question: Trainers, which one of these Pokémon does not evolve?
* Choices: {{p|Lileep}}, Tangela, {{p|Houndour}}
* Answer: Ok, Trainers! If you chose Tangela, you were right!
==In other languages==
|zh_cmn={{tt|楓與南!宇宙中心的戰鬥!|Tate and Liza! Space Center Battle!}}
|nl={{tt|Voor mij is het nog steeds Rocket roll!|For Me It Is Still Rocket Roll!}}
|da={{tt|Team Rocket i rummet|Team Rocket in space}}
|de={{tt|Kräftemessen ohne Schwerkraft|Power struggle without gravity}}
|fi={{tt|Katse tähtiin|Look to the stars}}
|fr_eu={{tt|Un petit tour de navette|A small turn of the shuttle}}
|he=הקרב על המעבורת{{tt|hakrav al hama'aboret|The Battle on the Shuttle}}
|it={{tt|Il centro spaziale|The space center}}
|no={{tt|Det er fortsatt rocket roll for meg|It's still rocket roll for me}}
|pt_br={{tt|Ainda é Rocket Roll pra Mim|It's Still Rocket Roll to me}}
|ru={{tt|Тяжело быть космонавтом|It's hard being an kosmonaut}}
|es_la={{tt|¡Una experiencia en cohete!|A rocket experience!}}
|es_eu={{tt|Sigue siendo Rock & Roll para mi|It's still Rock & Roll to me}}
|ko={{tt|풍과 란! 우주센터의 대결!|Tate and Liza! Battle of the Space Center!}}
|hi=रॉकेट रोल फँटसी {{tt|''Rocket Roll Fantasy''|Rocket Roll Fantasy}}{{tt|*|Disney XD dub)}}
prevcode=AG098 |
prevtitle=The Scuffle of Legends |
nextcode=AG100 |
nexttitle=Solid as a Solrock |
series=Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire |
colorscheme=Hoenn }}
{{Project Anime notice}}
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[[Category:Advanced Generation episodes]]
[[Category:Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire episodes|099]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Aya Matsui]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded and directed by Yūji Asada]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Yūji Asada]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Yūji Asada]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Akihiro Tamagawa]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Max]]
[[de:Kräftemessen ohne Schwerkraft!]]
[[zh:宝可梦 超世代 第99集]]

Latest revision as of 05:10, 3 September 2024

AG098 : The Scuffle of Legends
Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire
AG100 : Solid as a Solrock
It's Still Rocket Roll to Me!
AG099   EP373
Fu and Lan! Space Center Battle!
First broadcast
Japan October 21, 2004
United States October 29, 2005
English themes
Opening Unbeatable
Japanese themes
Opening チャレンジャー!!
Ending GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 松井亜弥 Aya Matsui
Storyboard 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Assistant director 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Animation director 玉川明洋 Akihiro Tamagawa
Additional credits

It's Still Rocket Roll to Me! (Japanese: フウとラン!宇宙センターの戦い! Fu and Lan! Space Center Battle!) is the 99th episode of Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, and the 373rd episode of the Pokémon animated series. It was first broadcast in Japan on October 21, 2004, and in the United States on October 29, 2005.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Ash and friends finally arrive in Mossdeep City and head straight to the Pokémon Gym—only to find it empty because everyone in town is at the Space Center for the shuttle launch, including the Gym Leader.

At the Space Center, the kids begin snooping around, and Ash stumbles upon a Pokémon battle between two siblings named Tate and Liza, who are there because their father is piloting the shuttle. They are the twin Gym Leaders of Mossdeep, who promise to battle Ash after the shuttle launch. For now, they take Ash and friends on a tour of the center. Corphish wanders off when Ash isn't looking, sneaking on board the shuttle.

Team Rocket breaks into the shuttle and heads for the cockpit, only to encounter Tate and Max! They tie the two boys up, and the shuttle takes off. Before they get very far, the shuttle is grabbed by the Baltoy that live in the Space Center. Corphish frees Max and Tate, and Tate's Solrock takes out Team Rocket with Psychic.

Tate must now land the shuttle, and he and Max manage to get it safely to the ground. May and Liza attack Team Rocket when they emerge from the shuttle, and Pikachu sends them blasting off.

The shuttle is launched with Commander Jin at the controls, and then it's time for a Gym battle!


Having finally arrived in Mossdeep City, Ash and his friends go straight to the Mossdeep Gym so Ash can battle for his Mind Badge. As they are about to enter the Gym, a woman runs out in a hurry. She stops at Ash's request, and he asks her if the Gym Leader is around. She explains that the Gym Leader is at the Mossdeep Space Center to watch a rocket launch, and Max gets excited at the prospect of watching the lift-off himself. However, Ash orders him to forget it before glaring at Max and telling him that they'll be going to the Space Center only to find the Gym Leader. In response, Max pretends to apologize while thinking to himself that once they get there, Ash will want to see the launch as well.

At the Space Center, Jin goes through the pre-launch checklist with mission control. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is quite a distance away in a tree, observing the launch site through their binoculars. As they talk, Meowth gets the idea to steal the shuttle and give it to the Boss to explore space. At the mention of a large promotion, Jessie and James agree to the scheme.

Ash and his friends soon enter the Space Center, wandering into a room filled with various astronaut training machines. Everyone is keen to just look at the contraptions, except for Ash who straps himself into a multi-axis trainer (MAT) device and presses the "on" button. The MAT begins to rotate and spin rapidly, taking Ash and Pikachu by surprise. Finally, Pikachu braces himself against Ash and stretches his tail towards the blue button, just managing to stop the ride. Ash and Pikachu stagger towards the others, who are unimpressed by Ash's recklessness, and collapse on the ground from the dizziness. While trying to recover, Ash spots a series of lights and sounds coming from some low windows nearby. He crawls over and looks, and inside, he spies a battle between Tate and Liza taking place in zero gravity. Liza's Lunatone uses an Ice Beam to take down Tate's Solrock as it charged up a Solar Beam. Liza admits her younger twin still needs to work on his timing, much to his annoyance. Ash and friends suddenly enter the room. Tate and Liza gasp in surprise, and as the visitors are levitated into the air. The twins rush to their aid, releasing themselves from their ankle straps, before explaining that they entered into a weightless room. As the twins introduce themselves, Max and Tate quickly strike up a friendship over their annoyance with their older sisters. May, similarly, identifies with Liza. The twins reveal that they often battle in zero-gravity conditions after accidentally discovering that their Baltoy's Confusion attack mimics space conditions. The pair reveal that their father is the Space Center’s Director and lead shuttle pilot, while their mother works in mission control. Tate and Liza offer to show the group around, though Ash admits that he was hoping to find the Gym Leader. Ash is taken aback when the twins reveal that they are in fact the Mossdeep Gym Leaders. As Tate demonstrates how to ride the MAT properly, Max can't resist teasing Ash about this. Liza informs Ash that in their Gym they do Double Battles using their Lunatone and Solrock. Liza seems surprised when Ash still wants to challenge them.

With the shuttle launch half an hour away, everyone and their Pokémon decides to play around on the space training equipment. Tate and Max leave everyone else to play on the space shuttle simulator. Meanwhile, Ash's Corphish exits into a hallway, and after noticing boxes of food being transported, he excitedly takes off after them. As Jin is preparing to board the space shuttle, his wife Rachel notices something amiss on the surveillance system. The team investigates the storage room surveillance further, but nothing seems out of sorts. Rachel apologizes, thinking it must have been her imagination. It turns out, however, that it wasn't her imagination and that Corphish is happily eating his way through the space food.

Later, Liza stops her father, Jin, as is about to board the shuttle again for the last time before launch. Liza introduces her new friends, May, Ash, and Brock to him. She turns attention to her missing brother, though Jin hasn't seen him. Rachel contacts her husband on the radio to alert him to a security breach, none other than the Rocket trio clad in space suits. Watching the surveillance footage, Rachel demands the intruders identify themselves, so Team Rocket recites their motto. When Ash and the others confront the trio, James sends out Cacnea to fire a Pin Missile barrage that Ash counters with Pikachu's Thunderbolt. Despite getting zapped, Jessie still manages to send out Seviper to perform a Haze attack, allowing the trio to make their escape and head for the shuttle's cockpit. As Team Rocket makes their way to the cockpit, Jessie grabs a handful of space food packets for their voyage. Inside the cockpit, they find Max and Tate, who had earlier sneaked aboard. Meowth promptly ties the boys up with rope before the trio takes their positions. To put them in the proper mood for take-off, James sends out his Chimecho for a melodic Heal Bell. Meowth pushes the launch button, causing the boosters to start. Everyone else notices this with alarm and, upon turning on the cockpit's monitor, Rachel radios to Jin that Tate and Max are on the shuttle with Team Rocket. It's too late, however, as the shuttle is already taking off. The support rocket and boosters fall away as the rocket makes its way up into the atmosphere. Soon, Team Rocket’s space voyage comes to an abrupt stop thanks to the Baltoy and their Confusion attack. With the distraction, Tate suggests to Max that they make their escape. Trying to figure out how to accomplish this, Max notices Corphish hiding under a bank of controls. The Ruffian Pokémon motions for Max to be quiet with his claw, and he nods. Now free thanks to Corphish, Tate has his Solrock use Psychic to levitate Team Rocket. Solrock throws the trio around the cabin for a bit until they all collide and fall to the floor, out cold.

The boys and the Pokémon cheer, and Tate jumps on the radio and assures his parents that they're all right. Liza and the others are happy, but Jin says that the Baltoy won't be able to hold the shuttle much longer and that Tate has to somehow land the shuttle. Much to Liza's concern, Tate takes the pilot's seat and confidently says that he can do it due to his experience in the simulator. Max says he'll help as well and the landing process begins. The Baltoy release their hold on the shuttle and Jin begins relaying instructions to the boys. After a few tense moments of switch-flipping and control-monitoring, in which an impatient Corphish threatens to press a random button before Max whacks its claw away, the shuttle lands safely. Team Rocket, still dazed from Solrock's Psychic attack, stagger out of the shuttle and fall to the ground. Immediately, they suffer the wrath of Liza and May, both of whom are furious at the Rocket trio for the danger they had put their younger brothers into. After a Fire Spin from May's Combusken, an Ice Beam from Lunatone, and an Iron Tail from Pikachu, Team Rocket is sent blasting off. Afterward, the group and twin Gym Leaders watch from the Space Center’s rooftop as Jin leads the latest shuttle mission into space. Tate and Liza reissue their Gym challenge, with Ash feeling confident that he'll win the upcoming battle.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.



Pokémon debuts




Pokémon Trainer's Choice

Pokémon Trainer's Choice: Tangela



Tate's miscolored hair bun
  • When Tate's Solrock's Sandstorm fails to work on Lunatone, Liza says "Those Ground attacks just don't work against my Lunatone", referring to Lunatone's Ability Levitate. However, Sandstorm is a Rock-type move, not Ground-type. It is correct, however, that Sandstorm would not hurt a Lunatone, due to it also being a Rock type.
  • When Tate is showing Max the shuttle simulator, his hair bun is colored white.
  • There were a few technical issues with the anime's portrayal of a shuttle launch:
First, the solid rocket boosters should not have separated until after they had finished firing. Otherwise, they would have gone up instead of down and wasted a lot of energy. The external tank should not have separated until the shuttle was nearly in orbit, and the engines should not have been firing when the shuttle was about to land.
  • However, this was only when Team Rocket tried to steal the shuttle, and it had to be landed soon after, so at least most of these mistakes were likely made on purpose. When the shuttle was later launched for a real mission, technical issues seemed to be have been corrected.

Dub edits

  • In the English dub, Jessie calls the boxes of food "liquid lunch meat". In the original Japanese version, she calls it space food.
  • When Max and Tate are being told how to land the shuttle, there is dialogue in the English dub. In the original Japanese version, everyone is silent the whole time with music in the background.

Pokémon Trainer's Choice

  • Question: Trainers, which one of these Pokémon does not evolve?
  • Choices: Lileep, Tangela, Houndour
  • Answer: Ok, Trainers! If you chose Tangela, you were right!

In other languages

AG098 : The Scuffle of Legends
Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire
AG100 : Solid as a Solrock
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.