DP099: Difference between revisions

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m Text replacement - "episode of the Pokémon anime" to "episode of the Pokémon animated series"
(205 intermediate revisions by 96 users not shown)
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<!-- fill in the title links with dub titles only -->
prevcode=DP098 |
prevtitle=If the Scarf Fits, ''Wear'' It! |
prevlink=DP098 |
nextcode=DP100 |
prevtitle=DP098: ? |
nexttitle=Aiding the Enemy! |
nextlink=DP100 |
series=Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl |
nexttitle=DP100: ? |
series=Diamond & Pearl |
episodelist=List of Diamond & Pearl episodes }}
epcode=DP099 |
epcode=DP099 |
title_en=A Trainer and Child Reunion! |
title_ja_trans=Elite Four Ryō! Forest of Meeting and Separation! |
title_ja_trans=Ryō of The Big Four! The Forest of Meeting and Separation! |
screen=yes |
screen=yes |
screenshot= DP099.PNG |
broadcast_jp=October 23, 2008 |
broadcast_jp=October 23, 2008 |
broadcast_us= |
broadcast_us=March 28, 2009 |
en_series= |
en_series= |
en_op=<!--[[We Will Be Heroes]]--> |
en_op=[[We Will Be Heroes]] |
ja_op=[[High Touch!|ハイタッチ!]] |
ja_op=[[High Touch!|ハイタッチ!]] |
ja_ed=[[Surely Tomorrow|あしたはきっと]] |
ja_ed=[[Surely Tomorrow|あしたはきっと]] |
olmteam=Team Iguchi |
olmteam=Team Iguchi |
scenario=藤田伸三 |
scenario=藤田伸三 |
storyboardn=1 |
storyboardn=2 |
storyboard=日高政光 |
storyboard1=日高政光 |
storyboard2=山本珠代 |
directorn=1 |
directorn=1 |
director=細谷秋夫 |
director=細谷秋夫 |
artn=1 |
artn=1 |
art=たけだゆうさく |
art=たけだゆうさく |
morecredits=no |
morecredits=yes |
epstaffpage=DP091-DP100 |
epstaffpage=DP091-DP100 |
footnotes=<!--*[[filb-eppics:dp099|Screenshots on Filb.de]]-->
(Japanese: '''四天王リョウ!出会いと別れの森!''' ''Elite Four {{tt|Ryō|Aaron}}! Forest of Meeting and Separation!'') is the 99th episode of the [[Diamond & Pearl series|''Diamond & Pearl'' series]]. It is scheduled to air in Japan on October 23, 2008.
'''A Trainer and Child Reunion!''' (Japanese: '''四天王リョウ!出会いと別れの森!''' ''{{tt|Ryō|Aaron}} of {{tt|The Big Four|Elite Four}}! The Forest of Meeting and Separation!'') is the 99th episode of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]'', and the 565th episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It aired in Japan on October 23, 2008 and in the United States on March 28, 2009.
During their journey, Ash and his friends stop by a town and where they see a large crowd. They hear that Aaron from the Elite Four is having a public practice session. The group, which decides to watch the practice, is unexpectedly invited to Aaron's training center where various Bug Pokémon live comfortably. In the center, Dawn finds a picture of a young Aaron together with a Wurmple. Aaron tells the group that the Wurmple was his first capture and his best friend.
<i>Ash and his friends enter a small town where all the girls are lined up to watch Aaron, one of the Elite Four, conduct a public training session. Aaron knows his Bug-type Pokémon so well, he can even understand what Bug-type Pokémon say. Aaron plans to challenge Cynthia for the top Trainer spot in Sinnoh, and the crowds are certainly impressed by his Vespiquen, Drapion, and Skorupi. When Aaron learns that Dawn and Ash know Cynthia, he takes them to his private training center in the woods. Team Rocket follows them and puts syrup on a tree to lure Aaron's Pokémon, but it only ends up attracting Beedrill!
Dawn notices a photo of Aaron and a Wurmple. This Wurmple was Aaron's greatest friend, but Aaron doesn't seem to have a Wurmple now—where did it go? Before Aaron can explain, Team Rocket's balloon descends from the sky and vacuums up his Pokémon along with Pikachu and Piplup. Team Rocket escapes, but Aaron is determined to find and rescue his Pokémon. When he was young, he was a poor loser who blamed Wurmple for his defeat, driving Wurmple away. Ever since that mistake, he's worked hard to understand Bug-types and vowed not to lose a Pokémon ever again!
Team Rocket doesn't get far—their kidnapped Pokémon decide to fight back, and the balloon crashes in the forest. As Seviper and Carnivine try to stop Pikachu, Piplup, and Aaron's Pokémon from escaping, Aaron and our heroes arrive to save the day. Team Rocket makes a second attempt to vacuum up the Pokémon, but a Beautifly stops them with a powerful SolarBeam attack. Team Rocket crashed near the tree where Aaron met Wurmple, and this Beautifly is the Evolution of Aaron's Wurmple! All this time, it's been training to become strong enough to help Aaron. Now it's certainly strong enough to help defeat Team Rocket, and Team Rocket is sent packing by the combined attacks of our heroes' Pokémon. As Aaron happily trains for his big challenge, Ash heads to Hearthome City for his own big challenge: a Gym Battle against Fantina!</i>
During their journey to [[Hearthome City]], {{Ash}} and {{ashfr}} stop by a town where they see a large crowd. [[Officer Jenny]] arrives and tells them if they are there to observe, they need to get in line. {{an|Brock}} tries to flirt with Jenny, but {{TP|Brock|Croagunk}} puts him down and drags him off. Jenny reveals that a man named [[Aaron]] is having a public practice session. Neither Ash nor Brock recognizes the name, but {{an|Dawn}} gasps and pulls out this month's {{DL|Magazines in the Pokémon world|Poké Chic}}, explaining that he is one of the [[Elite Four]].
The group decides to watch the practice, where Aaron is training with his {{type|Bug}} Pokémon {{p|Drapion}}, {{p|Skorupi}} and {{p|Vespiquen}}. Drapion uses {{m|Pin Missile}}, nailing the bulls-eye of a faraway target five times in quick succession. After congratulating Drapion, he orders Vespiquen to use {{m|Slash}}, which she does, easily carving up ceramic plates fired at her. In the crowd, Ash and Dawn gush about meeting another member of the Elite Four, remembering [[DP035|their meeting with]] [[Lucian]]. Jenny moans in excitement and recalls the Elite Four: Lucian and his {{t|Psychic}} types, [[Bertha]] and her {{t|Ground}} types, [[Flint]] and his {{t|Fire}} types and Aaron with his Bugs. She says that of the four, Aaron mixes strength with popularity the best.
Back at practice, Drapion uses a series of quick {{m|Hyper Beam}}s, destroying the targets. Jenny gushes in excitement over how well Aaron speaks the language of Bug Pokémon and has perfect and amazing combinations. Brock chuckles and tells Jenny to control herself, but Jenny explodes in excitement as she reveals that Aaron has risen up and challenged {{an|Cynthia}}, and their battle to end all battles will take place soon. Dawn and Ash realize that Aaron is the challenger Cynthia had told them about back in [[Celestic Town]]. Jenny proclaims that Aaron, her hero, will undoubtedly be the winner. With a {{m|Gust}}, Vespiquen smashes all the remaining targets and ends the training session, thanking everyone for watching and asking for their support in the battle with Cynthia.
Inevitably, all the girls run up to Aaron asking for autographs, and Jenny jumps up demanding one too, but then blushes and remembers her duty, to ensure everyone is conducting themselves properly. Dawn jumps up and runs off for the line too. Ash happily asserts that one day he will clean up at the Pokémon League and challenge Cynthia and Aaron.
{{TRT}} is watching, and [[Jessie]] dreamily asks if they saw how impressive Drapion and Vespiquen were and suggests they steal them. However, [[James]] shrugs that he would end up with one of the Elite Four in his face, and {{MTR}} reminds her that Aaron won't exactly hand over his Pokémon. They and {{TP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}} give up instantly and shuffle away, but she rushes after them and drags them back by their cheeks. She reminds them of how much money they will get if they sell them. James and Meowth fall in with Jessie's scheme and they prepare to morph into merchants for rare Elite Four Pokémon.
Aaron signs an autograph for a young girl, who can barely contain her emotions and runs off telling him she'll remember the moment for the rest of her life. Aaron smiles at Dawn, noting that she's the last one and Dawn introduces herself and hands over her Poké Chic. She boldly says that Cynthia told her that the Elite Four are powerful battlers and she would not go easy on him. Aaron is surprised and asks if they know Cynthia personally, which Dawn and the others confirm. Ash says they'll be rooting for both of them. Aaron notes that Cynthia is very powerful but he has been training even harder, which Drapion, Vespiquen, and Skorupi make assertions in support of. Ash tells Aaron his dreams of perhaps one day even becoming an Elite Four member, which Aaron tells him to go for. He invites them to his training center, which he would consider an honor from friends of Cynthia. Brock excitedly tells the others what a privilege this would be, and they reply that they would love to come.
At Aaron's center by the lake, Ash, Dawn, and Brock look out at the view with Aaron and Skorupi. Aaron smiles and says he built the center after becoming a member of the Elite Four. Many wild Pokémon live nearby: {{p|Combee}}, {{p|Mothim}}, {{p|Ledyba}}, {{p|Surskit}}, and {{p|Venonat}} frolic around outside. Aaron notes that the Bugs are enjoying the weather and releases Drapion and Vespiquen from their Poké Balls to relax after the morning's training session. He goes and trains himself, explaining that his Pokémon would have a field day making fun of him if he didn't train as hard as them. Ash jumps on the bike, determined to train as well. Aaron warns him not to overdo himself, and Dawn exclaims at Ash's energy, while Brock says it's probably motivation from [[DP102|his rematch]] with [[Fantina]]. Looking around, Dawn spots a picture of a young Aaron together with a {{p|Wurmple}}.
Aaron's Vespiquen snoozes by a tree while {{TRT}} sneak up, having smeared [[honey]] on the tree. Meowth and James hurl a net forward, only to have caught a {{p|Munchlax}}. James is angry but gets even angrier when Jessie reveals that she used his pancake syrup for the trap. James screams of disappointment arouse some {{p|Beedrill}}, who attack Team Rocket.
Aaron finishes training and takes his towel from Skorupi, while Ash has collapsed in exhaustion and Aaron suggests a break. Dawn asks about the Wurmple in the photo, and Aaron tells them that Wurmple was his first capture, in the forest nearby. He had grown up in town and would sneak out to the forest as much as he could. As a small kid, he really liked to climb trees. One day he challenged himself to climb the lengthiest tree in the forest. However, once he got to the top, he realized how tall it was and how he could never climb down, but luckily there was a Wurmple on the tree who was able to help him, getting him safely down. Aaron grabbed Wurmple and hugged it in thanks. Aaron reveals that he and Wurmple were best friends and shows them photo albums of the two growing up. Ash reminisces about his first capture: the {{type|Bug}} Caterpie, who evolved all the way into a {{AP|Butterfree}} before he [[EP021|released him]]. He wonders about where Butterfree is and how he's doing.
Dawn asks where Wurmple currently is, but before he again answers, a giant suction hose activates, swallowing up Pikachu, {{TP|Dawn|Piplup}}, Skorupi, Drapion, and Vespiquen. Aaron demands to know what is going on, and Team Rocket performs their motto. Brock explains Team Rocket's evil intentions. James and Jessie just gloat about successfully swiping Elite Four and twerp Pokémon. Aaron leaps into the air and nearly catches the balloon, but {{TP|Jessie|Seviper}}'s {{m|Haze}} blinds him and he crashes to the ground. Team Rocket's balloon disappears over the treetops as the friends rush to Aaron's aid. Ash decides that they have to follow after.
Jessie and James continue to gloat over their victory, but suddenly their balloon starts to rock as Pikachu, Piplup, Vespiquen, and Drapion unleash their attacks on the inside of the huge tank holding them. The tank begins to smoke and spark and the balloon goes down while a nearby {{p|Ledian}} watches. Aaron is almost beside himself with anger at the theft of his Pokémon but snaps back to reality at Dawn's words. He reveals that as a small kid, he was a real crybaby, and he was horrible at battling. After a loss to a {{pkmn|Trainer}}, he blamed it on Wurmple, saying that Wurmple was weak, and ran off before Wurmple could reply. He later felt so awful that he ran back later in the day but it was too late and his best friend had gone.
It was this, Aaron reveals, that drove him to work with every Bug type he could until he could master their language, but he never wants to go through the pain of losing another friend, which is why he needs to recover Vespiquen, Drapion, and Skorupi. The same Ledian from before flies up and tells Aaron that it saw the balloon crash nearby.
At the crash site, Meowth is half-cursing and half-admiring the ability of the five Pokémon to ruin their escape. Jessie tells him to stop being so impressed and fix the balloon, hose, and tank. At that moment, Pikachu kicks out the side and leads the other four to safety. James immediately sends out {{TP|James|Carnivine}}, who, as usual, latches onto him with a bite to the head. Pikachu seizes the distraction to lead an escape, but Seviper cuts them off. Drapion leaps to the front and fights off Seviper, while Vespiquen jumps to help, but Carnivine hits her from behind with {{m|Bullet Seed}}, injuring her. Drapion is distracted and Seviper injures him with a powerful swing of its {{m|Poison Tail}}. As Team Rocket's Pokémon loom over Piplup, Skorupi, and Pikachu, Aaron, Ash, and the others arrive. Aaron pauses and recognizes a nearby tree as the one where he met Wurmple for the first time.
Meowth and Wobbuffet attack with the suction tank again, seizing Pikachu, Piplup, and Skorupi, but Aaron dives on his injured Vespiquen and Drapion, keeping them safely on the ground. Pikachu and Piplup manage to each grab a branch and hold Skorupi in place, causing Jessie to curse and James orders Meowth to amp up the suction. It rips branches from the huge tree, much to Aaron's anguish, and is too much for Pikachu and Piplup, whose grips break and they fly into the suction.
Suddenly a {{m|Solar Beam}} blasts out from nearby and obliterates the mecha, ending the suction and causing Pikachu, Skorupi, and Piplup to fall to the ground. Their savior, a wild {{p|Beautifly}}, hovers down, evoking an emotional response from Aaron. He asks if Beautifly is in fact his Wurmple, which it nods in assent, much to Aaron's and the other's delight. Beautifly explains to Aaron that it wanted to get stronger, so it went off and trained before evolving into the Beautifly stage.
Jessie and James are still wanting their prize, so they order Seviper and Carnivine to attack, with Piplup and Pikachu teaming up against them. Seviper's Haze blinds both Pokémon, but Beautifly, under Aaron's command, uses {{m|Whirlwind}} to sweep away the clouds. Drapion's Hyper Beam takes down Seviper, and Vespiquen Slashes Carnivine into James. Finally, a combination of Beautifly's Solar Beam, Piplup's {{m|Bubble Beam}} and Pikachu's {{m|Thunderbolt}} ultimately sends Jessie, James, and Meowth blasting off once again.
Aaron thanks Beautifly for its help and asks if it would like to be a team once more. Beautifly happily accepts and it joins Skorupi, Drapion, and Vespiquen on Aaron's team. Dawn says that she is so happy that Beautifly came home, and Brock says that Beautifly makes Aaron's team even more amazing. They thank Aaron for a wonderful day in which they have learned so much, and he in return wishes Ash luck for his [[rematch]] with Fantina. Bidding Aaron and his Pokémon farewell, the group leaves Aaron's center by the lake.

==Major events==
==Major events==
<!-- Events such as captures, releases go here. -->
* {{Ash}} and {{ashfr}} meet [[Aaron]], a member of the [[Sinnoh]] [[Elite Four]].
* Aaron reveals [[DP100|he is going to battle]] {{an|Cynthia}} for the title of [[Sinnoh League]] {{pkmn|Champion}}.
* {{OBP|Aaron|Elite Four}}
* [[Aaron]]
====Pokémon debuts====
====Pokémon debuts====
* {{p|Skorupi}}
* [[Aaron's Beautifly]]

* {{Ash}}
* {{Ash}}
* [[Brock]]
* {{an|Dawn}}
* {{an|Dawn}}
* {{an|Brock}}
* [[Jessie]]
* [[Jessie]]
* [[James]]
* [[James]]
* {{OBP|Aaron|Elite Four}}
* [[Sinnoh]] [[Elite Four]]
** [[Aaron]]
** [[Bertha]] (memory)
** [[Flint]] (memory)
** [[Lucian]] (memory and flashback)
* {{an|Cynthia}} (flashback)
* [[Nurse Joy]] (flashback)
* [[Officer Jenny]]
* Aaron's fans

* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Piplup}} ({{OP|Dawn|Piplup}})
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
<!--* {{p|Mime Jr.}} ({{OP|James|Mime Jr.}}))-->
* {{p|Butterfree}} ({{OP|Ash|Butterfree}}; flashback)
<!--* {{p|Turtwig}} ({{OP|Ash|Turtwig}})-->
* {{p|Buizel}} ({{OP|Dawn|Buizel}}; flashback)
<!--* {{p|Staravia}} ({{OP|Ash|Staravia}})-->
* {{p|Croagunk}} ({{OP|Brock|Croagunk}})
<!--* {{p|Chimchar}} ({{OP|Ash|Chimchar}})-->
<!--* {{p|Buizel}} ({{OP|Ash|Buizel}})-->
<!--* {{p|Gliscor}} ({{OP|Ash|Gliscor}})-->
* {{p|Piplup}} ({{OP|Dawn|Piplup}})
<!--* {{p|Buneary}} ({{OP|Dawn|Buneary}})-->
<!--* {{p|Pachirisu}} ({{OP|Dawn|Pachirisu}})-->
<!--* {{p|Ambipom}} ({{OP|Dawn|Ambipom}})-->
<!--* {{p|Swinub}} ({{OP|Dawn|Swinub}})-->
<!--* {{p|Sudowoodo}} ({{OP|Brock|Sudowoodo}})-->
<!--* {{p|Croagunk}} ({{OP|Brock|Croagunk}})-->
<!--* {{p|Happiny}} ({{OP|Brock|Happiny}})-->
* {{p|Seviper}} ({{OP|Jessie|Seviper}})
* {{p|Seviper}} ({{OP|Jessie|Seviper}})
<!--* {{p|Yanmega}} ({{OP|Jessie|Yanmega}})-->
* {{p|Carnivine}} ({{OP|James|Carnivine}})
* {{p|Carnivine}} ({{OP|James|Carnivine}})
<!--* {{p|Torterra}} ({{OP|Paul|Torterra}})-->
* {{p|Vespiquen}} ([[Aaron]]'s)
<!--* {{p|Electabuzz}} ({{OP|Paul|Electabuzz}})-->
* {{p|Skorupi}} ([[Aaron]]'s; debut)
<!--* {{p|Weavile}} ({{OP|Paul|Weavile}})-->
* {{p|Drapion}} ([[Aaron]]'s)
<!--* {{p|Honchkrow}} ({{OP|Paul|Honchkrow}})-->
* {{p|Wurmple}} ({{OP|Aaron|Wurmple}}; flashback)
<!--* {{p|Ursaring}} ({{OP|Paul|Ursaring}})-->
* {{p|Beautifly}} ({{OP|Aaron|Beautifly}}; returns)
<!--* {{p|Gliscor}} ({{OP|Paul|Gliscor}})-->
* {{p|Butterfree}} ([[Pink Butterfree|pink]]; flashback)
<!--* {{p|Magmar}} ({{OP|Paul|Magmar}})-->
* {{p|Beedrill}} (multiple)
<!--* {{p|Glameow}} ({{OP|Zoey|Glameow}})-->
* {{p|Combee}} (multiple)
<!--* {{p|Misdreavus}} ({{OP|Zoey|Misdreavus}})-->
* {{p|Kricketot}} (multiple; flashback)
<!--* {{p|Shellos}} ({{OP|Zoey|Shellos}})-->
* {{p|Butterfree}} (multiple; flashback)
*{{p|Vespiquen}} ([[Aaron (Elite Four)|Aaron]]'s)
* {{p|Burmy}} (multiple; flashback)
*{{p|Skorupi}} ([[Aaron (Elite Four)|Aaron]]'s)
* {{p|Venomoth}} (flashback)
*{{p|Drapion}} ([[Aaron (Elite Four)|Aaron]]'s)
* {{p|Kakuna}} (photo)
*{{p|Wurmple}} ([[Aaron (Elite Four)|Aaron]]'s) (flashback)
* {{p|Metapod}} (photo)
*{{p|Beautifly}} ([[Aaron (Elite Four)|Aaron]]'s; newly evolved)
* {{p|Venonat}}
*{{p|Beedrill}} (multiple)
* {{p|Kricketot}}
* {{p|Ledyba}}
* {{p|Ledian}}
* {{p|Surskit}}
* {{p|Mothim}}
* {{p|Munchlax}}
*{{p|Combee}} (multiple)
[[File:Aaron signature.png|thumb|220px|Aaron's signature]]
* This was the first episode to air after the release of {{v2|Platinum}} in {{pmin|the United States}}.
* Details of this episode were made known in [[K-Zone]], a children's magazine, before any official Japanese episode listing. However, the magazine said [[Aaron]] would appear before [[Celestic Town]], suggesting that it was moved to fit in the one-hour specials at Celestic.
* Aaron's signature is shown in this episode. It is his Japanese name in romaji, Ryou. This is not changed in the dubbed version.
* This marks the second time that [[Ash's Butterfree]] is seen in a flashback in ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]''. The first was in ''[[DP080|The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!]]'', where it appeared as a {{p|Caterpie}}.
* The episode's English [[dub]] title is a reference to the 1972 {{wp|Paul Simon}} song "{{wp|Mother and Child Reunion}}".
* [[Professor Oak's Big Pokémon Examination]]: {{p|Charmander}}
* This episode marks the first time [[Brock's Croagunk]] is seen coming out of his {{i|Poké Ball}} before hitting him with {{m|Poison Jab}}.

* Details of this episode were made known in [[K-Zone]], a children's magazine, before any official Japanese episode listing.
* The preview of the next episode, [[DP100]], reveals the evolution of [[Ash's Turtwig]].
[[File:DP099 Error Dawns Bag Overlap.png|thumb|200px|Dawn's bag error]]
* For a brief moment, while {{Ash}} and {{ashfr}} are watching Aaron and his Pokémon perform, {{an|Dawn}}'s purse overlaps {{an|Brock}}'s pants.
* After {{TRT}}'s balloon crashes, {{TP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}} comes out of his Poké Ball while they are all on the ground. Shortly after that, {{MTR}} is seen alone on the balloon, and Wobbuffet comes out of his Poké Ball again. This is clearly a mistake, since the Poké Ball should stay with [[Jessie]] and not Meowth.
* When Team Rocket blasts off, {{TP|Jessie|Seviper}} and {{TP|James|Carnivine}} disappear.
===Dub edits===
===Dub edits===

==In other languages==
<!-- fill in the title links with dub titles only -->
|zh_cmn={{tt|四天王阿柳!相遇與別離之森!|Aaron of the Elite Four! The Forest of Meeting and Separation!}}
prevlink=DP098 |
|cs={{tt|Setkání s přítelem z minulosti|Meeting with A Friend from The Past}}
prevtitle=DP098: ? |
|da={{tt|En træner og hans Pokémon genforenes!|A trainer and his Pokémon are reunited!}}
nextlink=DP100 |
|de={{tt|Wiedersehen mit Freunden und Trainern!|Reunion with friends and trainers!}}
nexttitle=DP100: ? |
|nl={{tt|De hereniging!|The Reunion!}}
series=Diamond & Pearl |
|fi={{tt|Pokémon palaa kotiin!|A Pokémon returns home!}}
episodelist=List of Diamond & Pearl episodes }}
|fr_eu={{tt|Une amitié retrouvée!|A rediscovered friendship!}}
|it={{tt|Il Pokémon ritrovato!|The found Pokémon!}}
|ko={{tt|사천왕 충호 만남과 이별의 숲|Aaron of the Elite Four - The Forest of Meeting and Separation}}
|no={{tt|Gjenforeningen mellom trener og barn|The reunion of trainer and child}}
|pl={{tt|Spotkanie po latach|The Reunion}}
|pt_br={{tt|O Experiente e os Amadores!|The Experienced ones and the Amateurs!}}
|pt_eu={{tt|A Criança e o Treinador!|The Child and the Trainer!}}
|es_la={{tt|¡Reencuentro de Pokémon Y Entrenador!|Meeting of Pokémon And Trainer!}}
|es_eu={{tt|¡Reunión con el Alto Mando!|Meeting with the Elite Four!}}
|sv={{tt|Tränarens och barnets återförening!|The trainer and child's reunion!}}
|ro={{tt|O Reuniune între un Antrenor și Copil|A Reunion between a Child and a Trainer}}
|ru={{tt|Встреча наставника с ребёнком|The trainer and child's reunion}}
prevcode=DP098 |
prevtitle=If the Scarf Fits, ''Wear'' It! |
nextcode=DP100 |
nexttitle=Aiding the Enemy! |
series=Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl |
{{Project Anime notice}}
{{Project Anime notice}}
[[Category:Diamond & Pearl episodes]]
[[Category:Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl episodes|099]]
[[Category:Episodes featuring Elite Four members]]
[[Category:Episodes featuring Elite Four members]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Shinzō Fujita]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Shinzō Fujita]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Masamitsu Hidaka]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Masamitsu Hidaka]]
[[Category:Episodes by one-time directors]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Tamayo Yamamoto]]
[[Category:Episodes by multiple storyboarders]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Akio Hosoya]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Yūsaku Takeda]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Yūsaku Takeda]]
[[Category:Episodes in which an alternately colored Pokémon appears]]
[[de:Wiedersehen mit Freunden und Trainern!]]
[[zh:宝可梦 钻石&珍珠 第98集]]

Latest revision as of 04:43, 3 September 2024

DP098 : If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP100 : Aiding the Enemy!
A Trainer and Child Reunion!
DP099   EP565
Ryō of The Big Four! The Forest of Meeting and Separation!
First broadcast
Japan October 23, 2008
United States March 28, 2009
English themes
Opening We Will Be Heroes
Japanese themes
Opening ハイタッチ!
Ending あしたはきっと
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 藤田伸三 Shinzō Fujita
Storyboard 日高政光 Masamitsu Hidaka
山本珠代 Tamayo Yamamoto
Assistant director 細谷秋夫 Akio Hosoya
Animation director たけだゆうさく Yūsaku Takeda
Additional credits

A Trainer and Child Reunion! (Japanese: 四天王リョウ!出会いと別れの森! Ryō of The Big Four! The Forest of Meeting and Separation!) is the 99th episode of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, and the 565th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It aired in Japan on October 23, 2008 and in the United States on March 28, 2009.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Ash and his friends enter a small town where all the girls are lined up to watch Aaron, one of the Elite Four, conduct a public training session. Aaron knows his Bug-type Pokémon so well, he can even understand what Bug-type Pokémon say. Aaron plans to challenge Cynthia for the top Trainer spot in Sinnoh, and the crowds are certainly impressed by his Vespiquen, Drapion, and Skorupi. When Aaron learns that Dawn and Ash know Cynthia, he takes them to his private training center in the woods. Team Rocket follows them and puts syrup on a tree to lure Aaron's Pokémon, but it only ends up attracting Beedrill!

Dawn notices a photo of Aaron and a Wurmple. This Wurmple was Aaron's greatest friend, but Aaron doesn't seem to have a Wurmple now—where did it go? Before Aaron can explain, Team Rocket's balloon descends from the sky and vacuums up his Pokémon along with Pikachu and Piplup. Team Rocket escapes, but Aaron is determined to find and rescue his Pokémon. When he was young, he was a poor loser who blamed Wurmple for his defeat, driving Wurmple away. Ever since that mistake, he's worked hard to understand Bug-types and vowed not to lose a Pokémon ever again!

Team Rocket doesn't get far—their kidnapped Pokémon decide to fight back, and the balloon crashes in the forest. As Seviper and Carnivine try to stop Pikachu, Piplup, and Aaron's Pokémon from escaping, Aaron and our heroes arrive to save the day. Team Rocket makes a second attempt to vacuum up the Pokémon, but a Beautifly stops them with a powerful SolarBeam attack. Team Rocket crashed near the tree where Aaron met Wurmple, and this Beautifly is the Evolution of Aaron's Wurmple! All this time, it's been training to become strong enough to help Aaron. Now it's certainly strong enough to help defeat Team Rocket, and Team Rocket is sent packing by the combined attacks of our heroes' Pokémon. As Aaron happily trains for his big challenge, Ash heads to Hearthome City for his own big challenge: a Gym Battle against Fantina!


During their journey to Hearthome City, Ash and his friends stop by a town where they see a large crowd. Officer Jenny arrives and tells them if they are there to observe, they need to get in line. Brock tries to flirt with Jenny, but Croagunk puts him down and drags him off. Jenny reveals that a man named Aaron is having a public practice session. Neither Ash nor Brock recognizes the name, but Dawn gasps and pulls out this month's Poké Chic, explaining that he is one of the Elite Four.

The group decides to watch the practice, where Aaron is training with his Bug-type Pokémon Drapion, Skorupi and Vespiquen. Drapion uses Pin Missile, nailing the bulls-eye of a faraway target five times in quick succession. After congratulating Drapion, he orders Vespiquen to use Slash, which she does, easily carving up ceramic plates fired at her. In the crowd, Ash and Dawn gush about meeting another member of the Elite Four, remembering their meeting with Lucian. Jenny moans in excitement and recalls the Elite Four: Lucian and his Psychic types, Bertha and her Ground types, Flint and his Fire types and Aaron with his Bugs. She says that of the four, Aaron mixes strength with popularity the best.

Back at practice, Drapion uses a series of quick Hyper Beams, destroying the targets. Jenny gushes in excitement over how well Aaron speaks the language of Bug Pokémon and has perfect and amazing combinations. Brock chuckles and tells Jenny to control herself, but Jenny explodes in excitement as she reveals that Aaron has risen up and challenged Cynthia, and their battle to end all battles will take place soon. Dawn and Ash realize that Aaron is the challenger Cynthia had told them about back in Celestic Town. Jenny proclaims that Aaron, her hero, will undoubtedly be the winner. With a Gust, Vespiquen smashes all the remaining targets and ends the training session, thanking everyone for watching and asking for their support in the battle with Cynthia.

Inevitably, all the girls run up to Aaron asking for autographs, and Jenny jumps up demanding one too, but then blushes and remembers her duty, to ensure everyone is conducting themselves properly. Dawn jumps up and runs off for the line too. Ash happily asserts that one day he will clean up at the Pokémon League and challenge Cynthia and Aaron.

Team Rocket is watching, and Jessie dreamily asks if they saw how impressive Drapion and Vespiquen were and suggests they steal them. However, James shrugs that he would end up with one of the Elite Four in his face, and Meowth reminds her that Aaron won't exactly hand over his Pokémon. They and Wobbuffet give up instantly and shuffle away, but she rushes after them and drags them back by their cheeks. She reminds them of how much money they will get if they sell them. James and Meowth fall in with Jessie's scheme and they prepare to morph into merchants for rare Elite Four Pokémon.

Aaron signs an autograph for a young girl, who can barely contain her emotions and runs off telling him she'll remember the moment for the rest of her life. Aaron smiles at Dawn, noting that she's the last one and Dawn introduces herself and hands over her Poké Chic. She boldly says that Cynthia told her that the Elite Four are powerful battlers and she would not go easy on him. Aaron is surprised and asks if they know Cynthia personally, which Dawn and the others confirm. Ash says they'll be rooting for both of them. Aaron notes that Cynthia is very powerful but he has been training even harder, which Drapion, Vespiquen, and Skorupi make assertions in support of. Ash tells Aaron his dreams of perhaps one day even becoming an Elite Four member, which Aaron tells him to go for. He invites them to his training center, which he would consider an honor from friends of Cynthia. Brock excitedly tells the others what a privilege this would be, and they reply that they would love to come.

At Aaron's center by the lake, Ash, Dawn, and Brock look out at the view with Aaron and Skorupi. Aaron smiles and says he built the center after becoming a member of the Elite Four. Many wild Pokémon live nearby: Combee, Mothim, Ledyba, Surskit, and Venonat frolic around outside. Aaron notes that the Bugs are enjoying the weather and releases Drapion and Vespiquen from their Poké Balls to relax after the morning's training session. He goes and trains himself, explaining that his Pokémon would have a field day making fun of him if he didn't train as hard as them. Ash jumps on the bike, determined to train as well. Aaron warns him not to overdo himself, and Dawn exclaims at Ash's energy, while Brock says it's probably motivation from his rematch with Fantina. Looking around, Dawn spots a picture of a young Aaron together with a Wurmple.

Aaron's Vespiquen snoozes by a tree while Team Rocket sneak up, having smeared honey on the tree. Meowth and James hurl a net forward, only to have caught a Munchlax. James is angry but gets even angrier when Jessie reveals that she used his pancake syrup for the trap. James screams of disappointment arouse some Beedrill, who attack Team Rocket.

Aaron finishes training and takes his towel from Skorupi, while Ash has collapsed in exhaustion and Aaron suggests a break. Dawn asks about the Wurmple in the photo, and Aaron tells them that Wurmple was his first capture, in the forest nearby. He had grown up in town and would sneak out to the forest as much as he could. As a small kid, he really liked to climb trees. One day he challenged himself to climb the lengthiest tree in the forest. However, once he got to the top, he realized how tall it was and how he could never climb down, but luckily there was a Wurmple on the tree who was able to help him, getting him safely down. Aaron grabbed Wurmple and hugged it in thanks. Aaron reveals that he and Wurmple were best friends and shows them photo albums of the two growing up. Ash reminisces about his first capture: the Bug-type Caterpie, who evolved all the way into a Butterfree before he released him. He wonders about where Butterfree is and how he's doing.

Dawn asks where Wurmple currently is, but before he again answers, a giant suction hose activates, swallowing up Pikachu, Piplup, Skorupi, Drapion, and Vespiquen. Aaron demands to know what is going on, and Team Rocket performs their motto. Brock explains Team Rocket's evil intentions. James and Jessie just gloat about successfully swiping Elite Four and twerp Pokémon. Aaron leaps into the air and nearly catches the balloon, but Seviper's Haze blinds him and he crashes to the ground. Team Rocket's balloon disappears over the treetops as the friends rush to Aaron's aid. Ash decides that they have to follow after.

Jessie and James continue to gloat over their victory, but suddenly their balloon starts to rock as Pikachu, Piplup, Vespiquen, and Drapion unleash their attacks on the inside of the huge tank holding them. The tank begins to smoke and spark and the balloon goes down while a nearby Ledian watches. Aaron is almost beside himself with anger at the theft of his Pokémon but snaps back to reality at Dawn's words. He reveals that as a small kid, he was a real crybaby, and he was horrible at battling. After a loss to a Trainer, he blamed it on Wurmple, saying that Wurmple was weak, and ran off before Wurmple could reply. He later felt so awful that he ran back later in the day but it was too late and his best friend had gone.

It was this, Aaron reveals, that drove him to work with every Bug type he could until he could master their language, but he never wants to go through the pain of losing another friend, which is why he needs to recover Vespiquen, Drapion, and Skorupi. The same Ledian from before flies up and tells Aaron that it saw the balloon crash nearby.

At the crash site, Meowth is half-cursing and half-admiring the ability of the five Pokémon to ruin their escape. Jessie tells him to stop being so impressed and fix the balloon, hose, and tank. At that moment, Pikachu kicks out the side and leads the other four to safety. James immediately sends out Carnivine, who, as usual, latches onto him with a bite to the head. Pikachu seizes the distraction to lead an escape, but Seviper cuts them off. Drapion leaps to the front and fights off Seviper, while Vespiquen jumps to help, but Carnivine hits her from behind with Bullet Seed, injuring her. Drapion is distracted and Seviper injures him with a powerful swing of its Poison Tail. As Team Rocket's Pokémon loom over Piplup, Skorupi, and Pikachu, Aaron, Ash, and the others arrive. Aaron pauses and recognizes a nearby tree as the one where he met Wurmple for the first time.

Meowth and Wobbuffet attack with the suction tank again, seizing Pikachu, Piplup, and Skorupi, but Aaron dives on his injured Vespiquen and Drapion, keeping them safely on the ground. Pikachu and Piplup manage to each grab a branch and hold Skorupi in place, causing Jessie to curse and James orders Meowth to amp up the suction. It rips branches from the huge tree, much to Aaron's anguish, and is too much for Pikachu and Piplup, whose grips break and they fly into the suction.

Suddenly a Solar Beam blasts out from nearby and obliterates the mecha, ending the suction and causing Pikachu, Skorupi, and Piplup to fall to the ground. Their savior, a wild Beautifly, hovers down, evoking an emotional response from Aaron. He asks if Beautifly is in fact his Wurmple, which it nods in assent, much to Aaron's and the other's delight. Beautifly explains to Aaron that it wanted to get stronger, so it went off and trained before evolving into the Beautifly stage.

Jessie and James are still wanting their prize, so they order Seviper and Carnivine to attack, with Piplup and Pikachu teaming up against them. Seviper's Haze blinds both Pokémon, but Beautifly, under Aaron's command, uses Whirlwind to sweep away the clouds. Drapion's Hyper Beam takes down Seviper, and Vespiquen Slashes Carnivine into James. Finally, a combination of Beautifly's Solar Beam, Piplup's Bubble Beam and Pikachu's Thunderbolt ultimately sends Jessie, James, and Meowth blasting off once again.

Aaron thanks Beautifly for its help and asks if it would like to be a team once more. Beautifly happily accepts and it joins Skorupi, Drapion, and Vespiquen on Aaron's team. Dawn says that she is so happy that Beautifly came home, and Brock says that Beautifly makes Aaron's team even more amazing. They thank Aaron for a wonderful day in which they have learned so much, and he in return wishes Ash luck for his rematch with Fantina. Bidding Aaron and his Pokémon farewell, the group leaves Aaron's center by the lake.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.



Pokémon debuts





Aaron's signature


Dawn's bag error
  • For a brief moment, while Ash and his friends are watching Aaron and his Pokémon perform, Dawn's purse overlaps Brock's pants.
  • After Team Rocket's balloon crashes, Wobbuffet comes out of his Poké Ball while they are all on the ground. Shortly after that, Meowth is seen alone on the balloon, and Wobbuffet comes out of his Poké Ball again. This is clearly a mistake, since the Poké Ball should stay with Jessie and not Meowth.
  • When Team Rocket blasts off, Seviper and Carnivine disappear.

Dub edits

In other languages

DP098 : If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP100 : Aiding the Enemy!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.