EP050: Difference between revisions

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Rockersk08 (talk | contribs)
m Link fix
m Text replacement - "episode of the Pokémon anime" to "episode of the Pokémon animated series"
(214 intermediate revisions by more than 100 users not shown)
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colorscheme=Kanto |
colorscheme=Kanto |
title_en=Who Gets to Keep Togepi? |
title_en=Who Gets to Keep Togepi? |
title_ja=トゲピーはだれのもの!? |
title_ja=トゲピーはだれのもの!? |
title_ja_trans=Who Gets to Keep Togepi? |
title_ja_trans=Who Gets to Keep Togepy!? |
screen=yes |
screen=hd |
screenshot=WhoGetstoKeepTogepi.gif |
broadcast_jp=June 25, 1998 |
broadcast_jp=June 25, 1998 |
broadcast_us=March 27, 1999 |
broadcast_us=March 27, 1999 |
en_series=Indigo League |
en_series=Indigo League |
en_op={{g|Theme}} |
en_op=[[Pokémon Theme]] |
ja_op=[[Aim to Be a Pokémon Master|めざせポケモンマスター]] |
ja_op=[[Aim to Be a Pokémon Master|めざせポケモンマスター]] |
ja_ed=[[Pocket Fantasy|ポケットにファンタジー]] |
ja_ed=[[Fantasy in My Pocket|ポケットにファンタジー]] |
olmteam=Team Ota |
olmteam=Team Ota |
scenario=園田英樹 |
scenario=園田英樹 |
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morecredits=yes |
morecredits=yes |
epstaffpage=EP041-EP050 |
epstaffpage=EP041-EP050 |
footnotes= }}
'''Who Gets to Keep Togepi?''' (Japanese: '''トゲピーはだれのもの !?''' ''Who Gets to Keep Togepi!?'') is the 50th episode of the {{g|anime}}. It was first broadcast in Japan on June 25, 1998, and in the United States on March 27, 1999.  
<!-- Short summary goes here. -->
'''Who Gets to Keep Togepi?''' (Japanese: '''トゲピーはだれのもの!?''' ''Who Gets to Keep {{tt|Togepy|Togepi}}!?'') is the 50th episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It first aired in Japan on June 25, 1998, and in the United States on March 27, 1999.
== Synopsis ==
As this story begins, {{ashfr|our heroes}} are sitting in the {{g|Center}} playing when {{Ash}} gets a phone call from [[Professor Oak]] on the PC phone. Professor Oak appears on the screen and so does [[Ash's Muk]], the Pokémon Professor very displeased with Ash's Muk as it has climbed all over him and spoiling his new lab coat. Professor Oak informs Ash that his [[Pokédex]] is now upgradeable and tells Ash of how he can do so. Ash follows the directions and places his Pokédex into the small slot on the computer. They go back to a table and talk about the [[Pokémon]] that they wish would hatch out of the mysterious {{pkmn|egg}} that Ash found [[EP046|back at the Pokémon Fossil Canyon]]. Naturally they all say their favorite Pokémon, Misty choosing a {{type2|Water}} and Brock choosing a {{type2|Rock}}.

After that, they leave the Pokémon Center and head outside where they find [[Team Rocket]] posing as egg sellers. They have a whole basketful of eggs, just like Ash's mysterious egg. Team Rocket try to talk them into trading or buying one of their eggs and when they politely refuse [[Jessie]] and [[James]] resort to throwing all of their fake eggs in the air. The real egg, that Brock was holding, gets taken when there is a mix-up with all the eggs.  
<i>When Ash and friends reach a certain Pokémon E. R., Joy informs Ash that a message has arrived for him, from Professor Oak. He promptly calls the professor and learns that in the time since they last spoke, his Pokédex has been upgraded to a new version, providing Ash with information on newly discovered Pokémon. With this new found knowledge, our heroes anxiously prepare for a fresh journey.</i>

Team Rocket run out of site and escape with the real egg! Ash, Misty and Brock are stuck with a fake. Whilst in Team Rockets little hiding shack {{MTR}} takes care of the egg. Whilst it is in his possession, the egg gets its best attention ever. Meowth sleeps with it, sings with it and even eats with it.
{{Ash}} and {{ashfr}} arrive at a [[Pokémon Center]], where [[Nurse Joy]] gives Ash a letter from {{an|Professor Oak}}. Ash instantly calls the Professor on the video phone, and is informed that his [[Pokédex]] can now be upgraded with new information and a voice change. Ash inserts his Pokédex into the PC and receives the upgrade. Later, Ash and his friends sit at a nearby table and begin to discuss the {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} that they wish would hatch out of the mysterious {{pkmn|Egg}} Ash [[EP046|found]] back at [[Grampa Canyon]]. They all assume their favorite Pokémon; {{an|Misty}} wants a {{type|Water}} and {{an|Brock}} a {{type|Rock}}. The discussion concludes and they leave the Pokémon Center.  

The three young adventurers follow a trail of broken red blue and green eggs until they reach the shack in which Team Rocket are hiding. They decide to burst in, even though it may be dangerous, and get the egg back.  
Outside, they find {{TRT}} posing as Egg sellers. The three have a whole basketful of Eggs that look just like Ash's mysterious Egg. Team Rocket tries to talk them into trading or buying one of their Eggs and when the group politely refuses, [[Jessie]] and [[James]] resort to throwing all of their fake Eggs in the air. The real Egg, that Brock was holding, gets stolen by {{MTR}} in the confusion caused by the multitude of lookalikes. They recite their {{motto}}, though they realize Ash and his friends are too focused on finding their Egg. Team Rocket runs out of sight, escaping with the real Egg, leaving Ash and his friends with the fakes. Later, in a small shack, James is set on eating the Egg, though Meowth decides to take care of it. He sleeps with it, sings to it, eats with it, and guards it from anything he feels is a threat.

They all quickly bust into the shack but unfortunately James is quick to react. He sends out {{TP|James|Weezing}} who gives a {{m|Poison Gas}} [[Move|attack]], making Ash and others cough and gasp for breath. Ash sends out {{AP|Pidgeotto}} and tells it to use a {{m|Gust}} attack to clear away the Poison Gas. They take a lunge for the little white egg. The egg goes up and down much like in a game of football! Through much controversy Pikachu ends up with the egg and gives the egg back to Ash, at that moment the egg begins to break open, beginning to hatch.  
Ash and his friends follow a trail of broken red blue and green eggshells until they reach the shack. They decide to burst in, even though it may be dangerous to do so, and get the Egg back. Ash sends out {{AP|Pidgeotto}}, Misty calls on {{TP|Misty|Staryu}}, and Brock's {{TP|Brock|Geodude}} lends a hand. They all quickly break through one of shack's windows, surprising Team Rocket. Pidgeotto retrieves the Egg, placing it in Ash's hands. Ash dives to the floor to avoid {{TP|Jessie|Arbok}}. James sends out {{TP|James|Weezing}}, who uses a {{m|Poison Gas}} [[Move|attack]], making Ash and the others cough and gasp for air. Amongst the haze, Meowth {{m|Scratch}}es Ash's face, causing him to let go of the Egg in pain and Meowth retrieves it. However, the Egg is tossed around frantically in a series of tackles and catches. Pidgeotto's {{m|Gust}} clears the air, and Meowth suddenly slips, sending the Egg into the air. Ash lunges for the Egg, though he fails to catch it. Fortunately, Pikachu ends up with the Egg and gives it back to Ash. At that moment, the Egg begins to glow and hatch.

Misty, enthralled with what was going on, jumps in pushes everyone out of the way to get a closer look and the newly hatched Pokémon. When she does the egg hatches, revealing a new unidentified Pokémon. Ash and others are all surprised, especially Team Rocket who instantly want to steal it. Ash points his newly updated Pokédex at the Pokémon, identifying it as a {{p|Togepi}}.  
Misty, enthralled with this new event, jumps in, pushing everyone aside to get a closer look. She grasps the Egg just as the hatching Pokémon emerges, revealing a new, unidentified Pokémon. Everyone, including Team Rocket, take a moment to admire it, before realizing they are still in opposition with Ash and his friends. Pikachu launches an Electric attack at Team Rocket, defeating them and their Pokémon. This allows Ash and his friends to escape with the new Pokémon, much to Meowth's displeasure.

Togepi, unlike other Pokémon, will not just like anybody, to Ash's and Brock's disappointment. It chooses Misty! As Misty is the first thing that the Pokémon saw, it thinks that Misty is its mother.  
At a park bench, Misty plays a game of peekaboo, much to the little Pokémon's enjoyment. Ash points his newly updated Pokédex at the Pokémon, which identifies it as the Egg Pokémon, {{p|Togepi}}. They are then confronted by Team Rocket, and they all quarrel amongst each other over who should have Togepi. Eventually, they all decide to have a Pokémon tournament to determine who should have Togepi. They all make their way to an outdoor {{wp|amphitheatre}}. Jessie and James are sidelined by Meowth, leaving only himself against Ash and his friends to battle it out in a one-on-one sudden death-match. As everyone prepares to make their choice, Meowth panics because he has no Pokémon, and goes and asks Jessie and James for theirs. They refuse, as he didn't let them participate in the tournament; Meowth then remembers that he is a Pokémon and decides to battle for himself.

This newly hatched Pokémon causes quite a fuss among the group. Ash feels that he should have it because he found it; Brock feels it should be his because he cared for it before Meowth; Meowth wants it because he looked after it before it hatched, Jessie and James both ''just want it!'' Meowth says to them that they didn't do anything to help in Togepi's growth. Misty feels she should have it, as Togepi likes her best. They all decide to have a Pokémon tournament to decide who should have it. Meowth panics because he has no Pokémon and goes and asks Jessie and James for theirs. They refuse as he didn't let them participate, Meowth then remembers that he is a Pokémon and decides to battle for himself. After the draw ends up between Misty and Ash, the first battle since [[Cerulean City]]. Of course everybody's favorite trainer, Ash, wins but because Misty was the first thing that Togepi saw she gets to keep {{TP|Misty|Togepi}}.
The first match is between Meowth and Brock's {{TP|Brock|Onix}}. Meowth's Scratch attacks prove useless against Onix's rock body. Brock responds with a {{m|Rock Throw}}, the attack hits. Meowth takes a break, though soon notices two buckets of water nearby. He resorts pour the buckets onto Onix, followed by a {{m|Fury Swipes}} attack, and to everyone's surprise Meowth wins the battle. Brock accuses Meowth of cheating, though he defends his rights to be a protective parent unhindered. Misty and Ash, in their first battle since [[Cerulean City]], go up against each other. Ash sends out {{AP|Bulbasaur}} and Misty attempts to send out Staryu, but instead {{TP|Misty|Psyduck}} pops out. Misty instructs Bulbasaur to attack Psyduck on the head to worsen its chronic headache, but Ash decides to use Bulbasaur for a different manner, and commands it to lick Psyduck on the head and tickle it until Psyduck went back in its {{i|Poké Ball}}. Ash and Meowth battle, but it is cut short after one {{m|Thunderbolt}} by Pikachu, giving Ash the victory. Jessie and James drag a crisp, sobbing Meowth away.
<!-- Detailed synopsis goes here. -->
== Major events ==
After the tournament, Togepi still doesn't want to go with Ash, or Brock, instead still choosing Misty. Ash's Pokédex explains that, when Togepi hatched, it imprinted on her as its parent, much to Misty's benefit. Misty holds up her new Pokémon in celebration, much to Ash and Brock's disappointment.
* The {{pkmn|egg}} hatches into a {{p|Togepi}}.
* {{TP|Misty|Togepi}} chooses to go with [[Misty]].
==Major events==
* {{Ash}} gets his [[Pokédex]] upgraded.
<!-- This is not for summarizing everything that happens in this episode. Only events pertaining to the series as a whole, such as catching and releasing Pokémon and obtaining Badges, go here. -->
=== Debuts ===
* {{Ash}} receives a [[Pokédex]] upgrade from {{an|Professor Oak}}.
==== Pokémon debuts ====
* Ash and {{ashfr}} decide to head to [[Cinnabar Gym|the Gym]] on [[Cinnabar Island]].
* [[Brock's Geodude]] is revealed to know {{m|Tackle}}.
* The {{pkmn|Egg}} Ash [[EP046|found a while back]] hatches into a {{p|Togepi}}.
* Ash, {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, and {{MTR}} decide to have a tournament to see who will keep Togepi.
* [[Brock's Onix]] is revealed to know {{m|Rock Throw}}.
* Ash wins the tournament, but {{TP|Misty|Togepi}} chooses to go with Misty instead.
====Pokémon debuts====
* {{p|Togepi}} ({{OP|Misty|Togepi}})
* {{p|Togepi}} ({{OP|Misty|Togepi}})
* {{p|Lapras}} (fantasy)

== Characters ==
=== Humans ===
[[File:Dare da EP050.png|200px|thumb|right|{{tt|Dare da?|Who's That Pokémon?}}]]
* {{Ash}}
* {{Ash}}
* [[Misty]]
* {{an|Misty}}
* [[Brock]]
* {{an|Brock}}
* [[Jessie]]
* [[Jessie]]
* [[James]]
* [[James]]
* [[Professor Oak]]
* {{an|Professor Oak}}
* [[Nurse Joy]]
* [[Nurse Joy]]

=== Pokémon ===
[[File:WTP EP050.png|200px|thumb|right|Who's That Pokémon?]]
[[Who's That Pokémon?]]: {{p|Aerodactyl}}
[[Who's That Pokémon?]]: {{p|Aerodactyl}}
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Togepi}} ({{OP|Misty|Togepi}}; newly hatched, debut)
* {{p|Togepi}} ([[Misty's Togepi|Brock's]]; newly hatched; given to {{an|Misty}}; debut)
* {{p|Pidgeotto}} ({{OP|Ash|Pidgeotto}})
* {{p|Pidgeotto}} ({{OP|Ash|Pidgeotto}})
* {{p|Bulbasaur}} ({{OP|Ash|Bulbasaur}})
* {{p|Bulbasaur}} ({{OP|Ash|Bulbasaur}})
* {{p|Charmeleon}} ({{OP|Ash|Charmeleon}}; flashback)
* {{p|Charmeleon}} ({{OP|Ash|Charmeleon}}; flashback)
* {{p|Muk}} ({{OP|Ash|Muk}}; at [[Professor Oak's laboratory]])
* {{p|Muk}} ({{OP|Ash|Muk}}; at {{an|Professor Oak|Oak}}'s [[Professor Oak's Laboratory|Laboratory]])
* {{p|Staryu}} ({{OP|Misty|Staryu}})
* {{p|Staryu}} ({{OP|Misty|Staryu}})
* {{p|Psyduck}} ({{OP|Misty|Psyduck}})
* {{p|Psyduck}} ({{OP|Misty|Psyduck}})
* {{p|Onix}} ({{OP|Brock|Onix}})
* {{p|Geodude}} ({{OP|Brock|Geodude}})
* {{p|Geodude}} ({{OP|Brock|Geodude}})
* {{p|Onix}} ({{OP|Brock|Onix}})
* {{p|Arbok}} ({{OP|Jessie|Arbok}})
* {{p|Arbok}} ({{OP|Jessie|Arbok}})
* {{p|Weezing}} ({{OP|James|Weezing}})
* {{p|Weezing}} ({{OP|James|Weezing}})
* {{p|Aerodactyl}} (flashback)
* {{p|Aerodactyl}} (flashback)
* {{p|Tentacruel}} (fantasy)
* {{p|Golem}} (fantasy)
* {{p|Lapras}} (fantasy)
* {{p|Dragonair}} (fantasy; English debut)
[[File:EP050 Brock's eyes.png|thumb|200px|Brock with his eyes open]]
* This is the third episode in which a Pokémon from a new [[generation]] appears. The first two were ''[[EP001|Pokémon - I Choose You!]]'' and its ensuing flashback in ''[[EP002|Pokémon Emergency!]]'', respectively; in both episodes, {{p|Ho-Oh}} appeared.
** This is also the first episode where a main character obtains a Pokémon from the following generation.
* When {{TP|Jessie|Arbok}} slaps {{an|Brock}} in the back of the head, his eyes open.
* This episode marks the first of the many times in which {{AP|Pikachu}} saves {{TP|Misty|Togepi}}, though it is also the only one of those times in which these efforts are noticed by anyone else.
* Even though it is implied a few times in the episode that Brock knew the concepts of breeding and/or raising [[Pokémon Egg]]s, he doesn't seem to know about imprinting until after the [[Pokédex]] reveals why Togepi wanted to go to {{an|Misty}}.
* This is the first episode to show a Pokémon hatching from an Egg.
* This is the first episode to feature a remixed version of the battle theme during the fight between Meowth and Onix.
* The sound effects played during the Pokédex upgrade process included sounds originally from ''{{wp|Star Trek: The Next Generation}}''.
* Misty said that she hoped the Egg would hatch a {{p|Tentacruel}}. Like all Pokémon, they would have hatched as their unevolved form, for Tentacruel this being {{p|Tentacool}}. Likewise, Brock wished for a {{p|Golem}}, but it would hatch as the unevolved {{p|Geodude}} which he already has.
** Similarly, James speculated while spying on Ash and friends discussion on what will hatch from the egg that it would be a {{p|Dragonair}}, even though it would have hatched into a {{p|Dratini}} first.
* This episode is featured on ''Pokémon All-Stars: Togepi'' from {{wp|Magna Pacific}}'s {{OBP|Pokémon All-Stars|Region 4}} series.
* {{TRT}} does not blast off in this episode.

== Trivia ==
* This is the third episode in which a Pokémon from a new generation appears. The first two were ''[[EP001|Pokémon - I Choose You!]]'' and ''[[EP002|Pokémon Emergency!]]'', respectively, in which {{p|Ho-Oh}} appeared.
<!--Please do not add any "errors" about how the Pokédex and Brock were wrong about Togepi's species and Egg contents respectively. There was no game mechanic that the information could be wrong about yet-->
* When {{TP|Jessie|Arbok}} slaps Brock in the back of the head his eyes open.
* When [[Jessie]] and [[James]] advertise their [[Pokémon Egg|Eggs]], the bottom of Misty's shorts is colored red instead of blue, while Brock's belt is colored green instead of black.
* This marks one of the few occasions where {{MTR}} is seen in battle.
* When Misty is about to send out Staryu and {{TP|Misty|Psyduck}} comes out instead, her whole [[bag]] glows white.
* The tournament:
** Additionally, the light around the bag remains in place when Misty moves it.
** {{MTR}} VS {{TP|Brock|Onix}} - Meowth wins by hitting Onix with two buckets of water and then using {{m|Fury Swipes}} (Brock claims that he cheated when he did that, though considering how there was no rule against it, Brock still lost.)
* When Team Rocket is inside their hideout, they lounge without their gloves or shoes on. However, in couple of instances, their gloves and shoes will randomly reappear.
** {{AP|Bulbasaur}} VS {{TP|Misty|Psyduck}} - Ash wins by having Bulbasaur {{m|Tickle}} Psyduck (unable to actually attack Psyduck without giving it a headache). This may have inspired the move that was introduced in [[Generation III]].
* When {{Ash}} orders Pikachu to use {{m|Thunderbolt}}, his belt buckle is brown.
** {{MTR}} VS {{AP|Pikachu}} - Ash wins with a simple {{m|Thunderbolt}}
* When Brock agrees to the battle rules, the spots on Togepi's feet turn the same color as its feet.
* Even though Ash first owned the egg and won it from the tournament, Togepi chose Misty because it saw her first.
** Shortly after, the sleeve of his shirt turns the same color as his vest.
* The dub title is the same as the Japanese title. This also happened with ''[[EP001|Pokémon - I Choose You!]]''.
* When Ash, Brock, Misty, and Pikachu look at Togepi after the "Tournament", a part of Misty's hand is missing.
* When the main characters think what the egg could hatch into, most of them suggest a Pokémon that is not possible to be hatched from an egg at that stage, for example Brock suggesting it to hatch into a Golem. This is most probably though because at the time the episode was aired, Pokémon breeding was not yet possible in any game.
* During the flashback explaining that Misty was the first thing Togepi saw, Misty's hair overlaps Togepi, despite Togepi being in front of her hair.
* In the foreign-language dubs based on the English dub, the Pokédex voice doesn't change, but {{an|Professor Oak}} mentioning about a new voice was still left in the dialogue.

=== Errors ===
* In one scene, Jessie eats toast with her gloves and boots off. The next scene after being attacked, her gloves and boots were back on.
EP050 error 2.png|Misty's miscolored shorts and Brock's miscolored belt
EP050 error.png|Jessie with no gloves
EP050 error 3.png|Brock's miscolored shirt

=== Dub edits ===
===Dub edits===
* The Japanese release states "{{tt|Dr. Okido|Professor Oak}}" on the video card that Ash gets from Nurse Joy. The dub painted it out.
* [[Kanto Pokérap]]: Day 5 (Version 2)
* There are several paint edits in this episode.
** The Japanese release states "{{tt|Dr. Okido|Professor Oak}}" on the video card that Ash gets from Nurse Joy. It was painted out for the dub.
** The sign on the restaurant originally stated ''Family Restaurant Magikarp'' (ファミリーレストランコイキング). It was painted out for the dub.
** One of the eggs Misty picks has the text ''Sorry, Try Again'' (スカ) on it, in the dub this was replaced by a frowny smiley.
** The water buckets originally had a sign stating ''In Case of Fire'' (消火用) above them. The sign was painted out for the dub.
* In the dub, Professor Oak states that the Pokédex upgrade includes a new voice. This was done to provide an in-continuity explanation for how Eric Stuart takes over as the voice of the Pokédex from this episode onward.
* The English-dubbed version of this episode was released in Japan as part of the ''{{DL|Pokémon de English|Pokémon de English! Kazu - Iro Hen}}'' VHS/DVD. This version has a few changes made:
** The Who's That Pokémon? segment is presented in the [[S04|Johto League Champions]] style rather than the original style as the segment from [[EP158]] is used.
** The Pokérap and ending credits are not included.
* In the Japanese version of the scene where Team Rocket spies on Ash and friends with the Egg, the Rocket trio speculates that the egg could contain a [[Legendary Pokémon]], something that's not directly indicated in the English dub.
* James's reprimanding Meowth for holding onto the egg during mealtime is toned down to him merely asking if he's still holding onto it in the English dub.
* During Meowth's bathtime scene with the egg, he mentions counting down to 100 to soak, alluding to {{wp|Ofuro|a Japanese cultural norm for children}} regarding bathing. The English version changes it to him deciding to tell it a bedtime story.
* Jessie and James's dialogue while watching Meowth nurture the egg to sleep was different. In the Japanese version, James mentions he never knew Meowth had that kind of hobby, with Jessie taking issue at James calling it a hobby. In the English version, James was about to comment on Meowth's recent behavior only for Jessie to cut him off and say Meowth's revolting.
* Misty and Ash's argument originally had Misty inferring that Ash should have brought Togepi's egg to the {{wp|Kōban|police box}}, only for Ash to retort that something like that isn't likely to be put into a lost and found. The English dub changed it to Misty inferring that Ash should take better care of it, only for Ash to call Misty out on her never caring for it beforehand.
* During the tournament, when Meowth essentially commands himself to fight, Meowth speaks normally while he's the Trainer while he only meows when he's the Pokémon in the Japanese version. This is not carried over in the English version.
* Meowth's response to Brock decrying him for cheating via grabbing buckets of water originally had wordplay between the Japanese terms for "fresh" and "water". This was changed to Meowth simply stating he's a parent and intends to win the tournament by any means necessary.
* Shortly after Pikachu beats Meowth in a flash via Thunderbolt, Meowth in the Japanese version makes explicit that Pikachu won due to aiming directly at the {{wp|Koban (coin)|koban}} on his head, something that's implied yet not directly acknowledged in the English dub.

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
* Brazilian Portuguese: '''{{tt|Quem Vai Ficar com o Togepi?|Who will Get to Keep the Togepi?}}'''
* Finnish: '''{{tt|Kenelle Togepi kuuluu?|To whom does Togepi belong to?}}'''
|ar={{tt|من سيحصل على توجيبي؟|Who will get Togepi?}}
* French: '''{{tt|Oeuf surprise|Egg surprise}}'''
|zh_cmn={{tt|波克比是誰的呢? / 波克比是谁的呢?|Who does Togepi belong to?}}
* Italian: '''{{tt|L'uovo della discordia|Egg of contention}}'''
|cs={{tt|A čí bude Togepi?|And whose will be Togepi?}}
* Latin American Spanish: '''{{tt|¿Quién se queda con Togepi?|Who gets Togepi?}}'''
|da={{tt|Hvem Får Togepi|Who Gets Togepi}}
* Iberian Spanish: '''{{tt|¿Quién conseguirá quedarse con Togepi?|Who will get to keep Togepi?}}'''
|nl={{tt|Voor Wie is Togepi?|To whom does Togepi belong to?}}
* Swedish: '''{{tt|Vem vinner Togepi?|Who wins Togepi?}}'''
|fi={{tt|Kenelle Togepi kuuluu?|To whom does Togepi belong to?}}
|fr_eu={{tt|Œuf surprise|Egg surprise}}
|de={{tt|Kampf um Togepi|Fight for Togepi}}
|he=?למי שייך טוגפי {{tt|''Lemi shayakh Togepi?''|Who owns Togepi?}}
|hi=Togepi को कोन रखेगा? {{tt|''Togepi ko Kon rahkega?''|Who will keep Togepi?}} {{tt|*|Hungama dub}}
|hu={{tt|Kié legyen Togepi?|Who Gets to Keep Togepi?}}
|it={{tt|L'uovo della discordia|Egg of discord}}{{tt|*|Original 2000 dub}} <br> {{tt|Chi si tiene Togepi?|Who Keeps Togepi?}}{{tt|*|2014 K2 TV dub}}
|ko=토게피의 주인은 누구일까요?
|no={{tt|Hvem får beholde Togepi?|Who gets to keep Togepi?}}
|pl={{tt|Kto zaopiekuje się Togepi?|Who will take care of Togepi?}}
|pt_br={{tt|Quem Vai Ficar com Togepi?|Who Will Get to Keep Togepi?}}
|pt_eu={{tt|Quem Fica Com o Togepi?|Who Keeps Togepi?}}
|ro={{tt|Cine Îl Păstrează Pe Togepi|Who Keeps Togepi}}
|ru={{tt|Кому достанется Тогепи?|Who will get Togepi?}}
|sr={{tt|Ко ће задржати тогепија|Who will keep Togepi}}
|es_la={{tt|¿Quién se queda con Togepi?|Who gets Togepi?}}
|es_eu={{tt|¿Quién conseguirá quedarse con Togepi?|Who will get to keep Togepi?}}
|sv={{tt|Vem vinner Togepi?|Who wins Togepi?}}
|tr={{tt|Togepi Kimin Olacak?|Whose will Togepi be?}}

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[[Category:Episodes focusing on Ash]]
[[de:Kampf um Togepi (Episode)]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Brock]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Togepi]]
[[de:Kampf um Togepi]]
[[zh:宝可梦 第49集]]

Latest revision as of 05:41, 3 September 2024

EP049 : So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd
Original series
EP051 : Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden
Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
Who Gets to Keep Togepy!?
First broadcast
Japan June 25, 1998
United States March 27, 1999
English themes
Opening Pokémon Theme
Japanese themes
Opening めざせポケモンマスター
Ending ポケットにファンタジー
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 園田英樹 Hideki Sonoda
Storyboard 井硲清高 Kiyotaka Itani
Assistant director 井硲清高 Kiyotaka Itani
Animation director 酒井啓史 Keishi Sakai
Additional credits

Who Gets to Keep Togepi? (Japanese: トゲピーはだれのもの!? Who Gets to Keep Togepy!?) is the 50th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It first aired in Japan on June 25, 1998, and in the United States on March 27, 1999.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


When Ash and friends reach a certain Pokémon E. R., Joy informs Ash that a message has arrived for him, from Professor Oak. He promptly calls the professor and learns that in the time since they last spoke, his Pokédex has been upgraded to a new version, providing Ash with information on newly discovered Pokémon. With this new found knowledge, our heroes anxiously prepare for a fresh journey.


Ash and his friends arrive at a Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joy gives Ash a letter from Professor Oak. Ash instantly calls the Professor on the video phone, and is informed that his Pokédex can now be upgraded with new information and a voice change. Ash inserts his Pokédex into the PC and receives the upgrade. Later, Ash and his friends sit at a nearby table and begin to discuss the Pokémon that they wish would hatch out of the mysterious Egg Ash found back at Grampa Canyon. They all assume their favorite Pokémon; Misty wants a Water-type and Brock a Rock-type. The discussion concludes and they leave the Pokémon Center.

Outside, they find Team Rocket posing as Egg sellers. The three have a whole basketful of Eggs that look just like Ash's mysterious Egg. Team Rocket tries to talk them into trading or buying one of their Eggs and when the group politely refuses, Jessie and James resort to throwing all of their fake Eggs in the air. The real Egg, that Brock was holding, gets stolen by Meowth in the confusion caused by the multitude of lookalikes. They recite their motto, though they realize Ash and his friends are too focused on finding their Egg. Team Rocket runs out of sight, escaping with the real Egg, leaving Ash and his friends with the fakes. Later, in a small shack, James is set on eating the Egg, though Meowth decides to take care of it. He sleeps with it, sings to it, eats with it, and guards it from anything he feels is a threat.

Ash and his friends follow a trail of broken red blue and green eggshells until they reach the shack. They decide to burst in, even though it may be dangerous to do so, and get the Egg back. Ash sends out Pidgeotto, Misty calls on Staryu, and Brock's Geodude lends a hand. They all quickly break through one of shack's windows, surprising Team Rocket. Pidgeotto retrieves the Egg, placing it in Ash's hands. Ash dives to the floor to avoid Arbok. James sends out Weezing, who uses a Poison Gas attack, making Ash and the others cough and gasp for air. Amongst the haze, Meowth Scratches Ash's face, causing him to let go of the Egg in pain and Meowth retrieves it. However, the Egg is tossed around frantically in a series of tackles and catches. Pidgeotto's Gust clears the air, and Meowth suddenly slips, sending the Egg into the air. Ash lunges for the Egg, though he fails to catch it. Fortunately, Pikachu ends up with the Egg and gives it back to Ash. At that moment, the Egg begins to glow and hatch.

Misty, enthralled with this new event, jumps in, pushing everyone aside to get a closer look. She grasps the Egg just as the hatching Pokémon emerges, revealing a new, unidentified Pokémon. Everyone, including Team Rocket, take a moment to admire it, before realizing they are still in opposition with Ash and his friends. Pikachu launches an Electric attack at Team Rocket, defeating them and their Pokémon. This allows Ash and his friends to escape with the new Pokémon, much to Meowth's displeasure.

At a park bench, Misty plays a game of peekaboo, much to the little Pokémon's enjoyment. Ash points his newly updated Pokédex at the Pokémon, which identifies it as the Egg Pokémon, Togepi. They are then confronted by Team Rocket, and they all quarrel amongst each other over who should have Togepi. Eventually, they all decide to have a Pokémon tournament to determine who should have Togepi. They all make their way to an outdoor amphitheatre. Jessie and James are sidelined by Meowth, leaving only himself against Ash and his friends to battle it out in a one-on-one sudden death-match. As everyone prepares to make their choice, Meowth panics because he has no Pokémon, and goes and asks Jessie and James for theirs. They refuse, as he didn't let them participate in the tournament; Meowth then remembers that he is a Pokémon and decides to battle for himself.

The first match is between Meowth and Brock's Onix. Meowth's Scratch attacks prove useless against Onix's rock body. Brock responds with a Rock Throw, the attack hits. Meowth takes a break, though soon notices two buckets of water nearby. He resorts pour the buckets onto Onix, followed by a Fury Swipes attack, and to everyone's surprise Meowth wins the battle. Brock accuses Meowth of cheating, though he defends his rights to be a protective parent unhindered. Misty and Ash, in their first battle since Cerulean City, go up against each other. Ash sends out Bulbasaur and Misty attempts to send out Staryu, but instead Psyduck pops out. Misty instructs Bulbasaur to attack Psyduck on the head to worsen its chronic headache, but Ash decides to use Bulbasaur for a different manner, and commands it to lick Psyduck on the head and tickle it until Psyduck went back in its Poké Ball. Ash and Meowth battle, but it is cut short after one Thunderbolt by Pikachu, giving Ash the victory. Jessie and James drag a crisp, sobbing Meowth away.

After the tournament, Togepi still doesn't want to go with Ash, or Brock, instead still choosing Misty. Ash's Pokédex explains that, when Togepi hatched, it imprinted on her as its parent, much to Misty's benefit. Misty holds up her new Pokémon in celebration, much to Ash and Brock's disappointment.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts



Dare da?


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Aerodactyl


Brock with his eyes open
  • This is the third episode in which a Pokémon from a new generation appears. The first two were Pokémon - I Choose You! and its ensuing flashback in Pokémon Emergency!, respectively; in both episodes, Ho-Oh appeared.
    • This is also the first episode where a main character obtains a Pokémon from the following generation.
  • When Arbok slaps Brock in the back of the head, his eyes open.
  • This episode marks the first of the many times in which Pikachu saves Togepi, though it is also the only one of those times in which these efforts are noticed by anyone else.
  • Even though it is implied a few times in the episode that Brock knew the concepts of breeding and/or raising Pokémon Eggs, he doesn't seem to know about imprinting until after the Pokédex reveals why Togepi wanted to go to Misty.
  • This is the first episode to show a Pokémon hatching from an Egg.
  • This is the first episode to feature a remixed version of the battle theme during the fight between Meowth and Onix.
  • The sound effects played during the Pokédex upgrade process included sounds originally from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Misty said that she hoped the Egg would hatch a Tentacruel. Like all Pokémon, they would have hatched as their unevolved form, for Tentacruel this being Tentacool. Likewise, Brock wished for a Golem, but it would hatch as the unevolved Geodude which he already has.
    • Similarly, James speculated while spying on Ash and friends discussion on what will hatch from the egg that it would be a Dragonair, even though it would have hatched into a Dratini first.
  • This episode is featured on Pokémon All-Stars: Togepi from Magna Pacific's Pokémon All-Stars series.
  • Team Rocket does not blast off in this episode.


  • When Jessie and James advertise their Eggs, the bottom of Misty's shorts is colored red instead of blue, while Brock's belt is colored green instead of black.
  • When Misty is about to send out Staryu and Psyduck comes out instead, her whole bag glows white.
    • Additionally, the light around the bag remains in place when Misty moves it.
  • When Team Rocket is inside their hideout, they lounge without their gloves or shoes on. However, in couple of instances, their gloves and shoes will randomly reappear.
  • When Ash orders Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, his belt buckle is brown.
  • When Brock agrees to the battle rules, the spots on Togepi's feet turn the same color as its feet.
    • Shortly after, the sleeve of his shirt turns the same color as his vest.
  • When Ash, Brock, Misty, and Pikachu look at Togepi after the "Tournament", a part of Misty's hand is missing.
  • During the flashback explaining that Misty was the first thing Togepi saw, Misty's hair overlaps Togepi, despite Togepi being in front of her hair.
  • In the foreign-language dubs based on the English dub, the Pokédex voice doesn't change, but Professor Oak mentioning about a new voice was still left in the dialogue.

Dub edits

  • Kanto Pokérap: Day 5 (Version 2)
  • There are several paint edits in this episode.
    • The Japanese release states "Dr. Okido" on the video card that Ash gets from Nurse Joy. It was painted out for the dub.
    • The sign on the restaurant originally stated Family Restaurant Magikarp (ファミリーレストランコイキング). It was painted out for the dub.
    • One of the eggs Misty picks has the text Sorry, Try Again (スカ) on it, in the dub this was replaced by a frowny smiley.
    • The water buckets originally had a sign stating In Case of Fire (消火用) above them. The sign was painted out for the dub.
  • In the dub, Professor Oak states that the Pokédex upgrade includes a new voice. This was done to provide an in-continuity explanation for how Eric Stuart takes over as the voice of the Pokédex from this episode onward.
  • The English-dubbed version of this episode was released in Japan as part of the Pokémon de English! Kazu - Iro Hen VHS/DVD. This version has a few changes made:
    • The Who's That Pokémon? segment is presented in the Johto League Champions style rather than the original style as the segment from EP158 is used.
    • The Pokérap and ending credits are not included.
  • In the Japanese version of the scene where Team Rocket spies on Ash and friends with the Egg, the Rocket trio speculates that the egg could contain a Legendary Pokémon, something that's not directly indicated in the English dub.
  • James's reprimanding Meowth for holding onto the egg during mealtime is toned down to him merely asking if he's still holding onto it in the English dub.
  • During Meowth's bathtime scene with the egg, he mentions counting down to 100 to soak, alluding to a Japanese cultural norm for children regarding bathing. The English version changes it to him deciding to tell it a bedtime story.
  • Jessie and James's dialogue while watching Meowth nurture the egg to sleep was different. In the Japanese version, James mentions he never knew Meowth had that kind of hobby, with Jessie taking issue at James calling it a hobby. In the English version, James was about to comment on Meowth's recent behavior only for Jessie to cut him off and say Meowth's revolting.
  • Misty and Ash's argument originally had Misty inferring that Ash should have brought Togepi's egg to the police box, only for Ash to retort that something like that isn't likely to be put into a lost and found. The English dub changed it to Misty inferring that Ash should take better care of it, only for Ash to call Misty out on her never caring for it beforehand.
  • During the tournament, when Meowth essentially commands himself to fight, Meowth speaks normally while he's the Trainer while he only meows when he's the Pokémon in the Japanese version. This is not carried over in the English version.
  • Meowth's response to Brock decrying him for cheating via grabbing buckets of water originally had wordplay between the Japanese terms for "fresh" and "water". This was changed to Meowth simply stating he's a parent and intends to win the tournament by any means necessary.
  • Shortly after Pikachu beats Meowth in a flash via Thunderbolt, Meowth in the Japanese version makes explicit that Pikachu won due to aiming directly at the koban on his head, something that's implied yet not directly acknowledged in the English dub.

In other languages

EP049 : So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd
Original series
EP051 : Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.