Appendix:Red and Blue walkthrough/Section 6: Difference between revisions

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TylerGray (talk | contribs)
Created page with '== Route 6 == This area has six Trainers total, but you can avoid all but the last two. The wild Pokémon here are all the same as on Route 5, too. The only thing to do is…'
TylerGray (talk | contribs)
mNo edit summary
(94 intermediate revisions by 36 users not shown)
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== Route 6 ==
==Route 6==
[[File:Kanto Route 6 RBY.png|thumb|130px|Route 6]]

This area has six Trainers total, but you can avoid all but the last two.  The wild Pokémon here are all the same as on [[Route 5]], too.  The only thing to do is continue south to [[Vermilion City]].
{{rt|6|Kanto}} consists of a road running south from [[Saffron City]] and passing the southern end of the [[Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5-6)|Underground Path]] on its way to [[Vermilion City]].  

{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{normal color light}}; width: 50%}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- style="background: #{{normal color}};"
|- align="center"
! Name
! Trainers
! Pokémon
! Winnings
| [[Bug Catcher]]
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Bug Catcher.png|game=1|Bug Catcher||160|3|013|Weedle||16||010|Caterpie||16||013|Weedle||16||}}
| Lv 16 Weedle, Lv 16 Caterpie, Lv 16 Weedle
| {{pdollar}}160
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Jr Trainer M.png|game=1|Jr. Trainer♂||400|1|007|Squirtle||20||}}
| [[Jr. Trainer]]♂
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Jr Trainer F.png|game=1|Jr. Trainer♀||320|2|019|Rattata||16||025|Pikachu||16||}}
| Lv 20 Squirtle
| {{pdollar}}400
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Bug Catcher.png|game=1|Bug Catcher||200|1|012|Butterfree||20||}}
| [[Jr. Trainer]]♀
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Jr Trainer F.png|game=1|Jr. Trainer♀||320|3|016|Pidgey||16||016|Pidgey||16||016|Pidgey||16||}}
| Lv 16 Rattata, Lv 16 Pikachu
| {{pdollar}}320
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Jr Trainer M.png|game=1|Jr. Trainer♂||320|2|021|Spearow||16||020|Raticate||16||}}
| [[Bug Catcher]]
| Lv 20 Butterfree
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
| {{pdollar}}200
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
| [[Jr. Trainer]]♀
| Lv 16 Pidgey, Lv 16 Pidgey, Lv 16 Pidgey
| {{pdollar}}320
{{Catch/entry1|043|Oddish|yes|no|no|Grass|13, 15-16|40%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
| [[Jr. Trainer]]♂
{{Catch/entry1|069|Bellsprout|no|yes|no|Grass|13, 15-16|40%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
| Lv 16 Spearow, Lv 16 Raticate
{{Catch/entry1|016|Pidgey|yes|yes|no|Grass|13, 15-16|35%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
| {{pdollar}}320
{{Catch/entry1|052|Meowth|no|yes|no|Grass|10, 12, 14, 16|25%|type1=Normal}}
{{Catch/entry1|056|Mankey|yes|no|no|Grass|10, 12, 14, 16|25%|type1=Fighting}}

==Vermilion City==
[[File:Vermilion City RBY.png|thumb|Vermilion City]]

== Vermilion City ==
[[Vermilion City]] is a popular port city located between {{rt|6|Kanto}} and {{rt|11|Kanto}}. Vermilion Harbor sees many ships coming and going, including the [[S.S. Anne]], which has recently arrived for its yearly visit on its voyage around the world.

The path to the Gym has an overgrown tree in the way, so you can't get your next badge yet.  After checking out the local attractions, make your way to the harbor to board the luxury cruiseliner, the [[S.S. Anne]]!
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #F99349; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #FBB786;"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/div|sand|Gift Pokémon}}
{{Catch/entry1|083|Farfetch'd|yes|yes|no|Trade|tradenum=021|tradename=Spearow|The same as the Traded Pokémon|One|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entry1|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5|100%|type1=Water}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #F99349; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #FBB786;"
|- align="center"
! Items
{{itemlist|Old Rod III|Northwest house, from the first Fishing Guru|R=yes|B=yes|display=[[Old Rod]]}}
{{itemlist|Bike Voucher|West-central building, from the Pokémon Fan Club Chairman|R=yes|B=yes}}
{{catch/div|sand|After clearing the S.S. Anne}}
{{itemlist|TM Electric|From Lt. Surge, after defeating him (requires {{m|Cut}})|R=yes|B=yes|display={{TM|24|Thunderbolt}}}}
{{catch/div|sand|Later visit}}
{{itemlist|Max Ether|Five steps east, two steps north of the Fan Club entrance, on the house ''(hidden)'' (requires {{m|Surf}})|R=yes|B=yes}}

=== Fishing Guru #1 ===

Visit the house to the left of the [[Poké Center]] and talk to the fishing enthusiast inside. Convince him that you love fishing as much as he does, and he'll give you the [[Fishing#Old Rod|Old Rod]]. All you can really catch with it is {{p|Magikarp}}, but at least you can find them for free now!  The [[Fishing#Good Rod|Good Rod]] and [[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]] are better, but you won't get those until later.
===Fishing Guru 1===
Visit the house in the northwest part of town to meet a Fisherman known as the [[Fishing Brothers|Fishing Guru]]. Convince him that you love fishing as much as he does, and he rewards you with an [[Old Rod]]. This particular model is not the most impressive fishing rod, but it is useful for reeling in {{p|Magikarp}}.

=== Pokémon Fan Club ===
===Time for a Trade===
Stop by the house in the middle of the city and speak to the girl inside. She is hoping to [[trade]] for a {{p|Spearow}}, and is willing to part with her {{p|Farfetch'd}} for one. Spearow are found nearly everywhere, but Farfetch'd is one of a kind.

The building just behind the [[Vermilion Gym]] is the [[Pokémon Fan Club]]. If you listen to the Chairman's rambling thoughts, he'll give you a [[Bike Voucher]] for your time. You can show this at the Bike Shop in [[Cerulean City]] to finally get a free bike!
===Pokémon Fan Club===
The building to the north of the [[Vermilion Gym]] is home to the [[Pokémon Fan Club]]. Speak to the Chairman and listen to his rambling thoughts to receive a [[Bike Voucher]] in appreciation. With this ticket, you can return to the Bike Shop in [[Cerulean City]] at any time and exchange it for a [[Bicycle]]. Riding a bike allows you to travel twice as fast as walking speed.

=== Birds of a Feather ===
==Vermilion Harbor==
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entry1|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5|100%|type1=Water}}

If you've got a {{p|Spearow}} you're willing to part with, bring it to the house next to the Fan Club.  A little girl inside will offer to trade her {{p|Farfetch'd}} for a Spearow; not a bad trade since this is the only Farfetch'd in the game!

===S.S. Anne===
[[File:SS Anne 1F RBY.png|thumb|S.S. Anne, 1F]]
[[File:SS Anne Basement Rooms RBY.png|thumb|S.S. Anne, B1F]]
[[File:SS Anne 2F RBY.png|thumb|S.S. Anne, 2F]]
[[File:SS Anne 3F RBY.png|thumb|S.S. Anne, 3F]]

== S.S. Anne ==
The [[S.S. Anne]] is a popular luxury cruise ship that sails all around the world and visits [[Vermilion City]] once a year. This will not be a relaxing time, however, as there are many Trainers on board.

[[Image:SSAnne_rby.png|thumb|right|The S.S. Anne, moored in the harbor.]]
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
This cruise ship caters to the world's best Pokémon Trainers, so expect some heavy battling onboard!
|- align="center"
! Trainers
1st floor:
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{normal color light}}; width: 50%}}
|- style="background: #{{normal color}};"
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
! Name
|- align="center"
! Pokémon
! 1F
! Winnings
| [[Lass]]
| Lv 18 Pidgey, Lv 18 Nidoran♀
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Gentleman.png|game=1|Gentleman||1260|2|058|Growlithe||18||058|Growlithe||18}}
| {{pdollar}}270
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Gentleman.png|game=1|Gentleman||1330|2|032|Nidoran♂||19||029|Nidoran♀||19}}
| [[Youngster]]
| Lv 21 Nidoran♂
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Lass.png|game=1|Lass||270|2|016|Pidgey||18||029|Nidoran♀||18}}
| {{pdollar}}315
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Youngster.png|game=1|Youngster||315|1|032|Nidoran♂||21}}
| [[Gentleman]]
| Lv 19 Nidoran♂, Lv 19 Nidoran♀
| {{pdollar}}1330
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
|- align="center"
| [[Gentleman]]
! B1F
| Lv 18 Growlithe, Lv 18 Growlithe
| {{pdollar}}1260
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Sailor.png|game=1|Sailor||630|1|090|Shellder||21}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Sailor.png|game=1|Sailor||510|3|116|Horsea||17||090|Shellder||17||072|Tentacool||17}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Sailor.png|game=1|Sailor||510|3|116|Horsea||17||116|Horsea||17||116|Horsea||17}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Sailor.png|game=1|Sailor||540|2|072|Tentacool||18||120|Staryu||18}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Fisherman.png|game=1|Fisherman||595|3|072|Tentacool||17||120|Staryu||17||090|Shellder||17}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Sailor.png|game=1|Sailor||600|1|066|Machop||20}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
|- align="center"
! Deck
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Sailor.png|game=1|Sailor||510|2|066|Machop||17||072|Tentacool||17}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Sailor.png|game=1|Sailor||540|2|066|Machop||18||090|Shellder||18}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
|- align="center"
! 2F
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Fisherman.png|game=1|Fisherman||595|3|118|Goldeen||17||072|Tentacool||17||118|Goldeen||17}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Gentleman.png|game=1|Gentleman||1610|1|025|Pikachu||23}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Gentleman.png|game=1|Gentleman||1190|2|058|Growlithe||17||077|Ponyta||17}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Lass.png|game=1|Lass||270|2|019|Rattata||18||025|Pikachu||18}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{normal color light}}; width: 50%}}
|- align="center"
|- style="background: #{{normal color}};"
! Items
! Item
! Location
| [[TM08]] ({{m|Body Slam}})
| Second room from the left
{{Itemlist|TM Normal|Second cabin from the left|R=yes|B=yes|display={{TM|08|Body Slam}}}}
{{Itemlist|Great Ball|Kitchen; in the farthest trash can from the doorway ''(hidden)''|R=yes|B=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Max Ether|Second cabin from the left|R=yes|B=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Rare Candy|Fourth cabin from the left|R=yes|B=yes}}
{{Itemlist|HM Normal|Captain's quarters; from the Captain, after helping him calm his nerves|R=yes|B=yes|display={{HM|01|Cut}}}}
{{Itemlist|Max Potion|In the right-most cabin|R=yes|B=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Ether|In the middle cabin|R=yes|B=yes}}
{{Itemlist|TM Psychic|Second cabin from the left|R=yes|B=yes|display={{TM|44|Rest}}}}
{{Itemlist|Hyper Potion|In the left-most cabin, on the bed's pillow ''(hidden)''|R=yes|B=yes}}

Pick up the TM from the second room, then follow the hallway to the right, and head down to take the stairs to the basement floor.

Turn to the right and take the stairs down to the lower floor.

This part of the ship is a dead-end hallway with five cabins. Visit the right-most room for a [[Max Potion]] and the middle room for an [[Ether]]. Pick up {{TM|44|Rest}} in the fourth room from the stairs, then head back up to the main floor.

Basement floor:
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{normal color light}}; width: 50%}}
Follow the hallway around to the front of the ship, and visit the second cabin from the left to get {{TM|08|Body Slam}}. Turn the corner and continue on to reach the kitchen. Inspect the three trash cans for any forgotten items, then leave the kitchen and climb the nearest stairs to reach the upper floor.
|- style="background: #{{normal color}};"
! Name
! Pokémon
! Winnings
| [[Sailor]]
| Lv 17 Horsea, Lv 17 Shellder, Lv 17 Tentacool
| {{pdollar}}510
| [[Sailor]]
| Lv 21 Shellder
| {{pdollar}}630
| [[Sailor]]
| Lv 17 Horsea, Lv 17 Horsea, Lv 17 Horsea
| {{pdollar}}510
| [[Sailor]]
| Lv 18 Tentacool, Lv 18 Staryu
| {{pdollar}}540
| [[Fisherman]]
| Lv 17 Tentacool, Lv 17 Staryu, Lv 17 Shellder
| {{pdollar}}595
| [[Sailor]]
| Lv 20 Machop
| {{pdollar}}600

{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{normal color light}}; width: 50%}}
|- style="background: #{{normal color}};"
The nearest doorway leads to the deck of the ship, where two Sailors are looking to battle. Step inside the second cabin from the left to get a [[Max Ether]], then visit the fourth room to pick up a [[Rare Candy]]. When you approach the captain's quarters at the back of the ship, {{ga|Blue}} is just leaving.
! Item
! Location
| Max Potion
| Far-right room
| Ether
| Middle room
| [[TM44]] ({{m|Rest}})
| Fourth room from the stairs

=====Rival Battle 4=====
He again leads with his {{p|Pidgeotto}}, so use {{t|Electric}} and {{t|Rock}} moves for best results. His {{p|Rattata}} has evolved into {{p|Raticate}}, with an increased {{stat|Attack}} stat that allows it to deal even greater damage with {{m|Hyper Fang}}. Blue's {{p|Abra}} has evolved as well, and even though {{t|Psychic}} Pokémon like {{p|Kadabra}} are only vulnerable to {{type|Bug}} attacks, its low {{stat|Defense}} leaves it exposed to physical moves. His [[first partner Pokémon]] has grown into its second stage as well. It is best to avoid pitting your own against it and use a Pokémon with a type advantage instead.

Once you're done here, head back to the entrance (and heal up at the Poké Center if necessary).  Walk to the left (ignore the first set of stairs), and then down to reach the cafeteria.  Check the bottom trash can on the right side to find a [[Poké Ball#In the games|Great Ball]], a stronger version of a regular Poké Ball.  Head out of the cafeteria, and straight up to the next set of stairs.  Head down (you can take the closest stairs to the outside of the ship for two Trainer battles for extra EXP) and then right, and you'll see the last few rooms of Trainers on the ship, with the Captain's room at the end.
======{{MSP/6|001|Bulbasaur}} If the player chose {{p|Bulbasaur}}:======
{| style="margin: auto;"
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{normal color light}}; width: 50%}}
|- style="background: #{{normal color}};"
|color={{blue color}}
! Name
|headcolor={{blue color light}}
! Pokémon
|bordercolor={{green color dark}}
! Winnings
|sprite=Spr RG Blue 2.png
| [[Sailor]]
| Lv 17 Machop, Lv 17 Tentacool
| {{pdollar}}510
|location=S.S. Anne
| [[Sailor]]
| Lv 18 Machop, Lv 18 Shellder
| {{pdollar}}540
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal}}
|move2=Tail Whip|move2type=Normal
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal
|move4=Hyper Fang|move4type=Normal}}
{{Party/Div|color={{blue color}}}}

======{{MSP/6|004|Charmander}} If the player chose {{p|Charmander}}:======
{| style="margin: auto;"
|color={{blue color}}
|headcolor={{blue color light}}
|bordercolor={{green color dark}}
|sprite=Spr RG Blue 2.png
|location=S.S. Anne
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal}}
|move2=Tail Whip|move2type=Normal
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal
|move4=Hyper Fang|move4type=Normal}}
{{Party/Div|color={{blue color}}}}
|move2=Tail Whip|move2type=Normal
|move4=Water Gun|move4type=Water}}

2nd floor:
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{normal color light}}; width: 50%}}
|- style="background: #{{normal color}};"
! Name
! Pokémon
! Winnings
| [[Fisherman]]
| Lv 17 Goldeen, Lv 17 Tentacool, Lv 17 Goldeen
| {{pdollar}}595
| [[Gentleman]]
| Lv 23 Pikachu
| {{pdollar}}1610
| [[Gentleman]]
| Lv 17 Growlithe, Lv 17 Ponyta
| {{pdollar}}1190
| [[Lass]]
| Lv 18 Rattata, Lv 18 Pikachu
| {{pdollar}}270

{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{normal color light}}; width: 50%}}
======{{MSP/6|007|Squirtle}} If the player chose {{p|Squirtle}}:======
|- style="background: #{{normal color}};"
{| style="margin: auto;"
! Item
! Location
|color={{blue color}}
| Max Ether
|headcolor={{blue color light}}
| Second room from the left
|bordercolor={{green color dark}}
|sprite=Spr RG Blue 2.png
| Rare Candy
| Fourth room from the left
|location=S.S. Anne
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal}}
|move2=Tail Whip|move2type=Normal
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal
|move4=Hyper Fang|move4type=Normal}}
{{Party/Div|color={{blue color}}}}
|move3=Leech Seed|move3type=Grass
|move4=Vine Whip|move4type=Grass}}

Now that you've battled all the Trainers and picked up all the items, you can head to the Captain's room.<br>
Be careful though, since your rival will be leaving the Captain's room just as you're headed there!
Rival battle (#4):
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{unknown color light}}; width: 50%}}
|- style="background: #{{unknown color}};"
! Name
! Pokémon
! Winnings
| [[Blue (game)|Rival]]
| Lv 19 Pidgeotto, Lv 16 Raticate, Lv 18 Kadabra, Lv 20 [[starter]]
| {{pdollar}}1300

After the battle, he taunts you again and runs off. Now you're free to visit the Captain.  When you enter his room, you find him hunched over a trash can - it looks like the Captain got seasick!  Not to worry, all it takes is a quick backrub to quell his stomach, and the Captain rewards you with [[HM01]] ({{m|Cut}})!  Now you'll finally be able to cut down those overgrown trees to find new areas!  Once you've helped the Captain, there's nothing left to do on the ship, so it's time to head back to the city.
Despite his loss, he taunts you again as usual before walking away. Enter the captain's quarters to find him hunched over a trash can; it seems like he got seasick. Speak to him to help him out with a quick backrub and he will be feeling good as new. He gives you {{HM|01|Cut}} to show his appreciation. This field move lets you chop down certain inconveniently-placed trees to reach new areas.

Be sure to collect all of the items on board before leaving, as the ship sets sail when you do. Use [[HM01]] to teach {{m|Cut}} to a compatible Pokémon, then set out for the Vermilion Gym.

== Vermilion Gym ==
==Vermilion City==
===Vermilion Gym===
[[File:Vermilion Gym RBY.png|thumb|Vermilion Gym]]

{{sign|RBY|POKéMON GYM}}
{{sign|RBY|The Lightning American!}}
{{sign|RBY|The Lightning American!}}

It's finally time for the next Gym battle!  Use [[HM01]] to teach one of your Pokémon how to {{m|cut}} the tree out of the way so you can enter the Gym.  The [[Vermilion Gym]] focuses on {{t|Electric}}-types, so {{p|Geodude}} and {{p|Sandshrew}} are your best choices, since their {{t|Ground}}-type is immune to Electric-type attacks. Your Electric- and {{t|Grass}}-types are also somewhat-immune, but be careful with your {{t|Flying}}- and {{t|Water}}-types.  [[Lt. Surge]] has set a trap in his Gym; you have to flip two switches hidden randomly in the trash cans to open the doors to the Gym Leader. Once you find one switch, the second will be right next to it. If you don't flip them both in a row, the trap will reset, and you'll have to hunt them down again.
The [[Vermilion Gym]] specializes in {{type|Electric}} Pokémon. Not only are {{type|Ground}} Pokémon immune to Electric attacks, but Ground attacks deal serious damage to Electric Pokémon. Keep {{t|Water}}- and {{type|Flying}} Pokémon on the sidelines for now. The Gym Leader can be found in the back room, beyond a set of electronic doors. Reaching him requires challengers to {{DL|Vermilion Gym|Pokémon Red and Blue|flip two switches}} hidden randomly among the many trash cans. Once the first switch has been found, the second will be in an adjacent can. If the wrong can is inspected and there is no switch inside, the puzzle resets.

{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{electric color light}}; width: 50%}}
[[Lt. Surge]] leads with his {{p|Voltorb}}. Its {{stat|Attack}} stat may be low, but {{m|Screech}} lowers the target's {{stat|Defense}} so that it can deal an increased amount of damage. His {{p|Pikachu}} can {{status|Paralysis|paralyze}} the target with {{m|Thunder Wave}}, so be sure to bring a [[Paralyze Heal|Parlyz Heal]] or two. {{p|Raichu}}'s high {{stat|Special}} lets it deal a good bit of damage with {{m|Thunderbolt}}. Use Ground moves like {{m|Dig}} for best results.
|- style="background: #{{electric color}};"
! Name
{| align="center"
! Pokémon
|- align="center" valign="top"
! Winnings
{| align="center" style="background: #{{electric color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{electric color light}};"
| [[Sailor]]
|- align="center"
| Lv 21 Pikachu, Lv 21 Pikachu
! Vermilion Gym<br>[[File:Thunder Badge.png|35px|Thunder Badge]]<br><br>
| {{pdollar}}630
| [[Rocker]]
{| align="center" class="expandable" style="background: #{{electric color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{electric color light}};"
| Lv 20 Voltorb, Lv 20 Magnemite, Lv 20 Voltorb
|- align="center"
| {{pdollar}}500
! Trainers
| [[Gentleman]]
| Lv 23 Pikachu
| {{pdollar}}1610
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Sailor.png|game=1|Sailor||630|2|025|Pikachu||21|None|025|Pikachu||21|None}}
| Lt. Surge
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Rocker.png|game=1|Rocker||500|3|100|Voltorb||20|None|081|Magnemite||20|None|100|Voltorb||20|None}}
| Lv 21 Voltorb, Lv 18 Pikachu, Lv 24 Raichu
| {{pdollar}}2376
{{Trainerentry|Spr RG Gentleman.png|game=1|Gentleman||1610|1|025|Pikachu||23|None}}
{| style="margin: auto;"
{{Party/Single|color={{electric color}}|bordercolor={{electric color dark}}|headcolor={{electric color light}}
|sprite=Spr RG Lt Surge.png
|name={{color2|000000|Lt. Surge}}
|location=Vermilion Gym
|{{Pokémon/1|game=Red and Blue
|{{Pokémon/1|game=Red and Blue
|move3=Thunder Wave|move3type=Electric
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal}}
|{{Pokémon/1|game=Red and Blue

After defeating [[Lt. Surge]], he presents you with the [[Badge#Indigo League|Thunder Badge]].  This newest badge grants a slight [[Stats#Speed|Speed]] boost in battle, and allows you to {{m|fly}} to any town you've already visited (once you find [[HM02]]). He also rewards you with [[TM24]] ({{m|Thunderbolt}}), the second-strongest Electric-type attack (after {{m|Thunder}}).  You may want to use it on your {{p|Pikachu}}, or save it for another Pokémon.
After the battle, [[Lt. Surge]] awards you the {{badge|Thunder}}, which gives your Pokémon a slight {{stat|Defense}} boost during battle and enables the use of {{m|Fly}} in the field. He also gives you {{TM|24|Thunderbolt}} as a prize.

Stop in Poké Center to heal up, and then make your way to the east to find [[Route 11]].
The next destination is {{rt|11|Kanto}} to the east.

'''<center>[[Appendix:Red and Blue walkthrough|Intro]] | [[Appendix:Red and Blue walkthrough/Section 1|Part 1]] | [[Appendix:Red and Blue walkthrough/Section 2|Part 2]] | [[Appendix:Red and Blue walkthrough/Section 3|Part 3]] | [[Appendix:Red and Blue walkthrough/Section 4|Part 4]] | [[Appendix:Red and Blue walkthrough/Section 5|Part 5]] | [[Appendix:Red and Blue walkthrough/Section 6|Part 6]]</center>'''
|gamename=Red and Blue
|prevname=Cerulean City, Cerulean Gym, Route 24, Route 25, Route 5
|nextname=Route 11, Route 2, Pewter City, Cerulean City, Route 9, Route 10

[[Category:Red and Blue walkthrough]]
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[[Category:Red and Blue walkthrough|R06]]

Latest revision as of 13:05, 3 May 2024

This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pokémon Red and Blue.
These pages follow the original Game Boy iteration, not Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. The guide for those games can be found here.

Route 6

Route 6

Route 6 consists of a road running south from Saffron City and passing the southern end of the Underground Path on its way to Vermilion City.

Vermilion City

Vermilion City

Vermilion City is a popular port city located between Route 6 and Route 11. Vermilion Harbor sees many ships coming and going, including the S.S. Anne, which has recently arrived for its yearly visit on its voyage around the world.

Fishing Guru 1

Visit the house in the northwest part of town to meet a Fisherman known as the Fishing Guru. Convince him that you love fishing as much as he does, and he rewards you with an Old Rod. This particular model is not the most impressive fishing rod, but it is useful for reeling in Magikarp.

Time for a Trade

Stop by the house in the middle of the city and speak to the girl inside. She is hoping to trade for a Spearow, and is willing to part with her Farfetch'd for one. Spearow are found nearly everywhere, but Farfetch'd is one of a kind.

Pokémon Fan Club

The building to the north of the Vermilion Gym is home to the Pokémon Fan Club. Speak to the Chairman and listen to his rambling thoughts to receive a Bike Voucher in appreciation. With this ticket, you can return to the Bike Shop in Cerulean City at any time and exchange it for a Bicycle. Riding a bike allows you to travel twice as fast as walking speed.

Vermilion Harbor

S.S. Anne

S.S. Anne, 1F
S.S. Anne, B1F
S.S. Anne, 2F
S.S. Anne, 3F

The S.S. Anne is a popular luxury cruise ship that sails all around the world and visits Vermilion City once a year. This will not be a relaxing time, however, as there are many Trainers on board.


Turn to the right and take the stairs down to the lower floor.


This part of the ship is a dead-end hallway with five cabins. Visit the right-most room for a Max Potion and the middle room for an Ether. Pick up TM44 (Rest) in the fourth room from the stairs, then head back up to the main floor.


Follow the hallway around to the front of the ship, and visit the second cabin from the left to get TM08 (Body Slam). Turn the corner and continue on to reach the kitchen. Inspect the three trash cans for any forgotten items, then leave the kitchen and climb the nearest stairs to reach the upper floor.


The nearest doorway leads to the deck of the ship, where two Sailors are looking to battle. Step inside the second cabin from the left to get a Max Ether, then visit the fourth room to pick up a Rare Candy. When you approach the captain's quarters at the back of the ship, Blue is just leaving.

Rival Battle 4

He again leads with his Pidgeotto, so use Electric and Rock moves for best results. His Rattata has evolved into Raticate, with an increased Attack stat that allows it to deal even greater damage with Hyper Fang. Blue's Abra has evolved as well, and even though Psychic Pokémon like Kadabra are only vulnerable to Bug-type attacks, its low Defense leaves it exposed to physical moves. His first partner Pokémon has grown into its second stage as well. It is best to avoid pitting your own against it and use a Pokémon with a type advantage instead.

Bulbasaur If the player chose Bulbasaur:

Charmander If the player chose Charmander:

Squirtle If the player chose Squirtle:

Despite his loss, he taunts you again as usual before walking away. Enter the captain's quarters to find him hunched over a trash can; it seems like he got seasick. Speak to him to help him out with a quick backrub and he will be feeling good as new. He gives you HM01 (Cut) to show his appreciation. This field move lets you chop down certain inconveniently-placed trees to reach new areas.

Be sure to collect all of the items on board before leaving, as the ship sets sail when you do. Use HM01 to teach Cut to a compatible Pokémon, then set out for the Vermilion Gym.

Vermilion City

Vermilion Gym

Vermilion Gym


The Lightning American!

The Vermilion Gym specializes in Electric-type Pokémon. Not only are Ground-type Pokémon immune to Electric attacks, but Ground attacks deal serious damage to Electric Pokémon. Keep Water- and Flying-type Pokémon on the sidelines for now. The Gym Leader can be found in the back room, beyond a set of electronic doors. Reaching him requires challengers to flip two switches hidden randomly among the many trash cans. Once the first switch has been found, the second will be in an adjacent can. If the wrong can is inspected and there is no switch inside, the puzzle resets.

Lt. Surge leads with his Voltorb. Its Attack stat may be low, but Screech lowers the target's Defense so that it can deal an increased amount of damage. His Pikachu can paralyze the target with Thunder Wave, so be sure to bring a Parlyz Heal or two. Raichu's high Special lets it deal a good bit of damage with Thunderbolt. Use Ground moves like Dig for best results.

Vermilion Gym
Thunder Badge

After the battle, Lt. Surge awards you the Thunder Badge, which gives your Pokémon a slight Defense boost during battle and enables the use of Fly in the field. He also gives you TM24 (Thunderbolt) as a prize.

The next destination is Route 11 to the east.

← Part 5 Cerulean City, Cerulean Gym, Route 24, Route 25, Route 5
Red and Blue
Route 11, Route 2, Pewter City, Cerulean City, Route 9, Route 10 Part 7 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.