DP146: Difference between revisions

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Kenji-girl (talk | contribs)
Created page with '{{subst:DP episode|145|October 8, 2009|ポケモンコンテスト! スイレン大会!! |Pokémon Contest! Surien Convention!!}}'
DomiDsLP (talk | contribs)
m No specific OLM Team for this episode (Correction).
(268 intermediate revisions by more than 100 users not shown)
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<!-- fill in the title links with dub titles only -->
|prevtitle=A Rivalry to Gible On!
prevcode=DP144 |
|nexttitle=Bagged Then Tagged!
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nextcode=DP146 |
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series=Diamond & Pearl series |
epcode=DP145 |
altepcode=EP611 |
|title_en=Dressed for Jess Success!
|title_ja_trans=Pokémon Contest! Suiren Tournament!!
|broadcast_jp=October 1, 2009
title_ja=ポケモンコンテスト! スイレン大会!! |
|broadcast_us=February 27, 2010
title_ja_trans=Pokémon Contest! Surien Convention!! |
broadcast_jp=October 8, 2009 |
|en_op=[[Battle Cry - (Stand Up!)]]
broadcast_us=<!--Do not assume an air date. If you have an air date you should also provide a title.--> |
|ja_op=[[High Touch!|ハイタッチ! 2009]]
en_series= |
|ja_ed=[[Which One ~ Is It?|ドッチ~ニョ?]]
en_op=<!--[[~Battle Cry~ (Stand Up!)]]--> |
ja_op=[[High Touch!|ハイタッチ! 2009]] |
ja_ed=[[Get Fired up, Notched-ear Pichu!|もえよ ギザみみピチュー!]] |
olmteam=Team Iguchi |
scenario= |
storyboardn=1 |
storyboard= |
directorn=1 |
director= |
artn=1 |
art= |
morecredits=no |<!--please don't change to "yes" until the corresponding staff page has been updated-->
|footnotes=* {{filb-eppics|dp|146}}
epstaffpage=DP141-DP150 |
footnotes=<!--*[[filb-eppics:dp145|Screenshots on Filb.de]]-->
(Japanese: '''ポケモンコンテスト! スイレン大会!! ''' ''Pokémon Contest! Surien Convention!!'') is the 145th episode of the {{series|Diamond & Pearl}}, and the 611th episode of the [[Pokémon anime]]. It is scheduled to air in Japan on October 8, 2009<!-- and in the United States on *day*-->.
'''Dressed for Jess Success!''' (Japanese: '''ポケモンコンテスト!スイレン大会!!''' ''Pokémon Contest! {{tt|Suiren|Lilypad}} Tournament!!'') is the 146th episode of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]'', and the 612th episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It first aired in Japan as a one-hour special on October 1, 2009, along with [[DP145]], and in the United States on February 27, 2010.
<!-- Detailed synopsis goes here. -->
<i>The Lilypad Town Pokémon Contest is finally underway! Our heroes, along with Lyra and Khoury, are all there to cheer Dawn to victory! Meanwhile, Jessie, who normally disguises herself as Jessilina for her Contest performances, finds herself feeling under the weather after winning two Contest Ribbons. She convinces James to go dressed as Jessilina and compete in her place! With Meowth as his Pokémon, a disguised James dazzles the audience with a unique display of Meowth's Fury Swipes, a performance good enough to advance them to the Battle Round. Dawn advances as well, but during the semifinals her Mamoswine gets very angry at James and his Carnivine. Instead of listening to commands from Dawn, Mamoswine charges instead! Dawn begins to lose points rapidly, until by the end of the five-minute time limit, James and Carnivine emerge victorious, and ultimately go on to win the Contest!
With Ribbon number three safely in her possession, an ecstatic (and recovered) Jessie thanks James and Meowth profusely, while angrily wondering out loud why James seemed to get more applause than she ever did...
And Dawn, having been down this road before, takes it all in stride and chalks it up to experience. She reassures Mamoswine that there will be other Contests and battles to win.</i>
[[Jessie]] finds herself sick on the day the {{to|Lilypad}} {{pkmn|Contest}} is about to begin. To help his friend, [[James]] disguises himself as Jessilina and takes her place while she remains in bed. Meanwhile, {{an|Dawn}} makes the decision to use {{TP|Dawn|Mamoswine}} in the battle round. {{an|Lyra}} expresses the gang's concern in this choice, seeing as this Contest holds the pivotal fifth Ribbon Dawn needs to enter the [[Grand Festival]]. However, Dawn feels confident in her choice. While in the waiting room, the gang meets James in his guise as "Jessilina". Lyra makes a remark about the outfit he is wearing, leaving him nervous. {{MTR}} reassures him, reminding him that he is [[cross-dressing]] for Jessie.
The first round commences, and in a quick set of moves, Dawn's Piplup uses {{m|Whirlpool}} and then {{m|Bide}} to leave a dazzling impression on the minds of the [[Contest Judge]]s. "Jessilina" uses Meowth and {{m|Fury Swipes}} to make delicious ramen for the judges, and they are quite impressed with the showmanship and flavor of the meal. Through [[television]], Meowth's performance is followed by {{OBP|Christopher|DP117}}, who is moved to tears. Throughout the [[Appeal|Performance Stage]], {{an|Brock}} describes to [[Khoury]] the purpose of the round, as Contests are completely new to Khoury.
Backstage, Piplup appears confident and satisfied with its win. The screen lights up, and it is revealed that Dawn is moving on to the next round along with "Jessilina". In the next round, Dawn uses Mamoswine. The {{pkmn|Coordinator}} she is up against sends out a {{p|Granbull}}. Mamoswine proves itself powerful when Dawn commands it to use its newly found [[Contest combination|combo]] of swallowing {{m|Ice Shard}}, much to the surprise of the audience. Mamoswine gains ice spikes along its back, which it then couples with {{m|Hidden Power}} and {{m|Take Down}} for a quick one-hit knockout of the Granbull. This shocks Dawn, and she reveals backstage that she had been hoping to test more of Mamoswine's combos before the match was through. {{Ash}} and Brock attempt to cheer her up and help her to be happy that she's going on to the next round.
As the rounds progress, James uses {{TP|James|Carnivine}} to great success, moving on up in the tournament. Meanwhile, Brock explains to Khoury how [[Contest Battle]]s are different from [[Gym]] {{pkmn|battle|matches}}. Eventually, during the semifinals, James finds himself up against Dawn. He sends out Carnivine and Dawn sends out Mamoswine. Dawn starts off the match with an Ice Shard, but to her surprise, "Jessilina" is prepared and has Carnivine use {{m|Vine Whip}} to steal the Ice Shard before Mamoswine can eat it. This startles Mamoswine causing it to start to get worked up while Carnivine playfully juggles the Ice Shard. Meowth, sitting backstage, notes to himself that James could possibly win the match. Carnivine returns the Ice Shard back towards Mamoswine and, as Mamoswine is still in shock, it does not react in time to dodge, and the Ice Shard hits it square on the head costing Dawn some points. Mamoswine begins to become enraged, and Dawn tells her Pokémon to calm down but instead Mamoswine charges and (without being commanded) uses Take Down in an attempt to hit Carnivine. Carnivine proves itself too agile for Mamoswine, and dodges by simply leaping over the Twin Tusk Pokémon. Mamoswine runs backwards and forwards trying to hit Carnivine only to miss every time and the constant failed attacks causes Dawn's points to quickly drain, while Dawn frantically tries to bring Mamoswine under control.
After a couple of more failed attempts at using Take Down, Mamoswine then tries to use Hidden Power against Carnivine however James has it use {{m|Bullet Seed}} which counters Hidden Power. Mamoswine then fires {{m|Ancient Power}}, but Carnivine spins elegantly out of the way causing Dawn to lose more of the few points she has left. Mamoswine once charges Carnivine, who James then orders to use Vine Whip and snags Mamoswine's tusks to its surprise. Carnivine then yanks back hard, throwing Mamoswine forward off its feet, which combined with its charging forward momentum, sends it violently sliding on its chin across the stage towards the judges! It quickly becomes clear that Mamoswine won't be able to stop in time, and [[Raoul Contesta|Mr. Contesta]], [[Mr. Sukizo]], and [[Nurse Joy]] barely scramble out of the way just before Mamoswine's body is halted by crashing into and destroying the judges' desk. Dawn runs forward worried that Mamoswine has been seriously hurt, but Mamoswine tries to get up, clearly ready for more.
With that, time runs out, and "Jessilina" easily has the most points remaining. Mamoswine has calmed down but is clearly saddened as it already knows that its behavior has cost Dawn her Contest. Dawn tries to cheer Mamoswine up, saying they'll do better next time. The rest of the gang rush backstage to make sure Dawn is all right, and she assures her friends there's no need to worry. She tells them that while she might have been better off entering with another one of her Pokémon, this contest has been a chance for her to learn what areas she and Mamoswine need to practice in. Lyra is puzzled at Dawn still being in a good mood despite her loss, as the screen displays "Jessilina" winning the final round.
James is awarded the Lilypad Ribbon alongside Meowth and Carnivine, and soon passes it on to Jessie who thanks them for their help. However, she then starts to grow angry that the audience liked James better as Jessilina than they ever liked her and pledges to never miss a contest again. James and Meowth just shrug; Jessie will be Jessie, and they've ended the day as winners.
That evening, Dawn gives [[Poffin]]s to her Mamoswine for its efforts and while sorry she lost the Contest, pledges to win the next one, earn her final Ribbon, and go to the Grand Festival. Ash and Brock pledge their full support, as Lyra and Khoury note how nice it is to travel with friends.
==Major events==
==Major events==
<!-- This is not for summarizing everything that happens in this episode. Only events pertaining to the series as a whole, such as captures and releases, go here. -->
[[File:Jessilina Lilypad Ribbon.png|thumb|220px|James holding the Lilypad Ribbon]]
* [[James]] disguises himself as [[Jessie|Jessilina]] and participates in his first [[Pokémon Contest]].
* {{an|Dawn}} competes in the {{to|Lilypad}} Contest, but is knocked out in the semifinals, suffering her first loss to Jessilina.
* [[Dawn's Mamoswine]] enters a Pokémon Contest for the first time.
* James wins the Lilypad Contest, earning [[Jessie]] her third Contest [[Ribbon]].
====Pokémon debuts====
====Pokémon debuts====
<!--=====TV episode debuts=====-->
* {{Ash}}
* {{Ash}}
* {{an|Dawn}}
* {{an|Dawn}}
* [[Brock]]
* {{an|Brock}}
* [[Jessie]]
* [[Jessie]]
* [[James]]
* [[James]]
<!--* [[Paul]]-->
* {{an|Lyra}}
<!--* [[Zoey]]-->
* [[Khoury]]
<!--* [[Nurse Joy]]-->
* [[Marian]]
<!--* [[Officer Jenny]]-->
* [[Raoul Contesta]]
* [[Mr. Sukizo]]
* [[Nurse Joy]]
* {{OBP|Christopher|DP117}}
* [[Mario]]
* {{pkmn|Coordinator}}s

Line 60: Line 94:
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Piplup}} ({{OP|Dawn|Piplup}})
* {{p|Piplup}} ({{OP|Dawn|Piplup}})
<!--* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})-->
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
<!--* {{p|Mime Jr.}} ({{OP|James|Mime Jr.}})-->
* {{p|Grotle}} ({{OP|Ash|Grotle}})
<!--* {{p|Grotle}} ({{OP|Ash|Grotle}})-->
* {{p|Mamoswine}} ({{OP|Dawn|Mamoswine}})
<!--* {{p|Staraptor}} ({{OP|Ash|Staraptor}})-->
* {{p|Cyndaquil}} ({{OP|Dawn|Cyndaquil}})
<!--* {{p|Monferno}} ({{OP|Ash|Monferno}})-->
* {{p|Carnivine}} ({{OP|James|Carnivine}})
<!--* {{p|Buizel}} ({{OP|Ash|Buizel}})-->
* {{p|Granbull}} ([[Mario]]'s)
<!--* {{p|Gliscor}} ({{OP|Ash|Gliscor}})-->
* {{p|Hitmontop}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Buneary}} ({{OP|Dawn|Buneary}})-->
* {{p|Meganium}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Pachirisu}} ({{OP|Dawn|Pachirisu}})-->
* {{p|Magby}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Mamoswine}} ({{OP|Dawn|Mamoswine}})-->
* {{p|Jumpluff}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Sudowoodo}} ({{OP|Brock|Sudowoodo}})-->
* {{p|Sentret}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Croagunk}} ({{OP|Brock|Croagunk}})-->
* {{p|Tyranitar}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Happiny}} ({{OP|Brock|Happiny}})-->
* {{p|Flaaffy}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Seviper}} ({{OP|Jessie|Seviper}})-->
* {{p|Shuckle}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Yanmega}} ({{OP|Jessie|Yanmega}})-->
* {{p|Tyrogue}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Carnivine}} ({{OP|James|Carnivine}})-->
* {{p|Corsola}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Torterra}} ({{OP|Paul|Torterra}})-->
<!--* {{p|Electabuzz}} ({{OP|Paul|Electabuzz}})-->
<!--* {{p|Weavile}} ({{OP|Paul|Weavile}})-->
* With the exception of those owned by {{ashfr|main characters}}, all of the Pokémon that entered in the {{to|Lilypad}} {{pkmn|Contest}} were introduced in [[Generation II]].
<!--* {{p|Honchkrow}} ({{OP|Paul|Honchkrow}})-->
* Instead of [[Professor Oak's Big Pokémon Examination]], a preview of the [[Team Galactic]] finale was shown, which was revealed to be airing in November 2009 in Japan.
<!--* {{p|Ursaring}} ({{OP|Paul|Ursaring}})-->
* This is the first episode since ''[[DP091|One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!]]'' to have {{TP|Dawn|Piplup}} returned to his {{i|Poké Ball}} for a period of time.
<!--* {{p|Gliscor}} ({{OP|Paul|Gliscor}})-->
* This is the last episode where [[Craig Blair]] voices [[Mr. Sukizo]].
<!--* {{p|Magmortar}} ({{OP|Paul|Magmortar}})-->
* This marks the first time {{cat|Dawn's Pokémon|Dawn's entire team}} does not cheer for her in a Pokémon Contest.
<!--* {{p|Glameow}} ({{OP|Zoey|Glameow}})-->
* [[James]]'s win of the Lilypad Contest marks the first time a main character participated in a Pokémon Contest and won it on their first try.
<!--* {{p|Chansey}} ({{OP|Nurse Joy|Chansey}}-->
** In addition, it also marks the first time James has [[Cross-dressing|cross-dressed]] in ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]'', something that used to be a frequent running gag for him.
<!--* {{p|Growlithe}} ({{OP|Officer Jenny|Growlithe}}-->
* This episode's English [[dub]] title is based on the phrase "''dressed for success''".
* Similar to ''[[DP142|Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!]]'', no dub-exclusive music was present within the episode, including the [[title card]] music.
* During {{an|Dawn}}'s performance in the first round, an instrumental version of [[By Your Side ~Hikari's Theme~]] is used.
* This is the only episode of the {{an|Lyra}} and [[Khoury]] arc in which [[Khoury's Totodile]] does not appear.
* {{TRT}} doesn't recite their {{motto}} or blast off in this episode.

<!--* [[Professor Oak's lecture|Professor Oak's Pokémon lecture]]: {{p|Pokémon}}-->
[[File:DP146 Error.png|thumb|250px|Hitmontop's miscolored foot]]
* The judges' tables are destroyed when {{TP|Dawn|Mamoswine}} crashes into them, but when James wins and is awarded the Lilypad Ribbon, they are perfectly intact.
* In one scene, one of {{p|Hitmontop}}'s feet is miscolored.
* In the {{pmin|Brazil}}ian dub, Piplup's {{m|Bide}} is mistranslated as "Bite".
* In the {{pmin|Poland|Polish}} dub, when [[Khoury]] asks about the Performance Stage, his voice actor is switched.
===Dub edits===
===Dub edits===

==In other languages==
<!-- fill in the title links with dub titles only -->
|zh_cmn={{tt|神奇寶貝華麗大賽!睡蓮大會!!|Pokémon Contest! Shuìlián (Lilypad) Convention!!}}
|cs={{tt|Šaty dělají Jess i vítězství|Clothes do Jess and victory}}
|da={{tt|Klædt på til Jessies succes!|Dressed for Jessie's success!}}
|nl={{tt|Gekleed voor het succes van Jess!|Dressed for Jess's Success!}}
|fi={{tt|Vaatteet tekevät naisen!|Clothes make the woman!}}
|fr_eu={{tt|Déguisé pour gagner !|Disguised to win !}}
|id={{tt|Kontes Pokémon! Turnamen Lilypad!!|Pokémon Contest! Lilypad Tournament!!}}
|it={{tt|Travestimenti per Jess!|Disguises for Jess!}}'''
|no={{tt|Kledd for seier!|Dressed for victory!}}
|pl={{tt|Dla Jessie wszystko|Everything for Jessie}}
|pt_br={{tt|Vestido para o Jess Sucesso!|Dressed for Jess Success!}}
|pt_eu={{tt|Se Dermos Outro Nome À Rosa O Cheiro É Igual!|A Rose By Any Other Name is Just as Sweet!}}
|es_la={{tt|Vestido para el éxito de Jess|Dress for Jess' success}}
|es_eu={{tt|Vestido para el éxito de Jess|Dress for Jess' success}}
|sv={{tt|Klädd för Jessie-succé!|Dressed for Jessie success!}}
|ro={{tt|Deghizare cu Noroc|Disguise with Luck}}
|ru={{tt|Джеймс на замене!|James is substituting!}}
|ko={{tt|포켓몬 콘테스트! 수련대회!|Pokémon Contest! Lilypad Tournament!}}
prevcode=DP144 |
prevcode=DP145 |
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prevtitle=A Rivalry to Gible On! |
nextcode=DP146 |
nextcode=DP147 |
<!--nexttitle= |-->
nexttitle=Bagged Then Tagged! |
series=Diamond & Pearl series |
series=Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl |
{{Project Anime notice}}
{{Project Anime notice}}
[[Category:Diamond & Pearl series episodes|145]]
[[Category:Episodes written by |611]]
[[Category:Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl episodes|146]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded and directed by |611]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Atsuhiro Tomioka]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by |611]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Masamitsu Hidaka]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by |611]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Tamayo Yamamoto]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by |611]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Yūji Asada]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Masaaki Iwane]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Dawn]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on James]]
[[Category:Episodes with Contests]]
[[Category:Episodes in which Dawn loses a Contest]]
[[Category:Episodes in which Jessie gets a Ribbon]]
[[zh:宝可梦 钻石&珍珠 第144集]]

Latest revision as of 22:35, 3 September 2024

DP145 : A Rivalry to Gible On!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP147 : Bagged Then Tagged!
Dressed for Jess Success!
DP146   EP612
Pokémon Contest! Suiren Tournament!!
First broadcast
Japan October 1, 2009
United States February 27, 2010
English themes
Opening Battle Cry - (Stand Up!)
Japanese themes
Opening ハイタッチ! 2009
Ending ドッチ~ニョ?
Animation OLM
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 日高政光 Masamitsu Hidaka
山本珠代 Tamayo Yamamoto
Assistant director 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Animation director 岩根雅明 Masaaki Iwane
Additional credits

Dressed for Jess Success! (Japanese: ポケモンコンテスト!スイレン大会!! Pokémon Contest! Suiren Tournament!!) is the 146th episode of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, and the 612th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It first aired in Japan as a one-hour special on October 1, 2009, along with DP145, and in the United States on February 27, 2010.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


The Lilypad Town Pokémon Contest is finally underway! Our heroes, along with Lyra and Khoury, are all there to cheer Dawn to victory! Meanwhile, Jessie, who normally disguises herself as Jessilina for her Contest performances, finds herself feeling under the weather after winning two Contest Ribbons. She convinces James to go dressed as Jessilina and compete in her place! With Meowth as his Pokémon, a disguised James dazzles the audience with a unique display of Meowth's Fury Swipes, a performance good enough to advance them to the Battle Round. Dawn advances as well, but during the semifinals her Mamoswine gets very angry at James and his Carnivine. Instead of listening to commands from Dawn, Mamoswine charges instead! Dawn begins to lose points rapidly, until by the end of the five-minute time limit, James and Carnivine emerge victorious, and ultimately go on to win the Contest!

With Ribbon number three safely in her possession, an ecstatic (and recovered) Jessie thanks James and Meowth profusely, while angrily wondering out loud why James seemed to get more applause than she ever did...

And Dawn, having been down this road before, takes it all in stride and chalks it up to experience. She reassures Mamoswine that there will be other Contests and battles to win.


Jessie finds herself sick on the day the Lilypad Contest is about to begin. To help his friend, James disguises himself as Jessilina and takes her place while she remains in bed. Meanwhile, Dawn makes the decision to use Mamoswine in the battle round. Lyra expresses the gang's concern in this choice, seeing as this Contest holds the pivotal fifth Ribbon Dawn needs to enter the Grand Festival. However, Dawn feels confident in her choice. While in the waiting room, the gang meets James in his guise as "Jessilina". Lyra makes a remark about the outfit he is wearing, leaving him nervous. Meowth reassures him, reminding him that he is cross-dressing for Jessie.

The first round commences, and in a quick set of moves, Dawn's Piplup uses Whirlpool and then Bide to leave a dazzling impression on the minds of the Contest Judges. "Jessilina" uses Meowth and Fury Swipes to make delicious ramen for the judges, and they are quite impressed with the showmanship and flavor of the meal. Through television, Meowth's performance is followed by Christopher, who is moved to tears. Throughout the Performance Stage, Brock describes to Khoury the purpose of the round, as Contests are completely new to Khoury.

Backstage, Piplup appears confident and satisfied with its win. The screen lights up, and it is revealed that Dawn is moving on to the next round along with "Jessilina". In the next round, Dawn uses Mamoswine. The Coordinator she is up against sends out a Granbull. Mamoswine proves itself powerful when Dawn commands it to use its newly found combo of swallowing Ice Shard, much to the surprise of the audience. Mamoswine gains ice spikes along its back, which it then couples with Hidden Power and Take Down for a quick one-hit knockout of the Granbull. This shocks Dawn, and she reveals backstage that she had been hoping to test more of Mamoswine's combos before the match was through. Ash and Brock attempt to cheer her up and help her to be happy that she's going on to the next round.

As the rounds progress, James uses Carnivine to great success, moving on up in the tournament. Meanwhile, Brock explains to Khoury how Contest Battles are different from Gym matches. Eventually, during the semifinals, James finds himself up against Dawn. He sends out Carnivine and Dawn sends out Mamoswine. Dawn starts off the match with an Ice Shard, but to her surprise, "Jessilina" is prepared and has Carnivine use Vine Whip to steal the Ice Shard before Mamoswine can eat it. This startles Mamoswine causing it to start to get worked up while Carnivine playfully juggles the Ice Shard. Meowth, sitting backstage, notes to himself that James could possibly win the match. Carnivine returns the Ice Shard back towards Mamoswine and, as Mamoswine is still in shock, it does not react in time to dodge, and the Ice Shard hits it square on the head costing Dawn some points. Mamoswine begins to become enraged, and Dawn tells her Pokémon to calm down but instead Mamoswine charges and (without being commanded) uses Take Down in an attempt to hit Carnivine. Carnivine proves itself too agile for Mamoswine, and dodges by simply leaping over the Twin Tusk Pokémon. Mamoswine runs backwards and forwards trying to hit Carnivine only to miss every time and the constant failed attacks causes Dawn's points to quickly drain, while Dawn frantically tries to bring Mamoswine under control.

After a couple of more failed attempts at using Take Down, Mamoswine then tries to use Hidden Power against Carnivine however James has it use Bullet Seed which counters Hidden Power. Mamoswine then fires Ancient Power, but Carnivine spins elegantly out of the way causing Dawn to lose more of the few points she has left. Mamoswine once charges Carnivine, who James then orders to use Vine Whip and snags Mamoswine's tusks to its surprise. Carnivine then yanks back hard, throwing Mamoswine forward off its feet, which combined with its charging forward momentum, sends it violently sliding on its chin across the stage towards the judges! It quickly becomes clear that Mamoswine won't be able to stop in time, and Mr. Contesta, Mr. Sukizo, and Nurse Joy barely scramble out of the way just before Mamoswine's body is halted by crashing into and destroying the judges' desk. Dawn runs forward worried that Mamoswine has been seriously hurt, but Mamoswine tries to get up, clearly ready for more.

With that, time runs out, and "Jessilina" easily has the most points remaining. Mamoswine has calmed down but is clearly saddened as it already knows that its behavior has cost Dawn her Contest. Dawn tries to cheer Mamoswine up, saying they'll do better next time. The rest of the gang rush backstage to make sure Dawn is all right, and she assures her friends there's no need to worry. She tells them that while she might have been better off entering with another one of her Pokémon, this contest has been a chance for her to learn what areas she and Mamoswine need to practice in. Lyra is puzzled at Dawn still being in a good mood despite her loss, as the screen displays "Jessilina" winning the final round.

James is awarded the Lilypad Ribbon alongside Meowth and Carnivine, and soon passes it on to Jessie who thanks them for their help. However, she then starts to grow angry that the audience liked James better as Jessilina than they ever liked her and pledges to never miss a contest again. James and Meowth just shrug; Jessie will be Jessie, and they've ended the day as winners.

That evening, Dawn gives Poffins to her Mamoswine for its efforts and while sorry she lost the Contest, pledges to win the next one, earn her final Ribbon, and go to the Grand Festival. Ash and Brock pledge their full support, as Lyra and Khoury note how nice it is to travel with friends.

Major events

James holding the Lilypad Ribbon
For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts






Hitmontop's miscolored foot
  • The judges' tables are destroyed when Mamoswine crashes into them, but when James wins and is awarded the Lilypad Ribbon, they are perfectly intact.
  • In one scene, one of Hitmontop's feet is miscolored.
  • In the Brazilian dub, Piplup's Bide is mistranslated as "Bite".
  • In the Polish dub, when Khoury asks about the Performance Stage, his voice actor is switched.

Dub edits

In other languages

DP145 : A Rivalry to Gible On!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP147 : Bagged Then Tagged!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.