Frontier Brain: Difference between revisions

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A '''Frontier Brain''' (Japanese: '''フロンティアブレーン''') is either any one of the [[Pokémon Trainer]]s who preside over a [[Battle Frontier]] facility, or one of the top performers in an online Pokémon contest held by [[Nintendo]] in early 2005.The Frontier Brains in {{v2|Emerald}}, {{v2|Platinum}}, {{v2|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}} are the former. Those from Hoenn hand out [[Frontier Symbol]]s to those Trainers who raise the ranks and show true skill in each of the facilities, while those from Sinnoh hand out [[commemorative print]]s for the same reason.  
A '''Frontier Brain''' (Japanese: '''フロンティアブレーン''' ''Frontier Brain'') is a [[Pokémon Trainer]] who presides over a certain [[Battle Frontier]] [[Battle facility|facility]]. Frontier Brains appear in {{v2|Emerald}}, {{v2|Platinum}}, {{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s|HeartGold, and SoulSilver}}. Those from [[Hoenn]] hand out [[Symbol]]s to Trainers who rise through the ranks and show true skill in each of the facilities, while those from [[Sinnoh]] and [[Johto]] hand out [[commemorative print]]s for the same reason.
In games where the expansive Battle Frontier doesn't exist, there is usually a lone [[Battle Tower]] or an equivalent to it. In these facilities, some Trainers hold titles equivalent to Frontier Brains, such as {{tc|Subway Boss}}, {{tc|Battle Chatelaine}}, and {{tc|Battle Legend}}.

==Hoenn Frontier Brains==
==Hoenn Frontier Brains==
{| align="center" style="background: #6D7B8D; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border: 4px solid #3FA7CD;" colspan=8 cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background:#{{hoenn color dark}}; {{roundy}}; border: 4px solid #{{hoenn color}}" colspan="4" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"
! style="background: #3FA7CD; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;" | Frontier Brain<br><small>(Japanese)</small>
! style="background:#{{hoenn color dark}}" colspan="4" | {{color2|{{hoenn color light}}|Battle Frontier (Generation III)|Hoenn Battle Frontier}}
! style="background: #3FA7CD;" | Facility<br><small>(Japanese)</small>
! style="background: #3FA7CD; -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;" | Symbol
! style="background:#{{hoenn color dark}}" colspan="2" | {{color2|{{hoenn color light}}|Generation III}}
|- align="center" style="background:#64B2CF"
! style="background:#{{hoenn color dark}}" colspan="2" | {{color2|{{hoenn color light}}|Region|Region:}} {{color2|{{hoenn color light}}|Hoenn}}
| [[Image:SpriteNoland.png]]<br>{{color2|0e546e|Factory Head Noland}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(<!--ファクトリーヘッド -->ダツラ <!--Factory Head -->Datsura)}}</small>
| {{color2|0e546e|Battle Frontier (Hoenn)#Battle Factory|Battle Factory}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(バトルファクトリー Battle Factory)}}</small>
! style="background:#{{hoenn color light}}; {{roundytl|5px}}" | {{color|{{hoenn color dark}}|Frontier Brain<br><small>Japanese</small>}}
| [[Image:Knowledgesymbol.png‎|50px]]<br>{{color|0e546e|Knowledge Symbol}}
! style="background:#{{hoenn color light}}" | {{color|{{hoenn color dark}}|Facility<br><small>Japanese</small>}}
|- align="center" style="background:#64B2CF"
! colspan="2" style="background:#{{hoenn color light}}; {{roundytr|5px}}" | {{color2|{{hoenn color dark}}|Symbol|Symbols}}
| [[Image:SpriteGreta.png]]<br>{{color2|0e546e|Arena Tycoon Greta}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(<!--アリーナキャプテン -->コゴミ <!--Arena Captain -->Kogomi)}}</small>
|- style="background:#{{frontier color light}}"
| {{color2|0e546e|Battle Frontier (Hoenn)#Battle Arena|Battle Arena}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(バトルアリーナ Battle Arena)}}</small>
| [[File:Spr E Noland.png]]<br>{{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Factory Head (Trainer class)|Factory Head}} {{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Noland}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|ファクトリーヘッド ダツラ<br>Factory Head Datsura}}</small>
| [[Image:Gutssymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|0e546e|Guts Symbol}}
| {{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Battle Factory (Generation III)|Battle Factory}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|バトルファクトリー<br>Battle Factory}}</small>
|- align="center" style="background:#64B2CF"
| [[File:Knowledgesymbolsilver.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Silver Knowledge Symbol}}
| [[Image:SpriteTucker.png]]<br>{{color2|0e546e|Dome Ace Tucker}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(<!--ドームスーパースター -->ヒース <!--Dome Superstar -->Heath)}}</small>
| [[File:Knowledgesymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Gold Knowledge Symbol}}
| {{color2|0e546e|Battle Frontier (Hoenn)#Battle Dome|Battle Dome}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(バトルドーム Battle Dome)}}</small>
|- style="background:#{{frontier color light}}"
| [[Image:Tacticssymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|0e546e|Tactics Symbol}}
| [[File:Spr E Greta.png]]<br>{{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Greta|Arena Tycoon Greta}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|アリーナキャプテン コゴミ<br>Arena Captain Kogomi}}</small>
|- align="center" style="background:#64B2CF"
| {{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Battle Arena}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|バトルアリーナ<br>Battle Arena}}</small>
| [[Image:SpriteLucy.png]]<br>{{color2|0e546e|Pike Queen Lucy}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(<!--チューブクイーン -->アザミ <!--Tube Queen -->Azami)}}</small>
| [[File:Gutssymbolsilver.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Silver Guts Symbol}}
| {{color2|0e546e|Battle Frontier (Hoenn)#Battle Pike|Battle Pike}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(バトルチューブ Battle Tube)}}</small>
| [[File:Gutssymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Gold Guts Symbol}}
| [[Image:Lucksymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|0e546e|Luck Symbol}}
|- style="background:#{{frontier color light}}"
|- align="center" style="background:#64B2CF"
| [[File:Spr E Tucker.png]]<br>{{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Tucker|Dome Ace Tucker}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|ドームスーパースター ヒース<br>Dome Superstar Heath}}</small>
| [[Image:SpriteSpenser.png]]<br>{{color2|0e546e|Palace Maven Spenser}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(<!--パレスガーディアン -->ウコン <!--Palace Guardian -->Ukon)}}</small>
| {{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Battle Dome}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|バトルドーム<br>Battle Dome}}</small>
| {{color2|0e546e|Battle Frontier (Hoenn)#Battle Palace|Battle Palace}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(バトルパレス Battle Palace)}}</small>
| [[File:Tacticssymbolsilver.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Silver Tactics Symbol}}
| [[Image:Spiritsymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|0e546e|Spirit Symbol}}
| [[File:Tacticssymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Gold Tactics Symbol}}
|- align="center" style="background:#64B2CF"
|- style="background:#{{frontier color light}}"
| [[Image:SpriteBrandon.png]]<br>{{color2|0e546e|Pyramid King Brandon}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(<!--ピラミッドキング -->ジンダイ <!--Pyramid King -->Jindai)}}</small>
| [[File:Spr E Lucy.png]]<br>{{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Lucy|Pike Queen Lucy}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|チューブクイーン アザミ<br>Tube Queen Azami}}</small>
| {{color2|0e546e|Battle Frontier (Hoenn)#Battle Pyramid|Battle Pyramid}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(バトルピラミッド Battle Pyramid)}}</small>
| {{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Battle Pike}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|バトルチューブ<br>Battle Tube}}</small>
| [[Image:Bravesymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|0e546e|Brave Symbol}}
| [[File:Lucksymbolsilver.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Silver Luck Symbol}}
|- align="center"
| [[File:Lucksymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Gold Luck Symbol}}
| style="background:#64B2CF; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px;" | [[Image:SpriteAnabel.png]]<br>{{color2|0e546e|Salon Maiden Anabel}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(<!--タワータイクーン -->リラ <!--Tower Tycoon -->Lila)}}</small>
|- style="background:#{{frontier color light}}"
| style="background:#64B2CF;" | {{color2|0e546e|Battle Frontier (Hoenn)#Battle Tower|Battle Tower}}<br><small>{{color|0e546e|(バトルタワー Battle Tower)}}</small>
| [[File:Spr E Spenser.png]]<br>{{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Spenser|Palace Maven Spenser}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|パレスガーディアン ウコン<br>Palace Guardian Ukon}}</small>
| style="background:#64B2CF; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px;" | [[Image:Abilitysymbol.png‎|50px]]<br>{{color|0e546e|Ability Symbol}}
| {{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Battle Palace}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|バトルパレス<br>Battle Palace}}</small>
| [[File:Spiritssymbolsilver.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Silver Spirits Symbol}}
| [[File:Spiritssymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Gold Spirits Symbol}}
|- style="background:#{{frontier color light}}"
| [[File:Spr E Brandon.png]]<br>{{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Brandon|Pyramid King Brandon}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|ピラミッドキング ジンダイ<br>Pyramid King Jindai}}</small>
| {{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Battle Pyramid}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|バトルピラミッド<br>Battle Pyramid}}</small>
| [[File:Bravesymbolsilver.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Silver Brave Symbol}}
| [[File:Bravesymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Gold Brave Symbol}}
| style="background:#{{frontier color light}}; {{roundybl|5px}};" | [[File:Spr E Anabel.png]]<br>{{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Tower Tycoon (Trainer class)|Salon Maiden}} {{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Anabel|Anabel}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|タワータイクーン リラ<br>Tower Tycoon Lila}}</small>
| style="background:#{{frontier color light}};" | {{color2|{{frontier color dark}}|Battle Tower (Generation III)|Battle Tower}}<br><small>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|バトルタワー<br>Battle Tower}}</small>
| style="background:#{{frontier color light}};" | [[File:Abilitysymbolsilver.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Silver Ability Symbol}}
| style="background:#{{frontier color light}}; {{roundybr|5px}};" | [[File:Abilitysymbol.png|50px]]<br>{{color|{{frontier color dark}}|Gold Ability Symbol}}
|}<br clear="all">
|}<br clear="all">

==Sinnoh/Johto Frontier Brains==
==Sinnoh/Johto Frontier Brains==
{| align="center" style="background: #505050; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border: 4px solid #F5F5F5;" colspan=8 cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background:#{{sinnoh color dark}}; {{roundy}}; border: 4px solid #{{sinnoh color}}" colspan="4" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"
! style="background: #F5F5F5; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;" | Frontier Brain<br><small>(Japanese)</small>
! style="background:#{{sinnoh color dark}}" colspan="4" | {{color2|{{sinnoh color light}}|Battle Frontier (Generation IV)|Sinnoh and Johto Battle Frontier}}
! style="background: #F5F5F5;" | Facility<br><small>(Japanese)</small>
! style="background: #F5F5F5; -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;" | Print
! style="background:#{{sinnoh color dark}}" colspan="2" | {{color2|{{sinnoh color light}}|Generation IV}}
|- align="center" style="background:#{{tower color}}"
! style="background:#{{sinnoh color dark}}" colspan="2" | {{color2|{{sinnoh color light}}|Region|Regions:}} {{color2|{{sinnoh color light}}|Sinnoh}} {{color|{{sinnoh color light}}|and}} {{color2|{{sinnoh color light}}|Johto}}
| [[Image:VSPalmer.png]]<br>{{color2|{{tower color dark}}|Tower Tycoon Palmer}}<br><small>{{color|{{tower color dark}}|(<!--タワータイクーン -->クロツグ <!--Tower Tycoon -->Kurotsugu)}}</small>
| {{color2|{{tower color dark}}|Battle Frontier (Sinnoh)#Battle Tower|Battle Tower}}<br><small>{{color|{{tower color dark}}|(バトルタワー Battle Tower)}}</small>
! style="background:#{{sinnoh color light}}; {{roundytl|5px}}" | {{color|{{sinnoh color dark}}|Frontier Brain<br><small>Japanese</small>}}
| {{print|tower|Gold}}<br>{{color|{{tower color dark}}|Tower Print}}
! style="background:#{{sinnoh color light}}" | {{color|{{sinnoh color dark}}|Facility<br><small>Japanese</small>}}
|- align="center" style="background:#{{factory color}}"
! colspan="2" style="background:#{{sinnoh color light}}; {{roundytr|5px}}" | {{color2|{{sinnoh color dark}}|Commemorative print|Prints}}
| [[Image:VSThorton.png]]<br>{{color2|{{factory color dark}}|Factory Head Thorton}}<br><small>{{color|{{factory color dark}}|(<!--ファクトリーヘッド -->ネジキ <!--Factory Head -->Nejiki)}}</small>
|- style="background:#{{tower color light}}"
| {{color2|{{factory color dark}}|Battle Frontier (Sinnoh)#Battle Factory|Battle Factory}}<br><small>{{color|{{factory color dark}}|(バトルファクトリー Battle Factory)}}</small>
| [[File:VSPalmer.png]]<br>{{color2|{{tower color dark}}|Tower Tycoon (Trainer class)|Tower Tycoon}} {{color2|{{tower color dark}}|Palmer}}<br><small>{{color|{{tower color dark}}|タワータイクーン クロツグ<br>Tower Tycoon Kurotsugu}}</small>
| {{print|Factory|Gold}}<br>{{color|{{factory color dark}}|Factory Print}}
| {{color2|{{tower color dark}}|Battle Tower (Sinnoh)|Battle Tower}}<br><small>{{color|{{tower color dark}}|バトルタワー<br>Battle Tower}}</small>
|- align="center" style="background:#{{arcade color}}"
| {{print|tower|Silver|L}}<br>{{print|tower|Silver|D}}<br>{{print|tower|Silver|Ly}}<br>{{print|tower|Silver|E}}<br>{{color|{{tower color dark}}|Silver Tower Prints}}
| [[Image:VSDahlia.png]]<br>{{color2|{{arcade color dark}}|Arcade Star Dahlia}}<br><small>{{color|{{arcade color dark}}|(<!--ルーレットゴーデス -->ダリア <!--Roulette Goddess -->Dahlia)}}</small>
| {{print|tower|Gold|L}}<br>{{print|tower|Gold|D}}<br>{{print|tower|Gold|Ly}}<br>{{print|tower|Gold|E}}<br>{{color|{{tower color dark}}|Gold Tower Prints}}
| {{color2|{{arcade color dark}}|Battle Frontier (Sinnoh)#Battle Arcade|Battle Arcade}}<br><small>{{color|{{arcade color dark}}|(バトルルーレット Battle Roulette)}}</small>
|- style="background:#{{factory color light}}"
| {{print|Arcade|Gold}}<br>{{color|{{arcade color dark}}|Arcade Print}}
| [[File:VSThorton.png]]<br>{{color2|{{factory color dark}}|Factory Head (Trainer class)|Factory Head}} {{color2|{{factory color dark}}|Thorton}}<br><small>{{color|{{factory color dark}}|ファクトリーヘッド ネジキ<br>Factory Head Neziki}}</small>
|- align="center" style="background:#{{castle color}}"
| {{color2|{{factory color dark}}|Battle Factory (Generation IV)|Battle Factory}}<br><small>{{color|{{factory color dark}}|バトルファクトリー<br>Battle Factory}}</small>
| [[Image:VSDarach and Caitlin.png]]<br>{{color2|{{castle color dark}}|Castle Valet Darach and Lady Caitlin}}<br><small>{{color|{{castle color dark}}|(<!--キャッスルバトラー -->コクラン&カトレア <!--Castle Butler -->Kokuran & Cattleya)}}</small>
| {{print|factory|Silver|L}}<br>{{print|factory|Silver|D}}<br>{{print|factory|Silver|Ly}}<br>{{print|factory|Silver|E}}<br>{{color|{{factory color dark}}|Silver Factory Prints}}
| {{color2|{{castle color dark}}|Battle Frontier (Sinnoh)#Battle Castle|Battle Castle}}<br><small>{{color|{{castle color dark}}|(バトルキャッスル Battle Castle)}}</small>
| {{print|factory|Gold|L}}<br>{{print|factory|Gold|D}}<br>{{print|factory|Gold|Ly}}<br>{{print|factory|Gold|E}}<br>{{color|{{factory color dark}}|Gold Factory Prints}}
| {{print|Castle|Gold}}<br>{{color|{{castle color dark}}|Castle Print}}
|- style="background:#{{arcade color light}}"
|- align="center"
| [[File:VSDahlia.png]]<br>{{color2|{{arcade color dark}}|Dahlia|Arcade Star Dahlia}}<br><small>{{color|{{arcade color dark}}|ルーレットゴーデス ダリア<br>Roulette Goddess Dahlia}}</small>
| style="background:#{{hall color}}; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px;" | [[Image:VSArgenta.png]]<br>{{color2|{{hall color dark}}|Hall Matron Argenta}}<br><small>{{color|{{hall color dark}}|(<!--ステージマドンナ -->ケイト <!--Stage Madonna -->Kate)}}</small>
| {{color2|{{arcade color dark}}|Battle Arcade}}<br><small>{{color|{{arcade color dark}}|バトルルーレット<br>Battle Roulette}}</small>
| style="background:#{{hall color}}" | {{color2|{{hall color dark}}|Battle Frontier (Sinnoh)#Battle Hall|Battle Hall}}<br><small>{{color|{{hall color dark}}|(バトルステージ Battle Stage)}}</small>
| {{print|arcade|Silver|L}}<br>{{print|arcade|Silver|D}}<br>{{print|arcade|Silver|Ly}}<br>{{print|arcade|Silver|E}}<br>{{color|{{arcade color dark}}|Silver Arcade Prints}}
| style="background:#{{hall color}}; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px;" | {{print|Hall|Gold}}<br>{{color|{{hall color dark}}|Hall Print}}
| {{print|arcade|Gold|L}}<br>{{print|arcade|Gold|D}}<br>{{print|arcade|Gold|Ly}}<br>{{print|arcade|Gold|E}}<br>{{color|{{arcade color dark}}|Gold Arcade Prints}}
|- style="background:#{{castle color light}}"
| [[File:VSDarach.png]]<br>{{color2|{{castle color dark}}|Darach|Castle Valet Darach}}<br><small>{{color|{{castle color dark}}|キャッスルバトラー コクラン <br>Castle Butler Kokuran}}</small>
| {{color2|{{castle color dark}}|Battle Castle}}<br><small>{{color|{{castle color dark}}|バトルキャッスル<br>Battle Castle}}</small>
| {{print|castle|Silver|L}}<br>{{print|castle|Silver|D}}<br>{{print|castle|Silver|Ly}}<br>{{print|castle|Silver|E}}<br>{{color|{{castle color dark}}|Silver Castle Prints}}
| {{print|castle|Gold|L}}<br>{{print|castle|Gold|D}}<br>{{print|castle|Gold|Ly}}<br>{{print|castle|Gold|E}}<br>{{color|{{castle color dark}}|Gold Castle Prints}}
| style="background:#{{hall color light}}; {{roundybl|5px}};" | [[File:VSArgenta.png]]<br>{{color2|{{hall color dark}}|Argenta|Hall Matron Argenta}}<br><small>{{color|{{hall color dark}}|ステージマドンナ ケイト<br>Stage Madonna Kate}}</small>
| style="background:#{{hall color light}}" | {{color2|{{hall color dark}}|Battle Hall}}<br><small>{{color|{{hall color dark}}|バトルステージ <br>Battle Stage}}</small>
| style="background:#{{hall color light}};" | {{print|hall|Silver|L}}<br>{{print|hall|Silver|D}}<br>{{print|hall|Silver|Ly}}<br>{{print|hall|Silver|E}}<br>{{color|{{hall color dark}}|Silver Hall Prints}}
| style="background:#{{hall color light}}; {{roundybr|5px}};" | {{print|hall|Gold|L}}<br>{{print|hall|Gold|D}}<br>{{print|hall|Gold|Ly}}<br>{{print|hall|Gold|E}}<br>{{color|{{hall color dark}}|Gold Hall Prints}}
|}<br clear="all">
|}<br clear="all">

==See also==
==In the anime==
* [[Scott]]
[[File:OPE09.png|thumb|250px|The Generation III Frontier Brains in the {{pkmn|anime}}]]
* [[Battle Frontier (Hoenn)|Hoenn Battle Frontier]]
The Frontier Brains were first mentioned by [[Scott]] in ''[[AG132|The Scheme Team]]'' when he told {{Ash}} about the {{gdis|Battle Frontier|III}}. The first Frontier Brain, [[Noland]], debuted in ''[[AG135|Numero Uno Articuno]]''. Over the course of [[S09|the ninth season]], the other six [[Generation III]] Frontier Brains also made their appearances at their respective [[Battle facility|battle facilities]], which are located in [[Kanto]] in this [[canon]]. {{an|Brandon}} reappeared in ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]'' episodes ''[[DP128|A Pyramiding Rage!]]'' and ''[[DP129|Pillars of Friendship!]]'' to investigate [[Snowpoint Temple]]. Scott also inferred that they were at least at the level of the [[Elite Four]] member [[Agatha]], as both he and Agatha recommended that Ash challenge them shortly after his fight with her. Those who successfully defeat the Battle Frontier become Frontier Brain candidates. Ash defeated each of the seven Frontier Brains, but turned down the offer for Frontier Brain status.
* [[Battle Frontier (Sinnoh)|Sinnoh Battle Frontier]]
* [[Battle Frontier (Johto)|Johto Battle Frontier]]
[[Palmer]] is the only [[Generation IV]] Frontier Brain to have appeared in the anime, debuting in ''[[DP140|Historical Mystery Tour!]]''. In [[DP141|the next episode]], Ash battled Palmer at the [[Twinleaf Festival]], but was defeated. Palmer also made cameo appearances in ''[[M12|Arceus and the Jewel of Life]]'' and ''[[M13|Zoroark: Master of Illusions]]''. [[Caitlin]], the employer of [[Darach]] who oversees all of the battles conducted at the [[Battle Castle]] in the Generation IV games, appeared in ''[[BW090|Jostling for the Junior Cup!]]'' as a member of the [[Unova]] [[Elite Four]], facing off against {{an|Cynthia}} in an {{wp|exhibition game|exhibition match}} at the start of the [[Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup]].
==In the manga==
[[File:Frontier Brains Adventures.png|thumb|250px|The Hoenn Frontier Brains in [[Pokémon Adventures]]]]
===Pokémon Adventures===
The [[Hoenn]] Frontier Brains were were challenged by {{adv|Emerald}} in a seven-day challenge to defeat each of them at their own [[Battle facility|facilities]] during the {{gdis|Battle Frontier|III}}'s week-long opening ceremony. They also helped to fight against the armored villain named [[Guile Hideout]], who was after the {{pkmn2|Mythical}} {{pkmn|category|Wish Pokémon}}, {{adv|Jirachi}}.
The [[Sinnoh]] Frontier Brains, except for [[Palmer]], were challenged and defeated by {{adv|Platinum}} at their respective facilities. Palmer, in turn, assisted the Sinnoh [[Pokédex holder]]s and the [[Stat Trainers]] in the final battle against [[Team Galactic]] in the [[Distortion World]].
At the end of the arc, Palmer reminded Platinum that his facility would be the last one to be challenged, and welcomed her upcoming challenge.
===={{MangaArc|Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire}}====
The Hoenn Frontier Brains reappeared in this arc, helping to stop the [[Admin]]s of Neo [[Team Aqua]] and Neo [[Team Magma]]. They also later assisted in destroying [[Grand Meteor Delta]].
===Pokémon Battle Frontier===
{{OBP|Enta|CBF}} battled each of the seven Frontier Brains in the [[Pokémon Battle Frontier]] {{pkmn|manga}}, although his battles with [[Noland]], [[Greta]], and [[Brandon]] occurred off-panel. He managed to defeat six of them, but eventually tied with [[Anabel]].
===Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!===
Palmer is the only Frontier Brain to appear in the [[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!]] manga, debuting in ''[[DPA28|Look for Giratina!]]'', where he was encountered by [[Hareta]], [[Mitsumi]], and {{OBP|Jun|DPA}} at the [[Fight Area]]. Hareta also had a brief battle with him when he assumed he was allied with Team Galactic, which ended in a draw.
* The title of "Frontier Brain" was given to the top performers in the [[Pokémon Emerald Ultimate Frontier Brain Battle]].
==In other languages==
{{langtable|color={{frontier color light}}|bordercolor={{frontier color}}
|zh_cmn=開拓之腦 / 开拓之脑 ''{{tt|Kāituò-zhī Nǎo|Frontier Brain}}''
|fi=Rintamapäällikkö{{tt|*|Only in season 8, left untranslated from season 9 onward}}
|fr=Meneur de Zone
|it=Asso Lotta
|ko=프런티어 브레인 ''Frontier Brain''
|pl=Mistrz Walk
|es_eu=As del Frente
|es_la=Cerebro de la Frontera
|pt_br=Cérebro da Fronteira
|vi=Đầu não Biên giới
==Related articles==
* [[Gym Leader]]
* [[Trial Captain]]

[[Category:Battle facility leaders|*]]
[[Category:Frontier Brains|*]]
[[Category:Battle Frontier]]

[[es:As del Frente Batalla]]
[[fr:Meneur de Zone]]
[[it:Asso Lotta]]

Latest revision as of 08:40, 15 September 2024

A Frontier Brain (Japanese: フロンティアブレーン Frontier Brain) is a Pokémon Trainer who presides over a certain Battle Frontier facility. Frontier Brains appear in Emerald, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver. Those from Hoenn hand out Symbols to Trainers who rise through the ranks and show true skill in each of the facilities, while those from Sinnoh and Johto hand out commemorative prints for the same reason.

In games where the expansive Battle Frontier doesn't exist, there is usually a lone Battle Tower or an equivalent to it. In these facilities, some Trainers hold titles equivalent to Frontier Brains, such as Subway Boss, Battle Chatelaine, and Battle Legend.

Hoenn Frontier Brains

Hoenn Battle Frontier
Generation III Region: Hoenn
Frontier Brain

Factory Head Noland
ファクトリーヘッド ダツラ
Factory Head Datsura
Battle Factory
Battle Factory

Silver Knowledge Symbol

Gold Knowledge Symbol

Arena Tycoon Greta
アリーナキャプテン コゴミ
Arena Captain Kogomi
Battle Arena
Battle Arena

Silver Guts Symbol

Gold Guts Symbol

Dome Ace Tucker
ドームスーパースター ヒース
Dome Superstar Heath
Battle Dome
Battle Dome

Silver Tactics Symbol

Gold Tactics Symbol

Pike Queen Lucy
チューブクイーン アザミ
Tube Queen Azami
Battle Pike
Battle Tube

Silver Luck Symbol

Gold Luck Symbol

Palace Maven Spenser
パレスガーディアン ウコン
Palace Guardian Ukon
Battle Palace
Battle Palace

Silver Spirits Symbol

Gold Spirits Symbol

Pyramid King Brandon
ピラミッドキング ジンダイ
Pyramid King Jindai
Battle Pyramid
Battle Pyramid

Silver Brave Symbol

Gold Brave Symbol

Salon Maiden Anabel
タワータイクーン リラ
Tower Tycoon Lila
Battle Tower
Battle Tower

Silver Ability Symbol

Gold Ability Symbol

Sinnoh/Johto Frontier Brains

Sinnoh and Johto Battle Frontier
Generation IV Regions: Sinnoh and Johto
Frontier Brain

Tower Tycoon Palmer
タワータイクーン クロツグ
Tower Tycoon Kurotsugu
Battle Tower
Battle Tower

Silver Tower Prints

Gold Tower Prints

Factory Head Thorton
ファクトリーヘッド ネジキ
Factory Head Neziki
Battle Factory
Battle Factory

Silver Factory Prints

Gold Factory Prints

Arcade Star Dahlia
ルーレットゴーデス ダリア
Roulette Goddess Dahlia
Battle Arcade
Battle Roulette

Silver Arcade Prints

Gold Arcade Prints

Castle Valet Darach
キャッスルバトラー コクラン
Castle Butler Kokuran
Battle Castle
Battle Castle

Silver Castle Prints

Gold Castle Prints

Hall Matron Argenta
ステージマドンナ ケイト
Stage Madonna Kate
Battle Hall
Battle Stage

Silver Hall Prints

Gold Hall Prints

In the anime

The Generation III Frontier Brains in the anime

The Frontier Brains were first mentioned by Scott in The Scheme Team when he told Ash about the Battle Frontier. The first Frontier Brain, Noland, debuted in Numero Uno Articuno. Over the course of the ninth season, the other six Generation III Frontier Brains also made their appearances at their respective battle facilities, which are located in Kanto in this canon. Brandon reappeared in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl episodes A Pyramiding Rage! and Pillars of Friendship! to investigate Snowpoint Temple. Scott also inferred that they were at least at the level of the Elite Four member Agatha, as both he and Agatha recommended that Ash challenge them shortly after his fight with her. Those who successfully defeat the Battle Frontier become Frontier Brain candidates. Ash defeated each of the seven Frontier Brains, but turned down the offer for Frontier Brain status.

Palmer is the only Generation IV Frontier Brain to have appeared in the anime, debuting in Historical Mystery Tour!. In the next episode, Ash battled Palmer at the Twinleaf Festival, but was defeated. Palmer also made cameo appearances in Arceus and the Jewel of Life and Zoroark: Master of Illusions. Caitlin, the employer of Darach who oversees all of the battles conducted at the Battle Castle in the Generation IV games, appeared in Jostling for the Junior Cup! as a member of the Unova Elite Four, facing off against Cynthia in an exhibition match at the start of the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup.

In the manga

The Hoenn Frontier Brains in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Emerald arc

The Hoenn Frontier Brains were were challenged by Emerald in a seven-day challenge to defeat each of them at their own facilities during the Battle Frontier's week-long opening ceremony. They also helped to fight against the armored villain named Guile Hideout, who was after the Mythical Wish Pokémon, Jirachi.

Platinum arc

The Sinnoh Frontier Brains, except for Palmer, were challenged and defeated by Platinum at their respective facilities. Palmer, in turn, assisted the Sinnoh Pokédex holders and the Stat Trainers in the final battle against Team Galactic in the Distortion World.

At the end of the arc, Palmer reminded Platinum that his facility would be the last one to be challenged, and welcomed her upcoming challenge.

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire arc

The Hoenn Frontier Brains reappeared in this arc, helping to stop the Admins of Neo Team Aqua and Neo Team Magma. They also later assisted in destroying Grand Meteor Delta.

Pokémon Battle Frontier

Enta battled each of the seven Frontier Brains in the Pokémon Battle Frontier manga, although his battles with Noland, Greta, and Brandon occurred off-panel. He managed to defeat six of them, but eventually tied with Anabel.

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

Palmer is the only Frontier Brain to appear in the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! manga, debuting in Look for Giratina!, where he was encountered by Hareta, Mitsumi, and Jun at the Fight Area. Hareta also had a brief battle with him when he assumed he was allied with Team Galactic, which ended in a draw.


In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 開拓之腦 / 开拓之脑 Kāituò-zhī Nǎo
Finnish Rintamapäällikkö*
French Meneur de Zone
German Kampfkoryphäen
Italian Asso Lotta
Korean 프런티어 브레인 Frontier Brain
Polish Mistrz Walk
Brazilian Portuguese Cérebro da Fronteira
Spanish Latin America Cerebro de la Frontera
Spain As del Frente
Vietnamese Đầu não Biên giới

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