EP149: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
mNo edit summary
m Text replacement - "episode of the Pokémon anime" to "episode of the Pokémon animated series"
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colorscheme=Johto |
colorscheme=Johto |
title_en=Tunnel Vision |
title_en=Tunnel Vision |
title_ja=プリンVSブルー! |
title_ja=プリンVSブルー! |
title_ja_trans=Purin VS Bulu! |
title_ja_trans=Purin VS Bulu! |
broadcast_jp=May 25, 2000 |
broadcast_jp=May 25, 2000 |
broadcast_us=April 7, 2001 |
broadcast_us=April 7, 2001 |
screen=yes |
screen=hd |
en_series=Johto Journeys |
en_series=Johto Journeys |
en_op=[[Pokémon Johto]] |
en_op=[[Pokémon Johto]] |
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director=鈴木敏明 |
art=志村泉 |
art=志村泉 |
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epstaffpage=EP141-EP150 |
epstaffpage=EP141-EP150 |
footnotes= }}
footnotes= {{filb-eppics|pm|151}}
'''Tunnel Vision''' (Japanese: '''プリンVSブルー!''' ''{{tt|Purin|Jigglypuff}} VS {{tt|Bulu|Snubbull}}!'') is the 149th episode of the [[Pokémon anime]]. It was first broadcast in Japan on May 25, 2000 and in the United States on April 7, 2001.  
<!-- Short summary goes here. -->
'''Tunnel Vision''' (Japanese: '''プリンVSブルー!''' ''{{tt|Purin|Jigglypuff}} VS {{tt|Bulu|Snubbull}}!'') is the 149th episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It was first broadcast in Japan on May 25, 2000, and in the United States on April 7, 2001.  
== Synopsis ==
<!-- Detailed synopsis goes here. -->
{{Incomplete synopsis}}
Passing through a mountain, Ash and friends are once again confronted by the pesky [[Madame Muchmoney's Snubbull|Snubbull]] that chases Team Rocket around...

== Major events ==
<!-- Events such as captures, releases go here. -->
<i>While Ash and friends deliberate on how to pass through a tunnel replete with Onix, two wandering Pokémon—a Snubbull and a Jigglypuff—arrive on the scene together and take a strong enough dislike to each other to threaten drawing everyone else into their conflict.</i>
{{Ash}} and {{ashfr}} continue towards [[Goldenrod City]]. {{an|Brock}} reads his guide and informs everyone that the [[Onix Tunnel]], a mountain pass filled with {{p|Onix}}, is close by. {{an|Misty}} is worried about the Onix, but Ash assures her that his {{AP|Squirtle}} can handle them, only to remember that Squirtle is now with the [[Squirtle Squad]]. Misty replies that her {{t|Water}} Pokémon will do the job. With the sun setting, the group decides to wait until the morning to enter the tunnel. {{an|Jigglypuff}} walks closely behind, unnoticed, while {{TP|Madam Muchmoney|Snubbull}} similarly follows behind Jigglypuff.
A new morning arrives and {{TRT}} walk to the cave's entrance. {{MTR}} considers taking the mountain route instead, but he reluctantly takes the tunnel path with [[Jessie]] and [[James]]. The cave's eerie silence is broken by a trio of Onix. James calls out his {{TP|James|Victreebel}}. He orders Victreebel to use {{m|Razor Leaf}}, but the Onix don't seem affected by it. They reply by hitting their heads against the cave's walls and using {{m|Rock Throw}} to cause a rockslide. Jessie decides to send out {{TP|Jessie|Arbok}}, but it is quickly {{m|Bind}}ed by one of the Onix. After that, Jessie tosses Meowth at the Onix, but his {{m|Fury Swipes}} do nothing. The Onix reply by using another Rock Throw. Team Rocket rushes out of the tunnel. They gather their breaths before deciding to steal Misty's Water Pokémon in order to counter the Onix. {{TP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}} pops out of his {{i|Poké Ball}}, but Jessie quickly [[recall]]s him.
Meanwhile, Ash and his friends are just beginning their day. Ash sits by the campsite's river to wash his face, while Brock stretches with {{TP|Brock|Pineco}} and Misty scolds her {{TP|Misty|Psyduck}} for its habit of putting its hands on its head. Brock asks Pineco if it's ready to have some fun, and Pineco promptly {{m|Explosion|explodes}} in Brock’s arms. Ash notices a Snubbull walk by, and he instantly notices its red ribbons. Misty says that it's obviously the Snubbull that belongs to [[Madame Muchmoney]]. As the group wonder why she has run away from home, Snubbull rushes off. Ash and his friends pursue Snubbull, but soon lose her only to find themselves face-to-face with a familiar Jigglypuff. Before the group can flee, Jigglypuff jumps onto a tree stump and performs a {{m|Sing}}ing rendition which causes Ash and his friends to fall {{status|sleep|asleep}}. Team Rocket, who have disguised themselves as shrubs, and Snubbull, who was about to bite onto Meowth's tail, are also lulled to sleep.
Sometime later, Snubbull wakes up, with her face scribbled by Jigglypuff and with no sign of Team Rocket. She starts sniffing again, arriving at a small pond. When she looks at her reflection, she is shocked to see what happened to her face. Then she turns and sees an angered Jigglypuff is scribbling on a sleeping {{p|Pidgey}}. Snubbull steals Jigglypuff's microphone and runs away with it. Soon Ash and his friends encounter Jigglypuff again. They attempt to run, but Brock stops them, saying there is something different about it. Then Ash notices it doesn't have its microphone. They decide to help it find the microphone.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket have since cleaned their faces of Jigglypuff's scribbles. With their first plan ruined, Jessie suggests the trio try a pitfall trap. She introduces her teammates to a new invention, a shovel combined with a pogo stick. Snubbull appears with the microphone, while Team Rocket is digging. She sneaks behind Meowth and bites down on his tail. Jessie picks up Snubbull and quickly identifies it as Madam Muchmoney's Snubbull. James thinks it would be a great gift for {{an|Giovanni|their boss}}. Though Jessie is glad to have a cute Pokemon like Snubbull to cuddle, and mentions that she will now become more popular than Misty and her {{TP|Misty|Togepi}}. Wobbuffet makes another unexpected appearance, much to Jessie's annoyance. Meowth demands that Jessie and James pick either him or Snubbull, but he is shocked that his teammates happily welcome Snubbull to the group. Jessie and James soon leave, and Meowth goes on his separate way. Later, Team Rocket spy from some bushes as Ash, his friends, and Jigglypuff notice several plates of fruit lying on the road ahead. Ash is eager for a bite, but his friends are more skeptical and believe it's a trap. Jigglypuff rushes forward and falls into one of the pitfall traps. Ash sends his {{AP|Bulbasaur}} to rescue Jigglypuff out of the hole. It becomes angry, runs toward two more pitfalls with Bulbasaur taking it out of both holes. It puffs up again in anger and runs, while the group follows it.
Soon after, Snubbull jumps from Jessie's hands and rushes off. Elsewhere, Meowth contemplates returning to Jessie and James, but he quickly changes his mind. In the forest, Ash and his friends search for Jigglypuff's microphone, but Jigglypuff is quickly losing hope of locating its precious item. Now Meowth rests by the entrance to Onix Tunnel and a sad Jigglypuff joins him. The pair begin to console each others feelings and Meowth suggests that he and Jigglypuff should start their own team named the Dream Team. The conversation is shortly interrupted after Snubbull bites Meowth's tail. Jessie and James appear, but they admit they didn't notice Meowth's disappearance and were only looking for Snubbull. Jigglypuff spots its microphone in Snubbull's paw and tries to snatch it back. Just as Jigglypuff and Snubbull begin fighting, and Meowth also gets caught up, {{AP|Pikachu}} oversees the commotion and quickly alerts Ash and his friends, who rush on to the scene and break up the fight.
Team Rocket is glad to see Misty and recites their {{motto}}. Meowth tries to say his classic line, but Wobbuffet interrupts. Jessie and James are quite impressed by the new rendition, but Meowth is admittedly concerned about his future in Team Rocket. Jessie sends her Arbok and Misty tries to send one of her Pokémon, but Psyduck pops out instead. Team Rocket cringe at Psyduck’s arrival, though Misty quickly recalls it. She tries again and sends out {{TP|Misty|Poliwag}}. Poliwag dodges Arbok then hits it with {{m|Water Gun}}. James sends out Victreebel and Ash calls on {{AP|Chikorita}} for assistance. James orders Victreebel to use Razor Leaf on Poliwag, but Chikorita’s {{m|Vine Whip}}s break the attack. Poliwag {{m|Double Slap}}s Arbok and Chikorita uses Razor Leaf on Victreebel. Chikorita follows up with a Vine Whip, but it is {{m|Counter}}ed by Wobbuffet. Poliwag powerful Water Gun manages to break Wobbuffet's Counter and throws him, Victreebel and Arbok back into Team Rocket. Pikachu uses {{m|Thunderbolt}} and sends them blasting off. Snubbull runs off to chase Meowth, leaving the microphone behind.
Jigglypuff picks up the microphone and starts singing, putting Ash and his friends to sleep again before scribbling their faces. As they sleep, Jigglypuff enters the tunnel and encounters the three Onix. It starts singing again, putting them to sleep. Ash and his friends wake up by sunset and proceed to pass through the Onix Tunnel. They are relieved to see the Onix are fast asleep, and Ash is grateful that Jigglypuff was reunited with its microphone. By nightfall, Team Rocket begin their walk through the Onix Tunnel. Jessie unfortunately trips over, and the sound causes the slumbering Onix to awaken.
==Major events==
<!-- This is not for summarizing everything that happens in this episode. Only events pertaining to the series as a whole, such as catching and releasing Pokémon and obtaining Badges, go here. -->
=== Debuts ===
<!-- Events such as new characters, or first screen appearance of Pokémon go here. -->

== Characters ==
=== Humans ===
====Pokémon debuts====
[[File:Dare da EP149.png|thumb|200px|right|{{tt|Dare da?|Who's That Pokémon?}}]]
* {{Ash}}
* {{Ash}}
* [[Misty]]
* {{an|Misty}}
* [[Brock]]
* {{an|Brock}}
* [[Jessie]]
* [[Jessie]]
* [[James]]
* [[James]]
* [[Madame Muchmoney]] (flashback)
[[File:WTP EP149.png|thumb|200px|right|Who's That Pokémon?]]
[[Who's That Pokémon?]]: {{p|Azumarill}} ''(US and international)'', {{p|Jigglypuff}} ({{an|Jigglypuff|anime}}) ''(Japan)''

=== Pokémon ===
[[Who’s That Pokémon?]]: {{p|Azumarill}} (''US and international''), [[Jigglypuff (Pokémon)|Purin]] (''Japan'')
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
Line 57: Line 81:
* {{p|Bulbasaur}} ({{OP|Ash|Bulbasaur}})
* {{p|Bulbasaur}} ({{OP|Ash|Bulbasaur}})
* {{p|Chikorita}} ({{OP|Ash|Chikorita}})
* {{p|Chikorita}} ({{OP|Ash|Chikorita}})
* {{p|Goldeen}} ({{OP|Misty|Goldeen}}; vision)
* {{p|Staryu}} ({{OP|Misty|Staryu}}; vision)
* {{p|Psyduck}} ({{OP|Misty|Psyduck}})
* {{p|Psyduck}} ({{OP|Misty|Psyduck}})
* {{p|Poliwag}} ({{OP|Misty|Poliwag}})
* {{p|Poliwag}} ({{OP|Misty|Poliwag}})
Line 62: Line 88:
* {{p|Arbok}} ({{OP|Jessie|Arbok}})
* {{p|Arbok}} ({{OP|Jessie|Arbok}})
* {{p|Victreebel}} ({{OP|James|Victreebel}})
* {{p|Victreebel}} ({{OP|James|Victreebel}})
* {{p|Snubbull}} ({{OP|Madame Muchmoney|Snubbull}})
* {{p|Jigglypuff}} ({{an|Jigglypuff|anime}})
* {{p|Jigglypuff}} ({{an|Jigglypuff|anime}})
* {{p|Snubbull}} ({{OP|Madame Muchmoney|Snubbull}})
* {{p|Onix}} (multiple)
* {{p|Onix}}
* {{p|Pidgey}}
* {{p|Pidgey}}

== Trivia ==
*This is the first time {{TP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}} shouts out its name at the end of [[Team Rocket's motto]].
* This is the first time {{TP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}} shouts out his name at the end of {{TRT}}'s {{motto}}.
*This is one of the episodes where {{an|Jigglypuff}} {{m|sing}}s its song the most with {{Ash}}, [[Misty]], and [[Brock]] hearing it twice, [[Team Rocket]] hearing it once and the {{p|Onix}} that dwell in the Onix tunnel once.  
* Along with its [[EP045|debut episode]], this is one of the episodes where {{an|Jigglypuff}} {{m|sing}}s its song the most, with {{Ash}} and {{ashfr}} hearing it twice, Team Rocket hearing it once, and the {{p|Onix}} that dwell in the Onix tunnel hearing it once.  
*Ash mentions that he no longer has his {{AP|Squirtle}}. In the dub, however, this episode aired slightly out of order, and aired before the episode where Squirtle returned to the [[Squirtle Squad]], causing confusion for viewers, as well as spoiling the ending to [[EP147|another episode]].
* Ash mentions that he no longer has his {{AP|Squirtle}}. In the dub, however, this episode aired slightly out of order, and aired before the episode where Squirtle returned to the [[Squirtle Squad]], causing confusion for viewers, as well as spoiling the ending to [[EP147|another episode]].
=== Errors ===
* Throughout the entire episode, it is stated that {{type|Water}} Pokémon are the only way to defeat {{p|Onix}}; however, there is no mention of {{type|Grass}} Pokémon who are just as strong as Water-types against Onix.
*Brock says that the food pitfall trap is familiar, but the only other one so far was in the [[Orange Islands]] when Brock was with [[Professor Ivy]].
* An instrumental version of [[You Can Do It (If You Really Try)]] can be heard.

=== Dub edits ===
* At the beginning of the episode, the narrator says "Once again, we join our friends on their journey ''to'' [[Johto]]", despite Ash and his friends already being in Johto.
* {{an|Brock}} says that the food pitfall trap is familiar, but the only other one featured so far was during the [[Orange Islands]], which was when Brock was with [[Professor Ivy]] and he therefore couldn't have seen that trap in person.
* When [[James]] commands his {{TP|James|Victreebel}} to use {{m|Razor Leaf}} on the group of Onix in the Onix Tunnel, the leaves bounce off them and appear to inflict no damage. However, in reality, Onix, being a dual {{t|Rock}} and {{type|Ground}}, is extremely weak to {{type|Grass}} [[move]]s.
===Dub edits===
* [[Pokémon Karaokémon]]: [[Song of Jigglypuff]]

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
* French: '''{{tt|Le bout du tunnel|The end of the tunnel}}'''
* German: '''{{tt|Gefährlicher Tunnel|Dangerous tunnel}}'''
|ar={{tt|نفق الأونيكس|The Onix tunnel!}}
* Hebrew: '''מנהרת האוניקסים''' ''{{tt|minheret haOnixim|tunnel of Onix}}''
|bg={{tt|Призрачният тунел|The ghost tunnel}}
* Italian: '''{{tt|La galleria|The tunnel}}'''
|zh_cmn={{tt|布魯和胖丁!|Snubbull and Jigglypuff}}
* Portuguese (Brazilian): '''{{tt|Males que Vêm pra Bem|Evils that Come to Good}}'''
|cs={{tt|Nebezpečná cesta tunelem|Dangerous journey through the tunnel}}
* Spanish:
|nl={{tt|Het Licht in de Tunnel|The Light in the Tunnel}}
** Iberian Spanish: '''{{tt|Túnel a la vista|Tunnel on sight}}'''
|de={{tt|Gefährlicher Tunnel|Dangerous tunnel}}
** Latin American Spanish: '''{{tt|¡El túnel Onix!|The Onix tunnel!}}'''
|fr_eu={{tt|Le bout du tunnel|The end of the tunnel}}
|he=מנהרת האוניקסים{{tt|minheret haOnixim|Tunnel of Onix}}
|hu={{tt|Csőlátás|Tunnel vision}}
|it={{tt|La galleria|The tunnel}}{{tt|*|Original 2000 dub}} <br> {{tt|La galleria degli Onix|Onix tunnel}}{{tt|*|2014 K2 TV dub}}
|pt_br={{tt|Males que Vêm pra Bem|Evils that Come to Good}}
|pt_eu={{tt|Visão de Tunel|Tunnel Vision}}
|es_la={{tt|¡El túnel Onix!|The Onix tunnel!}}
|es_eu={{tt|Túnel a la vista|Tunnel on sight}}
|pl={{tt|Tunel grozy|Tunnel of the terror}}
|ro={{tt|Viziunea Tunelului|The Vision of the Tunnel}}
|hi=Onix सुरंग {{tt|''Onix Surang''|Onix Tunnel}} {{tt|*|Hungama dub}}
prevcode=EP148 |
prevcode=EP148 |
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colorscheme=Johto | }}
colorscheme=Johto | }}
{{Project Anime notice}}
{{Project Anime notice}}
[[Category:Original series episodes|149]]
[[Category:Original series episodes|149]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Jigglypuff|149]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Meowth]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi|149]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Jigglypuff]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Yoshitaka Fujimoto|149]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Toshiaki Suzuki|149]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Yoshitaka Fujimoto]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Izumi Shimura|149]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Toshiaki Suzuki]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Izumi Shimura]]

[[de:Gefährlicher Tunnel (Episode)]]
[[de:Gefährlicher Tunnel]]
[[fr:Épisode 149]]
[[zh:宝可梦 第150集]]

Latest revision as of 04:52, 3 September 2024

EP148 : No Big Woop!
Original series
EP150 : Hour of the Houndour
Tunnel Vision
Purin VS Bulu!
First broadcast
Japan May 25, 2000
United States April 7, 2001
English themes
Opening Pokémon Johto
Japanese themes
Opening OK!
Ending ポケモンはらはらリレー
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 大橋志吉 Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Storyboard 藤本義孝 Yoshitaka Fujimoto
Assistant director 鈴木敏明 Toshiaki Suzuki
Animation director 志村泉 Izumi Shimura
Additional credits

Screenshots on Filb.de

Tunnel Vision (Japanese: プリンVSブルー! Purin VS Bulu!) is the 149th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It was first broadcast in Japan on May 25, 2000, and in the United States on April 7, 2001.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


While Ash and friends deliberate on how to pass through a tunnel replete with Onix, two wandering Pokémon—a Snubbull and a Jigglypuff—arrive on the scene together and take a strong enough dislike to each other to threaten drawing everyone else into their conflict.


Ash and his friends continue towards Goldenrod City. Brock reads his guide and informs everyone that the Onix Tunnel, a mountain pass filled with Onix, is close by. Misty is worried about the Onix, but Ash assures her that his Squirtle can handle them, only to remember that Squirtle is now with the Squirtle Squad. Misty replies that her Water Pokémon will do the job. With the sun setting, the group decides to wait until the morning to enter the tunnel. Jigglypuff walks closely behind, unnoticed, while Snubbull similarly follows behind Jigglypuff.

A new morning arrives and Team Rocket walk to the cave's entrance. Meowth considers taking the mountain route instead, but he reluctantly takes the tunnel path with Jessie and James. The cave's eerie silence is broken by a trio of Onix. James calls out his Victreebel. He orders Victreebel to use Razor Leaf, but the Onix don't seem affected by it. They reply by hitting their heads against the cave's walls and using Rock Throw to cause a rockslide. Jessie decides to send out Arbok, but it is quickly Binded by one of the Onix. After that, Jessie tosses Meowth at the Onix, but his Fury Swipes do nothing. The Onix reply by using another Rock Throw. Team Rocket rushes out of the tunnel. They gather their breaths before deciding to steal Misty's Water Pokémon in order to counter the Onix. Wobbuffet pops out of his Poké Ball, but Jessie quickly recalls him.

Meanwhile, Ash and his friends are just beginning their day. Ash sits by the campsite's river to wash his face, while Brock stretches with Pineco and Misty scolds her Psyduck for its habit of putting its hands on its head. Brock asks Pineco if it's ready to have some fun, and Pineco promptly explodes in Brock’s arms. Ash notices a Snubbull walk by, and he instantly notices its red ribbons. Misty says that it's obviously the Snubbull that belongs to Madame Muchmoney. As the group wonder why she has run away from home, Snubbull rushes off. Ash and his friends pursue Snubbull, but soon lose her only to find themselves face-to-face with a familiar Jigglypuff. Before the group can flee, Jigglypuff jumps onto a tree stump and performs a Singing rendition which causes Ash and his friends to fall asleep. Team Rocket, who have disguised themselves as shrubs, and Snubbull, who was about to bite onto Meowth's tail, are also lulled to sleep.

Sometime later, Snubbull wakes up, with her face scribbled by Jigglypuff and with no sign of Team Rocket. She starts sniffing again, arriving at a small pond. When she looks at her reflection, she is shocked to see what happened to her face. Then she turns and sees an angered Jigglypuff is scribbling on a sleeping Pidgey. Snubbull steals Jigglypuff's microphone and runs away with it. Soon Ash and his friends encounter Jigglypuff again. They attempt to run, but Brock stops them, saying there is something different about it. Then Ash notices it doesn't have its microphone. They decide to help it find the microphone.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket have since cleaned their faces of Jigglypuff's scribbles. With their first plan ruined, Jessie suggests the trio try a pitfall trap. She introduces her teammates to a new invention, a shovel combined with a pogo stick. Snubbull appears with the microphone, while Team Rocket is digging. She sneaks behind Meowth and bites down on his tail. Jessie picks up Snubbull and quickly identifies it as Madam Muchmoney's Snubbull. James thinks it would be a great gift for their boss. Though Jessie is glad to have a cute Pokemon like Snubbull to cuddle, and mentions that she will now become more popular than Misty and her Togepi. Wobbuffet makes another unexpected appearance, much to Jessie's annoyance. Meowth demands that Jessie and James pick either him or Snubbull, but he is shocked that his teammates happily welcome Snubbull to the group. Jessie and James soon leave, and Meowth goes on his separate way. Later, Team Rocket spy from some bushes as Ash, his friends, and Jigglypuff notice several plates of fruit lying on the road ahead. Ash is eager for a bite, but his friends are more skeptical and believe it's a trap. Jigglypuff rushes forward and falls into one of the pitfall traps. Ash sends his Bulbasaur to rescue Jigglypuff out of the hole. It becomes angry, runs toward two more pitfalls with Bulbasaur taking it out of both holes. It puffs up again in anger and runs, while the group follows it.

Soon after, Snubbull jumps from Jessie's hands and rushes off. Elsewhere, Meowth contemplates returning to Jessie and James, but he quickly changes his mind. In the forest, Ash and his friends search for Jigglypuff's microphone, but Jigglypuff is quickly losing hope of locating its precious item. Now Meowth rests by the entrance to Onix Tunnel and a sad Jigglypuff joins him. The pair begin to console each others feelings and Meowth suggests that he and Jigglypuff should start their own team named the Dream Team. The conversation is shortly interrupted after Snubbull bites Meowth's tail. Jessie and James appear, but they admit they didn't notice Meowth's disappearance and were only looking for Snubbull. Jigglypuff spots its microphone in Snubbull's paw and tries to snatch it back. Just as Jigglypuff and Snubbull begin fighting, and Meowth also gets caught up, Pikachu oversees the commotion and quickly alerts Ash and his friends, who rush on to the scene and break up the fight.

Team Rocket is glad to see Misty and recites their motto. Meowth tries to say his classic line, but Wobbuffet interrupts. Jessie and James are quite impressed by the new rendition, but Meowth is admittedly concerned about his future in Team Rocket. Jessie sends her Arbok and Misty tries to send one of her Pokémon, but Psyduck pops out instead. Team Rocket cringe at Psyduck’s arrival, though Misty quickly recalls it. She tries again and sends out Poliwag. Poliwag dodges Arbok then hits it with Water Gun. James sends out Victreebel and Ash calls on Chikorita for assistance. James orders Victreebel to use Razor Leaf on Poliwag, but Chikorita’s Vine Whips break the attack. Poliwag Double Slaps Arbok and Chikorita uses Razor Leaf on Victreebel. Chikorita follows up with a Vine Whip, but it is Countered by Wobbuffet. Poliwag powerful Water Gun manages to break Wobbuffet's Counter and throws him, Victreebel and Arbok back into Team Rocket. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and sends them blasting off. Snubbull runs off to chase Meowth, leaving the microphone behind.

Jigglypuff picks up the microphone and starts singing, putting Ash and his friends to sleep again before scribbling their faces. As they sleep, Jigglypuff enters the tunnel and encounters the three Onix. It starts singing again, putting them to sleep. Ash and his friends wake up by sunset and proceed to pass through the Onix Tunnel. They are relieved to see the Onix are fast asleep, and Ash is grateful that Jigglypuff was reunited with its microphone. By nightfall, Team Rocket begin their walk through the Onix Tunnel. Jessie unfortunately trips over, and the sound causes the slumbering Onix to awaken.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts



Dare da?


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Azumarill (US and international), Jigglypuff (anime) (Japan)


  • This is the first time Wobbuffet shouts out his name at the end of Team Rocket's motto.
  • Along with its debut episode, this is one of the episodes where Jigglypuff sings its song the most, with Ash and his friends hearing it twice, Team Rocket hearing it once, and the Onix that dwell in the Onix tunnel hearing it once.
  • Ash mentions that he no longer has his Squirtle. In the dub, however, this episode aired slightly out of order, and aired before the episode where Squirtle returned to the Squirtle Squad, causing confusion for viewers, as well as spoiling the ending to another episode.
  • Throughout the entire episode, it is stated that Water-type Pokémon are the only way to defeat Onix; however, there is no mention of Grass-type Pokémon who are just as strong as Water-types against Onix.
  • An instrumental version of You Can Do It (If You Really Try) can be heard.


  • At the beginning of the episode, the narrator says "Once again, we join our friends on their journey to Johto", despite Ash and his friends already being in Johto.
  • Brock says that the food pitfall trap is familiar, but the only other one featured so far was during the Orange Islands, which was when Brock was with Professor Ivy and he therefore couldn't have seen that trap in person.
  • When James commands his Victreebel to use Razor Leaf on the group of Onix in the Onix Tunnel, the leaves bounce off them and appear to inflict no damage. However, in reality, Onix, being a dual Rock and Ground-type, is extremely weak to Grass-type moves.

Dub edits

In other languages

EP148 : No Big Woop
Original series
EP150 : Hour of the Houndour
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.