Kanto Route 10: Difference between revisions

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Taromon777 (talk | contribs)
Clarky13 (talk | contribs)
m Reverted edits by Taromon777 (Talk) to last revision by Toto94
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==Requirements to fully explore this area==

==Differences among generations==
==Differences among generations==

Revision as of 10:55, 13 February 2010

Route 0 0番道路
Route 0
File:Route 10.png
Map description
This area is not described by a map.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations

Kanto Route 0
Location of {{{name}}} in Kanto.
File:R10rby.PNG File:R10gsc.png File:Route 10.png
Gen I Gen II Gen III
Pokémon world routes

Route 10 is a north-south route located in northeast Kanto. The route, separated into northern and southern segments by the Rock Tunnel, runs between Route 9 to the north and Lavender Town to the south. A river along the northern and eastern extents of the route allows for access to the Power Plant via Surfing.

There is also a Pokémon Center east of the north entrance to the Rock Tunnel. In Generation III only, trainers can Fly back to the building.

Route description

Power Plant access

At the point where Route 9 becomes Route 10, a northerly path heads toward the river, as well as a narrow strip of land along the northern tip of Route 10 but fenced off from the rest of the route. From this strip, trainers who possess the ability to use Surf out of battle can Surf east along the river, then south past the remaining portion of the northern half of Route 10 (separated from the riverbank by a long fence) before turning west north of the Rock Tunnel's southern portal and making landfall just southeast of the building.

There is a lone trainer located on the beachfront southwest of the Power Plant.

In Generation III, there is a back door to the Power Plant west of the building; however, a ledge prevents access to it.

Northern segment

Just east of the path leading to the river is the only patch of grass on Route 10. The main path of the route runs along the southern edge of the grass, turning south near the river. Directly south of the patch and east of the north portal of the Rock Tunnel is a Pokémon Center, one of only two in the region that is found outside of a populated area (the Center on Route 3 near Mount Moon is the other). The building is separated from the Rock Tunnel by a string of shrubs and Cut-able trees. Trainers can either Cut down one of the four trees or travel around the blockade, taking on a trainer at the southern end of the blockade.

From the trainer, the route returns north, following the west side of the blockade. The path juts west, then east to avoid a fence before reaching the Rock Tunnel's north entrance.

Southern segment

The south portion of Route 10 acts much like a North American traffic circle in that movement is restricted in a counterclockwise motion around a large mound in the middle of the route. From the south entrance of the Rock Tunnel, the route turns west, then south, passing two trainers and hopping a ledge before encountering a third trainer. Route 10 then turns east to meet a three-way intersection. The south path at this fork leads to Lavender while the east path continues to the east before curving north, traversing a pair of ledges via openings, and returning west to the Rock Tunnel's southern portal.


Item Location Games

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Generation I

style="background: #ACC9E6;"
Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate

081 Magnemite R B Y Grass 16-22 55%

100 Voltorb R B Y Grass 14-17 45%

021 Spearow R B Y Grass 13-17 30%

023 Ekans R B Y Grass 11-17 25%

027 Sandshrew R B Y Grass 11-17 25%

019 Rattata R B Y Grass 18 15%

029 Nidoran♀ R B Y Grass 17 10%

032 Nidoran♂ R B Y Grass 17 10%

020 Raticate R B Y Grass 20 5%

066 Machop R B Y Grass 16-18 5%


129 Magikarp R B Y Old Rod 5 100%

060 Poliwag R B Y Good Rod 10 50%
118 Goldeen R B Y Good Rod 10 50%

061 Poliwhirl R B Y Super Rod 23 50%

079 Slowpoke R B Y Super Rod 15 50%

098 Krabby R B Y Super Rod 15-20 70%

116 Horsea R B Y Super Rod 10 20%

099 Kingler R B Y Super Rod 25 10%

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Generation II

style="background: #FFFFAA;" style="background: #5ED0FF;" style="background: #003366; color: #FFFF99;" style="background: #ACC9E6;"
Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
All times

100 Voltorb G S C Grass 17 30%

020 Raticate G S C Grass 15 20%

021 Spearow G S C Grass 16 30%

021 Spearow G S C Grass 15 30%

020 Raticate G S C Grass 16 20%

022 Fearow G S C Grass 18 10%

022 Fearow G S C Grass 15 10%

125 Electabuzz G S C Grass 15 5%

125 Electabuzz G S C Grass 16 5%

195 Quagsire G S C Grass 16 5%

105 Marowak G S C Grass 15 5%

021 Spearow G S C Grass 16 30%

021 Spearow G S C Grass 15 30%

020 Raticate G S C Grass 17 20%

022 Fearow G S C Grass 18 10%

022 Fearow G S C Grass 15 10%

125 Electabuzz G S C Grass 15-17 10%

125 Electabuzz G S C Grass 18 5%

105 Marowak G S C Grass 15 5%

195 Quagsire G S C Grass 16-17 40%

048 Venonat G S C Grass 15 30%

020 Raticate G S C Grass 16-18 25%

049 Venomoth G S C Grass 15 10%

125 Electabuzz G S C Grass 15 5%

125 Electabuzz G S C Grass 16 5%

041 Zubat G S C Grass 15 5%
Surfing and Fishing

118 Goldeen G S C Surfing 10-19 90%

119 Seaking G S C Surfing 15-19 10%

129 Magikarp G S C Old Rod 10 85%

118 Goldeen G S C Old Rod 10 15%

118 Goldeen G S C Good Rod 20 65%

129 Magikarp G S C Good Rod 20 35%

118 Goldeen G S C Super Rod 40 70%

129 Magikarp G S C Super Rod 40 20%

119 Seaking G S C Super Rod 40 10%

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Generation III

style="background: #ACC9E6;"
Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate

100 Voltorb FR LG Grass 14-17 40%

021 Spearow FR LG Grass 13-17 35%

023 Ekans FR LG Grass 11-17 25%

027 Sandshrew FR LG Grass 11-17 25%
Surfing and Fishing

072 Tentacool FR LG Surfing 5-40 100%

129 Magikarp FR LG Old Rod 5 100%

116 Horsea FR LG Good Rod 5-15 60%

116 Horsea FR LG Good Rod 5-15 20%

098 Krabby FR LG Good Rod 5-15 20%

098 Krabby FR LG Good Rod 5-15 60%

129 Magikarp FR LG Good Rod 5-15 20%

116 Horsea FR LG Super Rod 15-35 84%

098 Krabby FR LG Super Rod 15-35 84%

130 Gyarados FR LG Super Rod 15-25 15%

054 Psyduck FR LG Super Rod 25-35 1%

079 Slowpoke FR LG Super Rod 25-35 1%

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Generation IV

style="background: #FFFFAA;" style="background: #5ED0FF;" style="background: #003366; color: #FFFF99;" style="background: #ACC9E6;"
Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
All times

100 Voltorb HG SS Grass 17 30%

021 Spearow HG SS Grass 16 30%

020 Raticate HG SS Grass 16-18 25%

022 Fearow HG SS Grass 18 10%

125 Electabuzz HG SS Grass 15 5%

021 Spearow HG SS Grass 16 30%

020 Raticate HG SS Grass 16-18 20%

022 Fearow HG SS Grass 18 10%

125 Electabuzz HG SS Grass 15-18 10%

195 Quagsire HG SS Grass 16-18 40%

020 Raticate HG SS Grass 16 25%

125 Electabuzz HG SS Grass 15 5%
Surfing and Fishing

118 Goldeen HG SS Surfing 10-19 90%

119 Seaking HG SS Surfing 15-19 10%

129 Magikarp HG SS Old Rod 10 95%

060 Poliwag HG SS Old Rod 10 5%

129 Magikarp HG SS Good Rod 20 60%

060 Poliwag HG SS Good Rod 20 40%

118 Goldeen HG SS Super Rod 40 90%

129 Magikarp HG SS Super Rod 40 7%

119 Seaking HG SS Super Rod 40 3%
Special Pokémon

145 Zapdos HG SS Event 50 Only one

264 Linoone HG SS Hoenn Sound Unknown Unknown

293 Whismur HG SS Hoenn Sound Unknown Unknown

399 Bidoof HG SS Sinnoh Sound Unknown Unknown

418 Buizel HG SS Sinnoh Sound Unknown Unknown

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Electric Flying
Held item:
Zapdos Lv.50
Rock Special
Electric Status
Psychic Status
Electric Special


Generation III

Trainer Pokémon
Picnicker Heidi
Picnicker Heidi
チカコ Chikako
Reward: $400
Pikachu Pikachu Lv.20
No item
Clefairy Clefairy Lv.20
No item
Picnicker Carol
Picnicker Carol
ヒロコ Hiroko
Reward: $420
Pidgey Pidgey Lv.21
No item
Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Lv.21
No item
Hiker Clark
Hiker Clark
カズノリ Kazunori
Reward: $756
Geodude Geodude Lv.21
No item
Onix Onix Lv.21
No item
Hiker Trent
Hiker Trent
ケンサク Kensaku
Reward: $684
Onix Onix Lv.19
No item
Graveler Graveler Lv.19
No item
PokéManiac Herman
PokéManiac Herman
ダイスケ Daisuke
Reward: $960
Cubone Cubone Lv.20
No item
Slowpoke Slowpoke Lv.20
No item
Surf is required
PokéManiac Mark
PokéManiac Mark
モトフミ Motofumi
Reward: $1392
Rhyhorn Rhyhorn Lv.29
No item
Lickitung Lickitung Lv.29
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Generation IV

Trainer Pokémon
Reward: $2752
Quagsire Quagsire Lv.43
No item
Reward: $1440
Machamp Machamp Lv.45
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Differences among generations

Generation II

With the closing of the Power Plant as a festering Electric Pokémon haven and the renovation of the facility into an operational power plant in Generation II, the Electric Pokémon were forced into a new grassy patch located just southeast of the Power Plant. As a result, Electabuzz are often found roaming Route 10. In Generation III, which happens at the same time as Generation I, the Power Plant is once again abandoned.

The amount of space between the southernmost point of the northern segment and the north portal of the Rock Tunnel was reduced by half. To compensate, the Pokémon Center was moved three paces south. The tree barricade between the Center and the Rock Tunnel was also removed. The southern segment of Route 10 was largely untouched, except for the removal of a trainer and the relocation of another.

As a whole, the route was reduced significantly in size, as was the Power Plant itself.

See also

Pallet TownViridian CityPewter CityCerulean CityVermilion CityLavender Town
Celadon CitySaffron CityFuchsia CityCinnabar IslandIndigo Plateau
Professor Oak's LaboratoryViridian ForestDiglett's CavePewter Museum of ScienceMt. Moon (Square) • Cerulean Cave
Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5–6)Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7–8)S.S. AnneS.S. AquaSea CottageRock Tunnel
Power PlantCycling Road/Pokémon RoadTeam Rocket HideoutSilph Co.Magnet TrainPokémon TowerSafari Zone/Pal Park
GO ParkSeafoam IslandsPokémon MansionCinnabar LabPokémon League Reception GateVictory RoadTohjo Falls
Access to
Sevii IslandsJohto
This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.