In-game trade: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
I got all these Pokémon in two separate files (in different languages, no less!) and they had the same exact IVs, and the odds of that happening by chance are very slim... so they're probably fixed.
Generation III: I only have one Lickitung, but since the other IVs I've seen are fixed, I assume this is too... will add more of these later...
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Revision as of 15:23, 31 July 2010

This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: JpBlue and XD information

An in-game trade is a trade made with a non-player character within the course of a main series Pokémon game. They are usually for Pokémon that are difficult or impossible to obtain through other means, or for Pokémon unavailable at that point of the game. In later games, the traded Pokémon often has special moves, like egg moves.

The Trainer conducting the in-game trade will—in every case but one—specify a Pokémon they want to trade for. The Pokémon the player receives in the trade will have fixed OT and ID numbers; in later games the held items, natures, and IVs are fixed as well. Each Pokémon, likewise, has a nickname, and will be at the same level as the Pokémon given by the player (except in Pokémon XD).

Like Pokémon traded externally, the traded Pokémon will be treated as an "outsider", and gain a boosted amount of experience points in battle.

The following is a list of all in-game trades in all generations.

Generation I

Red and Green (Japan) / Red and Blue (International)
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname OT
Route 2 063 Abra 122 Mr. Mime MARCEL TRAINER
Route 5 032 Nidoran♂ 029 Nidoran♀ SPOT TRAINER
Route 11 033 Nidorino 030 Nidorina TERRY TRAINER
Route 18 080 Slowbro 108 Lickitung MARC TRAINER
Cerulean City 061 Poliwhirl 124 Jynx LOLA TRAINER
Vermilion City 021 Spearow 083 Farfetch'd DUX TRAINER
Cinnabar Island 026 Raichu 101 Electrode DORIS TRAINER
Cinnabar Island 048 Venonat 114 Tangela CRINKLES TRAINER
Cinnabar Island 077 Ponyta 086 Seel SAILOR TRAINER

Blue (Japan)
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname OT
Route 2 039 Jigglypuff 122 Mr. Mime トレーナー
Route 5 019 Rattata 060 Poliwag トレーナー
Route 11 112 Rhydon 115 Kangaskhan トレーナー
Route 18 053 Persian 128 Tauros トレーナー
Cerulean City 067 Machoke 093 Haunter トレーナー
Vermilion City 016 Pidgey 083 Farfetch'd トレーナー
Cinnabar Island 064 Kadabra 075 Graveler トレーナー
Cinnabar Island 086 Seel 079 Slowpoke トレーナー
Cinnabar Island 058 Growlithe 098 Krabby トレーナー

Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname OT
Route 2 035 Clefairy 122 Mr. Mime MILES TRAINER
Route 5 104 Cubone 067 Machoke RICKY TRAINER
Route 11 108 Lickitung 051 Dugtrio GURIO TRAINER
Route 18 114 Tangela 047 Parasect SPIKE TRAINER
Cinnabar Island 055 Golduck 112 Rhydon BUFFY TRAINER
Cinnabar Island 058 Growlithe 087 Dewgong CEZANNE TRAINER
Cinnabar Island 115 Kangaskhan 089 Muk STICKY TRAINER

Generation II

Gold and Silver
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname Item OT ID
Violet City 069 Bellsprout 095 Onix ROCKY Bitter Berry KYLE 48926
Goldenrod City 096 Drowzee 066 Machop MUSCLE Gold Berry MIKE 37460
Olivine City 098 Krabby 100 Voltorb VOLTY PRZCureBerry TIM 29189
Blackthorn City 148 Dragonair 112 Rhydon DON Bitter Berry EMY 00283
Route 14 113 Chansey 142 Aerodactyl AEROY Gold Berry KIM 26491
Pewter City 044 Gloom 078 Rapidash RUNNY Burnt Berry CHRIS 15616

Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname Item OT ID IV's
Violet City 069 Bellsprout 095 Onix ROCKY Bitter Berry KYLE 48926 9/6/6/6
Goldenrod City 063 Abra 066 Machop MUSCLE Gold Berry MIKE 37460 3/7/6/6
Olivine City 098 Krabby 100 Voltorb VOLTY PRZCureBerry TIM 29189 9/8/8/8
Blackthorn City 148 Dragonair 085 Dodrio DORIS Smoke Ball EMY 00283 7/7/6/6
Route 14 113 Chansey 142 Aerodactyl AEROY Gold Berry KIM 26491 9/6/6/6
Pewter City 093 Haunter 178 Xatu PAUL MysteryBerry CHRIS 15616 9/6/8/6
Power Plant 051 Dugtrio 082 Magneton MAGGIE Metal Coat FOREST 50082 9/6/6/6

Generation III

Ruby and Sapphire
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname Item Nature OT ID Contest stat
Rustboro City 287 Slakoth 296 Makuhita MAKIT X Attack Hardy ELYSSA 49562 Tough
Fortree City 025 Pikachu 300 Skitty SKITIT Glitter Mail Timid DARRELL 02259 Cute
Pacifidlog Town 182 Bellossom 222 Corsola COROSO Tropic Mail Calm LANE 50183 Beauty

FireRed and LeafGreen
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname Item Nature OT ID IV's
Route 2 063 Abra 122 Mr. Mime MIMIEN Timid REYLEY 01985 20/15/17/24/23/22
Route 5 032 Nidoran♂ 029 Nidoran♀ MS.NIDO Tinymushroom Bold SAIGE 63184
Route 5 029 Nidoran♀ 032 Nidoran♂ MR.NIDO Tinymushroom Lonely SAIGE 63184
Route 11 033 Nidorino 030 Nidorina NINA Lonely TURNER 13637
Route 11 030 Nidorina 033 Nidorino NINO Bold TURNER 13637
Route 18 055 Golduck 108 Lickitung MARC Relaxed HADEN 50999
Route 18 080 Slowbro 108 Lickitung MARC Relaxed HADEN 50999 24/19/21/15/23/21
Cerulean City 061 Poliwhirl 124 Jynx ZYNX Fab Mail Mild DONTAE 36728 18/17/18/22/25/21
Vermilion City 021 Spearow 083 Farfetch'd CH'DING Stick Adamant ELYSSA 08810 20/25/21/24/15/20
Cinnabar Island 026 Raichu 101 Electrode ESPHERE Hasty CLIFTON 50298
Cinnabar Island 048 Venonat 114 Tangela TANGENY Stardust Sassy NORMA 60042
Cinnabar Island 077 Ponyta 086 Seel SEELOR Bold GARETT 09853

Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname Item Nature OT ID Contest stat
Rustboro City 280 Ralts 273 Seedot DOTS Chesto Berry Relaxed KOBE 38726 Cool
Fortree City 313 Volbeat 311 Plusle PLUSES Wood Mail Hasty ROMAN 08460 Cute
Pacifidlog Town 371 Bagon 116 Horsea SEASOR Wave Mail Brave SKYLAR 46285 Tough
Battle Frontier 300 Skitty 052 Meowth MEOWOW Retro Mail Naive ISIS 25945 Smart

Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname OT ID
Outskirt Stand 175 Purified Togepi 239 Elekid* ZAPRONG HORDEL 41400
Outskirt Stand 176 Purified Togetic 239 Elekid* ZAPRONG HORDEL 41400
Pyrite Town 328 Trapinch 307 Meditite DUKING 37149
Pyrite Town 283 Surskit 213 Shuckle DUKING 37149
Pyrite Town 194 Wooper 246 Larvitar DUKING 37149

Generation IV

Diamond, Pearl and Platinum
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname Item Nature OT ID
Oreburgh City 066 Machop 063 Abra Kazza Oran Berry Quiet Hilary 25643
Eterna City 418 Buizel 441 Chatot Charap Leppa Berry Lonely Norton 44142
Snowpoint City 308 Medicham 093 Haunter Gaspar Everstone Hasty Mindy 19248
Route 226 456 Finneon 129 Magikarp Foppa* Lum Berry Mild Meister 53277

HeartGold and SoulSilver
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname Item Nature OT ID
Violet City 069 Bellsprout 095 Onix Rocky Persim Berry Hasty Rudy 48926
Goldenrod City 096 Drowzee 066 Machop Muscle Macho Brace Lonely Jose 37460
Olivine City 098 Krabby 100 Voltorb Billy Cheri Berry Hardy Richard 29189
Blackthorn City 148 Dragonair 085 Dodrio Doris Smoke Ball Impish Ayana 00283
Power Plant 051 Dugtrio 082 Magneton Maggie Metal Coat Impish Lorenzo 50082
Pewter City 093 Haunter 178 Xatu Paul Wacan Berry Modest Mondo 15616
Saffron City 025 Pikachu 025 Pikachu* Volty Yellow Shard Jolly Lt. Surge 33038
Silph Co. 205 Forretress 374 Beldum Iron Dawn Stone Brave Steven 23478
Diglett's Cave 438 Bonsly 111 Rhyhorn* Hornlette Passho Berry Relaxed Brock 06845
Olivine City 000 Any Pokémon 208 Steelix Rusty Soothe Bell Brave Jasmine 26491
