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** However, this battle is the only Gym Battle where you face more than one Gym Leader at once.
** However, this battle is the only Gym Battle where you face more than one Gym Leader at once.
** As a result of an oversight, the games refer to them as "Leader Tate and Liza" in battle.
** As a result of an oversight, the games refer to them as "Leader Tate and Liza" in battle.
* Also, they are the only {{type2|Psychic}} specialists to never use {{p|Abra}}'s evolution family in regions where it is in the [[region]]al [[Pokédex]].
* In {{game|Ruby and Sapphire|s}}, Liza and Tate are the only [[Gym Leader]]s who face the {{player}} in a [[double battle]]. In {{v2|Emerald}} they are the only ones who face the player in a double battle before he or she beats the [[Elite Four]].
* In {{game|Ruby and Sapphire|s}}, Liza and Tate are the only [[Gym Leader]]s who face the {{player}} in a [[double battle]]. In {{v2|Emerald}} they are the only ones who face the player in a double battle before he or she beats the [[Elite Four]].
* Chuang Yi's translations of [[Pokémon Adventures]] manga mistakenly refer to Tate as a girl.
* Chuang Yi's translations of [[Pokémon Adventures]] manga mistakenly refer to Tate as a girl.

Revision as of 00:30, 19 November 2010

Tate & Liza
フウとラン Fu & Lan
"The mystic combination!"
Art from Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Gender Female (Liza), Male (Tate)
Eye color Blue
Hair color Blue
Hometown Mossdeep City
Region Hoenn
Relatives Jin (father) and Rachel (mother) (anime)
Trainer class Gym Leaders
Generation III
Games Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Leader of Mossdeep Gym
Badge Mind Badge
Specializes in Template:Type2s
Anime debut It's Still Rocket Roll to Me
English voice actor Tate: Jason Griffith
Liza: Andi Whaley
Japanese voice actor Tate: Takahiro Mizushima
Liza: Chisa Yokoyama

Tate and Liza (Japanese: フウとラン Fu and Lan) are the Gym Leaders of Mossdeep City's Gym, known officially as the Mossdeep Gym. They specialize in Template:Type2 Pokémon. They give the Mind Badge to Trainers who defeat them.

In the games

Tate and Liza run the Mossdeep City Gym. Both specialize in Template:Type2 Pokémon and give out the Mind Badge once defeated. They also give TM04 (Calm Mind). The two of them engage in a double battle against the player when the player challenges them.


This listing is for Tate and Liza's Pokémon in the video games in which they have appeared.

Pokémon Ruby/Pokémon Sapphire

Pokémon Emerald

First Rematch

Second Rematch

Third Rematch

Fourth Rematch


Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald

Mossdeep Gym
  • Before battle
Tate: Hehehe... Were you surprised?
Liza: Fufufu... Were you surprised?
Tate: That there are two Gym Leaders?
Liza: That there are two Gym Leaders?
Tate: We're twins!
Liza: We're twins!
Tate: We don't need to talk because...
Liza: We can each determine what...
Tate: The other is thinking...
Liza: All in our minds!
Tate: This combination of ours...
Liza: Can you beat it?
  • When defeated
Tate: What? Our combination...
Liza: Was shattered!
Tate: It can't be helped. You've won...
Liza: So, in recognition, take this.
  • After being defeated
Tate: Looks like the bond between you and your Pokémon is far stronger than the bond that we share as twins.
Liza: You will become even stronger! We've battled you, so we know.

Pokémon Emerald

  • Before battle
Tate: Pokémon...
Liza: Pokémon...
Tate: By changing the party's mix...
Liza: The battle style changes.
Tate: But me...
Liza: But me...
Tate: I'll always be with Liza!
Liza: I'll always be with Tate!
Tate: Our combination...
Liza: We'll show you again and again!
  • When defeated
Tate: You and your Pokémon...
Liza: It's as if you were siblings!
  • After being defeated
Tate: You can knock us down, but we'll never stay down!
Liza: Because the two of us, we always support each other!

Trainer's Eyes/Match Call

Leader Tate&Liza / Mystic Duo Tate&Liza

We battle in cooperation.
Trainer's Pokémon
Always friendly Pokémon.
We understand each other, and we understand others.

In the anime

Tate and Liza

Tate and Liza first appeared in It's Still Rocket Roll to Me. Their father, Jin, owns the Mossdeep Space Center and often goes into space to search for space Pokémon. As a result, they often spend time at the Space Center, and even have battles in zero-gravity by using their Baltoy's Confusion technique to levitate them.

In the anime, Liza is depicted as being more experienced in battle, and it is implied in their debut episode that she always defeats Tate whenever the two have a battle. Liza loves to annoy Tate by teasingly reminding him of such things, but what angers Tate even more is Liza's habit of referring to him as her "little" brother even though they are twins. This is because Liza is actually the older twin. Nevertheless, Liza seems to care for Tate anyway.

When Ash Ketchum and his friends visited Mossdeep, Tate quickly befriended Max since they had quite a few things in common, including Max's issues with his own older sister, May. Said episode itself focuses primarily on Tate and Max, who spent nearly the entire time by themselves while having fun together. Likewise, Liza related with May, and took to showing her new friends around the facility.

Later, while Tate and Max were hanging out in the cockpit of the space shuttle, Team Rocket infiltrated the area with the intent of stealing the shuttle. Tate and Max were unaware of this until the trio reached the cockpit, whereupon Meowth tied the two boys up back-to-back with a rope. Fortunately, Ash's Corphish had been aboard the shuttle as well, and freed the duo, who promptly knocked the Rockets out. In the moments that followed, Tate and Max became the heroes of the day when they safely landed the shuttle. The Rockets then suffered the wrath of Liza and May, who injured/incapacitated them with their Lunatone and Combusken, respectively, allowing Ash's Pikachu to send them flying.

In Solid as a Solrock, Tate and Liza finally faced of against Ash in a double battle, in which their Lunatone and Solrock, respectively, were up against Ash's Pikachu and Swellow. At first, they continuously argued with each other, which allowed their opponent to get hits in. However, after another attack by Team Rocket, the twins managed to work together. In the battle that followed, they showed an incredible ability to balance each other's Pokémon, becoming a seemingly unstoppable force that Ash had to resort to unorthodox tactics in order to defeat. Eventually, Pikachu and Swellow used Pikachu's Thunder attack as armor, and with this new-found power, they easily defeated Lunatone and Solrock, earning Ash the Mind Badge.


This listing is of Liza and Tate's Pokémon in the anime:

Liza's Lunatone

Liza's Lunatone is the Pokémon she uses in all gym battles. When the twins battled each other in It's Still Rocket Roll to Me!, Lunatone won the battle for Liza. She later also used it against Team Rocket after they failed to steal a space shuttle from the Mossdeep Space Center.

Lunatone's known moves are Tackle, Psychic, Ice Beam, and Light Screen, and its ability is Levitate.

Tate's Solrock

The other Pokémon on the twins' double battles team is Tate's Solrock. Although it lost to Liza's Lunatone when they battled, it proved to be just as powerful in Ash's gym battle.

Solrock's known moves are Tackle, Sandstorm, SolarBeam, and Psychic.

At Mossdeep Gym


Tate and Liza's four Baltoy live at the Mossdeep Gym where, when Tate and Liza want a battle, they use Confusion to make a battlefield with zero gravity. When Team Rocket wanted to steal the space shuttle for the Boss, the Baltoy stopped the shuttle with Confusion.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese Tate: 水島大宙 Takahiro Mizushima
Liza: 横山智佐 Chisa Yokoyama
English Tate: Jason Griffith
Liza: Andi Whaley
European French Tate: Fanny Roy
Liza: Frederik Haùgness
Brazilian Portuguese Tate: Dado Monteiro
Liza: Samira Fernandes
Spanish Latin America Tate: Irwin Daayán
Liza: María Fernanda Morales
Spain Tate: Álex Saudinós
Liza: Inés Blázquez

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

File:Tate and Liza.png
Tate and Liza

Liza and Tate are the guardians of Mt. Pyre. When they somehow sensed someone had intruded into Mt. Pyre, they went all the way to Lilycove from Mossdeep in order to protect the two Orbs. However, they fell into Mack's fire illusion until Juan rescued them. Afterwards, they become Ruby's and Sapphire's teachers in double battling on the Mirage Island. They stayed on the island to ensure Ruby and Sapphire can leave for Sootopolis safely, and were not seen since then.


This listing is for Tate and Liza's Pokémon in the Pokémon Adventures manga.



Spoink ×2


  • Tate and Liza are the only Gym Leader pair; all other Gym Leaders, barring the Gym Leaders of Sanyou City, are individuals.
    • However, this battle is the only Gym Battle where you face more than one Gym Leader at once.
    • As a result of an oversight, the games refer to them as "Leader Tate and Liza" in battle.
  • Also, they are the only Template:Type2 specialists to never use Abra's evolution family in regions where it is in the regional Pokédex.
  • In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, Liza and Tate are the only Gym Leaders who face the player in a double battle. In Emerald they are the only ones who face the player in a double battle before he or she beats the Elite Four.
  • Chuang Yi's translations of Pokémon Adventures manga mistakenly refer to Tate as a girl.
  • Though they look almost identical, Tate and Liza cannot be identical twins as they do not share the same gender. Rather, they are non-identical, also known as fraternal twins.
  • They are the only Gym Leaders to carry more than two Hyper Potions in their first battle. This is likely due to them being a duo, with each of them holding two Hyper Potions each.
    • They are also the only Gym Leaders to have a non-alphabetical character (Excluding spaces) in their name, appearing as Tate&Liza.


Language Name Origin
Japanese フウとラン (Fu & Lan) 風蘭 fūran, the name for a type of orchid (Neofinetia falcata). 浮 means floating.
English Tate & Liza Their names combined sound similar to "levitate".
French Lévy & Tatia Possible derivation from "lévitation".
German Ben & Svenja Combining their names would get "Schweben" (levitation).
Italian Tell & Pat Possible derivation from "telepatia" (telepathy).
Spanish Vito & Leti Possible derivation from "levitación" (levitation).
Korean 풍 & 란 Pung & Ran Ran is a transliteration of Japanese name, while 풍 Pung is from 楓, a spelling of .
Chinese 楓/枫 & 南 Fēng & Nán 楓 (maple) is an alternative spelling of . 南 (south) may be derived from 呋喃 fūnán (furan).


External links

Gym Leaders of the Hoenn region
Rustboro Gym Stone Badge
Dewford Gym Knuckle Badge
Mauville Gym Dynamo Badge
Lavaridge Gym Heat Badge
Petalburg Gym Balance Badge
Fortree Gym Feather Badge
Mossdeep Gym Mind Badge
Tate Liza
Tate and Liza
Sootopolis Gym Rain Badge
Wallace Juan

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.