Body Slam (move): Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
mNo edit summary
mNo edit summary
Line 20: Line 20:
scdesc=A basic performance using a move known by the Pokémon. |
scdesc=A basic performance using a move known by the Pokémon. |
pokefordex=body+slam |
pokefordex=body+slam |
footnotes= |
touches=yes |
touches=yes |
misses=yes |
protect=yes |
snatchable=no |
magiccoat=no |
magiccoat=no |
useskingsrock=no |
snatch=no |
brightpowder=yes |
kingsrock=no |
flag7=yes |
flag8=no |
sound=no |
footnotes= }}

'''Body Slam''' is a damage-dealing {{t|Normal}}-type move introduced in [[Generation I]].
'''Body Slam''' is a damage-dealing {{t|Normal}}-type move introduced in [[Generation I]].
Line 46: Line 49:
Body Slam does damage and has a 29.7% chance of paralyzing its opponent. It can't paralyze an opponent that has a substitute or already has a major status ailment.
Body Slam does damage and has a 29.7% chance of paralyzing its opponent. It can't paralyze an opponent that has a substitute or already has a major status ailment.

= Learnset =
== [[Generation III]] ==
==[[Generation I]]==
=== By [[Level|leveling up]] ===
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
<div class="listcol">
===By [[Level|levelling up]]===
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=8}}">
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.23
* {{p|Jigglypuff}} at Lv.34
* {{p|Poliwag}} at Lv.31
* {{p|Poliwhirl}} at Lv.33
* {{p|Poliwrath}} at Lv.--
* {{p|Jynx}} at Lv.39
* {{p|Lapras}} at Lv.25
* {{p|Snorlax}} at Lv.35
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
===By [[TM08]]===
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=103}}">
* {{p|Bulbasaur}}
* {{p|Ivysaur}}
* {{p|Venusaur}}
* {{p|Charmander}}
* {{p|Charmeleon}}
* {{p|Charizard}}
* {{p|Squirtle}}
* {{p|Wartortle}}
* {{p|Blastoise}}
* {{p|Rattata}}
* {{p|Raticate}}
* {{p|Ekans}}
* {{p|Arbok}}
* {{p|Pikachu}}
* {{p|Raichu}}
* {{p|Sandshrew}}
* {{p|Sandslash}}
* {{p|Nidoran♀}}
* {{p|Nidorina}}
* {{p|Nidoqueen}}
* {{p|Nidoran♂}}
* {{p|Nidorino}}
* {{p|Nidoking}}
* {{p|Clefairy}}
* {{p|Clefable}}
* {{p|Vulpix}}
* {{p|Ninetales}}
* {{p|Jigglypuff}}
* {{p|Wigglytuff}}
* {{p|Paras}}
* {{p|Parasect}}
* {{p|Diglett}}
* {{p|Dugtrio}}
* {{p|Meowth}}
* {{p|Persian}}
* {{p|Psyduck}}
* {{p|Golduck}}
* {{p|Mankey}}
* {{p|Primeape}}
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Arcanine}}
* {{p|Poliwag}}
* {{p|Poliwhirl}}
* {{p|Poliwrath}}
* {{p|Abra}}
* {{p|Kadabra}}
* {{p|Alakazam}}
* {{p|Machop}}
* {{p|Machoke}}
* {{p|Machamp}}
* {{p|Victreebel}}
* {{p|Geodude}}
* {{p|Graveler}}
* {{p|Golem}}
* {{p|Ponyta}}
* {{p|Rapidash}}
* {{p|Slowpoke}}
* {{p|Slowbro}}
* {{p|Farfetch'd}}
* {{p|Doduo}}
* {{p|Dodrio}}
* {{p|Seel}}
* {{p|Dewgong}}
* {{p|Grimer}}
* {{p|Muk}}
* {{p|Gengar}}
* {{p|Onix}}
* {{p|Drowzee}}
* {{p|Hypno}}
* {{p|Krabby}}
* {{p|Kingler}}
* {{p|Cubone}}
* {{p|Marowak}}
* {{p|Hitmonlee}}
* {{p|Hitmonchan}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Rhyhorn}}
* {{p|Rhydon}}
* {{p|Chansey}}
* {{p|Tangela}}
* {{p|Kangaskhan}}
* {{p|Mr. Mime}}
* {{p|Jynx}}
* {{p|Electabuzz}}
* {{p|Magmar}}
* {{p|Pinsir}}
* {{p|Tauros}}
* {{p|Gyarados}}
* {{p|Lapras}}
* {{p|Eevee}}
* {{p|Vaporeon}}
* {{p|Jolteon}}
* {{p|Flareon}}
* {{p|Omanyte}}
* {{p|Omastar}}
* {{p|Kabuto}}
* {{p|Kabutops}}
* {{p|Snorlax}}
* {{p|Dratini}}
* {{p|Dragonair}}
* {{p|Dragonite}}
* {{p|Mewtwo}}
* {{p|Mew}}
==[[Generation II]]==
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
===By [[Level|levelling up]]===
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=13}}">
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.23
* {{p|Jigglypuff}} at Lv.34
* {{p|Poliwag}} at Lv.31
* {{p|Poliwhirl}} at Lv.35
* {{p|Jynx}} at Lv.41
* {{p|Lapras}} at Lv.15
* {{p|Snorlax}} at Lv.43
* {{p|Chikorita}} at Lv.29
* {{p|Bayleef}} at Lv.31
* {{p|Meganium}} at Lv.31
* {{p|Slugma}} at Lv.50
* {{p|Magcargo}} at Lv.60
* {{p|Miltank}} at Lv.43
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
===By [[breeding]]===
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=6}}">
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Wooper}}
* {{p|Swinub}}
* {{p|Phanpy}}
==[[Generation III]]==
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
===By [[Level|levelling up]]===
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=21}}">
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.23 ([[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire|R/S]]/[[Pokémon Emerald|E]])
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.23 ([[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire|R/S]]/[[Pokémon Emerald|E]])
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.22 ([[Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen|F/L]])
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.22 ([[Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen|FR/LG]])
* {{p|Jigglypuff}} at Lv.34
* {{p|Jigglypuff}} at Lv.34
* {{p|Poliwag}} at Lv.31
* {{p|Poliwag}} at Lv.31
Line 65: Line 219:
* {{p|Miltank}} at Lv.43
* {{p|Miltank}} at Lv.43
* {{p|Swalot}} at Lv.26
* {{p|Swalot}} at Lv.26
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Torkoal}} at Lv.20
* {{p|Torkoal}} at Lv.20
* {{p|Tropius}} at Lv.37
* {{p|Tropius}} at Lv.37
Line 73: Line 225:
* {{p|Walrein}} at Lv.19
* {{p|Walrein}} at Lv.19
* {{p|Kyogre}} at Lv.20
* {{p|Kyogre}} at Lv.20
<div class="listcolend"></div>
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
===By [[breeding]]===
=== By [[breeding]] ===
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=12}}">
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Arcanine}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Flaaffy}}
* {{p|Ampharos}}
* {{p|Wooper}}
* {{p|Wooper}}
* {{p|Quagsire}}
* {{p|Swinub}}
* {{p|Swinub}}
* {{p|Piloswine}}
* {{p|Phanpy}}
* {{p|Phanpy}}
* {{p|Donphan}}
* {{p|Slakoth}}
* {{p|Slakoth}}
* {{p|Vigoroth}}
* {{p|Slaking}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Aron}}
* {{p|Aron}}
* {{p|Lairon}}
* {{p|Aggron}}
* {{p|Numel}}
* {{p|Numel}}
* {{p|Camerupt}}
* {{p|Seviper}}
* {{p|Seviper}}
* {{p|Corphish}}
* {{p|Corphish}}
* {{p|Crawdaunt}}
* {{p|Clamperl}}
* {{p|Clamperl}}
* {{p|Huntail}}
* {{p|Gorebyss}}
===By [[move tutor]]===
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
<div class="listcolend"></div>
====In [[Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen]]====
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=283}}">
=== By [[Move Tutor|tutoring]] ===
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Bulbasaur}}
* {{p|Bulbasaur}}
* {{p|Ivysaur}}
* {{p|Ivysaur}}
Line 126: Line 261:
* {{p|Pikachu}}
* {{p|Pikachu}}
* {{p|Raichu}}
* {{p|Raichu}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Sandshrew}}
* {{p|Sandshrew}}
* {{p|Sandslash}}
* {{p|Sandslash}}
Line 143: Line 276:
* {{p|Wigglytuff}}
* {{p|Wigglytuff}}
* {{p|Vileplume}}
* {{p|Vileplume}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Paras}}
* {{p|Paras}}
* {{p|Parasect}}
* {{p|Parasect}}
Line 160: Line 291:
* {{p|Poliwhirl}}
* {{p|Poliwhirl}}
* {{p|Poliwrath}}
* {{p|Poliwrath}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Abra}}
* {{p|Abra}}
* {{p|Kadabra}}
* {{p|Kadabra}}
Line 177: Line 306:
* {{p|Slowbro}}
* {{p|Slowbro}}
* {{p|Farfetch'd}}
* {{p|Farfetch'd}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Doduo}}
* {{p|Doduo}}
* {{p|Dodrio}}
* {{p|Dodrio}}
Line 194: Line 321:
* {{p|Marowak}}
* {{p|Marowak}}
* {{p|Hitmonlee}}
* {{p|Hitmonlee}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Hitmonchan}}
* {{p|Hitmonchan}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
Line 211: Line 336:
* {{p|Gyarados}}
* {{p|Gyarados}}
* {{p|Lapras}}
* {{p|Lapras}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Eevee}}
* {{p|Eevee}}
* {{p|Vaporeon}}
* {{p|Vaporeon}}
Line 228: Line 351:
* {{p|Mew}}
* {{p|Mew}}
* {{p|Chikorita}}
* {{p|Chikorita}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Bayleef}}
* {{p|Bayleef}}
* {{p|Meganium}}
* {{p|Meganium}}
Line 245: Line 366:
* {{p|Cleffa}}
* {{p|Cleffa}}
* {{p|Igglybuff}}
* {{p|Igglybuff}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Togepi}}
* {{p|Togepi}}
* {{p|Togetic}}
* {{p|Togetic}}
Line 262: Line 381:
* {{p|Umbreon}}
* {{p|Umbreon}}
* {{p|Slowking}}
* {{p|Slowking}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Girafarig}}
* {{p|Girafarig}}
* {{p|Pineco}}
* {{p|Pineco}}
Line 279: Line 396:
* {{p|Swinub}}
* {{p|Swinub}}
* {{p|Piloswine}}
* {{p|Piloswine}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Corsola}}
* {{p|Corsola}}
* {{p|Delibird}}
* {{p|Delibird}}
Line 296: Line 411:
* {{p|Magby}}
* {{p|Magby}}
* {{p|Miltank}}
* {{p|Miltank}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Blissey}}
* {{p|Blissey}}
* {{p|Raikou}}
* {{p|Raikou}}
Line 313: Line 426:
* {{p|Blaziken}}
* {{p|Blaziken}}
* {{p|Mudkip}}
* {{p|Mudkip}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Marshtomp}}
* {{p|Marshtomp}}
* {{p|Swampert}}
* {{p|Swampert}}
Line 330: Line 441:
* {{p|Kirlia}}
* {{p|Kirlia}}
* {{p|Gardevoir}}
* {{p|Gardevoir}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Shroomish}}
* {{p|Shroomish}}
* {{p|Breloom}}
* {{p|Breloom}}
Line 347: Line 456:
* {{p|Delcatty}}
* {{p|Delcatty}}
* {{p|Sableye}}
* {{p|Sableye}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Mawile}}
* {{p|Mawile}}
* {{p|Aron}}
* {{p|Aron}}
Line 364: Line 471:
* {{p|Gulpin}}
* {{p|Gulpin}}
* {{p|Swalot}}
* {{p|Swalot}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Wailmer}}
* {{p|Wailmer}}
* {{p|Wailord}}
* {{p|Wailord}}
Line 381: Line 486:
* {{p|Swablu}}
* {{p|Swablu}}
* {{p|Altaria}}
* {{p|Altaria}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Zangoose}}
* {{p|Zangoose}}
* {{p|Seviper}}
* {{p|Seviper}}
Line 398: Line 501:
* {{p|Shuppet}}
* {{p|Shuppet}}
* {{p|Banette}}
* {{p|Banette}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Duskull}}
* {{p|Duskull}}
* {{p|Dusclops}}
* {{p|Dusclops}}
Line 415: Line 516:
* {{p|Bagon}}
* {{p|Bagon}}
* {{p|Shelgon}}
* {{p|Shelgon}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Salamence}}
* {{p|Salamence}}
* {{p|Metang}}
* {{p|Metang}}
Line 430: Line 529:
* {{p|Jirachi}}
* {{p|Jirachi}}
* {{p|Deoxys}}
* {{p|Deoxys}}
<div class="listcolend"></div>

== [[Generation IV]] ==
==[[Generation IV]]==
=== By [[Level|leveling up]] ===
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
<div class="listcol">
===By [[Level|levelling up]]===
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=24}}">
* {{p|Jigglypuff}} at Lv.
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.23
* {{p|Poliwag}} at Lv.
* {{p|Jigglypuff}} at Lv.29
* {{p|Poliwhirl}} at Lv.
* {{p|Poliwag}} at Lv.21
* {{p|Jynx}} at Lv.
* {{p|Poliwhirl}} at Lv.21
* {{p|Lapras}} at Lv.
* {{p|Jynx}} at Lv.39
* {{p|Snorlax}} at Lv.
* {{p|Lapras}} at Lv.18
* {{p|Chikorita}} at Lv.
* {{p|Snorlax}} at Lv.33
* {{p|Bayleef}} at Lv.
* {{p|Chikorita}} at Lv.34
* {{p|Meganium}} at Lv.
* {{p|Bayleef}} at Lv.40
* {{p|Slugma}} at Lv.
* {{p|Meganium}} at Lv.46
* {{p|Magcargo}} at Lv.
* {{p|Slugma}} at Lv.46
* {{p|Miltank}} at Lv.
* {{p|Magcargo}} at Lv.52
* {{p|Swalot}} at Lv.
* {{p|Miltank}} at Lv.24
* {{p|Torkoal}} at Lv.
* {{p|Swalot}} at Lv.26
* {{p|Torkoal}} at Lv.33
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Tropius}} at Lv.37
* {{p|Tropius}} at Lv.
* {{p|Spheal}} at Lv.19
* {{p|Spheal}} at Lv.
* {{p|Sealeo}} at Lv.19
* {{p|Sealeo}} at Lv.
* {{p|Walrein}} at Lv.19
* {{p|Walrein}} at Lv.
* {{p|Kyogre}} at Lv.20
* {{p|Kyogre}} at Lv.
* {{p|Shellos}} at Lv.29
* {{p|Shellos}} at Lv.
* {{p|Gastrodon}} at Lv.29
* {{p|Gastrodon}} at Lv.
* {{p|Purugly}} at Lv.45
* {{p|Purugly}} at Lv.
* {{p|Munchlax}} at Lv.33
* {{p|Munchlax}} at Lv.
<div style="{{Learnset section box style}}">
<div class="listcolend"></div>
===By [[breeding]]===
<div style="{{Learnset list style|items=18}}">
=== By [[breeding]] ===
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Arcanine}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Flaaffy}}
* {{p|Ampharos}}
* {{p|Wooper}}
* {{p|Wooper}}
* {{p|Quagsire}}
* {{p|Swinub}}
* {{p|Swinub}}
* {{p|Piloswine}}
* {{p|Phanpy}}
* {{p|Phanpy}}
* {{p|Donphan}}
* {{p|Slakoth}}
* {{p|Slakoth}}
* {{p|Vigoroth}}
* {{p|Slaking}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Aron}}
* {{p|Aron}}
* {{p|Lairon}}
* {{p|Aggron}}
* {{p|Wailmer}}
* {{p|Wailmer}}
* {{p|Wailord}}
* {{p|Numel}}
* {{p|Numel}}
* {{p|Camerupt}}
* {{p|Seviper}}
* {{p|Seviper}}
* {{p|Corphish}}
* {{p|Corphish}}
* {{p|Crawdaunt}}
* {{p|Clamperl}}
* {{p|Clamperl}}
* {{p|Huntail}}
* {{p|Gorebyss}}
* {{p|Turtwig}}
* {{p|Turtwig}}
* {{p|Grotle}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Torterra}}
* {{p|Shieldon}}
* {{p|Shieldon}}
* {{p|Bastiodon}}
* {{p|Drifloon}}
* {{p|Drifloon}}
* {{p|Drifblim}}
* {{p|Gible}}
* {{p|Gible}}
* {{p|Gabite}}
* {{p|Garchomp}}
* {{p|Hippopotas}}
* {{p|Hippopotas}}
* {{p|Hippowdon}}
* {{p|Lickilicky}}
* {{p|Mamoswine}}
<div class="listcolend"></div>

=In other languages=
=In other languages=

Revision as of 10:12, 22 April 2007

Body Slam
のしかかり ???
File:Body Slam Game.jpg
Type  Normal
Category  Physical
PP  15 (max. 24)
Power  85
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
  • Makes contact
  • Affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Introduced  [[Generation {{{gen}}}]]
Condition  Tough
Appeal  1
Jam  4 ♥♥♥♥
Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Condition  Tough
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
A basic performance using a move known by the Pokémon.
Condition  Tough
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Body Slam is a damage-dealing Normal-type move introduced in Generation I.

In the anime

File:Body Slam Anime.jpg
Torkoal using Body Slam.

The Pokémon falls on top of the opponent and hits it with its belly.


Slugma. It jump to fall with more force.

Torkoal. It extends its arms when it falls.


Generation I

Body Slam does damage and has a 29.7% chance of paralyzing its opponent. It can't paralyze an opponent that has a substitute or already has a major status ailment.


Generation I

By levelling up

By TM08

Generation II

By levelling up

Generation III

By levelling up

By move tutor

In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

Generation IV

By levelling up

In other languages

Spanish: Golpe Cuerpo.

Template:Project MoveDex notice

Generation I TMs
Generation I HMs