Iceberg Zone: Difference between revisions

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Teddy6ursa (talk | contribs)
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| {{ms|224|Octillery (Pokémon)}}
| {{ms|224|Octillery (Pokémon)}}
| {{pcolor|Octillery|000}}
| {{pcolor|Octillery|000}}
| Around the Ice Tree.
| Around the Ice Tree; Around Glalie's igloo.
| Battle
| Battle

Revision as of 03:23, 9 January 2011

Iceberg Zone アイスゾーン
Ice Zone
Iceberg Zone
Zone Info
Zone Leader Empoleon
Drifblim Stop Near the icicle tree and Prinplup's chairlift.
Area Info
Area Keeper
Drifblim Stop
{{{area1}}} None
{{{area2}}} None
{{{area3}}} None
Connecting Zones
Beach Zone
Second connected zone
Third connected zone
Fourth connected zone
Fifth connected zone
Sixth connected zone

The Iceberg Zone (Japanese: アイスゾーン Ice Zone) is the third zone the player arrives in in the game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure. It's a frosty glacier area inhabited by many Ice-type Pokémon and is one of three zones that does not directly connect to the Meeting Center. The leader of this zone is Empoleon.

Immediately after the events at the Beach Zone, Lapras carries the player on her back to the Iceberg Zone where Empoleon is hiding. Once there the guard to Empoleon's gate, Piloswine, informs them that Empoleon has locked himself inside his lair and only Mamoswine can break the lock. But before escaping to his lair, Empoleon froze Mamoswine on the other side of a lake. After helping to fill the Ice Tree, Glalie appears and informs the player that his friend Froslass can freeze the lake but has run away and he asks the player to help build him an igloo to bring her back. Once the igloo is complete, the player is sent to search for Froslass who is found at the bottom of the glacier so the player must activate Prinplup's chairlift to get to her.

Once she is retrieved, she gladly freezes the lake making Mamoswine accessible. After freeing him of his icy prison, Mamoswine understands the situation and opens the gate allowing access to Empoleon. Empoleon challenges the player to his attraction, and once it's completed Empoleon befriends the player and presents them with yet another Prism shard.


Empoleon's Snow Slide

In Empoleon's Snow Slide (Japanese: エンペルトのスノースライダー Emperte's Snow Slider), players must guide the Pokémon around a course of snow, tilting the Wii remote to turn. There are speed boosts which may help the player, but they can also make it difficult to get around corners. The Pokémon will slow down if it hits a wall or obstacle. The fastest Pokémon in this attraction is Suicune.

Available Pokémon

This is a list of all the Pokémon that can be befriended in the Iceberg Zone. The locations listed are where the respective Pokémon is commonly found when first entering the zone, however the Pokémon have free range and may run off when interacting with other Pokémon.

Pokémon Location Skill game Notes Pokémon Location Skill game Notes
362 Glalie In front of the lake just downhill from Empoleon's lair. Battle Must help him build his igloo and retrieve Froslass before challenging him. 057 Primeape On the hill leading up to Empoleon's lair. (Finish Glalie's igloo) Battle
478 Froslass On an icy shore below Prinplup's chairlift. (Moves to Glalie's igloo once befriended) Battle 007 Squirtle Around the Ice Tree. (Place 1 decoration on the Ice Tree) Battle
221 Piloswine In front of Empoleon's lair. Battle 238 Smoochum Around the Ice Tree. (Place 2 decorations on the Ice Tree) Battle
473 Mamoswine On the frozen lake Battle 215 Sneasel On the hill leading up to Empoleon's lair. (Place 3 decorations on the Ice Tree) Chase
216 Teddiursa Around Glalie's igloo. Quiz 394 Prinplup Next to Prinplup's Chairlift. Battle Complete decorating the Ice Tree to challenge him.
217 Ursaring Around Glalie's igloo. (Give Glalie 2 blocks of ice.) Battle 395 Empoleon In his lair None Automatically befriends the player once they complete Empoleon's Snow Slide
281 Kirlia Beneath the Ice Tree None Complete decorating the Ice Tree to befriend her. 396 Starly Flying around the Ice Tree. Chase
363 Spheal Along the shore where Lapras is stationed Chase 397 Staravia Flying around the glacier. Chase
195 Quagsire On the shore below Prinplup's Chairlift None Bring a Big Berry to befriend Quagsire. 276 Taillow Flying around the glacier. Chase
471 Glaceon By a tree next to the Drifblim Stop. Chase Obtain 45 friends. 098 Krabby Walking along the shore where Lapras is stationed. Chase
224 Octillery Around the Ice Tree; Around Glalie's igloo. Battle 258 Mudkip Around Glalie's Igloo. Hide-and-Seek
225 Delibird Around the Ice Tree. Quiz 245 Suicune Empoleon's Snow Slide None. Suicune is unlocked once every Pokémon has achieved the bonus in Empoleon's Snow Slide.

Zones in the PokéPark

PokéPark EntranceMeadow ZoneMeeting PlaceBeach ZoneIceberg ZoneCavern Zone
Lava ZoneHaunted ZoneGranite ZoneFlower ZoneSky Pavilion

This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.