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====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|032|Nidoran♂}}{{MSP|033|Nidorino}}{{MSP|034|Nidoking}}{{MSP|135|Jolteon}}{{MSP|256|Combusken}}{{MSP|257|Blaziken}}<br>{{MSP|585|Shikijika}}{{MSP|586|Mebukijika}}|Double Kick|Fighting|Physical|30|100|30}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|032|Nidoran♂}}{{MSP|033|Nidorino}}{{MSP|034|Nidoking}}{{MSP|135|Jolteon}}{{MSP|256|Combusken}}{{MSP|257|Blaziken}}<br>{{MSP|585|Deerling }}{{MSP|586|Mebukijika}}|Double Kick|Fighting|Physical|30|100|30}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|024|Arbok}}{{MSP|058|Growlithe}}{{MSP|059|Arcanine}}{{MSP|136|Flareon}}{{MSP|209|Snubbull}}{{MSP|210|Granbull}}<br>{{MSP|228|Houndour}}{{MSP|229|Houndoom}}{{MSP|232|Donphan}}{{MSP|295|Exploud}}{{MSP|310|Manectric}}{{MSP|450|Hippowdon}}<br>{{MSP|508|Murando}}{{MSP|554|Darumakka}}{{MSP|555|Darmanitan}}|Fire Fang|Fire|Physical|65|95|15}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|024|Arbok}}{{MSP|058|Growlithe}}{{MSP|059|Arcanine}}{{MSP|136|Flareon}}{{MSP|209|Snubbull}}{{MSP|210|Granbull}}<br>{{MSP|228|Houndour}}{{MSP|229|Houndoom}}{{MSP|232|Donphan}}{{MSP|295|Exploud}}{{MSP|310|Manectric}}{{MSP|450|Hippowdon}}<br>{{MSP|508|Murando}}{{MSP|554|Darumakka}}{{MSP|555|Darmanitan}}|Fire Fang|Fire|Physical|65|95|15}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|032|Nidoran♂}}{{MSP|033|Nidorino}}{{MSP|034|Nidoking}}{{MSP|058|Growlithe}}{{MSP|059|Arcanine}}{{MSP|133|Eevee}}<br>{{MSP|134|Vaporeon}}{{MSP|135|Jolteon}}{{MSP|136|Flareon}}{{MSP|196|Espeon}}{{MSP|197|Umbreon}}{{MSP|470|Leafeon}}<br>{{MSP|471|Glaceon}}{{MSP|161|Sentret}}{{MSP|162|Furret}}{{MSP|506|Yorterry}}{{MSP|507|Haderia}}{{MSP|508|Murando}}<br>{{MSP|572|Minccino}}{{MSP|573|Chillaccino}}|Helping Hand|Normal|Status|—|—|20}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|032|Nidoran♂}}{{MSP|033|Nidorino}}{{MSP|034|Nidoking}}{{MSP|058|Growlithe}}{{MSP|059|Arcanine}}{{MSP|133|Eevee}}<br>{{MSP|134|Vaporeon}}{{MSP|135|Jolteon}}{{MSP|136|Flareon}}{{MSP|196|Espeon}}{{MSP|197|Umbreon}}{{MSP|470|Leafeon}}<br>{{MSP|471|Glaceon}}{{MSP|161|Sentret}}{{MSP|162|Furret}}{{MSP|506|Yorterry}}{{MSP|507|Haderia}}{{MSP|508|Murando}}<br>{{MSP|572|Minccino}}{{MSP|573|Chillaccino}}|Helping Hand|Normal|Status|—|—|20}}
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{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|087|Dewgong}}{{MSP|179|Mareep}}{{MSP|180|Flaaffy}}{{MSP|181|Ampharos}}|Signal Beam|Bug|Special|75|100|15}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|087|Dewgong}}{{MSP|179|Mareep}}{{MSP|180|Flaaffy}}{{MSP|181|Ampharos}}|Signal Beam|Bug|Special|75|100|15}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|058|Growlithe}}{{MSP|077|Ponyta}}{{MSP|078|Rapidash}}{{MSP|086|Seel}}{{MSP|087|Dewgong}}{{MSP|111|Rhyhorn}}<br>{{MSP|112|Rhydon}}{{MSP|464|Rhyperior}}{{MSP|128|Tauros}}{{MSP|133|Eevee}}{{MSP|206|Dunsparce}}{{MSP|209|Snubbull}}<br>{{MSP|210|Granbull}}{{MSP|220|Swinub}}{{MSP|221|Piloswine}}{{MSP|473|Mamoswine}}{{MSP|231|Phanpy}}{{MSP|232|Donphan}}<br>{{MSP|234|Stantler}}{{MSP|261|Poochyena}}{{MSP|262|Mightyena}}{{MSP|322|Numel}}{{MSP|323|Camerupt}}{{MSP|399|Bidoof}}<br>{{MSP|400|Bibarel}}{{MSP|449|Hippopotas}}{{MSP|450|Hippowdon}}{{MSP|498|Tepig}}{{MSP|499|Chaoboo}}{{MSP|500|Enbuoh}}<br>{{MSP|506|Yorterry}}{{MSP|507|Haderia}}{{MSP|508|Murando}}{{MSP|585|Shikijika}}{{MSP|586|Mebukijika}}|Take Down|Normal|Physical|90|85|20|||}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|058|Growlithe}}{{MSP|077|Ponyta}}{{MSP|078|Rapidash}}{{MSP|086|Seel}}{{MSP|087|Dewgong}}{{MSP|111|Rhyhorn}}<br>{{MSP|112|Rhydon}}{{MSP|464|Rhyperior}}{{MSP|128|Tauros}}{{MSP|133|Eevee}}{{MSP|206|Dunsparce}}{{MSP|209|Snubbull}}<br>{{MSP|210|Granbull}}{{MSP|220|Swinub}}{{MSP|221|Piloswine}}{{MSP|473|Mamoswine}}{{MSP|231|Phanpy}}{{MSP|232|Donphan}}<br>{{MSP|234|Stantler}}{{MSP|261|Poochyena}}{{MSP|262|Mightyena}}{{MSP|322|Numel}}{{MSP|323|Camerupt}}{{MSP|399|Bidoof}}<br>{{MSP|400|Bibarel}}{{MSP|449|Hippopotas}}{{MSP|450|Hippowdon}}{{MSP|498|Tepig}}{{MSP|499|Chaoboo}}{{MSP|500|Enbuoh}}<br>{{MSP|506|Yorterry}}{{MSP|507|Haderia}}{{MSP|508|Murando}}{{MSP|585|Deerling }}{{MSP|586|Mebukijika}}|Take Down|Normal|Physical|90|85|20|||}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|024|Arbok}}{{MSP|059|Arcanine}}{{MSP|135|Jolteon}}{{MSP|209|Snubbull}}{{MSP|210|Granbull}}{{MSP|229|Houndoom}}<br>{{MSP|232|Donphan}}{{MSP|295|Exploud}}{{MSP|309|Electrike}}{{MSP|310|Manectric}}{{MSP|403|Shinx}}{{MSP|404|Luxio}}<br>{{MSP|405|Luxray}}{{MSP|450|Hippowdon}}{{MSP|508|Murando}}|Thunder Fang|Electric|Physical|65|95|15||||'''}}{{learnlist/breedf|Shinx|Electric|Electric|5|4}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|024|Arbok}}{{MSP|059|Arcanine}}{{MSP|135|Jolteon}}{{MSP|209|Snubbull}}{{MSP|210|Granbull}}{{MSP|229|Houndoom}}<br>{{MSP|232|Donphan}}{{MSP|295|Exploud}}{{MSP|309|Electrike}}{{MSP|310|Manectric}}{{MSP|403|Shinx}}{{MSP|404|Luxio}}<br>{{MSP|405|Luxray}}{{MSP|450|Hippowdon}}{{MSP|508|Murando}}|Thunder Fang|Electric|Physical|65|95|15||||'''}}{{learnlist/breedf|Shinx|Electric|Electric|5|4}}
0.5 mMetric
1'08"/0.5 mRed-Striped
0'0"/0.0 mBlue-Striped
0'0"/0.0 m
20.9 lbs.Imperial
9.5 kgMetric
20.9 lbs./9.5 kgRed-Striped
0.0 lbs./0.0 kgBlue-Striped
0.0 lbs./0.0 kg
EV yield
HP 0
Atk 1
Def 0
Sp.Atk 0
Sp.Def 0
Speed 0
Base Exp.: 60
Battle Exp.: 601*
Shinx (Japanese : コリンク Kolink ) is an Template:Type2 Pokémon.
It evolves into Luxio starting at level 15, who evolves into Luxray starting at level 30.
It is based on a lion cub or kitten. Its fur is mostly blue, yet there is a Pichu -like arrangement of black fur under its neck, and black fur under its torso. It has a long black tail with a gold four-pointed star on the end. Its forelegs each have a gold ring around them; these are electricity glands, similar to Pikachu 's cheeks. It has large, oval ears with gold, star-like "fleur de lis" symbols on them. It has gold-pupiled eyes, and a pink-red nose. It has tufts of hair which will eventually grow into a mane; these can be seen on top and on the rear sides of its head. Whenever its mouth is shown open, small fangs can be seen developing.
Gender differences
A female's mane doesn't stick up as much as a male's. Also, all four paws of a female Shinx are blue while the hind-paws of a male are black.
Special abilities
As a defense, its fur can glow brightly to blind predators so it can escape. As an Electric-type, Shinx can also use moves such as Charge and Spark.
All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees while the foe is momentarily blinded.
It makes it's home in plains and grassy areas.
Main article: Pokémon food
In the wild, Shinx, Luxio, and Luxray generally hunt for food.
In the anime
Angie 's Shinx
Major appearances
Shinx appeared in Not on My Watch Ya Don't , as Landis 's Pokémon.
Shinx also appeared in the movie The Rise of Darkrai . In the garden, Dawn's Piplup got into a fight with it over a Pecha Berry . They eventually began a fight among all the Pokémon. Not too long after, they were calmed down when Alice started playing Oración . Shinx decided to split the fruit in half and share the other with Piplup.
Angie owns a Shinx which appeared along with her in Camping It Up! . It also appeared in Up Close and Personable! , Ghoul Daze! , One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team! and If the Scarf Fits, Wear It! .
A Shinx appears in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness asking Team Poképals to retrieve a Gabite scale to help his sick sister. His sister also makes an appearance at the end of the episode.
Minor appearances
Shinx was also seen under Reggie's care in Lost Leader Strategy! .
A Shinx also appeared in a flashback in Aiding the Enemy .
A Shinx also appeared in One Big Happiny Family! in Jessie 's fantasy.
A Shinx also made a cameo in To Thine Own Pokémon Be True!
Pokédex entries
Ash's Pokédex
Shinx, the Flash Pokémon. When it senses danger, the hairs on its body light up and it runs away, leaving its opponent dazed.
In the manga
Platinum was attacked by a pack of Shinx and Luxio .
In the TCG
Main article: Shinx (TCG)
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV
All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees while the foe is momentarily blinded.
Its forelegs have a muscle-based system of generating electricity. Its body shines if endangered.
The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble.
The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.
Generation V
からだを うごかすたびに きんにくが のびちぢみして でんきが うまれる。ピンチになると からだが かがやく。
Black 2
White 2
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 11 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 29 , 33 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 46 , 48 , National Park (Sinnoh Sound)
Pal Park
In side games
Base Stats
At Lv. 50
At Lv. 100
105 - 152
200 - 294
63 - 128
121 - 251
35 - 94
65 - 183
40 - 101
76 - 196
35 - 94
65 - 183
45 - 106
85 - 207
Other Pokémon with this total
Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature .
Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs , IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature .
Pokéathlon stats
Type Effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation V, this Pokémon is:
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Shinx
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Shinx
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations
This Pokémon learns no moves by tutoring.
A black abbreviation in a colored box indicates that Shinx can be tutored the move in that game
A colored abbreviation in a white box indicates that Shinx cannot be tutored the move in that game
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Shinx
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Shinx
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations
Side game data
Shinx bears a resemblance to a hoax Pokémon that was created on April Fool's Day 2005 .
Shinx's English name was originally thought to be "Spinx" because of a low quality photo with its name on it.
Shinx is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 263.
Shinx is based on a lion cub.
Name origin
Shinx seems to come from shining and lynx . It may also be a portmanteau of the words shock or shine and either lynx , Sphynx or Sphinx . Its Japanese name may come from 子ko , child, and blink or lynx .
In other languages
German : Sheinux - From Schein (shine, glow) and Latin lux (light).
French : Lixy, a corruption of lynx.
Korean : 꼬링크 Kkolink when read, almost literally "tail link"
Chinese (Taiwan) : 小貓怪 Xiǎo Māo Guài - Literally "Small cat freak".
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex , a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.