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The Poké Radar is a key item in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl that is used to seek out wild Pokémon hiding in long grass. Like the Vs Seeker, its battery must be charged after use by walking around. It takes fifty steps to fully charge the Poké Radar.

After the first time the player has defeated the Elite Four, and if they have seen every Pokémon in the Sinnoh Dex, they will be able to meet Professor Oak in Professor Rowan's lab in Sandgem Town. After upgrading the Pokédex to the National model, he will also give away the Poké Radar, but will not explain it very thoroughly.

It can only be used in the standard tall grass, while on foot, at which point, a tune will begin to play, and one or more patches of the long grass will begin to move. Patches that shake more violently than others are oftentimes more rare Pokémon, including Pokémon exclusive to the use of the Poké Radar. When a player walks into one of these moving patches, a battle with a wild Pokémon will instantly begin.

If the Pokémon that is found is fainted or captured in a Poké Ball, a chain will begin. These chains consist of multiple members of the same Pokémon species (such as Farfetch'd) encountered one after another. The only catch is this: a player must not encounter any Pokémon just by walking through non-wiggling grass, only by walking into the grass that shakes, therefore, it is recommended that Repel is used in order to ensure this and get a higher chain. One of the many functions of the Pokétch is to display the current chain and the three best chains made so far.

One of the most alluring reasons to use the Poké Radar, however, is the high chance, especially after a long chain, of finding a shiny Pokémon.

Also after the player gets the Poké Radar, Dawn or Lucas, if talked to they may give some tips about this item. One of the lines they say is if the player sees the grass spark a little the player has a chance of seeing a shiny pokémon.

List of Radar-exclusive Pokémon

# Icon Name Area
029 File:029MS.gif Nidoran♀ Route 201
030 File:030MS.gif Nidorina Route 221, Valor Lakefront
032 File:032MS.gif Nidoran♂ Route 201
033 File:033MS.gif Nidorino Route 221, Valor Lakefront
048 File:048MS.gif Venonat Route 229
049 File:049MS.gif Venomoth Route 229
052 File:052MS.gif Meowth Route 214
056 File:056MS.gif Mankey Routes 225 and 226
057 File:057MS.gif Primeape Routes 225 and 226
079 File:079MS.gif Slowpoke Route 205 (Pearl only)
088 File:088MS.gif Grimer Route 212
128 File:128MS.gif Tauros Routes 209 and 210
132 File:132MS.gif Ditto Route 218
161 File:161MS.gif Sentret Route 202
175 File:175MS.gif Togepi Route 230
179 File:179MS.gif Mareep Valley Windworks
180 File:180MS.gif Flaaffy Route 222
187 File:187MS.gif Hoppip Route 205
188 File:188MS.gif Skiploom Route 205 (North)
191 File:191MS.gif Sunkern Route 204 (North)
202 File:202MS.gif Wobbuffet Lake Verity, Lake Valor, Lake Acuity
229 File:229MS.gif Houndoom Route 214 and Route 215 (Pearl only)
234 File:234MS.gif Stantler Route 207 (Pearl only)
235 File:235MS.gif Smeargle Route 212
236 File:236MS.gif Tyrogue Route 208 and Route 211
241 File:241MS.gif Miltank Route 209 and Route 210
246 File:246MS.gif Larvitar Route 207 (Diamond only)
277 File:277MS.gif Swellow Route 213
262 File:262MS.gif Mightyena Route 214 and Route 215 (Pearl only)
280 File:280MS.gif Ralts Routes 203 and 204
281 File:281MS.gif Kirlia Routes 203 and 204
290 File:290MS.gif Nincada Eterna Forest
294 File:294MS.gif Loudred Mt. Coronet
304 File:304MS.gif Aron Fuego Ironworks (Diamond only)
324 File:324MS.gif Torkoal Route 227 and Stark Mountain
328 File:328MS.gif Trapinch Route 228
329 File:329MS.gif Vibrava Route 228
333 File:333MS.gif Swablu Route 211
343 File:343MS.gif Baltoy Route 206
352 File:352MS.gif Kecleon Route 210 (Diamond only)
355 File:355MS.gif Duskull Route 224
356 File:356MS.gif Dusclops Route 224
361 File:361MS.gif Snorunt Routes 216 and 217, Acuity Lakefront
371 File:371MS.gif Bagon Route 210 (Pearl only)

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