Character of the day: Difference between revisions

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Mewtwo93 (talk | contribs)
Satoshi101 (talk | contribs)
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{{cotd|Arnold's mother|EP027}}
{{cotd|Arnold's mother|EP027}}
{{cotd|Anthony (Kanto)|n=Anthony|EP029|pkmn=2|107|Hitmonchan|057|Primeape|pname2=Ash's Primeape}}
{{cotd|Anthony (Kanto)|n=Anthony|EP029|pkmn=1|107|Hitmonchan|057|}}
{{cotd|Rebecca (Kanto)|n=Rebecca|EP029}}
{{cotd|Rebecca (Kanto)|n=Rebecca|EP029}}

Revision as of 22:16, 21 July 2011

This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.

A character of the day, often abbreviated as a COD or CotD, is a fan-made term given to a human (although sometimes Pokémon) character in the Pokémon anime, who appears in only one episode and is relatively unimportant to the series. A character is often featured alongside his or her Pokémon; usually that Pokémon is the subject of the episode in which it appears. Usually, at the end of most episodes where the character of the day is featured (if it's a friendly one), Ash or one of the other main characters promises to meet them again someday, though it usually never happens. Characters of the day can also be villains.

List of characters of the day

Original series

Indigo League

The Adventures in the Orange Islands

Name Episode Pokémon in Party
File:Charity.png EP083 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
File:Hope.png EP083 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
File:Faith.png EP083 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
File:Three punks.png EP084 Hitmonchan Spearow Beedrill ------- ------- -------
Three punks
File:Senta (anime).png EP085 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
EP087 Cloyster Charmeleon ------- ------- ------- -------
EP087 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
EP089 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
File:Reporter (Orange Islands).png EP089 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
EP090 Raichu ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
EP090 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
File:Len.png EP090 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
File:Marina (Orange Islands).png EP091 Tentacruel Psyduck Starmie ------- ------- -------
File:Ruby (anime).png EP094 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
File:Captain (Orange Islands).png EP095 Gastly Haunter ------- ------- ------- -------
EP096 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
EP096 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
File:Prima.png EP099 Slowbro Prima's Cloyster Dewgong Jynx ------- -------
File:Ralph (Orange Islands).png EP100 Nidorino Pidgey Vulpix Caterpie Raticate Oddish
File:Emily (Orange Islands).png EP100 Nidorina Pidgey Vulpix Caterpie Raticate Oddish
File:Ethan (anime).png EP101 Magneton Magnemite Jolteon Tauros Tauros -------
EP102 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
Mayor of
EP103 Seel ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
EP105 Poliwrath ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
EP107 Gloom ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
EP108 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
File:Quincy T. Quackenpoker.png EP109 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
Dr. Quackenpoker
EP113 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
Captain Crook
File:Scuz.png EP113 This character has no known Pokémon
in their party or under their ownership.
File:Poncho (Orange Islands).png EP114 Diglett Dugtrio ------- ------- ------- -------
These are the characters of the day for the second season of the anime.
The Pokémon above do not include the ones they have befriended or released.
Several of one species of Pokémon may appear as just one above.

The Johto Journeys

Johto League Champions

Master Quest

Advanced Generation series


Advanced Challenge

Advanced Battle

Battle Frontier

Diamond & Pearl series

Diamond and Pearl

Diamond & Pearl: Battle Dimension

Diamond & Pearl: Galactic Battles

Diamond & Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors

Best Wishes series

Pokémon: Black & White

Side story episodes

Pokémon Chronicles

Diamond and Pearl specials

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.