{{itlistbod|Rare Candy|South-west of the Berry trees (Requires {{HM|03|Surf}})|DP|display={{DL|Vitamin|Rare Candy}}}}
{{itlistbod|Rare Candy|South-west of the Berry trees (Requires {{m|Surf}})|DP|display={{DL|Vitamin|Rare Candy}}}}
* On the beach south-west of {{tc|Black Belt}} Carl ''(hidden)''
* On the beach south-west of {{tc|Black Belt}} Carl ''(hidden)''
Line 30:
Line 30:
* On the beach just right of the big rock ''(hidden)''|DP|display={{DL|Valuable item|Stardust}} ×3}}
* On the beach just right of the big rock ''(hidden)''|DP|display={{DL|Valuable item|Stardust}} ×3}}
{{itlistbod|PP Max|On the south-west corner of the strip of trees reached by {{m|surf}}ing south from the beach ''(hidden)''|DP|display={{DL|Vitamin|PP Max}}}}
{{itlistbod|PP Max|On the south-west corner of the strip of trees reached by {{m|surf}}ing south from the beach ''(hidden)''|DP|display={{DL|Vitamin|PP Max}}}}
{{itlistbod|PP Max|South-west of the Berry trees (Requires {{HM|03|Surf}})|Pt|display={{DL|Vitamin|PP Max}}}}
{{itlistbod|PP Max|South-west of the Berry trees (Requires {{m|Surf}})|Pt|display={{DL|Vitamin|PP Max}}}}
{{itlistbod|Razor Claw|On the strip of land reached by {{m|surf}}ing south from the beach|DPPt|display={{DL|Evolution-inducing held item|Razor Claw}}}}
{{itlistbod|Razor Claw|On the strip of land reached by {{m|surf}}ing south from the beach|DPPt|display={{DL|Evolution-inducing held item|Razor Claw}}}}
{{itlistbod|Big Pearl|Waters north of the island south-east of the white rock ''(hidden)''|DP|display={{DL|Valuable item|Big Pearl}}}}
{{itlistbod|Big Pearl|Waters north of the island south-east of the white rock ''(hidden)''|DP|display={{DL|Valuable item|Big Pearl}}}}
Revision as of 18:40, 17 July 2012
The picture used in this info box is unsatisfactory. Please feel free to replace it so it conforms to Bulbapedia conventions. Reason: Low quality scan from game guide
Route 224 is a narrow peninsula on the same island as Victory Road, stretching to the east. It is described as a miniature of the Sinnoh region.
At its end is a white rock which Professor Oak says, if the player has Oak's Letter, has a counterpart in the Kanto region. This unlocks the special event in which players can capture Shaymin.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.
This route has one of three movie cameos in the game. The aforementioned Easter egg is Ace TrainerRebecca, a Trainer who analyzes battles using her laptop. She challenges the player with her Metagross. However, this cameo was not recognized by translators, as English versions call her Jamie (in Japanese version her name is ヒトミHitomi, like in the movie).