In the [[Pokémon Pocket Monsters]] manga series, {{OBP|Red|Pocket Monsters}}'s rival, {{OBP|Green|Pocket Monsters}}, chose Charmander as his [[starter Pokémon]]. Kai's Charmander is mischievous and has a rivalry with [[Red's Clefairy]].
In the [[Pokémon Pocket Monsters]] manga series, {{OBP|Red|Pocket Monsters}}'s rival, {{OBP|Green|Pocket Monsters}}, chose Charmander as his [[starter Pokémon]]. Green's Charmander is mischievous and has a rivalry with [[Red's Clefairy]].
Kai's Charmander has evolved into {{p|Charizard}}. It seems to be able to skip the {{p|Charmeleon}} stage, as it was seen evolving directly into Charizard. Although it has devolved back to the Charmander stage, it currently seems to have permanently evolved back into Charizard.
Green's Charmander has evolved into {{p|Charizard}}. It seems to be able to skip the {{p|Charmeleon}} stage, as it was seen evolving directly into Charizard. Although it has devolved back to the Charmander stage, it currently seems to have permanently evolved back into Charizard.
Charmander is an orange reptilian creature resembling a tailed bipedalsalamander with some dinosaur qualities, particularly like those of theropods. Charmander has four small fangs visible on its upper and lower jaws, a cream underside and an expansive cream coloration on the sole of its foot. Its most notable feature is the flame burning on the tip of its tail, which is there even at birth. It is said that if this flame goes out, the Pokémon dies, although this has never happened in the anime, manga, or video games.
Charmander has been described as cute in appearance; however, one may have to regard it with caution, as its slashing claws are sharp and strong, and thus potentially dangerous.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Charmander can breathe fire, which allows them to use a wide range of Fire-type attacks. However, the strength of these are very closely connected to the strength and health of the Charmander, since it draws on the life force which fuels the flame on its tail to fuel the flames of its attacks. With time, it can learn powerful Fire-type techniques like Flamethrower and Fire Blast. It can even learn to breathe the blue flames of Dragon Rage. It can also use the flame on its tail to attack by swinging it about, or wield its small, yet sharp claws to use Slash. However, these attacks are usually weaker than those from the flames Charmander breathes.
Charmander is easily the most mild-mannered of its evolution line. Its health and emotions can be easily read by paying attention to the flame on the tip of its tail. For example, if the flame grows suddenly, the Charmander is probably angered, and perhaps even using a Rage attack. It is scarce in the wild. Most are domestic Pokémon, raised to be distributed as starters by Professor Oak. As such, they are regarded as well-behaved Pokémon. It is often regarded as the most difficult Pokémon to start with because it has a disadvantage against the first two Gym Leaders in Kanto (Brock and Misty).
There are some who choose it anyway under the impression that it is stronger than Bulbasaur or Squirtle. However, while a Charmander can certainly grow to be a very powerful Pokémon, its strength in battle is very closely connected to its condition and health. Therefore, like a real fire, it must be tended to regularly and not strained or neglected. Most Trainers should not have a problem with this, though impatient ones who expect it to be very strong right off the bat will have severe difficulty raising this Pokémon. A Trainer named Damian in Charmander - The Stray Pokémon abandoned his completely because of this. They are also stubbornly loyal. In that same episode, Charmander would not move from the rock, because Damian told it to wait. Ash had to carry it because it refused to move, even in the rain.
Charmander is rarely found in the wild. Sometimes they can gather in extremely hot areas, such as active volcanoes. They can also thrive in craggy mountains or in rocky, heated crags and caves along the coast of the Sevii Islands. Their final evolution, Charizard, also inhabits the Charicific Valley or near mountain chains. However, they are found far more often in the ownership of Trainers. It is normally native to Kanto.
Their diet is the usual omnivorous diet of a Pokémon. The few places where Charmander can be seen in the wild, they usually hunt and gather in small packs, and will call others over if any sort of food is found.
In Charmander - The Stray Pokémon, Ash, Misty, and Brock came across a Charmander which had been abandoned by its Trainer, Damian, who only cared about strong Pokémon. At first, Charmander refused to leave the spot it was at, waiting for Damian to return. However, when a rainstorm picked up, Charmander grew ill and Ash took it to a Pokémon Center. Charmander realized that Damian was no good, and joined up with Ash. It has since evolved into Charmeleon, and then Charizard.
In Journey to the Starting Line, Gilbert was intended to start his journey as a Pokémon Trainer, but the trio of Kanto Starter Pokémon were scared off when Ash's Tauros stampeded through Professor Oak's house. Professor Oak, Tracey, Delia and Gilbert split up in order to find the three missing Pokémon. The Charmander was the first one to be found.
Charmander was mentioned in the first episode of the anime, Pokémon - I Choose You!, as one of the three starter Pokémon new Trainers in Pallet Town can choose from. Ash dreamed of owning one, although it was his last choice of a starter coming after Squirtle and Bulbasaur. However, when he arrived at Oak's lab, he found out it was too late, as another Trainer who started the same day had already taken it.
Two Charmander appeared in The Breeding Center Secret. One was seen evolving on TV for a commercial about Cassidy's and Butch's breeding center, while the other one appeared in the said center.
A Charmander under the ownership of an unknown Trainer, appeared in Friends to the End, during the closing ceremonies of the Indigo League.
The capture of Ash's Charmander diverges considerably from the anime. In the manga, Damian seems to have abandoned his Charmander at the beginning of the chapter Pikachu's Excellent Adventure, but it turns out that he had just been injured and went to the hospital.
Ash is shown to own a Charmander despite this, his own Charmander first appears in You Gotta Have Friends. Ash's Charmander's capture is not shown in the manga, instead, when Charmander first appears from its Poké Ball, it is simply stated that "Ash has been busy since the last comic".
Green's Charmander has evolved into Charizard. It seems to be able to skip the Charmeleon stage, as it was seen evolving directly into Charizard. Although it has devolved back to the Charmander stage, it currently seems to have permanently evolved back into Charizard.
"A Lizard Pokémon. It just downright likes hot stuff. The always-burning tail indicates its mood--waving gently when content and burning intensely when angry. If the tail were to go out, it would be the end of Charmander's life. Its tail is believed to emit steam when it rains. Charmander evolves into Charmeleon by leveling up."
Game data
NPC appearances
In PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure Charmander is one of Pikachu's best friends. After falling through the mysterious tunnel, he almost lands into a pool of molten lava only to be saved by the zone leader, Blaziken. He was then taken in as Blaziken's pupil and trained to become stronger. After he's been found, he journeys to the Meeting Place where he helps Piplup mend the balloon, and makes fireworks. He later accompanies Pikachu to the Sky Pavilion along with Piplup and Chikorita where he meets Mew. Once the Sky Prism has been restored, Charmander celebrates by firing off the fireworks he made.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation I.
The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication of its emotions. The flame wavers when Charmander is enjoying itself. If the Pokémon becomes enraged, the flame burns fiercely.
The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication of its emotions. The flame wavers when Charmander is happy, and blazes when it is enraged.
Charmander followed you through the Mysterious Tunnel, landing in the Lava Zone. He's one of your best friends. His great desire is to become stronger.
Niue released a one-dollar coin featuring Charmander as part of a commemorative promotion for the Pokémon franchise, with Charmander on one side and the nation's coat of arms on the other.
Charmander is the first Fire-type Pokémon and the first single-type Pokémon in National Pokédex order.
In the first generation, on its sprite and first artwork, Charmander's "back" is depicted as having a small line of spikes. The spikes were not shown in the sprites and artwork of later generations. Charmander also had these spikes in the Pokémon Adventures manga, where the spikes were larger and easier to see. The spikes were also seen on Green's Charmander from the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga.
Charmander is the tallest Fire-type starter Pokémon.
Charmander is the only Fire-type starter Pokémon in the Monster Egg Group.
In the first generation, Charmander and its evolutionary line are capable of learning Leer. However, in later generations, this move is replaced by Scary Face.
Its FireRed Pokédex entry states that its life would end if the flame on its tail would go out. However, in the console games, its flame effectively stops burning if Charmander (or its evolutions) is affected by freeze and does not burn in rain.
Charmander is predominantly reptilian in origin, and may have been partially inspired by the mythical Salamander (as opposed to the real-world amphibian of the same name which inspired its mythical counterpart). This Salamander was a fire-spirit capable of surviving in extreme heat or flames, and it is sometimes creatively rendered or interpreted to be in the shape of a lizard.
Physically, Charmander has a slender body, a short nose, and a long tail, as well as other similar lizard-like characteristics. The fact that it does not undergo a metamorphosis stage (beyond its own evolutionary pattern) but instead grows into a larger version of itself as it matures, among other things, indicate that Charmander has more in common with reptiles (like lizards) than with amphibians (like real-world salamanders).
Charmander's Hidden Ability, Solar Power, may have drawn inspiration from the Spotted Salamander. In the July and August of 2010, this species was identified as the first known photosynthetic vertebrate animal, capable of converting energy from sunlight.
Name origin
Charmander is a portmanteau of the words char (to burn) and salamander.
Hitokage comes from 火蜥蜴 (salamander): 火 hi (fire) and 蜥蜴 tokage (lizard).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.