{{eventAvail|List of Japanese Nintendo event Pokémon in 2006#Electabuzz|Gotta Catch 'Em All #3|Japan|2006|10}}
{{eventAvail|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|Gotta Catch 'Em All #3 Electabuzz|Japanese|Japan|10|January 14 to 29, 2006|link=List of Japanese Gotta Catch 'Em All event Pokémon#Electabuzz}}
{{eventAvail|List of Japanese Nintendo event Pokémon in 2006#Festa Electabuzz|Pokémon Festival|Japan {{color2|{{pearl color dark}}|Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Versions|(Pearl only)}}|2006|30}}
{{eventAvail|{{gameabbrev3|P}}|Pokémon Festa Electabuzz|Japanese|Japan|30|November 25, 2006 to January 31, 2007|link=List of local Japanese event Pokémon distributions in Generation IV#Festa Electabuzz}}
{{eventAvail|List of Japanese Nintendo event Pokémon in 2006#Festa Electabuzz|Pokémon Festival|Japan {{color2|{{pearl color dark}}|Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Versions|(Pearl only)}}|2007|30}}
{{eventAvail|{{gameabbrev3|BW}}|Trade for Evolution! Electabuzz|Japanese|Japan|30|October 10 to November 28, 2010|link=List of Japanese Nintendo event Pokémon in 2010#Electabuzz}}
{{eventAvail|List of Japanese Nintendo event Pokémon in 2010#Electabuzz|Trade for Evolution!|Japan|2010|30}}
Electabuzz is a slightly humanoid and partly feline creature covered in yellow fur with black stripes, one of which is shaped like a lightning bolt. It has a long, cat-like tail. The three toes on Electabuzz's feet are arranged like that of a bird's foot, but its hands have a human appearance, with five fingers on each hand.
Electabuzz has two sharp fangs and a pair of antennae. When it is dark out, Electabuzz's entire body gives off a bluish-white glow.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Electabuzz specialize in using electrical attacks. Electabuzz can also be good with using physical attacks, such as the elemental punches, Brick Break and Mega Punch.
Electabuzz tend to be drawn to electrical sources. That is why many of them can be found in power plants. This is also the reason why during thunderstorms, they compete with each other to reach heights likely to be stricken by lightning bolts.
When two Electabuzz meet, they communicate their feelings by touching and controlling the electric currents.
Also, shown in Showdown at Dark City, Electabuzz hate the color red. When they have seen the color, Electabuzz go on rampages.
Electabuzz normally reside in power plants and can sometimes wander into cities and cause major black-outs. Kanto and Sinnoh are the best places to find such Pokémon.
Electabuzz first appeared in Showdown at Dark City. It is the Kas Gym's primary Pokémon and was used in the feuds that the Kas and Yas Gyms were having.
An Electabuzz was the head of security in a power plant. In Current Events, it attacked Ash and his Chikorita, seeing them as intruders, but was then captured by Team Rocket.
Electabuzz, the Electric Pokémon. Electabuzz is the evolved form of Elekid. With powerful electric currents running through its body, Electabuzz appears to glow.
Electabuzz, the Electric Pokémon. An evolved form of Elekid. It appears near power generators, and because it eats electricity it can cause blackouts.
In the manga
Electabuzz in Pokémon Adventures
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Electabuzz debuts in its own round, Buzz Off, Electabuzz!, as the main Pokémon of Lt. Surge. It is so vicious that even the Trainer himself can't keep it in its Ball, and its ThunderPunch attack tears through ground floors like wheat. However, though the most that Poli could do against it was freezing its feet to flee, when it evolved into a Poliwrath, the tables turned, and a Seismic Toss threw them both off the ship.
The same Electabuzz later appears to fight Morty's Misdreavus, but while its continuous Thunder attacks did a number, the ghost's Pain Split and Spite left it unable to attack.
When a storm arrives, gangs of this Pokémon compete with each other to scale heights that are likely to be stricken by lightning bolts. Some towns use Electabuzz in place of lightning rods.
When a storm approaches, it competes with others to scale heights that are likely to be stricken by lightning. Some towns use Electabuzz in place of lightning rods.
Electabuzz is one of five Pokémon that initially did not evolve into or from another Pokémon, but now is part of a three-stage evolutionary line (the other four being Chansey, Magmar, Porygon, and Roselia).
Electabuzz and Elekid share the same species name with Zapdos. They are all known as Electric Pokémon.
Magmar and Electabuzz seem to be counterparts; both evolve in a very similar way (first at level 30, then after being traded holding an item which has a name that ends with the suffix "-izer"), and both are typically exclusive to one version of a pair of games. They also learn all their moves at the same levels, such as Fire Punch and ThunderPunch at Level 28. They even have the same special moves when purified from Pokémon XD: Follow Me and Cross Chop. Their pre-evolutions and evolutions were released in the same generation (Generation II and IV). Additionally, their Japanese names are essentially phonetic reversals of each other.
Electabuzz is the only member of its family not to have some physical relation to an AC power unit. Elekid's head is shaped like a power plug while Electivire's back pattern looks like a power socket.
Electabuzz imitates hanging itself before being recalled to its Poké Ball when fainting in Pokémon Battle Revolution.
Electabuzz is depicted with six fingers on both of its hands in Pokémon Stadium.
Electabuzz is likely based on one of the Japanese oni who was a horned ogre who wore tiger-stripes and was sometimes depicted as a god of lightning and thunder. Its tail looks like that of a tiger.
Name origin
Electabuzz is a combination of electric and buzz (possibly referring to the humming sound of electricity).
Eleboo may be a combination of electric and ブンブン bunbun (buzz).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.