* Excadrill has the highest {{stat|Attack}} of all {{type|Steel}} Pokémon, tied with {{p|Metagross}} and {{p|Escavalier}}. It also has the highest {{stat|HP}} of all Steel-type Pokémon.
* Excadrill has the highest {{stat|Attack}} of all {{type|Steel}} Pokémon, tied with {{p|Metagross}} and {{p|Escavalier}}. It also has the highest {{stat|HP}} of all Steel-type Pokémon.
** However, Excadrill has the lowest {{stat|Defense}} of all {{type|Steel}} Pokémon.
** However, Excadrill has the lowest {{stat|Defense}} of all {{type|Steel}} Pokémon.
Excadrill is a dark-colored, bipedal mole-like Pokémon. It has a tapered, pink-tipped snout and a white face. It has large, gray-colored, jagged features on its head and forelimbs, which may be described as looking like axes. Excadrill sports red diamond patterning on the side of its head, forelimbs, and legs, and larger, stripe-like patterns of red on its underside. It has folds on the back of its neck, resembling a hood.
It has the ability to combine its "shovels" into a drill shape to dig through the earth. Its drills are powerful enough to drill through iron plates.
Excadrill create maze-like burrows 100 meters underground and also open holes in subway tunnels. It puts a lot of effort into constructing its tunnels. As seen in Baffling the Bouffalant!, Excadrill tend to drop down on all fours to eat comfortably.
Excadrill debuted in The Bloom Is on Axew! under the ownership of Iris. It is a powerful Pokémon. When it first appeared, Excadrill was disobedient. However, in Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster!, the cause of the disobedience was discovered. When Iris battled Drayden with Excadrill, it was defeated by his Haxorus. The major loss changed him from an obedient and happy Pokémon to a disobedient one. After some training with Iris, Excadrill became obedient once again.
Excadrill, the Subterrene Pokémon, and the evolved form of Drilbur. Excadrill can dig maze-like underground tunnels for over 100 meters and is powerful enough to cut through thick iron plates using its steel claws.
Excadrill is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 508.
Its Pokédex entry in Black states that its activity helps with tunnel construction, however its entry in White says it is destructive to subway tunnels.
Excadrill is based on a mole with characteristics of digging tools such as shovels and drills.
Name origin
Excadrill might be a combination of excavate and drill. The word Excalibur may also be included.
Doryuzu may be a combination of ドリル drill, meaning "drill", 竜 ryu as in on'yomi reading of 土竜 doryu, meaning "mole", and 渦 uzu, meaning "spiral" or "swirl".
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.