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| ======Round 1====== | | ======Round 1====== |
| {{Trainerheader|Psychic}} | | {{Trainerheader|Psychic}} |
| {{Trainerentry|Spr RG Cue Ball.png|Cueball||N/A|6|148|Dragonair||50-100|None|057|Primeape||50-100|None|087|Dewgong||50-100|None|056|Mankey||50-100|None|066|Machop||50-100|None|111|Rhyhorn||50-100|None}} | | {{Trainerentry|SJP Cueball.png|Cueball||N/A|6|148|Dragonair||50-100|None|057|Primeape||50-100|None|087|Dewgong||50-100|None|056|Mankey||50-100|None|066|Machop||50-100|None|111|Rhyhorn||50-100|None}} |
| {{Trainerentry|S2 Burglar.png|Burglar||N/A|6|038|Ninetales||50-100|None|037|Vulpix||50-100|None|077|Ponyta||50-100|None|058|Growlithe||50-100|None|005|Charmeleon||50-100|None|078|Rapidash||50-100|None}} | | {{Trainerentry|S2 Burglar.png|Burglar||N/A|6|038|Ninetales||50-100|None|037|Vulpix||50-100|None|077|Ponyta||50-100|None|058|Growlithe||50-100|None|005|Charmeleon||50-100|None|078|Rapidash||50-100|None}} |
| {{Trainerentry|Spr RG Channeler.png|Medium||N/A|6|092|Gastly||50-100|None|093|Haunter||50-100|None|094|Gengar||50-100|None|042|Golbat||50-100|None|108|Lickitung||50-100|None|073|Tentacruel||50-100|None}} | | {{Trainerentry|SJP Channeler.png|Medium||N/A|6|092|Gastly||50-100|None|093|Haunter||50-100|None|094|Gengar||50-100|None|042|Golbat||50-100|None|108|Lickitung||50-100|None|073|Tentacruel||50-100|None}} |
| {{Trainerfooter|Psychic|1|Inside}} | | {{Trainerfooter|Psychic|1|Inside}} |
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| ======Round 2====== | | ======Round 2====== |
| {{Trainerheader|Psychic}} | | {{Trainerheader|Psychic}} |
| {{Trainerentry|Spr RG Cue Ball.png|Cueball||N/A|6|062|Poliwrath||50-100|None|057|Primeape||50-100|None|087|Dewgong||50-100|None|028|Sandslash||50-100|None|142|Aerodactyl||50-100|None|112|Rhydon||50-100|None}} | | {{Trainerentry|SJP Cueball.png|Cueball||N/A|6|062|Poliwrath||50-100|None|057|Primeape||50-100|None|087|Dewgong||50-100|None|028|Sandslash||50-100|None|142|Aerodactyl||50-100|None|112|Rhydon||50-100|None}} |
| {{Trainerentry|S2 Burglar.png|Burglar||N/A|6|038|Ninetales||50-100|None|110|Weezing||50-100|None|059|Arcanine||50-100|None|036|Clefable||50-100|None|068|Machamp||50-100|None|078|Rapidash||50-100|None}} | | {{Trainerentry|S2 Burglar.png|Burglar||N/A|6|038|Ninetales||50-100|None|110|Weezing||50-100|None|059|Arcanine||50-100|None|036|Clefable||50-100|None|068|Machamp||50-100|None|078|Rapidash||50-100|None}} |
| {{Trainerentry|Spr RG Channeler.png|Medium||N/A|6|131|Lapras||50-100|None|126|Magmar||50-100|None|094|Gengar||50-100|None|042|Golbat||50-100|None|108|Lickitung||50-100|None|073|Tentacruel||50-100|None}} | | {{Trainerentry|SJP Channeler.png|Medium||N/A|6|131|Lapras||50-100|None|126|Magmar||50-100|None|094|Gengar||50-100|None|042|Golbat||50-100|None|108|Lickitung||50-100|None|073|Tentacruel||50-100|None}} |
| {{Trainerfooter|Psychic|1|Inside}} | | {{Trainerfooter|Psychic|1|Inside}} |
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The Saffron Gym (Japanese: ヤマブキジム Yamabuki Gym) is the official Gym of Saffron City. It is based on Psychic-type Pokémon. The Gym Leader is Sabrina. Trainers who defeat her receive the Marsh Badge.
In the games
Saffron City
Pokémon Gym
Leader: Sabrina
The Master Of
Psychic Pokémon!
Saffron City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Sabrina
"The Master Of Psychic Pokémon"
Saffron City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Sabrina
"The Mistress of Psychic-type Pokémon"
The Saffron Gym is a maze of warp tiles and nine rooms. Seven of these rooms contain Trainers (only four in Generation II and IV), while the other two hold Sabrina and the entrance.
A field based on the Gym also appears in Pokémon Stadium's Gym Leader Castle.
At some point prior to the Generation I games, both Sabrina's Gym and the Karate Master's Fighting Dojo laid claim to the status of being an official Indigo League Pokémon Gym. Due to the type advantage that the Gym's Psychic types had over the Dojo's Fighting types, Sabrina easily won the challenge and became the official Gym Leader of Saffron City.
Main series
Reward: $4257
Reward: $4950
Medium Rebecca トミコ Tomiko Reward: $1400
Medium Doris ケサコ Kesako Reward: $1440
Trainers with a telephone symbol by their names will give their Pokégear number to the player, and may call or be called for a rematch with higher-level Pokémon.
Reward: $4800
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.
Reward: $4300
Medium Rebecca トミコ Tomiko Reward: $2160
Medium Darcy ケサコ Kesako Reward: $2208
Trainers with a telephone symbol by their names will give their Pokégear number to the player, and may call or be called for a rematch with higher-level Pokémon.
Reward: $6600
Side series
Round 1
Round 2
Round 1
Round 2
In the anime
Saffron Gym appeared in two episodes of the anime. It is an unusual dome-shaped building that also an institute for the study of PSI phenomenon.
It first appeared in Abra and the Psychic Showdown. Ash and his friends found their way to the Gym after getting trapped by Team Rocket. Ash challenged Sabrina to a battle, to which she offered an unusual request; if he lost, he and his friends would have to play with her.
Sure enough, Ash lost and was forced to play with Sabrina. She shrunk him and the others down to the size of dolls and nearly knocked them over with a ball. They were saved by Sabrina's father, who told Ash that if he really wanted to defeat Sabrina, he would have to get a Ghost-type Pokémon from Lavender Town.
Ash took his advice and returned two episodes later in Haunter versus Kadabra with a Haunter he picked up. However, when he went to challenge Sabrina, it was nowhere to be found. Ash was about to be turned into a doll, like Brock and Misty, when Sabrina's father appeared once again to save him.
Once more, Ash went to challenge Sabrina with his Haunter. It disappeared again, but reappeared halfway through the battle with Kadabra and Pikachu. After making Sabrina laugh, all of her spells were broken, and Ash received his fourth Badge.
In the TCG
The Saffron Gym was featured in the TCG as both a Japan-exclusive Theme Deck and as a card. The following is a list of cards named Saffron City Gym.
- For unknown reasons, the Saffron Gym is the fourth Gym in the anime, but the sixth Gym in the games.
- The connections between the teleporters in the Gym is the same in all generations, though Generation IV adds a one-way teleporter from Sabrina's room to the entrance room.