[[User:FossilConversionGlitch|FossilConversionGlitch]] ([[User talk:FossilConversionGlitch|talk]]) 14:18, 22 June 2013 (UTC)FossilConversionGlitch/EdwardLitvinov/GoHibiki(I do not know signatures well)
[[User:FossilConversionGlitch|FossilConversionGlitch]] ([[User talk:FossilConversionGlitch|talk]]) 14:18, 22 June 2013 (UTC)FossilConversionGlitch/EdwardLitvinov/GoHibiki(I do not know signatures well)
== Adventures in Unova page ==
Pallettown1986 keeps on putting in unconfirmed info in the [[Pokémon Black & White: Adventures in Unova]] page even though he was told to stop by different users. [[User:Pattyman|<span style="color:orange">Patty</span>]][[User talk:Pattyman|<span style="color:orange">Man</span>]] 19:36, 30 June 2013 (UTC)
The last person to leave a message was Pattyman! They're a boy!
Here's a small little list of guidelines I expect to be followed on my talk page:
Please use English. It's not that I'm against other languages, it's just...how am I suppose to respond when I don't know what you said?
Please do not respond for me. I don't mind people tacking on their own questions to a discussion that's already been made, even before I have the chance to answer the initial post. But when someone personally has come here to ask me a question, don't answer for me. And if someone has answered for me, please don't take their word for my own. I can guarantee you that almost no one on this site knows me as well as I do. If you want my opinion, you wait for my response.
Notability of putting the use of a move by only one trainer in the anime in the Trivia section
Latest comment: 8 December 20129 comments2 people in discussion
I just wanted the opinion of a pro; I have noticed that in the anime, only one trainer was shown to command the move Minimize and Giga Drain. Nurse Joy was the only one to ever command Minimize and Paul was the only one to ever command Giga Drain. Do you think this is notable to put in the trivia sections of both pages? Ataro says that it is not, but he won't give me a good enough reason why. I amMikoro (wanna talk?) 14:54, 6 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Not really. There's a first time for everything, and there's plenty of moves that have never been used in the anime. So I don't think it's notable for moves used recently. If the move was used in the first season, and was never used since.......maybe. Signature moves wouldn't count though, I don't think. Like saying Lugia's the only Pokémon to use Aeroblast in the anime. Well yeah, duh, it's the only Pokémon who knows it. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥02:34, 7 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Alright, thanks. And it is obvious that Lugia is the only one capable of using Aeroblast, even though I didn't mean literal signature moves. I just meant moves that have only been commanded by one trainer in the anime. But now I understand. And by the way, on the Archives, when you upload an improved file of a picture, how do you get that upload to be the default set picture? I uploaded a new file for Roxie's Garbodor, but when I go to her page, it shows the old one. Do you know how to fix that? I amMikoro (wanna talk?) 15:04, 7 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
It will fix itself. The server needs to synchronize Bulbapedia and the Archives. When that happens, the image on Bulbapedia will update. This happens with every image. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥15:53, 7 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Sometimes a few hours, sometimes a day. Sometimes even a few days. Could always clear your cache to check (click the time code at the top of the page next to your username) ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥03:22, 8 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 December 20123 comments2 people in discussion
Why is it that this LegandofThor2 user keeps on creating multiple accounts and coming back here despite being told multiple times not to? PattyMan20:44, 14 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Almost every Pokémon can learn advanced moves after the point that it evolves. We don't need to point it out. The part that Trapinch is the only third Generation Pokémon that learns Dig belongs on the Dig page. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥02:01, 17 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Template Request
Latest comment: 22 December 20123 comments2 people in discussion
Hey Jo, I was wondering if you could help me with something. On the new Dungeon location pages (like this one for example), has the items listed without a template or anything to go along with it. IMO, it's rather plain looking the way it is now. Do you think you could somehow find or develop a template that could be used to list MD game items? Thanks for da help. --Pokemaster9701:34, 21 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
As to many important events are happening in these last episodes I would like to earn back my privilege of editing again.I won't be abusing again.I will respect the rules.Please I need to create new articles that may be taken in use.I will not abuse again. ★Alex★Water23:01, 23 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 17 January 20138 comments3 people in discussion
Listen Jo. Up until now, I have been thinking about every mainspace edit I have made since you revoked my userspace rights. And I've come to a conclusion that I have made a lot of edits since then. And, I want to ask if you think I'm ready to have my userspace rights reinstated. Before you answer, I want you to think about how much I have used and appreciated your benevolence, but I absolutely want you to forget about how I assumed nonchalance in you. I now trust you as someone who can help guide me, and you have earned your place as my favorite administrator. Just please take some time to think about all of this. When you finish thinking, please tell me. Do you think I am ready to have my userspace rights reinstated? (I can take no for an answer.) Thanks so much. the greatMIKORO (talk to me) 03:32, 8 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
After talking it over with some of the staff, we've decided to grant you your userspace privileges. However, if you abuse it again, it will be revoked again without warning. So make sure to follow the rules. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥06:07, 9 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks a million. Scout's honor, I will never abuse my userspace rights again. And by the way, do you know where people normally get HD pictures that they upload? Most of the pictures I upload are deemed unsatisfactory. the greatMIKORO (talk to me) 15:20, 9 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 January 20131 comment1 person in discussion
I don't know about you, but I think the template for the Starter Pokémon needs some major changes. For example, we can remove the Rumble and MD starters and replace them with the Conquest. Also, having the yellow starters pushed to the left makes it look a little wierd. Maybe they should in the middle (right under Johto and Unova).Iml908 (talk) 00:52, 9 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Copyright violation?
Latest comment: 16 January 20136 comments3 people in discussion
Krookodile is a large terracotta-colored crocodile. It has gray-black stripes around its stomach, arms, tail, and snout. Each foot is black and has three claws. Its hands have three fingers that end in a claw on each digit. Around its eyes, there is a black area resembling a bandit's mask, or a stylized pair of sunglasses. Krookodile has a periwinkle belly.
This wiki's:
Krookodile is a large terracotta-colored crocodile. It has gray-black stripes around its stomach, arms, tail, and snout. Each foot is black and has three claws. Its hands have three fingers that end in a claw on each digit. Around its eyes, there is a black area resembling a bandit's mask, or a stylized pair of sunglasses. Krookodile has a periwinkle belly.
About the changes you made to the Join Avenue article
Latest comment: 16 January 20133 comments2 people in discussion
I don't want to revert everything you did, but neither do I feel like putting in the enormous amount of work it would take to correct your mistakes. So I'm asking, could you please do that yourself? I think you'd figure out where you went wrong if you read the article, but I can provide some main points:
You've removed all the question marks from the recommendation phrase table, which were there because they had not been disconfirmed. For example, the table now says that "Is there a place where I can warm up?" is not compatible with the Raffle Shop type, when it is. Essentially, you turned a "research in progress" table into a final one, which does not make sense unless you've somehow acquired complete knowledge on it, but the example above illustrates that you have not.
You've also included the phrases "I want to get excited about something" and "I want to buy some delicious berries!", which I hid because the users who originally added them to the article most likely did not write them exactly as they appear in the games - first one lacks a period or an exclamation mark, second one probably capitalizes Berries like the other Berry-related phrase.
You changed the recommendation phrase table's point system from two columns which presented NPC fans' 75% and multiplayer representations' 100%, listing the correct point values for the various quotes, to a four column system that erroneously factors in Hall of Fame entrance, has the same point values for almost every phrase, and for some reason mentions StreetPass, which you will also discover makes little sense if you read the article.
You've expanded the Café table to include not only one price per service, but one for each rank as well, which you'll see is completely wrong if you read what the article says about avenue rank.
I'll accept that I might have made a few errors, and you're welcome to not agree with something I did, but I don't appreciate the attitude that is present in your message.
Those are simple grammar mistakes. I'd rather have a simple mistake like that than completely hiding the information should someone need to look up that specific phrase. I went ahead and made the corrections as one of my visitors just said, "I want to get excited about something!"
The points I received from one of the phrases was different than what was on the table, so yes, I assumed there was something different regarding the points. But you're right, it seems I was mistaken. I can't remember what the phrase was that gave me the 150 points, either. The term "Multiplayer representation" is misleading. Multiplayer means that the other player is actively controlling themselves, which is not the case here. I've changed it simply to "other players".
Fair enough. I was focused on templates and did not read that. I've also corrected the prices I added to their non-discounted amount. I still don't know which Café I have, so I'm unsure how to correct the Ranks which you receive each dish. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥10:34, 16 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Attitude? Come on, my message was about as matter-of-fact as possible. Please don't try to make this personal just because I informed you of your mistakes.
I agree that this is a matter of opinion, and as long as I'm not responsible for the choice, I can accept the lack of question marks.
You fixed this.
You partially fixed this, except for the point values, which you've listed as 75/100 for most phrases, when they in fact have specific values. You will find these if you look at the article as it was before you made your changes.
Naming those characters is tricky. They were previously referred to as "avatars of other players". I'd say that "other players" sounds more like they are actually being controlled than "multiplayer representations" does, though, but I'm quite indifferent to what they are called.
You fixed this. I thought you identified your Café variation after our exchange at my talk page, but it seems you didn't. Again, look at the NPC fan table, which says Jocelyn wants to open a Café (A). Unless the original contributor made a mistake, that means your Café is variation A. Variation A has Power Lunch A at Rank 1, while Variation B has Power Lunch F at Rank 1. Yvnr (talk) 12:46, 16 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 17 January 20133 comments2 people in discussion
I can't really answer the first question cause I don't know what everyone is thinking, but we do prefer that experienced users welcome new ones, that way if the new user goes to their welcomer for advice they're more likely to get the help they need. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥21:00, 16 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 17 January 20132 comments2 people in discussion
I've noticed the inuse template has been removed from the Join Avenue page, was this done by you regarding you've finished, or was this done by someone else? As you've noticed, I'm rather new here, so I'm not too familiar with how this works.
thank you, ToxicAtom (talk) 14:05, 17 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
I've discussed it with other staff members, and we've all decided that because you still tend to have issues with editing pages multiple times, to leave it as it is. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥03:42, 10 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 February 20132 comments1 person in discussion
Latest comment: 20 February 20133 comments2 people in discussion
Hey Jo --
What is the purpose of the Learnset: namespace? I've noticed it in my search settings and was wondering if there is anything in there; if not, whether it would ever be used. Once I get autoconfirmed in a few days I will be more than happy to help utilize it. Since you're the Head of Games, and that's where learnsets are typically used, I figured you might know the answer. Thanks, ChiefbozX (talk) 04:21, 20 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
The Learnsets were going to be given their own pages at one point in time, but the idea was tossed, so there's literally no point to the namespace. Don't worry about it. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥04:27, 20 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 28 February 20134 comments3 people in discussion
The location infobox as shown here on the Miror B.'s Hideout page automatically attempts to find a map for the location with the same name as the location (in this case, the non-existent "Orre Miror B.'s Hideout Map.png"). However, the appropriate image would be the map location of Pyrite Town (this image). This leaves two possible solutions, either modifying the template (which could most likely cause all sorts of unforeseen glitches on pages), or creating a page for "File:Orre Miror B.'s Hideout Map.png" that would contain a redirect to "File:Orre Pyrite Town map.png". While the latter seems like the most logical and simple solution, I am simply seeking approval in case creating redirects for each location in Orre to their corresponding map locations isn't desired. --Nairbnroh (talk) 18:47, 28 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
There's actually a parameter in the infobox that allows for the display of a differently named map. I've just added the Pyrite Town map to the Hideout page.--MisterE1319:44, 28 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Providing a chat log or a believable alibi would be best. A lot of people, myself included, have voice actors on Facebook, so in that case, it'd be best to link to the discussion if it was on a status, or taking a screenshot if it's a private chat (make sure the voice actor's name is visible at least). If a voice actor goes to a convention and you happen to meet them there, that'd be a reasonable story as we can see if the con was recently, if they were at that con, and if it's within a reasonable proximity to the user's location. If you know a voice actor personally, say how you met them, and any extra proof (Facebook friends, a photo of the two of you together, or whatever you're comfortable with) will help validate your relationship with the person. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥01:09, 8 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 18 March 20132 comments2 people in discussion
Now two mistakes happened in the episode relating with Cursed Body (the other one being the effect yelled out incorrectly)*. PattyMan03:41, 19 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
What happened?
Latest comment: 27 March 20133 comments2 people in discussion
Articles have a limit to how many of the same template can be on the page. The page just reached the limit. That's all. Looks like we'll have to do something to lower the number of templates on the page. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥02:52, 27 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
How about we split it into "List of Prime Cup Trainers PokéBall/Great Ball/Ultra Ball/Master Ball/in Pokémon Stadium 2", or would that be to many articles? Nepse (talk) 07:37, 27 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Archive Red Link
Latest comment: 29 March 20131 comment1 person in discussion
I noticed on your third archive that there is a link to a nonexistant page (one that was deleted funnily enough; Henrietta Million). Think you could remove it? Thanks. :-) FrozenFennec03:43, 29 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Bulbapedia News Area
Latest comment: 8 April 20132 comments2 people in discussion
I would like to create a news area to appear on the main page, possibly in the message for the editor because no one has put anything in their since 2012. With new Info such as help for new trainers, fanfiction stories, or any thing possible. If you want I can give you a sample if you would like.(ShadowPikachu126 (talk) 00:06, 8 April 2013 (UTC))Reply
Bulbapedia is not the place for fan fiction, nor are we a strategy guide. We already have both a Bulbanews stream, and BulbanewsNow Twitter stream on the main page. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥02:39, 8 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Pokemon Black and White 2...
Latest comment: 10 April 20132 comments1 person in discussion
Hi Jo, Do you have Pokemon Black or White 2? If so, is it worth it to get one of them? I've played Pokemon White, and I have to say I was pretty disappointed with it. It's story moved a bit too fast, and it was very confusing. I have a birthday coming up soon,so do you think I should get one? Is there really much improvment? Or should I just wait for X and Y? (im not that happy that they are adding new types)Which one? - unsigned comment from JolteonGuardian (talk • contribs)
Latest comment: 11 April 20131 comment1 person in discussion
Hi jo, it's me again. I was just curious, how to do you become an administrater? Sorry if this question doesnt belong here either. I'm still trying to get used to the site.
EDIT- I've looked at some other questions and one of the people asked about moving up from one group to another. Are there certain groups that define you? I would like to know how to climb them. I know I am new here, but hey, I'm ambitious! JolteonGuardian 06:14, 11 April 2013 (UTC)JolteonGaurdian
Here are the two general user groups.
User (All users are in this group by default)
emailconfirmed (Same as the above usergroup, but they have followed the directions in the email sent to them after registering)
Autoconfirmed (Obtained after staying with the wiki for a while and making a decent amount of edits)
The rest you can read about on the different staff pages, such as Junior Administrators. You can check what usergroups you're in by going to your preferences. Be sure to check the FAQ if you have any more questions. If you can't find your answers there, then you can ask me something else. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥06:33, 11 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Executive Policymakers
Latest comment: 11 April 20131 comment1 person in discussion
Hey Jo, why do the four Executive Policymakers have red X's next to their names? JolteonGuardian 20:29, 11 April 2013 (UTC)
It's a bit tricky to explain. They aren't neither necessarily "active" or "inactive". They're simply around. They have a constant influence on the site whether they're actively present or not. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥20:44, 11 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 April 20131 comment1 person in discussion
Am I asking too many questions? I feel like I m being a bit annoying. I can stay away from this page if you would like. - unsigned comment from JolteonGuardian (talk • contribs)
In the Bulbapedia:Manual of Style, Bulbasaur is listed as being a Grass type, but it is a Grass and Poison type. Does this listing need to be changed, or is this need-less data? JolteonGuardian 22:03, 13 April 2013 (UTC)
Buried Alive
Latest comment: 15 April 20134 comments3 people in discussion
Hope you don't mind Jo, I had this conversation with a user who wanted to do the same thing, but it turns out he got it from a creepypasta site. Personally, I think it is just a rom hack and not an actual thing.--ForceFire03:12, 15 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 16 April 20133 comments2 people in discussion
Simply because you'll probably know better than me, I don't want to delete this article if it's actually really notable and just incomplete, so, Whack a Hack pokémon: notable or no? I know we're pretty selective about which fan sites and hack games, etc get included, but I also don't really have much involvement in this kind of stuff so i don't know haha. --ZestyCactus18:44, 15 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 16 May 20134 comments2 people in discussion
I randomly came across a user talk page, where they say something like "if you want to donate to my ds fund email me at soandso". is this against the rules? it kind of just struck me as weird, sorry if it's no big deal. Hastings (talk) 00:37, 16 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hm, nope, not a bot. They haven't edited since 2008. Think I'll just leave it be. There's nothing against advertising on the userspace. So long as you're human, you can advertise your charities, or blogs, or whatever. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥02:34, 16 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 24 May 20133 comments2 people in discussion
Also I think SeanLangl and DerrickMa are the same person, they both created their own talk pages and gave off other hints they're the same person. having multiple accounts is against the rules right? I can't remember if it was this wiki or another wiki. Yamitora1 (talk) 02:56, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
The possible bots are still around, only the duplicate accounts were taken care of. I should have clarified that right away, but I forgot and when I thought about it I thought it best to wait a while so I didn't edit the page too many times. So when you get a chance, can you look into Xaxfz4257 , Jpdfb2280 , 4d2y519b and 3vsutz880w since I believe them to be bots. Yamitora1 (talk) 05:24, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Featured Content
Latest comment: 2 June 20132 comments2 people in discussion
Latest comment: 11 June 20131 comment1 person in discussion
On the Electric type page it displays Magnemite/Magneton in both the pure Electric section and the dual type section with notes indicating that the typing is different across generations (it also does this for Rotom except the differences between generations are of course both dual types). My point is, shouldn't this be done with the Pokemon retyped to being Fairy as opposed to moving them completely from where they were previously? - Tasty Salamanders (talk) 15:33, 11 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 13 June 20132 comments2 people in discussion
Latest comment: 13 June 20131 comment1 person in discussion
I had meant to bring this up earier, but according to PokemonXY.jp, director Kunihiko Yuyama said that it's not the same Mewtwo as was in M01 and MR. Just throwing that out there, hopefully to prevent more erroneous additions to the article. Trak Nar (talk) 15:51, 13 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
I have a question
Latest comment: 13 June 20132 comments2 people in discussion
Once a page gets deleted due to not having enough content, how could I tell what amount is mostly blank since a non-admin can't access a deleted page? This is also for next time to avoid making the same mistake again when I create a page in the future under the username. PattyMan19:21, 13 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
In general, if all there is on the page is the name and an image, then the page doesn't tell the reader any more than the link that led them there in the first place. An article needs to tell the reader about the subject, not just that it exists. Werdnae(talk)22:40, 13 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Seizure Net Trivia
Latest comment: 15 June 20131 comment1 person in discussion
Latest comment: 16 June 20134 comments3 people in discussion
On Kangaskhan's page the first piece of trivia whose validity is disputable as it is a trait shared with six other Pokémon (whose pages also feature it). Similar trivia has been removed systematically from other Pokémon species' pages for the single reason of concerning more than one species of Pokémon. So what's the reason of ignoring this one, which is even more unnotable concerning the number of species? If this is kept in the future similar trivia about Pokémon of other generations (especially 2nd one) should also get that kind of trivia. Արիանո06:59, 16 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
The Kangaskhan trivia specifies that it is the few Gen I Pokémon to not have an evolution 5 generations on. If it wasn't generation specific and just said "Kangaskhan is one of the 30 odd Pokémon to not have an evolution" then it'll be unnotable.--ForceFire07:43, 16 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
First of all, don't answer for this page's owner for her (she apparently doesn't like it). But back to the topic: It still is more than one or two Pokémon so IT ISN'T notable by this site's new "standards" where what's notable and what isn't seems to be decided rather arbitrarily. If we continue with this hypocrisy then other such trivia should be allowed. Արիանո07:57, 16 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Please don't scold people on my own talk page, let alone a member of staff. I told the other staff members that one of them could answer for me because I was going to bed. Personally, I don't see this piece of trivia as troublesome as others, and honestly the staff have more important things to deal with right now than sorting out trivia. Maybe I'll bring it up later. We should have an official ruling on the site, but honestly we've just been busy taking care of X and Y stuff. ★Jo the Marten★ಠ_ಠ♥14:16, 16 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Latest comment: 16 June 20132 comments2 people in discussion
I found Some Information to help you Guys but Pokemon is not my thing and you are the guy in charge of the pokemon games so could you figure out what to do with it?
Latest comment: 22 June 20131 comment1 person in discussion
This is what I found.
Pokemon with special stat numbers 251_254 can be obtained but only in the Japanese Pokemon Red and Green through the Fossil Conversion glitch.
That is why we should add them to the list. The glitch explanation is here, but it only works in pocket monsters aka and midori (Japanese red and green) and obviously they cannot be transfered to versions from other countries but they can be transferred to ao and pikatchu (japanese blue and yellow). With this glitch you can obtain all pokemon without linking to another game, and while it disables travel using surf or fly, fly is not neccessary and there is a glitch that allows you to obtain a special item called a surfboard which lets you surf any time. And in V1.O of aka and midori there is a glitch called dokokashira door glitch that lets you travel very fast through the game and even visit beta locations, so you would not need flying anymore.