This card's [[Pokédex]] entry erroneously refers to the plural of {{p|Kadabra}} as Kadabra'''s'''. However, in Generation I, two NPCs state plural Pokémon names with an "s" at the end, explaining the error.
This card's [[Pokédex]] entry erroneously refers to the plural of {{p|Kadabra}} as Kadabra'''s'''.
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may discard a card from your hand in order to draw a card. This power can't be used if Dark Kadabra is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Mind Shock マインドショック
Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for this attack. (Any other effects that would happen after applying Weakness and Resistance still happen.)
Some people say that Kadabras are responsible for many of the mysterious events reported in the news.
Card text (Pokémon Web print)
Matter Exchange ぶっしつこうかん
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may discard a card from your hand. If you do, draw a card. This power can't be used if this Pokémon is affected by a Special Condition.
Mind Shock マインドショック
This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance.
Release information
This card was first released in the Team Rocket expansion, originating from the Japanese Rocket Gang expansion. It was later reprinted in Japan in the Pokémon Web expansion.
This card's Pokédex entry erroneously refers to the plural of Kadabra as Kadabras.