List of modified moves: Difference between revisions

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Alice11 (talk | contribs)
HoopsterJohn (talk | contribs)
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|Chapoteo Lodo
|Chapoteo Lodo
|{{m|Razor Wind}}
|V. Cortante
|Viento Cortante
|{{m|Relic Song}}
|{{m|Relic Song}}

Revision as of 19:29, 25 June 2014

This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Generation VI modifications

Some moves have changed their mechanics in the Pokémon core series games. The list is as follows.

Accuracy changes

Between generations

Generation I to Generation II

Move Type Cat. Accuracy
Generation I Generation II
Low Kick  Fighting  Physical 90% 100%
Rock Throw  Rock  Physical 65% 90%

Generation II to Generation III

Move Type Cat. Accuracy
Generation II Generation III
Razor Wind  Normal  Physical 75% 100%

Generation III to Generation IV

Move Type Cat. Accuracy
Generation III Generation IV
Flash  Normal  Status 70% 100%
Disable  Normal  Status 55% 80%
Foresight  Normal  Status 100%
Hypnosis  Psychic  Status 60% 70%DP
Odor Sleuth  Normal  Status 100%

Generation IV to Generation V

Move Type Cat. Accuracy
Generation IV Generation V
Bind  Normal  Physical 75% 85%
Bone Rush  Ground  Physical 80% 90%
Clamp  Water  Physical 75% 85%
Cotton Spore  Grass  Status 85% 100%
Crabhammer  Water  Physical 85% 90%
Disable  Normal  Status 80% 100%
Doom Desire  Steel  Special 85% 100%
Fire Spin  Fire  Special 70% 85%
Future Sight  Psychic  Special 90% 100%
Glare  Normal  Status 75% 90%
Magma Storm  Fire  Special 70% 75%
Poison Gas  Poison  Status 55% 80%
Rock Blast  Rock  Physical 80% 90%
Sand Tomb  Ground  Physical 70% 85%
Scary Face  Normal  Status 90% 100%
Tackle  Normal  Physical 95% 100%
Toxic  Poison  Status 85% 90%
Whirlpool  Water  Special 70% 85%
Wrap  Normal  Physical 85% 90%

Generation V to Generation VI

Move Type Cat. Accuracy
Generation V Generation VI
Glare  Normal  Status 90% 100%
Gunk Shot  Poison  Physical 70% 80%
Meteor Mash  Steel  Physical 85% 90%
Pin Missile  Bug  Physical 85% 95%
Poison Gas  Poison  Status 80% 90%
Psycho Shift  Psychic  Status 90% 100%
Psywave  Psychic  Special 80% 100%
Roar  Normal  Status 100% —%
Rock Tomb  Rock  Physical 80% 95%
Whirlwind  Normal  Status 100% —%
Will-O-Wisp  Fire  Status 75% 85%

Within a generation

There are certain moves that have changed in accuracy within the generation as well.

Generation I

Move Type Cat. Accuracy
RGB(JP) Y(JP) Stad RB Y(Int)
Blizzard  Ice  Special 90% Varies 70% 90% 90%

Generation IV

Move Type Cat. Accuracy
Hypnosis  Psychic  Status 70% 60%

Power changes

Between generations

Generation I to Generation II

Move Type Cat. Power
Generation I Generation II
Dig  Ground  Physical 100 60
Double-Edge  Normal  Physical 100 120
Explosion  Normal  Physical 170 250
Selfdestruct  Normal  Physical 130 200
Wing Attack  Flying  Physical 35 60

Generation II to Generation III

Move Type Cat. Power
Generation II Generation III
Low Kick  Fighting  Physical 50 Varies

Generation III to Generation IV

Move Type Cat. Power
Generation III Generation IV
Dig  Ground  Physical 60 80
Dive*  Water  Physical 60 80
Fly  Flying  Physical 70 90
Hi Jump Kick  Fighting  Physical 85 100
Jump Kick  Fighting  Physical 70 85
Leaf Blade*  Grass  Physical 70 90
Outrage*  Dragon  Physical 90 120
Petal Dance  Grass  Special 70 90
Rock Smash  Fighting  Physical 20 40
Zap Cannon  Electric  Special 100 120

Generation IV to Generation V

Move Type Cat. Power
Generation IV Generation V
Beat Up  Dark  Physical 10 Variable
Bullet Seed  Grass  Physical 10 25
Covet  Normal  Physical 40 60
Doom Desire  Steel  Special 120 140
Drain Punch  Fighting  Physical 60 75
Feint  Normal  Physical 50 30
Fire Spin  Fire  Special 15 35
Fury Cutter  Bug  Physical 10 20
Future Sight  Psychic  Special 80 100
Giga Drain  Grass  Special 60 75
Hi Jump Kick  Fighting  Physical 100 130
Icicle Spear  Ice  Physical 10 25
Jump Kick  Fighting  Physical 85 100
Last Resort  Normal  Physical 130 140
Petal Dance  Grass  Special 90 120
Sand Tomb  Ground  Physical 15 35
Tackle  Normal  Physical 35 50
Thrash  Normal  Physical 90 120
Uproar  Normal  Special 50 90
Whirlpool  Water  Special 15 35

Generation V to Generation VI

Move Type Cat. Power
Generation V Generation VI
Air Cutter  Flying  Special 55 60
Assurance  Dark  Physical 50 60
Aura Sphere  Fighting  Special 90 80
Blizzard  Ice  Special 120 110
Bubble  Water  Special 20 40
Chatter  Flying  Special 60 65
Crabhammer  Water  Physical 90 100
Draco Meteor  Dragon  Special 140 130
Dragon Pulse  Dragon  Special 90 85
Energy Ball  Grass  Special 80 90
Fire Blast  Fire  Special 120 110
Fire Pledge  Fire  Special 50 80
Flamethrower  Fire  Special 95 90
Frost Breath  Ice  Special 40 60
Fury Cutter  Bug  Physical 20 40
Future Sight  Psychic  Special 100 120
Grass Pledge  Grass  Special 50 80
Heat Wave  Fire  Special 100 95
Hex  Ghost  Special 50 65
Hidden Power  Normal  Special Varies 60
Hurricane  Flying  Special 120 110
Hydro Pump  Water  Special 120 110
Ice Beam  Ice  Special 95 90
Incinerate  Fire  Special 30 60
Knock Off  Dark  Physical 20 65
Leaf Storm  Grass  Special 140 130
Lick  Ghost  Physical 20 30
Low Sweep  Fighting  Physical 60 65
Magma Storm  Fire  Special 120 100
Meteor Mash  Steel  Physical 100 90
Muddy Water  Water  Special 95 90
Overheat  Fire  Special 140 130
Pin Missile  Bug  Physical 14 25
Power Gem  Rock  Special 70 80
Rock Tomb  Rock  Physical 50 60
Skull Bash  Normal  Physical 100 130
Smelling Salts  Normal  Physical 60 70
Smog  Poison  Special 20 30
Snore  Normal  Special 40 50
Storm Throw  Fighting  Physical 40 60
Struggle Bug  Bug  Special 30 50
Surf  Water  Special 95 90
Synchronoise  Psychic  Special 70 120
Techno Blast  Normal  Special 85 120
Thief  Dark  Physical 40 60
Thunder  Electric  Special 120 110
Thunderbolt  Electric  Special 95 90
Vine Whip  Grass  Physical 35 45
Wake-Up Slap  Fighting  Physical 60 70
Water Pledge  Water  Special 50 80

Within a generation

There are certain moves that have changed in attack power within the generation as well.

Generation III

Move Type Cat. Power
Colo XD
Shadow Rush  Shadow  Physical 90 55

PP changes

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: possibly missing some moves

Between generations

Generation III to Generation IV

Move Type Cat. Power points
Generation III Generation IV
Absorb  Grass  Special 20 25
Giga Drain  Grass  Special 5 10
Mega Drain  Grass  Special 10 15
Recover  Normal  Status 20 10
Stockpile  Normal  Status 10 20
Vine Whip*  Grass  Physical 10 15

Generation IV to Generation V

Move Type Cat. Power points
Generation IV Generation V
Drain Punch  Fighting  Physical 5 10
Future Sight  Psychic  Special 15 10
Hi Jump Kick  Fighting  Physical 20 10
Outrage  Dragon  Physical 15 10
Petal Dance  Grass  Special 20 10
Thrash  Normal  Physical 20 10

Generation V to Generation VI

Move Type Cat. Power Points
Generation V Generation VI
Acid Armor  Poison  Status 40 20
Air Slash  Flying  Special 20 15
Barrier  Psychic  Status 30 20
Covet  Normal  Physical 40 25
Extrasensory  Psychic  Special 30 20
Growth  Normal  Status 40 20
Minimize  Normal  Status 20 10
Rock Tomb  Rock  Physical 10 15
Sacred Sword  Fighting  Physical 20 15
Skull Bash  Normal  Physical 15 10
Swords Dance  Normal  Status 30 20
Tailwind  Flying  Status 30 15
Thief  Dark  Physical 10 25
Vine Whip  Grass  Physical 15 25

Type changes

Between generations

Generation I to Generation II

Move Type
Generation I Generation II
Bite  Normal   Dark 
Gust  Normal   Flying 
Karate Chop  Normal   Fighting 
Sand-Attack  Normal   Ground 

Generation IV to Generation V

Move Type
Generation IV Generation V
Curse  ???   Ghost 

Generation V to Generation VI

Move Type
Generation V Generation VI
Charm  Normal   Fairy 
Moonlight  Normal   Fairy 
Sweet Kiss  Normal   Fairy 

Damage category changes

Between generations

Generation I to Generation II

Move Cat.
Generation I Generation II
Bite Physical Special

Generation III to Generation IV

Move Cat.
Generation III Generation IV
Acid Physical Special
Aeroblast Physical Special
Air Cutter Physical Special
AncientPower Physical Special
Beat Up Special Physical
Bite Special Physical
Blaze Kick Special Physical
Bullet Seed Special Physical
Clamp Special Physical
Crabhammer Special Physical
Crunch Special Physical
Dive Special Physical
Doom Desire Physical Special
Dragon Claw Special Physical
Faint Attack Special Physical
Fire Punch Special Physical
Flame Wheel Special Physical
Gust Physical Special
Hidden Power Varies Special
Hyper Beam Physical Special
Hyper Voice Physical Special
Ice Ball Special Physical
Ice Punch Special Physical
Icicle Spear Special Physical
Knock Off Special Physical
Leaf Blade Special Physical
Mud Shot Physical Special
Mud Sport Physical Special
Mud-Slap Physical Special
Needle Arm Special Physical
Night Shade Physical Special
Outrage Special Physical
Pursuit Special Physical
Razor Leaf Special Physical
Razor Wind Physical Special
Sacred Fire Special Physical
Shadow Ball Physical Special
Signal Beam Physical Special
Silver Wind Physical Special
Sludge Physical Special
Sludge Bomb Physical Special
Smog Physical Special
Snore Physical Special
SonicBoom Physical Special
Spark Special Physical
Spit Up Physical Special
Swift Physical Special
Thief Special Physical
ThunderPunch Special Physical
Tri Attack Physical Special
Uproar Physical Special
Vine Whip Special Physical
Volt Tackle Special Physical
Waterfall Special Physical
Weather Ball Varies Special

Targeting changes

Between generations

Generation III to Generation IV

Move Target
Generation III Generation IV
All foes
All but user

Generation IV to Generation V

Move Target
Generation IV Generation V
Poison Gas
Any other Pokémon
All adjacent foes

Contact changes

Between generations

Generation III to Generation IV

Move Contact
Generation III Generation IV
AncientPower Makes contact Does not make contact
Overheat Makes contact Does not make contact

Priority changes

Between generations

Generation I to Generation II

Move Priority
Generation I Generation II
Roar 0 -1
Whirlwind 0 -1

Generation II to Generation III

Move Priority
Generation II Generation III
Roar -1 -5
Whirlwind -1 -5

Generation III to Generation IV

Move Priority
Generation III Generation IV
Bide 0 +1
Roar -5 -6
Whirlwind -5 -6

Generation IV to Generation V

Move Priority
Generation IV Generation V
ExtremeSpeed +1 +2
Fake Out +1 +3
Protect +3 +4
Detect +3 +4

Generation V to Generation VI

Move Priority
Generation V Generation VI
Follow Me +3 +2
Magic Room -7 0
Rage Powder +3 +2
Wonder Room -7 0

Name changes


Between generations

Generation II to Generation III
Generation II Generation III
Conversion2 Conversion 2
Generation V to Generation VI
Generation V Generation VI
AncientPower Ancient Power
BubbleBeam Bubble Beam
DoubleSlap Double Slap
DragonBreath Dragon Breath
DynamicPunch Dynamic Punch
ExtremeSpeed Extreme Speed
Faint Attack Feint Attack
FeatherDance Feather Dance
GrassWhistle Grass Whistle
Hi Jump Kick High Jump Kick
PoisonPowder Poison Powder
Sand-Attack Sand Attack
Selfdestruct Self-Destruct
SmellingSalt Smelling Salts
SmokeScreen Smokescreen
Softboiled Soft-Boiled
SolarBeam Solar Beam
SonicBoom Sonic Boom
ThunderPunch Thunder Punch
ThunderShock Thunder Shock
ViceGrip Vice Grip


Between generations

Generation V to Generation VI
English name French name
Generation V Generation VI
Ancient Power Pouv.Antique Pouvoir Antique
Destiny Bond Prlvt Destin Prélèvement Destin
Extreme Speed Vit.Extrême Vitesse Extrême
Flamethrower Lance-Flamme Lance-Flammes
Glare Intimidation* Regard Médusant
Guard Split PartageGarde Partage Garde
Hidden Power Puiss. Cachée Puissance Cachée
Night Shade Ténèbres* Ombre Nocturne
Power Split PartageForce Partage Force
Rage Powder PoudreFureur Poudre Fureur
Shift Gear Chgt Vitesse Changement Vitesse
Stored Power ForceAjoutée Force Ajoutée


Between generations

Generation I to Generation II
English name German name
Generation I Generation II
Transform Wandler Verwandler
Generation II to Generation III
English name German name
Generation II Generation III
Transform Verwandler Wandler


Between generations

Generation II to Generation III
English name Italian name
Generation II Generation III
Body Slam Body Slam Corposcontro
Focus Energy Energy Conc. Focalenergia
Pound Libbra Botta
Generation V to Generation VI
English name Italian name
Generation V Generation VI
Counter Contatore Contrattacco
Glare Bagliore Sguardo Feroce


Between generations

Generation II to Generation III
English name Spanish name
Generation II Generation III
Swords Dance Danza-Espada Danza Espada
Generation V to Generation VI
English name Spanish name
Generation V Generation VI
Clear Smog Nieblaclara Niebla Clara
Constrict Restricción Constricción
Counter Contador Contraataque
Destiny Bond Mismodestino Mismo Destino
Double Slap Doblebofetón Doble Bofetón
Dynamic Punch Puñodinámico Puño Dinámico
Heavy Slam Cuerpopesado Cuerpo Pesado
Horn Leech Astadrenaje Asta Drenaje
Iron Head Cabezahierro Cabeza de Hierro
Leaf Tornado Ciclón Hojas Ciclón de Hojas
Mud Sport Chapoteolodo Chapoteo Lodo
Razor Wind V. Cortante Viento Cortante
Relic Song Cantoarcaico Canto Arcaico
Return Retroceso Retribución
Sacred Fire Fuegosagrado Fuego Sagrado
Sacred Sword Espadasanta Espada Santa
Sandstorm Tormenta Arena Tormenta de Arena
Secret Sword Sablemístico Sable Místico
Shift Gear Cambiomarcha Cambio de Marcha
Slam Portazo Atizar
Steamroller Rodillo Púas Rodillo de Púas
Stored Power Poderreserva Poder Reserva
Triple Kick Triplepatada Triple Patada
Twineedle Dobleataque Doble Ataque

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.