Hoenn Route 104: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Line 113: Line 113:
{{catch/entryoras|276|Taillow|yes|yes|Grass|3, 5|15%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|276|Taillow|yes|yes|Grass|3, 5|5%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|278|Wingull|yes|yes|Grass|3, 5|5%|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|278|Wingull|yes|yes|Grass|3, 5|15%|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/div|land|{{tt|DexNav exclusive|After obtaining the National Pokédex}}}}
{{catch/entryoras|441|Chatot|yes|yes|Grass|5|{{tt|??%|After upgrading to National Pokédex}}|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|519|Pidove|yes|yes|Grass|5|{{tt|??%|After upgrading to National Pokédex}}|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|540|Sewaddle|yes|yes|Grass|5|{{tt|??%|After upgrading to National Pokédex}}|type1=Bug|type2=Grass}}
{{catch/div|land|Horde Encounter}}
{{catch/div|land|Horde Encounter}}
{{catch/entryoras|263|Zigzagoon|yes|yes|Horde Encounter|2|??%|type1=Normal}}
{{catch/entryoras|263|Zigzagoon|yes|yes|Horde Encounter|2|95%|type1=Normal}}
{{catch/entryoras|278|Wingull|yes|yes|Horde Encounter|2|??%|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|278|Wingull|yes|yes|Horde Encounter|2|5%|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|278|Wingull|yes|yes|Surfing|15, 20|95%|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|5-15|100%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|5, 10, 15|100%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Good|25|100%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Good|25|100%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Super|30-40|100%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Super|30-40|100%|type1=Water}}
Line 137: Line 137:
{{catch/entryoras|276|Taillow|yes|yes|Grass|5, 7|15%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|276|Taillow|yes|yes|Grass|5, 7|15%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|278|Wingull|yes|yes|Grass|5, 7|5%|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|278|Wingull|yes|yes|Grass|5, 7|5%|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/div|land|{{tt|DexNav exclusive|After obtaining the National Pokédex}}}}
{{catch/entryoras|441|Chatot|yes|yes|Grass|7|{{tt|??%|After upgrading to National Pokédex}}|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|519|Pidove|yes|yes|Grass|7|{{tt|??%|After upgrading to National Pokédex}}|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|540|Sewaddle|yes|yes|Grass|7|{{tt|??%|After upgrading to National Pokédex}}|type1=Bug|type2=Grass}}
{{catch/div|land|Horde Encounter}}
{{catch/div|land|Horde Encounter}}
{{catch/entryoras|263|Zigzagoon|yes|yes|Horde Encounter|3|??%|type1=Normal}}
{{catch/entryoras|263|Zigzagoon|yes|yes|Horde Encounter|3|95%|type1=Normal}}
{{catch/entryoras|276|Taillow|yes|yes|Horde Encounter|3|??%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|276|Taillow|yes|yes|Horde Encounter|3|5%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|278|Wingull|yes|yes|Surfing|15, 20|95%|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|5-15|100%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|5, 10, 15|100%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Good|25|100%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Good|25|100%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Super|30-40|100%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entryoras|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Super|30, 35, 40|100%|type1=Water}}

Revision as of 09:38, 14 December 2014

The picture used in this article is unsatisfactory.
Please feel free to replace it so it conforms to Bulbapedia conventions.
Reason: Should be replaced with ORAS image.

Route 104
Route 104
Map description
This path, rich with water and colorful plant life, runs north and south of Petalburg Woods.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Rustboro City
Route 104
Petalburg City
Route 105
Hoenn Route 104
Location of Route 104 in Hoenn.
Pokémon world routes
Route 103       Route 105

Route 104 (Japanese: 104ばんどうろ Route 104) is a route in west Hoenn, connecting Petalburg City, Rustboro City, and Route 105. The route is divided into two halves by Petalburg Woods.

Route description

Traveling south from Rustboro, the beaten path of the route swerves to the east for a short distance before turning south toward a bridge traversing a pond. On the north side of the pond, there is a patch of soft soil with room for three Berry trees; in Generation III two already have fully-grown trees, while in Generation VI all three do. Near the patch, an old woman gives out a Chesto Berry and reminds Trainers of the regenerating ability of Berries. Also, to the west of the patch, a Fisherman is standing by the shore of the pond waiting for a battle.

On the bridge—which runs south for half the length of the pond, turns east, then returns south and connects with the opposite bank—the first set of Double Battle Trainers that one encounters in Hoenn, Twins Gina and Mia, await to challenge Trainers that cross their path. Gina and Mia will not challenge if the Trainer only has one Pokémon.

Directly east of the bridge is the Pretty Petal Flower Shop. In this shop, there are plants available for purchase after the player obtains the Dynamo BadgeRSE/Balance BadgeORAS. These plants are for decorating the interior of a Secret Base. Also, the Wailmer Pail can be obtained by speaking to the owner of the shop.

The path resumes, going south off the bridge then turning west; here Lass Haley stands waiting for Trainers. To her east is a cut-able tree that blocks the way to a Dire HitE or an X AccuracyRS. Down the path west of Haley, is another Trainer eager for battle, Lady CindyRSORAS or Rich Boy WinstonE. Continuing past a Trainer Tip, the pathway reaches a junction: to the south is the entrance to Petalburg Woods, to the northwest is the Pretty Petal Flower Shop and another patch of soft soil; in Generation III two already have fully-grown trees, while in Generation VI all three do. Near the Flower Shop is a guy who gives out TM09 (Bullet Seed)RSE or TM49 (Echoed Voice)ORAS. Farther north, behind the flower shop, lies a sporadic patch of grass with wild Pokémon. Several items can be found hidden in bare spots.

Two openings emerge from the south end of Petalburg Woods. The west opening, which is the main entrance and exit, comes out to a path where either Rich Boy WinstonRSORAS or Lady CindyE is standing. The pathway, shrouded by grass here, turns east for a lengthy distance until it reaches a soft soil patch where Oran and Pecha Berries are growing, and the path promptly turns and continues south. The eastern opening leads to a ledge which runs parallel to the pathway at this point. A Poké Ball can be found near the edge of this ledge.

The pathway keeps south, past the cottage of Mr. Briney, then ends as it approaches a large patch of grass. Past the grass the path picks up again, going southeast shortly and finally meets the west entrance to Petalburg City. Two sets of short stairways, one southwest of the entrance, the other just outside Mr. Briney's cottage, lead down to a beach marking the southwest edge of the land, and the route takes to sea, down Route 105, and south towards Dewford. On the beach itself, Youngster Billy paces around repeatedly in a square, looking for a battle. Several hidden items can also be found scattered around. The beach provides a convenient bypass to going through the grass patch.

In the game, following the early storyline, the main character is forced to take Route 104 the other way round first, traversing from Petalburg up through the Petalburg Woods towards Rustboro, since the water passage blocks the way on Route 103.


South section

Item Location Games
Antidote Antidote Beach, buried in sand, west from the bottom-most cliff (hidden)  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Heart Scale Heart Scale Beach, buried in sand, southwest of grass patch, halfway to the sea (hidden)  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Potion Potion Beach, buried in sand in the northwestern-most corner (hidden)  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Pecha Berry Pecha Berry ×2 In the soft soil patch south of Petalburg Woods  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Oran Berry Oran Berry ×2 In the soft soil patch south of Petalburg Woods  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Poké Ball Poké Ball The ledge where the southeastern exit of Petalburg Woods leads to, near the edge  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Luxury Ball Luxury Ball Occasionally received after a rematch with Rich Boy Winston  OR  AS 

North section

Item Location Games
TM Grass TM09 (Bullet Seed) Obtained from guy south of the Pretty Petal Flower Shop  R  S  E 
TM Normal VI TM49 (Echoed Voice) Obtained from guy south of the Pretty Petal Flower Shop  OR  AS 
Oran Berry Oran Berry ×2 In the soft soil patch next to the Pretty Petal Flower Shop  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry ×2 In the soft soil patch next to the Pretty Petal Flower Shop  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Pecha Berry Pecha Berry ×3 In the soft soil patch next to the Pretty Petal Flower Shop  OR  AS 
Super Potion Super Potion Grass patch behind the Pretty Petal Flower Shop (hidden)  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Potion Potion Grass patch behind the Pretty Petal Flower Shop  R  S  E 
X Attack X Attack Grass patch behind the Pretty Petal Flower Shop  OR  AS 
Poké Ball Poké Ball Grass patch behind the Pretty Petal Flower Shop (hidden)  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Obtained from old woman near soft soil patch north of pond  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry ×2 In the soft soil patch north of the pond  R  S  E 
Leppa Berry Leppa Berry ×2 In the soft soil patch north of the pond  R  S  E 
Oran Berry Oran Berry ×4 In the soft soil patch north of the pond  OR  AS 
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry ×4 In the soft soil patch north of the pond  OR  AS 
Oran Berry Oran Berry ×4 In the soft soil patch north of the pond  OR  AS 
X Accuracy X Accuracy Southeast corner of the pond (requires Cut)  R  S 
Dire Hit Dire Hit Southeast corner of the pond (requires Cut)  E 
Revive Revive Southeast corner of the pond (requires Cut)  OR  AS 
White Herb White Herb Obtained from woman outside the Pretty Petal Flower Shop after Dynamo Badge  R  S  E 
White Herb White Herb Obtained from woman outside the Pretty Petal Flower Shop after Balance Badge  OR  AS 
PP Up PP Up A small break in the trees east of the pond (requires Surf)  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Luxury Ball Luxury Ball Occasionally received after a rematch with Lady Cindy  OR  AS 
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball Occasionally received after a rematch with Lass Haley  OR  AS 

Flower Shop

Item Location Games
Wailmer Pail Wailmer Pail Obtained from owner of Pretty Petal Flower Shop  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Random Berries

A girl in the Pretty Petal Flower Shop will give out a random Berry once per day. These are randomly selected from the first eight Berries.

Item Location Games
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Received from a girl  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Received from a girl  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Received from a girl  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Received from a girl  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Received from a girl  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Received from a girl  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Oran Berry Oran Berry Received from a girl  R  S  E  OR  AS 
Persim Berry Persim Berry Received from a girl  R  S  E  OR  AS 


Generation III

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Marill Marill
Grass Grass
4-5 20%
Poochyena Poochyena
Grass Grass
4-5 40%
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
Grass Grass
4-5 50%
Wurmple Wurmple
Grass Grass
4-5 30%
Wurmple Wurmple
Grass Grass
4 20%
Taillow Taillow
Grass Grass
4-5 10%
Wingull Wingull
Grass Grass
3-5 10%
Wingull Wingull
Surfing Surfing
10-30 95%
Pelipper Pelipper
Surfing Surfing
25-30 5%
Magikarp Magikarp
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
5-10 100%
Magikarp Magikarp
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
10-30 100%
Magikarp Magikarp
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
20-45 100%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Generation VI

South section

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
Grass Grass
2-5 40%
Wurmple Wurmple
Grass Grass
2-5 40%
Taillow Taillow
Grass Grass
3, 5 5%
Wingull Wingull
Grass Grass
3, 5 15%
DexNav exclusive
Chatot Chatot
Grass Grass
5 ??%
Pidove Pidove
Grass Grass
5 ??%
Sewaddle Sewaddle
Grass Grass
5 ??%
Horde Encounter
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
2 95%
Wingull Wingull
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
2 5%
Wingull Wingull
Surfing Surfing
15, 20 95%
Pelipper Pelipper
Surfing Surfing
25 5%
Magikarp Magikarp
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
5, 10, 15 100%
Magikarp Magikarp
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
25 100%
Magikarp Magikarp
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
30-40 100%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

North section

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
Grass Grass
4-7 40%
Wurmple Wurmple
Grass Grass
4-7 40%
Taillow Taillow
Grass Grass
5, 7 15%
Wingull Wingull
Grass Grass
5, 7 5%
DexNav exclusive
Chatot Chatot
Grass Grass
7 ??%
Pidove Pidove
Grass Grass
7 ??%
Sewaddle Sewaddle
Grass Grass
7 ??%
Horde Encounter
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
3 95%
Taillow Taillow
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
3 5%
Wingull Wingull
Surfing Surfing
15, 20 95%
Pelipper Pelipper
Surfing Surfing
25 5%
Magikarp Magikarp
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
5, 10, 15 100%
Magikarp Magikarp
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
25 100%
Magikarp Magikarp
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
30, 35, 40 100%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire

Trainer Pokémon
Youngster Billy
Youngster Billy
ケイタ Keita
Reward: $128
Seedot Seedot Lv.6
No item
Taillow Taillow Lv.8
No item
Rich Boy Winston
Rich Boy Winston
ミツグ Mitsugu
Reward: $1400
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Lv.7
Lady Cindy
Lady Cindy
レイカ Reika
Reward: $1400
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Lv.7
Lass Haley
Lass Haley
マキ Maki
Reward: $112
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Lotad Lotad Lv.7
No item
Shroomish Shroomish Lv.7
No item
Twins Gina & Mia
Twins Gina & Mia
Nao and Mio

Reward: $192
Lotad Lotad Lv.8
No item
Seedot Seedot Lv.8
No item
Fisherman Ivan
Fisherman Ivan
ヨシタカ Yoshitaka
Reward: $240
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.6
No item
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.6
No item
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.6
No item
Lady Cindy
Lady Cindy
レイカ Reika
Reward: $5400/6000/6600/7200
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Linoone Linoone Lv.27/30/33/36
Rich Boy Winston
Rich Boy Winston
ミツグ Mitsugu
Reward: $5400/6000/6600/7200
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Linoone Linoone Lv.27/30/33/36
Lass Haley*
Lass Haley*
マキ Maki
Reward: $416
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Lombre Lombre Lv.26
No item
Shroomish Shroomish Lv.26
No item
Lass Haley*
Lass Haley*
マキ Maki
Reward: $464/512
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Lombre Lombre Lv.29/32
No item
Breloom Breloom Lv.29/32
No item
Lass Haley*
Lass Haley*
マキ Maki
Reward: $544
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Swellow Swellow Lv.34
No item
Lombre Lombre Lv.34
No item
Breloom Breloom Lv.34
No item
Trainers with a PokéNav by their names will be registered in the Trainer's Eyes or Match Call function after the first battle, and may have a rematch with the player with higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon Emerald

Trainer Pokémon
Youngster Billy
Youngster Billy
ケイタ Keita
Reward: $112
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Lv.5
No item
Seedot Seedot Lv.7
No item
Fisherman Darian
Fisherman Darian
ケンキチ Kenkichi
Reward: $360
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.9
No item
Lady Cindy
Lady Cindy
レイカ Reika
Reward: $1400
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Lv.7
Rich Boy Winston
Rich Boy Winston
ミツグ Mitsugu
Reward: $1400
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Lv.7
Lass Haley
Lass Haley
マキ Maki
Reward: $96
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Lotad Lotad Lv.6
No item
Shroomish Shroomish Lv.6
No item
Twins Gina & Mia
Twins Gina & Mia
Nao and Mio

Reward: $144
Lotad Lotad Lv.6
No item
Seedot Seedot Lv.6
No item
Fisherman Ivan
Fisherman Ivan
ヨシタカ Yoshitaka
Reward: $280
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.5
No item
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.6
No item
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.7
No item
Lady Cindy
Lady Cindy
レイカ Reika
Reward: $5400/6000/6600/7200
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Linoone Linoone Lv.27/30/33/36
Rich Boy Winston
Rich Boy Winston
ミツグ Mitsugu
Reward: $5400/6000/6600/7200
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Linoone Linoone Lv.27/30/33/36
Lass Haley*
Lass Haley*
マキ Maki
Reward: $416
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Lombre Lombre Lv.26
No item
Shroomish Shroomish Lv.26
No item
Lass Haley*
Lass Haley*
マキ Maki
Reward: $464/512
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Lombre Lombre Lv.29/32
No item
Breloom Breloom Lv.29/32
No item
Lass Haley*
Lass Haley*
マキ Maki
Reward: $544
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Swellow Swellow Lv.34
No item
Lombre Lombre Lv.34
No item
Breloom Breloom Lv.34
No item
Trainers with a PokéNav by their names will be registered in the Trainer's Eyes or Match Call function after the first battle, and may have a rematch with the player with higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Trainer Pokémon
Youngster Billy
Youngster Billy
ケイタ Keita
Reward: $96
Seedot Seedot Lv.4
No item
Taillow Taillow Lv.6
No item
Rich Boy Winston
Rich Boy Winston
ミツグ Mitsugu
Reward: $960
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Lv.8
No item
Lady Cindy
Lady Cindy
レイカ Reika
Reward: $1,200
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Lv.10
No item
Lass Haley
Lass Haley
マキ Maki
Reward: $128
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Lotad Lotad Lv.7
No item
Shroomish Shroomish Lv.8
No item
Twins Gina & Mia
Twins Gina & Mia
Nao and Mio

Reward: $72
Lotad Lotad Lv.9
No item
Seedot Seedot Lv.9
No item
Fisherman Ivan
Fisherman Ivan
ヨシタカ Yoshitaka
Reward: $224
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.7
No item
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.7
No item
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.7
No item
Rich Boy Winston
Rich Boy Winston
ミツグ Mitsugu
Reward: $1,560
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Lv.13
No item
Lady Cindy
Lady Cindy
レイカ Reika
Reward: $1,560
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Lv.13
No item
Lass Haley*
Lass Haley*
マキ Maki
Reward: $176
Trainer's Eyes/Match Call
Lotad Lotad Lv.9
No item
Shroomish Shroomish Lv.11
No item
Trainers with a PokéNav by their names will be registered in the Trainer's Eyes or Match Call function after the first battle, and may have a rematch with the player with higher-level Pokémon.

Trainer tips

In the HOENN region there are pairs
of TRAINERS who challenge others
for 2-on-2 POKéMON battles
must send out two POKéMON, the one at
the left of the list and the top one.
Watch how POKéMON are lined up.


Ruby Sapphire Emerald

In the anime

This section does not yet meet the quality standards of Bulbapedia. Please feel free to edit this section to make it conform to Bulbapedia norms and conventions.
Route 104 in the anime

The northern half of Route 104 first appears in the anime in Taming of the Shroomish. Rinshin Town is located right after Petalburg Woods. After Rinshin Town is another unnamed town, in which there is an unofficial Gym (You Said a Mouthful!). Past the town is a forested Pokémon Reserve (A Bite to Remember). The Pretty Petal Flower Shop is located after the Pokémon Reserve (The Lotad Lowdown). Past the Flower Shop is the Rustboro City Contest Hall, which is located outside Rustboro City (All Things Bright and Beautifly!). A forested path connects the Contest Hall to Rustboro City. This is also where May and Jessie caught their Wurmple (All in a Day's Wurmple).

See also

Littleroot TownOldale TownPetalburg CityRustboro CityDewford TownSlateport CityMauville CityVerdanturf Town
Fallarbor TownLavaridge TownFortree CityLilycove CityMossdeep CitySootopolis CityPacifidlog TownEver Grande City
Battle FrontierBattle Resort
Petalburg WoodsRusturf TunnelIsland CaveGranite CaveAbandoned ShipSea MauvilleOceanic Museum
Seaside Cycling RoadTrick HouseMauville Game CornerNew MauvilleTrainer HillDesert RuinsMirage TowerFiery Path
Jagged PassMt. ChimneyDesert UnderpassMeteor FallsWeather InstituteScorched SlabAncient TombSafari ZoneMt. Pyre
Lilycove MuseumShoal CaveTeam Aqua Hideout • Team Magma Hideout (LilycoveJagged Pass) • Mossdeep Space CenterSeafloor Cavern
Cave of OriginMirage IslandSky PillarVictory RoadPokémon LeagueSealed ChamberArtisan CaveAltering CaveSouthern Island
Marine CaveTerra CaveContest HallBattle MaisonBattle TowerBattle TentSecret IsletSecret MeadowSecret Shore
Mirage spots

Mirage CavesMirage ForestsMirage IslandsMirage Mountains
Crescent IsleFabled CaveGnarled DenNameless CavernPathless PlainTrackless Forest

Access to
Birth IslandFaraway IslandNavel RockSky

This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.