m →Generation VI: "into" has rather misleading connotations. Interestingly, the game doesn't forget the count if you save and reset (which, of course, would've been a big hole)
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Hoenn Route 101
101番道路 Route 101
Map description
This grassy path running between Littleroot Town and Oldale Town is perfect for doing fieldwork.
Route 101, the first route which Trainers from Littleroot Town traverse on, is home to a wide array of different Pokémon. Hence, Professor Birch often performs his studies here. Heading south from Oldale, Trainers can hop over two ledges to reach Littleroot without having to trek through grassy areas containing wild Pokémon. The path itself, on the other hand, turns east, traveling through the first of three grass patches. Route 101 then turns south into another patch of grass as it heads west. The route forms a "U" at this point, turning south and immediately backpedaling east near the third patch of grass. Route 101 then turns south as it enters Littleroot.
At the start of the game, the player meets Professor Birch as he is being attacked by a wild Pokémon. The player then battles the Pokémon with either a Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip, found in Poké Balls in the Professor's bag. Whichever of the three Pokémon that is chosen will become the player's starter Pokémon.
In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, after battling with Brendan/May on Route 103 and returning to the lab, the player will receive the DexNav application at the entrance to Route 101. Near Oldale Town, Brendan/May will explain the mechanics of hidden Pokémon, then a hidden Poochyena will appear. If the player succeeds in sneaking up to the Pokémon, the encounter will be a level 5 Poochyena that has an elemental fang attack as its first move; if the player scares it away, enters another battle, or leaves the area, the Poochyena will not reappear.
In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Professor Birch will give the player more starter Pokémon from other regions at certain points in the game. After the player defeats the Elite Four and re-enters & exits their house after first meeting Zinnia, Professor Birch will be chased by a Shroomish he mistook for a wild Pokémon and ask the player to pick one of the Johto starter Pokémon (Chikorita, Cyndaquil or Totodile) found in the Professor's Bag. After the player acquires the Latiosite/Latiasite from his/her mom and leaves the house, Professor Birch will shout for help again, this time being chased by a delivery service Machoke, which he mistook for a wild Machoke; he will then ask the player to pick another Pokemon out of his Bag, this time being Unova starter Pokémon (Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott). After the player obtains the Unova starter Pokémon and defeats the Elite Four again, Professor Birch will again call for help, this time being chased by his wife, who he mistook for a wild Pokémon; he will ask the player once again to select a Pokémon from his bag, which is a choice of Sinnoh starter Pokémon (Turtwig, Chimchar or Piplup).
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Generation VI
Wild Pokémon cannot break out of Poké Balls thrown at them here. The first wild Pokémon encountered on this route is always a level 3 Wurmple, after taking three consecutive steps in the tall grass.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.