Hidden Ruins (Battle e): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 01:52, 31 July 2015

This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Image of Pokéfan Maggie's card

Hidden Ruins (Japanese: かくされた遺跡 Hidden Ruins) is a card pack from the Pokémon Battle e: Series 1 collection for use in conjunction with the Nintendo e-Reader. The Trainers depicted on the scanned cards will appear in the basement of an old man's house in Mossdeep City. Only one Trainer may be scanned and battled at a time. These battles do not award any money or experience. The special Berry card for this pack is the Chilan Berry.

Card descriptions

PKMN Ranger Clayton

{{BattleEInfobox | name=PKMN Ranger Clayton | jname=ポケモンレンジャーのエイコウ | jtrans=Pokémon Ranger Eikō | image=PKMN Ranger Clayton Battle e.png | tower=yes | star=no | crown=no | cardcolor=sevii | coll=Pokémon Battle e: Series 1 | set=Hidden Ruins | difficulty=Bronze | cardno=017/048 | cardID=08-A017 | }

Triathlete Dustin

Triathlete Dustin
トライアスリートのタカアキ Triathlete Takaaki
Collection Pokémon Battle e: Series 1
Set Hidden Ruins
Difficulty Copper
Card no. 018/048
Card ID 08-A018

Hiker Hugo

Hiker Hugo
やまおとこのユキヒコ Alpinist Yukihiko
Collection Pokémon Battle e: Series 1
Set Hidden Ruins
Difficulty Copper
Card no. 019/048
Card ID 08-A019

Youngster Jeffrey

Youngster Jeffrey
たんぱんこぞうのタツミ Shorts Youngster Tatsumi
Collection Pokémon Battle e: Series 1
Set Hidden Ruins
Difficulty Copper
Card no. 020/048
Card ID 08-A020

Ruin Maniac Logan

Ruin Maniac Logan
いせきマニアのマサユキ Ruin Maniac Masayuki
Collection Pokémon Battle e: Series 1
Set Hidden Ruins
Difficulty Copper
Card no. 021/048
Card ID 08-A021

Pokéfan Maggie

Pokéfan Maggie
だいすきクラブのミスズ Daisuki Club Misuzu
Please upload an image of this card.[[Image:|250px]]
Collection Pokémon Battle e: Series 1
Set Hidden Ruins
Difficulty Silver
Card no. 022/048
Card ID 08-A022

PKMN Breeder Wilson

PKMN Breeder Wilson
ポケモンブリーダーのシンジ Pokémon Breeder Shinji
Collection Pokémon Battle e: Series 1
Set Hidden Ruins
Difficulty Bronze
Card no. 023/048
Card ID 08-A023

Ruin Maniac Zuril

Ruin Maniac Zuril
いせきマニアのイナオ Ruin Maniac Inao
Collection Pokémon Battle e: Series 1
Set Hidden Ruins
Difficulty Gold
Card no. 024/048
Card ID 08-A024


  • The names of the eight trainers in this set are in alphabetical order (in English).
Series 1: Freezing RaySeizing PoisonHidden RuinsIron DefenseCordial BondSolid Armor
Series 2: Sharp ClawCursed ShowdownReversal BlowBattle without ConclusionSelf-Confidence not WastedSteady Power
Colosseum Series: Red PackBlue PackYellow PackGreen Pack
FireRed & LeafGreen Series: Red sub-setGreen sub-setBlue sub-setYellow sub-setTower target time sub-set
Emerald Series: 01-0809-1617-2425-3233-4041-4849-5657-64
Promotional series: Series 1 & 2ColosseumFireRed & LeafGreenEmerald