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Revision as of 17:46, 20 July 2015

Mikey and his Eevee

Mikey (Japanese: タイチ Taichi) is a character of the day in The Battling Eevee Brothers.

In the anime

All of Mikey's brothers fight over how Mikey should evolve his Eevee. Despite the fact that all his brothers want to see him train an Eeveelution as well, he prefers keeping his Eevee just the way it is. He doesn't have the courage to tell his older brothers this, but after some advice from Misty, he decides to try anyway. His brothers eventually come to accept Mikey's choice, and it actually seems to bring them closer together as brothers.


Mikey's Eevee
Debut The Battling Eevee Brothers
Voice actors
Japanese Rikako Aikawa
English Rikako Aikawa

Mikey trains an Eevee which only appeared in The Battling Eevee Brothers, at first Mikey was too embarrassed of what his brothers may think, but later he found out it was his choice to evolve it. It first appeared in a nearby forest where Ash and his friends found it tied up inside a hollow tree with just food and water, they found out on its collar that it lives in Stone Town so Misty picked it up to find its real owner. They found the Eevee brothers which told them their younger brother Mikey was the owner, it eventually found Mikey. It was then revealed that the brothers wanted Mikey to evolve his Eevee into its different forms, he didn't want to evolve it and tried to hide it. Misty told him to stand up to his brother about how he feels.

Suddenly Team Rocket appears and steals it and all the other Pokémon as well the stones. They eventually find Team Rocket from the leaking petrol and are able to free all the Pokémon except for Eevee, with the help of the Eevee Brothers they free Eevee, and with a powerful Rage Tackle along with the other Pokémon they are able to send Team Rocket blasting off. After the battle Mikey tells the brothers that he does not want to evolve Eevee which the brother understands that it is his choice. It is last seen in a picture which was taken.

Eevee's known moves are Tackle and Take Down.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 冬馬由美 Yumi Tōma
English Kayzie Rogers
Finnish Jenni Sivonen
Italian Stefano Pozzi (K2 dub)
Norwegian Katrine Blomstrand
Spanish Latin America Ana Lobo
Spain Chelo Vivares

In the manga

In The Electric Tale of Pikachu manga

Mikey and his Eevee

Mikey wanted to join the Knights of the Evolution Stone like his brothers did. Rainer, Pyro, and Sparky told Mikey the only way for him to join the Knights of the E Stone was to evolve Eevee. Mikey proved he didn't need to evolve his Eevee by defeating his brothers in a battle. For a short period of time, Misty wondered if Mikey had a crush on her, as he made comments during a scene in which he was discussing his future with Misty, that could be viewed as flirtatious, such as "It's worth it to see you smile." However, Ash interrupted their conversation before Misty could determine more. In Welcome to the Big Leagues Mikey can be seen watching the Indigo Plateau Pokémon League on his television.


Mikey's Eevee

Mikey owns an Eevee that was supposed to be evolved for the Knights of the Evolution Stone. Mikey uses his Eevee against the battle with Sparky's Jolteon.

Eevee's known moves are Tackle, Reflect, and Mimic.
Eevee has also used Pin Missile* via Mimic.


  • Mikey's hair resembles the fluffy part of an Eevee's neck that looks like a collar.

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Main characters
Ash KetchumPikachuGary OakRitchieMay OakProfessor OakDelia KetchumJessieJamesMeowth
Gym Leaders
A.J.AyaBillDamianDarioDuplicaEevee brothersGiselleJeanette FisherOfficer JennyJoeNurse Joy
Lara LaramieMahriMelanieMikeyMimiProfessor OrvillePotterFlorinda ShowersRubySamuraiTommy

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.