Steven Stone: Difference between revisions

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Adding a new hair color.
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eyes=Light steel blue, Blue-green{{tt|*|anime}}, Yellow{{tt|*|Adventures}} |
eyes=Light steel blue, Blue-green{{tt|*|anime}}, Yellow{{tt|*|Adventures}} |
hair=Light steel blue |
hair=Light steel blue, Silver{{tt|*|Generation III sprites}} |
gender=Male |
gender=Male |
hometown=[[Mossdeep City]] |
hometown=[[Mossdeep City]] |

Revision as of 22:50, 13 August 2015

For the character of the day whose name is Steven, see Steven (Johto).
For the character whose name is mispronounced as Stephen or Steven, see Stephan.
Steven Stone
ツワブキ・ダイゴ Daigo Tsuwabuki

Artwork from Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Age 25
Gender Male
Eye color Light steel blue, Blue-green*, Yellow*
Hair color Light steel blue, Silver*
Hometown Mossdeep City
Region Hoenn
Relatives Mr. Stone (father)
Trainer class ChampionRSORAS
Pokémon TrainerEB2W2
Generation III, IV, V, VI
Games Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
HeartGold and SoulSilver
Black 2 and White 2
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Champion of Ever Grande City
Specializes in Steel types
Game animation debut Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Animated Trailer
English voice actor Tom Wayland
Japanese voice actor Akira Ishida
Anime debut A Hole Lotta Trouble
English voice actor Andrew Paull (AG022)
Unknown (SS031)
Japanese voice actor Rintarō Nishi (AG022)
Ken'ichi Suzumura (SS031 - SS032)

Steven Stone (Japanese: ツワブキ・ダイゴ Daigo Tsuwabuki) is a Master Steel-type Trainer and the Champion of the Hoenn region's Elite Four in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire, as well as the canonical Hoenn League Champion in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. He is a collector of rare stones, is the son of the president of the Devon Corporation, and makes his home in Mossdeep City. In Pokémon Emerald, he is no longer the Champion—due to Wallace taking his place—and instead wanders the Hoenn region, aiding the player on their journey.

In the games

Brendan challenging Steven in Ruby and Sapphire
Steven in the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Animated Trailer

In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, Steven appears as the Champion of the Hoenn region. His strategy in battle is to use Steel-type Pokémon to find the weaknesses of his opponents, with his Metagross being the cornerstone of his team.

In Pokémon Emerald, Steven is a powerful, wandering Trainer who gave up competing seriously to spend more time looking for rare rocks and stones, which he claims he would climb waterfalls to find. Fittingly, the player can find and challenge him in the upper area of Meteor Falls after they defeat the new Champion, Wallace.

In Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, after the player enters the Hall of Fame, Steven will leave a Beldum and a note for the player at his house in Mossdeep City.

In Pokémon Platinum, the person who gives the player their villa in the Resort Area mentions that the man who gave him the villa came to Sinnoh to collect rare stones. After collecting the stones, he left the region with all the items in the villa. This mysterious previous owner may in fact be Steven.

Steven also appears in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, introducing himself as the Hoenn Champion. The player first meets him when they leave the Pokémon Fan Club in Vermilion City after collecting Copycat's Lost Item, where he will appear and inform them that there have been reports of either a LatiosSS or LatiasHG roaming Kanto. The player meets him a second time after defeating Red on Mt. Silver, where he will appear in the Silph Co. building in Saffron City and let the player choose one of three colored stones: the Green Stone, the Red Stone or the Blue Stone. Depending on which color is picked, he will give the player one of the three Hoenn starter Pokémon. He can later be found in the Pewter Museum of Science, examining a shelf. After visiting and speaking to him there, he will return to the Silph Co. building and offer to trade a Beldum for a Forretress.

If the player has the Enigma Stone and enters the Pewter Museum of Science, an event will occur in which Steven will be talking to one of the museum's researchers. When he is spoken to, he will notice the Enigma Stone and have the researcher examine it. The researcher will extract the Soul Dew from the stone and give it to the player. Steven will tell the player that Soul Dew is said to be the solidified spirits of Latias and Latios, and that it can bring out their true potential. Upon walking outside, LatiasSS or LatiosHG will be waiting to battle in Pewter City, drawn to the player by the Soul Dew.

In Pokémon Black and White, a vacationist who visits Undella Town in the summer mentions Steven, explaining that he is a very powerful Pokémon Trainer who collects stones. In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, Steven appears alongside the other Champions from the first five generations as an opponent in the Champions Tournament at the Pokémon World Tournament.

Trainer's Eyes/Match Call

Champion StevenRSORAS / Hard as Rock StevenE

Pick on the foe's weakness.RS
Attack the weak points!E
Strike enemies where they're weakest!ORAS
Trainer's PokémonRSE / Favorite PokémonORAS
The ultimate Steel PokémonRS
Ultimate Steel Pokémon.E
The ultimate Steel-type Pokémon.ORAS
Self-IntroductionRSE / Trainer MessageORAS
When it comes down to it, I'm still the strongest!RS
I'd climb even waterfalls to find a rare stone!E
When it comes down to it, I'm just the strongest there is right now.ORAS


Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire

Left for the player
Steel Psychic
Clear Body
Held item:
Beldum Lv.5
Take Down

Pokémon Emerald

Multi Battle with player

Steven battles alongside player against Maxie and Tabitha in the Mossdeep Space Center.

Meteor Falls

Left for the player
Steel Psychic
Clear Body
Held item:
Beldum Lv.5
Take Down

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

Traded to the player
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Item Ability Nature English
Silph Co. Forretress Forretress Beldum Beldum Iron こうてつ Dawn Stone Dawn Stone Clear Body Brave Steven ダイゴ 23478 28/29/24/24/25/23
Given to the player
Grass Unknown
Held item:
Treecko/ Lv.5
Normal Physical
Normal Status
Fire Unknown
Held item:
Torchic/ Lv.5
Normal Physical
Normal Status
Water Unknown
Held item:
Mudkip/ Lv.5
Normal Physical
Normal Status

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Steven uses three of these Pokémon in Single Battles, four in Double and Rotation Battles, and all six in Triple Battles. He will always lead with his signature Pokémon, Metagross.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

First Multi Battle with player

Steven will work as the player's partner during the Multi Battle against Courtney and a Team Magma GruntOR/Matt and a Team Aqua GruntAS on Southern Island.

Second Multi Battle with player

Steven will work as the player's partner during the Multi Battle against Courtney and a Team Magma GruntOR/Matt and a Team Aqua GruntAS at Mossdeep Space Center during the Delta Episode.

Champion battle


Battle Maison Multi Battle

Steven will always use these two Pokémon as the player's Multi Battle Partner.

Left for the player
Steel Psychic
Clear Body
Held item:
Iron Plate
Beldum Lv.1
Take Down
Normal Physical


Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire

Granite Cave
"That device you have there… It's a PokéNav. When Trainers that have PokéNavs battle, it keeps a record of how things went, I think. Oh, pardon me. My name is Steven. I'm interested in rare stones, so I travel here and there. Oh? A Letter for me?"
"Okay, thank you. You went through all this trouble to deliver that. I need to thank you. Let me see… I'll give you this TM. It contains my favorite move, Steel Wing."
"Your Pokémon appear quite capable. If you keep training, you could even become the Champion of the Pokémon League one day. That's what I think. Now, I've got to hurry along."
Route 118
"Hi! You're that Trainer I met in Dewford! … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Oh, okay, you're <player>. I'll remember it. <player>. In this vast world, there are many kinds of Pokémon. They come in many types. Do you raise different types? Or do you raise only Pokémon of a certain type? What do you think as a Trainer? Sorry, it's not my place to ask, is it? Well, anyway, I hope to see you again."
Route 120
"Hm? <player>, hi. It's been a while. There's something here that you can't see, right? Now, if I were to use this device on the invisible obstacle… No, no. Rather than describing it, I should just show you. That would be more fun. <player>, are your Pokémon ready for battle?"
No: "No? I'll wait here, so you can get ready."
Yes: "<player>, show me your true power as a Trainer!"
"I see… Your battle style is intriguing. Your Pokémon have obviously grown since I first met you in Dewford. I'd like you to have this Devon Scope. Who knows, there may be other concealed Pokémon. <player>. I enjoy seeing Pokémon and Trainers who strive together. I think you're doing great. Well, let's meet again somewhere."
Route 128
"<player>! What is happening? This is terrible… If this doesn't stop, all of Hoenn… No, the whole world will be parched. The cause of this calamity, the blazing sun, is in the sky above SootopolisR
"<player>! What is happening? This is terrible… If this doesn't stop, all of Hoenn… No, the whole world will drown. This huge rain cloud is spreading from above Sootopolis?S
"What in the world is taking place there? There's no point arguing here… Sootopolis should provide answers… <player>… I don't know what you intend to do, but don't do anything reckless. Okay. I'm going to Sootopolis."
Sootopolis City
"<player>, you came, too? Under this scorching sunR/In this terrible rainstormS, yet… Oh, yes, can you hear out what my friend has to say?"
"This sunlight… People and Pokémon need sunlight to live… But why does this sunlight fill us with so much dread? The blazing sun over Sootopolis is intensifying… Soon, all of Hoenn will be under its withering glare… If that were to happen…"R
"This rain… People and Pokémon need water to live… But why does this rain fill us with so much dread? The rain clouds over Sootopolis will keep building and soon extend all over Hoenn… If that were to happen…"S
"<player>, I never expected you to be holding the Red OrbR/Blue OrbS. You'll be okay. With your Pokémon, you'll get things done no matter what. I'm convinced of it!"
  • If spoken to again
"You'll be okay. With your Pokémon, you'll get things done whatever happens. I'm convinced of it!"
"<player>, we owe it all to you. The sky above Sootopolis has returned to normal. For that, Wallace sends his thanks, too. And, that same Wallace is waiting for you inside. He's strong. But the way you are now, you should be on equal footing with him. Give it your best shot."
Ever Grande City
  • Before battle
"Welcome, <player>. I was looking forward to seeing you here one day. You… What did you see on your journey with Pokémon? What did you feel, meeting so many other Trainers like you? What has awoken in you? I want you to hit me with it all! Now, bring it!"
  • Being defeated
"I, the Champion, fall in defeat… Kudos to you, <player>! You are a truly noble Pokémon Trainer!"
  • After being defeated
"Congratulations! The feelings you have for your Pokémon… And the Pokémon that responded to those feelings with all their might… They came together as one, and created an even greater power. And thus, you were able to grasp victory today! You are rightfully the Hoenn region's new…"
"<player>… No, the new Champion! Come with me."
(to Brendan/May) "I'm sorry, but... From here on, only those Trainers who have become Champions may enter. You'll have to wait outside with the Professor."
"This room… This is where we keep records of Pokémon that prevailed through harsh battles. It is here that the League Champions are honored. Come on, let's record your name as a Trainer who triumphed over the Pokémon League, and the names of the partners who battled with you."
Steven's house
  • Note left on Steven's desk, after the player has entered the Hall of Fame
"… … … … … …" "To <player>… I've decided to do a little soul-searching and train on the road. I don't plan to return home for some time. I have a favor to ask of you. I want you to take the Poké Ball on the desk. Inside it is a Beldum, my favorite Pokémon. I'm counting on you. May our paths cross again someday."
Steven Stone

Pokémon Emerald

Granite Cave
"My name is Steven. I'm interested in rare stones, so I travel here and there. Oh? A Letter for me?"
"Okay, thank you. You went through all this trouble to deliver that. I need to thank you. Let me see… I'll give you this TM. It contains my favorite move, Steel Wing."
"Your Pokémon appear quite capable. If you keep training, you could even become the Champion of the Pokémon League one day. That's what I think. I know, since we've gotten to know each other, let's register one another in our PokéNavs. … … … … … … Now, I've got to hurry along."
Route 118
"Hi, <player>! It's me, Steven! We met in the cave near Dewford. Have you met many kinds of Pokémon since I last saw you? There are many, many kinds of Pokémon in this wide world of ours. If you wanted to raise only your favorites, that's fine. Perhaps you find it more fun to raise all sorts of Pokémon. As a Trainer of Pokémon, what do you think? Of course, it's not any of my business. It would be nice if we were to meet again somewhere."
Route 120
"Hm? <player>, hi. It's been a while. There's something here that you can't see, right? Now, if I were to use this device on the invisible obstacle… No, no. Rather than describing it, I should just show you. That would be more fun. <player>, are your Pokémon ready for battle?"
No: "No? I'll wait here, so you can get ready."
Yes: "<player>, show me your true power as a Trainer!"
"I see… Your battle style is intriguing. Your Pokémon have obviously grown since I first met you in Dewford. I'd like you to have this Devon Scope. Who knows, there may be other concealed Pokémon."
"<player>. I enjoy seeing Pokémon and Trainers who strive together. I think you're doing great. Well, let's meet again somewhere."
Mossdeep Space Center
"<player>, have you read that proclamation already? Team Magma is coming after the rocket fuel on this island. I don't know what they'd need it for, but they can't be allowed to take it. I'll keep an eye on things for a while longer. In the meantime, why don't you go check out the town?"
"Team Magma… What's the point of stealing rocket fuel?"
"<player>! You're going to help me? Let's get into battle together! Are you ready?"
No:"Then, hurry! Get ready quickly!"
  • After battle
Whew, that was too tense. <player>, thank you. I have something to give you as thanks for your support. Please come see me at home after this. Oh yes, I don't live in Rustboro City. I live right here on this island."
Steven's house
  • After battling Team Magma in the Mossdeep Space Center
"<player>… As you can see, there's not much here, but this is my home. Thank you for all that you've done. This is my token of appreciation. It's the Hidden Machine Dive. No need to be shy--you've earned this HM."
"While you're using Surf, you should notice dark patches of water. Use Dive if you come to deep water like it. You'll drop to the seafloor. When you want to come back up, use Dive again. In some places, it won't be possible for you to surface, though."
  • If talked to again
"Apparently, there's an underwater cavern between Mossdeep and Sootopolis. You know, the one that Capt. Stern found in his submarine."
  • Note left on Steven's desk, after the player has entered the Hall of Fame
"... ... ... ... ... ..." "To <player>... I've decided to do a little soul-searching and train on the road. I don't plan to return home for some time. I have a favor to ask of you. I want you to take the Poké Ball on the desk. Inside it is a Beldum, my favorite Pokémon. I'm counting on you. May our paths cross again someday."
Steven Stone
Route 128
"<player>! What is happening? This is terrible… After the scorching heat wave ended, this deluge began. If this doesn't stop, all of Hoenn… No, the whole world will drown. This huge rain cloud is spreading from above Sootopolis… What in the world is taking place there? There's no point arguing here… Sootopolis might provide answers… <player>… I don't know what you intend to do, but don't do anything reckless. Okay. I'm going to Sootopolis."
Sootopolis City
"Those Pokémon fighting… Groudon… And Kyogre… The two super-ancient Pokémon were awakened from a long sleep… And now they are smashing each other with their uncontrollable energy… …<player>. You being here now I'll take to mean that you're prepared to become involved in this crisis. Well, then, there's someone that I'd like you to meet. Come with me, please."
"Listen, <player>. Does seeing Groudon and Kyogre make you think Pokémon are to be feared? But that's not true. Pokémon are really more… …Why am I asking you this? You already know."
"Okay, here we are! Inside you'll find someone named Wallace. I think you have what's needed to help him…"
  • If talked to again
"I think you have what's needed to help him…"
  • After talking with Wallace
"The Sky Pillar… I've never been there. I wonder where it could be?"
  • After the crisis is solved
"So that's Rayquaza… It's incredible how the two rampaging Pokémon would flee from it in fear…"
  • After the crisis is solved and the player has talked to both Archie and Maxie
"It looks like both Maxie and Archie have gone away somewhere. Perhaps they've gone to Mt. Pyre to return those Orbs…"
Meteor Falls
  • Before battle
"Oh, wow, <player>. I'm amazed you knew where to find me. Do you, uh...maybe think of me as just a rock maniac? No, that can't be right. We battled alongside each other at the Sootopolis Space Center. You should have a very good idea about how good I am. Okay, <player>, if you're going to mount a serious challenge, expect the worst!"
  • Being defeated
"You… I had no idea you'd become so strong…"
  • After being defeated
"Come to think of it, ever since our paths first crossed in Granite Cave in Dewford, I had this feeling. I thought that you would eventually become the Champion. My predictions usually come true. And where will you go from here? … … … … … … … … … … … … Fufufu, even I couldn't tell you that."

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

Vermilion City
"Hi! My name is Steven. The Champion from the Hoenn region. Have we met...before? That's not possible. All the Trainers I have battled seem to have the same look, anyway. Especially the ones who gave me tough battles... By the way, have you heard of a Pokémon called LatiasHG/LatiosSS? I am investigating why LatiasHG/LatiosSS, a Pokémon from Hoenn, decided to leave Hoenn to come here. LatiasHG/LatiosSS is a Pokémon that has a lot to do with Soul Dew, a gemlike Orb. Considering the fact that LatiasHG/LatiosSS is now in Kanto, it is possible to assume that this has to do with Soul Dew. LatiasHG/LatiosSS is a Pokémon that travels a great distance. It'd be difficult to find without any machine to track it with. But any Trainer will be drawn to it, won't they? I must go. May our journeys cross again."
Silph Co.
  • After defeating Red
(talking on his phone) "Hello... You're breaking up... I think it depends on how my dad feels... I see... I'll be on my way. See you soon."
(to player) "You are... I remember your eyes. When I see a Trainer whose eyes twinkle, I always remember."
"You have a Pokédex! So you are also in search of Pokémon. Let me see... I think I can help you with that. Let's say that you have stones in front of you. Which color would you pick?"
"You chose correctly! I will give you Treecko/Torchic/Mudkip!"
If nothing is chosen:
"You seem to be quite cautious. Are you avoiding any chance when a person might trick you? You really are better than I thought."
If party is full:
"I see... For the choice you've made, I'd like to give you this Pokémon. Except your party is full. Why don't you go to the PC to make some room? I'll be waiting here."
(If the player nicknames the starter)"You did a great job naming it!"
"Take good care of it. Your caring for it will make me very happy."
  • Trading Pokemon
"We meet again! Have you been to Hoenn before? It's such a beautiful place, with the clearest ocean you can imagine. You should visit sometime. Hey! Why don't we trade Pokémon? I've been looking for Forretress. I can trade my Beldum for it."
No: "That's too bad."
"Will you trade Forretress for my Beldum?"
Yes: "OK, let's trade!"
(if a Pokémon other than Forretress is chosen) "Are you telling me that you think that's a Forretress?"
(if the Forretress traded has max friendship) "This Pokémon seems to like you a lot. Do you happen to like Steel-type Pokémon? I had a feeling. That particular texture! The cool and glowing bodies! Such uniquenesses are only for Steel-type Pokémon! When it comes to the solitariness and nobleness you sense through the rugged body, which is almost rebuffing when you hug, nothing comes close to Beldum, I must say... In short, my METAGROSS is truly strong and cool! ... Oh, it seems that I got carried away. It was a pleasure talking to you. Bye!"
(if the Forretress traded does not have max friendship) "You don't see Forretress in the Hoenn region. It's my first time to actually see one. Thank you so much! Oh, look at the time. I really must go."
Pewter Museum of Science
"All those shining stars at night are the stones I'll never get to know..."
"People who dedicate themselves to what they believe stand out in a crowd. But, my passion is no less than yours."
"Wow! The thing you have..."
"This stone mysterious! Something seems to be shining inside... The stone is modest...yet hiding something wonderful! You should have it studied by experts."
"Soul Dew is said to be the solidified spirits of Latias and Latios. It has the power to bring out the true potential of Latias and Latios. The spirits of these Pokémon and Soul Dew are said to call out to each other... The only thing that puzzles me is the place Soul Dew was found. Why Kanto?"
Pewter City (during Enigma Stone event)
"It seems that LatiosHG/LatiasSS became attracted to it in no time!"
"I can feel that LatiosHG/LatiasSS is full of fighting spirit! I would love to challenge it, but I will let you go for it!"
"Impressive! It was a great battle! I don't think you had to give everything you've got, and that scares me..."
"I've been away from the Hoenn Pokémon League for too long. I'll have to excuse myself. .................. Oh, I never got your name. ...But I won't ask for it this time. Our fun will have to wait for the right time."

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Pokémon World Tournament
  • Before battle (first round)
"Hello! I'm Steven. Your Pokémon are looking pretty good."
  • Before battle (second round)
"My name is Steven. I'm interested in rare Stones, so I travel here and there."
  • Before battle (final round)
"What has awoken in you because of your journey? I want you to hit me with it all! Now, bring it!"
  • Being defeated
You are a truly noble Pokémon Trainer!"
  • If the player is defeated
"When it comes down to it, I'm still the strongest!"
  • After being defeated
"Congratulations! The feelings you have for your Pokémon… And the Pokémon that responded to those feelings with all their might... They came together as one and created an even greater power. And thus, you were able to grasp victory!"
  • After winning
"I must go. May our journeys cross again."
  • In the lobby, after the tournament
"Hmm. Emerald can be mined in Driftveil City?!"

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Version

First adventure
Mossdeep City
"We've made it. Thank you, Latios/Latias. You've helped immensely!"
"This is Mossdeep City. It is a town where scientists work day and night on the research, aiming to reach the great expanse of space."
"I've received a message from a professor I know, asking if we could come and help him. It seems that some rather bad people have been trying to steal his research results for themselves. We should hurry to the Space Center at once. Come with me, Orlando!"
"This is the Space Center. The professor should be wi—"
(Team Aqua/Magma exit the building and challenge Orlando and Steven.)
"Hmm. Well, if you put it that way, then it looks as though we have little choice. We will have to battle our way through this. Orlando. Would you lend me your strength? I want you to battle alongside me and my Pokémon. If you agree, then choose from these three Poké Balls. Select the Pokémon you want at your side in battle!"
  • After defeating Team Aqua or Team Magma outside the Mossdeep Space Center, who declare they're heading to an island
"What island...?"
(The professor exits the building and thanks Steven.)
"No need to thank me. And I was not alone. This is Orlando. He helped me battle those thugs. Together, we sent them running."
(The professor is worried Team Aqua/Magma is trying to capture a Pokémon that can Mega Evolve.)
"I see... That is not something we can ignore. Orlando, I have a favor to ask. Please come with me. Come and help me protect that Pokémon from these thieves!"
"I've gotten the coordinates from the professor, so I know which direction to go. As soon as you feel ready, speak with me."
  • When spoken to
"Looks like you're ready. Shall we go help that Pokémon?"
Let's have an adventure!: "Understood. Then shall we go?"
Hold on a second: "Ah, I see you like to be well prepared before setting out. An admirable quality! When you feel ready to depart, please come and talk to me."
  • If the player fainted at Mirage Cave 8
"Are you all right, Orlando?! We have to get you and your Pokémon healed at once! Show me where you're hurt."
"Try to keep an eye on your Pokémon's health (HP) and condition. If your Pokémon is losing HP and getting weak, use the Super Potion in your Bag. If your Pokémon is afflicted by a status condition, using a Full Heal is the answer."
Mirage Cave (by Fallarbor Town)
"Now then... I expect Team Magma and Team Aqua have beat us here in the search for that Pokémon. Orlando, can I ask you to start by having a look around? I’m sure that those fool teams will be around here somewhere. Ah yes, a word of warning: If you step into the tall grass there, wild Pokémon may attack you. Be sure you are ready for them."
  • If spoken to when the player's Pokémon needs healing
"Hmm... Your Pokémon look a bit tired, Orlando. Allow me to help restore them to health.
  • If spoken to again when the player's Pokémon is healthy, or after he heals it
"Somewhere on this island is a Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution. We simply cannot hand it over to Team Magma or Team Aqua. Orlando, I want you to go farther into the island and begin the search. Once I finish my preparations, I will follow after you at once."
"Orlando! I'm sorry it took me so long, Orlando. And now I see what we have here. So these are some of the bosses of Team Magma and Team Aqua? I admit I am a bit surprised to see them joining forces. It matters little. We will battle together, Orlando. Before we do, though, let me teach your <Pokémon> a little something..."
"And for you."
"The Mega Bracelet that I just gave you is set with a mysterious stone known as a Key Stone. It is a stone with the power to bind you and your Pokémon together. Ah yes. And we should give your <Pokémon> this to hold as well."
"With the Key Stone you hold and the Mega Stone <Pokémon> now holds... The bonds that tie you two together should now allow you to draw forth the great power of Mega Evolution! Don't you feel it's time we tested that power?"
  • After defeating Tabitha and Matt
"Good work, Orlando. That was a perfect Mega Evolution. It held such strength, even though this was your first time using it in battle... I'm practically trembling with excitement at the limitless potential I sense in you! What did you think of my Metagross? Its rugged white body, so cool to the touch... Its beauty grows with Mega Evolution! Yes. I think the day may come when I will be able to entrust this Metagross to you. But now we have scared off the crooks. So shall we go and meet the Pokémon said to be capable of Mega Evolution?"
  • Upon catching up to Steven again
"There you are, Orlando. It seems like the Mega-Evolving Pokémon is in that tall grass there. If you were to face it in battle, it might accept you as well. Here you go. Throw a Poké Ball to try and catch that Pokémon."
  • If spoken to again, or if the battle ended without catching the Pokémon
"In order to catch a Pokémon, you first have to impress it with your skills. When you battle a Pokémon, throw the Poké Ball I gave you. Prove that you have what it takes to get the Pokémon on your team!"
  • If spoken to with no Poké Balls in the Bag
"Hmm? It seems you're out of Poké Balls. Here—have some more."
  • If the player tries to leave
"What's this? Where are you going? An opponent stands before you, waiting to be impressed by your battle skills."
"The Pokémon seems to have accepted you after your performance in battle. Hmm. And it seems to hold a Mega Stone. I wonder what powers might be revealed if it Mega Evolves. You will be able to see it for yourself when you next battle. I envy you, Orlando!"
"Well then... I suppose it's time we return. Back to Mossdeep City!"
Mossdeep City
"Thank you, Orlando. You will find that there are many more Pokémon in the Hoenn region capable of Mega Evolution, including the one that we recently met. And another possible form of Evolution, thought lost since incredibly ancient times, that might even exceed Mega Evolution... Yes, Primal Reversion... Team Magma and Team Aqua may be after that power..."
"This world still holds many more mysteries and surprises than we can imagine. I wonder what you and your team will see, what you will feel, in a world like that. I wonder how you'll grow and change... No words can describe how exciting this will be! I will say good-bye to you for now, Orlando. I will be waiting eagerly for the day when I meet you and your Pokémon again!"
Subsequent adventures
Mossdeep City
  • Beginning of greeting
  • Adventures 2-10
"So you've returned. This is our <number> such meeting, isn't it?"
  • On second adventure
"Ah yes, before I forget... I've set you up with a few more Pokémon, so you can enjoy our little explorations even more. I hope you'll enjoy your time with them, learning about each in turn. If you feel like going on a bit of an adventure with me, say the word. I would be delighted to take you along."
  • On fourth adventure
"I think I will give you these Poké Balls, to celebrate our small reunion."
  • On fifth adventure
"I do have another piece of advice... Did you know that you can only use Mega Evolution once in each battle you face? I suggest you think carefully about which Pokémon to Mega Evolve, and when."
  • On sixth adventure
"I think I will give you these Heal Balls, to celebrate our small reunion."
  • Adventure 11 and later
"So you've returned. I've practically lost count of the number of times we've met here."
  • On eleventh adventure
"I think I will give you these Heart Scales, to celebrate our small reunion."
  • End of greeting
"If you feel like going on a bit of an adventure with me, say the word. I would be delighted to take you along."
  • If spoken to
"What do you want to do, Orlando? Should we head out for an adventure? Or was there something else you wanted?"
Let's have an adventure!:
  • Trainer battle mission (always adventure 2, random 6-9, 11-14, etc)
"I happen to know of some Pokémon Trainers doing special training on a certain island nearby. I'll ask you to take them on in Pokémon battle."
  • Lost person mission (always adventure 3, random 6-9, 11-14, etc)
"I heard that someone has gotten lost on a particular island near here. Orlando, I trust that I can count on your assistance in helping the poor little thing."
  • Island inhabitant mission (always adventure 4, random 6-9, 11-14, etc)
"I'm setting out to search for a Pokémon said to inhabit a certain island nearby. Come along and lend me a hand, Orlando."
  • Expert challenge mission (adventure 5):
"My, my! It seems someone has sent you a challenge. He appears to have recognized your skill as a Trainer and now wishes to ask you for a battle!"
  • Expert challenge mission (adventures 10, 15, etc):
"My, my! Another challenger has appeared, hoping to meet you. It seems this is a new challenger, not the elderly gentleman from last time."
  • Special Team Aqua/Magma mission
"It looks as though running them off once wasn't enough. That foolish team is back and causing more trouble. Orlando, I'll ask for your assitance once more."
  • Special Nugget mission
"There's a rumor that a strange man has been appearing often on a nearby island. These tales give me a bad feeling, so I'd appreciate your company."
Let's go somewhere secret!: "It looks as though running them off once wasn't enough. That foolish team is back and causing more trouble. Orlando, I'll ask for your assitance once more."
Check rewards (if there are none): "Ah, I'm sorry, Orlando... You don't seem to have any rewards yet that you can send off, do you?"
Check rewards (if there are some): "Perhaps I ought to give you a bit of advice about the rewards you can send to your full game."
Glalie/Steelix: "You can send the Glalie/Steelix you caught to your copy of the full game. I expect it will be a great ally— one you can depend on."
Poké Ball set: "You can send the set of 10 Poké Balls that I gave you earlier to your full game."
Heal Ball set: "You can send the set of 10 Heal Balls that I gave you earlier to your full game."
Heart Scale set: "You can send the set of five Heart Scales that I gave you earlier to your full game."
Nugget: "You can send the Nugget that you got from the rather suspicious gentleman to your copy of the full game. Those shiny round Nuggets... You can sell them at Poké Marts, and they'll fetch a pretty price. Hold tight to your Nuggets!"
Send to full game: "You can only use Pokémon Link once a day. Let's get started by having you pick what you'd like to send through Pokémon Link."
  • After sending
"We can do this again tomorrow."
  • Attempting more than one Link a day
"Come back tomorrow, and we'll talk."
Quit playing: "Are you sure you'd like to quit?"
Yes: "I'll look forward to the day we meet again."
Hold on a second: "Ah, I see you like to be well prepared before setting out. An admirable quality! When you feel ready to depart, please come and talk to me."
"Are you all right, Orlando?! We have to get you and your Pokémon healed at once! Show me where you're hurt."
"Try to keep an eye on your Pokémon's health (HP) and condition. If your Pokémon is losing HP and getting weak, use the Super Potion in your Bag. If your Pokémon is afflicted by a status condition, using a Full Heal is the answer."
  • After a successful adventure
"Thank you, Orlando. You've been of great help again today. I suppose this is good-bye for now. I look forward to our next meeting."
On an adventure - various Mirage spots
  • Trainer battle mission
  • Upon arriving
"I will count on you to help these fellow Trainers with their special training. When two Trainers' eyes meet, a Pokémon battle is sure to begin."
  • If spoken to again
"I will count on you to help these fellow Trainers with their special training."
  • If spoken to when the player's Pokémon need healing
"What's this? Your Pokémon look a bit stressed. Let me heal them up for you, Orlando."
  • After the Trainers are defeated
"Looks like you've done a fine job of helping this bunch train themselves. It's about time to head back."
  • Lost person mission
  • Upon arriving
"Somewhere on this island, a poor figure huddles lost and alone... I know you can handle this. If I find it first, I'll let you know."
  • If spoken to again
"You should always help those who are lost, Orlando."
  • If spoken to when the player's Pokémon need healing
"What's this? Your Pokémon look a bit stressed. Let me heal them up for you, Orlando."
  • After finding the Pokémon/person
"It looks like you've got everything in hand. If everyone is accounted for, let's head back."
  • Island inhabitant mission
  • Upon arriving
"Will you help me search this island for the <Pokémon> I seek? As to where to find that <Pokémon>... I can't help feeling that the open spaces among the tall grass seem rather suspect."
  • If spoken to again
"Help me search this island for the <Pokémon> I seek. As to where to find that <Pokémon>... I can't help feeling that the open spaces among the tall grass seem rather suspect."
  • If spoken to when the player's Pokémon need healing
"What's this? Your Pokémon look a bit stressed. Let me heal them up for you, Orlando."
  • After finding the Pokémon
"Ah, it looks like you really did find a <Pokémon> on this island. Wonderful! Shall we head back?"
  • Expert challenge mission
  • Upon arriving
"The gentleman who sent that challenge should be on this island somewhere. Take care in this battle, Orlando... I suspect he will truly put you to the test!"
  • If spoken to again
"Whoever sent you that challenge should be somewhere on this island."
  • After defeating the challenger
"Judging by the expression on your face, I would say you were victorious, hm? Then I suppose it's time to return to Mossdeep."
  • Special Team Aqua/Magma mission
  • Upon arriving
"Now then... Where is Team Aqua/Magma hiding? Shall we split up and look for them? Come on, Orlando. "
  • If spoken to again outside
"Orlando, how about we split up and search? I'll count on you to do your part."
  • After defeating the admin
"So that's what happened... Team Magma... Team Aqua... What are they all up to... Looks like I need to do some serious investigation."
(May says good-bye.)
"Let's go, Orlando. And farewell for now, little May."
  • Special Nugget mission
  • Upon arriving
"Well now, I wonder who or what this strange man might be. Personally, I have no idea who he is."
"You take care about out there, Orlando."
  • If talked to again
"I wonder just who or what this strange man might prove to be... It seems there's still much I don't understand in this world."
  • After meeting strange man
"Judging by that expression, I take it you encountered the strange man for yourself. I'm glad you're no worse for the experience. Let's head back, Orlando."

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Granite Cave

"…Mm-hmm. So in the ancient world, their primal forms once held this much power…? The super-ancient Pokémon… What terrible strength… But this appearance here… It seems somehow different from Mega Evolution… Hmm. It seems my questions will not be answered today."
"Hm? You are…? … Ah, I see. It's a pleasure, <player>. My apologies. My name is Steven. I'm interested in rare stones so I travel here and there. Today my journey brought me here, but what about you? Oh? A letter for me?"
"Why, thank you… It must have been some trouble to track me down. I suppose I must repay you in some way. Let me see… I will give you this TM. Please accept it. It contains my favorite move, Steel Wing."
"If you don't mind me asking… Do you feel anything in particular when you look up at this wall? A primal world, lost thousands of years in the past… A Legendary Pokémon of tremendous power became humanity's greatest threat… The terror aroused by that power is clear to see in this ancient artwork. …Yes. But not all power is terrible. Your Pokémon are clearly quite capable as well. Looking at you all together I think that you have in you what it takes to become a Pokémon League Champion. As long as you keep training, that is. Good luck to you. I must be going now."

Route 118

"Why, hello. We met in Granite Cave, didn't we? No, I remember it. It's <player>… Right? It's good to see that your journey is going well. You know, <player>… In this vast world, there are many kinds of Pokémon. They come in many types. Should you raise different types? Or will you only raise Pokémon of a certain type you like? I wonder what you think, as a Pokémon Trainer? Not that it's anything I should be concerning myself with… But somehow I find myself wanting to know what you think. I suppose I should be going. I hope to see you again though."
"Do you…want us to soar somewhere with you?"
"<player>. Come with me. LatiasOR/LatiosAS… I believe that it sought us out for help. If that's the case, let's go!"

Southern Island

"We've arrived. Thank you, LatiasOR/LatiosAS."
"… I don't know what it is… Not quite unease, not quite fear… But there is something…unsettling… It is an odd feeling, as though I am walking in a dream— or an illusion. I once heard an odd fable. It was said that the two Pokémon that live on this island guard some secret about that great form of Evolution: Mega Evolution. Could it be that some dangerous element is here because of that? … Come, we should be going."
"What is it you want to do? Would you like to return to Route 118 for a time?"
Yes: "I understand. LatiasOR/LatiosAS, if you would oblige…"
No: "In that case… Shall we go see once and for all whether there is anything to be found on this island?"
"LatiosOR/LatiasAS... It's beautiful… If I were to describe such beauty in terms of a stone, it would be a Water StoneOR/Sun StoneAS. No… It goes beyond that… Isn't its brilliance like that of a Dawn Stone? It is as fantastic as a Steel-type Pokémon…"
"Hm? Team MagmaOR/Team AquaAS, is it? So LatiosOR/LatiasAS noticed their coming, and that is why it called on us."
  • Before the battle against Team MagmaOR/Team AquaAS
If the player does not oblige to CourtneyOR/MattAS: "That's right. Full points for the correct answer!"
If the player obliges to CourtneyOR/MattAS: "Hmph! It's good that you feel up to joking, but this is no laughing matter."
"I'll take part in this battle as well. Let's protect LatiosOR/LatiasAS from these beasts together. We cannot allow LatiosOR/LatiasAS or even a Mega Stone to fall into the hands of such villains!"
  • After the battle against Team MagmaOR/Team AquaAS
"Hah… Good work, <player>. Ah, that's right. We should first heal up the Pokémon that fought on our behalf, shouldn't we?"
"You performed spectacularly. We were able to protect both this wondrous Pokémon and its Mega Stone, thanks to you."
"And it looks as though LatiosOR/LatiasAS may have also recognized you as a Trainer worthy of its trust. Look. It's trying to offer you its allegiance. I believe it is trying to show that it wants to go with you on your journey. Go on. Hold out your hand to it."
"You should take this from me…"
"With the Mega Bracelet that I just gave you and the Mega Stones that a Pokémon may hold, your Pokémon will be able to achieve a powerful boost, quite unlike any usual form of Evolution…but only if you are bound by great affection. You will be able to achieve Mega Evolution. I suggest you try it with LatiosOR/LatiasAS the next time that you happen to have the chance in battle."
"Mega Evolution is a phenomenon that has long been shrouded in mystery. What is a Mega Stone? What is a Key Stone? The process by which bonds between Pokémon and people manifest in tangible power… How do we explain that? I hope that the Mega Bracelet I just gave you might bring us one step closer to finding the answers to these questions."
"If that settles that… Should we be heading back? Together with LatiasOR/LatiosAS, waiting so patiently for us there…"

Route 118 (post-Southern Island)

"Thank you for your help, <player>."
"Perhaps it's trying to tell you to take good care of LatiosOR/LatiasAS."
"In the end, you were a far greater help than I expected you might be. I expect that you and your team will be able to best both Route 119 ahead and even the Fortree Gym beyond that. I'll be curious to see how much stronger you might grow by the next time we meet. Until then, <player>."

Fortree City

"Hm… It looks as though that Pokémon can be found up on Route 120..."

Route 120

"<player>? So, we meet again. How has it been? Have you been using the Mega Bracelet wisely? I suppose I needn't even ask, though. Not when it comes to you and your team."
"I wonder… Have you noticed? Hm? There's something here you can't see. Now, if I were to use this device on the invisible obstacle…"
"No, no… Rather than describing it, I should just show you. That should be more entertaining. <player>… Are you and your Pokémon ready for battle?"
No: "No? I'll wait here, so go get ready."
Yes: "Good. In that case… I want you to take this. Try it on. I'm sure it will fit you."
  • After battling Kecleon
"Just as I expected. That's called a Devon Scope. It's a fantastic piece of tech that lets you see Pokémon in hiding. Consider it a gift from me. Take it."
"And one more thing…"
"This stone ranks as one of my top five favorite stones in existence. I have no doubt that your Pokémon will like it, too. You know, <player>… I like to see Trainers and Pokémon who are trying their best. That's why I like you so much."
"Hm? It seemed as though something just…shone for a moment in your Bag. I'm sure I sensed the power of some kind of stone… A Meteorite…? No, it couldn't be…"
"Let's meet again someday."

Mossdeep City

"<player>! I heard from Liza and Tate that you visited their Gym. I was thinking of trying to catch you while you were in the area, but then this happened... ... We should talk. Let's go to my place."
"Ah... Yes... I suppose I should welcome you to my home. Please forgive the rather sparse décor... Now, where to begin... Let us take a moment to understand what is happening to our world right now. The rumbling that shook the earth right now... The eardrum-rupturing explosion we heard... They are proof that a seal, which was long hidden deep undersea, has been undone at last. The super-ancient Pokémon that has been sealed deep beneath Route 128 since ancient times... It slept until now in the Seafloor Cavern. The entrance to that cavern was sealed by the power of a certain Pokémon, all in an effort to keep any human or Pokémon from ever breaching it. But now it appears that the scheming of that terrible team has undone the seal. There is no doubt that they intend to revive the super-ancient Pokémon. And once they do so, it seems they hope to make its power their own."
"<player>... If that team obtains the power of the super-ancient Pokémon, it will upset the balance of nature in this world. A crisis unlike any other before it will befall every living thing on this planet. I plan to do everything in my power to quell this situation. That is my duty. But there is a limit to what I can do with my power alone... That is why I am asking for your help. I have great faith in your abilities. Lend me your strength to put a halt to these Teams' mad ambitions! With you and I and our Pokémon all working together, we will overcome this disastrous turn of events. I don't think it is out of the question."
"I will entrust you with this."
"If you use Dive, you will be able to dive to the ocean floor with your Pokémon. And take this so you can stay with your Pokémon even in the depths of the ocean..."
"If you were to use Dive in the correct stretch of water along Route 128... I believe you should be able to reach the entrance to the Seafloor Cavern. I will join you when I finish my duties. Please do what you can to stop Team Aqua and Team Magma until then. I am trusting you to do this for me!"

Route 128

"<player>! I'm sorry I could not be here sooner."'
"Terrible… So this is what was being depicted in that painting in Granite Cave. If this doesn't stop, all Hoenn—no, the entire world—will burn up. Nothing could live in such a land of death—neither Pokémon nor humans! This dreadful blaze… It must be caused by the sweltering heat wave forming above Sootopolis…"OR
"Terrible… So this is what was being depicted in that painting in Granite Cave. If this doesn't stop, all Hoenn—no, the entire world—will drown. Nothing could live in such a world—neither Pokémon nor humans! This huge rain cloud… Is it spreading out from Sootopolis?"AS
"Come on, Steven… Think! What are you going to do? … …No. There's no point in agonizing over the situation from here… I have to go to Sootopolis. There must be answers here."
"<player>… I will count on you to help with this crisis… But…please… Promise you won't do anything reckless. Well then. I'll go ahead to Sootopolis. Good luck to you."

Sootopolis City

"<player>! So you did come… I have been waiting for you. … What terrible heatOR/rainAS… It feels as though the entire world will be burntOR/be washedAS away…"
"Ah, yes. You need to hear what my friend has to say."
"This sunlightOR/rainAS… People and Pokémon need sunlightOR/waterAS to live. So why does this sunlightOR/rainAS fill us with so much dread?"
"The blazing sun over Sootopolis is growing even more intense… Soon all of Hoenn will be caught under its withering glare… If that were to happen…"OR
"The rain clouds massing over Sootopolis keep building… Soon they will extend over all of Hoenn… If that were to happen…"'AS
"Team MagmaOR/Team AquaAS…and Team AquaOR/Team MagmaAS…"
"<player>… To think that you had the Blue OrbOR/Red OrbAS… You'll be OK. You and your Pokémon can handle it, whatever happens. I believe that."
  • After catching or defeating GroudonOR/KyogreAS
"<player>, we owe you great thanks."
"Look above you. The sky over Sootopolis has returned to normal."
"… Team Magma and Team Aqua are made up of people with completely opposing ideals and goals. But perhaps even they can learn to meet halfway…one small concession at a time. I know it's too much to expect that everything will change at once, but… I hope this crisis might at least help take them that first vital step forward."
"I imagine that many changes are happening now all across Hoenn. I hope you will be able to travel this world and see its richness with your own eyes—and revel in its newness in your own heart. But for the present, you may first wish to challenge this city's Pokémon Gym. There, you'll find the very same Wallace who helped us so much waiting for you. He's strong. But the way you are now, you should be capable of battling him on an equal footing. And when you travel the world, you should try to use this. This flute is one of my favorite items."
"This Eon Flute is proof of the bond between you and your Latios. No matter how far you may be from one another, play that flute and Latios will surely fly straight to you. Then it can take to the sky, soaring above the land with you astride its back. Yes, just like when we first encountered Latias and Latios at Southern Island…"
"People, Pokémon, nature itself… Our survival in this world depends on all of us living together in harmony. I feel I have just begun to understand that. And I am wondering how the world will continue to change from this point on… It fills me with an inexplicable excitement."
"<player>… As you and your Pokémon live and grow in this changed world, I wonder what effect it will have on you. What will you think about? What ideals will you believe in? If we do get the chance to meet again, I hope you will be able to show me and my team the answers you've found. Until then…"

Ever Grande City (first battle)

  • Before battle
"Welcome, <player>. I was hoping I would get to see you make it here one day."
"Tell me… What have you seen on your journey with your Pokémon? What have you felt, meeting so many other Trainers out there? Traveling this rich land of Hoenn… Has it awoken something inside you? I want you to come at me with all that you've learned. My Pokémon and I will respond in turn with all that we know!"
"Let it begin!"
  • Being defeated
"So I, the Champion, fall in defeat…"
  • After being defeated
"Just as I have come to expect. <player>, you are truly an excellent Pokémon Trainer. Congratulations to you! And thank you… I had wanted to learn how you feel about this world, what kinds of ideals you have developed with your Pokémon… I feel I was able to find the answer in our battle. The feelings you have for your Pokémon… And the way that your Pokémon gave their all in battle in response to those feelings… Those two together created a great power. That is how you seized victory today. I felt a thrill of excitement in my breast when we first met, and now I know for sure that feeling was not misplaced! You are rightfully the Hoenn region's new…"
"<player>… No, I should call you the Hoenn region's new Pokémon League Champion… Come with me, Champion."
"I'm very sorry… But only a Trainer who has succesfully become the Champion may go beyond this point. You'll need to wait outside with the professor."

Ever Grande City (rematch)

  • Before battle (first rematch)
"Welcome, Champion. Let me test my skills against you once again!"
  • Before battle (subsequent rematches)
"Now then... There are no words left for us to exchange. We will understand one another through battle!"
  • Being defeated
  • After being defeated (first rematch)
"I knew you would be strong… But I don't regret our battle. Because each time that I battle you, I learn more about Pokémon… Yes… I have something I'd like to give to you in thanks for all you've done."
"This is a very special piece from my collection… But I think you are capable of appreciating its worth. Come. It is time we record your great victory."
  • After being defeated (subsequent rematches)
"In the end, you are still the strongest. Amazing. Now let us make a record of your victory!"

Hall of Fame

"This room… This is where we maintain the records of Pokémon that prevailed through the harshest of battles. It is here that League Champions are honored."
"Come. We will use this machine to record your name and the names of the partners who battled along with you to triumph over the Pokémon League!"
Delta Episode

Petalburg City (PokéNav Plus call)

"…'Lo? Hello? …Is that you, <player>? It's me. Steven. Have you been doing well? Heh… I image you must be quite shocked. This is a communication mode that Devon is still currently developing. It comes installed on every PokéNav Plus. I thought I would only use it if I needed to contact you urgently… But it looks as thought that time has already come. I'm sorry to ask this of you, but I need you to come to the Devon Corporation in Rustboro. There's something I have to talk to you about–in person… I'll be waiting for you there."

Rustboro City

"<player>… I'm sorry about summoning you so suddenly. It's well known how often my intuition turns out to be right. But I never imagined we would be meeting again this soon! I'm sorry to say it is not happy news that brings us together."
"Sigh. This isn't something we should discuss in public. Let's continue this inside."
"After you."

Devon Corporation

"Dad… <player> is here."
  • Before Mr. Stone's story
"My father is... Well, let me just say that I have been his son for 25 years, and sometimes even I am not sure I understand him fully."
  • During Mr. Stone's story
"So that's it… You want him/her to go and get that shard for you."
"It was hardly a deduction worthy of praise…"
"The Link Cable? So it is to be a warp system… Yes, I understand. But Granite Cave… Ah, I see. The floor where we first met–the floor with the ancient wall paintings. It is true there were many shards of meteorite scattered about there."
"It looks like it's decided then, <player>. I will head for the Space Center in Mossdeep. If I learn anything, I will contact you at once. Though it will end up as another one-sided message like the one I sent you, I'm afraid. Good luck."

Granite Cave (PokéNav Plus call)

"…<player>. Were you able to find the Meteorite Shard that we need? If you were able to secure it, could you hurry back to us at the Mossdeep Space Center? I'm afraid we don't seem to have much time left… …I'll be waiting for you."

Mossdeep Space Center (first visit)

"I was rather surprised to learn that you knew the professor. You really do seem to make connections everywhere you go. Now then, Professor… Could I ask you to explain once more about the current plan?"
"An audacious plan… And using such technology you would… May I ask where exactly the asteroid will be warped to?"
"Who…are you? You're no sightseer…"
"Tell me, would you rather we sit here wringing our hands, waiting for the meteoroid to strike us?"
"… Who was that woman? And the way she spoke to us… It's almost as if she came here for some sort of confirmation… And yet… I feel as though I should know her from…somewhere."
"Ah, Professor, forgive me. I believe you were trying to tell us something before that woman interrupted us?"
"Then should we head to Granite Cave once again?"
"Meteor Falls! I see… Perhaps we will learn something there…"
"I will head to Meteor Falls at once. Follow as soon as you are ready. I feel we might discover even more than a Meteorite Shard there…"

Meteor Falls

"<player>. We have the Meteorite Shard. And I have come to understand many things, as I suspected might happen."
"Allow me to introduce you. The honorable lady you see before you is a descendant of the ancient Draconids."
"A rainbow-colored stone… An invocation from the Lorekeeper… And a Rayquaza unlike any ever seen… I see. It does resemble what we know of the process of Mega Evolution…"
"So the mechanism of Mega Evolution was discovered as a result of the first meeting between humanity and Rayquaza… Hmmmm. But I have one last question. That “Lorekeeper” you spoke of…"
"So it was true… As I had suspected, that woman who appeared at the Space Center was one of the Draconids… But I never dreamed she was involved in the attempted revival of the super-ancient Pokémon… In full knowledge of the power they held, fully understanding the terrible changes they would wreak upon our world… Still she helped that situation about? Did she give a thought to the many people and Pokémon whose lives were put at grave risk by her actions? Could she accept the inevitable sacrifice of so many lives, in order to protect the planet from the coming meteoroid?"
"… Is that right? … I understand. Thank you for everything."
"What is this… This vague sense of apprehension… And my intuition has often proven true. I am going back to Rustboro first. I have to get back to Devon."

Mossdeep Space Center (second visit)

"Your timing is as impeccable as always, <player>."
"Team MagmaOR/Team AquaAS… What do you intend to do with that device? You do realize that this is the last hope we have of saving this planet?"
"How convenient it must be for you to put all the blame on another."
"…<player>. This fool! This incredible fool really intends to do it! If we don't stop this now, our whole world will be embroiled in the destruction!"
"You're ready for battle…aren't you?"
No: "… Fine. I understand. You take things as seriously as ever. I suppose I should expect no less."
Yes: "…Wonderful!"
  • After defeating CourtneyOR/MattAS and the Grunt
"…<player>! Now is our chance! Take the dimensional shifter and–"
"That Pokémon… Doesn't it belong to…"
"You're the–!"
"…What are you trying to say?"
"What have…you done…"
"Who exactly is “we”? What are your intentions?"
"Confound it all… She must be making for Team Magma'sOR/Team Aqua'sAS hideout next…"
"Think, Steven. Think! What to do, what to do…"

Team Magma HideoutOR/Team Aqua HideoutAS (PokéNav Plus call)

"<player>! Are you all right?! … Is that right… I never even imagined… The Key Stone… The Sky Pillar… And the Draconid people… So that's it… I begin to see the line connecting these dots. I think we need to meet up at once to discuss what we should do next. I'll be waiting at the Space Center. Up on 2F. Do hurry."

Mossdeep Space Center (third visit)

"<player>! I have been expecting you!"
"Ah… That's it. That woman… That “Zinnia”… She mentioned the Sky Pillar. Few can enter it–only the successors of the ancient world, who know of what has been… The Lorekeepers who are tasked with passing on the knowledge to those who come after…"
"Do you remember Wallace, whom you met in Sootopolis?"
Yes: "Is that right? That is a relief."
No: "Is that right? That's rather sad for Wallace…"
"The Gym Leader of Sootopolis, Wallace, should know how to undo the seal on the Sky Pillar's entance. He is also one of the few humans to have inherited such ancient lore. I will remain here and work the professor and his team to devise a plan for what to do next. That woman…Zinnia… I cannot put my faith in her. We will think of a new way to stop the meteoroid on our own. Zinnia…and the Sky Pillar… I will leave them in your hands. I will send a message to Wallace for you, so he knows to help. You will probably find him in the Cave of Origin in Sootopolis."
"Hm… You know, seeing that white beauty there that you travel with… I'm reminded of the Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza, said to descend at the Sky Pillar. I once had a chance to see it face to face. Although, it was a long time ago now… The young man who battled against Rayquaza beside me… I wonder whatever happened to him and that black Charizard of his… Well, regardless–you must go to the Sky Pillar and see what waits for you there. I don't know what you'll find. Be careful."

Ever Grande City

"I still owe you for your help at the Sky Pillar. Thank you for that."
"Heh… You know, this experience really brought it home for me again… That there is still so much about this world that I do not know. I wonder what would have happened to Hoenn… If <player> had not been here to aid us with this, and the incident with the super-ancient Pokémon… I alone was powerless to stop either."
"Hmm. Heh. Don't worry. It's not that I am so shocked by my own disappointing performance. But rather…"
"I was just thinking how much more there is to learn about nature…about Pokémon… and about my fellow humans as well. If I am to keep living in this, huge wide world. I want to walk this world on my own two feet. To see it with my own eyes. To feel it on my very skin… I need to put into practice all of the adivce I ever gave to <player>. That's what I'm thinking now."
"Hah hah hah! But no need to fear… I won't just disappear at once. I'll still be around to do my duty on behalf of the Pokémon League."
"But, hmm… When the time comes for me to pursue my own hopes…"
"Well, I hope that you, Wallace, will be behind me to lend a hand."
"Hah hah hah… Thank you, my friend…"
Post-Delta Episode

Mossdeep City (letter)

"Dear <player>… I have something in mind, so I will be away in training for some time. I do not expect to return to my home anytime soon. Which brings me to a request. I want you to take the Poké Ball that you should find on my desk. The Beldum inside is one of my favorite Pokémon, so I hope you'll treat it like one of your own. Trusting we will meet again,
Steven Stone"
"P.S. I had sent you another Beldum, rather a special one. Did it reach you safely? Of course, both are cool and sublimely strong. I trust they will teach you the joys of Steel-type Pokémon."

Battle Maison

"I'd be honored. I anticipate that battling together with you will help me realize something new!"
  • After ending the Multi Battle challenge
"I see. So this is the end for us today? I don't believe you gave it all you have in you. The unplumbed depths of your true power are quite frightening. Still, I look forward to battling together again some day."
"It is what it is. So it is only natural that our Champion-level combo would win."
  • After losing the Multi Battle challenge
"It is what it is. We lost the battle, but I was still able to learn something. Thank you."


Official artwork from Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald Conceptual artwork from
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
With Mega Metagross


This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Overworld model
Sprite from
Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Back sprite from
Sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
Overworld sprite from
Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Overworld sprite from
HeartGold and SoulSilver
Overworld sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
VS model from
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Icon in the Battle Maison in
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

In the anime

Steven in the Advanced Generation series

Steven was first mentioned by his father in Stairway to Devon who claimed he would be a good person for Ash and his friends to know.

He then appeared in person in A Hole Lotta Trouble. Unlike his game counterpart, Steven was not mentioned to be or have been the Hoenn League Champion, but was simply a powerful Trainer. Instead, Wallace is said to be the Champion later in the DP series.

Steven and his Aron were digging in Granite Cave, looking for rare stones. As Ash, his friends, and Team Rocket fell down in a hole, Steven stopped with what he was doing and quickly checked out what caused a crash to occur. Steven found Max, Pikachu, and Meowth in a dark part of a tunnel they were in. He questioned Max about the hole that he and the group fell in and Max confirmed they had fallen from it.

They went to search for Ash and the others, who were being chased by a horde of agitated Aron. Steven had his own Aron use Roar to calm the agitated horde. He then told the horde that the group were good people and they turn around and leave. After both sides were reunited with each other, Steven found out that Team Rocket were the ones who caused the Aron to get angry.

As Ash and his friends were about to battle Team Rocket, Steven interrupted them and handled Team Rocket on his own. He sent out Aggron to take them on and then quickly defeated them with Hyper Beam. After their defeat, Steven found a Fire Stone with the help of Aron.

Steven decided to lead the group out of Granite Cave and took them to a deserted inlet, an ideal place for Ash to train for his rematch with Brawly. He then boarded a small boat and wished the group luck for the future.

At the end of the episode, Ash vowed to train harder so one day he could be powerful enough to battle Steven.

Steven in the XY series

Steven reappeared in Mega Evolution Special II, where he battled Alain using his Shiny Mega Metagross, but the battle is interrupted by Lysandre. Deciding to cooperate with Alain and company, Steven traveled to their destination, a small temple with two pillars in the center.

When Alain and Steven held their Key Stones to the monument, a staircase of light appeared to lead them further within the ancient ruin. There, they discovered a similar mechanism that summoned a glowing megalith from underneath the ruin. After Lysandre and his research team began analyzing the giant stone, a Rayquaza appeared from the sky, Mega Evolved into Mega Rayquaza, and started wreaking havoc on the surrounding area. Alain, Steven, and their Mega Pokémon partners tried to fend off the Legendary Pokémon, but were overwhelmed.

Steven is officially claimed as the Hoenn Champion in the anime like he is in the games. This implies that Wallace (who had been mentioned as the Hoenn Champion in the Diamond & Pearl series) may have lost said title at some point before this episode.

In Mega Evolution Special III, Steven brings Alain and Mairin to the Devon Corporation headquarters to analyze the situation of the missing megalith. There, they receive a conference call from Lysandre who informs them that both Groudon and Kyogre have undergone Primal Reversion and are set to collide in the middle of the ocean. Steven recalls the Primal Reversion myth, and fears that the two Pokémon clashing again could have catastrophic consequences. As a result, he and Alain depart on a plane to check on the situation from the sky, with Mairin secretly stowing away with them.

He reappeared in the main series in a flashback in Rivals: Today and Tomorrow! meeting with Sawyer.


This article is missing information on this character's English voice actor and Japanese voice actor.
You can help by adding this information.

This listing is of Steven's known Pokémon in the Pokémon anime.

Steven's Aron
Debut A Hole Lotta Trouble
Voice actors
Japanese Natsuki Yoshihara
English Darren Dunstan

Aron was outside its Poké Ball throughout the episode. When its owner was in Granite Cave looking for stones, it helped out digging at the ground. When Jessie, James, and Meowth were setting another pitfall trap for Ash, May, Brock and Max, they also fell down, being split up. As Aron and its Trainer tried to find the source of the crash, they found Max, Meowth and Pikachu; the trio tells Steven what happened. Finding a large hole and where the others were, a group of rampaging Aron head straight towards them which they succeed to dodge them. After sending Team Rocket blasting off, they found a Fire Stone. Aron and Steven said their farewells to the group as they headed off into the distance on a sailing boat.

Aron's only known move is Roar.

Steven's Aggron

Steven's Aggron was briefly used when Team Rocket were trying to steal Ash's Pikachu in Granite Cave. It sent them blasting off, and was then recalled back into its Poké Ball.

Aggron's only known move is Hyper Beam.

Metagross ↔ Mega Metagross
Steven's Metagross
Debut Mega Evolution Special II
Voice actors
Japanese Kenta Miyake
English Kenta Miyake
Main article: Steven's Metagross

Steven sent out this Shiny Metagross against Alain's Charizard. It also fought against Mega Rayquaza and assisted in protecting the megalith against Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. It has the ability to Mega Evolve into Mega Metagross.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 西 凜太朗 Rintarō Nishi (AG022)
鈴村健一 Ken'ichi Suzumura (SS031)
English Andrew Paull (AG022)
Norwegian Trond Teigen (AG022)
Polish Ireneusz Machnicki (AG022)
Brazilian Portuguese Sílvio Giraldi (AG022)
Spanish Latin America Alfredo Gabriel Basurto (AG022)
Spain David Robles (AG022)
Thai ภัคภูมิ ลิ้มมานะสถาพร Pakkapoom Limmanasathaporn (SS031)

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Steven in Pokémon Adventures

Steven debuts in the Ruby & Sapphire arc. He is the Champion of the Hoenn region, having taken the title from Wallace after he decided to become the Sootopolis Gym Leader despite winning the Pokémon League. Along with his father, Steven was aware of the actions of Team Magma and Team Aqua and their goal to awaken the Legendary Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre. Together, they had the Submarine Explorer 1 made so that they could seal the entrance to the Seafloor Cavern so that the Pokémon could not be awakened. Steven makes his first appearance investigating Granite Cave. There, he encounters Ruby being attacked by a herd of Mawile. Steven rescues Ruby and they manage to escape from the herd together. Afterward, Steven considers recruiting Ruby into helping him stop Team Magma and Aqua, but decides against it due to Ruby's young age. After that, he bids Ruby farewell.

When the Submarine Explorer 1 is stolen by Team Magma, Steven spends his time traveling to other regions to gather forces to help in the chaos that would be brought when Groudon and Kyogre awaken. He eventually returns with the Hoenn Elite Four, as they are the only people who he could think of that could help. Upon returning, Steven saves Wallace from Tabitha, who had gone berserk after coming in contact with the Blue Orb. He tells Wallace to head to Sootopolis while he battles Tabitha alone. Before Wallace leaves, Steven relinquishes his Champion title and passes it over to him. As Steven battles Tabitha, the Elite Four work to try and awaken Registeel, Regirock, and Regice, as their power will be able to help contain the clash between Groudon and Kyogre. With the help of a blind boy, Steven attempts to have a slab containing the secret to awakening the three Pokémn deciphered. When the boy is unable to decipher the missing pieces of the slab, Steven decides to abandon his plan and heads to Sootopolis himself after defeating Tabitha.

When Steven arrives at Sootopolis, he finds it exploding in a wave of energy created by Ruby and Sapphire. He finds Sapphire in the middle of the explosion and goes to rescue her. Sapphire hands hm a letter given to her from Mr. Stone that contains the missing piece of the slab. With it, the blind boy is able to figure out that they need a Wailord and Relicanth to open the caves where Registeel, Regirock, and Regice slumber. Sapphire uses her Lorry and Relly to open the caves, allowing Steven to obtain the three Legendary Pokémon. Despite this, another explosion causes Sapphire to be sent away from Steven and eventually ends up on Mirage Island. While Ruby and Sapphire train on Mirage Island, Steven, Wallace, and the Elite Four each control one of the Legendary Pokémon in three teams of two. They spend the next few weeks using the Pokémon to contain the energy generated by Groudon and Kyogre's clash so that it doesn't get released onto the Hoenn region.

Steven in the thirteenth chapter

After Ruby manages to stop Groudon and Kyogre and return them to their slumber, Steven collapses from the strain of controlling the three Legendary Pokémon for so long and dies soon after. With Steven's death, Registeel, Regirock, and Regice lash out at their controllers and proceed to return to the wild. Steven is later revived by Ruby's Celebi, who uses its time-controlling powers to reverse time on the people who died during the battle between Groudon and Kyogre. With Team Magma and Team Aqua defeated, Steven celebrated the victory with his allies and thanked Ruby and Sapphire for their assistance in the battle.

In the Platinum arc, Steven is seen selling his Villa after having collected a variety of stones in the Sinnoh region. This Villa is later purchased by Platinum so that she can live there while performing her investigations.

In the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire arc, Steven studies a set of murals portraying Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre at Granite Cave. He has a premonition that another disaster will befall the Hoenn region and enlists the help of Ultima to help him train Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald so that they may learn Mega Evolution in order to prevent the disaster.


This listing is of Steven's Pokémon in the Pokémon Adventures manga.

Metagross ↔ Mega Metagross
Steven's Metagross
Main article: Steven's Metagross

Metagross is Steven's main Pokémon and strongest as well. It is often used as a method of flight transportation. In the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire arc, it was given the ability to Mega Evolve into Mega Metagross.

Beldum (multiple)
Steven's Beldum

Steven is seen with four Beldum. He first used them in Granite Cave to stop a group of Mawile from attacking Ruby. They did so by coming out of some rocks. Some of the Beldum were used to fill up Sapphire's team later on. One of his Beldum was also seen when Steven signed a contract to sell his Villa.

Another one of his Beldum, nicknamed Iron (Jp: こうてつ Kōtetsu), was seen with Steven in the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire arc. It is based on the Beldum the player receives from Steven in a trade in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

None of their moves are known, and their Ability is Clear Body.

Metang (multiple)
Steven's Metang

One of his Metang was used to stop a group of Mawile by coming out of the rocks in Granite Cave. During the clash of Groudon and Kyogre, he gave some of his Metang to the Hoenn Elite Four.

None of Metang's moves are known, and its Ability is Clear Body.

Main article: Mumu

While Ruby was away on Southern Island, Steven trained Ruby's Swampert, Mumu, on controlling its Hydro Cannon.

Steven's Registeel
Main article: Brandon's Registeel

Steven controlled Registeel with Wallace. However, as of Steven's apparent death, Registeel and the other Regis vanished to the mountains, where they have been caught by Brandon.

In the Pokémon Omega Ruby Crimson Passion and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Indigo Wisdom manga

File:Steven Stone ORCPASIW.png
Steven with Beldum in Pokémon Omega Ruby Crimson Passion and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Indigo Wisdom

Steven appeared in the Pokémon Omega Ruby Crimson Passion and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Indigo Wisdom manga.



Beldum is Steven's only known Pokémon. It was seen with Steven when he interacted with Alpha and Omega two different times.

None of Beldum's moves are known.

In the TCG

Steven was featured in the TCG. The following is a list of cards featuring Steven or his Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Steven Stone
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Steven's Advice T [Su] EX Hidden Legends Uncommon 92/101 Undone Seal Uncommon 074/083
      Metagross Constructed Starter Deck   018/019
      Shockwave! Tyranitar ex Constructed Standard Deck   018/024
EX Power Keepers Uncommon 83/108 World Champions Pack Uncommon 092/108


  • In Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Steven states that his favorite Pokémon is Beldum and that his favorite move is Steel Wing. Consequently, he leaves Beldum in his house as a gift for the player, and gives the player the TM for Steel Wing in Granite Cave.
  • In Emerald, when the player speaks to Steven in Meteor Falls before their battle, he mistakenly refers to battling alongside the player in the Sootopolis Space Center. The Space Center is actually in Mossdeep City.
  • The battle with Steven against Maxie and Tabitha is the only occasion in the Generation III games where the player teams up with an ally for a Double Battle.
    • During this Multi Battle, by hacking, it is possible to level up Steven's Pokémon. This would not happen normally, as not enough experience is given to do so.
  • Steven's Trainer ID number is 61226 in Pokémon Emerald, while it is 23478 in HeartGold and SoulSilver and 11214 in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
  • Steven's role in Emerald is similar to Red's role in Generation II and HeartGold and SoulSilver, and Alder's in Black 2 and White 2, as they are all former champions who can be battled after defeating the Elite Four. The only difference is that Steven and Alder can only be battled once, while Red can be battled multiple times.
  • Steven shares his French name (Pierre) with Brock, the Gym Leader of Pewter City. In the French dub of the anime, he keeps his English name of Steven Stone so as to not be confused with Brock, who was traveling with Ash when the group met Steven.
    • In games where both Steven and Brock appear, Steven is referred to as "P. Rochard" (HeartGold and SoulSilver) and "Rochard" (Black 2 and White 2).
  • Despite being a Steel-type specialist, all of Steven's teams feature just as many or more Rock-type Pokémon.
  • In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Steven mentions to Wallace that he will relinquish his position as Champion sometime in order to travel the world, and asks Wallace if he will become Champion in his place, referencing their roles in Emerald.


Language Name Origin
Japanese ツワブキ ダイゴ
Tsuwabuki Daigo
From 梯梧 deigo (Erythrina variegata) and 石蕗 tsuwabuki (Farfugium japonicum). 石蕗 Tsuwabaki contains 石 ishi (stone).
English Steven Stone From stone. Possibly also from steel or stevensite, a mineral.
French Pierre Rochard From pierre (stone) and roche (rock)
German Troy Trumm From Trümmer, rubble
Italian Rocco Petri From roccia (rock) and pietra (stone)
Spanish Máximo Peñas From máximo (maximum) and peñasco (boulder/crag)
Korean 나성호 Na Seongho
Chinese (Mandarin) 茲伏奇 大吾 Zīfúqí Dàwú From 大吾 Daigo. 茲伏奇 is a very loose transcription of Tsuwabuki. His first name may also be a reference to 大吳風草 Dàwúfēngcǎo.
Thai ไดโกะ Deigo Same as his Japanese name.

Pokémon Champions
Core series BlueLanceRedStevenWallaceCynthiaAlderIrisDianthaTraceLeonMustardPeonyNemonaGeetaKieranDraytonMost player characters
Masters EX BlueLanceRedStevenCynthiaAlderIrisDianthaLeonScottieBettieAshNemonaGeetaCalemSerenaHopMarnieBedeLeafNateRosaSilverCherenBianca
Ronald (TCG GB)Mark (TCG GB)Mint (TCG GB)Glenn (Pokkén)Master Rosé (Duel)
Animated series LanceCynthiaWallaceAlderDianthaStevenAsh KetchumLeonIrisNemonaGeeta
Other animation Blue (Origins)Red (Origins)Calem (Generations)Celestine (PttP)Edgar Troy (PttP)Ava (PttP)
Adventures Professor OakRedSidneyPhoebeGlaciaDrakeStevenWallaceCynthiaAlderIrisDianthaLeonMustardPeonyNemona
Other manga Shigeru (Zensho)Satoshi (Zensho)Rald (Battle Frontier)

Hoenn League
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Steven Wallace

Non-player characters in the core series games
Kanto Professor OakMom (Kanto)Mom (LGPE)RedBlueGreenTraceDaisyOld manBillCelioMr. FujiSafari Zone WardenCopycatPrimoKoichi
Pokémon Fan Club ChairmanErik and SaraTealaMinaCalSteven StoneMayleneCameronMr. GameMorimoto
Team RocketGym guideGym LeadersElite FourProfessor's aidesMagikarp salesmanName RaterDay-Care PersonMr. Hyper
Hoenn Professor BirchMomMayBrendanWallyWandaSteven StoneWallaceScottMr. BrineyMr. StoneGabby and TyLanette
BrigetteProfessor CozmoPokémon Fan Club ChairmanRydelWinstrate familyCaptain SternTrick MasterTreasure HunterDock
ApprenticePokémon Center LadiesOld guysMr. BondingTealaAaruneLisiaZinniaLookerInverChazFossil ManiacKiriMemory Girl
Team AquaTeam MagmaGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsBattle ChatelainesGym guideName RaterDay-Care CoupleStats judge

Pokémon the Series characters
Protagonists Ash Ketchum (Pikachu) • Misty (Togetic) • BrockTracey SketchitMayMaxDawn (Piplup) • Iris (Haxorus) • CilanSerenaClemontBonnie (Dedenne) • LanaKiaweLillieSophoclesMallowRotom PokédexGoh (Grookey)
Rivals GaryRitchieHarrisonDrewHarleyMorrisonTysonSolidadPaulNandoZoeyKennyConwayBarryUrsulaTripBiancaBurgundyStephanGeorgiaCameronAriaAlainMietteTiernoShaunaTrevorNiniSawyerGladionHoracioHauLeonRaihanHoraceBeaLeague Conference participantsCoordinatorsPerformersWorld Coronation Series participants
Antagonists Jessie (Wobbuffet) • JamesMeowthGiovanniButchCassidyDr. NambaMatoriPierceDr. ZagerGozuTabithaMaxieShellyArchieHunter JSaturnCyrusMarsJupiterCharonColressAldithGhetsisBarretMalamarLysandreMableCelosiaAlianaXerosicBryonyTuppZippRappPlumeriaGuzmaVirenRoseOleana
Professors Professor OakProfessor IvyProfessor ElmProfessor BirchProfessor RowanProfessor CarolinaProfessor JuniperDr. FennelCedric JuniperProfessor SycamoreProfessor KukuiProfessor BurnetProfessor CeriseProfessor MagnoliaSoniaProfessor Amaranth
Relatives Delia KetchumDaisyVioletLilyJames's parentsFlintLolaForrestBrock's siblingsNormanCarolineJohannaChiliCressGraceMeyerLana's fatherLana's motherHarper and SarahRangoSimaMimoKiawe's grandfatherMohnLusamineGladionSophocles's parentsMolayneAbeMallow's motherUluWalkerCamilleHalta
Supporting Officer JennyNurse JoyMagikarp salesmanTodd SnapCharles GoodshowCaseyLizaSakuraLanceClairRaoul ContestaMr. SukizoSteven StoneVivian MeridianRobertScottLilian MeridianSolanaBrandonMarianYuzoRhondaCynthiaReggieAngieLookerIzzy and CaraLyraKhouryTobiasDon GeorgeElderAlderLukeFreddy O'MartianIngoEmmetJervisVirgilNAnthea and ConcordiaPorterAlexaSophieCosetteClembotSanpeiMairinAstridDianthaKorrinaGurkinnMonsieur PierrePalermoKeananMalvaSamson OakAnelaHobbesNinaAnnaLakiDanaYansuWickeFabaIlimaAcerolaDiaChloeChrysaRenParkerTaliaLeiDanikaQuillonHopGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsIsland kahunasMany temporary characters
Supporting Pokémon FearowHo-OhSquirtle SquadPink ButterfreeHaunterJigglypuffMewtwoMimeyLapras herdGranbullPichu BrothersLugiaSilverDelibirdWynautLarvitarKyogre and GroudonArticunoDeoxysLake guardiansForces of natureMeloettaReshiramSuper-ancient PokémonWooperFlorgesSquishyZ2Guardian deitiesBewearToucannon's flockStoutlandOranguruNebbyStuffulUltra BeastsGrandpa ForestNecrozmaLunalaShayminMewRotom PhonesPelipperThievul trioEternatusDrone RotomLegendary heroesLatiasRecurring wild Pokémon
See also: Pokémon Horizons characters

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.