Wide Guard (move): Difference between revisions

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Still needs to be chain bred when only using XY | Adding chain breeding from the other direction for Paras, since from Probopass is fewer steps in ORAS
RegalStar (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
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===Generation V===
===Generation V===
Wide Guard protects all Pokémon on the user's side of the field from damaging moves that target multiple Pokémon during that turn, even ones that also strike allies (even if used by an ally) such as {{m|Earthquake}} and {{m|Surf}}. Wide Guard cannot block [[status move]]s that target multiple Pokémon, such as {{m|Dark Void}} and {{m|Teeter Dance}}.
Wide Guard protects all Pokémon on the user's side of the field from damaging moves that target multiple Pokémon during that turn, even ones that also strike allies (even if used by an ally) such as {{m|Earthquake}} and {{m|Surf}}. Wide Guard cannot block [[status move]]s that target multiple Pokémon, such as {{m|Dark Void}} and {{m|Teeter Dance}}. Wide Guard will block these moves even in single battle.

Using Wide Guard, {{m|Quick Guard}}, {{m|Detect}}, {{m|Protect}}, or {{m|Endure}} consecutively decreases the chance of success by 50% for each successful use.
Using Wide Guard, {{m|Quick Guard}}, {{m|Detect}}, {{m|Protect}}, or {{m|Endure}} consecutively decreases the chance of success by 50% for each successful use.

Revision as of 00:25, 14 February 2016

Wide Guard
ワイドガード Wide Guard
File:Wide Guard.png
File:Wide Guard 2.png
Type  Rock
Category  Status
PP  10 (max. 16)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  +3
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by Mirror Move
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Your Party: Affects the user and all allies
Introduced  Generation V
Condition  Tough
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Condition  Tough
Appeal  0  
Condition  Tough
Appeal  1
Jamming  0  
Prevents the user from being startled until the turn ends.

Wide Guard (Japanese: ワイドガード Wide Guard) is a non-damaging Rock-type move introduced in Generation V.


Generation V

Wide Guard protects all Pokémon on the user's side of the field from damaging moves that target multiple Pokémon during that turn, even ones that also strike allies (even if used by an ally) such as Earthquake and Surf. Wide Guard cannot block status moves that target multiple Pokémon, such as Dark Void and Teeter Dance. Wide Guard will block these moves even in single battle.

Using Wide Guard, Quick Guard, Detect, Protect, or Endure consecutively decreases the chance of success by 50% for each successful use.

This move has +3 priority, so will be executed before most other moves.

Feint and Shadow Force lift the effect of Wide Guard when successfully used on an opponent's team.

Generation VI

Wide Guard can now be used consecutively without failing, although it still decreases the chance of success for Protect, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, and Spiky Shield.

Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, and Phantom Force will lift the effect of Wide Guard from the target's team when used successfully. Feint and Shadow Force now lift the effect of Wide Guard from all allies, if they hit an ally.


Games Description
The user and its allies are protected from wide-ranging attacks for one turn. If used in succession, its chances of failing rises.
The user and its allies are protected from wide-ranging attacks for one turn.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Type Level
068 Machamp Machamp Fighting Fighting 1 1
099 Kingler Kingler Water Water 1 1
106 Hitmonlee Hitmonlee Fighting Fighting 41 41
122 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic Fairy 1 1
226 Mantine Mantine Water Flying   23 23
237 Hitmontop Hitmontop Fighting Fighting 46 46
458 Mantyke Mantyke Water Flying   23 23
475 Gallade Gallade Psychic Fighting   23
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel   1
486 Regigigas Regigigas Normal Normal 40 40
538 Throh Throh Fighting Fighting 45 45
564 Tirtouga Tirtouga Water Rock 25 25
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock 25 25
594 Alomomola Alomomola Water Water 53 1, 53
620 Mienshao Mienshao Fighting Fighting 45 45
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Type Father
046 Paras Paras* Bug Grass   TurtwigDwebble
074 Geodude Geodude* Rock Ground   ProbopassDwebble
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl* Rock Flying   Wingull
226 Mantine Mantine Water Flying TirtougaCarracostaAlomomola MantineTirtougaCarracostaAlomomola MantineTirtougaCarracostaAlomomola
258 Mudkip Mudkip Water Water TirtougaCarracostaAlomomola MantineTirtougaCarracostaAlomomola MantineTirtougaCarracostaAlomomola
278 Wingull Wingull Water Flying   MantineTirtougaCarracostaAlomomola
296 Makuhita Makuhita Fighting Fighting MachampHitmonleeMr. MimeHitmontopThroh MachampHitmonleeMr. MimeHitmontopThroh
299 Nosepass Nosepass* Rock Rock   ProbopassDwebble
387 Turtwig Turtwig* Grass Grass Mudkip Mudkip
410 Shieldon Shieldon* Rock Steel Mudkip Mudkip
458 Mantyke Mantyke Water Flying TirtougaCarracostaAlomomola MantineTirtougaCarracostaAlomomola MantineTirtougaCarracostaAlomomola
524 Roggenrola Roggenrola* Rock Rock   ProbopassDwebble
532 Timburr Timburr Fighting Fighting MachampHitmonleeMr. MimeHitmontopThrohMienshao MachampHitmonleeMr. MimeHitmontopThrohMienshao
557 Dwebble Dwebble* Bug Rock   ParasProbopass
679 Honedge Honedge* Steel Ghost   ProbopassDwebble
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By event

Generation VI

#   Pokémon Type Obtained with
0681 681 Aegislash Steel Ghost 2014 World Championships Aegislash
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

In other generations

In other languages

Language Title
French Garde Large
German Rundumschutz
Greek ευρεία φρουρά
Italian Bodyguard
Korean 와이드가드 Wide Guard
Brazilian Portuguese Defesa Aberta
Spanish Vastaguardia

Variations of the move Quick Guard
Quick GuardWide GuardCrafty Shield

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.