{{Itemlist|None|sprite=Accessory Chimchar Mask Sprite|1F, from the lady to the left of the entrance, if the player started with {{p|Piplup}}|D=yes|P=yes|Pt=yes|display=[[Accessory|Chimchar Mask]]}}
{{Itemlist|None|sprite=Accessory Chimchar Mask Sprite|1F, from the lady to the left of the entrance, if the player started with {{p|Piplup}}|D=yes|P=yes|Pt=yes|display=[[Accessory|Chimchar Mask]]}}
{{Itemlist|None|sprite=Accessory Piplup Mask Sprite|1F, from the lady to the left of the entrance, if the player started with {{p|Turtwig}}|D=yes|P=yes|Pt=yes|display=[[Accessory|Piplup Mask]]}}
{{Itemlist|None|sprite=Accessory Piplup Mask Sprite|1F, from the lady to the left of the entrance, if the player started with {{p|Turtwig}}|D=yes|P=yes|Pt=yes|display=[[Accessory|Piplup Mask]]}}
{{Itemlist|Sticky Barb|5F, from a man standing right next to another man|D=yes|P=yes|Pt=yes|display={{DL|In-battle effect item|Sticky Barb}}}}
{{Itemlist|None|sprite=Dppt poketch {{#ifexpr: ({{#time: H}} mod 2) = 0|m|f}}|2F, from the downmost man behind the selling counter|D=yes|P=yes|Pt=yes|display={{DL|Pokétch|Counter}} app}}
{{Itemlist|Sticky Barb|5F, from the man standing in front of another man next to the escalator|D=yes|P=yes|Pt=yes|display={{DL|In-battle effect item|Sticky Barb}}}}
The Veilstone Department Store (Japanese: トバリデパートTobari Department Store) is a department store located in Veilstone City, west of the Pokémon Center. The store offers a wide variety of items on its five floors. A sign outside reads:
The basement is a new addition in Platinum Version. Three of the stalls sell items. One sells Poffins for Contest use, one sells Berries, and the other sells Lava Cookies. The Poffins are level 32 and have a smoothness rating of 20. Another stall in the top-right is supposed to sell Rage Candy Bars, but they are sold out. Professor Rowan can occasionally be found here hoping to buy Rage Candy Bars.