Trainers' School (Sinnoh): Difference between revisions

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==In the manga==
==In the manga==
[[File:Trainers School PMDP.png|thumb|200px|Trainers' School in Pocket Monsters DP]]
[[File:Trainers School PMDP.png|thumb|250px|Trainers' School in Pocket Monsters DP]]
===In the Pocket Monsters DP manga===
===In the Pocket Monsters DP manga===
The Trainers' School appeared in ''[[PMDP07|Entry into Trainers' School!]]'' of {{OBP|Pocket Monsters DP|Kosaku Anakubo}}. Unlike the games, it was not specified where it was located.
The Trainers' School appeared in ''[[PMDP07|Entry into Trainers' School!]]'' of {{OBP|Pocket Monsters DP|Kosaku Anakubo}}. Unlike the games, it was not specified where it was located.

Revision as of 07:32, 24 October 2017

Trainers' School トレーナーズスクール
Trainers' School
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Jubilife City
Region: Sinnoh
Generations: IV

Location of Trainers' School in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world locations
Inside the Trainers' School in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

The Trainers' School (Japanese: トレーナーズスクール Trainers' School) in Sinnoh is located in Jubilife City, east of the Global Trade Station and west of the Pokémon Center.

There are two adjoined rooms in the School. The kids in the left room have some basic information about the game of Pokémon. On the table is a notebook with notes on Trainers written inside. Status conditions and their effects are listed on the chalkboard at the back. In the room on the right, there are two School Kids on a blue carpet who will ask the player to battle. There is a reward for defeating them both.

In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, on the player's first visit to the School, Barry is situated at the back of the room, reading the chalkboard. Upon talking to him, the Parcel is delivered. Two Town Maps are found inside the Parcel, and Barry will give the player one.

A teacher from the school can be found in a hidden section in the northern section of Route 204 that can only be accessed by using Cut. She will give the player TM78 (Captivate) for finding her.


Item Location Games
Town Map Town Map Obtained from Barry after delivering the Parcel to him  D  P  Pt 
TM Normal TM10 (Hidden Power) Obtained from male School Kid after defeating both School Kids  D  P 
Potion Potion Obtained from male School Kid after defeating both School Kids  Pt 
X Attack X Attack In top left corner of the room  Pt 


Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Trainer Pokémon
School Kid Harrison
School Kid Harrison
ナオト Naoto
Reward: $120
Abra Abra Lv.6
No item
School Kid Christine
School Kid Christine
チサト Chisato
Reward: $120
Abra Abra Lv.6
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon Platinum

Trainer Pokémon
School Kid Harrison
School Kid Harrison
ナオト Naoto
Reward: $120
Starly Starly Lv.6
No item
School Kid Christine
School Kid Christine
チサト Chisato
Reward: $120
Bidoof Bidoof Lv.6
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

In the manga

Trainers' School in Pocket Monsters DP

In the Pocket Monsters DP manga

The Trainers' School appeared in Entry into Trainers' School! of Pocket Monsters DP. Unlike the games, it was not specified where it was located.

In other languages

Language Title
French Ecole Dresseurs
German Trainerschule
Italian Sc. Allenatori
Korean 트레이너스쿨 Trainers' School
Spanish Dojo PKMN

Twinleaf TownSandgem TownJubilife CityOreburgh CityFloaroma TownEterna CityHearthome City
Solaceon TownVeilstone CityPastoria CityCelestic TownCanalave CitySnowpoint CitySunyshore City
Pokémon LeagueFight AreaSurvival AreaResort Area
Lake Verity (Lakefront) • Oreburgh GateOreburgh MineOreburgh Mining MuseumGlobal Terminal/Global Wonder Station
Ravaged PathFloaroma MeadowValley WindworksEterna ForestOld ChateauUnderground/Grand Underground
Wayward CaveMount CoronetAmity SquareLost TowerHallowed TowerSolaceon RuinsManiac TunnelLake Valor (Lakefront)
Great MarshPokémon MansionTrophy GardenFuego IronworksIron IslandLake Acuity (Lakefront) • Spear PillarVictory Road
Pal Park/Ramanas ParkContest HallBattle ZoneBattle ParkBattle Tower/Battle FrontierStark MountainSnowpoint Temple
Spring PathSendoff SpringTurnback CaveFullmoon IslandNewmoon IslandSeabreak PathFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Access to
Distortion World
See also
This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.