Pokémon Tool card (TCG): Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Updated Japanese Tools through Fairy Rise
mNo edit summary
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{{Trainerlistbody|Metal Frying Pan (Ultra Force 63)|Metal Frying Pan|UR|Ultra Force|063/050}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Metal Frying Pan (Ultra Force 63)|Metal Frying Pan|UR|Ultra Force|063/050}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Choice Band (Forbidden Light 84)|Choice Band|U|Forbidden Light|084/094}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Choice Band (Forbidden Light 84)|Choice Band|U|Forbidden Light|084/094}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Dragon Claw (Dragon Storm 46)|Dragon Claw|C|Dragon Storm|046/053}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Dragon Talon (Dragon Storm 46)|Dragon Talon|C|Dragon Storm|046/053}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Dragon Claw (Dragon Storm 66)|Dragon Claw|UR|Dragon Storm|066/053}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Dragon Talon (Dragon Storm 66)|Dragon Talon|UR|Dragon Storm|066/053}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Choice Band (Sky-Splitting Charisma 86)|Choice Band|U|Sky-Splitting Charisma|086/096}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Choice Band (Sky-Splitting Charisma 86)|Choice Band|U|Sky-Splitting Charisma|086/096}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Hustle Belt (Sky-Splitting Charisma 87)|Hustle Belt|U|Sky-Splitting Charisma|087/096}}
{{Trainerlistbody|Hustle Belt (Sky-Splitting Charisma 87)|Hustle Belt|U|Sky-Splitting Charisma|087/096}}

Revision as of 18:40, 8 September 2018

Pokémon Tool cards were first released in Neo Genesis.

List of Pokémon Tool cards

English cards

Card Rarity Expansion Card no.
Focus Band Rare Neo Genesis 86/111
Gold Berry Uncommon Neo Genesis 93/111
Miracle Berry Uncommon Neo Genesis 94/111
Berry Common Neo Genesis 99/111
Balloon Berry Uncommon Neo Revelation 60/64
EXP.ALL Rare Neo Destiny 93/105
Counterattack Claws Uncommon Neo Destiny 97/105
Strength Charm Uncommon Expedition 150/165
Healing Berry Uncommon Aquapolis 125/147
Memory Berry Uncommon Aquapolis 128/147
Time Shard Uncommon Aquapolis 135/147
Crystal Shard Uncommon Skyridge 122/144
Star Piece Uncommon Skyridge 139/144
Lum Berry Uncommon EX Ruby & Sapphire 84/109
Oran Berry Uncommon EX Ruby & Sapphire 85/109
Balloon Berry Uncommon EX Dragon 82/97
Buffer Piece Uncommon EX Dragon 83/97
Strength Charm Uncommon EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua 74/95
Team Aqua Belt Uncommon EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua 76/95
Team Magma Belt Uncommon EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua 81/95
EXP.ALL Uncommon EX FireRed & LeafGreen 91/112
Balloon Berry Uncommon EX Deoxys 84/107
Crystal Shard Uncommon EX Deoxys 85/107
Strength Charm Uncommon EX Deoxys 92/107
Lum Berry Uncommon EX Emerald 78/106
Oran Berry Uncommon EX Emerald 80/106
Curse Powder Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 80/115
Energy Root Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 83/115
Fluffy Berry Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 85/115
Protective Orb Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 90/115
Sitrus Berry Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 91/115
Solid Rage Uncommon EX Unseen Forces 92/115
Cessation Crystal Uncommon EX Crystal Guardians 74/100
Crystal Shard Uncommon EX Crystal Guardians 76/100
Memory Berry Uncommon EX Crystal Guardians 80/100
Mysterious Shard Uncommon EX Crystal Guardians 81/100
Buffer Piece Uncommon EX Dragon Frontiers 72/101
Strength Charm Uncommon EX Dragon Frontiers 81/101
Amulet Coin Uncommon Great Encounters 97/106
Leftovers Uncommon Great Encounters 99/106
Bubble Coat Uncommon Legends Awakened 129/146
Energy Link Uncommon Stormfront 83/100
Memory Berry Uncommon Platinum 110/127
Team Galactic's Invention G-101 Energy Gain Uncommon Platinum 117/127
Bench Shield Uncommon Arceus 83/99
Buffer Piece Uncommon Arceus 84/99
Expert Belt Uncommon Arceus 87/99
Lucky Egg Uncommon Arceus 88/99
Eviolite Uncommon Noble Victories 91/101
Rocky Helmet Uncommon Noble Victories 94/101
Exp. Share Uncommon Next Destinies 87/99
Dark Claw Uncommon Dark Explorers 92/108
Giant Cape Uncommon Dragons Exalted 114/124
Rescue Scarf Uncommon Dragons Exalted 115/124
Exp. Share - Dragon Vault 18/20
Rocky Helmet Uncommon Boundaries Crossed 133/149
Crystal Edge Rare Ace Boundaries Crossed 138/149
Crystal Wall Rare Ace Boundaries Crossed 139/149
Rocky Helmet Rare Secret Boundaries Crossed 153/149
Eviolite Uncommon Plasma Storm 122/135
Victory Piece Rare Ace Plasma Storm 130/135
Float Stone Uncommon Plasma Freeze 99/116
Team Plasma Badge Uncommon Plasma Freeze 104/116
Life Dew Rare Ace Plasma Freeze 107/116
Rock Guard Rare Ace Plasma Freeze 108/116
Reversal Trigger Uncommon Plasma Blast 86/101
Silver Bangle Uncommon Plasma Blast 88/101
Silver Mirror Uncommon Plasma Blast 89/101
G Booster Rare Ace Plasma Blast 92/101
G Scope Rare Ace Plasma Blast 93/101
Hard Charm Uncommon XY 119/146
Muscle Band Uncommon XY 121/146
Protection Cube Uncommon Flashfire 95/106
Focus Sash Uncommon Furious Fists 91/111
Sparkling Robe Uncommon Furious Fists 99/111
Gengar Spirit Link Uncommon Phantom Forces 95/119
Head Ringer Rare Phantom Forces 97/119
Jamming Net Rare Phantom Forces 98/119
Manectric Spirit Link Uncommon Phantom Forces 100/119
Trick Coin Uncommon Phantom Forces 108/119
Aggron Spirit Link Uncommon Primal Clash 123/160
Exp. Share Uncommon Primal Clash 128/160
Gardevoir Spirit Link Uncommon Primal Clash 130/160
Groudon Spirit Link Uncommon Primal Clash 131/160
Kyogre Spirit Link Uncommon Primal Clash 132/160
Weakness Policy Uncommon Primal Clash 142/160
Weakness Policy Rare Secret Primal Clash 164/160
Gallade Spirit Link Uncommon Roaring Skies 83/108
Healing Scarf Uncommon Roaring Skies 84/108
Latios Spirit Link Uncommon Roaring Skies 85/108
Rayquaza Spirit Link Uncommon Roaring Skies 87/108
Wide Lens Uncommon Roaring Skies 95/108
Ampharos Spirit Link Uncommon Ancient Origins 70/98
Lucky Helmet Uncommon Ancient Origins 77/98
Sceptile Spirit Link Uncommon Ancient Origins 80/98
Tyranitar Spirit Link Uncommon Ancient Origins 81/98
Assault Vest Uncommon BREAKthrough 133/162
Float Stone Uncommon BREAKthrough 137/162
Glalie Spirit Link Uncommon BREAKthrough 139/162
Heavy Boots Uncommon BREAKthrough 141/162
Houndoom Spirit Link Uncommon BREAKthrough 142/162
Mewtwo Spirit Link Uncommon BREAKthrough 144/162
Bursting Balloon Uncommon BREAKpoint 97/122
Fighting Fury Belt Uncommon BREAKpoint 99/122
Gyarados Spirit Link Uncommon BREAKpoint 101/122
Scizor Spirit Link Uncommon BREAKpoint 111/122
Aerodactyl Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY99
Mawile Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY105
Alakazam Spirit Link Uncommon Fates Collide 90/124
Altaria Spirit Link Uncommon Fates Collide 91/124
Audino Spirit Link Uncommon Fates Collide 92/124
Bent Spoon Uncommon Fates Collide 93/124
Energy Pouch Uncommon Fates Collide 97/124
Power Memory Uncommon Fates Collide 108/124
Gardevoir Spirit Link Uncommon Steam Siege 101/114
Steelix Spirit Link Uncommon Steam Siege 106/114
Beedrill Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY159
Blastoise Spirit Link Uncommon Evolutions 73/108
Charizard Spirit Link Uncommon Evolutions 75/108
Pidgeot Spirit Link Uncommon Evolutions 81/108
Slowbro Spirit Link Uncommon Evolutions 86/108
Venusaur Spirit Link Uncommon Evolutions 89/108
Garchomp Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY169
Salamence Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY172
Exp. Share Uncommon Sun & Moon 118/149
Poison Barb Uncommon Sun & Moon 124/149
Camerupt Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY199
Sharpedo Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY201
Lucario Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos XY211
Choice Band Uncommon Guardians Rising 121/145
Bodybuilding Dumbbells Uncommon Burning Shadows 113/147
Weakness Policy Uncommon Burning Shadows 126/147
Wishful Baton Uncommon Burning Shadows 128/147
Bodybuilding Dumbbells Rare Secret Burning Shadows 161/147
Choice Band Rare Secret Burning Shadows 162/147
Dashing Pouch Uncommon Crimson Invasion 92/111
Fighting Memory Uncommon Crimson Invasion 94/111
Psychic Memory Uncommon Crimson Invasion 98/111
Wishful Baton Rare Secret Crimson Invasion 121/111
Ancient Crystal Uncommon Ultra Prism 118/156
Electric Memory Uncommon Ultra Prism 121/156
Escape Board Uncommon Ultra Prism 122/156
Fire Memory Uncommon Ultra Prism 123/156
Escape Board Rare Secret Ultra Prism 167/156
Metal Frying Pan Uncommon Forbidden Light 112/131
Metal Frying Pan Rare Secret Forbidden Light 144/131
Hustle Belt Uncommon Celestial Storm 134/168
Hustle Belt Rare Secret Celestial Storm 179/168

Japanese Cards

Card Rarity Expansion Card no.
Berry Common Gold, Silver, to a New World... -
Gold Berry Uncommon Gold, Silver, to a New World... -
Miracle Berry Uncommon Gold, Silver, to a New World... -
Focus Band Rare Gold, Silver, to a New World... -
Balloon Berry Uncommon Awakening Legends -
Counterattack Claws Uncommon Darkness, and to Light... -
EXP. ALL Rare Darkness, and to Light... -
Strength Charm Uncommon Base Expansion Pack 056/128
Memory Berry Uncommon Wind from the Sea 080/087
Healing Berry Uncommon Wind from the Sea 081/087
Time Shard Uncommon Wind from the Sea 082/087
Crystal Shard Uncommon Split Earth 081/088
Star Piece Uncommon Split Earth 082/088
Oran Berry Uncommon ADV Expansion Pack 055/055
Balloon Berry Uncommon Rulers of the Heavens 053/054
Buffer Piece Uncommon Rulers of the Heavens 054/054
Strength Charm Uncommon Magma VS Aqua: Two Ambitions 069/080
EXP. ALL Uncommon Flight of Legends 081/082
Crystal Shard Uncommon Clash of the Blue Sky 077/082
Solid Rage Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 099/106
Sitrus Berry Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 100/106
Energy Root Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 101/106
Curse Powder Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 102/106
Fluffy Berry Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 103/106
Protective Orb Uncommon Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 104/106
Memory Berry Uncommon Miracle Crystal 069/075
Mysterious Shard Uncommon Miracle Crystal 070/075
Crystal Shard Uncommon Miracle Crystal 071/075
Cessation Crystal Uncommon Miracle Crystal 072/075
Strength Charm Uncommon Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends 066/068
Amulet Coin Uncommon Moonlit Pursuit -
Leftovers Uncommon Dawn Dash -
Energy Link Uncommon Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky 086/092
Memory Berry Uncommon Galactic's Conquest 087/096
Team Galactic's Invention G-101 Energy Gain Uncommon Galactic's Conquest 088/096
Lucky Egg Uncommon Advent of Arceus 084/090
Expert Belt Uncommon Advent of Arceus 085/090
Bench Shield Uncommon Advent of Arceus 086/090
Rocky Helmet U Red Collection 064/066
Eviolite U Red Collection 065/066
Exp. Share U Psycho Drive 050/052
Dark Claw U Dark Rush 067/069
Rescue Scarf U Dragon Blast 049/050
Giant Cape U Dragon Blade 049/050
Crystal Wall R Freeze Bolt 059/059
Rocky Helmet UR Freeze Bolt 065/059
Crystal Edge R Cold Flare 059/059
Victory Piece R Plasma Gale 070/070
Rock Guard R Spiral Force 050/051
Float Stone U Thunder Knuckle 048/051
Life Dew R Thunder Knuckle 050/051
Silver Bangle U Megalo Cannon 068/076
Silver Mirror U Megalo Cannon 069/076
Reversal Trigger U Megalo Cannon 070/076
G Scope R Megalo Cannon 074/076
G Booster R Megalo Cannon 075/076
Muscle Band U Collection X 057/060
Hard Charm U Collection Y 057/060
Protection Cube U Wild Blaze 076/080
Sparkling Robe U Rising Fist 087/096
Focus Sash U Rising Fist 088/096
Manectric Spirit Link U Phantom Gate 081/088
Jamming Net R Phantom Gate 082/088
Head Ringer R Phantom Gate 083/088
Weakness Policy U Gaia Volcano 063/070
Groudon Spirit Link U Gaia Volcano 064/070
Aggron Spirit Link U Gaia Volcano 065/070
Weakness Policy UR Gaia Volcano 080/070
Exp. Share U Tidal Storm 063/070
Kyogre Spirit Link U Tidal Storm 064/070
Gardevoir Spirit Link U Tidal Storm 065/070
Wide Lens U Emerald Break 072/078
Gallade Spirit Link U Emerald Break 073/078
Latios Spirit Link U Emerald Break 074/078
Lucky Helmet U Bandit Ring 072/081
Sceptile Spirit Link U Bandit Ring 073/081
Ampharos Spirit Link U Bandit Ring 074/081
Tyranitar Spirit Link U Bandit Ring 075/081
Float Stone U Blue Shock 054/059
Glalie Spirit Link U Blue Shock 055/059
Mewtwo Spirit Link U Blue Shock 056/059
Assault Vest U Red Flash 055/059
Houndoom Spirit Link U Red Flash 056/059
Mewtwo Spirit Link U Red Flash 057/059
Bursting Balloon U Rage of the Broken Heavens 073/080
Fighting Fury Belt U Rage of the Broken Heavens 074/080
Gyarados Spirit Link U Rage of the Broken Heavens 075/080
Scizor Spirit Link U Rage of the Broken Heavens 076/080
Energy Pouch U Awakening Psychic King 072/078
Twisted Spoon U Awakening Psychic King 073/078
Altaria Spirit Link U Awakening Psychic King 074/078
Alakazam Spirit Link U Awakening Psychic King 075/078
Steelix Spirit Link U Fever-Burst Fighter 052/054
Gardevoir Spirit Link U Cruel Traitor 052/054
Blastoise Spirit Link U Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary 080/087
Pidgeot Spirit Link U Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary 081/087
Venusaur Spirit Link U Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary 082/087
Charizard Spirit Link U Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary 083/087
Exp. Share U Collection Sun 057/060
Poison Barb U Collection Moon 057/060
Choice Band - Strength Expansion Pack Sun & Moon 049/051
Weakness Policy - Facing a New Trial 045/049
Wishful Baton - Facing a New Trial 046/049
Choice Band UR Facing a New Trial 064/049
Hard Charm - The Best of XY 122/171
Focus Sash - The Best of XY 123/171
Bursting Balloon - The Best of XY 124/171
Muscle Band - The Best of XY 125/171
Fighting Fury Belt - The Best of XY 126/171
Power Memory - The Best of XY 127/171
Gardevoir Spirit Link - The Best of XY 128/171
Sharpedo Spirit Link - The Best of XY 129/171
Sceptile Spirit Link - The Best of XY 130/171
Camerupt Spirit Link - The Best of XY 131/171
Alakazam Spirit Link - The Best of XY 132/171
Mewtwo Spirit Link - The Best of XY 133/171
Manectric Spirit Link - The Best of XY 134/171
Lucario Spirit Link - The Best of XY 135/171
Rayquaza Spirit Link - The Best of XY 136/171
Bodybuilding Dumbbells U To Have Seen the Battle Rainbow 048/051
Bodybuilding Dumbbells UR To Have Seen the Battle Rainbow 063/051
Psychic Memory U Awakened Heroes 048/050
Fighting Memory U Awakened Heroes 049/050
Dashing Pouch U Ultradimensional Beasts 046/050
Wishful Baton UR Ultradimensional Beasts 060/050
Electric Memory - GX Battle Boost 099/114
Ancient Crystal - GX Battle Boost 100/114
Choice Band - GX Battle Boost 101/114
Fire Memory - GX Battle Boost 102/114
Escape Board U Ultra Moon 060/066
Escape Board UR Ultra Moon 077/066
Metal Frying Pan - Ultra Force 042/050
Choice Band - Ultra Force 043/050
Metal Frying Pan UR Ultra Force 063/050
Choice Band U Forbidden Light 084/094
Dragon Talon C Dragon Storm 046/053
Dragon Talon UR Dragon Storm 066/053
Choice Band U Sky-Splitting Charisma 086/096
Hustle Belt U Sky-Splitting Charisma 087/096
Hustle Belt UR Sky-Splitting Charisma 112/096
Counter Gain U Thunderclap Spark 053/060
Choice Band U Thunderclap Spark 054/060
Counter Gain UR Thunderclap Spark 073/060
Spell Tag U Fairy Rise 044/050
Fairy Charm P U Fairy Rise 045/050
Fairy Charm F U Fairy Rise 046/050
Fairy Charm D U Fairy Rise 047/050
Spell Tag UR Fairy Rise 063/050

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.