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====By [[Level|leveling up]]====
{{Learnlist /MoveNA |Bagon|Dragon|Dragon|3}}
{{learnlist/level7|13|Dragon Breath|Dragon|Special|60|100|20||'''}}
{{learnlist/level7|21|Focus Energy|Normal|Status|—|—|30}}
{{learnlist/level7|29|Dragon Claw|Dragon|Physical|80|100|15||'''}}
{{learnlist/level7|34|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Physical|80|90|15}}
{{learnlist/level7|39|Scary Face|Normal|Status|—|100|10}}
====By [[TM]]/[[HM]]====
{{learnlist/tm7|TM02|Dragon Claw|Dragon|Physical|80|100|15||'''}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM10|Hidden Power|Normal|Special|60|100|15}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM11|Sunny Day|Fire|Status|—|—|5}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM18|Rain Dance|Water|Status|—|—|5}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM31|Brick Break|Fighting|Physical|75|100|15}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM32|Double Team|Normal|Status|—|—|15}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM38|Fire Blast|Fire|Special|110|85|5}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM39|Rock Tomb|Rock|Physical|60|95|15}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM40|Aerial Ace|Flying|Physical|60|—|20||''}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM65|Shadow Claw|Ghost|Physical|70|100|15}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM80|Rock Slide|Rock|Physical|75|90|10}}
{{learnlist/tm7|TM88|Sleep Talk|Normal|Status|—|—|10}}
====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|004|Charmander}}{{MSP|005|Charmeleon}}{{MSP|006|Charizard}}{{MSP|372|Shelgon}}{{MSP|373|Salamence}}|Defense Curl|Normal|Status|—|—|40|‡|}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|116|Horsea}}{{MSP|117|Seadra}}{{MSP|130|Gyarados}}{{MSP|147|Dratini}}{{MSP|148|Dragonair}}{{MSP|149|Dragonite}}<br>{{MSP|230|Kingdra}}{{MSP|334|Altaria}}{{MSP|610|Axew}}{{MSP|611|Fraxure}}{{MSP|612|Haxorus}}{{MSP|782|Jangmo-o}}<br>{{MSP|783|Hakamo-o}}{{MSP|784|Kommo-o}}|Dragon Dance|Dragon|Status|—|—|20||}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|116|Horsea}}{{MSP|117|Seadra}}{{MSP|230|Kingdra}}{{MSP|333|Swablu}}{{MSP|334|Altaria}}{{MSP|610|Axew}}<br>{{MSP|611|Fraxure}}{{MSP|612|Haxorus}}{{MSP|633|Deino}}{{MSP|634|Zweilous}}{{MSP|635|Hydreigon}}{{MSP|690|Skrelp}}<br>{{MSP|691|Dragalge}}{{MSP|704|Goomy}}{{MSP|705|Sliggoo}}{{MSP|706|Goodra}}{{MSP|757|Salandit}}{{MSP|776|Turtonator}}<br>{{MSP|780|Drampa}}|Dragon Pulse|Dragon|Special|85|100|10||'''}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|004|Charmander}}{{MSP|005|Charmeleon}}{{MSP|006|Charizard}}{{MSP|130|Gyarados}}{{MSP|147|Dratini}}{{MSP|148|Dragonair}}<br>{{MSP|149|Dragonite}}{{MSP|443|Gible}}{{MSP|444|Gabite}}{{MSP|445|Garchomp}}{{MSP|610|Axew}}{{MSP|611|Fraxure}}<br>{{MSP|612|Haxorus}}{{MSP|621|Druddigon}}{{MSP|633|Deino}}{{MSP|634|Zweilous}}{{MSP|635|Hydreigon}}{{MSP|757|Salandit}}<br>{{MSP|780|Drampa}}|Dragon Rage|Dragon|Special|—|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|147|Dratini}}{{MSP|148|Dragonair}}{{MSP|149|Dragonite}}{{MSP|443|Gible}}{{MSP|444|Gabite}}{{MSP|445|Garchomp}}<br>{{MSP|633|Deino}}{{MSP|634|Zweilous}}{{MSP|635|Hydreigon}}|Dragon Rush|Dragon|Physical|100|75|10||'''}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|004|Charmander}}{{MSP|005|Charmeleon}}{{MSP|006|Charizard}}{{MSP|024|Arbok}}{{MSP|373|Salamence}}{{MSP|445|Garchomp}}|Fire Fang|Fire|Physical|65|95|15||}}
{{learnlist/breed7|{{MSP|116|Horsea}}{{MSP|117|Seadra}}{{MSP|130|Gyarados}}{{MSP|230|Kingdra}}{{MSP|350|Milotic}}{{MSP|690|Skrelp}}<br>{{MSP|691|Dragalge}}|Hydro Pump|Water|Special|110|80|5||}}
====By [[Move Tutor|tutoring]]====
{{learnlist/tutor7|Draco Meteor|Dragon|Special|130|90|5||'''|yes|yes}}
{{learnlist/tutor7|Dragon Pulse|Dragon|Special|85|100|10||'''|no|yes}}
{{learnlist/tutor7|Hyper Voice|Normal|Special|90|100|10|||no|yes}}
{{learnlist/tutor7|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Physical|80|90|15|||no|yes}}
===={{Trading Card Game}}-only moves====
===={{Trading Card Game}}-only moves====
Bagon (Japanese : タツベイ Tatsubay ) is a Dragon-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III .
It evolves into Shelgon starting at level 30, which evolves into Salamence starting at level 50.
Bagon is a bipedal, blue, reptilian Pokémon vaguely resembling Pachycephalosaurus . It possesses a large, round snout, triangular eyes, yellow, circular ears similar to reptiles, and a yellow lower jaw with two teeth protruding upwards. Three thick, gray ridges cover the top of its head, and continue downwards to cover its neck as well. There is a triangular patch of yellow on its underside. It has stubby, digit-less arms and short legs with two toes on each foot.
Bagon lives in rough terrains with cliffs and rocks. It longs to fly and jumps off cliffs trying to be able to do so. Frustrated at its inability to fly, it leaps off cliffs and smashes its head against large rocks. This process of continually bashing its head causes it to become as hard as steel. Well-developed neck muscles support its hard head. This, combined with its powerful body, allows it to shatter rocks with its head.
In the anime
Bagon in the anime
File:Karabari Bagon.png Shiny Bagon in the anime
Major appearances
Bagon debuted in Let Bagons be Bagons , under the ownership of Michelle . Throughout the episode, it tried to learn how to fly. It eventually evolved into a Shelgon .
In Pinch Healing , a Bagon was under the care of a Poké-Sitter named Matt . When it saw some Butterfree and a Fearow , it wanted to fly , much like the above Bagon. Ash and Matt were left to go find it when it wandered off while trying to learn how to fly. It eventually fell into a stream, where it was attacked by a school of Carvanha . After being rescued, Bagon was found to have a fever and was sent to the Pokémon Center, where it eventually healed.
In Tag! We're It...! , a Trainer used their Bagon in the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition . It fought alongside a Yanma against Brock's Sudowoodo and Holly 's Wingull , but they were defeated.
In A Fashionable Battle! , Sawyer used his Bagon in a Gym battle against Valerie , where it took on Spritzee but was defeated. In Rivals: Today and Tomorrow! , it was used in a battle against Ash and was defeated by Hawlucha . It evolved into Shelgon sometime before A Meeting of Two Journeys! , and then into Salamence sometime before Analysis Versus Passion! .
Minor appearances
A Bagon appeared in the opening sequence of Destiny Deoxys .
A Coordinator 's Bagon appeared in Deceit and Assist .
In New Plot, Odd Lot! , a Bagon was seen with a Coordinator competing in the Mulberry Contest .
A Bagon was hypnotized and kidnapped by Team Rocket in Not on MY Watch Ya Don't! .
A Coordinator's Bagon appeared in Settling a Not-So-Old Score! .
A Bagon appeared in The Keystone Pops! .
A Bagon appeared at the Pokémon Summer Academy in Camping It Up! .
A Trainer's Bagon appeared in I Choose Paradise! .
A Trainer's Bagon appeared in Battling Besties! and Exhibition Unmasked! .
In JN014 , Karabari showed off his Shiny Bagon in his Pokédex.
Pokédex entries
Ash's Pokédex
Bagon the Rock Head Pokémon. Bagon bashes itself against large rocks, until its head eventually grows as hard as steel.
May's Pokédex
Bagon, the Rock Head Pokémon. Bagon dreams of being able to fly through the air. When frustrated from not flying, Bagon uses its head to smash rocks into powder.
Ash's Pokédex
Bagon, the Rock Head Pokémon. Because Bagon dreams of being able to fly, it regularly practices by leaping from cliffs.
In the manga
Bagon in Pokémon Adventures
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
In No Armaldo Is an Island , Bagon appeared as one of the many Pokémon that grunts of Team Magma and Team Aqua sent out in the Seafloor Cavern .
Drake 's Shelgon was shown as a Bagon in a flashback in Omega Alpha Adventure 14 .
In the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga
A Bagon appeared in Pocket Monsters XY .
In the TCG
Main article: Bagon (TCG)
Game data
NPC Appearances
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Generation III
Hoenn #187
Kanto #—
Bagon has a dream of one day soaring in the sky. In doomed efforts to fly, this Pokémon hurls itself off cliffs. As a result of its dives, its head has grown tough and as hard as tempered steel.
Bagon harbors a never-ending dream of one day soaring high among the clouds. As if trying to dispel its frustration over its inability to fly, this Pokémon slams its hard head against huge rocks and shatters them into pebbles.
Although it is small, this Pokémon is very powerful because its body is a bundle of muscles. It launches head-butts with its ironlike skull.
Its steel-hard head can shatter boulders. It longingly hopes for wings to grow so it can fly .
Generation V
Unova #—
Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day.
Black 2
Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day.
White 2
Generation VI
Kalos Coastal #014
Hoenn #196
Its well-developed neck muscles and ironlike head can smash boulders into pieces.
Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day.
Omega Ruby
Bagon has a dream of one day soaring in the sky. In doomed efforts to fly, this Pokémon hurls itself off cliffs. As a result of its dives, its head has grown tough and as hard as tempered steel.
Alpha Sapphire
Bagon harbors a never-ending dream of one day soaring high among the clouds. As if trying to dispel its frustration over its inability to fly, this Pokémon slams its hard head against huge rocks and shatters them into pebbles.
Generation VII
Alola S M : #117
Alola US UM : #147
Kanto #—
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! .
Its belief that it will be able to fly one day is apparently the influence of information carried in its genes.
With its steel-hard stone head, it headbutts indiscriminately. This is because of the stress it feels at being unable to fly.
Ultra Sun
Whenever it sees bird Pokémon flying through the sky, it becomes envious and smashes its surroundings to bits with headbutts.
Ultra Moon
Some theories suggest that its behavior of forcefully bashing its head into things stimulates cells that affect its evolution.
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
In side games
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
In events
Held items
Base stats
At Lv. 50
At Lv. 100
105 - 152
200 - 294
72 - 139
139 - 273
58 - 123
112 - 240
40 - 101
76 - 196
31 - 90
58 - 174
49 - 112
94 - 218
Other Pokémon with this total
Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature .
Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs , IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature .
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation IX, this Pokémon is:
This Pokémon is unavailable within Generation VIII . Click on the generation numbers above to see Bagon's learnsets from other generations.
TCG -only moves
Side game data
Pokémon Ranger
Poké Assist:
Field move:
(Tackle ×1)
Loops: 5
Min. exp.: 0
Max. exp.: 0
Browser entry R-165
Bagon doles out head butts with its hard skull. It can move a small obstacle.
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Bagon is based on a dragon , but possibly draws some aspects from Pachycephalosaurus , a species of two-legged dinosaur known for their domed heads.
Name origin
Bagon may be a combination of baby and dragon .
Tatsubay may be a combination of 竜 tatsu (dragon) and baby .
In other languages
タツベイ Tatsubay
From 竜 tatsu (dragon) and baby
From dragon and baby
Same as English name
From Kind and Lindwurm
Same as English name
아공이 Agongi
From 아기 Agi and 공룡 gongryong , with 이 i
Mandarin Chinese
寶貝龍 Bǎo Bèi Lóng
Literally "Baby/darling dragon"
Cantonese Chinese
寶貝龍 Bǎo Bèi Lóng
Literally "Baby/darling dragon"
More languages
बेगॉन Bagon
Transliteration of English name
ทัทซึเบ Tatsubay
Transcription of trademarked Japanese name
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex , a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.