Appendix:Platinum walkthrough/Section 8: Difference between revisions

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==Route 207==
==Solaceon Town==
[[File:Sinnoh Route 207 Pt.png|right|thumb|275px|Route 207]]
[[File:Solaceon Town Pt.png|right|thumb|275px|Solaceon Town]]
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! Available Pokémon
! Items
{{itemlist|Persim Berry|Next to the Poké Mart|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Nanab Berry III|Next to the Poké Mart|Pt=yes|display=[[Nanab Berry]] ×2}}
{{itemlist|Figy Berry|Next to the Poké Mart|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Poké Ball|Resident in the center of the town|Pt=yes|display={{DL|Pokétch|Pokémon History}}}}
{{itemlist|Seal Case|Woman in the far eastern house|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|None|sprite=201{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 28}}|1=B|2=C|3=D|4=E|5=F|6=G|7=H|8=I|9=J|10=K|11=L|12=M|13=N|14=O|15=P|16=Q|17=R|18=S|19=T|20=U|21=V|22=W|23=X|24=Y|25=Z|26=EX|27=QU}}MS|Small boy in the far eastern house for showing the respective {{p|Unown}}|Pt=yes|display={{DL|Seal|Alphabet Seals}}}}
{{itemlist|None|sprite=EggMS|Man in the [[Pokémon Day Care]]|Pt=yes|display={{DL|Pokétch|Day Care Checker}}}}
{{itemlist|PP Up|On the second to last ledge on the eastern side of town|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Big Mushroom|On a tree in the far north-east corner of the town ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes}}
When you first arrive at [[Solaceon Town]], you'll have a quick encounter with {{ga|Barry}} who will mention [[Seals]] and the [[Solaceon Ruins]]. A man on the left side of the path north to [[Route 210]] will give you the [[Pokétch]] app [[Pokétch|Pokémon History]].
[[File:Solaceon Town Day Care Center Pt.png|left|thumb|180px|Pokémon Day Care]]
If you travel east along the northern border of Solaceon Town, you will see three sets of ledges to jump down. Take the middle one, then jump down the next two and you will arrive at the house of the seal woman who will give you the [[Seal Case]], and her son, who will hand over an alphabet Seal for each corresponding {{p|Unown}} you show him (including ? and !).
===Day Care===
Most notably in [[Solaceon Town]] is the [[Pokémon Day Care]] in the northwest corner of the town. You can deposit up to two Pokémon that you want to be trained by talking to the Day-Care Lady. It will cost {{PDollar}}100 as a starting fee and {{PDollar}}100 more for each level the Pokémon gains. The Pokémon deposited gain one [[Experience|exp. point]] per step you walk, however they won't grow to be as strong as Pokémon raised to an equivalent level solely through battling. When you deposit a Pokémon into the Day Care for the first time, a man will appear at the table inside. When spoken to, he will give you the [[Pokétch]] app [[Pokétch|Day Care Checker]]. This is where you can [[Pokémon breeding|breed]] Pokémon by depositing two of the same [[Egg Group]].
===Pokémon News Press===
Next to the [[Pokémon Center]] is  the [[Pokémon News Press]]. One of the men inside asks the player each day to show him a different Pokémon the player has already seen or caught (because of this the Pokémon he wants to see is often simple to obtain), awarding Poké Balls if the request is granted. A player who accomplishes this task within 24 hours will be rewarded with three of any type of [[Poké Ball]], except for [[Master Ball]]s, [[Premier Ball]]s, [[Cherish Ball]]s, [[Safari Ball]]s, and [[Park Ball]]s. He will also award a [[Heart Scale]] along with them.
When you're done visiting Solaceon Town, head back to the three ledges and take the final set of ledges down into the [[Solaceon Ruins]].
==Solaceon Ruins==
[[File:Solaceon Ruins exterior Pt.png|right|thumb|180px|Solaceon Ruins exterior]]
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! Trainers
! Trainers
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Camper.png|Camper|Anthony|352|1|390|Chimchar|♂|22|None}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Picnicker.png|Picnicker|Lauren|352|1|417|Pachirisu||22|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Ruin Maniac.png|Ruin Maniac|Karl|1104|3|074|Geodude|♂|19|None|074|Geodude|♂|21|None|436|Bronzor|-|23|None|36=フユキ|37=Fuyuki}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Hiker.png|Hiker|Justin|640|2|074|Geodude||20|None|299|Nosepass||20|None}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Youngster.png|Youngster|Austin|336|3|404|Luxio||18|None|418|Buizel||18|None|207|Gligar||21|None}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{platinum color}}; {{roundy|10px}}; border: 5px solid #{{platinum color light}};"
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{{trainerentry|Spr DP Hiker.png|Hiker|Kevin|608|4|074|Geodude||17|None|074|Geodude||19|None|074|Geodude||17|None|095|Onix||19|None}}
! Available Pokémon
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Battle Girl.png|Battle Girl|Helen|336|2|066|Machop||21|None|307|Meditite||21|None|38=Vs. Seeker}}
{{catch/div|cave|Second big room}}
{{catch/div|cave|Third big room}}
{{catch/div|cave|Fourth big room}}
{{catch/div|cave|Fifth big room}}
{{catch/div|cave|Sixth big room}}
{{catch/div|cave|Seventh big room}}
{{catch/div|cave|Dead-end rooms}}
{{catch/div|cave|Room through {{color2|000000|Maniac Tunnel}}}}
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! Items
! Items
{{itemlist|Poké Ball|
* Northwestern corner of the tall grass
{{itemlist|Fire Stone|On the rock in the dead-end down the first top left stairwell. (''Hidden'')|Pt=yes}}
* Northeastern corner of the tall grass ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes|display={{i|Poké Ball}} ×2}}
{{itemlist|Water Stone|On the rock in the dead-end down the top right, bottom left, and then bottom left stairwells. (''Hidden'')|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Oran Berry|Berry patch in the northwest corner|Pt=yes|display=[[Oran Berry]] x2}}
{{itemlist|Thunder Stone|On the rock in the dead-end down the top right, bottom left, top right, top left, and then bottom right stairwells. (''Hidden'')|Pt=yes|display=[[Thunder Stone|Thunderstone]]}}
{{Itemlist|Cheri Berry|Berry patch in the northwest corner|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Nugget|In the final room.|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Bluk Berry|Berry patch in the northwest corner|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Mind Plate|In the final room.|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Super Potion|Between two air vents in the northern part of the route|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Odd Incense|In the final room.|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Dowsing MCHN|Obtained from {{ga|Dawn}}/{{ga|Lucas}} near entrance to Mount Coronet.|Pt=yes|display={{DL|Pokétch|Dowsing Machine}}|sprite=Bag Dowsing MCHN IV Sprite}}  
{{itemlist|HM Flying|In the final room.|Pt=yes|display={{HM|05|Defog}}}}
{{Itemlist|Vs. Seeker|Obtained from {{ga|Dawn}}/{{ga|Lucas}} near entrance to Mount Coronet|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Green Shard|Given by the man in the second room after showing {{HM|05|Defog}}.|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Great Ball|Near where the {{DL|Pokétch|Dowsing Machine}} is obtained ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Rare Candy|On the raised platform, in a corner, to the west of {{tc|Hiker}} Kevin ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes}}
* The terrace on the southern end of the wooden bridge
* To the north of {{tc|Battle Girl}} Helen, in the middle of a square area, just below the entrance to Mt. Coronet, left of the stairs ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes|display=[[Revive]] ×2}}

Now that you have a [[Bicycle]], you can enter {{rt|207|Sinnoh}} from [[Oreburgh City]] or {{rt|206|Sinnoh}}. Take the narrow path directly south of the [[Honey Tree]] to find a slew of items and trainers. As you try to enter [[Mt. Coronet]]'s south entrance, at the eastern end of the route, Dawn/Lucas will appear and give you the [[Vs. Seeker]] and the {{DL|Dowsing Machine|Generation IV|Dowsing Machine}} app for your Pokétch. Proceed into Mt. Coronet.
East of the town are the [[Solaceon Ruins]]. You will be able to catch all 28 forms of {{p|Unown}} here, and this is also the location of the HM for {{m|Defog}}. Right now, you will only be able to find 26 of these forms and by catching them, the [[Maniac Tunnel]] on {{rt|214|Sinnoh}} will expand. When you have collected all 26, you can travel through the Maniac Tunnel to access the hidden second floor where the last two Unown forms (? and !) are. Make sure to encounter at least one wild Unown since no Trainer uses an Unown and you need it to complete your Sinnoh Dex.

==Mt. Coronet (south)==
Twenty of the Unown can be found in the dead-end rooms, and since not all of them can be randomly found in the same room, you will have to do some exploring. The remaining six forms are located in all the main hallways, excluding the entrance, and only one form can be found in each hallway.
[[File:Mt Coronet 1F south Pt.png|left|thumb|180px|Mt. Coronet]]
If you have trouble reading the inscription at the north end of the entrance hallway, it says: <br>
'''<sc>Top right'''<br>
'''Lower left'''<br>
'''Top right'''<br>
'''Top left'''<br>
'''Top left'''<br>
'''Lower left</sc>'''<br>
Follow the corresponding stairways to find a room with {{HM|05|Defog}}, the [[Mind Plate]], and the [[Odd Incense]] (for producing a {{p|Mime Jr.}} egg when breeding a {{p|Mr. Mime}}). Once Defog is in your possession, your mission here should be complete. A [[Fire Stone]], [[Water Stone]], and [[Thunder Stone|Thunderstone]] are hidden in the boulders in three of the dead end rooms.
==Lost Tower (optional)==
[[File:Lost Tower DPPt.png|right|thumb|180px|Lost Tower exterior]]
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! Trainers
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Youngster.png|Youngster|Oliver|336|3|414|Mothim|♂|20|None|441|Chatot|♂|21|None|339|Barboach|♂|19|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Roughneck.png|Roughneck|Kirby|552|1|173|Cleffa|♀|23|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Pokéfan M.png|Pokéfan|Leonard|1408|3|172|Pichu|♂|19|Sitrus Berry|025|Pikachu|♂|22|Sitrus Berry|172|Pichu|♂|19|Sitrus Berry}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Pokéfan F.png|Pokéfan|Rebekah|1472|1|438|Bonsly|♀|23|Sitrus Berry}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Belle and Pa.png|Belle & Pa|Beth & Bob|2576|2|077|Ponyta|♂|23|None|077|Ponyta|♂|23|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Young Couple.png|Young Couple|Mike & Nat|2944|2|198|Murkrow|♂|23|None|200|Misdreavus|♂|23|None}}
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! Available Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
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! 1F-2F
{{catch/entry4|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Old|3-15|all=100%|type1=Water}}
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! Items
! 3F
{{Itemlist|Energy Powder|On a rock just above the entrance from Route 207 ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes|display=[[Energy Powder|EnergyPowder]]}}
{{Itemlist|Revive|In the south-west corner ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Stardust|On a rock on the large hill in the center ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes}}
In [[Mt. Coronet]], you'll find [[Cyrus]] ranting about perfecting the world before leaving. Collect all the items you can, and simply walk to the other side of this small section of Mt. Coronet, then out of the exit to {{rt|208|Sinnoh}}. You won't be able to do anything important here until much later in the game.
==Route 208==
[[File:Sinnoh Route 208 Pt.png|thumb|370px|Route 208]]
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! Available Pokémon
! 4F
{{catch/entry4|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Old|3-15|all=100%|type1=Water}}
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! Trainers
! 5F
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Hiker.png|Hiker|Jonathan|704|1|095|Onix|♂|22|None|36=アツオ|37=Atsuo}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Black Belt.png|Black Belt|Kyle|552|1|066|Machop|♂|23|None|36=ゴウタ|37=Gōta}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Hiker.png|Hiker|Robert|704|1|299|Nosepass||22|None|36=イツクニ|37=Itsukuni}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Aroma Lady.png|Aroma Lady|Hannah|704|2|315|Roselia|♀|18|None|415|Combee||22|None|36=テイコ|37=Teiko}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Artist.png|Artist|William|960|2|439|Mime Jr.||20|None|438|Bonsly|♂|20|36=モトフミ|37=Motofumi|38=Vs. Seeker}}
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! Items
! Items
{{Itemlist|Great Ball|South (down the stairs) of Black Belt Kyle.|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Ether|Ledge on the eastern side of the waterfall (requires {{m|Rock Smash}})|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Honey|Second Floor, directly south of the entrance, last gravestone (''Hidden'')|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Tiny Mushroom|Near the [[Honey Tree]] ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes|display=[[Tiny Mushroom|TinyMushroom]]}}
{{itemlist|Oval Stone|Second Floor, directly north of Youngster Oliver|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Odd Keystone|{{tc|Black Belt}} near the [[Honey Tree]]|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Revive|Third Floor, to the west of Roughneck Kirby, in the southwest corner|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Nanab Berry III|Patch of soil next to the [[Berry Master]]'s house|Pt=yes|display=[[Nanab Berry]] x2}}
{{itemlist|TM Normal|Fourth Floor, south side of the floor|Pt=yes|display={{TM|27|Return}}}}
{{Itemlist|Razz Berry III|Patch of soil next to the [[Berry Master]]'s house|Pt=yes|display=[[Razz Berry]] x2}}
{{itemlist|Great Ball|Fourth Floor, south-west corner. (''Hidden'')|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Bluk Berry|Patch of soil next to the [[Berry Master]]'s house|Pt=yes|display=[[Bluk Berry]] x2}}
{{itemlist|Cleanse Tag|Top Floor; Obtained from old woman on right (requires {{m|Defog}})|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Pinap Berry|Patch of soil next to the [[Berry Master]]'s house|Pt=yes|display=[[Pinap Berry]] x2}}
{{itemlist|Spell Tag|Top Floor; Obtained from old woman on left. (requires {{m|Defog}})|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|none|Little girl in the [[Berry Master]]'s house on the easternmost side of the route.|Pt=yes|display={{DL|Pokétch|Berry Searcher}}}}

There are many Trainers to battle on {{rt|208|Sinnoh}}, however two of them cannot be fought until much later in the game, when you have the necessary HMs. Go across the first section of the bridge, make a quick detour north to grab a Great Ball, then continue east down the stairs, and through the tall grass, and you will be at the entrance of [[Hearthome City]].
The [[Lost Tower]] is a five-floor building on {{rt|209|Sinnoh}}. While the first two floors are easy to navigate, on the last three you will need HM05 to remove the thick fog. If you come here during the {{DL|Time|Generation IV|night}}, you can find wild {{p|Duskull}}. Once you reach 5F, talk to both of the elderly ladies to receive the [[Cleanse Tag]] and [[Spell Tag]].  

Also on this Route is the [[Berry Master#Generation IV|Berry Master's house]]. Each day, he will give you a fresh [[Berry]]. You may also get the Berry Searcher Pokétch app that shows where there are Berries ready to pick. His wife sells [[Mulch]], which affects the growth of Berries.
Once you've left the Lost Tower, return north to Solaceon Town and heal up for the journey ahead, then go north to {{rt|210|Sinnoh}}.

==Route 210 (south)==
[[File:Sinnoh Route 210 Pt.png|thumb|left|250px|Route 210]]
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! Mulch
! Trainers
|{{shop|[[Berry Master]]'s wife}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Growth Mulch|200}}|{{shopitem|Damp Mulch|200}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Stable Mulch|200}}|{{shopitem|Gooey Mulch|200}}}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Jogger.png|Jogger|Wyatt|768|1|025|Pikachu|♂|24|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Rancher.png|Rancher|Marco|960|1|077|Ponyta|♂|24|None|38=Vs. Seeker}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Belle and Pa.png|Belle & Pa|Ava & Matt<br><small>Double Battle</small>|2688|2|077|Ponyta|♂|24|None|078|Rapidash|♂|24|None|}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Twins.png|Twins|Teri & Tia<br><small>Double Battle</small>|736|2|025|Pikachu|♀|23|None|035|Clefairy|♀|23|None|38=Vs. Seeker}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Pokémon Breeder M.png|Pokémon Breeder|Kahlil|1104|2|239|Elekid|♂|23|None|440|Happiny|♀|23|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Pokémon Breeder F.png|Pokémon Breeder|Amber|1104|2|240|Magby|♂|23|None|175|Togepi|♂|23|None}}
==Hearthome City==
[[File:Hearthome City Pt.png|right|thumb|275px|Hearthome City]]
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! Items
! Available Pokémon
{{Itemlist|Shell Bell|Given by a woman in the Pokémon Hotel|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|none|sprite=Accessory Glitter Powder Sprite|Given by [[Keira]] in the [[Super Contest Hall]]|Pt=yes|display={{DL|Accessory|Massage accessories|Glitter Powder}}}}
{{Itemlist|none|Given by [[Johanna]] in the [[Super Contest Hall]]|Pt=yes|display=Tuxedo/Dress}}
{{Itemlist|Big Mushroom|Near the Amity Square West Gate, on the outside of the town fence line ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Poffin Case|Given by the Fan Club Chairman in the [[Pokémon Fan Club]]|Pt=yes}}
On arriving at [[Hearthome City]], a lost {{p|Buneary}} will run into you, shortly followed by [[Keira|its Trainer]], who will thank you for catching her Buneary, and suggest that you visit the [[Super Contest Hall]] (the large building near the [[Hearthome Gym]]). Once you get there, you'll find her talking to your [[Johanna|mom]]. They will both talk to you about [[Super Contest]]s, and leave. Go to the front desk and talk to the woman dressed in purple. She will reveal herself as [[Fantina]], this city's [[Gym Leader]], and return to the Gym where you will be able to challenge her.
After that, you can take a look around the city. Next to the [[Pokémon Center]] is [[Bebe]]'s house, where [[Sinnoh]]'s administrator of the [[Pokémon Storage System|PC box system]] lives. If you talk to her and have a spare slot in your party, she'll hand over an {{p|Eevee}}. If you're into [[Pokémon breeding]], consider saving your game before you receive the Eevee, since there is an only a 12.5% chance it will be a female and otherwise, you'll have to wait until you have the National Dex to find a {{p|Ditto}} or another Eevee.
{| style="margin: auto;"
{{catch/div|road|Gift Pokémon}}
East of the [[Poké Mart]] is the [[Pokémon Fan Club]]. Go inside and talk to the man with the hat inside. After listening to his rambles, he will give you the [[Poffin Case]], which is essential for making [[Poffin]]s. Poffins can be made in the building west of the Poké Mart, known as the [[Poffin House]]. Near the [[Poffin House]] is [[Mr. Goods]]. Although he claims he can't remember who he is or his real name, he has dedicated himself to seeking rarities. He gives [[goods]] to {{pkmn|Trainer}}s once they have met certain requirements. These items can be placed in the Trainer's [[Secret Base]] located in [[The Underground]].
Next to the [[Pokémon Fan Club]] is the Pokémon Hotel. If you go to the second floor and talk to the woman with the {{p|Clefairy}}, she will give you a [[Shell Bell]], which heals the user by 1/8 of its max HP when it inflicts damage.
===Amity Square===
[[File:Amity Square Pt.png|thumb|right|275px|Amity Square]]
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! Items
! Items
{{Itemlist|TM Normal|On the rock in the middle of the island|Pt=yes|display={{TM|43|Secret Power}}}}
{{Itemlist|TM Normal|Near the warp in the middle center north of the lake|Pt=yes|display={{TM|45|Attract}}}}
{{Itemlist|Aspear Berry|Berry patch southeast of hill|Pt=yes|display=[[Aspear Berry]] x2}}
{{Itemlist|Spooky Plate|On a ledge reachable by going in the first hut from the East entrance, and warping in the east warp three times|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Razz Berry III|Berry patch southeast of hill|Pt=yes|display=[[Razz Berry]]}}
{{Itemlist|Amulet Coin|Behind the bench, all the way north from the East entrance|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Pinap Berry|Berry patch southeast of hill|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|TM Flying|Given by the girl on the hill south-west of the [[Honey Tree]]|Pt=yes|display={{TM|51|Roost}}}}
{{itemlist|Rare Candy|Hidden in the center of the grassy patch left of the Honey Tree below the [[Café Cabin]]|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Super Repel|North of Pokémon Breeder Kahlil|Pt=yes}}

At the northwest and northeast of the city are the entrances to [[Amity Square]], where you can find some [[Accessory|Accessories]], an [[Amulet Coin]], {{TM|43|Secret Power}}, and {{TM|45|Attract}}, but you'll need to make a trip from each entrance to get all the items. Keep in mind that you'll need a "cute" Pokémon to enter - your starter in any of its evolutionary forms will work. Additionally, each hut contains three teleporters that can warp you to a different hut. To access them, enter the hut but stop on the tile just inside the entrance. Take a step forward, right, or left to access the hidden teleporters. It is the only way to access the area where you can obtain the [[Spooky Plate]]. A chubby man in overalls goes around Amity Square every day. To reach him, players must go through the east gate and use the teleporters. When found, he will give the player five [[Berry|Berries]] or one [[Accessory]].
Head into the left hand patch of grass on {{rt|210|Sinnoh}} and up the western muddy ramp, and continue north past the Twins and jump over the ledge. Head back south along the path between the two grassy areas, east along the hill and then north to find a woman looking out over a Honey Tree and the Cafe Cabin. Speak to her, and she'll hand over {{TM|51|Roost}}. Backtrack to the top of the path between the grass, and enter the [[Café Cabin]].

==Hearthome Gym==
===Café Cabin===
[[File:Hearthome Gym Pt.png|thumb|right|275px|Hearthome City Gym]]
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Once you're done exploring the town, head to the [[Hearthome Gym]], located in the northeast corner of the city. The Gym leader, [[Fantina]], uses {{type|Ghost}} Pokémon, which are weak to {{t|Dark}}- and {{t|Ghost}}-type moves. Ghost-types are also immune to {{t|Normal}}- and {{t|Fighting}}-type moves, but Normal-type Pokémon are immune to Ghost-type moves in return. The gym's structure is two darkened rooms each with a maze of {{p|Duskull}} lamps. Although you're given a flashlight at the entrance, it's still easy to see everything on the screen. The goal of the puzzle is to find a blue tile, note down the shape on it, then go to the door that has the same pattern. If you pick the wrong door, you'll find yourself back at the beginning (note that if you leave the gym and reenter, the symbol on the blue tile is randomized, so it probably won't be the same). After the second maze, you'll find Fantina - challenge her to a battle to earn the {{badge|Relic}}.
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! Hearthome Gym <br> [[File:Relic Badge.png|35px|The Relic Badge]] <br>
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|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
! Trainers
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Youngster.png|Youngster|Donny|352|2|092|Gastly|♂|20|None|425|Drifloon|♂|22|None|36=テルヤ|37=Teruya}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Waitress.png|Waitress|Kati|800|1|035|Clefairy|♀|25|None|36=アンナ|37=Anna}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Lass.png|Lass|Molly|368|1|200|Misdreavus|♀|23|None|36=ナミエ|37=Namie}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Collector.png|Collector|Edwin|1600|1|446|Munchlax|♂|25|None|36=ミキオ|37=Mikio}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP School Kid M.png|School Kid|Chance|460|1|092|Gastly|♂|23|None|36=ガクト|37=Gakuto}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Collector.png|Collector|Fernando|1600|1|214|Heracross|♂|25|None|36=アキオ|37=Akio}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP School Kid F.png|School Kid|Mackenzie|420|2|425|Drifloon|♀|21|None|425|Drifloon|♀|21|None|36=ユミカ|37=Yumika}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Ace Trainer M 1.png|Ace Trainer|Allen|1440|3|092|Gastly|♂|21|None|092|Gastly|♂|22|None|093|Haunter|♂|24|None|36=レイト|37=Reito}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Ace Trainer F 1.png|Ace Trainer|Catherine|1440|2|093|Haunter|♀|23|None|200|Misdreavus|♀|24|None|36=ユウカ|37=Yūka}}
|color={{ghost color}}
|headcolor={{ghost color light}}
|bordercolor={{ghost color dark}}
|sprite=Spr Pt Fantina.png
|location=Hearthome Gym
|move2=Shadow Sneak|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Future Sight|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Special
|move1=Confuse Ray|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Status
|move2=Shadow Claw|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Physical
|move4=Sucker Punch|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}}
|held=Sitrus Berry
|move1=Confuse Ray|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Status
|move3=Shadow Ball|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Special
|move4=Magical Leaf|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Special}}
Typically of Ghost-types, Fantina's Pokémon are all pain to deal with, particularly her {{p|Mismagius}}. If you chose {{p|Turtwig}} as your starter or have added a {{p|Shinx}} to your team, their jaws should be able to {{m|Bite}} through Fatina's team with little problem. Her {{p|Duskull}} has high defense stats and may take a few hits to take down. It has {{m|Will-O-Wisp}} to [[burn]] and halve the Attack stat of an affected Pokémon, making it lose 1/8 of its HP each turn. Apply [[Burn Heal]]s right away. It also has {{m|Pursuit}} and {{m|Shadow Sneak}}, Pursuit doing more damage if you try to [[Recall|switch out]] and Shadow Sneak [[Priority|always going first]], like {{m|Quick Attack}}. {{m|Future Sight}} will do damage to any Pokémon, regardless of type, after two turns. Do not forget Future Sight, as it could take you out just as you think you're winning and have low HP. Contrary to he Duskull, her {{p|Haunter}} has very high Special Attack and Speed, but has no Special based attacks, and has quite low defenses. It has {{m|Shadow Claw}}, a Ghost type attack with a high critical hit ratio, and {{m|Sucker Punch}}, which will strike before you for 80 power, but only works if you are attacking that turn. Like Duskull, Haunter's role is annoyance, and it will disrupt you with {{m|Confuse Ray}} before going in for {{m|Hypnosis}} to set you up for Fantina's Mismagius. Mismagius comes packing the powerful move {{m|Shadow Ball}}, a Ghost-type attack that synergises with Mismagius' high Sp. Atk. Not good! It also has {{m|Psybeam}} and {{m|Magical Leaf}} backing it up, with Confuse Ray to disrupt as well. {{p|Staravia}} would do well here as it is immune to Shadow Ball and its typing halves the damage from Magical Leaf.
Once Fantina is defeated, she gives you the Relic Badge and {{tm|65|Shadow Claw}}. You can also use {{m|Defog}} outside of battle, which will come in handy later on {{rt|210|Sinnoh}}.

==Route 209==
In the [[Café Cabin]], there are a number of Trainers to battle, and you can buy one bottle of [[Moomoo Milk]] (which restores a Pokémon's HP by 100 points) for {{PDollar}}500 or {{PDollar}}6000 for a case of 12. Since a group of [[Psyduck]] are blocking access to the northern section of Route 210, head east instead to {{rt|215|Sinnoh}} instead.
Having earned your Relic Badge, you've now done everything there is to do in Hearthome. It's time for to move east to {{rt|209|Sinnoh}}, however before leaving, consider purchasing [[Great Ball]]s from the [[Poké Mart]] - they have a 50% higher catch rate than regular Poké Balls. Make sure your team is fully healed, because as you enter the Gate that separates Hearthome City from Route 209, you'll encounter {{ga|Barry}}, who will challenge you to another battle.
{| align="center"
! {{MS|387|Turtwig (Pokémon)}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Turtwig}}:
! {{MS|390|Chimchar (Pokémon)}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chimchar}}:
! {{MS|393|Piplup (Pokémon)}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Piplup}}:
|sprite=Spr Pt Barry.png
|class={{PK}}{{MN}} Trainer
|classlink=Pokémon Trainer
|name={{color2|000|Barry (game)|Barry}}
|location=Sinnoh Route 209
|locationname=Route 209
|move1=Double Team|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status
|move2=Wing Attack|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|ability=Swift Swim
|move1=Water Gun|move1type=Water|move1cat=Special
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|ability=Natural Cure
|move1=Stun Spore|move1type=Grass|move1cat=Status
|move2=Mega Drain|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special
|move3=Poison Sting|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Leech Seed|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Status}}
|move1=Mach Punch|move1type=Fighting|move1cat=Physical
|move3=Flame Wheel|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Fury Swipes|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|sprite=Spr Pt Barry.png
|class={{PK}}{{MN}} Trainer
|classlink=Pokémon Trainer
|name={{color2|000|Barry (game)|Barry}}
|location=Sinnoh Route 209
|locationname=Route 209
|move1=Double Team|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status
|move2=Wing Attack|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|ability=Run Away
|move4=Tail Whip|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|ability=Natural Cure
|move1=Stun Spore|move1type=Grass|move1cat=Status
|move2=Mega Drain|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special
|move3=Poison Sting|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Leech Seed|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Metal Claw|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
|sprite=Spr Pt Barry.png
|class={{PK}}{{MN}} Trainer
|classlink=Pokémon Trainer
|name={{color2|000|Barry (game)|Barry}}
|location=Sinnoh Route 209
|locationname=Route 209
|move1=Double Team|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status
|move2=Wing Attack|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|ability=Swift Swim
|move1=Water Gun|move1type=Water|move1cat=Special
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|ability=Run Away
|move4=Tail Whip|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|move2=Razor Leaf|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Physical
This time around he'll have two new Pokémon that represent the types of the [[Starter Pokémon]] that he didn't pick at the beginning of the game. Additionally both his starter Pokémon and his {{p|Starly}} have evolved into their second forms. He shouldn't be that tough if you have a well leveled team, since your selection of Pokémon is much greater than it was last time.
[[File:Sinnoh Route 209 Pt.png|right|thumb|275px|Route 209]]

==Route 215==
[[File:Sinnoh Route 215 Pt.png|right|thumb|275px|Route 215]]
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|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
! Available Pokémon
| {{Catch/header|land}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Pokémon Breeder M.png|Pokémon Breeder|Albert|960|4|406|Budew||20|None|133|Eevee||20|None|438|Bonsly|♂|20|None|172|Pichu|♂|20|38=Vs. Seeker}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Jogger.png|Jogger|Richard<br><small>({{DL|Time|Morning 2|Morning}} only)</small>|736|1|404|Luxio||23|None}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Twins.png|Twins|Emma & Lil|704|2|438|Bonsly|♀|22|None|439|Mime Jr.||22|None}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Poké Kid.png|Poké Kid|Danielle|176|1|172|Pichu||22|38=Vs. Seeker}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Jogger.png|Jogger|Raul<br><small>({{DL|Time|Morning 2|Morning}} only)</small>|736|1|397|Staravia||23|None}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Pokémon Breeder F.png|Pokémon Breeder|Jennifer|960|4|406|Budew||20|None|173|Cleffa||20|None|133|Eevee||20|None|439|Mime Jr.||20|38=Vs. Seeker}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Cowgirl.png|Cowgirl|Shelley|368|1|077|Ponyta||23|None}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Young Couple.png|Young Couple|Ty & Sue|2944|2|427|Buneary||23|None|418|Buizel|♂|23|None}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{platinum color}}; {{roundy|10px}}; border: 5px solid #{{platinum color light}};"
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|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
! Trainers
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Ruin Maniac.png|Ruin Maniac|Calvin|1104|2|436|Bronzor|-|23|None|410|Shieldon||23|None|36=イサジ|37=Isaji}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Jogger.png|Jogger|Craig|768|2|404|Luxio|♂|22|None|404|Luxio||24|None|36=スバル|37=Subaru|38=Vs. Seeker}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Black Belt.png|Black Belt|Derek|624|1|453|Croagunk||26|None|36=ケンサク|37=Kensaku}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Black Belt.png|Black Belt|Gregory|552|3|066|Machop||23|None|066|Machop||23|None|066|Machop||23|None|36=ヨウスケ|37=Yōsuke}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Black Belt.png|Black Belt|Nathaniel|576|3|453|Croagunk||21|None|066|Machop||24|None|307|Meditite||24|None|36=グンジ|37=Gunji}}
{{Catch/entry4|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Old|3-15|all=100%|type1=Water}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Jogger.png|Jogger|Scott|800|1|397|Staravia||25|None|36=マサヤ|37=Masaya}}
{{Catch/entry4|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-25|all=65%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry4|118|Goldeen|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-25|all=35%|type1=Water}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Ace Trainer M 1.png|Ace Trainer|Dennis|1500|3|207|Gligar|♂|24|None|426|Drifblim||25|None|418|Buizel||24|None|36=カツマサ|37=Katsumasa|38=Vs. Seeker}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Ace Trainer F 1.png|Ace Trainer|Maya|1500|3|315|Roselia||24|None|280|Ralts||24|None|108|Lickitung||25|None|36=エリナ|37=Erina|38=Vs. Seeker}}
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Line 551: Line 332:
! Items
! Items
{{itemlist|Max Ether|Just past the first bridge|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Good Rod|{{tc|Fisherman}} by [[Hearthome City]] entrance.|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|TM Dark|Given by the {{tc|Black Belt}} before the second bridge|Pt=yes|display={{TM|66|Payback}}}}
{{Itemlist|Great Ball|Northeast corner of tall grass by [[Hearthome City]] gate.|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Revive|In center of the elevation between bridges two and three ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Great Ball|In the center of the patch of grass just outside the [[Hearthome City]] gate. (''Hidden'')|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Fist Plate|Just past {{tc|Black Belt}} Gregory (Requires {{HM|01|Cut}})|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Super Repel|Right in front of the first tree west of {{tc|Twins}} Emma & Lil. (''Hidden'')|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Pecha Berry|Berry patch south of {{tc|Black Belt}} Gregory (requires {{m|Cut}})|Pt=yes|display=[[Pecha Berry]] x2}}
{{Itemlist|Chesto Berry|Patch of soil northwest of Jogger Richard||Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Bluk Berry|Berry patch south of {{tc|Black Belt}} Gregory (requires {{m|Cut}})|Pt=yes|display=[[Bluk Berry]] x2}}
{{Itemlist|Leppa Berry|Patch of soil northwest of Jogger Richard||Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Hyper Potion|Across the fourth bridge, south of first Berry patch|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Hyper Potion|Due east (across the south bridge) of {{tc|Poké Kid}} Danielle.|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|HP Up|Northeast corner of the largest grass patch|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Revive|Just southwest of the Honey Tree near {{tc|Pokémon Breeder}} Jennifer. (''Hidden'')|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Ultra Ball|At the south end of the largest grass patch ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Ether|In the middle of the Pit near the Honey Tree.|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|TM Electric|South of the largest grass patch (Requires {{HM|01|Cut}})|Pt=yes|display={{TM|34|Shock Wave}}}}
{{Itemlist|Razz Berry III|Patch of soil next to the first pit with the mudslide||Pt=yes|display=[[Razz Berry]] x2}}
{{Itemlist|Iron|At large trodden area after Jogger Scott ''(hidden)''|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Stardust|On the rock in the first pit with the mudslide (''Hidden'')|Pt=yes}}
{{itemlist|Full Heal|Below the ledge past Jogger Scott|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Calcium|In between trees to the north of the northernmost mudslide pit.|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Wiki Berry|Berry patch east of {{tc|Ace Trainer}} Maya|Pt=yes}}
{{Itemlist|TM Steel|In between trees south of the [[Lost Tower]] (requires {{m|Cut}}).|Pt=yes|display={{TM|47|Steel Wing}}}}
{{Itemlist|Mago Berry|Berry patch east of {{tc|Ace Trainer}} Maya|Pt=yes}}

From the entrance, go east, then north to travel directly to [[Solaceon Town]], collecting any items that are of interest to you. On this route, there is the Broken Tower, which becomes the [[Hallowed Tower]] when an [[Odd Keystone]] (available from a Black Belt on {{rt|208|Sinnoh}}, hidden in [[Twinleaf Town]], or mineable in [[the Underground]]) is placed in it. After speaking to 32 people in the Underground, a [[level]] 25 {{p|Spiritomb}} will appear to battle you. You will pass the [[Lost Tower]] near the end of the route, but you will need to get {{hm|05|Defog}} first for dealing with the [[fog]] on the higher floors. Fortunately, HM05 is available not far from here, so pass it by for now. Follow the path north to reach [[Solaceon Town]].
{{rt|215|Sinnoh}} is packed with Trainers and items, and the constant [[rain]]fall boosts the power of {{type|Water}} moves by 50% (and decreases the power of {{type|Fire}} moves by 50%), so this is a good place to train Water-type Pokémon. Bring a Pokémon that knows [[Cut]] - it will make travel significantly easier and will allow you to collect all the items on your way to [[Veilstone City]]. Head east a short distance, then circle around anticlockwise up and across the first bridge. Follow the path until you reach the third bridge, make a detour to fight the {{tc|Black Belt}} to its south, then Cut your way through to another Black Belt to collect the [[Fist Plate]] and jump over the ledge. Use Cut on the tree below the next hill to harvest some Berries, then head up the hill, detour south across the fourth and final bridge. Follow the path onward collecting all the items that are of interest, making sure to Cut your way through to {{tm|34|Shock Wave}} just below the largest grassy patch.

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prevname=Route 206 to Wayward Cave |
prevname=Mt. Coronet to Route 209|
nextname=Solaceon Town to Route 215|
nextname=Veilstone City to Maniac Tunnel

Revision as of 19:46, 29 January 2021

Solaceon Town

Solaceon Town

When you first arrive at Solaceon Town, you'll have a quick encounter with Barry who will mention Seals and the Solaceon Ruins. A man on the left side of the path north to Route 210 will give you the Pokétch app Pokémon History.

Pokémon Day Care

If you travel east along the northern border of Solaceon Town, you will see three sets of ledges to jump down. Take the middle one, then jump down the next two and you will arrive at the house of the seal woman who will give you the Seal Case, and her son, who will hand over an alphabet Seal for each corresponding Unown you show him (including ? and !).

Day Care

Most notably in Solaceon Town is the Pokémon Day Care in the northwest corner of the town. You can deposit up to two Pokémon that you want to be trained by talking to the Day-Care Lady. It will cost $100 as a starting fee and $100 more for each level the Pokémon gains. The Pokémon deposited gain one exp. point per step you walk, however they won't grow to be as strong as Pokémon raised to an equivalent level solely through battling. When you deposit a Pokémon into the Day Care for the first time, a man will appear at the table inside. When spoken to, he will give you the Pokétch app Day Care Checker. This is where you can breed Pokémon by depositing two of the same Egg Group.

Pokémon News Press

Next to the Pokémon Center is the Pokémon News Press. One of the men inside asks the player each day to show him a different Pokémon the player has already seen or caught (because of this the Pokémon he wants to see is often simple to obtain), awarding Poké Balls if the request is granted. A player who accomplishes this task within 24 hours will be rewarded with three of any type of Poké Ball, except for Master Balls, Premier Balls, Cherish Balls, Safari Balls, and Park Balls. He will also award a Heart Scale along with them.

When you're done visiting Solaceon Town, head back to the three ledges and take the final set of ledges down into the Solaceon Ruins.

Solaceon Ruins

Solaceon Ruins exterior

East of the town are the Solaceon Ruins. You will be able to catch all 28 forms of Unown here, and this is also the location of the HM for Defog. Right now, you will only be able to find 26 of these forms and by catching them, the Maniac Tunnel on Route 214 will expand. When you have collected all 26, you can travel through the Maniac Tunnel to access the hidden second floor where the last two Unown forms (? and !) are. Make sure to encounter at least one wild Unown since no Trainer uses an Unown and you need it to complete your Sinnoh Dex.

Twenty of the Unown can be found in the dead-end rooms, and since not all of them can be randomly found in the same room, you will have to do some exploring. The remaining six forms are located in all the main hallways, excluding the entrance, and only one form can be found in each hallway.

If you have trouble reading the inscription at the north end of the entrance hallway, it says:
Top right
Lower left
Top right
Top left
Top left
Lower left

Follow the corresponding stairways to find a room with HM05 (Defog), the Mind Plate, and the Odd Incense (for producing a Mime Jr. egg when breeding a Mr. Mime). Once Defog is in your possession, your mission here should be complete. A Fire Stone, Water Stone, and Thunderstone are hidden in the boulders in three of the dead end rooms.

Lost Tower (optional)

Lost Tower exterior

The Lost Tower is a five-floor building on Route 209. While the first two floors are easy to navigate, on the last three you will need HM05 to remove the thick fog. If you come here during the night, you can find wild Duskull. Once you reach 5F, talk to both of the elderly ladies to receive the Cleanse Tag and Spell Tag.

Once you've left the Lost Tower, return north to Solaceon Town and heal up for the journey ahead, then go north to Route 210.

Route 210 (south)

Route 210

Head into the left hand patch of grass on Route 210 and up the western muddy ramp, and continue north past the Twins and jump over the ledge. Head back south along the path between the two grassy areas, east along the hill and then north to find a woman looking out over a Honey Tree and the Cafe Cabin. Speak to her, and she'll hand over TM51 (Roost). Backtrack to the top of the path between the grass, and enter the Café Cabin.

Café Cabin

In the Café Cabin, there are a number of Trainers to battle, and you can buy one bottle of Moomoo Milk (which restores a Pokémon's HP by 100 points) for $500 or $6000 for a case of 12. Since a group of Psyduck are blocking access to the northern section of Route 210, head east instead to Route 215 instead.

Route 215

Route 215

Route 215 is packed with Trainers and items, and the constant rainfall boosts the power of Water-type moves by 50% (and decreases the power of Fire-type moves by 50%), so this is a good place to train Water-type Pokémon. Bring a Pokémon that knows Cut - it will make travel significantly easier and will allow you to collect all the items on your way to Veilstone City. Head east a short distance, then circle around anticlockwise up and across the first bridge. Follow the path until you reach the third bridge, make a detour to fight the Black Belt to its south, then Cut your way through to another Black Belt to collect the Fist Plate and jump over the ledge. Use Cut on the tree below the next hill to harvest some Berries, then head up the hill, detour south across the fourth and final bridge. Follow the path onward collecting all the items that are of interest, making sure to Cut your way through to TM34 (Shock Wave) just below the largest grassy patch.

← Part 7 Mt. Coronet to Route 209
Veilstone City to Maniac Tunnel Part 9 →