m replaced: ===In the GOTCHA! music video=== → ===GOTCHA!===, ===In the main series=== → ===Main series===, ===In the Pocket Monsters BW: The Heroes of Fire and Thunder manga=== → ===Pocket Monsters BW: The Heroes of Fire and Thunder===, ===In the...
Haxorus's tusks may draw inspiration from {{wp|Dicynodont}}s, tusked {{wp|synapsid}}s with thick hides from the {{wp|Permian}} era, most likely ''{{wp|Placerias}}''. Its tusks also resemble {{wp|battle axe}} blades.
Haxorus's tusks may draw inspiration from {{wp|Dicynodont}}s, tusked {{wp|synapsid}}s with thick hides from the {{wp|Permian}} era, most likely ''{{wp|Placerias}}''. Its tusks also resemble {{wp|battle axe}} blades.
Haxorus was designed by [[Mana Ibe]], along with the rest of it's evolutionary line.
Haxorus is a bipedal Pokémon with a dark, yellow-green covering on its back and most of the front. It has black skin covering its torso, tail tip, and thighs, as well as red talons and claws. Its large tusks, which resemble scythes, are black and edged in red, and are located on its upper jaw on the side of its mouth. These tusks, which can cut steel beams, are unbreakable. Its medium-sized eyes are red with black pupils. Ridged plate-like skin travels from its back to its head region. It has solid armor and the legs and tail have a dividing line pattern. Its arms are quite small, with three digits with two elliptical triceps and biceps and circular elbows. Its hands are small and circular with small red claws. Its legs are formidable and strong with three-toed feet with a red talon on each toe. Despite its austere appearance, it is generally friendly, but it is very territorial.
Haxorus, the Axe Jaw Pokémon and Axew's final evolved form. Haxorus is normally considered friendly. Its body is covered with a tough armor, and its tusks cannot be broken.
According to an interview with Ken Sugimori published in Nintendo Dream, Haxorus was one of the first Unova Pokémon to be designed. It was designed while Pokémon Platinum was still in development, at a time when the development of Pokémon Black and White had barely even started, by a newly-hired female designer. Its pre-evolved forms were designed later, based on Haxorus's design.[1]
Haxorus is based on dinosaurs. The design came from the idea of a Pokémon that swings its axe-like fangs to attack instead of biting, a behavior reportedly stemming from actual dinosaurs.[1]
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.