Tourist Couple (Trainer class): Difference between revisions

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Meervo (talk | contribs)
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|jptranslit=Kankō Kappuru
|jptranslit=Kankō Kappuru
|jptrans=Tourist Couple
|jptrans=Tourist Couple
|image=Spr SM {{#switch: {{#expr:{{#time: U}} mod 2}}|0=Sightseer F|Punk Girl}}.png|size=225px
|image=Spr SM {{#switch: {{#expr:{{#time: U}} mod 2}}|0=Sightseer F|Punk Girl}}.png|size=180px
|image2=Spr SM {{#switch: {{#expr:{{#time: U}} mod 2}}|0=Bellhop|Sightseer M}}.png|size2=225px
|image2=Spr SM {{#switch: {{#expr:{{#time: U}} mod 2}}|0=Bellhop|Sightseer M}}.png|size2=180px
|caption=In-battle model from Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
|caption=In-battle model from Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
|intro=[[Generation VII]]
|intro=[[Generation VII]]

Revision as of 21:16, 17 February 2023

Tourist Couple
かんこうカップル Tourist Couple

In-battle model from Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Other names
Introduced in Generation VII
Appears in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Gender One male, one female
Counterpart {{{counterpart}}}
Notable members {{{members}}}
Anime debut
TCG debut [[(TCG)|]]
TCG card {{{card}}}
Manga debut {{{manga}}}

A Tourist Couple (Japanese: かんこうカップル Tourist Couple) is a pair of Pokémon Trainers introduced in Generation VII. A Tourist Couple is depicted as either a Bellhop and a female Sightseer or a male Sightseer and a Punk Girl who challenge the player to a Double Battle. The Sightseer uses a regular version of a Pokémon with an Alolan, while their partner uses an Alolan version of that Pokémon.


In-battle models from
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
VS models from
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Overworld models from
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Trainer list

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 觀光客情侶 Gūngwōnghaak Chìhngléuih
Mandarin 觀光客情侶 Guānguāngkè Qínglǚ *
游客情侣 Yóukè Qínglǚ *
French Touristes
German Touri-Paar
Italian Coppia vacanze
Korean 관광커플 Gwan-gwang Couple
Spanish Veraneantes
Trainer classes in the Pokémon core series
Alola Ace DuoAce TrainerAether Branch ChiefAether FoundationAether Foundation Employee
Aether PresidentAthletic SiblingsBackpackerBeautyBellhopBlack BeltCaptainCollectorCookDancer
Eevee UserElite FourEspeon UserFirefighterFishermanFlareon UserGAME FREAKGentlemanGlaceon User
Golf BuddiesGolferHikerHoneymoonersIsland KahunaJanitorJolteon UserKarate FamilyLassLeafeon User
MadameOffice WorkerPokémon BreederPokémon ProfessorPokémon TrainerPolice OfficerPreschooler
PrincipalPunk GirlPunk GuyPunk PairRising StarRising Star DuoScientistSightseerSwimmerSwimmers
Swimmer GirlsSylveon UserTeacherTeam SkullTeam Skull AdminTeam Skull BossTeam Skull Grunt
Trial GuideTwinsUmbreon UserVaporeon UserVeteranVeteran DuoWorkerYoungsterYouth Athlete
ActorUSUMCapoeira CoupleUSUMDancing FamilyUSUMKantonian GymUSUMMaster & ApprenticeUSUM
ReporterUSUMSparring PartnersUSUMSurferUSUMTeam AquaUSUMTeam FlareUSUMTeam GalacticUSUM
Team MagmaUSUMTeam PlasmaUSUMTeam Rainbow RocketUSUMTeam Rainbow Rocket GruntUSUM
Tourist CoupleUSUMUltra Forest KartenvoyUSUltra Recon SquadUSUM
Battle Tree, Battle Royal Dome, and Battle Agency only:
Battle LegendPokémon Center LadyPro Wrestler

This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.