Gengar Picture Book (TCG): Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Deck list: Fixed formatting
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==Deck list==
==Deck list==
{{Halfdecklist/nmheader|title=Gengar Picture Book|type=Psychic|symbol=yes|image=SetSymbolLegend Maker.png}}
{{decklist/nmentry|005/092|{{TCG ID|Ex Legend Maker|Gengar|5}}|Psychic||1}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|5/92|{{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Gengar|5}}|Psychic||1}}
{{decklist/nmentry|035/092|{{TCG ID|Ex Legend Maker|Haunter|35}}|Psychic||2}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|35/92|{{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Haunter|35}}|Psychic||2}}
{{decklist/nmentry|052/092|{{TCG ID|Ex Legend Maker|Gastly|52}}|Psychic||2}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|52/92|{{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Gastly|52}}|Psychic||2}}
{{decklist/nmentry|028/092|{{TCG ID|Ex Legend Maker|Wobbuffet|28}}|Psychic||1}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|28/92|{{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Wobbuffet|28}}|Psychic||1}}
{{decklist/nmentry|055/092|{{TCG ID|Ex Legend Maker|Growlithe|5}}|Fire||2}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|55/92|{{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Growlithe|55}}|Fire||2}}
{{decklist/nmentry|033/092|{{TCG ID|Ex Legend Maker|Furret|33}}|Colorless||1}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|33/92|{{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Furret|33}}|Colorless||1}}
{{decklist/nmentry|062/092|{{TCG ID|Ex Legend Maker|Sentret|62}}|Colorless||2}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|62/92|{{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Sentret|62}}|Colorless||2}}
{{decklist/nmentry|063/092|{{TCG ID|Ex Legend Maker|Shuppet|63}}|Psychic||2}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|63/92|{{TCG ID|EX Legend Maker|Shuppet|63}}|Psychic||2}}
{{decklist/nmentry|88/107|{{TCG ID|EX Deoxys|Master Ball|52}}|Trainer||1}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|88/107|{{TCG ID|EX Deoxys|Master Ball|88}}|Trainer||1}}
{{decklist/nmentry|90/107|{{TCG ID|EX Deoxys|Professor Cozmo's Discovery|90}}|Trainer|Supporter|1}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|90/107|{{TCG ID|EX Deoxys|Professor Cozmo's Discovery|90}}|Trainer|Supporter|1}}
{{decklist/nmentry|94/115|{{TCG ID|EX Unseen Forces|Energy Search|94}}|Trainer||2}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|94/115|{{TCG ID|EX Unseen Forces|Energy Search|94}}|Trainer||2}}
{{decklist/nmentry|95/115|{{TCG ID|EX Unseen Forces|Potion|95}}|Trainer||1}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|95/115|{{TCG ID|EX Unseen Forces|Potion|95}}|Trainer||1}}
{{decklist/nmentry|None|{{TCG|Psychic Energy}}|Energy|Psychic|8}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|None|{{TCG|Psychic Energy}}|Energy|Psychic|8}}
{{decklist/nmentry|None|{{TCG|Fire Energy}}|Energy|Fire|4}}
{{Halfdecklist/nmentry|None|{{TCG|Fire Energy}}|Energy|Fire|4}}

Revision as of 00:18, 15 August 2023

Gengar Livro Ilustrado
Expansion EX Legend Maker
Types used PsychicFireColorless

The Gengar Picture Book (Portugese: Gengar Livro Ilustrado) is a Portugese-exclusive Half Deck that complements the EX Legend Maker expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.


Deck list

Gengar Picture Book
No. Card Type Quantity
5/92 Gengar Psychic
35/92 Haunter Psychic
52/92 Gastly Psychic
28/92 Wobbuffet Psychic
55/92 Growlithe Fire
33/92 Furret Colorless
62/92 Sentret Colorless
63/92 Shuppet Psychic
88/107 Master Ball T
90/107 Professor Cozmo's Discovery T [Su]
94/115 Energy Search T
95/115 Potion T
Psychic Energy Psychic E
Fire Energy Fire E

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
EX Series
Nintendo Black Star Promos
EX Ruby & Sapphire: RubySapphireTreecko Picture BookTorchic Picture BookMudkip Picture BookRalts Picture Book
EX Sandstorm: CaravanOasis
EX Dragon: FireFangWindBlast
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua: Team MagmaTeam Aqua
EX Hidden Legends: Forest GuardianWish Maker
EX Trainer KitPoké Card Creator Pack
EX FireRed & LeafGreen: FireRedLeafGreen
POP Series 1EX Battle Stadium
EX Team Rocket Returns: JessieJames
EX Deoxys: StarchargeJetstream
EX Emerald: HydrobloomWildfire
POP Series 2
EX Unseen Forces: Golden SkySilvery Ocean
EX Delta Species: BreakthroughSteeplechase
EX Legend Maker: GroundbreakerShadowquake
Exploud Picture BookRayquaza Picture BookEX Trainer Kit 2POP Series 3
EX Holon Phantoms: FireMistFloodRush
Ho-Oh Picture BookLugia Picture BookPOP Series 4
EX Crystal Guardians: Green CycloneStorm SurgeEarth Shower
EX Dragon Frontiers: Shadow BlazePower Wave
EX Power Keepers: Dark BlastMind Game
POP Series 5Golem Picture BookOmastar Picture BookMachamp Picture BookGengar Picture Book
ADV-P Promotional cardsPLAY Promotional cards
Expansion Pack: Treecko Constructed Starter DeckTorchic Constructed Starter DeckMudkip Constructed Starter Deck
Miracle of the Desert
Rulers of the Heavens: Flygon Constructed Starter DeckSalamence Constructed Starter Deck
Movie Commemoration VS PackMagma VS Aqua: Two AmbitionsMagma Deck KitAqua Deck KitGift Box
Undone Seal: Metagross Constructed Starter Deck
PCG-P Promotional cards
Venusaur/Charizard/Blastoise Random Constructed Starter Decks
Flight of Legends
Clash of the Blue Sky: Deoxys Constructed Starter DeckRayquaza Constructed Starter Deck
Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sky-Splitting Deoxys
Rocket Gang Strikes Back: Black Deck KitSilver Deck Kit
Gift Box EmeraldQuick Construction PacksMeganium Constructed Starter DeckTyphlosion Constructed Starter DeckFeraligatr Constructed Starter DeckPokéPark Premium Files
Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean
Mirage Forest: Mirage's Mew Constructed Starter Deck
Master KitMovie Commemoration VS Pack: Aura's LucarioHolon Research Tower Fire Quarter DeckHolon Research Tower Water Quarter DeckHolon Research Tower Lightning Quarter Deck
Holon Research Tower
Gift Box Mew • Lucario
Holon Phantom
Miracle Crystal: Earth's Groudon ex Constructed Starter DeckOcean's Kyogre ex Constructed Starter Deck
Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends: Shockwave! Tyranitar ex Constructed Standard DeckImprison! Gardevoir ex Constructed Standard Deck
Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sea's Manaphy
World Champions Pack