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====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/H |0198|Murkrow}}{{MSP/H |0430|Honchkrow}}{{MSP/H |0722|Rowlet}}{{MSP/H |0723|Dartrix}}{{MSP/H |0724|Decidueye}}{{MSP/H |0840|Applin}}{{MSP/H |0841|Flapple}}{{MSP/H |0842|Appletun}}{{MSP/H |1011|Dipplin}}{{MSP/H |0885|Dreepy}}{{MSP/H |0886|Drakloak}}{{MSP/H |0887|Dragapult}}|Astonish|Ghost|Physical|30|100|15}}
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/H |0163|Hoothoot}}{{MSP/H |0580|Ducklett}}{{MSP/H |0581|Swanna}}{{MSP/H |0627|Rufflet}}{{MSP/H |0628|Braviary}}{{MSP/H |0628-Hisui|Braviary}}|Defog|Flying|Status|—|—|15}}
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/9|0147|Dratini}}{{MSP/9|0148|Dragonair}}{{MSP/9|0149|Dragonite}}{{MSP/9|0443|Gible}}{{MSP/9|0444|Gabite}}{{MSP/9|0445|Garchomp}}{{MSP/9|0633|Deino}}{{MSP/9|0634|Zweilous}}{{MSP/9|0635|Hydreigon}}{{MSP/9|0841|Flapple}}{{MSP/9|0886|Drakloak}}{{MSP/9|0887|Dragapult}}|Dragon Rush|Dragon|Physical|100|75|10||''}}
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/H |0147|Dratini}}{{MSP/H |0148|Dragonair}}{{MSP/H |0149|Dragonite}}{{MSP/H |0443|Gible}}{{MSP/H |0444|Gabite}}{{MSP/H |0445|Garchomp}}{{MSP/H |0633|Deino}}{{MSP/H |0634|Zweilous}}{{MSP/H |0635|Hydreigon}}{{MSP/H |0841|Flapple}}{{MSP/H |0886|Drakloak}}{{MSP/H |0887|Dragapult}}|Dragon Rush|Dragon|Physical|100|75|10||''}}
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/9|0580|Ducklett}}{{MSP/9|0581|Swanna}}{{MSP/9|0701|Hawlucha}}{{MSP/9|0722|Rowlet}}{{MSP/9|0723|Dartrix}}{{MSP/9|0724|Decidueye}}{{MSP/9|0724-Hisui|Decidueye}}{{MSP/9|0741|Oricorio}}{{MSP/9|0913|Quaxwell}}{{MSP/9|0914|Quaquaval}}{{MSP/9|0956|Espathra}}|Feather Dance|Flying|Status|—|100|15}}
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/H |0580|Ducklett}}{{MSP/H |0581|Swanna}}{{MSP/H |0701|Hawlucha}}{{MSP/H |0722|Rowlet}}{{MSP/H |0723|Dartrix}}{{MSP/H |0724|Decidueye}}{{MSP/H |0724-Hisui|Decidueye}}{{MSP/H |0741|Oricorio}}{{MSP/H |0913|Quaxwell}}{{MSP/H |0914|Quaquaval}}{{MSP/H |0956|Espathra}}|Feather Dance|Flying|Status|—|100|15}}
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/H |0023|Ekans}}{{MSP/H |0024|Arbok}}{{MSP/H |0198|Murkrow}}{{MSP/H |0430|Honchkrow}}{{MSP/H |0336|Seviper}}|Haze|Ice|Status|—|—|30}}
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/H |0149|Dragonite}}{{MSP/H |0163|Hoothoot}}{{MSP/H |0164|Noctowl}}{{MSP/H |0278|Wingull}}{{MSP/H |0279|Pelipper}}{{MSP/H |0373|Salamence}}{{MSP/H |0580|Ducklett}}{{MSP/H |0581|Swanna}}{{MSP/H |0661|Fletchling}}{{MSP/H |0662|Fletchinder}}{{MSP/H |0663|Talonflame}}{{MSP/H |0701|Hawlucha}}{{MSP/H |0714|Noibat}}{{MSP/H |0715|Noivern}}{{MSP/H |0741|Oricorio}}{{MSP/H |0931|Squawkabilly}}{{MSP/H |0940|Wattrel}}{{MSP/H |0941|Kilowattrel}}{{MSP/H |0973|Flamigo}}|Roost|Flying|Status|—|—|5}}
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/H |0279|Pelipper}}{{MSP/H |0580|Ducklett}}{{MSP/H |0581|Swanna}}{{MSP/H |0627|Rufflet}}{{MSP/H |0628|Braviary}}{{MSP/H |628|Braviary|form=-Hisui}}{{MSP/H |0661|Fletchling}}{{MSP/H |0662|Fletchinder}}{{MSP/H |0663|Talonflame}}{{MSP/H |0714|Noibat}}{{MSP/H |0715|Noivern}}|Tailwind|Flying|Status|—|—|15}}
Swablu (Japanese : チルット Tyltto ) is a dual-type Normal /Flying Pokémon introduced in Generation III .
It evolves into Altaria starting at level 35.
Swablu is an avian Pokémon with a round, blue body. Since it has no discernible neck, its body appears to be all head. There are two long feathers on top of its head, and it has a short, rounded white beak and beady, black eyes. Its wings are fluffy and white, resembling cotton or clouds and are made of air. The wings have a light and fluffy feel. It has tiny, white feet and two pointed tail feathers.
Swablu does not like dirty surroundings, so it cleans things with its cottony wings diligently. It uses streams and freshwater springs to wash its wings when they become dirty from polishing. It is commonly found living in flocks in forested habitats , but often flies closer to towns during the spring. Swablu is very friendly and largely unafraid of humans. As a result, it frequently perches on people's heads like a fluffy hat. Swablu can easily hide from foes in clouds thanks to its appearance.
Swablu evolves into Altaria .
In the anime
Main series
Swablu in the anime
Major appearances
Multiple Swablu made their main series debut in True Blue Swablu , where they played a major role. One of them got separated from its flock when the tree its flock was nesting in was struck by lightning. May helped take care of Swablu, who had injured its wing, but the Pokémon was suddenly afraid to fly. After the wing was healed, it took Ash and his friends some time to help Swablu get the courage to fly again. At the end of the episode, May offered Swablu a place on her team but ultimately chose to let it go when its flock returned.
In That's Just Swellow , Shane 's Swablu participated in the Crossgate PokéRinger competition, where it was able to get Shane past the first round. However, it eventually lost to James and Dustox in the semifinals.
In the Hoopa's Surprise Ring Adventures short Flying in the Air , Hoopa summoned multiple Swablu to create wind for Ash and Pikachu , but their combined Gust was too much for them and sent them blasting off.
Minor appearances
Multiple Swablu debuted in Jirachi: Wish Maker as some of the residents of Forina , Jirachi 's home.
In A Double Dilemma , a Swablu was living at North Petalburg .
Multiple Swablu appeared in Destiny Deoxys .
In Who's Flying Now? , a Swablu was featured in the Fortree City Feather Festival.
A Swablu appeared in PK13 .
A Swablu appeared in Pokéblock, Stock, and Berry .
In Clamperl of Wisdom , a Swablu was living at Maisie Island .
A Coordinator 's Swablu appeared in Mean With Envy .
In Lucario and the Mystery of Mew , multiple Swablu were living in the Tree of Beginning .
Multiple Swablu appeared in Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part 1) .
In a flashback in Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea , multiple Swablu helped Pokémon Ranger Jack Walker when he was a young boy lost in a blizzard.
In A Staravia Is Born! , Team Rocket captured multiple Swablu.
Multiple Swablu appeared in Giratina and the Sky Warrior .
A Swablu appeared in Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 1) . Two additional Swablu appeared in the follow-up episode .
In Pursuing a Lofty Goal! , a Trainer 's Swablu participated in the Squallville PokéRinger competition. It was used against Ash and Staravia , but it was defeated.
Two Swablu appeared in The Lonely Snover! .
In Coming Full-Festival Circle! , a Swablu listened to Nando as he played his music.
In Butterfree and Me! , multiple Swablu were living at Wayfarer Island .
A Swablu appeared in BWS01 .
A Swablu appeared in Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin! .
A Swablu appeared in Grooming Furfrou! .
In Summer of Discovery! , Foggy Pokémon Orienteering! , and Battling Into the Hall of Fame! , a Trainer's Swablu attended the Pokémon Summer Camp .
A Trainer's Swablu appeared in Confronting the Darkness! .
A Swablu appeared in A Fashionable Battle! .
A Trainer's Swablu appeared in A Performance Pop Quiz! .
A Trainer's Swablu appeared in Valuable Experience for All! .
In The Good, The Bad, and The Lucky! , a Swablu caused Team Rocket to blast off twice.
Pokédex entries
Ash's Pokédex
Swablu, the Cotton Bird Pokémon. Swablu loves cleanliness and is quick to wipe off any unclean surface with its cotton-like wings.
Pokémon Generations
Swablu in Pokémon Generations
In The Cavern , two wild Swablu were flying away from a storm that a Primal Kyogre was creating.
In the manga
Swablu in Pokémon Adventures
Pocket Monsters BW: Good Partners
Multiple Swablu appeared in a flashback in BWGP03 .
Pokémon Adventures
Winona 's Swablu first appeared in Master Class with Masquerain .
Brigette and Lanette each own a Swablu, who first appeared in Secrets from Sneasel .
Three Swablu appeared in a flashback in Rayquaza Redemption II .
A Swablu appeared in Deprogramming Porygon-Z , under the ownership of a Bird Keeper .
Multiple Swablu appeared in Choir Tournament at the Autumn Choir Tournament .
In the TCG
Main article: Swablu (TCG)
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Generation III
Hoenn #121
Kanto #—
Swablu has light and fluffy wings that are like cottony clouds. This Pokémon is not frightened of people. It lands on the heads of people and sits there like a cotton-fluff hat.
Swablu loves to make things clean. If it spots something dirty, it will wipe and polish it with its cottony wings. If its wings become dirty, this Pokémon finds a stream and showers itself.
A Pokémon that has wings like cottony clouds. After enduring winter, in which little food is available, Swablu flocks move closer to towns in the spring.
It constantly grooms its cotton-like wings. It takes a shower to clean itself if it becomes dirty.
Generation IV
Sinnoh Pt : #171
Johto #—
Its wings are like cotton tufts. If it perches on someone's head, it looks like a cotton hat.
It can't relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes off dirt with its wings.
Its wings bring cottony clouds to mind. It grooms with springwater and loves to sit on heads.
Generation V
Unova B2 W2 : #246
It can't relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes off dirt with its wings.
Black 2
For some reason, it likes to land on people's heads softly and act like it's a hat.
White 2
Generation VI
Kalos Mountain #139
Hoenn #126
For some reason, it likes to land on people's heads softly and act like it's a hat.
It constantly grooms its cotton-like wings. It takes a shower to clean itself if it becomes dirty.
Omega Ruby
Swablu has light and fluffy wings that are like cottony clouds. This Pokémon is not frightened of people. It lands on the heads of people and sits there like a cotton-fluff hat.
Alpha Sapphire
Swablu loves to make things clean. If it spots something dirty, it will wipe and polish it with its cottony wings. If its wings become dirty, this Pokémon finds a stream and showers itself.
Generation VIII
Galar Crown Tundra #035
Sinnoh #—
Hisui #—
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Legends: Arceus .
Its cottony wings are full of air, making them light and fluffy to the touch. Swablu takes diligent care of its wings.
Since Swablu looks like a cumulus cloud, foes can have a hard time finding it. Apparently its wings turned white over many generations.
Brilliant Diamond
Its wings are like cotton tufts. If it perches on someone's head, it looks like a cotton hat.
Shining Pearl
Generation IX
Paldea #219
Kitakami #—
It constantly grooms its cotton-like wings. It takes a shower to clean itself if it becomes dirty.
It can't relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes off dirt with its wings.
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
In side games
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
In events
In-game events
Base stats
At Lv. 50
At Lv. 100
105 - 152
200 - 294
40 - 101
76 - 196
58 - 123
112 - 240
40 - 101
76 - 196
72 - 139
139 - 273
49 - 112
94 - 218
Other Pokémon with this total
Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature .
Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs , IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature .
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation IX, this Pokémon is:
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Swablu
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Swablu
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Swablu
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution or an alternate form of Swablu
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations
Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Swablu
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Swablu
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Swablu
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations
TCG -only moves
Side game data
Pokémon Ranger
Poké Assist:
Field move:
(Gust ×1)
Loops: 5
Min. exp.: 40
Max. exp.: 60
Browser entry R-196
Swablu creates gusts to interfere with capture. It heads to whatever it notices.
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Walking Speed: 1.45 seconds
Base HP: 46
Base Attack: 67
Base Defense: 52
Base Speed: 60
In Pokémon GO , Swablu can be obtained by completing 1/4 of the Ticketed Special Research , Cotton-Winged Bird .
Evolution data
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Swablu is based on a bluebird combined with cotton or a cloud . It also shares traits more specifically with the ultramarine lorikeet . Behaviorally, it is similar to the Canada jay in that they are both given to sitting on people's heads.
Name origin
Swablu may be a combination of swab (small wad of cotton on a rod) and blue . It may also involve swallow .
Tyltto may be a reference to the play The Blue Bird (L'Oiseau bleu) by Belgian playwright Maurice Maeterlinck , featuring two siblings named Mytyl and Tyltyl tasked in finding the bluebird of happiness . It may also involve チル chiru (Ryukyuan for crane), Tyl (alternate name of the star Epsilon Draconis , located in the constellation Draco ), and cotton .
In other languages
チルット Tyltto
From Mytyl and Tyltyl and cotton , and possibly チル chiru and Tyl
From Tyl and coton
Same as English name
From Watte and blue
Same as English name
파비코 Pavico
From 파랑 parang and possibly beak and cotton
Mandarin Chinese
青綿鳥 / 青绵鸟 Qīngmiánniǎo
From 青鳥 Qīngniǎo and 綿 / 绵 mián
Cantonese Chinese
青綿鳥 Chēngmìhnníuh
From 青鳥 Chēngníuh and 綿 mìhn
More languages
ทิลท์โท Thintho
Transcription of Japanese name
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex , a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.