Appendix:Pokémon Stadium walkthrough/Section 7: Difference between revisions

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GBAirraid (talk | contribs)
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Revision as of 10:29, 10 September 2024

Pika Cup

Pika Cup
Level Limit? 15-20
Total Level? 50
Sleep Clause? Yes
Freeze Clause? Yes
Species Clause? Yes
Self-KO Clause?100 Yes
Event Clause? Yes
Time Limit? No

Banned Pokémon
0150 Mewtwo Mewtwo
0151 Mew Mew

Rental Pokemon

Bulbasaur (Pokémon) Bulbasaur Ivysaur (Pokémon) Ivysaur Charmander (Pokémon) Charmander Charmeleon (Pokémon) Charmeleon Squirtle (Pokémon) Squirtle Wartortle (Pokémon) Wartortle
Caterpie (Pokémon) Caterpie Metapod (Pokémon) Metapod Butterfree (Pokémon) Butterfree Weedle (Pokémon) Weedle Kakuna (Pokémon) Kakuna Beedrill (Pokémon) Beedrill
Pidgey (Pokémon) Pidgey Pidgeotto (Pokémon) Pidgeotto Rattata (Pokémon) Rattata Raticate (Pokémon) Raticate Spearow (Pokémon) Spearow Fearow (Pokémon) Fearow
Ekans (Pokémon) Ekans Pikachu (Pokémon) Pikachu Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu Sandshrew (Pokémon) Sandshrew Nidoran♀ (Pokémon) Nidoran♀ Nidorina (Pokémon) Nidorina
Nidoqueen (Pokémon) Nidoqueen Nidoran♂ (Pokémon) Nidoran♂ Nidorino (Pokémon) Nidorino Nidoking (Pokémon) Nidoking Clefairy (Pokémon) Clefairy Clefable (Pokémon) Clefable
Vulpix (Pokémon) Vulpix Ninetales (Pokémon) Ninetales Jigglypuff (Pokémon) Jigglypuff Wigglytuff (Pokémon) Wigglytuff Zubat (Pokémon) Zubat Oddish (Pokémon) Oddish
Paras (Pokémon) Paras Venonat (Pokémon) Venonat Diglett (Pokémon) Diglett Meowth (Pokémon) Meowth Psyduck (Pokémon) Psyduck Mankey (Pokémon) Mankey
Growlithe (Pokémon) Growlithe Arcanine (Pokémon) Arcanine Poliwag (Pokémon) Poliwag Poliwhirl (Pokémon) Poliwhirl Poliwrath (Pokémon) Poliwrath Abra (Pokémon) Abra
Kadabra (Pokémon) Kadabra Alakazam (Pokémon) Alakazam Machop (Pokémon) Machop Bellsprout (Pokémon) Bellsprout Tentacool (Pokémon) Tentacool Tentacruel (Pokémon) Tentacruel
Geodude (Pokémon) Geodude Ponyta (Pokémon) Ponyta Slowpoke (Pokémon) Slowpoke Magnemite (Pokémon) Magnemite Farfetch'd (Pokémon) Farfetch'd Seel (Pokémon) Seel
Shellder (Pokémon) Shellder Cloyster (Pokémon) Cloyster Gastly (Pokémon) Gastly Haunter (Pokémon) Haunter Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Onix (Pokémon) Onix
Drowzee (Pokémon) Drowzee Krabby (Pokémon) Krabby Kingler (Pokémon) Kingler Voltorb (Pokémon) Voltorb Exeggcute (Pokémon) Exeggcute Exeggutor (Pokémon) Exeggutor
Cubone (Pokémon) Cubone Lickitung (Pokémon) Lickitung Koffing (Pokémon) Koffing Rhyhorn (Pokémon) Rhyhorn Chansey (Pokémon) Chansey Horsea (Pokémon) Horsea
Seadra (Pokémon) Seadra Goldeen (Pokémon) Goldeen Staryu (Pokémon) Staryu Starmie (Pokémon) Starmie Mr. Mime (Pokémon) Mr. Mime Scyther (Pokémon) Scyther
Pinsir (Pokémon) Pinsir Magikarp (Pokémon) Magikarp Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Lapras (Pokémon) Lapras Ditto (Pokémon) Ditto Porygon (Pokémon) Porygon
Dratini (Pokémon) Dratini

Battle 1

Battle 2

Battle 3

Battle 4

Battle 5

Battle 6



Prime Cup

Prime Cup
Level Limit? Unlimited
Total Level? Unlimited
Sleep Clause? Yes
Freeze Clause? Yes
Species Clause? Yes
Self-KO Clause?100 Yes
Event Clause? Yes
Time Limit? No

Poké Ball

Battle 1

Battle 2

Battle 3

Battle 4

Battle 5

Battle 6



Great Ball

Battle 1

Battle 2

Battle 3

Battle 4

Battle 5

Battle 6



Ultra Ball

Battle 1

Battle 2

Battle 3

Battle 4

Battle 5

Battle 6



Master Ball

Battle 1

Battle 2

Battle 3

Battle 4

Battle 5

Battle 6



This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.