Dark Crater: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Egalor (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
Line 63: Line 63:
| {{p|Charmander}}
| {{p|Charmander}}
| 1-10
| 1-10
| ?
| 5
| ?
| ?
Line 75: Line 75:
| {{p|Chimchar}}
| {{p|Chimchar}}
| 1-10
| 1-10
| ?
| 5
| ?
| ?
Line 87: Line 87:
| {{p|Cyndaquil}}
| {{p|Cyndaquil}}
| 1-10
| 1-10
| ?
| 5
| ?
| ?
Line 183: Line 183:
| {{p|Torchic}}
| {{p|Torchic}}
| 1-14
| 1-14
| ?
| 5
| ?
| ?

Revision as of 23:14, 12 March 2009

← Spacial Rift
Dark Crater
Concealed Ruins →
Dark Crater
File:Dark Cave.JPG
Pokémon recruitable Yes
Floors 30
Item allowance 48
Money allowance Allowed
Team members 4
Starting level Current
Predominant type Fire
Boss Darkrai

Dark Crater (Japanese: やみのかこう Dark Crater) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2. It has 30 floors and is unlocked by clearing Spacial Rift to discover Darkrai's disguise. Cresselia will be with the player on the first visit and the boss battle.

Pokémon Encountered

Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
306 Aggron Bottom ? Boss
024 Arbok Bottom ? Boss
059 Arcanine 7-15; Deepest Part 1-9, 11-14 ? ?
257 Blaziken Deepest Part 9-14 ? ?
323 Camerupt 3-15; Deepest Part 1-6 ? ?
006 Charizard Deepest Part 6-9, 11-14 ? ?
004 Charmander 1-10 5 ?
005 Charmeleon 1-15; Deepest Part 1-5 ? ?
390 Chimchar 1-10 5 ?
256 Combusken 1-15; Deepest Part 1-8 ? ?
155 Cyndaquil 1-10 5 ?
491 Darkrai Bottom 53 Boss
136 Flareon 1-15; Deepest Part 1-9, 11-14 ? ?
058 Growlithe 1-13 ? ?
450 Hippowdon 1-10 ? ?
392 Infernape Deepest Part 6-14 ? ?
219 Magcargo 13-15; Deepest Part 1-11 ? ?
467 Magmortar Deepest Part 5-14 ? ?; Boss
429 Mismagius Deepest Part 7-14; Bottom ? ? ; Boss
391 Monferno 1-15; Deepest Part 1-5 ? ?
322 Numel 1-11 ? ?
077 Ponyta 1-13 ? ?
156 Quilava 1-15; Deepest Part 1-5 ? ?
078 Rapidash 4-15; Deepest Part 1-9, 11-14 ? ?
464 Rhyperior Deepest Part 3-14; Bottom ? ? ; Boss
218 Slugma 1-12 ? ?
255 Torchic 1-14 5 ?
324 Torkoal Deepest Part 7-14 ? ?
157 Typhlosion Deepest Part 6-9, 11-14 ? ?

Version Exclusives

Darkness Version

Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
150 Mewtwo 6 50 ?

Mystery Part or Secret Slab Required

Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
244 Entei Deepest Part 10 47 ?
150 Mewtwo 6 50 ?
